NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21
Mr. Crane, in consi^nin^ this remarkable collection to The
American Art Association, wrote thereof in the following in-
teresting manner:
121 West 70th Street, New York City, July 1, 1913.
American Art Association, Madison Square South, Nerv York Cit}):
Dear Sirs — For nearly forty years I have been an enthusiastic collector of
books, autographs, prints, broadsides, engravings, etc., relative to that marvelous
man “The Little Corporal,” the great Napoleon, of whom Lord Holland said in
open Parliament “That the very persons who detested this great man have acknowl-
edged that for ten centuries there has not appeared upon earth a more extraordinary
This hobby has given me a great deal of pleasure and much information.
Having enjoyed the collection so well I have decided to pass it on to other collectors,
and I consign it to you to sell at auction without an^ restrictions or reservations
whatever. Your clients shall have every item at their own valuation. While the
catalogue speaks for itself, I desire to state that many of the items came from the
great Napoleonic Museum formed by Mr. John Sainsbury of London, the contents
of which were dispersed in that city many years ago. The late Mr. John Weller,
who for about sixty years was one of the most reliable autograph dealers in London,
was a large purchaser at the sale, and I in turn bought many of them from him.
The autographic material in the collection is, I think, one of the most important
of its kind that has been offered for sale at one time in many years. You will find
twenty-eight documents signed by Napoleon, from 1793 to and including 1815,
which series contains a large number of the different signatures of the Emperor as
set forth in Mr. Sainsbury’s work on the subject, also some signatures which are not
included in the Sainsbury list, also a sheet containing five lines, in his autograph,
although unsigned. The collection includes all the Important years of Napoleon s
life as general and emperor, excepting two, including 1814 and 1815, dates which
Mr. Sainsbury did not have, and which are by no means common. There are also
some sheets of Las Cases’ MSS. written at St. Helena, containing Napoleon’s auto-
graph corrections. There is a full set of autographs of the Marshals of Napoleon,
practically all entire autograph letters.
Among the books are two volumes from Napoleon’s library, a set of Ireland’s
Life of Napoleon, first edition, 4 vols. in red calf, the Crulkshank colored plates
backed with linen, and containing a fine autograph of Napoleon, two autographs of
Cruikshank and a drawing by him, and a large number of extra portraits. Also
Bourrlenne’s Memoirs of Napoleon, 1836, 4 vols. extended to 8, bound uniform
with the Ireland, extra illustrated by the insertion of about nine hundred portraits
and plates, a letter signed by Napoleon, etc.
There are about 2,000 different portraits of Napoleon, Including those by
Desnoyer, Dickinson, Hodgets, and many others, about 250 of which are in colors,
some printed in colors.
By far the larger portion of the collection relates to the French Revolution
and Napoleon, but there will be found some other items which are scattered through
the catalogue, mainly of an unusual or interesting character.
The catalogue will show all buyers what may be gotten together relating to this
great genius, if one is enthusiastic and patient. It is fair to say that in my opinion
this collection could not again be gathered together, as it contains many items of
which I have not seen others.
Very respectfully yours,
Warren C. Crane.
HE AMEEICAX AET ASSOCIATION inaiigiirates its new depart-
ment— that exclusively for the public sale of Books, Prints, Manu-
^ scripts. Autographs, etc. — with the sale of the Warren C. Crane
collection, which is devoted almost entirely to material illustrative of
the Life and Times of Napoleon the First, his Adherents and his Opponents.
The collection is composed of Autographs, Manuscripts, Books, Broadsides,
Medals, Portraits, and other interesting items.
Like all true collectors Mr. Crane has been constantly culling, and in past
years under the appellation of A IMerchant of Old New York ” he has dis-
posed of such items as he deemed unsuitable to include in the present unicjue
and valuable collection.
The catalogue itself at once asserts the importance of the numbers covered
therein, and which have been brought together by ]\Ir. Crane in the manner
set forth in his interesting letter to the Association, which reads as folloAvs :
121 AYest 70th Street^ New York City, July 1, 1913.
American Art Association, 'Madison Square South, New Yorh City:
Dear Sirs — For nearly forty years I have been an enthusiastic collector
of books, autographs, prints, broadsides, engravings, etc., relative to that mar-
velous man “ The Little Corporal,” the great Napoleon, of whom Lord Holland
said in open Parliament “ That the very persons who detested this great man
have acknowledged that for ten centuries there has not appeared upon earth a
more extraordinary character.”
This hobby has given me a great deal of pleasure and much information.
Having enjoyed the collection so well I have decided to pass it on to other col-
lectors, and I consign it to you to sell at auction without any restrictions or
reservations luhatever. Your clients shall have every item at their own valua-
tion. While the catalogue speaks for itself. I desire to state that many of the
items came from the great Napoleonic Museum formed by Mr. John S’ainsbury
of London, the contents of which were dispersed in that city many years ago.
The late Mr. Johu AYeller, who for about sixty years was one of the most re-
liable autograph dealers in London, was a large purchaser at the sale, and I in
turn bought manv of them from him.
The autographic material in the collection is, I think, one of the most im-
portant of its kind that has been offered for sale at one time in many years.
You wdll find twenty-eight documents signed by Napoleon, from 179.3 to and
including 1815, which series contains a large number of the different signa-
tures of the Emperor as set forth in Mr. Sainsbury’s work on the subject, also
some signatures which are not included in the Sainsburv list, also a sheet
containing five lines, in his autograph, although unsigned.' The collection in-
cludes all the important years of Napoleon’s life as general and emperor,
excepting two, including 1814 and 1815, dates which "Mr. Sainsbury did not
have, and which are by uo means common. There are also some sheets of Las
1793 ‘‘ Biionparte,” and the same 3'ear Buonaparte ” ; in 179-1 Buonaparte ”
with 3 lines in his autograph; in 1798 Buonaparte/’ while in Eg3^pt; in 1799
Bonaparte/’ also in Eg3'pt; in 1800 “ Bonaparte ” as First Consul, and coun-
tersigned by Charles Maurice Talleyrand and Hugues B. Maret; also in 1800
“ Buonaparte ” with 2 lines in his autograph, signed also by Alex. Berthier ;
in 1802 ‘‘Bonaparte,” countersigned by Berthier and Maret; in 1806 “NP”;
in 1807 “ Nap ” on the margin of a letter from the Prince Sulkowski to
Napoleon; circa 1810 “ NP ” with an autograph line, this on a letter from his
sister Elisa; etc.
There is a L.S. and a 4 pp. manuscript of his son, the latter written at
the age of sixteen; an A.L.S. 2 L.S. and 1 page of autograph manuscript of
Napoleon III.; a L.S. of Horatio Nelson, April 30, 1779; 2 A.L.S. 2 A.D.S.
and 1 L.S. of Michel Ne3', Prince de la Moskowa; an A.L.S. of Jeanne An-
toinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, to Prince Charles de Eohan de
Souhise, favourite Courtier of Louis XV.; a D.S. of Joseph Antony Ponia-
towski, and one of the rarest of the autographs of the Marshals of Napoleon;
an A.L.S. and a A.L. of Maximilien M. I. Eobespierre, both 2 pp. 4to, one stat-
ing that he had just been made president of the Society of the Friends of the
Constitution; 3 A.L.S. and 2 L.S. of Anne Jean M. E. Savaiw, aide-de-camp
to Bonaparte, one a long and important letter about the campaign in Spain,
written the same 3^ear that he received the title of Due de Eovigo; an A.L.S.
of Madame de Stael, 2 pp. in which she makes reference to her father, Jacques
Necker, her son and her daughter; 2 A.L.S. and 2 L.S. of Louis Gabriel
Suchet, one a fine military letter to General Gadin, written shortly before he
was appointed general of division under Massena; 1 A.L.S. and 4 L.S. of
Charles Maurice Talleyrand, Prince de Benevent; an A.L.S. and a L.S. of
Toussaint I’Ouverture, the celebrated negro general, the L.S. written shortly
after he was appointed general in chief of the army of St. Domingo, and
many others.
While the dominating feature in this section is the remarkable collection
of different portraits of Napoleon, of whicli there are about 2000, there will
be found a large number of mezzotints, stipples, etc., mainly of characters of
whom there are also manuscripts or autographs. Tlie Napoleon portraits include
specimens in mezzotint, stipple, lithograph, a painting by Horace Vernet, orig-
inal drawings in pencil, sepia, etc., the work of French, German, Dutch, Ital-
ian, English and other engravers or artists. They exhibit a remarkable
numlier of conceptions of the features of Napoleon. He is portrayed full
length, three-quarter length, half length, full bust, sculptured bust, etc., and
with long hair, short hair, with and without cocked hat, on horseback, facing
front, facing right and facing left, etc., and in sizes ranging from three feet
high to three-quarters. of an inch, the latter of which is said to he the smallest
full length portrait of Napoleon ever engraved. Many and varied are the rep-
resentations of the uniforms, costumes or apparel, from the time he was at
school at Brienne to his lying in state at St. Helena.
Among the books will be found Ireland’s Life of Napoleon, first edition,
with the colored plates by Cruikshank, extra illustrated by the insertion of
1T2 portraits, views, facsimiles, etc., and with a fine autograph signature of
the Emperor, dated Fontainebleau, July 17, 1805; Boiirrieime’s Memoirs of
Napoleon, first edition, four volumes extended to eight, by the insertion of
900 portraits, views, etc., and a fine autograph signature of Napoleon, writ-
ten when he was First Consul, probably some time in 1800; Bitaube’s Joseph,
2 vols. 1786, contemporary red morocco by Bradel, formerly in Napoleon’s
library, and with his library stamp on each title; Forsyth’s History of the
Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, 3 vols. first edition, original cloth ;
Savary’s Memoirs of the Duke of Eovigo, 4 vols. original boards, uncut; Mon-
tholon and Gourgaud’s Memoirs of the History of France during the Keign of
Napoleon, 7 vols. ; Haudricourt’s Fastes de la National Frangaise, 3 vols.,
with nearly 200 engraved plates; Laskey’s Description of the Medals struck
by order of Napoleon, 1818, formerly o^\^led by C. R. Taylor, containing
almost 300 pencil-sketches; Ireland’s France for the Last Seven Years, 1822,
extra illustrated by the insertion of nearly 150 portraits and views ; and many
others of interest and value, including a large number of extra-illustrated
Among the Broadsides will be found a complete set of the Bulletins
issued by Napoleon during the Invasion of Russia, 1812-1813, 29 numbers,
commencing with the “ Premier Bulletin,” dated Gumbinem, 20 Juin, 1812,
in which is briefly sketched the movements of the French army, up to, and
incorporating the famous 29e Bulletin ” dated Molodetsckno, 3d December
1812, wherein Napoleon endeavors to prove that the elements were responsible
for all his disasters in that campaign ; Buonaparte-Phobia,” or Cursing made
Easy to the Meanest Capacity,” London, circa, 1815, and which exhibits the
hysterical condition of thought of the English people regarding Napoleon;
29me Bulletin de la Grande Armee, Molodestno, Decembre 1812, printed at
Paris, 1812, Les Adieux de Buonaparte a sa Yielle Garde,” Fontainebleau,
1814; ^^Adresse des Habitans de la Ville de Grenoble,” Paris, 1815; various
bulletins etc. issued during the campaign in Egypt, and printed there, and
many others.
American Art Galleries,
Madison Square South,
New A^ork.
Conditions of Sale
1. Any bid which is merely u nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the
auctioneer, if in his judgment, such bid would be likely to alfect the sale injuriously.
2. The highest bidder shall he the buyer, and if any dispute ai'ise between two or
inoie bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or j)ut iq) for re-sale the lot so
in dispute.
'3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be
re(]uired. and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately
on the sale ()f every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately
l)ut up again and re-sold.
Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be
made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either con-
tinue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be
necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or piivate sale, and with-
out other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the
deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser.
4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount
due for all purchases at the sale.
Delivery will not be made of any purchase during the session of the sale at which
it was sold.
Delivery will not be made of any purchase at any time other than between the
hours of !) A. iM. and 5 P. M.
Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or
other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase.
.*). Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Associa-
tion is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers.
The Association, will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at
current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any
assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties
engaged for such service.
15. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes
upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will
e.xercise due caution in earing for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself
responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from
the date of the sale thereof.
7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correct-
ness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be
set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection
not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after
which it is sold “ as is ” and without recourse.
The Association exercises great care to correctly catalogue every lot, and will give
considei-ation to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the efl'ect that any lot has
been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued
or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible
for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation.
Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted
to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without chargn or
commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale,
which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of
making a j)urchase of a lot consisting of one or more books -for a purebasei who has
not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit
such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money
will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue descrip-
Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such
r)lainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number
be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and
when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, to also state
the bid ])er volume or ])iece. Shipping directions should also be given. If the one trans-
mitting the order is unknoAvn to the Association, a de])()sit should l>e sent or reference
submitted. , . r -n i i i
Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be turnmhed
by the Association at a reasonable charge.
American Art Galleries.
Madison Scpiare South,
New A'ork City.
Thursday ArrKitxoox, Novum 15Kk
('ATAi.ociuu Nos. 1
T 1 1 URSD A Y VEX I X 0 ,
loTiL Heoixxixo at 2.o0 o’clock
2.20 o’clock
AT 2.30 o’clock
8.1.5 o’clock
2.30 o’clock
November 13til Heoixxixc at 8.15
Catalogue Nos. 301 to -574, Ixci.usiVE
Aeterxoox. November ITtti, Begixxtxg at 2. .30
Catalogue Nos. 575 to 925, Ixclusive
Fvexixg, November IItii, IIegixxixg at 8.15
Catalogue Nos. 92G to 1258, Ixclusive
Afterxoox', Noveaiber 15tii, Hegixxin'g at
Catalo(;ue Nos. 1259 to 1598, Txclusiye
Aeterxoox^ Novemrer IItii. Begixxixg
Catalogue Nos. 1599 to 1940, Ixclusive
Fvexixg. November 17tii, Begixxtxg at
Catalogue Nos. 1941 to 2280, Ixclusive
Aeterxoox, November LStii, Begixxtxg at
Catalogue Nos. 2281 to 2022, Ixclusive
Fvexixg, November 18tii, Begixxtxg at 8.15
Catalogue Nos. 2G23 to 29G1, Inclusive
Wednesday Aeterxoox. November 19tii, Beginning at 2.30 o’Clock
Cai'alogue Nos. 29G2 to 3302, Inclusive
Wednesday Fvexixg. November 19tii, Beginning at 8.15 o’Clock
Catalogue Nos. 3303 to 3G43, Ix’clusive
Thursday Aeteiixoox', jSTovember 20tii, Beginning at 2.30 u’Clock
Catalogue Nos. 3G44 to 3984, Inclusive
Tiiubsday Fvexixg, November 20tii, Beginning at
Catalogue Nos. 3985 to 4325, Inclusive
Friday Aetebxoox, Nove.mbei: 21st, Beginning at
Catalogue Nos. 432G to 4G4G, Inclusive
Friday Fvexixg. November 21st. Begixxtxg at
Catalogue Nos. 1017 to 1995. Inclusive
The designations in the catalogue are to he interpreted as follows :
A.L.S. Autograph letter, signed.
A.N.S. Autograph note, signed.
A.C.S. Autograph card, signed.
A.D.S. Autograph document, signed.
L.S. Letter, signed.
N.S. Note, signed.
D.S. Document, signed.
A.S. Autograph signature.
. All autographs are written in the language of the writer, unless otherwise
A large portion of the autograj)hs are skillfully inlaid to royal 4to, it
having been the intention of the owner to use all so inlaid for an extra-illus-
trated life of Napoleon,
Many of the portraits and prints are also inlaid to royal 4to.
It will 1)6 noticed that in most instances such words as “ rare,” “ scarce,”
fine,” etc., have been, for obvious reasons, omitted.
At The American Art Galleries
First Session, Numbers 1 to 300, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
Books, Broadsides, Newspapers, Medals, Paper Money, Etc.
1. Abbott (J. S. C.). History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustrated. 2 vols.
royal 8vo, 1 cloth, 1 half crown (worn). New York, 1855-67
2. Adair (Sir Eobert). Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of
Vienna in 1806. With a Selection from his Despatches. 8vo,
stamped cloth. London, 1844
3. Address of the Deputies. Extrait du Moniteur, du 2 Juin 1815. (Con-
tains the address of the Deputies at the Champ-de-Mai, and Napo-
leon’s reply, wherein he dwells upon the necessity of the new consti-
tution, etc. ^Yoodcu^ of eagle. 4 pp. 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
4. Address to Napoleon. Extrait dii Moniteur du Lnndi 27 Mars, 1815.
(Address from his ministers— Cambaceres, Bassano, Canlaincourt,
Carnot and others — about six days after the Emperor’s return from
Elba). Cut of eagle. 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Laid in is por-
trait of Napoleon, 8vo. Paris, 1815
5. Address to the National Convention. Commune de Paris. Extrait des
Eegistres du Conseil-General, du 27 Eevrier 1793. Projet d’Adresse
a la Convention Nationale par la Section de Bonne-Nouvelle. Folio.
Paris, 1793
Draft of a petition from the people of the section of Bonne-Nouvelle to
the members of the National Convention, praying for the amelioration of
the conditions of trade in their province, etc.
6. Address to tile People. Commune de Paris. Extrait des Eegistres du
Conseil-General, du 26 Fevrier 1793. Proclamation. Folio.
Paris, 1793
Proclamation issued by the Commune about one month after the execu-
tion of Louis XVI, signed by Pache, mayor, and former Minister of War
addressed to the citizens of Paris. Mentions the hardships the pixrple
have snlfered. the seizure and sale of goods of one of the citizens named
Combe, etc.
A FF A 1 u E Lai? k do y e ij j-: .
qiii s’est passe au
4to, luiboiiiid.
Deuxieine Loiiseil de Guerre. Detail de tout ce
Jugemeiit de rex-colonel Labedoyere. -1 op. small
Laris, 1815
Concerns the trial and sentence to death of General Ijabedoyere, one of
the first to welcome Napoleon after his return from Elba, and a peer of
France and general of Division. He was shot by the Royalists. August
111), 1815.
8. Allies (the). Memoirs of the Operations of the Allied Armies under
Prince Schwarzenberg and ]\larshal Bliicher, in 1813-4. Maps and
tables, {linen-bached). 8vo. half cloth and boards (binding poor).
London, 1822
9. Almanac de Gotha pour FAnnee, 1803. Engraved tiile and frontispiece,
portraits of King and Queen of Etruria, 2 hand-colored costume
plates, 7 copperplate views by Boettger, etc., and the Eepublican
Calendar for I’An XI-XII [1803]. 24mo, original boards, gilt edges.
Gotha; Chez C. G. Ettinger [1803]
10. American Neavspapers. J. EusselFs Gazette. Commercial and Political.
Jan. 14, March 7, March 14, 1799. Three pieces. Folio, as issued.
Boston, 1799
Contains references to General Tarleton. the American Navy, etc.
11. American N’eivspapers. J. EusselFs Gazette. Commercial and Political.
March 21, 25 and the supplement (first sheet only), April 22, all
1799. Three pieces. Folio, as issued. Boston, 1799
12. American Newspapers. J. EusselFs Gazette. Commercial and Political.
Sept. 19, Oct. 24, 1799. Feb. 20 and March 10, 1800. Four pieces.
Folio, as issued. Boston, 1799-1800
Contains Talleyrand’s Defense, etc.
13. American Neayspapers. New Jersey Journal. Oct. 18, 1825. New
York IMorning Post, Nov. 7, 1783. New England Week!}’ Journal,
Apr. 8, 1728. 3 pieces. Folio, as issued. (Last two are fac-similes.)
14. Andre (Ma.ior John). Andreana, containing the Trial, Execution and
Various Matters connected with the History of iMajor Andre. 8vo.
loose sheets. Philadelphia, 1865
One of HK) cojjies in 8vo. with list of subscribers to the folio and 4to
15. Ailmy Bulletin. Nouvelles Officielles de FAnnee. (News concerning
Generals Czernicheff, Benckendorff, etc.), 2 ])p. small 4to, unbound.
[Paris, 1813]
]6. Arnault, Fanckoucke, and Segur. ^lemoirs of the Public and Private
IJfe of Napoleon Bonaparte; with Copious Historical Illustrations
and Original Anecdotes. Preceded by a Sketch of the French Eevo-
lution. Translated from the French by W. Hamilton Eeid. Por-
traits, plan and views, with an extra portrait of Napoleon, inserted.
Thick 8vo. scored calf, neatly rebacked. Jjondon, 1826
From the library of .Tohii Bridge, with his name on title, and armorial
17. AiiNOTT ( Akch iBAiJ)) . All Accouiit of tiu' l^asl llliios.s poecase, and
Post Mortem Appearances of A'apoleon Bonaparte. To which is
added a letter from Dr. Arnott to Sir Hudson I. owe. PAno, half
calf. (Title and final leaf remounted; sli<>'ht repairs on inner mar^'ins
of all the other leaves). London, 1S2-J
18. Arrival of Royalty. Lxtrait du Moniteur du 12 Juillct 181. I. (An-
nounces the arrival in Paris of the Lnpierors of Russia and Austria,
and the King of Prussia, address of the Royal Guard of Senlis, proc-
lamation of Marie-Therese, etc.) Cut of the Bourbon arms. 4 pjL
small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
J9. Ashton (John). English Caricature and Satire on Xapoleon 1. 11-1
illustrations by the author. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt,
top edges uncut. London, 1884
20. Augerfau (Phillip E. C.). Revolutions Alinanach von 1799. ^Vitll f)or-
traits, including Augereau, Pichegru and others, also views. 12mo,
original hoards, uncut. Gottingen 1 1799 |
21. Authorization of Payments. Decret de la Convention Xationale. du
19 Septembre 1793, Qui autorise le paicment des Primes & Grati-
fications accordces an commerce, a Pexception de eelles pour la traite
des Kegres. ^Voodcut coat-of-anns with motto Tire la Mon-
tague.'’ Folio. Paris (and Rennes), 1793
These payments of bounties, etc., excluded those of the slave trade.
Document is issued over the signature of the implacable .Tacohin, Billaud-
A’arennes and countersigned by others. Coat-of-arms is that of the Demo-
cratic party of the Assembly.
22. Autograph Catalogues. A Volume containing about 40 Catalogues of
Autograph I^etters, Documents, Signatures, etc., of Celebrated Per-
sons, offered for sale by Dealers, and Auctioneers, including Cata-
logues of Waller, of London, Charnay. of Paris and others. With
prices affixed. 8vo, half red straight-grain morocco.
London, Paris, etc. [1883-18801
A valuable volume for the Collector, or as a general reference work.
Several A. L. S. from dealers bound in.
23. Auxiliary Troops. IMunicipalite de Paris. Par le IMaire et les Officiers
^lunicipaux. Extrait du Registre des Deliberations du Corps IMuni-
cipal, du Lundi 4 Juillct 1791. Arrete concernant les Troupes Aux-
iliaires. Woodcut of municipal arms. Folio. Paris, 1791
A resolution concerning the formation of auxiliary troops according to
certain laws already passed, and the methods adopted for their execution.
Railly, mayor.
24. Bade (Carl). Xapoleon im Jahre 1813. 4 vols. in 2. 12mo, old boards.
Altono, 1839
25. Bain (Xicolson). A Detailed Account of the Battles of Quatre Bras,
Ligny and Waterloo; Preceded by a Relation of Events attending the
Tem])orary Revolution of 1815, 'in France. Portraits of Wellington
and A apoleon , inserted. 12mo, lialf red morocco, symbolical gilt back,
gilt top (some leaves stained). ‘ Edinburgh. 181()
26. Baines (Edward). History of the Wars of the French Eevolution, from
1792 to 1915 . . . comprehending the Civil History of Great Britain
and France during that period. Over 30 maps and plates. 2 vols. 4to,
old sprinkled calf (binding poor). London, 1817
Barxave (Antoine P. \h M. — Pevoliitionist). Baldwin’s London Weekly
Journal. Dec. 11, 1793. Folio, as issued. With portrait of Barnave.
London, 1793
Contains account of the execution of Barnave.
28. Barnes (Capt. John). A Tour through the Island of St. Helena; with
Hotices of its Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, etc., etc., collected dur-
ing a Eesidence of Twelve Years; with some particulars of Hapoleon
Buonaparte. Bare colored aquatint portrait of Napoleon by Peake
from life. 12mo, red straight-grain morocco, blind and gilt tooling
on back and sides, gilt edges. London, 1817
Ihe portrait of Napoleon, in colors, is said to be an accurate resemblance
of him at the time.
29. Barre (W.). History of the French Consulate under Napoleon Buona-
parte . . . including a Sketch of his Life. 12 portraits of Napoleon; 1
etched by Chapman, laid in. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top.
London, 1801
30. Bastille. Memoirs of the Bastille. Translated from the French of M.
Linguet, who was imprisoned there from Sept., 1780, to May, 1782.
16mo, sprinkled calf. Dublin, 1783
31. Bastille. The London Chronicle. Jan. 8. Mar. 5-8. April 26-28. June
1. Aug. 15, 1791. 7 pieces, small folio, as issued. Some with stamps.
London, 1791
Contains articles on the Bastille, Louis XVI., etc.
32. Beard (John E.). The Life of Toussaint L’Ouverture, the Negro Patriot
of Hayti. Illustrations. 12mo, original cloth (portion of back dam-
aged). London, 1853
33. Beauchamp (M. De). An Authentic Narrative of the Invasion of
France, in 1811. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue calf, gilt. London, 1815
31. Billecoq (J.B.L.J.). De Nos Guerriers et de la Paix Extrait de la
Ga^^ette de France du 6 Mai 1811. 1 pp. small Ito, unbound.
Paris, 1811
35. Biography of the Principal Sovereigns of Europe who have reigned since
the French Eevolution. Portraits. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt,
gilt top.
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of nearly 100 portraits, views, maps,
etc., some inlaid.
36. Biron (A. L. De^-Duc De Lauzon). Memoires. In French. 12mo,
half calf, gilt. Paris, 1822
The author fouj^ht in America in 1780, and was executed by the Com-
mittee of Safety in 1793.
37. Bitauue (Paul Jekemie). Joseph. Ciiiquienie Edition. 2 portraits,
one after Cochin (unsigned) , and 9 plates engraved by Nee after
Marillier. 2 vols., IGmo, coiiteinporary French red straight-grain
morocco, gilt and mosaic backs, sides tooled in design of straight and
curved rules, inside gilt borders, silk doublures and end-])apers, gilt
edges, bv Bradel (successor to Derome). Baris ; Didot Taine, 1^8(5
ON EACH TiTEK. Witli brilliiiut impressions of Alnriiiier’s plates ; and tlie
l)ook-i)late of Emmanuel Martin, in 1 'volume.
38. Bladwijzeu der Voornaamste Zaken, benevens een Xaam-Register der
Landen en Steden ... in het werk Tafereelen van de Staats-
Oimventeling in Frankrijk, etc. 8vo, old boards, uncut.
Amsterdam, 1801)
39. Blank Book of 200 pp., folio, full calf, gilt lettered back, sides tooled in
gilt borders, with a semis of Napoleonic bees, crowned eagles in centre,
gilt edges, with clasp.
From the celebrated Sainsbury Collection and Museum. Used, as stated
in lettering on back, for “ State Papers. Autographs and Portraits [of]
Eminent Persons in Foreign History. 1000 to 1847.”
40. Bonaparte and Ney. Napoleon Bonaparte, sa Vie Civile et Militaire.
Par Charles D***Paris, 1815; Vie et Proces du Marechal Ney. Par
J. B. E. Charlemont. Portraits. 3 works in 1 vol. 24mo, tree calf.
Paris, 1815, etc.
41. Bonapartes (the). Ought France to Worship the Bonapartes? By
Ahriman I. 90 pp., 12mo, unbound. London, 1863
The unknown author of this pamphlet minces no words in his sum-
ming up of the character of Napoleon, and answers his own question
in a very positive negative, as it were.
42. Bonaparte Family. The Napoleon Dynasty; or, the History of the
Bonaparte Family, By the Berkeley Men. 22 authentic portraits,
and plate of the death of Hortense, laid in. 8vo, cloth.
New York, 1856
43. Bonaparte, First Consul. jMinistere de la Police Generale. Rapport
aux Consuls de la Eepublique, sur les auteurs de Battentat du 3
Nivose. (Gives details of an attempted outrage in Paris, and warns
all the Consuls to apprehend the criminals, descriptions of which are
noted. Signed by Fouche, minister of Police. Authorized by Bona-
parte as First Consul). 12mo, unbound and uncut. Paris,* [1800]
44. Bonaparte, First Consul. Life of Bonaparte, from his Birth to the
Peace of Luneville . . . with Anecdotes of his Ditferent Cam-
paigns. Oval portrait. 8vo, half calf. London. 1802
An interesting work translated from the French, containing an ac-
count of the remarkable actions of Bonaparte, his speeches, traits of
character, etc.
45. Bonaparte in Italy. Campaign of General Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-7.
By a General Officer. Translated from the French hv T. E.' Ritchie.
Portrait and folding map. 12mo, boards, crudely backed with
leather, uncut (portions of map torn at folds, somewhat shaken).
Fdinburgh, ISOO
4(3. Boxapakte (JosEPJi Nai'oleox). Bioo-raphical Sketch of J. X. Bona-
parte, Bointe do Snrvilliers. By A Young Patriot. 8vo, boards (part
of l)ack split and name on half title). London, 1833
47. Boxapaute (Louis). Peply to Sir Walter Scott’s History of Xapoleon.
dd’anslation from the French. 8vo, original wrappers, some edge?
London, 1829
1 rom the Napoleon Collection of W. Noel Sainsbnry, with his autogranh
signature on title-page.
48. Bonaparte (Louis). A Peply to Sir Walter Scott’s History of Xa-
poleon. Translation from the French. 12mo, maroon cloth.
London, 1829
49. [Bonaparte (IMadaime) ] . Pevolutions Almanach von 1802. With
numerous portraits, including Madame Bojiaparte, Kleher, Sydney
Smith, Bonaparte {as first consul, on cover), etc., also views. 12ino,
original boards, nncnt. Gottingen, [1802]
50. Book of Fate (the), found in the Cabinet of Xapoleon Buonaparte.
Portrait of Napoleon on liorsehach, in colors. 12mo, wrappers.
London. Printed for the Booksellers, n.d.
51. Book of Fate (the). Xapoleon’s Book of Fate [From A to Q, only].
Curious cut of Napoleon on cover and title. [In English] ; Also,
Waterloo, and other Verses. [In French]. Cut of Napoleon. (Text
of second leaf cut into). IGino, wrappers, and unbound.
[Birmingham and Paris, n.d.]
52. [Booth (John)]. The Battle of Waterloo, containing the Series of
Accounts, British and Foreign, with Circumstantial Details. With
List of Killed and AVounded. By a Xear Observer. Folding pano-
ramic shetch of Waterloo, portraits and maps. 8vo, half calf (sides
loose). London, 1815
53. [Booth (John)]. The Battle of AVaterloo, containing the Accounts pub-
lished by Authority, British and Foreign, with circumstantial de-
tails relative to the Battle. By a Xear Observer. Large colored pano-
ramic sl'etch of the battle-ground, and a smaller I'iew. 8vo, boards,
uncut. London, 1815
The Third Edition, enlarged, with the alphabetical list of the killed
and wounded. Booth became well known subsequently as the pub-
lisher of the Military Library.
54. [Booth (John)]. Battle of AAaterloo, also of Ligny, and Quatre-Bras.
By a Xear Observer. 2 vols. in 1. Sf plates by George Jones on
India paper, large colored folding panoramic view of the Battle
of Waterloo, 7 maps and plans (portions of several torn), and a bust-
portrait of Wellington, by Hopper, on India paper, laid in. 4to,
paper-covered hoards (several plates stained, and some portions of
margins repaired). Lonrlon, 1817
55. Boston Gazette (the). Country Journal, Alarch 12th, 1770. Folio,
as issued. 4 pp. Fac-similc. Boston, 1770. Contains an account of
the Boston Massacre.
50. Bouijbox Pa:\i IMILHT. Dcs Iievolutions dcpuis KS!); ot de eedle fpii nous
rend Xotre Souvcrain Legitinio. Par le (d)tnte dc Br * * •
OfHeior de la (Jarde Nationale. (Contrasts the rule, etc., ot Bona-
])arte wiili that of the legitimate rulers, mentions Xapoleon’s Egyp-
tian campaign, etc.). 4 pp., 4to, unbound (4 lines in unknown auto-
graph at end of last page). | Paris, n.d.J
57. Bourhij:xxe (Fauvelet ])e). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. To
which are now First Added, an Account of the Important Events of
the Hundred Days, of Napoleon’s Surrender to the English, and of
his Pesidence and Death at St. Helena, with iVnecdotes and Illustra-
tive Notes from all the Most Authentic Sources. Illustrations. 4 vols.
extended to 8 vols., 8vo, full polished crimson calf, symbolical gilt backs
with the eagle, bees and crowned “ N,” sides with triple gilt-lined
borders, bees in corners and crowned “ N ” with wi'eath underneath,
in centres, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, bound especially for owner,
by Zaemxsdorf. London; Pichard Bentley, 183G issue of Bentley's First Edition. In addition to the 28 plates
l)nblished with the work, there are inserted IKXJ r:xTRA illustrations, in-
clndiiifi nninerons colored portraits and. views, together with a large
number nncolored. on India paper and inlaid, many unusual and scarce,
by prominent artists after well-known originals.
Among the above is a varied assortment of portraits of Napoleon, his
Marshals, Generals, Ministers, etc. ; members of his immediate family,
namely, Josephine and Marie-Loiiise, his wives ; his father, brothers, etc. ;
the contemporary sovereigns of Europe, with men of prominence both
there and in America, such as, George III., of England ; Alexander I., of
Russia ; William Pitt. Earl Grey. Lords Bentinck and Castelreagh ;
George AVashington, Fulton, Aaron Burr, of America; Kosciusko, of
Poland, and others.
There are several scarce views of Battle-Scenes, etc., including the
line engravings of Qnatre Bras and Ligny : also the plate of Napoleon’s
Entry into Paris in 1814. in which he is shown riding in a carriage; a
facsimile of his abdication the same year ; a beantifnlly colored plate
of the Conseil des Anciens, by Labroiisse after St. Sanvenr ; a colored
portrait of Napoleon in Death taken at St. Helena, etc.
The interest and value of the above are augmented by the addition
of a tine autograph signature. ‘' Bonaparte” to a portion* of a letter in
another hand, signed when he was First Consul, probably some time in
ISdd; also are inserted an A.L.^S., 2 pp. Svo. from Bentley*, the publisher;
and the signature (to a part of letter) of “ Boarrienne ” the author of
these Memoirs, and Napoleon’s private secretary.
58. BourpvIExxe (Fauvelet De). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. Trans-
lated from the French by John S. Memes. Engraved titles with vign-
ettes. 3 vols. 16mo, cloth, leather labels. Edinburgh, 1830
Fine Copy of Constable’s compact edition.
50. BoriiRiExxE (Fauvelet De). Another copy of the same. (Engraved
titles stained and liinding somewhat sliaken).
GO. Bourriexxe (Fauvelet De). Life of Naitoleon Bonaiiarte. Witli Notes,
now First Added, from Napoleon at St. Helena, from the i\remoirs
of tlie Duke of Bovigo, and otlier Autbentic Sources. Portraits, views,
facsimiles, etc. With Index. 3 vols. 12mo, lialf red morocco, gilt',
gilt tops (writing on top-margins of 2 titles). London, 1831
Fine. Clean Copy.
61. Bouuiuenxe (Fauvelet De). Life of iSTapoleon Bonaparte. With Notes,
now First Added, from Napoleon at St. Helena, from the Memoirs of
the Duke of Bo\dgo, and other Authentic Sources. (The National
Library, Nos. 7, 8 and 9). Portraits, views, facsimiles, etc., several
stained. With Index. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth (binding poor ; good copy
for rebinding). Loudon, 1831
62. Boueriexne (Fauvelet De). Life of Napoleon, Vol. Ill, 12mo,
cloth, London, 1831; Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte, by himself, part
the first, 12nio, cloth. New York, 1836; La Colonna del Grande
Esercito d’ikusterlitz . . . per A. Tardieu. Numerous fine plates
(some missing), 4to, unbound, Firenze, 1840. Together, 3 vols.
63. Bowdlek (Thomas), A Short View of the Life and Character of Lieut. -
General Yillettes ; [and] A Postscript to the Letters written in
France in 1814. Portrait engraved hy Heath. 2 works in 1 vol. 8vo,
boards, calf back, uncut (back worn). Bath, 1815
64. Boys (Captain Edward). Narrative of a Captivity and Adventures in
France and Flanders, between the years 1803 and 1809. Litho-
graphed plan {colored) and plates {uncolored) . 12mo, boards, some
edges uncut (part of back missing). London, 1827
65. Briefault (F.T.). The Prisoner of Ham: Authentic Details of the Cap-
tivity and Escape of Prince Napoleon Louis. Portrait, plan and fac-
simile. 12nio, cloth, crudely rebacked, uncut. London, 1846
66. Britton (J. — Editor). Narrative of Memorable Events in Paris, preced-
ing the Capitulation, and during the occupancy of that City by the
Allied Armies in 1814. Being Extracts from the Journal of a
Detenu, 8vo, boards, cloth back (1 side and back loose).
London; Printed for the Editor, 1828
67. Brissot De Warville (Jean P. — Girondist). The Leeds Mercury, Nov.
16, 1793. Folio, as issued. "With portrait. Leeds, 1793
Contains account of the execution of Brissot and others.
68. Broadside. Extrait des Eegistres du Conseil cPEtat. 2 pp., 4to.
(Printed). Paris, July 5, 1642. With autograph signature of
69. Broadside. Instructions issued by the Police Department of Paris for the
maintenance of order upon the occasion of the Presentation of the
Confederates of the faubourgs St. Antoine and St. Marceau. Paris,
May 12, 1815. 4 pp. royal 8vo.
70. Broadway Belle (the) and Mirror of the Times. Vol. 1. Nos. 1 and
4, January 1 and 22, 1855. 2 pieces. 4to, as issued.
New York, 1855
Contains a portrait of George Thompson, the editor of this extraor-
dinary puhlication.
71. Broadway Belle (the) and Mirror of the Times. Vol. 1, Nos. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12. Feb. 1!) to Oct. 1, 1855. 5 Nos. Folio, as issued.
New York, 1855
72. Broadway Bklle (the) and New York Shanghai. A^ol. 1, Nos. 8 and j).
Sept. 3 and 10, 1855. 2 Nos. Folio, as issued. New \ork, 1855
73. Broadway Belle (the) and Mirror of the Times. Vol. 1, Nos. 13, 14,
15, 16 and 17. Oct. 8 to Nov. 5, 1855. 5 Nos. Folio, as issued.
New York, 1855
74. Brooke (T.H.). History of the Island of St. Helena, from its Discovery
by the Portuguese to 1823. Illustrations. 8vo, poli.shed calf, gilt.
London, 1824
75. Browning (Oscar — Editor). England and Napoleon in 1803. Being the
Despatches of Lord Whitworth and others, now First Printed from
the Originals in the Record Office. 8vo, cloth. London, 1887
76. Buffalo Regulator. Vol. 1, No. 1. June, 1857. 4to., as issued.
Buffalo, 1857
77. Buonaparte Satire, in Two Books. His Coronation, A Vision. 22 pp.,
temporary wrappers. (The “ Satire” only.) Edinburgh, 1804
Author’s presentation copy, with autograph inscription on half-title.
78. Buonaparte at Rochefort. Rapport Officiel de tout ce qui s’est passe
a I’embarquement de Buonparte a Rochefort; Liste officielle des per-
sonnes qui se sont emharquees avec lui, etc., 4 pp. 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1815
In addition to the news relative to Napoleon’s emharkation upon the
BelleropJiou. the list of persons who accompanied him, &c., the report men-
tions his letter to the Prince-Regent of England, news of Orleans, Lyon,
79. Buonaparte-Phobia, or Cursing made Easy to the Meanest Capacity. —
Dialogue between the Editor of '"The Times,” Doctor Slop, .My
Uncle Toby, and My Father, Embracing The Times Vocabulary of
easy Epithets and choice Curses against Buonaparte — from his leav-
ing • Elba, etc. By the Editor of “ The Times.” Fifth Edition.
With engraved 'portrait of Napoleon from the original picture hy
David. Folio. Lond. circa, 1815
An English broadside amusingly exhibiting the hysterical condition of
thought of the English people regarding Napoleon, who is represented as
an “execrable villain — a beaten, disgraced and perjured Corsican a
remorseless ruffian — a wretch stained with every crime — the bloodiest
and most perfidious tyrant that ever disgraced history,” etc., etc.
80. BuonaparteY Farewell. Les Adieux de Buonaparte a sa Vieille Garde.
Woodcut headpiece, 2 pp. small 4to, as issued. (Fontainebleau, 1814.)
One of the original printed copies of the Address as delivered at
or“rTs^^’\.dTeux engraved plate, oblong 12mo. of the scene
81. Burckhardt (Wilhelm). Gebhard L. v. Bliicher . . . nach Lcben
Reden, und Thaten geschildert. Portraits, one clasping hand of
Wellington. 8vo, limp wrappers. Stuttyart, 1835
82. Burdon (W.). Life and Character of Bonajuirte, from his birth to the
15th of August, 1804. Bust-portrait by Mackenzie. 8vo. half-
sprihhled calf, gilt (recent). Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1805
101. Charles X. Seance Eoyale dn 23 Juillet 1831. Discours dii Eoi.
(Address to the Peers and Deputies on various matters, including
the Charter, friendship between France and the United States, the
treaties with the Eepublics of Mexico and Hayti, the separation of
Belgium and Holland, etc.) 4 pp. 4to, unbound. [Paris, 1831]
102. Charles X. Another Copy of the same by a different printer; 4to.
103. Chateaubriand (F. A. De). Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and of
the necessity of rallying round our Legitimate Princes for the Hap-
piness of France and that of Europe. 8vo, half leather (1 side
loose). London, 1814
Bound up with the above are several other articles, including “ Letters
of Calvus “ Napoleon's conduct towards Russia since the Peace of
Tilsit;" etc.
104. [Chateauvieux (J. F. L. De)]. Manuscrit venu de Sainte-Helene,
dhme Maniere Inconnue. [With leaf of advertisement in English.]
8vo, boards, leather back, uncut (a leaf of half-title inserted, and
final leaf re-edged). London [Bruxelles Printed], 1817
A forged autobiography of Napoleon, printed in French, the same year
as the First English Edition.
105. Chicago Ne'wspapers. The Chicago Post. Extra. Monday Eaening
(sic), October 9, 1871. Folio, as issued.
A rare extra giving an account of the great fire of Chicago.
106. Civil War. Xew York Daily Transcript, January 16, 1865. The extra
issue of 38 pages containing the list of drafted men, with their
addresses and occupations, from the eighteenth ward, eighth congres-
sional district. An uncommon Civil War item (slightly torn on
front page). Xew York, 1865
107. Civil War. Xew A"ork Daily Transcript. Extra. January 20, 1865.
30 pp. Folio, as issued. Xew York, 1865
The extra issue containing a complete account of the persons enrolled
as liable for draft from the Twelfth Ward, Ninth Congressional District,
their ages, occupations, etc.
108. Civil War. The Conquered Banner. Poem by Moina. Music by
La Hache. 4to. Illustrated wrappers. Xew Orleans, 1866
109. Clarke (General H. J. G.— Prominent officer under Xapoleon, Gov-
ernor of Berlin, Member of Legion of Honor under Louis XYIIT,
etc.). Xote concernant Le General Clarke, Due de Feltre, Ex-Minis-
tre de la Guerre. (A defense of General Clarke.) 4 pp., small 4to,
unbound (8 lines of pencilled MS. in unknown hand, on p. 3).
[Paris, n.d.]
110. Clery (M. — Valet to Louis XVI). Journal of the Occurrences at the
Temple during the Confinement of Louis XVI. Translated from
the Original Manuscript, by E. C. Dallas. 8vo, straight-grain
morocco, blind-and-gilt stamped, gilt edges (name on half-title).
London, 1798
111. Cleky (M.). Journal of Occairrences at the Temple during the Con-
hnenient of Louis XVJ. Translated by IT C. Dallas. 12nio, tree
ealf. Boston, 1799
The FiHST American Edition.
112. CoBBETT (William). Letters to Lord Hawkesbury and. Henry Adding-
ton, on the Peace with Buonparte. J'ahles, and 2 portraits, inserted.
8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top, uncut.
Loudon, 1802
113. Collectanea Xapoleonica; a Catalogue of the Collection of Auto-
graphs, Historical Documents, Broadsides, Caricatures, etc., relating
to Napoleon I. and his Times, 1769-1821, formed by A. M. Broad-
ley, compiled by W. Y. Daniell. Illustrations, including a hitherto
■unpublished portrait of Napoleon. 8vo, buckram. [London, 1905.]
114; Column of the Giiande-Armee, Etc. Description de la Colonue de
la G-rande-Armee, elevee a la gloire des Armees FraiiQaises, Tan
1810. Terminee par la Description de I’Arc de Triomphe du Palais
des Tuileries. Cut of Column. 12mo, wrappers uncut. Paris, n.d.
115. Confederate. Muster .Poll of Company 1. of the 57th Pegiment of
New York Volunteers. Large folio. The names written by a good
Of special interest as it is written on Confederate paper.
116. Confederate Money. Issued at Montgomery, Ala., Raleigh, N. C., and
Richmond, Va. From 10 cents to $50. Together, 7 pieces.
117. Confederate Newspapers. The Evening True Delta. May 6, 1862,
New Orleans; The Daily Picayune, IMarch 22, 1862, New Orleans;
New Orleans Daily Crescent, March 27, 1862. Three pieces. Folio,
as issued.
118. Confederate Newspapers. Extra de TEstafette, AYndredi, M'ai 2, 1862.
1 p., 8vo. [New Orleans], 1862
Printed in French, and mentions the entrance of the victorious Federal
troops into New Orleans, their seizure of the newspaper, “ True Delta,”
their occupation of the Hotel St. Charles, etc.
119. Confederate Newspapers. The Daily Picayune, New Orleans. Alarch
20, 1862 ; The Daily True Delta, May 6, 1862; The Sunday Delta,
May 4, 1862 (one sheet only, ? complete). Three pieces.' Folio,
as issued. New Orleans, 1862
In the first named appears “ Ahraham Lincoln. President of what is
left of United States on the Uth inst., transmitted this message of the
so-called Congress of that unhappy country,” etc.
120. Confederate Newspapers. New Orleans Daily Crescent, April 24,
1862, and The Daily Delta, Alarch 14, 1862. Two jiieces, folio, as
issued. New Orleans, 1862
CoxFHUERATE i\ EwsPAPEKs. 0410 Soutliom lllusti’atocl XoM's, FebriiaiA-
28, ^farch 7, llarch 28 and Soptoinliev 5, 186;S. Four pieces. Folio,
as issued. Fichmond. 1863
In the issue of Fehnniry 2Stli is a caricature “Master Aliraliam Lin-
coln gets a new toy.”
CoxEEDEKATE Ts^'ewspapeks. The Sixth Corps. ATI. 1. Nos. 2 and 6.
April 28, May 3, 1865. 3 pp. folio, as issued. Danville, Aha., 1865
Contains reference to Lincoln and with printing of “ Oh I why should
the spirit of mortal he proud.”
Coxfidextial Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother
Joseph, King of Spain. Selected and Translated from the “ Alein-
oires du Foi Joseph.’" Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth.
New York, 1856
CoxGRESS OF A"iexx"a. Extrait dii Alonitenr du 13 Avril, 1815. (In-
cludes copy of the Manifesto issued by the allied ministers at the
Congress of Vienna, wherein is declared their intention of maintain-
ing the Treaty of Paris, and practically declaring Napoleon an out-
law). 4 pp. 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
Constitution de la Fepublique Franqaise. (Signed by Fegnier, Jacque-
minot and others, including Bonaparte, who signs as one of the Con-
suls). 4 pp. small 4to. Paris, 1799
Convention op St. Cloud. Afinistere de la Guerre. (Bulletin, com-
posed of 18 articles, issued July 3, 1815, announces changes in the
Alinistry, the suspension of hostilities by the iAllies, plan for the
evacuation of Paris, etc. Signed by Bignon, Guilleminot, Bondy.
and others). 4 pp. 4to, unbound, uncut. Paris, 1815
This Bulletin was issued four days before Wellington’s entr.v into
Paris at the head of the victorious Allies.
CooTE (Charles). History of Europe from the Treaty of Amiens, in
1802, to the Pacification of Paris, in 1815. 8vo, boards, cloth back,
partly uncut. London, 1817
[CoRDAX^ (Charlotte)]. Fevolutions Almanach von 1795. With por-
traits, including Corday, Madame Du Barry, BaUly, Brissot, Luclr-
ner, and others, also views. 12mo, original boards (rubbed, ami
some q)p. loose) . Gottingen 11795]
Corsica. Boswell (James). An Account of Corsica, The Journal of a
'’ITiir of that Island, and Alemoirs of Pascal Paoli. Portrait and
folding map. 12mo, sprinkled calf (portion of back split).
London, 1769
Autograph of “ Francis,’’ supposed author of the .Tunius letters, on
Cotton (Sergeant Edward). A ATice from AVaterloo. A History of
the Battle, with a selection from the Wellington Dispatches, etc.
]\faps and plates. 16mo, cloth. Alont-St.-Jean, 1862
An unusually clear and concise account of this battle.
Coui’ D'Ktat. l^-oclaimitioii (In
J’euple (et) 1/Arin(ic
tie Folio.
Pr(isidont do la ]^6publi(|ue. App(3l au
Le Prel'et do I’olice aiix Haldtaiis
Paris, December 2, 1851
One of sevenil “ I'voclainatioiis ” issued by J.ouis Nayoleon Bonaparte,
witli the a,ssistance of De Morny and l>e Maupas, respectively Minister
of tlie Interior and Prefect of Police. The printing of this “• 1 rociaina-
tion ” was accomplished wliile the huilding containing the presses was
surrounded hy gendarmes and each typesetter guarded hy them tsliile
lie was setting up his portion of copy. Contains Napoleon’s appeals to
the people and tlie army, his dissolution of the Assembly, and the plac-
til.., ~ . 1 1 rni *.11 1 .
of Paris and other de])artments under martial law. ilie nlootlj
triumpli ” of tliis Coup is a matter of history.
132. CouKT AND Camd of Biionapartc. Fortraits of TaUeijrand, Murat, and
Fault. IGmo, half dark-blue calf, symbolical gilt back, gilt top, by
Larkins. l.ondon, 1821)
The autliorship of this work is ascribed to J. G. Lockhart.
133. Court of Napoleon. Memoires et Anecdotes snr la Coiir de Napoleon
Bonaparte. Line portraits. 12mo, wrappers, nncnt.
En Belgique; Chez les Brincipanx Idbraires, 1818
The Third French edition, with the suiipressed passages of the Second
134. Ckuiksiiank (George). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Edited by
W. H. Ireland. Embellished with accurate vietvs of his battles, &c.,
engraved by George Cruikshanh from the original designs of Vernet,
Denon, d-c., executed at Paris by Duplessis-Bertaux, comprising, in ad-
the three uncolored plates — portraits of the Duke of neidistadt, Marie
Louise, and Napoleon’s Generals. 4 vols. 8vo, full crinuson polished
calf, symbolical gilt backs with Bees, crowned N,” &c., sides with
a triple line-border. Bees in corners, and the crowned N ” with
wreath in centres, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, especially bound by
Zaeiinsdorf for the owner. Each volume in a cloth case.
* London; John Fairburn and John Cumberland, 1823-1828
AND EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the iiisertioii of 172 portraits of Na]>oleon
(several of THEM COLORED), a fine autograph signature of the Emperor,
dated Fontainebleau, .July 17, 1805, two aiitograpli signatures of George
Cruikshank, one on an original pencil sketch by him. making 2(X) illustra-
tions in all.
The Cruikshank folding plates are mounted on linen and iirilliantly
hand-colored, one or two of them being slightly damaged at the folds. .S:c..
but not sufficiently to mar them to any great extent.
'Such a fine extra-illustrated set of this valuable Cruiksh.\nk-
135. [Dalrymi’LF (Adolimius J.)]. "Memoir, written by General Sir Hew
Dalrym))le, of his Froceedings as connected witli the .\ffairs of Spain,
and tlie Commencement of the Peninsular War. 8vo. original boards,
some h'av('< uncut (portion of back split). London, 1830
136. Danton (Georges J.). The Leeds Mercury, April 12, 1794. Folio, as
issued, with portrait. ^ Leeds, 1794
Contains account of the arrest of Danton.
137. Davies (Catherine). Eleven Years’ Kesidence in the Family of Murat,
King of Kaples. 12nio, flexible boards, crudely backed with linen
(figure 6 on cover). London, 1841
138. Death oe Kapoleon. Kouvelles Officielles venant de file Sainte-
Helene, annongant la mort de fex-general Buonaparte, et les circon-
stances qui font occasionne. Extrait du Moniteur. 4 pp. 12mo,
unbound. Paris, 1821
139. Decree Against the Bourbons. Extrait du Moniteur du 8 Avril
1815. Decrets Iniperiaux. Au palais des Tuileries, le 25 Mars et
le 4 Avril, 1815. Cut of Imperial eagle, etc. (Proclamation rela-
tive to the Bourbons (mentions Louis XVIII. by name), states that
the laws against them will be rigidly enforced, &c.). 2 pp. small 4to,
unbound. Portrait of Bonaparte, 8vo, laid in. Paris, 1815
140. Decree Imperial, Contenant dilferentes dispositions tendant a reprinier
les manoeuvres qui pourraient troubler la tranquillite publique, le
9 Mai 1815. (Instructs the Minister of Police relative to the Comte
de Lille [Louis XA^III.], decrees imprisonment for showing any
other colors than the Xational, formulates additions to the Penal
Code, &c.) 4 pp. 4to, unbound, with portrait of Napoleon laid in.
Paris, 1815
141. Decree of the National Assembly. Municipalite de Paris. Par le
Maire et les Membres du Conseil-General. Extrait du Eegistre des
Deliberations du Conseil-General de la Commune de Paris, due Mer-
credi, 22 J.uin 1791. Small woodcut of municipal arms. Folio.
Paris, 1791
Kelates to the free circulation of governmeut funds, the facilitatioq
of the movements of all diligences and other public carriers, and enjoin-
ing the proper authorities to give due attention thereto. Issued by
Railly, mayor; De Joly, clerk.
142. Departure of Louis XVIII. Extrait du Moniteur du 26 Mars 1815
Ministere de la Guerre. Nouvelles Officielles de f Armee. Large cut
of the Imperial Eagle. (Announces the departure of the Comte de
Lille (Louis XA^III.) and other prominent Bourbons from Paris,
gives a speech of tlie Emperor to ]iis soldiers, &c.). 4 pp. small 4to,
unbound. Paris, 1815
143. Delphick Oracle (The). (Curious questions in Statute Law, Physick
and Anatomy, etc.). Small 8vo, old half calf. London, 1720
144. Depeches et Letters 1ntei;ceptees. Co]ues of the Original Letters
and Dispatches of the Generals, &c., at Paris, to Napoleon at Dres-
den, intercepted by the Allies. In French and English. 8vo, half
calf (someAvhat worn) . ' London, 1814
145. DEWciurTioN de la Coloiine dc la (Irande-Armee, Teniiinee par la De-
scription de FArc de Trioinphe dii Palais des Tuileries. Cut of col-
nmn. 1'-^ pp. 12ni(), uncut and unbound. Edited by Aubry.
l^aris, n.d.
Dispatch fpom Lyoxs. Ministere de la Guerre. Depecbes Telegra-
pliicpies, datees de Dyon, le 15 Avril, et arrivees a Ibiris le 16, a sept
lieures du matin. Ecclesiastical coat-of-arms. (F"rom Suchet, Duke
of Albufera, who, with the Duke of Kivoli, has witnessed the arrival
of the troops, and mentions that the Tri-color floats over i\Iarseilles,
Antibes, Draguignan, &c.) 2 pp. small 4to, un])ound. Paris, [1815]
Du Barry (Madame). Baldwin’s London Weekly Journal, December
28, 1793. Folio, as issued. With portrait.
Contains account of the execution of Du Bari’y.
London, 1793
148. Dumas (Gex. Count Mathieu). Memoires of his Own Time; includ-
ing the Kevolution, the Empire, and the Restoration, Portraits of
Napoleon and Lafayette; with one of the author, inserted. 2 vols.
8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839
During the American Itevolution, Count Dumas was Rochambeau’s
aide, and recounts his experiences therein. He also served under
149. Educational Appointments. Extrait du Moniteur du S’amedi, pre-
mier Avril 1815. (Aapoleon visits the institution for the education
of daughters of members of the Legion of Honor, appoints new
officers of the University, &c.). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound.
Pari.s, 1815
150. Egyptian Campaign. Copies of Original Letters from the Army of
Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the Fleet under the command
of Admiral Lord Helson. With English translation. Map and por-
trait inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top,
lower edges uncut. London. 1798
151. Egyptian Campaign. Newspaper. No. 35. Le Yoyageur. Journal
de L. Prudhomme, du 6 Thermidor, an YII de La Republique (July
24, 1798). (Mentions Buonaparte in Egypt, Talleyrand, &c. ) 4 pp.
small 4to. ‘ Paris, 1798
152. Egyptian Campaign. Copies of Original Letters from the Army of
General Bonaparte in Egypt, Intercepted by the fleet under the com-
mand of Admiral Lord Nelson. With English Translations. Charts.
2 vols. 12mo, boards, leather hacks (somewhat worn).
London. 1798-9
153. Egyptian Campaign. Courier de PEgypte. No. 99. (With 2 Extra
pages of another number. Relates ito Napoleon’s army in Egypt).
Together, 6 pp. 12mo. Cairo," Egvpt^l 800
154. Egyptian Camp.vign. Lilierte, Egalite, Repuhlique Fran^aise. Ordre
du jour, du 21 Nivose (et) du 2 Pluviose. an YlII. (Issued by
General Damas. Conntei-signed by General Rene). Woodcut coat-of-
arms. 2 pp. small folio. ’ (kiiro, Egypt. 1799
Egyptian Eampaigx. Lil)ertc% Egalite, Repiibliquo Francaise. Ordre
du jour, du 28, 21) and dO Veiidemiaire, an 1). (Issued by General
Menou. Countersigned by Generals Lagrange and Eene). ^yoocl-
cut coat-of-ayms on each. 1, 2 and 3 pp. small folio. Together, 4
pieces. Cairo, Egypt, 1800
Unusual run of these orders. One of them coutaius proclamation of
General Menou relative to the pay of the Army and Navy.
150. Egyptian Campaign. Eepublique Frangaise. Journal Officiel de tons
les Evenements qui out eu lieu en Egypte depuis la Convention d’el-
AT'ich. ^Voodcut. (Issued by General Menou. i\Ientions the as-
sassination of General Kleber, &c.) 3 pp. small folio (slight re-
pairs). Cairo, Egypt, 1799
157. Egyptian Campaign. J. EusselFs Gazette. Commercial and Political.
Feb. 4, 1799; Mar. 11, 1799; Apr. 18, 1799. Three pieces. F'olio,
as issued. Boston, 1799
The issue of April ISth contains four columns of the intercepted dis-
patches of Bonaparte on the Invasion of Egypt.
158. Egyptian Campaign. J. EusselFs Gazette. Commercial and Political.
i\Iay 9, Jan. 31 and Jan. 17, 1799. Three pieces. Folio, as issued.
Boston, 1799
The issue of May 9 contains translations of portions of Bonaparte’s
letters written in Egypt.
159. Egyptian Campaign. Memoirs relative to Egypt, written in that coun-
try during the Campaigns of General Bonaparte, in 1798-9, by the
Learned Men who accompanied the French Expedition. 2 folding
maps. 8vo, sprinkled calf (rubbed). London, 1800
Contains contributions by Andreossi, Berthollet, Bangles [of the Na-
tional Libraiwl, and others.
100. Egyptian CAyii>AiGN. Napoleon en Egypte) Waterloo et le Fils de
L’Homme. Precedes d’une Notice Litteraire par M. Tissot. Edition
illnstrec par H. Yernet et II. Bellange. Kumcrous full-page illus-
irations on India paper, and others, smaller, on the regular te.vt-^.
paper. Eoyal Svo, boards, leather l)ack (dealer’s stamp on half-title,
margins of a numhcr of jilates foxed). Paris, n.d.
1()1. Egyptian Campaign. Napoleon en Egypte. Poeme en Unit Chants.
Traduit en vers Allemands, par Gustave Schwab. [Title repeated in
German], d’ext in l)otli German and French. 8vo, cloth, original
Avrappers, Avith tlie German title, bound in.
Stuttgart & Tu])ingue, 1829
1()2. Election Notice. Le citoyen Berthereau, President du canton du 5e
Arrondissement de Paris, au C. en Rochault, Notable communal.
(Contains information as to place, date, d:c.. of an election of Judge
do Paix, Ac.). Eirected in an unknoAvn baud. Stamped AA'ith seal
of the Eepublic. 1 p. small 4to. Paris, 1802
163. Election Xoticj;. Muiiicipalitc dc Paris. Corps Ariinici])aJ. Extraii
(111 liG^istre (los Deliberations dii Corps Llnnicipal, du Diinaindie 20
Deceinbre 1790. Convocation Generale des (^larante-hiiit Sections,
])onr yiroceder a nn second Scrutin ponr I’election dii second Substitnt-
Adioint dll Procurcnr de la Coinnuine. Woodcut of municipal annti.
Issiual by Ibiilly, Mayor of Paris, and countersi^nied by De .Toly, Clerk.
Ainoiif' tbe names who have alread.v received certain votes are, Cerarrl
de Bury, Charon, the famous Danton, and others.
164. ENGLisit Bkoadstdes. “A Dream of Xapolcon;” “The Grand (Con-
versation on A^apoleon Arose”; and others. Curious woodcuts. 'Z
pieces, each 1 p. small 4to. [London, n.d. |
165. English XEWsPArEits of 1787. The Leeds Intelligencer, AVeekl}^ from
Alay 22 to Dec. 22, 1787, not consecutive, 25 ISTos. ; The London
racket ; or New Lloyd’s Evening Post, Semi Weekly, from June 13 to
Dec. 12, 1787, not consecutive, 23 Xos. ; Sheffield Pegister, ATI. 1,
Xo. 1, June 9, 1787. (Several imperfect). Together, 49 pieces,
folio, stitched, covers missing.
Includes advertisement of the appearance of Mrs. Jordan in “ As You
Like It,” an Ode by the Poet-Laureate Wharton, a notice of the Bai’hary
Plague, news of the Revolution in Holland, copy of the new U. 8. Con-
stitution adopted N. Y,, September 17, 17S7, &c., t&c.
166. Entry into Paris. Extrait du Aloniteur du 23 l\lars, 1815. (An ac-
count of Napoleon’s journey from Elba to Pari.s, including one or two
of his speeches to the soldiers). 4 pp. 4to, unbound. Laid in are two
views of his return, (1) his trip to the quay from the vessel; (2)
his reception by some of the soldiers. Paris, 1815
167. Etruria ((^ueen of — Marie Louise of Bourbon). ]\[emoir of the Queen
of Etruria. AVritten by Herself. An authentic Narrative of the
Seizure and Eemoval of Pope Pius VII. Translated from the Italian.
8vo, boards, uncut (worn). London, 1814
168. Extraordinary Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, from his Birth to his
Second Abdication, including an account of his Campaigns in France,
Italy, &c., and at the Battle of AAMterloo, with a Description of the
Island of St. Helena. Illustrated. 12mo, half red morocco, sym-
bolical gilt back, gilt toj).
York, [Eng.] ; Printed by J. Kendrew, n.d.
Bound in with the above is a work of 94 pp. entitled ” Some of the
Causes which led to the French Revolution.” The whole extka-iluus-
TKATEi) by the insertion of 92 portraits, views, &c., some on India paper.
Facslmiles French Currency., etc. Tableau des Papiers et Monnoye.s,
avee rechelle dc Proportion de letir valeiir pendant leurs coiirs adopte
])ar le Conseil des Anciens, Ic 5 ^le.ssidor, I’An A". (June 23, 1196).
Drawn and etched in tints by A. luycune after original samples, and
reduced by Tamrt. Folio. | Paris, 119() |
.About 100 pieces of currency, identification cards, etc., grouiied on one
slu'et. with colored figure of a mendicant (presumably “La
Commune”) in centre. Dated 1791-1795.
1?0. Fain (Bauox). Memoirs of the Invasion of France by the Allied Armies,
and of the Last Six i\Ionths of the Feign of Xapoleon, incliiding his
Abdication. Folding map, and portion of Napoleon's letter of abdi-
cation. 8vo, boards (1 side loose and back worn). London, 1834
171. Fall of the Second Ehpire. Lines on the Defeat of Napoleon who
Surrendered to the King of Prussia, at Sedan, Sept. 2, 1870, 1 p.
4to. London, 1870
A broadside upon the defeat of “ Napoleon the Little.” Seven verses,
eight lines each, ending with the Chorus :
The battle now is over.
And Napoleon he’s g:ive in.
And poor old Billy the Prussian,
Will never again begin.
172. First Treaty of I^aris. Traite de Paix. Extrait du Moniteur, du 2
Juin, 1814. (Treaty dated May 30, 1814; with the text of several
subsidiary treaties ; signed by Talleyrand, prince de Benevent, Metter-
nich, Stadion, Castlereagh, Cathcart and others). 8 pp. 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1814
173. Forsyth (William). Hi.story of the Captivity of Napoleon at St.
Helena; from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, and
Official Documents not before made Public. Portrait views, and map.
3 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London 1853
First and best edition.
174. Fouche (Joseph). Authentic Memoirs of the Public Life of M. Fouche,
Duke of Otranto. Comprising A^arious Letters addressed to the Em-
peror Napoleon, King Joachim, Duke of Wellington, etc. 11 por-
traits {inserted). 8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt
top. London, &c., 1818
175. [Fouche (Joseph)]. A Sketch of the Public liife of the Duke of
Otranto. 12mo, boards, uncut (portions of some pages stained).
Philadelphia, 1817
176. France and Holland. Extrait du Aloniteur, Jeudi, 4 Aout 1831. De-
claration de Guerre de la France a la Hollande. Woodcut of rooster
with brolicn wing, and trumpet. (Mentions the King’s recognition
of the independence of Belgium, a telegraphic dispatch concerning
an engagement between the troops of Belgium and Holland at Gancl,
etc. i p. 4to. [Paris], 1831
177 France and the Allies. Traite de Paix, An nom de la tres-sainte et
indivisible Trinite, 30 Alai, 1814. (An early printed copy of the
Treaty). 4 pp., small folio, unbound. Paris, 1814
178. French Currency. Siege de Lyon. Bon pour Cinquante Sous. Auto-
graph signature.
179. French Currency. Siege de Alayence. Dix Sous. [1793]
180 French Currency. Section de Thermes dc Julien. Billet Citoyen.
151. French Ccrrency. Republique Franraise. Assignat de mille francs.
152. French Currency. Rcpubliciue Francaise. Assignat de cinq cents liv.
183. French Currency. Repiiblique Frangaise. l‘ronicsse de mandat terri-
torial, Ron pour vingt cinq francs. (2 pieces). Both with auto-
graph signatures. [1795]
184. French Currency^ Promesse de mandat territorial, bon pour vingt
cinq francs. (2 pieces). Both with autograph signatures. [1795]
185. French Cukrency. Assignat. Louis XA^I. Pour vingt cinq livres
[1791] ; and Pepublique Frangaise. Assignat de cent vingt cinq liv.
[1793]. (2 pieces).
18(5. French Currency. Pepublique Frangaise. Assignat de cinquante sols.
[1793] (4 pieces on 1 sheet not separated).
187. French Currency. Pepublique Frangaise. Assignat de cinquante
livres. [1792]
188. French Currency. Assignats de dix sous, cinquante sols, quinze sols,
etc., (8 pieces; from 10 sous to 100 francs; the verso of one contain-
ing old writing and several autograph signatures). [1791-1794]
189. French Currency. Pepublique Frangaise. Assignats de cent francs
and cinquante livres. (2 pieces.) [1792-1794]
190. French Currency. French Pevolution. Assignats de dix sous, vingt-
cinq sols, cinq livres, etc. (8 pieces.) Various denominations.
191. French Finances. Tvernois (Sir Francis D’). Expose de PExpose de
la Situation de FEmpire Frangaise, et des Comptes de Finances
pul)lies a Paris, en Fevrier et en Mars, 1813. 106 pp. small 4to,
unbound (old writing on entire verso of title). Peichenbach, 1813
192. French Newspaper. Numero 83. Journal de Paris, Jeudi 24 i\Iars
1785. (Contains advertisement of English Troupe of acrobats, in
which an American is featured). 4 pp. small 4to. Paris, 1785
193. French Newspaper. Journal des Debats. Politiques et Litteraires.
Lundi, 22 Juillet 1816. (Contains news of Prussia, Great Britain,
Proclamations by Louis XVIII., etc.). 4 pp. small folio. (With
official stamp on heading). I’aris, 1816
191. French Newspaper. Le Journal Universel, Mardi, 13 June 1815.
(Contains proclamation of Ferdinand IV., May 20, 1815; News from
Austria under date May 31, 1815; Treaty of ’Peace between Saxony
and Prussia, May 21, 1815; mentions Jolin Adams, minister of the
U. S. in London, June 9, 1815; Part of a description of the Champ-
de-i\Iai ; &c.). 2 pp. only (writing on heading). Folio, (folded).
[Paris, 1815]
195. Frexcit XEW.srARER. Journal General des Gardes Xationales de France,
Feuille Politique, Historique et Litteraire. Vendredi, 7 Juillet 1815.
(Issued about two weeks after Waterloo. Contains foreign and home
news, a Proclamation by Louis XVIII., Bulletin of the National
Guard, &c.). 4 pp. small folio. (With stamp of the Department
of the Seine). Paris, 1815
196. French Eevolution. Broadside. Loi portant que le lieu des i\louli-
neaux appartient an Departement de Paris, sous la Municipalite
d’Issy, &c. ^Voodcut head-piece. 2 pp. small 4to. Paris, 1791
Decree of the National Assembly, signed by the king and secretary of
197. French Eevolution. Saint-Etienne (Eabaut de). The History of the
Eevolution of France. Translated from the French. [Contains
Chronological Table of the Principal Decrees passed, &c.] 8vo,
boards, calf back, uncut (worn). London, 1792
198. Frencec Eevolution. The Leeds Mercury, November 23, 1793. Folio,
as issued. Leeds, 1793
Contains account of the execution of Egalite.
199. French Eevolution. Tafereelen van de Staatsomwenteling in Frank-
rijk. ^VitJl a large number of finely engraved portraits and.vieivs
of persons and incidents during the revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, half
cloth. Amsterdam, 1794-1807
Includes portraits of Napoleon, Brissot, Talleyrand, Kleber, Robespierre-
Mirabeau, and many others. Assumed to be perfect, but sold w.a.f.
200. French Eevolution. Authentic Memoirs of the Eevolution in France.
and of the Sufferings of the Eoyal Family. From Accounts of Eye-
Witnesses, principally. Portrait of Louis XVI. and title-vignette.
8vo, half scored-calf. London, 1817
201. French Eevolution. A Collection of 55 Scenes of the French Eevolu-
tion and Portraits of Napoleon’s Generals, engraved by Bosselman,
Burdet, &c., after Raffet, Scheffer, and others. 8vo, mounted to
royal 8vo, on India paper, and published by Fume, Paris. (1 or
2 plates somewhat spotted.) n.d.
202. Frieden’s Almanach von 1803. With portraits of Erlach, Reding, Corn-
ivallis and Toussaint Louverture (both on covers), and others, also
views. 12mo, original wrappers, pp. loose. Gottingen, 1803
203. Gabourd (Amedee). Histoire de Napoleon Bonaparte. Engraved title,
and 3 plates. 8vo, stamped morocco, gilt. Tours, 1845
204. Garrick Playbill, Theatre Eoyal, Drury-Lane, May 25, 1775, where a
performance of The Wonder ” was given Towards raising a fund
for the relief of those who from their infirmities shall be obliged to
retire from the stage.” Garrick as Don Felix, also with Miss Pope,
Bannister, Mrs. Yates and others. Framed.
■205.,.VL (Luce De) -Me.noii-e du General Co.nte I^co de
Gasmri-Belleval, Ancien C]iaml)erlain Actnel du Eoi de iolo„ c,
C efa eHe phisieurs ordre,., &c. (.V reply t« certa.n a.ijers.ona
upon his character and actions made by the Count Yps.lanty, am
others). 30 pp. 4to, unbound. 1 1
206. Gazette Officielle. Extract, Paris le 8 Aout, 181o. Ordonnanee du
Itoi, Lille le 23 Mars 1815. (Concerns aftairs of the Anny, the abol-
ishment of conscription, names of new Administrative Council, etc.)
Ito, unbound. Ians, Ihlo
4 pp. small
Gfkvi-vn -vnd Swedish Curuency. Various denominations. 4 pieces
VTl.lV.M-l.rN -VVNIA irOT-lftnU
208. Gibbox (Francis). The Public Characters of Europe; containing the
Lives of all the Eminent Men now Living, etc. . . _ . forming a
Complete History of the Late War. hng reived portraits. 3 \ols. ex-
tended to 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, some edges
uncut. London [1814-1 5 J
Extra-illtjstr-\ted by the insertion of 211 j)ortraits of Napoleon and his
IMarshals, Wellington, Sir .Tohn Moore, Bernadotte, and others, together
with numerous views, many inlaid.
209. Gifford (E.). Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of Napoleon Buona-
parte, in France, Italy, Germany, etc. Mnps, engraved titles, and
plates 1)11 the Cruikshanhs, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf.
London [1814]
210. Giraud (P. F. F. J.). The Campaign of Paris in 1814; To which is
prefixed a Sketch of the Campaign of 1813. Translated from the
French. Map, plan and portrait, inserted. 8vo, half red morocco,
gilt, gilt top. London, 1815
211. GoLDsyiiTii (Lewis). State of the French Eepublic at the End of the
Year AHII. [1800]. Translated from the French of Citizen Hau-
terive. Portrait, inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops,
uncut. London, 1801
212. iGoLDsyiiTH (Lewis)]. The Eevolutionary Plutarch; E.xhibiting the
most Distinguished Characters in the Eecent Annals of the French
Eepublic. 3 portraits. Thick, 12mo, cloth (name on each of the 3
titles). London, 1805
213. [Goldsmith (Lewis)]. IMemoirs of C. i\L Talleyrand de Perigord . . .
his Private and Public Life, and Intrigues in Boudoirs as well as in
Cabinets. By the author of the “ Eevolutionary Plutarch.” Portrait
and- facsimiles. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf (covers loose).
London, 1805
214. [Goldsmith (Leivis)]. The Secret History of the Court and Cabinet
of St. Cloud, in a Series of Letters written in 1805. Portrait and
view, inserted. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut (mar-
gins on some pages stained). Philadelphia, 1806
215. GoLDsiMiTH (Lewis). Seci’ct History of tlie Cabinet of Bonaparte;
including Ids Private Infe, CharacL'r, dvc., with Secret Anecdotes of
the Jiilferent CVnirts of Europe, and dhvo Ap})endices consisting of
State Papers. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt
to]), partly uncut (name on title). London, 1810
21G. Gomm (Sih AV. iALiynahu). Letters and Journals of Field-Marshal
Gomni, from ITUt) to \Vaterloo, 1815. Edited by Francis C. Carr-
Gomm. 8vo, cloth, top edges uncut. London, 1881
Inserted is :i D.S.. 1 j). folio, “ IMontlily lietuni. etc., of the Coldstream
Kegt. of Foot Guards,” with the autograph signature of Sir AY. AI. Gomin.
217. GooDiMCii (Fkank B.). The Court of Kapoleon ; or, Society under
the First Empire. Engraved ptates, after Jutes Champagne, with an
extra ptate, inserted. Imperial 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges.
Philadelphia, 18G-1
Gothaischek genealogischer Hof-Ivalcnder auf das Jahr 1828. Fine
portraits, inclnding Chateauhriand, Wiltiarn II., and others. 12mo,
original pictorial boards. Gotha, [1828]
219. Goudemetz (11.) . Historical Epochs of the French Bevolution. Trans-
lated from the French, by l)r. Bandoljdi. To which is subjoined the
Judgment and Execution of Louis XVL 8vo, original ))oards, outer
and lower edges uncut. Bath [Eng.], Printed for the Author, 179G
220. GouKGAri) (General Gasp.vrd). The Campaign of 1815 ; or, a Xarra-
tive of the jMilitary Operations which took place in Ph-ance and Bel-
gium during the Ilundred Daj^s. Written at St. Helena. Fotding
map (torn), and tahtes. 8yo, half calf, gilt (joints weak).
London, 1818
N!i])oleon's statement in which he attributes the less of the Rattle of
AV'aterloo to Alarshal Grouchy, occurs in this volume for the tirst time.
221. Gourgaci) (General Gaspard). Napoleon and the Grand Army in
Bussia; or a Critical Plxamination of Count Philip de Segur's Work.
Translated from the Ph’ench by a Gentleman of Phihulelphia. [A.
Phideyl. 8vo, half red moi'occo, gilt, gilt top. Philadelphia. 1825
Extha-ii.ia.'sthatei) by the insertion of a map, and numerous portraits
and views, including several each of Napoleon and Alarshal Ney, a number
222. OwiLLiAN (John). The Imperial Captive; or, the Fncxampled Career
of the Lx-Phn))cror Napoleon, from the period of his (Quitting Phba
to his Surrender to the English Nation. ] A I’oein.] 2 vols. 8vo.
hal f cal f ( rubbed ) . ' London, 1817
225. Hall ((bvPTAiN Basil). Napoleon in Council, or the Oiiinions delivered
bv Bonaparte in the Council of State. From the French of Baron
Pelet. Facsimite. 8vo, boards, cloth back, some leaves uncut.
Pldinburgh, 1887
224. Hall (Charles H.). ^lemoirs of the Ihfe of Andrew Hofer, containing
an account of transactions iii tlic Tyrol in 1809. From tlie German.
Colored frontispiece, and folding map. 8vo, oidginai hoards, uncut.
London, 1820
The (Jerniiui work, from wliicli the above is a translation, has been
ascribed to Baron Ilormayi'.
225. [IlAyriLTOx (Captain I.)]. Annals of tlie Peninsular Campaigns, from
1808 to 1814. By the author of Cyril Thornton. Jkittle plans. First
Fdition. 8 vols. 12mo, printed boards, uncut. (1 vol. slightly
shaken). Edinburgh, 182!)
22G. Hamilton (Thomas). Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. Xew
Edition retdsed and augmented by Frederick Hardman. 8vo, cloth.
Edinburgh, 184!)
0 0 '
Haudricourt (Ternisien 1)’). Fastes de la Nation Frangaise.
Ouvrage presente au Eoi et honore de Faeeueil tiatteur de sa Majeste,
etc. Nearly 200 engraved plates of French hattle scenes on sea and
land, incidents of the French Revolution, dec., with descriptive text
also engraved, hy Delvaux, Pigeot, Girardet, &c., after Laptte, Swe-
hach. Martinet, and others. 3 vols. folio, half red morocco, gilt, gilt
tops. Paris; Chez Deerouan, n.d. \ circa 1815 |
200 scenes, incidents, trininphal entries, &c., in which Naiioleon, his Mar-
shals, and other officers took part, many of these scenes depictin.u: lieroic
actions of not only the prominent soldiers, but also of those of little re-
nown. Each plate contains a description of the deed or incident noted
Amon^ the well-known names chosen for lionoralile mention are those
of .Andreossi. Berthier, Camliacffi'es, Davaust, Grouchy. Kellerman, Lannes,
Ne.v, and otliers.
Some of the scenes luctured are: — Battik of Austerlitz. Passajre of the
Danube, Entry of Louis XVIII. into Calais. Wellington at Waterloo, &c.
228. [Hay (Colonel Leitit)]. Memoirs of the late Sir James Leith, with a
Ih-ecis of some of the most remarkalile events of the Peninsular War.
By a British Officer. First Edition. 12mo, half leather.
London, 1818
229. Hazlitt (William). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Second
Edition, Revised by his son. Engraved titles, and portraits {several
inserted). 4 vols. 12mo, original cloth, top edges uncut.
London, 1852
230. Headley (J. T.). Napoleon and His i\rarshals.
12mo, cloth.
Portraits. 2 vols.
New York, 1840
Henry IV. Pony (Coflln de). Hommage a Henry-le-Grand, on le Retour
au Bonlieur, Allegorie Lyriquem, i\hisifpie de Foignet; (et) La
Statue de Henry lY. 2 pieces, small 4to, unbouiuL (Writing on
last page of each.) l>aris, 1814
Henue (G. L.). (ieschiclitc Na])olcon’s von der Wiege bis zum Gralic in
Wort und Bild. Numerous portraits and hattle scenes, etc. 2 vols.
12mo, half bound. Leipzig, 1843
233. Hewestox (W. B.). History of Napoleon Bonaparte, and Wars of
Biirope, from the Eevolution in France to the Termination of the
Late Wars; Including Anecdotes of the Most Celebrated Characters.
Portraits, views, and 2 copperplate titles. 3 vols. 8vo, half red moroc-
co, symbolical gilt backs, some edges uncut. London, 1815
234. tlisToniE de Napoleon contenant la Vie, les Campagnes, la Mort et le
Testament de cet homme illustre; Suivie cFune Notice Biographique
sur le Due de Beichstadt. Par un Contemi^orain. Portraits and title
vignette. 12mo, boards, calf back. Limoges, 1835
235. [Hobhouse (J.)]. The Substance of Some Letters, written l)y an En-
glishman at Paris during the Last Eeign of the Emperor Napoleon.
With Appendix of Official Documents. 2 vols. 8vo, half straight-
grain morocco. London, 1816
These letters are supposed to have been written to Lord Byron.
236. Hodgsox (VTlliam). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Portrait, in-
serted. 8vo, cloth (slightly shaken). London, n.d.
237. [Hook (Theodore).] Facts, Illustrative of the Treatment of Na-
poleon Buonaparte in Saint Helena. 3 aquatmt views. 8vo, half red
morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top. London, 1819
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 40 portraits, views, maps,
etc., some on India paper and inlaid.
238. Horxe (Eichard Hexgtst). The History of Napoleon. Edited by
Horne. Hundreds of illustrations after Baffet and Horace Ternet, 2
portraits on India paper, and the Sainshury series of Napoleon s
signatures {inserted). 2 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth (a few pp.
foxed). London, 1840-1844
239. Horxe (Eichard Hexgtst). The History of Napoleon. Illustrated.
2 vols. royal 8vo, 1 cloth, 1 half morocco, rubbed, and some plates
crudely colored. London, 1840-1844
240. FIue (Fraxcis). Last Years of the Eeign and Life of Louis NVI.
Translated by E. C. Dallas. Portrait, engraved hy Scliiavonetti, after
the aidlior. 8vo, half calf, gilt (writing on title). London, 1806
241. HucfO (A.), llistoire de FEmpereur Napoleon, redigee d’apres les notes
et dictees de FEmpereur lui-meme; ct les ecrits de i\L\l. Las Cases,
Bertrand, i\ront]io]on, etc. Portrait, folding plate and 30 text illus-
trations. 8vo, boards (somewhat worn). Stuttgart, 1834
242. IIuLFREiCHS (JOHAXX F.). Zeit-Caleiider auf das Jahr 1817. IFE/i
curious woodcuts, one being a half-page cut of “ Die Insol St. Helena ”
with lengthy description). Small 4to, unbound. Nurnberg, [1817]
2-13. Imperial Decrees. Bulletin des Lois. No. 6. (Contains 9 decrees of
Napoleon, from JMarch 24 to 26, 1815, including the appointment of
Ij. a. Chanpiagny, Due de Cadorc, the nomination of two adminis-
trators for the Tmterie Imperiale, etc. Countersigned by Due de
Bassano and Comte Boulay). 8 pp. 12mo, unbound. Paris, 1815
244. Impeuial Genealogy. The Imperial Family, and the Great Officers of
State, Civil and Military in France. Humbly dedicated^ to the
Admirers of the French llevoliition, and of Liberty and Equality.
4 pp. folio, unbound. London, 18 lU
An extract from the Literary I’anorama, an English periodical. Some of
the descriptions of these “ Imperial Worthies appear so extraordinary and
so atrocious that the nature of the English character will hardly
credit to them.” Note the descriptions of Buonaparte himself, Letitia Ra-
niolini, the mother of the Imperial Family, the sisters of Napoleon, etc.
245. Indians. A collection of 34 arrow heads collected by Kennedy Palmer,
of Pichmond, Va., on the banks of the Chickahoming Fiver, Henrico
Co., Va. Mounted on card.
246. Inteecepted Lettees. (Published by Authority.) Letters de FArmee
en Egypte, au Goiivernement Frangois. Interceptees par la corvette
de sa Majeste Britannique, El Yincejo, dans la Mediterranee. 8vo,
boards, leather back (several leaves repaired). Londres, 1800
247. Invasion of England. An Appeal from the Passions to the Sense of the
Country, upon Buonaparte and Invasion. 17 pp. 12mo, wrappers.
London, 1803
248. Invasion of Wales. The St. James’ Chronicle on British Evening
Post. Feb. 23-28, 1797. 2 Xos. Folio, as issued. London, 1797.
Contains accounts of the landing of French troops in Wales, etc.
249. Ieeland (W. H.). France for the Last Seven Years; or, The Bourbons.
8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1822
250. Ieeland (W. H.). France for the Last Seven Years; or. The Bourbons.
1 vol. extended to 2 vols. 8vo, full polished crimson calf, symbolical
gilt backs with bees, croumed “ X,” and eagle, sides with triple line
border, crowned “ X ” in centres, etc., inside gilt borders, gilt tops,
bound for owner by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1822
Extra-iixustbated by the insertion of nearly 150 portraits, views, etc.,
many inlaid, and a number on India paper, with several proofs, including
a facsimile of Napoleon’s handwriting, portrait of Danton by Sandor after
Bonneville, Schianvonetti’s copperplate of the Duke of Angouleme, the
scarce double-page view of Buonaparte at the Field of May. the colored
print of Corporal Violet with its curious history and symbolical meaning,
the colored portrait of Sir R. T. Wilson, etc., etc.
251. Ieeland (W. H.). France for the Last Seven Wars; or. The Bourbons.
8vo, boards (covers loose) . London, 1822
252. Ieeland (W. H. — Editor). The Xapoleon Anecdotes; illustrating the
jMental Energies of the late Emperor of France. Frontispieces. 6
vols. in 3, 24mo, full calf. London, 1822-3
253. [Ieish Lotteey Tickets]. Two pieces; (1) Part share in the Sixth
Lottery for 1811; (2) Part share in tlie Third Lottery for 1810.
xHitograph signature of Bish, Stock Broker, London, on both.
254. Island E^iPiitE (the) : or. the Scenes of the First Exile of the Emperor
Xapoleon I. with Xarrative of Ids Besideuee on Elba. Bv the author
of “Blondellc.” Colored portrait of Napoleon. 8vo, cloth.
London. 1855
255. Island Empire (the) ; or Scenes of the First Exile of Xapoleon on the
Island of Elba. By the author of “ Blonclelle.” 12ino^ cloth.
Philadelphia, 1855
256. [JoMiNi (Baron de)]. Napoleon in the other World. A Narrative
written by Himself and hAund near his Tomb in St. Helena. By
Xongo-Tee-Foh-Tchi, ]\Iandarin of the Third Class. Curious frontis-
piece. 8vo, original hoards, uncut (somewhat worn). London, 1827
The authorship of this work has been attributed to the Baron Jomini,
aide-de-camp to Marshal Ney, etc.
257. Jones (Paul). Life, Aoyages and Sea Battles of the celebrated seaman,
Paul Jones, still remembered by some of the old inhabitants now
living in Wapping, he being originally in the Coal Trade, &c. Col-
ored frontispiece in 5 compartments. 12mo, original wrappers,
stitched. Derby [Eng.], n.d. \ circa 1820]
258. Jones (Paul). Het Leven van Paul Jones, nit Oorspronkelijke Stukken
Opgemaakt, in hezit van John Henry Sherburne. Translated from
the English. Portrait. 8vo, boards. Groningen, 1829
A Swedish translation of Sherburne’s Life of Paul Jones.
259. Josephine. Life of the Empress Josephine, Wife of Napoleon I. Por-
trait. 8vo, half blue morocco. Philadelphia, [1870]
260. Journal of a Party of Pleasure to Paris, in August, 1802. 13 aquatint
views from drawings by the author. 8vo, blue boards, uncut (back
uncovered). London, 181-1
261. Journee de Mont Saint-Jean. Par Paul. (Pamphlet of Sd pp. review-
ing many of the events in Napoleon’s career, particularly those pre-
vious to, and including, Waterloo, up to the period of the Allies’ en-
trance into Paris). 12mo, unbound and uncut. Paris, 1818
262. JuNOT (Madame— Duchesse d’Abrantes). Memoirs of Napoleon, his
Court and Family. 16 plates of Napoleon and his family. 2 vols. 8vo,
half calf, gilt (binding poor). London, 1836
263. Kennedy (General Sir James S.). Notes on the Battle of Waterloo.
With a Brief Memoir of his Life and Services, and Plan for the De-
fence of Canada. Folding plan of the Battle. (Slightly repaired).
8vo, cloth (small label removed from front cover). London, 1865
264. Kirchenhoeeer (IL). Book of Fate formerly in the Possession of Na-
poleon, and now First Rendered into English . . . from an
Ancient Egyptian Manuscript. Folding Icey-plate. remounted on
linen. 8vo, boards, cloth back (binding stained), and a few pages
loose). London, 1834
265. [Kray (Baron)]. Revolutions Almanach von 1801. Vdith portraits of
Baron Kray {Austrian general), JBourat Bey, and others, also views,
etc. 12mo, original wrappers, loose. Gottingen [1801]
266. Kriegs und Friedens- Almanach von 1804. With numerous portraits and
views, including portraits of Lefevre, Duphot, Bertliier. Bernadoite,
Jourdan, Kellcrman, Marccau, and others. 12mo, old boards.
Gottingen [1804]
Lab:a.ume (Eugene). Narrative of the Campaign in Itussia, in 1812
. of which the writer was an eye-witness. Translated t’roin
the French. 12ino, printed boards, uncut (worn). London, 181o
2()8. Labau:me (Eugene). A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in
Itiissia, containing description of scenes of wdiicli the author was an
Eye-Witness. Translated from the French. Fortreni, and plans of
the hattles of Moskiva and Malo-Jaroslavitz. 8vo, recently bound in
half calf, gilt (some leaves and plates stained).
Hartford [Ct.], 1817
209. Labedoyere (Charles A. FI., Comte L)e). Memoirs of the Public and
Private Life of Napoleon P)onaparte; wdth Historical Illustrations
and Original Anecdotes. Colored map and portrait {-uncolored) . 2
vols. 8vo, old calf, (binding worn and small portion of text of 1 p.
torn). London [ca. 1827]
270. Labedoyere (Charles A. H., Comte De). IMemoirs of the Public and
Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; with Historical Illustrations
and Original Anecdotes. Colored illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, polished
calf (1 side of 1 vol. loose). London, circa 1827
The illustrjitioiis colored by hand i)rohal)ly some years later. Includes
Napoleon’s Will, and a chronoloj,dcal list of ins achievements.
271. Lacretelle (i\[. C.). Analogies et Contrastes entre Olivier Cromwell et
N. Buonaparte. Lus dans la seance publique annuelle des cinq Acad-
emies de ITnstitut de France, le 2 Mai 1837. IF pp. Fto, unbound.
[Paris, 1837]
Author’s presentation copy, with inscription on title.
272. Lafayette (Marquis De). The St. James’ Chronicle, Dec. 15-17, 17!)r).
Folio, as issued. London, 1791)
Contains account of Hafayette in prison at Olmutz with speech of I’itt
on keeping him there. Accompanied hy portraits of both.
273. Lamartine (A. De). Portraits- Vignettes pour PHistoire des Girondins.
Dessins par Ralfet. 11 parts (should be 12), Fto, wTappers, as issued,
Paris, 18F7 ; The Gallery of Pictures painted by Benjamin West
. . . engraved in outline by Henry IMoses. 15 plates (should
be 16), Fto, unbound. London [1811]
27F. Lanfrey (P.). The History of Napoleon the First. F vols. 12mo.
cloth, top edges uncut. With Index. I.ondon, 1886
The best history of Napoleon from the point of view of “The Oitiio-
275. Lange (JIoritz). Napoleons Denckschriften von ihm selbst in St.
Helena geschrieben. Full length portrait of Napoleon, seated, and
surrounded hy officers. 12mo, old wrappers. Augsburg [1821]
276. Langon (Baron L. L.). Evenings with Prince Cambaceres, Second
C^msul, Arcli-Chancellor, etc. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. ( Lil)rary
copy). London, 1837
277. Langox (Barox L. L.). Evenings with Prince Cambaceres, Second
Consul. Fortraits inserted. 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt,
gilt tops. (Writing on top margins of several pages).
Philadelphia, 1838
278. Laxterxe Magique (La) de la Erie Imperiale. (A curious review
of the affairs of Paris, &c., from the time of the arrival of the youth-
ful Napoleon and his family from Corsica to the entry of Louis
XVIII.) 8 pp. 12mo, in crudely-made wrappers.
[Paris, circa 1811]
279. Larochejaqueleix (Doxxissax, Marquise De). Memoirs of the
Marchioness De Laroche jaquelein. Map of the theatre of ivar in La
Vendee, and illustrations. Translated from the French. 8vo, half
red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1816
Extra-illustrated bj" the insertion of numerous portraits and views,
several on India paper.
280. Larpext (Sir George — Editor). The Private Journal of E. Seymour
Larpent, attached to Headquarters of Lord Wellington during the
Peninsular War, from 1812 to its close. Second Edition, Eevised. 2
vols. 12mo, half red calf, gilt. London, 1853
281. Las Cases (Emmaxuel A. D. M. J., Comte De). Journal of the Private
Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena.
New Edition. Portraits and maps, several inserted. 4 vols. 8vo,
half calf. London, 1824
282. Laskey (Captaix" J. C.). Description of the Medals Struck by Order
of Napoleon, Commemorating the Most Eemarkable Battles and
Events during his Dynasty. Portrait and vignettes. Eoyal 8vo.
green straight-grain morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges.
London, 1818
A UNIQUE VOLUME, with Colored armorial bookplate of C. R. Taylor, a
former owner, and containing a remarkable series of pencil-sketches by
him of 148 medals, obverse and reverse [nearly 300 drawings in all],
copied from the originals. These sketches are mounted on about 30pp.
and bound in, together with a descriptive title carefully printed in ink
by his hand. Laid in are a well-executed pencil likeness of Mr. Taylor
by George Dance, and a photograph of the Chevalier John Taylor, M.D.
The details of the medals are unusually distinct, exhibiting marvelous
patience and skill on the part of Mr. Taylor, who must have devoted
many days to the work. The occurrences commemorated begin with the
Rattle of Montenotte in 1790, and conclude with Napoleon's embarkation
at Rochefort in 1815.
Medals sketched comprise that portion generally known as the “ Mint
Series,” completed by the addition of those medals which were in prog-
ress at the Restoration of the Rourbons, and are chiefly from the designs
of the Raron Denon, “ directeur du Musee Napoleon a Paris.”
283. Lavallette (Marie Ci-iamaxs, Comte De). Memoirs of Count Laval-
lette. Written by Himself. Portrait {laid in). 2 vols. 8vo, half
calf (slightly rubbed). London, 1831
284. Lavater (Jeax G.). Le Lavater Portatif, ou Precis de FArt de Con-
naitre les Homnies par les Traits du Visage. Portrait and 32 plates,
IX COLOR. Square 24mo, wrappers, uncut (worn). Paris, 1812
Lavatee (John 0.)- Portatif. With 5G plates in colors should beGl
2 vols. 12mo, original wrappers, loose. Bruxelles, 1 -
Leach (Lieut.-Col. J.). Rough Sketches of the Life of an Ohl
during a Service in the West Indies . . _. including the Battles ol
Qiiatre Bras and Waterloo. Colored frontispiece, inserted. 8vo, ha i
red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top. London, Ibol
287. Leffingwell Catalogue. Autograph Letters and Historical Docu-
ments collected by the late Prof. E. H. Leffingwell, of Xew Ha^en,
Conn., sold by auction in Boston, January 6, 1891, and following
davs. Complete in 2 parts. Priced. Royal 8vo, half red morocco.
Boston, 1891
288. Letters from Portugal and Spain, written during the March of the
British Troops under Sir John Moore. By an Officer. Map and
plates. 8vo, half calf. London, 1809
289. Lewis (James H.). Orations on the Battle of aterloo, and on the
Rise and Fall of Buonaparte. 12mo, printed boards, uncut (shaken).
London, 1815
290. Life of Bonaparte, First Consul, from his Birth to the Peace of Lune-
ville. Translated from the French. Portrait engraved loy Heath.
8vo, half calf (plate spotted, and name on title). London, 1802
291. [Lockhart (J. G.)]. The Court and Camp of Buonparte. Illustrated.
16mo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top. London, 1831
Extka-illustrated by the insertion of 49 portraits of Napoleon’s Mar-
shals, Generals, and members of his family, including engraved frontis-
piece of Talleyrand by E. Finden.
292. Lockwood (Joseph). Guide to St. Helena, Descriptive and Historical,
with a Visit to Longwood and Xapoleon’s Tomb. 12 mo, cloth.
St. Helena, 1851
293. Long and Beresford Letters. A Reply to the Misrepresentations and
Aspersions on the Military Reputation of the late Lieut.-Gen. R. B.
Long (C. E. Long). Also, a Second Letter to C. E. Long by General
Lord Viscount Beresford. In 1 voh, 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt
back Avith the crovmed “ X,’’ by Larkins. London, 1832-1
291. London Chronicle (The) . June 30, July 16, 1789. Ito. Sewn.
London, 1789
Contains General Washington’s Speech April 13th, 17S9 ; also other
items of American interest.
295. London Chronicle (The). August 8 to September 3, 1789 (not quite
consecutive). 2 pieces, Ito, Sown. London, 1789
296. Long Island. Long Island Star. August 30, 1810. 4 pp., folio.
Brooklyn, 1810
Contains an account of the total annihilation of the Press in France
commencing. “By late Decree of Napoleon’s the last spark of freedom in
France has been extinguished. ”
297. Louis XVI. The Whitehall Evening Post. June 25-28 and 30, July 2,
1791. 2 pcs. Folio, as issued. London, 1791
Coiitain.s accouut of the pur.suit and capture of Louis XVI. and family.
298. Louis XVI. The London Chronicle, June 23-30, 1791. 2 pcs., small
folio, as issued. London, 1791
Contains account of the tlight and captiu’e of Louis XVI.
299. Louis XVI. National Convention. The Defence of Louis. Translated
from the French by Cezar Duboc. J 'portraits, inserted. IGmo,
modern wrappers. Paris; National Press, 1792
Citizen Deseze was one of Louis’ “ official councils,” and wrote his de-
fence of the King in four night.s, delivering it at the Bar of the National
Convention, December 2G, 1792, the first year of the French Republic.
300. Louis XVI. The Whitehall Evening Post, Dec. 29, 1792-Jan. 1, 1793.
Folio, as issued. London, 1793
Contains an account of the trial of Louis XVI.
At The American Art Galleries
Second Session, Numbers 301 to 574, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
301. Louis XVT. Baldwin’s London AVeekly Journal, Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 2G,
and Fel). 2, 1793 (containing account of the trial and execution).
With 5 extra plates. Together, 11 pieces.
302. Louis XVI. The Leeds jMercury, Jan. 20, 1793. Folio, as issued.
Leeds, 1793
Contains tlie sentence on Louis XVI. und a selection of the reasons of
the various members of the National Convention why he should be sen-
tenced to death.
303. Louis XVI. The Leeds Wercury, Feb. 2, 1793. Folio, as issued.
Leeds, 1793
Contains account of the execution of Louis XVI.
304. Louis XVI. Trapp (Joseph). Proceedings of the French National
Convention on the Trial of Louis XVI; to which are added inter-
esting particulars attending the Treatment and Execution of the
ill-fated Monarch. Illustrated. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt to}),
uncut. London; Printed for the Author, 1793
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 7(1 portraits, views. &c., some
on India paper, and a number inlaid.
305. Louis XVI. The London Chronicle, July 7-9, 1795. Small folio, as
issued. London, 1795
Contains account of the exchange of the daughter of Louis XVI.
30C. Louis XVI. The St. James’s Chronicle, Jan. 2-5, and 7-9, 1796. 2
pieces. Folio, as issued. London, 1796
Contains information regarding the daughter of Louis XVI.
307. Louis XA^II. The London Chronicle, June 13-16, and 18-20, 1795.
2 vols. small. Folio, as issued. With portrait. l.ondon, 1795
t (uitains account ()f the death of the Dauphin and of the i)ost-mortem
on the body.
308. Louis XAJ 11. Pegnauld (Joseph). Le Serment des Frangais a Louis
XA'JIL A Poem. Cu/ on title. 8 jip. small 4to, unbound. (I’en-
cillcKl notes on final page.) Paris, 1814
309. Louis XA^lII. Le Cri clii Peiiple (J. E. Lamolle) ; L’Acciieil de Louis
X\ III au Cri du Peuple. Portrait (laid in). 2 pp. small 4to
(writing at bottom 2d page). Paris, 1814
310. Louis XA^II. Extrait dn Moniteur dn Dimanche 8 Mai, 1814. (Ap-
points Xey, Angereau, Macdonald, Dupont and others, on the “ Con-
seil de la Guerre,” &c.). 2 pp. small 4to. Paris, 1814
311. Louis XL III. Extrait du Moniteur du 7 Mai 1814. Garde Xationale
Sedentaire de Paris. Ordre du Jour. (Signed by Dessole, le general
commandant en chef). 2 pp. 4to. Paris, 1814
312. Louis XA III. Extrait du Aloniteur du 4 Alai 1814. (Particulars of the
First Audience held by Louis as King of France, with addresses of
welcome, &c.). Cut of “fleur-de-lis^' on shield, &c. 4 pp. 4to, un-
bound. Paris, 1814
313. Louis XVIII. Aux Francois. Alanifesto, in French, from Louis, several
months prior to Xapoleon’s abdication, commenting upon FUsur-
pateur du Trone de St. Louis,” &c. Signed, Louis. 1 p. 4to (1
corner stained). Hartwell, 1814
A valuable historical document issued to the People of France by Louis,
from Plartwell, Bucks, England, to which place he had been banished
after the Peace of Tilsitt.
314. Louis XAHII. Charte Constitutionelle ; Declaration de Saint-Ouen,
Droit public des Frangais, De FOrdre judiciaire, &c. Engraved por-
trait (stained at top), laid in. Small oblong folio, folded.
Paris, &c., 1814-5
315. Louis XA^III. Extrait de la Gazette Officielle. Paris, le 3 Aout, 1815.
Ordonnances du Eoi. (Upon military promotions, &c.) 4 pp.
small 4to, unbound. With portrait of the king, laid in. Paris, 1815
316. Louis XAHII. Ordonnances du Eoi [Louis XVIII]. Extrait de la
Gazette Officielle, Paris le 31 Aout, 1815. (Gives many details rela-
tive to the forniation of a new Cavalry Organization, imprisonment of
General Aloncey, &c.). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Portraits of the
King and Aloncey, laid in. Paris, 1815
317. Louis XAHII. Extrait du Aloniteur du 9 Juillet 1815. (Description of
the arrival of the King, the scenes upon his entr}'- into the capital, the
display of white cockades, address of the Count de Chabrol, &c.).
4 pp. small 4to, unbound, uncut. Paris, 1815
318. Louis XVIII. Extrait du Aloniteur et de la Gazette Officielle du 25
Juillet, 1815. Ordonnance du Eoi. (Appoints many new Peers, with
list of names, &c.). 4 pp. 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
319. Louis PiiiuirPE. Essai sur les Comtes de Paris. Au Profit de Foeuvre
des Aleres de famille. Portrait of the Duchesse D’Orleans. 8vo,
stamped morocco, sides with centre monogram of “ LP ” with crown
in gold, gilt back, gilt edges. Paris, 1841
From the library of Louis Philippe, King of France, with a pencilled
note on flyleaf to that effect.
Louvet (J. B.). Narrative of the Dangers to whidi I have been Kx-
posed since May 31, 1793. 8vo, paper wrappers, nnent.
Dublin, 1795
Lowe (Sik Hudson). Memorial do Sir H. Lowe, Kelatif a la Captivite
de Napoleon a Sainte-IIelmie. Portrait. 12mo, wrapj)ers, iincnt
(lacks atlas with views). Bruvelles, 1830
[Lowell (James Bussell).] Eagle. Vol. 1. No. 3. Feb. 2, 1848.^ 4
pp. Folio, as issued. New York, 1848
Contains the poem "The Royal l’e(li,t;ree ” l)y Lowell, probably its tirst
Lyons Dispatch. Extrait du Moniteur du Dinianclie 2 Avril 1815.
Depeches Telegraphiqiies. (From the Prefect and Division Com-
mander, April 1. Mentions that all is quiet at Lj'Ons, the arrival at
Montelimart of the Duke of Angouleme, &c.). 2 pp. 8vo (slight
repair to part of leaf). Laid in are 3 engraved views of Lyons, and
a plan of same. [Paris, 1815]
Macieone (Francis). Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death
of Joachim Murat, King of Naples; and the Second Eestoration of
the Bourbons ; and, A Few Specimens of the Ars Logica Copleiana,
or, Solicitor-General’s Logic. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf.
London, 1817-20
Mackay (Samuel — Translator). Campaigns of the Armies of France,
in Prussia, Saxony, and Poland, in 1806-7. With Biographical Notes.
Translated from the French. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, original board.s, uncut,
(binding poor and many leaves stained). Boston, 1808
[Magen (Hippolyte) ] . Les Deux Cours, et Les Nuits de St. Cloud:
Moeurs, Debauches et Crimes de la Famille Bonaparte. 24mo, half
morocco, gilt, gilt top. Bruxelles et Paris, 1852-1870
Maitland (Captain F. L.). Narrative of the Surrender of Buonaparte,
and of his Eesidence on board the Bellerophon. Chart. 8vo, boards
(binding somewhat shaken, and name on title). London, 1826
Malmesbury (Earl of). Jlemoirs of an Ex-Minister. An Autobiog-
raphy. New Edition. 12mo, cloth. London, 1885
]\Ianuel des Amis de la Constitution. Illustrated. 12mo, boards, uncut.
Paris, 1792; Campaign of General Bonaparte, Edinburgh, 1800,
12mo, boards, uncut; Jlemoirs of the Life and Actions of Napoleon,
12mo, boards, uncut, Hudson (N. Y.), (all slightly imperfect). To-
gether, 3 vols.
Manuscript of 1814. History of events which led to the Abdication of
Napoleon. Written at the Command of the Emperor, by Baron Fain.
Large folding map of the Campaign of 1814 and facsimile. 8vo,
boards, uncut (binding slightly damaged). London, 1823
was Na]K)lcon’s secretary in liis later campaigns.
331. Manuscript transmitted from St. Helena by an Unknown Channel.
'Franslated from the French. [J. F. L. I)e Chateau vieux]. 8vo,
half cloth. London, 1817
332. Manuscript transmitted from St. Helena, by an Unknown Channel.
Translated from the French. Illustrations. 8vo, half red morocco,
symbolical gdlt back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1817
Extka-iulustr.\ted by the insertion of 35 portraits and views, a few
inlaid. A scarce antobio^ijrapliy of Napoleon, said to have been fabricated
by J. F. L. De Chateauvieux.
333. jMarat (Jean Paul). Baldwin’s London Weekly Journal, Jul}^ 27,
1793. Folio, as issued. London, 1793
Contains account of the assassination of Marat, accompanied by por-
traits of Marat and Corday. ,
334. IMarat (Jean Paul)- The Leeds Mercury. July 27, August 3 and 17,
1793. 3 iSios. Folio, as issued. With portraits of Marat and Corday.
(5 pieces). Leeds, 1793
Contains material relating to Marat and Charlotte Corday.
335. Marie Antoinette. Authentic Trial at Large of Marie Antoinette,
before the Eevolutionary Tribunal, October 15, 1793 . . . with
Supplement containing Particulars of her Execution. Oval portrait
[inserted). 12mo, half morocco. London, 1793
330. IMarie Antoinette. Baldwin’s London Weekly Journal, Aug. 31 and
Oct. 26, 1793, and The Leeds IMercury Oct. 26 and Kov. 2, 1793
(containing account of the trial and execution). With 4 illustrations.
337. IMarie Antoinette. Weber (Joseph). Memoirs of Maria Antoinetta,
including several important periods of the French Eevolution. Trans-
lated from the French by E. C. Dallas, and others. Portraits hy
Bartolozzi and Scliiavonetti, including Marie Antoinette. Marie
Therese, Charles Philippe, and others. 3 vols. 8vo, half mottled calf,
gilt (binding worn). London, 1805-1812
The author is said to have been a foster-brother of Marie Antoinette.
338. IMarie-Iajuise. Maire de la Ville de Strasbourg. Programme de la
Eeception de S. ]\L L’lmperatrice-Eeine, Marie-Louise d’Autriche;
(et) Ordre de Marche. 2 pieces (1) 10 pp. small 4to. wrappers;
(2) 3 pp. 12mo, unbound. Strasbourg, 1810
Contains interesting details concerning the reception accorded Marie
Tiouise in Strasl)ourg on her way to Paris to meet Napoleon after her
marriage to him, by proxy, at Vienna. March 11, 1810.
339. IMarriage of jAaroleon. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der feierlichen
Bermahlung Sr. Majestiit des Kaisers Napoleon mit Ihro IMajestiit
der Kaiserin Marie Louise zu St. Cloud am I. April 1810. With
representation of the ceremony in colors Yermahlung sr. Franzos
Ka.ys; Mayes teit.” Small 4to, pp. 4 (unpaged). n.p. 1810
340. :Ma8Saciiu8etts Centinel (The). Nov. 16, 19, 26, 1785. 3 Nos.
Small folio, as issued. Boston, 1785
Contains a poem on a Mohawk chief, preparing for war.
341. Massachusetts Centtnel (The). Dee. 7, 10, 14, 1785. 3 IS os.
folio, as issued. Boston, l(8o
Contains “ Winter ” by Samuel Jolinson, probably its first appearance
in this country.
343. Massachusetts Centinel (The). Dec. 17, 21, 24, 28, 1785. 4 Nos.
Small folio, as issued. Boston, 1785
343. IMassachusetts Cextinel (The). June 20, 24, 27, 1780. 3 Nos.
Small folio, as issued. Boston, 1780
Contains Morse’s Memoirs of General Washington, complete.
344. Massacres oe Baris. A Series of Letters; containing a Particular Ac-
count of the Massacres of Paris, in June-September, 1702. 12mo,
boards, cloth back (label removed from front cover).
[London], Printed for the Booksellers, 1793
Includes several letters from Lafayette to the King and the National
Assembly on the Massacres of the Swiss Guard, the mob at the Tuileries,
Ac., and other letters on those terrible times preceding the actuai French
345. Mayor's Proclamation. De par M. le Maire, MM. les Lieutenant de
Maire, et Conseillers-xVdministrateurs au Departenient de la Police.
Proclamation. Du Samedi G Mars, 1790. Woodcut of municipal
arms. Folio. Paris, 1790
A lengthy proclamation, in three wide columns, issued by Bailly, first
mayor of Paris under Louis XVI., relative to smuggling in tobacco, &c.,
which appears to have affected the people of both citj' and town, and
calls upon all good citizens, churchmen, and others, to obey the laws
concerning “ marchandises prohibees.”
346. Medallic History oe Napoleon. A series of one hundred and fifty-
six (list as below says one hundred and fifty-five) wax impressions
from the original bronze medals, illustrating the history of Napoleon
and the prominent events in his life, and a few of the eminent person-
ages connected with him. All laid on 7 specially made trays, each in
a separate sunken compartment, with complete Explication des
Medailles de Napoleon (ms; of 32 pp. folio, written in a neat
contemporary hand). All are numbered but need re-arrangement,
some being out of order according to the list.
The collection illustrates the events in French history between the years
1791 and 1S1.5. Liberty is always represented by a woman; in some cases
she is presenting the Constitution to the people, or handing the keys to a
wa^rrior, that he may enter and take the desired fortress. Every event in
Napoleon’s career is well depicted. In some cases he is represented as a
Caesar, hearing the sceptre and clothed in imperial robes. On the field
of battle, in commemoration of great victories, such as Marengo, Auster-
litz, etc., he is invariably represented by Victory, hovering in the air,
and holding a crown and palm. He is also represented in the form of the
rising sun hovering over Europe. The events of his private life are por-
trayed, and include his marriage, baptism of his son, etc.
347. j\Iemoirs of tlie Duchesse de Tourzel, Governess to the Children of France
during tlie Years 1780-00-1-2-3-5. Published by the Duke des
Cars. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges uncut. " London, 1886
348. Mignet (A. F.). History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814.
Portrait of Lafayette, and table. 12ino, half red morocco, gilt, gilt
London, 1826
349. Military Affairs. Gazette Officielle, Yendredi, 11 Aoiit 1815. Ordon-
nances dn Roi. (Signed by Louis, coimtersigmed by Saint-Cyr,
Talleyrand, and others. Concerns affairs of the army, the forma-
tion of legions of each department, regiments of the line, etc.) 8 pp.
4to, stitched. Paris, 1815
350. Military Events. Observations sur le rapport du Ministre des rela-
tions exterieiivres Due de Bassano, dn 9 Janvier 1813. 2 pp. small
dto. [Paris, 1813]
351. Mirabeau, Du Barry, and others. The London Chronicle, April 7, 9,
12 and 14, 1791 (containing accounts of Mirabeau, with 3 extra
prints), also. The Leeds Mercury, December 28, 1793 (containing
account of the execution of Madame Du Barry), and other contem-
porary papers. Together, 11 pieces.
352. Mirabeau (H. G. De R.). The lYhitehall Evening Post, April 7-9 and
9-12, 1791. 2 Hos. Folio, as issued. London, 1791
Contains account of the death and funeral of Mirabeau.
353. Mitchell (Lieut. -Col. J.). The Fall of Hapoleon: An Historical
Memoir. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth (Library labels removed from covers).
London, 1845
354. Montelimart Hews, &c. Extrait du Moniteur du Mardi 11 Avril.
1815. (Gives dispatch from General Grouchy concerning defeat of
Duke of xYngouleme; also contains proclamation of Napoleon rela-
tive to the Garde Nationale.^’) 4 pp. small 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1815
355. Montholon (Charles Tristan). Memoirs of the History of France
during the Reign of Napoleon . . . published from the Original
Manuscripts. Facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo, blue boards, paper labels,
uncut. London, 1823
356. Montholon and Gourgaud. Memoirs of the History of France during
the Reign of Napoleon. Dictated to the Generals who shared his
Captivity at St. Helena, and published from the Original klanu-
scripts corrected by Himself. Maps, plans and facsimiles. 7 vols.
8vo, half crimson calf, gilt. London, 1823-4
These Memoirs were dictated by Napoleon to his generals during the
six years he was a captive upon the Island of St. Helena.
357. Moody (C. L. — Editor). Sketch of Modern l^rance. In a Series of Let-
ters to a Lady of Fashion, Written in 1796 and 1797, by a Lady.
8vo, cloth. London, 1798
These letters were written partly in France and partly in Switzerland
at the time Napoleon was in Italy and in the midst of his campaign
35S. :\IoouE (James). A Xarrativo of the Campaign of tlie
in S))ain, comniaiuled by Sir Jolin i\Ioorc. Anthenticated by Cibcn
■ • ■ - Maps and porirails, several of the
morocco, gilt, gilt top, partly uncut.
T,nndnn. 180!)
'apers and Original
latter Inserted. 8vo, half red
]\[OREAU (Gexeeal Jean A'iotok). Aloreaii’s llcise aus
nacb Amerika in malcriscben Briefen an .seine Gattin.
wrappers, nncnt, and mainly unopened.
12mo, old
I’aris, 180.5
3G0. AfoREAu (General Jean AGctor). Sketch of the Life of General
Aloreau; and Details of his Last Aloments. By Banl Svinne. lo
which is added an Appendix containing several Interesting Letters.
Illustrated. 18mo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, original wrappers
bound in. New \orkj K. Duyckinck, 181-1
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of over 30 portraits, views, &e., in-
cluding a curious cut of Niagara Falls, and one of Moreau’s Disaster be-
fore Dresden. Printed on tinted paper.
361. AIorcun (Lady Sidney). France. 2 vols. 8vo, bine boards, uncut
(back somewhat damaged) . London, 1817
362. AIorning Chronicle (The) and London Advertiser. January 31, 1783,
Alarch 29, 1783, and April 10, 1783. 3 pieces. Folio, as issued.
London, 1783
Contains articles on America, etc.
363. AIorning Chronicle (The) and London Advertiser, Alar. 27, April
16, 1783. 2 pieces. Folio, as issued. London, 1783
364. AIorris (Thomas), Eecollections of Alilitary Service, in 1813-14-15,
through Germany, Holland and France; including details of the
Battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 12mo, original cloth (worn).
London, 1845
365. AIounteney (Barclay). An Historical Inquiry into the Principal Cir-
cumstances and Events relative to the late Emperor Napoleon, in
which are investigated the Charges brought against the Government
and Conduct of that eminent Individual. 8vo, half crimson calf,
gilt, gilt top, uncut by Piviere. (Title probably in facsimile.)
London, 1824
366. AIovements of the Army. Extrait dn Aloniteur, du 3 Alai 1815.
(Announces the fortification of the towns of the Northern frontier,
those of the Interior, the formation of the corps d'observations,’''
&c,, &c.) 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
367. AIuffling (Baron A^on). Passages from my Life; with Alemoirs of
the Campaign of 1813 and 1814. Edited by Col. Philip Yorke.
8vo, cloth. London, 1853
3G8. Municipal Notice, ^luiiiciiialite de Paris. Par le Maire et les Officier.-;
j\Luiiicipaux. Extrait du Pegistre des deliberations du Corps Munici-
pal, du vingtsixieme jour de la troisieine decade du deuxieme niois
de Fan second de la Republique Frangaise. Folio. Paris, 1793
Measures proposed for the regulation and sale of charcoal. Issued by
Pache, mayor, and contains the names of Delepine, Levasseur, Magendie,
and others. Date of this broadside corresponds to that of the Gregorian
calendar, Nov. 15, 1793.
369. Murray (Captain A.). IMemoir of the Naval Life and Services of
Sir Philip C. H. C. Durham. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, inside gilt
borders, by Riviere. London, 1816
Covers the years 1777-1845, and includes interesting information con-
cerning the loss of the Royal George ; meetings with the French Marshal
Macdonald, Admiral Nelson, and others ; battle of Quiheron Bay, etc.
370. Napoleon. The St. James’s Chronicle. June 7-9, 1796. Folio, as
issued. London, 1796
Contains Bonaparte’s Proclamation of a treaty with Sardinia.
371. Napoleon. The St. James’s Chronicle. January 16-19 and 21-23, and
IMay 17-19, 1796. 3 Nos. Folio, as issued. London, 1796
Contains articles on the Council of 500, etc.
372. Napoleon. Revolutions Almanach von 1798. With portraits, including
Buonaparte {oval medallion, long hair), William Pitt, Barras, Car-
not, etc., also vieivs. 12mo, original boards, uncut.
Gottingen [1798]
373. Napoleon. Bell’s Weekly Messenger. September 15, 1799. Folio, as
issued. Two views and one portrait. London, 1799
Contains important war information, news of the Council of 500, Sir
Sydney Smith’s defeat of Napoleon at Acre, etc.
374. Napoleon. Bell’s "Weekly Messenger. November 24, 1799. Folio, as
issued. IVith 3 appropriate prints. Together, 4 pieces.
London, 1799
Contains account of the dissolving of the Council of 500.
375. Napoleon. Paix avec toutes les Puissances. AMici le detail historique
de la A^ie du General Bonaparte, &c. (Sketch of his life from his
birth in 1769 to 1801). 8 pp. 16mo, unbound. Paris, 1801
376. Napoleon. Le Alessager dn Soir. August 15, 16, 19 and 28, 1815. 4
vols. folio, as issued. [Paris], 1815
Issued soon after Waterloo, and containing interesting accounts of
Napoleon, Ney and others.
377. Napoleon. Schilderung der Abfiihrung Bonaparte’s in seine Gefan-
genschaft auf die Insel St. Helena. Finely colored frontispiece.
“Napoleons Abfiihrung nach St. Helena, 1815.” Small 4to, un-
bound, pp. 8. n.p. 1815
378. Napoleon. Annalitische imd chronologische Hebersicht der wiclitigsten
Lelicnsmomente Napoleons (1769-1821), (probably excerpt). 12mo,
unbound, pp. 32. n.p.n.d. \ca. 1821]
Xai’oj.kox. Saiiisbiiry (-T.). Facsimiles of all the Dillereiit Signatures
of the Emperor Napoleon. 8 pp. 4to, sheets, inlaid. London [ISdli]
Thirty of these si!.?uatiires are ftiveii, from 1TS5, when he was a second
lieutenant, to ISIU. when he was at St. Helena. Also, in connection, is
given a sketcli of the events associated with tliein.
Xapoleox. .V collection of metal medals aftei' the original hronzes, in-
cluding Napoleon and Marie Tx)uise, Napoleon (several), Siege de
la Lastille, Josephine, etc. All in sunken mounts. Together, 10
pieces, various sizes, enclosed in moi-occo covers, with Napoleon s
arms on sides, eagle on hack, etc. (hinding needs repairs, and was
executed probably about 1838). Folio.
Napoleon. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, from the Best French and
English xVuthorities ; including his Original Cori'espondence, tS-'c.
Colored titJe; jmrtrait, and SO iJhistralions in the text. 8vo, half
morocco (a few leaves loose). London, 1839
Napoleon. Napoleon's Werke, nach den vorhandenen (hiellen chronolo-
gisch geordnet, etc. Illustrated. 12mo, half cloth. Ohcmmiz, 18-10.
Napoleon. Bronze statuette, full length in uniform, arms folded over
breast, standing, white marble base. Height, including base, 6V2
inches. Unsigned.
N.vpoleon as AuTitoiL Bosario, or the IMysterious Sorcei’ess. A Boman-
tie Tale, by Napoleon Bonaparte. Translated from the French.
Frontispiece. 18mo, modern wrappers, uncut. London, n.d.
Said to liave been written by Napoleon during the period he dreamed
of becoming an autlior, about 1787-9, when he was eighteen or nineteen
years old. ,
Napoleon at BpvIenne. Assier (Alexandre). Napoleon ler a I’Ecole
Boyale IMilitaire de Brienne, (Fapres des Documens Authentiques et
Inedits, 1779-1784. 48 pp. 8vo, original printed Avrappers, uncut.
Paris, 1874
An interesting account of Napoleon's school-life at Brienne. One of only
120 copies issued, and one of 10 copies printed on “ papier rose.’'
Napoleon at Dpesden. Copies of the Original Letters and Despatches
of the Generals, "Ministers, Grand Officers of State, at Paris, to Na-
]-)oleon at Dresden ; intercepted by the Allies in North Germanv.
Portrait inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt
top, uncut (Avriting on the French half-title). London, 1814
Napoleon at Lyons. Decret Imperial, Bendu a Lyon, le 12 IMars, 1815.
2 pp. small 4to, unbound.
Copy of a decree of Napoleon relative to pardon by amnesty. During
his four days’ stay in Lyons he is reported to have' issued luanv other
decrees, orders. &c.
Nai’ol.eox AuTOBiooRAPirY. Tie de Napoleon, ecrite par Lni-lMeme.
Fronluspiere portrait. 18mo, boards, leather back, uncut.
Bruxelles, 1830
389. ^Napoleon Ciiapbook. La Vie Heroique et Glorieiise du Consul Bona-
parte, l)e}vuis Tepoque de sa naissance jusqii a la paix generale. Par
les Citoyens Aubert and Dubocq. Curious woodcut of Boncqjarie, as
Freiuier Consul, in colors (by hand). 12 pp. 12ino, uncut, crudely
backed with paper. [Paris, circa 1800]
A Napoleonic Ciiapbook containing the events of his life, in Pb’ench
verse, from his birth to the Peace of Luneville.
390. Napoleon Galleey; or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the
Emperor of France. Engraved by eminent artists from the most
celebrated 'pictures in France. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt edges.
Boston [1888]
391. NAPOLEON^s Invasion of Eussia. Geande Aemee Bulletins. A
Complete Set of the Bulletins of the Grande Armee issued by Na-
poleon during the Invasion of Eussia, 1812-1813, Nos. 1 to 29, in-
clusive; Nouvelles Otficielles, 6 numbers; Extracts from the “ Moni-
teur,” 4 pieces. oodcuts of Imperial eagle. Together, 39 pieces, 2
pp. and 4 pp. each (152 pp.)? stitched, unbound (a few pencilled
marginal notes in unknown hand). Paris, 1812-1813
DURING Napoleon's Russl\n Campaign, commencing with the “ Premier
Bulletin,” dated Gumhinem, 20 Juin, 1812, in which is briefly sketched the
movements of the French army, its condition of armament. &c., up to and
incorporating the famous “ 29e Bulletin,” dated Molodetsckno. 3d Decem-
ber, 1812, wherein Na])oIeon endeavors to prove that the elements were
responsible for all his disasters in that memorable campaign.
These Bulletins were dispatched to the headquarters of the French
army in Paris and appeared in the official organ of the Government, “ Le
IMoniteur,” about two weeks in each instance after being forwarded from
Gumbinem, Witkowiski, Kowno, Wilna, Gloubokoe, Smolensk, Moscow, and
other points of issue in Russia and elsewhere.
In addition to the Bulletins there are 8 Nouvelles Officielles de la
Grande Armee that were issued in Paris and printed in the “ Moniteur ”
from January 10, 1813, to April 23. 1813, after Napoleon had forsaken the
Armde at Smorgani, leaving the King of Naples in command. These con-
tain news of the Grande Armee from time to time, the French army of the
North. »S:c., &c. Also, there are several extracts from the “ IMoniteur ”
commenting upon certain occurrences reported in the Bulletins.
In these remarkable records of Napoleon are embodied the official ac-
counts of the doings of the French and Russian forces during the period
of the Invasion of Russia. They present in brief but vivid sentences the
advance of Buonparte after leaving Dresden ; the mobilization of his vast
army ; the seizure of V'ilna, the ancient capital of the Lithuanian Gedimin.
from which town Bulletins No. 4, 5. C and 7 were issued; the attempted
cai)ture and final occu]iation of Smolensk the Sacred, the “ Key of
Russia the advance on. and possession of. IMoscow. from which Bulle-
tins 19 to 24, inclusive, were sent forth and in which are published the
details of the burning of the city, the evacuation thereof; retreat from
Russia, &c.
Incor]iorated in this set is the renowned “ 29e Bulletin,” dated Molo-
detsckno, December 17, 1812, wherein Napoleon states that his series of
disasters in the Russian campaign were due entirely to natural conditions
over which he had no control, concluding with the curt sentence about his
own fine ])hysical condition.
.lomini. De 8egur, Thiers, .Toyneville. and others have fully treated most
of the incidents reported in the Bulletins, and it is suggested that all in-
terested refer to the volumes of those historians for additional particulars
regarding them, including, in addition to the events already noted, Napo-
leon’s Proclamation commencing, “ The second Polish war has begun,” the
well-known skinnislies and battles mentioned; the great generals named,
with their commands, etc.; the numerous and varied re])orts from those
in authority of the principal persons and incidents of the Invasion; the
treatment of i)risoners by both sides; the burning of Moscow by the lius-
sians; the approach to that city of the Frencli army then reduced from
42l),()00 men at the passage of the Niemen to 100,000 ; the horrors of tlie
nine days’ retreat from Moscow in the midst of intense cold; the flight of
Napoleon to Paris, &c., tfcc.
Laid in are 18 copperplates, &c., 12mo and 8vo, of Russian scenes, in-
cluding a plate after Cruikshank, a scarce one by Spendelowe, and plates
by French engravers [1809-1830].
There appears to be no record of any sale by auction of a compi-Ete
SET OF these Napoleon Bulletins. There are none of them in the
392. Napoleon'’s Invasion of Eussia. 29me Bulletin de la Grande Armee,
IMolodestno, le Decembre, 1812; (et) Eedexions sur le 29nie Bulletin
jiar un militaire Eusse. 8 pp. small dto, unbound and uncut.
I Paris, 1812]
Napoleon’s famous Bulletin No. 29, issued during the Campaign in
Itussia, and commented upon by a Russian soldier. Printed in double
columns, the Bulletin in one, comments in the other.
393. Napoleon's Invasion OF Eussia. Genin (Thomas H.). The Napolead,
in Twelve Books. .ICmo, boards, leather back.
St. Clairsville [0.], 1833
Fine copy of the first edition of a rare work relating to Napoleon.
The author was one of the early settlers of Ohio, and a prominent lawyer
39-1. Napoleon in the Other IVorld. A Narrative written by Himself; and
found near his Tomb in the Island of St. Helena. B}^ Nongo-Tee-
Foh-Tchi. Frontispiece (re-edged), portrait of Napoleon, and vieiu,
inserted. 8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top, lower
edges uncut. London, 182 T
395. Napoleon Peoclamation. Detail Ofhciel annongant le retour de sa
IMajeste PEmpereur des Frangaise et Eoi dTtalie dans sa capitale,
apres avoir signe la paix avec PEmpereur d’Autriche. ^Yoodc^lt head-
piece, and eagle in oval border. 4 pp. small 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1805
Issued a few days after the battle of Austerlitz. Signed by Napoleon,
and countersigned by General Berthier.
396. Napoleon Pkoclamations. Au Peuple Frangais; a L'Armee. An
golfe Juan, le ler Mars 1815. Small cuts of eagle, the., at heads. 4
])p. each, small 4to, unbound and uncut. 2 pieces.
[Paris; De ITmprimerie cle Poulet, et de Chaignieau, 1815]
These iiroclamations, concerning the defection of the Dukes of Casti-
glione and Regusa, &c., were issued on shipboard in the Gulf of St. John,
while Napoleon was en route from Fdba. and in the copying of which the
entire force on board was employed. The above copies! by two different
imblishers, were among the first printed in Raris about March 5. 1815.
and wore circulated throughout France. See Bentley’s 1830 edition of
Bourrienne’s “Memoirs” for a full English translation of the Proclama-
different signatures of the Emperor Xapoleon, also facsimile (full
page) of an A.L.S. of Barry O'Meara. 4to, nnbonnd. London, 1836
398. Xapoleox Ti;acts. ]\remoir upon the Affairs of Spain, London, 1809 ;
Operations of tlie British Army in Spain, London, 1809 ; Ferdinand
Ahndicated and Alinisters Defended, Imndon, 1809 ; State of Portugal
during the Last Thirty Years, London, 1810. Bound in 1 voh, 8vo,
half calf.
399. Yapoleox's Address. Aux hal^itans des departemens des Plantes et
Basses- Alpes ; (et) Garde Xationale de Paris. Cut of eagle, Ac. 2
pp. small 4to. Paris, 1815
Assures the people that the cause of the nation ^Yill j-et triumph, that
their rights will be maintained, &c.
POO. YapoleoxAs Appointmexts. Extrait du Aloniteur du Mardi 6 Juin
1815. Decrets Imperiaux. Au palais de PElysee, le P Juin 1815.
Cut of Imperial eagle. (Enumerates the names of the newly-appointed
members of the Chamber of Peers, the appointment of Comte de
Lacepcde, as president of that body in the absence of the prince
archi-chancelier, &c.), 2 pp. Pto, unbound. Portrait of Yapoleon,
laid in. ’ Paris, 1815
Many of these appointments are among the last made by Napoleon
previous to his defeat at Waterloo, about two Aveeks later.
401. Yapoleox's Coroxatiox. A Letter to Dr. Troy on the Coronation of
Bonaparte by Pope Pius the Seventh. By Melancthon. 97 pp. 12mo,
Dublin, 1805
unbound (name on title).
402. YapoleoxtY Coroxatiox. Printed circular from the publisher Guerin
relative to a work upon the coronation of Yapoleon. Stamped with
name, number and post-office seal. 1 p. square 12mo. Paris, 1806
403. YapoleoxY Death axd AYill. Details A^eritables sur la Mort et le
Testament du grand Capitaine Yapoleon, Massacre d’Anvers, d:c.,
12 pp. 12mo, unbound and uncut. [Paris, n.d.]
Giving details of the death of Napoleon, his wili made at Longwood, St.
Helena, April 15, 1821, and other neAvs.
404. YapoleoxY Extry ixto Paris. Extrait du Moniteur, du 21 Mars
1815. (Mentions the EmperoEs arrival at Paris, gives the Proclama-
tion of Lyons, of March 13, 1815, the Order of the Day, &c.). 4 pp.
Paris, 1815
small 4to.
“ The King has departed, the Emperor has arriA-ed.” Laid in is a view
of Napoleon’s entry bearing out the description of Bourrienne, “ It Avas
late in the evening of the 20th (March) that Bonaparte entered Paris
in an open carriage,” &c.
405. YapoleoxY Grave. St. Helena. Yapoleon's Graf och LongAvood ur en
Svensk Sjo-Officers Dagbok under en resa fran Ostindien, 1827. 3
illustrations. 4to, Avrappers.
A Napoleon pamphlet in SAvedish.
Stockholm, 1830
0 wliich ai'c
406. Napoleon’s Jolhnals. Eighteen Original Journals, Each by a General
Olfieer, of the Eighteen Ganipaigns of The Ein])ernr Napoleon, Eeing
those in which he Personally Goniinanded in Chief,
added all the Bulletins, now Eirst Pnhlished (Tinpletc
from the Ercnch. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt hacks.
London, 181.6-1817
Includes Jounials of the Canipaiyus in Italy, 179(i-7; lOftypt and Syria,
1798-9; Marengo, 1799; Siege of Genoa, 1800; the three (h'rnian Cam-
paigns, 1805-9-10; Prussia, 180(1-7; Russia. 1812; France. 1814; written
by P.erthier, Denon, Mint, Petit; Marshal Key’s .Vcconnt of IVaterloo, and
much other information of absorbing interest not published in any otlier
form. Outside of the “ Moniteur ” there appears to be no complete col-
lection of the Itulletins as here published in English.
Napoleon's Second Funeeal. Itineraire de la Ti-anslation des Cendres
de L’Enipereur Napoleon, depuis Pile Sainte-IIelene, Jusqn'a I’hotel
royal des Invalides. (With the order of march of the cortege). 2
pp. 8vo, unbound. Nevers, n.d.
408. Napoleonana. Nenes ]\ragazin enthaltend ; mcrkwnrdige Begelienheiten,
vaterlandisch Ereignisse, nntzlicho Erfindungen, nebst intercssanten
Erzahlnngen. Nos. 1-6 (all ever issued?), small 4to, unbound.
n.p. 1813
With interesting references to Napoleon, Pius VIT., Cologne, etc.
409. Napoleonic Ideas. lies Idees Napoleoniennes, par le Prince Napoleon-
Louis Bonaparte. Brussels, 1839. Translated iiy James A. Don-.
Portraits. 12mo, half red calf, symbolical gilt liack, gilt top.
N. y., 1859
First American Edition, extba-illustrated by the insertion of a colored
map of Europe in 1812, and 32 portraits and views, some on India paper,
and mostlj' inlaid.
410. Napoleonis Eeliquiae. A Poem in Six Cantos, with Notes. Illus-
trated. 8vo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top.
London, 1841
Printed at Rouen, and written during the Second Funeral of Napoleon.
Extra-ileustrated by the insertion of about 75 portraits, views, &c., some
on India paper, and a number inlaid.
411. Napoleon (Prince Joseph C. P.). Napoleon and his Detractors. By
Prince Napoleon [his nephew]. Translated and Edited with Notes,
by E. L. De Beaufort. 2 loliotograpli portraits, and autograph. 8vo,
cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1888
412. Narrative of Events connected with the First Alidication of Napoleon.
By Sir Thomas Ussher. . . His Embarkation at Elba, &c., as nar-
rated by Col. Laborde, 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1841
413. [Nelson (Lord)]. Eevolutions Almanach von 1800. ^Vitli portraits in-
cluding Nelson, Pius VI., Massena, Pliichcr, Bernadoite, and others,
also views. 12mo, old wrappers, uncut. Gottingen 11800|
414. New Constitution. Acte Additionnel aux Constitutions de rEminre,
An palais de PElys(''e, Ic 22 Avril 1815. Printed at Nimes for that
county-scat and the five towns of the arromlissement. 1(5 ]')p. small
4to, unbound. Nimes, 1815
415. New Constitution. Another Copy. 4 pp. 4to. Printed at (Paris),
and gives names of all county-seats and those of towns of various ar-
rondissements. ' [Paris], 1815
416. New Constitution. Another Copy. Extrait du Moniteur du Dimanche
23 Avril 1815. Cut of Imperial eagle. (Does not contain names of
county-seats, etc.). Portrait of Napoleon laid in. [Paris], 1815
Under this caption of “ Acte Additionnel, &c.,” Napoleon proclaims a
new constitution said to resemble the charter of Louis XVIII. of the
year previous. Appoints hereditary Chamber of Peers, makes judges ir-
removable, reestablishes the confiscation of property, &c.
417. News feom Boedeaux. Extrait dn Moniteur du Mercredi 5 Avril 1815.
Nouvelle de Bordeaux, 2 Avril 1815. (Announces the arrival of Gen-
eral Clatisel at Saint-Andre-de-Cubsac, gives other news concerning
him, &c.). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
418. News feom Lyox'S, etc. Extrait du Moniteur du 7 Avril 1815. Nou-
velles de Lyon, du Avril 1815. (Mentions that the National Guard
of Grenoble is made ready to suppress the civil war that has broken
out in Marseilles, the Hautes-Alpes, &c., that General Grouchy be
sent forward as commander-in-chief, &c.). Cut of imperial eagle.
2 pieces, each 2 pp. small 4to, unbound. View of Grenoble laid in.
Paris, 1815
419. News feom Toulouse. Extrait du Moniteur du Lundi 10 Avril 1815.
All quart! er-gen era! a Toulouse, le 4 Avril 1815. (Letter from the
General, Comte de Laborde to Prince d’Eckmiihl, Minister of Mar.
Mentions changes, appointments, &c., and includes Laborde’s Procla-
mation to the iieople of Toulouse). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1815
420. News of the Day. Nouvelles du Jour. DMails curieux de I'arrivee a
Londres, de S.A.E. le Due de Nemours, et sa reception par la jeune
Peine cTAngleterre, &c. (Besides noticing the visit of Nemours to
England, mentions the names of Wellington, Schwartzemberg, Mar-
shal Soult and others). 2 jip. 4to, unbound. [Paris, circa 1835]
421. Neav Yoek City. The Illustrated New York News, Yol. 1, No. 1, June
7, 1851. Folio, as issued. New York, 1851
422. New Yoek Moening Post (The). November 7, 1783. 4 pp. Folio.
Facsimile. New York, 1783
Contains Wishingtoirs Farewell Address, etc.
423. New Yoek Newsfapees. The Anglo Saxon. (Phonetic Newspaper)
Yol. 1, No. 19. July 24, 1847. 4 pp. Folio, as issued.
New York, 1847
424. New Yoek Newspapees. The IVhip. Yol. 1, No. 3. February 26,
1855. IVeekly Yliip. Yol. 1, No. 2. February 19, 1855. Both
illustrated. 2 pieces. Folio, as issued. New York, 1855
425. New Yoek Newspapees. The Free Love Advocate and Promoter of the
Affinities. Yol. 1, No. 2. Nov. 10, 1855. Illustrated. 4 pp. Folio,
as issued. New York, 1855
42(i. New York NEwai'APERS. Atlantic Telegraph.
1858. Illustrated.
“ I’riiited on a car
4 pp. 4to, as issued,
iiioviuf' ill tlie procession.’
Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1,
New Y^ork, 1858
427. New Y"okk Siiaxgiiai. Yol. No. 1. Yol. 1, No. G. July 16 and
20, 1855. 2 iiuiubers, 4to, as issued. New York, 18oo
428 Ney (IMichel). Memoirs of IMarshal Ne}’. Published his Family.
2 Yols. ill 1. 8vo, lioards, cloth liack, uncut. Philadelphia, 1834
429. Notice IIistoriqete sur le 18 Bruniaire [N'ov. 8, 1799], par le
President de la Commission des Inspecteurs du Conseil des Anciens,
alors le Citoyen Cornet, &c. (Historical sketch of the dark day
in French Histoiw,” after Napoleon’s return from Egypt, when the
Council des Anciens was overthrown, and the control of the military
seized by him, &c.). 20 pp. 12mo, unbound. Laid in is a view after
Johannot representing a scene in the Chamber. Paris, 1819
430. Notice to Inhabitants. Municipalite cle Paris. Par le Maire, et les
Officiers Ylunicipaux. Extrait du Eegistre des Deliberations ^ du
• Corns Ylunicipal, du Lundi 4 Juillet 1791. ]Yoodcut of municipal
arms. Folio. Paris, 1791
A three-column broadside, “ Avis Aux Citoyens,” issued by Bailly,
mayor, relative to the suppression of the “ atteliers-de-cbarite,” and in-
cludes order for the distribution of a sum of money among the poor.
431. Nova-Scotia Packet (The) and General Advertiser. No. 8. June
22, 1785. 4 pp. Folio, as issued. Shelburne, 1785
432. O’Brien (Cart. D. IV.). Narrative of Capt. O’Brien, containing an
Account of his Shipwreck, Captivity, and Escape from France. Be-
printed from the Naval Chronicle, with Additions. 8vo, half buck-
ram. London, 1814
433. Official News. Extrait de la Gazette Officielle, du Yendredi 28 Juillet
1815. Cut of coat-of-arms. (YIentions cessation of hostilities along
the coasts of France, the instructions of the British Government re-
garding Napoleon, &c.). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
434. O’YIeara (Barry E.). An Exposition of some of the Transactions, that
have taken place at St. Helena, since the Appointment of Sir Hud-
son Lowe, as Governor of that Island, &c. 8vo, wrappers, uncut.
London, 1819
An iuterestiug -work by Dr. 'O’Meara, who was Napoleon’s surgeon
while be was at St. Helena, being an answer to an anonymous pamphlet
upon the treatment of Napoleon, in which many adverse reflections are
made upon O’Meara. Contains details of many of the intimate and in-
side workings of the Island Government which had the immediate super-
vision of the illustrious prisoner.
435. O’Meara (Barry E.). Historical Memoirs of Napoleon. Book IX.
[Campaign in Belgium, 1815.] Translated from the Original Manu-
script. With appendix of proof that the pretended MS. from St.
Helena was not written by Napoleon. Colored plan of the battle of
Waterloo. 8vo, sprinkled calf. London, 182(1
From the library of John Sheepshanks, with his bookplate.
436. O’Meaea (Barra* E.). Xapoleon in Exile; or, A A^oice from St. Helena.
The Opinions and Bellections of Napoleon on the most important
events of his Life and Government in his Own Words. Portraits.
2 vols. 8vo, original Idue boards, paper labels, uncut (back of 1 vol.
slightly split). London, 1822
From the library of Sir Edmiiiid Antrobus, with bis bookplate, and
autograph signature in both volumes.
43r. Oraxge Jourxal (The). January 7, 1854. Ami. 1. No. 1. 4 pp.
Folio, as issued. Orange, N. J., 1854
438. Pages (Erax’cois Xavier). Secret History of the French Eevolution;
Containing Particulars but little known, with Extracts on the most
remarkable Publications on the Eevolution. Translated from the
French. 2 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt (name on 1 title, and name
cut from another, binding poor). London, 1797
439. Palais des Tuileries. Extrait du Aloniteur du Alardi 21 Alars, 1815.
(Chronicles the return of Napoleon from Elba, his arrival ai the
Tuileries, names of a newly appointed Cabinet, prints letter froih
the Garde Imperiale signed Comte Drouot, &c.). 4 pp. 4to (yior-
tions of side-margins torn away). Paris, 1815
440. Palladium of Liberty. July 2, 1818. 4 pp. Folio, as issued.
AIorris-Town, N. J., 1818
441. Paxama Sux (The). Vol. 1. No. 4. Jan. 29, 1851. 4 pp. Folio,
as issued. Panama, N. G., 1851
Contains an account of a voyage through the Straits of Magellan.
442. Paris axd the Allies. Lphemerides. Eecit de ce qui sVst passe a
Paris depuis le 28 Alars jusqu’au 3 Avril, et Pieces Officielles. (Con-
tains adclress to the inhabitants of Paris by Schwartzenberg, extracts
from the proceedings of the Senate, &c.). 8 j)p. small 4to, unbound.
Paris, 1814
Laid in is an engraved view of the entrance of the Allies into Paris.
443. Parish Churci-tes. Alunicipalite de Paris. Loi concernant la forma-
tion & la circonscription de la Paroisse Cathedrale de Paris.
Samedi 15 Janvier 1791. Transcrite, le meme jour, sur les Eegis-
tres de la Alunicipalite de Paris. Woodcut of municipal arms. Folio.
Paris, 1791
Concerns the establishment by the National Assembly of various
parish churches of Paris, their boundaries of administration. &e.. an
early exhibition of the superseding of the Civil for Ecclesiastical authority
in this regard.
444. PaulAs Letters to his Kinsfolk. By [Sir AAhalter Scott]. 8vo, half
calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1816
Fine copy of the First Edition. These letters are a genuine fragment
of the author's autobiography. iSister Margaret is the author's “ Aunt
Christian,” the INIajor is his “ Elder Brother,” &c.
445. [Peltiee (Joilk)]. The of Peltioj’ for a J^ibel against Na])oleoii
Buonparte, at j\J iddlesex, Felj. 21, 1803. Caricature of Napo-
leon. First Euitiox. 8vo, half sprinkled calf. French and English.
London, 1803
Peltier was editor of a French periodical in London and attacked
Napoleon with uuicli virulence, to which Sir James Mackintosh made his
welLknown defense at this trial.
446. Peninsula Campaign (Tup). Eecollections of the Peninsula. By the
author of Sketches of India. 8vo, half sprinkled calf. London, 1824
447. Peninsular AVar. Memoir, written by Sir Ilew Dalrymple of his Pro-
ceedings as connected with the Affairs of Spain, and the Commence-
ment of the Peninsular War. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 183U
Presentation copy to Colonel Napier from Sir Adolphus Dalrymple,
Avith autograph inscription on fly-leaf.
448. Pennsylvania Gazette (The). June 10, 1760. 4 pp. Folio, as
issued. Philadelphia; B. Franklin, 1760
449. Pennsylvania Gazette (The). Dec. 12, 1771. i\ray 29, 1776, June
5, 1776. 3 pieces. Folio, as issued. Philadelphia, 1771-1776
450. Pennsylvania Packet (The), and Daily Advertiser. Sept. 18, 19, 20,
21, 23 and 25, 1786. 6 pieces. Folio, as issued.
Philadelphia, 1786
The issue for September 25, contains a lengthy account of the Debate
in the General Assembly on the Bill for Incorporating the City of Phila-
451. Pennsylvania Packet (The) and Daily Advertiser. May 31, June 1,
June 2, June 4, 1787. 4 pieces. Folio, as issued.
Philadelphia, 1787
452. Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser (The) June 5, 8, 9 and
11, 1787. 4 pieces. Folio, as issued. Philadelphia, 1787
Ihe issue for June 5, contains Col. Hamilton’s Speech in the Asseinblv
Februarj’ IS, 17S7 (4i4 columns).
453. Philadelphia A^ewspapers. The Tickler, by Tobv Scratch-em. Vol.
2, Nm. 12, May 3, 1809; Vol. 4, AM. 26, Aug. 7, 1811; Vol 5 AM
23, Feb. 26, 1812; Vol. 5, AM. 4, March 4, 1812. 4 AMs. Folio’
as issued. Philadelphia, 1809, 1812
454. Ppitlippart (John). Memoirs and Campaigns of Charles John, Prince
Poyal of Sweden. Engraved portrait after Hoivenschald. 8vo blue
boards, uncut (back damaged). London,’ 1814
455. PiiiLippART (John). Campaign in Germany and France, from tlie
Expiration of the Armistice to A'apoleon's Abdication. With Vppen-
dix containing the Frencli Bulletins issued during this Period /’or-
2 vols. 8vo, ^half red morocco,
SMuholical gilt Iiack-s, gilt tops, uncut (a few leaves stainel).
London, 1814
456. PiiiLirPART (John). ]\Iemoirs and Campaigns of Charles John [J3er-
nadottej, Prince Poyal of Sweden. Portrait . Syo^, lialf calf.
Baltimore, 1815
457. PiiiLipPAKT (John). l\lemoirs, &c., of General Moreau. 2 portraits of
Moreau ( 1 inserted), facsimile of the GeneraVs last letter, map of
the course of the Rhine, Sc. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top,
some leaves uncut. Philadelphia; M. Cary; and Boston, 1816
Early American Edition.
458. Police. H6tel-de-Ville de Paris. Departement de Police. Du Mardi
23 Fevrier 1790. Le Departement de Police, instruit quhmi Ini-
prime, portant le nom de N. M. Duhama . . . contient une incul-
pation, aussi fausse qu’atroce, contre M. de Besenval, & quarante
autres personnes non designees. Woodcut of municipal arms. Folio.
Paris, 1790
Public notification by the police of the circulation of certain printed
accusations against M. de Besenval, and others, and the efforts of the
police to suppress such. The de Besenval named is presumably the
Erench general who had promised to assist de Launay in the defense
of the Bastille.
459. Political Broadside. Observations sur une Declaration du Congres
de Vienne, concernant FEmtree en France de PEmpereur Napoleon.
Extrait du Moniteur, &c. 2 copies, each 4 pp. 8vo and 4to, unbound.
Laid ill is a curious cut, 12mo, of the Congress in action).
[Paris, 1815]
460. Political Gospel. Evangile Politique. La Legitimite, et La Charte.
4 pp. 4to, unbound. Paris, 1816
461. Porter (Sir Pobert Ker). Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, dur-
ing the Year 1812. Portrait, and 2 folding maps showing the ad-
vance to, and retreat from, Moscoiv. 8vo, stamped calf, gilt back with
the crowned N (rebacked). London, 1815
462. Poeto-Fareago. Extrait du Moniteur du 8 Mars. (Gives news of the
arrival and departure of Bonaparte from Porto-Fafrago, on Feb.
26, 1815, taking with him about 1,000 men — some French, the rest
made up of Neopolitains, Poles, &c.) 4 pp. small 4to, unbound.
(Laid in is a view of Napoleon after his Return). Paris, 1815
463. Portraits des Generaux Frangais, faisant suite aux Victoires et Con-
quetes des Frangais. Portrait of Napoleon {inserted). 8vo, half
red morocco, text only, no portraits. Paris, 1818
464. Portraits des Generaux Fraugais, faisant suite aux Victoires et Con-
quetes des Frangais. Numerous fine portraits. 2 vols. 8 vo. A-Ver-
dier. Original boards, uncut. Paris, 1818-1819
465. Premier Consul. Rapport Officiel et Gmieral, du Grand Juge Ministre
de la Justice, Au Premier Consul et au Senat Conservateur. Report
is signed Regnier. 4 pp. 4to, unbound. [Paris, circa 1799-1800]
Report to the First Consnl of the discovery of a plot against the
Government, in which the name of a M. Drake, of England figures, to-
gether with list of aliases of the plotters, &c. Published at a time when.
Napoleon was away from Paris, and when that capital was a hotbed of
conspiracies, intrigues, plots, &c.
46(3. Proces Michel. Xo. 111. Debats. Suite de Pinterrogatoire des
Accuses. Kefcrs to Czeriiichelt, Eussian agents, &c.). 8 pp. 4to,
unbound and uncut. I’aris [1814]
A portion only of the trial of this celebrated case, the full proceedings
of which have been published in a volume of Svo size by the publisher
of this pamphlet.
467. Peoclamatiox of the Coalition. Le Moniteur Supprime, ou Le
Double Moniteur, du 20 Janvier 1814. 32 |)p. 8vo. uncut and un-
bound. Paris, 1814
A few copies of the First Edition of the “ Moniteur ” of Januarj^ 20,
1S14, having appeared with certain news which caused its suppression,
another edition [this Double Number] was issued later the same day
with the offending news omitted. This number contains the Proclama-
tion of the Coalition, and the correspondence leading up to the First
Treaty of Paris in May 1S14. Includes printed letters from Metternich,
Caulaincourt, Sainte Aignan. P>lucher, &c., which were written, chiefly,
sometime after the Battle of the Nations, October lG-19, 1813, in which
the French were defeated by the allied armies of Germany, Austria, &c.
468. Proclamation of the Coalition. Another copy of the same, by an-
other printer.
469. Prospectus. Bibliotheque des PM’es de Fainille. the fine emjmved
frontispiece of the ivorh hp Fonce after Suehac, and dedicated to
“ La Heine HortenseF 4 pp. 12mo, uncut. Paris, 1811
470. Prospectus and Broadsides. Les Pastes de la Gloire, ou les Braves
Eecommandes a la Posterite, Monument eleve aux Defenseurs de la
Patrie. [Prospectus of work, with price of subscription, &c.]
[Paris, n.d.] ; Au Eedacteur du Journal du Departement des Bouclies
de PElbe [Extract, unsigned, concerning troops around Posen, the
command of them, &c.] n.p.n.d. ; Copy of an Extract from the Eeg-
istres du Gresse de la Maison de Sainte-Pelagie, Paris, du 6 Bru-
maire. Pan 13,^’ concerning the arrest of a Comte de Belleville, Paris,
Sept. 7, 1816. 12mo, and small 4to, unbound (3 pieces).
471. Public Works. Municipalite de Paris. Departement des Travaux Pub-
lics. Marche de MM. de PAssemblee Xationale, & de MM. les
Eepresentans de la Commune, pour le Te Deum, qui sera chante a
Xotre-Dame, le Dimanche 14 Fevrier 1790. ^Voodcut of municipal
arms. Folio. Paris, 1790
Maps of the route of the procession to the cathedral where a Te Deum
is to be sung in honor, probably, of the incorporation of Corsica as part
of France. Also, details the arrangement of the carriages of the various
deputies, &c.
472. PublicolMs Addresses to the People of England ; To the Soldiers ; and
To the Sailors. To which is added His Postscript to the People of
England. 22 pp. 12mo, unbound. Bond. 1803
Stirring addresses relative to Napoleon’s threatened invasion of Eim-
land. “
473. Quersonnieres (F. M. J. X. Des). Tlie Vision, A French Poem on
the iMurder of the Duke D’Enguien. and other Stanzas. French and
Englisli. F2mo, old red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1809
From the library of George Grote, the Historian, with his bookplate.
474. Kaffles (Thomas). Letters during a tour through Lranee, Savoy,
Switzerland, German}', and the Xetherlands in 1817. 12ino, half
ealf, gilt (name on title). London, 1818
475. Eamel (General). Narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne, of Bar-
theleniy, Lichegru, Willot, IMarbois, La Eue, Ramel, &c., in conse-
quence of the Eevolution of Septemher 4, 1797. Translated from
the French. 8vo, blue wrappers, uncut (name on title).
London, 1799
476. Kepublican Herald. SejDtember 16, 1818. 4 pp. Folio, as issued
(stained). Poughkeepsie, 1818
477. Eetreat from Moscow. The London Gazette Extraordinary, Tuesday,
December 8, 1812. (Contains news from St. Petersburg under date
of Nov. 11, 1812, of Napoleon’s flight from Moscow, the taking
of Witepsk by Count de lYittgenstein, &c.). 4 j^p. small folio.
Lond., 1812
478. Eeturn from Elba. “ Adresse des Habitans de la Yille de Grenoble a
S.M. PEinpereur des Erangais.” Signed by Eenoldon, mayor. 2 p]).
4to, unbound. [Paris, 1815]
The Grenoble Address, in which the mayor dwells upon the glorious
prospect opened up for France by the Emperor’s return from Elba, as-
sures him of the undying loyalty of the people of Grenoble, &c.
479. Eeturn from Elba. Extrait du Moniteur du Samedi 11 Mars
(1815).” Dispatch from Harmand, Prefet des Hautes-Alpes, giving
details of Napoleon’s arrival at Gap, March 5th, on his return from
Elba. 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. With view of Gap laid in.
• [Paris, 1815]
480. Eeturx from Elba. Extrait du Moniteur du 21 Mars 1815. (Procla-
mations made at Lyons, March 13 and 15, 1815, appointing a new
iMinistry, abolishing the Nobility, the suppressing of feudal estates,
&c.). 4 pp. small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1815
481. Eevolution of 1848. Citoyens, Exigeons avant de De])oser les Amies,
et avant tout, les Conditions suivantes, &c. (Broadside signed L^n
bon Citoyen”, dated February 24, 1848, the day Louis Philippe fled
from Paris, concerns Parliamentary Eeform, &c.). 1 p. 4to.
482. Eevolution of 1848. iCnother copy, similar.
483. Eevolutionary Tribunal. Ordonnance rendue par le President du
Tribunal EWolutionnaire, Etahli a Paris; du 3 Fructidor, I’an sec-
ond de la Eepublique Frangaise. Woodcut coat-of-anns of the lie-
puhtic. Folio. Paris, 1793
Acquits Antoine Faure, gentleman, of the accusation against him, and
orders liis immediate release. This notorious tribunal was formed some-
time in March. 1793 for the purpose of taking cognizance of all connter-
rcwolutionary attempts, attacks on liberty, &c. Date of document is “ 3
Fructidor” of the Ueimblican Calendnr, and corresponds to the Gregorian
date of August 20. 1793.
484. Revolutions Almanacli, lT«;l-n«4 and ItHG. With uuniemus port, -ails
and views. 3 vols. 12nio, original boards and old wrappers, uncut
(some i)p. damaged, and proljably lacks several plates). . , ....
Gottingen, 1793-90
485. llEYNiKU (Gexehal). State of Egypt, after the Battle ot Heliopolis;
nreceded bv Observations on the (diaracter of the Country, irans-
2 arniy-iahles, but lacl's map.
}) receded by
lated from the French.
8vo, old calf.
London, 180;
480 Bobinson (FI. B.). Memoirs of Sir Thomas Picton, including his (Cor-
respondence. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt (sliglitly rubbed)^.
London, 1835
487. Hocca (.AI. De). Alemoirs of the War of the French in Spain. Trans-
lated from the French. Portrait of Napoleon, inserted. 8vo, half
red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt top, uncut (writing on title).
London, 1815
488. Roman Republic Currency.
489. Roman Republic Currency.
490. Roman Republic Currency.
491. Roman Republic Currency.
5 pieces. A^arious denominations.
5 pieces. Various denominations.
4 pieces. A'arious denominations.
2 pieces. Two denominations. [17981
492. Royal AIemoirs on the Fh-ench Revolution, containing (1) Narrative ol
the Journey of Louis XA^I. By Aladame Royale; (2) Narrative of a
Journey to FIruxelles. By Louis XVIIL; (3) Private AIemoirs of
what passed in the Temple. By Aladame Royale. Vuth Historical
and Biographical Illustrations, by the Translator [J. W. Croker].
Portrait, laid in. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1823
493. Russian Campaign. Stances sur ITncursion de Buonaparte en Russie.
12 verses, 8 lines each, author unknown. 8 pp. small 4to, unbound
(writing on 1 page). St. Petersburg, 1812
494. Russian Campaign. Porter (Sir Robert Ker). Narrative of the Cam-
])aign in Russia, during the Year 1812. Portrait of Prince Koutousoff ,
folding maps, and plate, laid in. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt.
London, 1814
495. Russian Campaign. Lahaume (Eugene). A Circumstantial Narrative
of the Campaign in Russia. Portrait, and battle-plans. 8vo, tree calf
(rubbed, and some leaves foxed). Hartford (Conn.), 1817
49G. Russian Campaign. Segur (Philip He). History of the Expedition to
Russia, undertaken by the Fimperor Napoleon in 1812. With Bio-
graphical Sketch of the Author. Lithograph titles. 2 vols. 12mo,
iialf calf, gilt (rubbed). Eondon, 1827
497. [Sainsbury (John).] Catalogue of A Collection of Cameos, Marble
Busts, Statues in Gold, Silver, Bronze and Ivory, Swords, Medals,
&c., relating to Napoleon and his Family. 2 facsimile letters, the
different signatures of Napoleon, and Supplement. 4to, limp boards,
leather back (1 side' loose). London, n.d. [1835]
498. [Sainsbury (John).] Another Copy, similar; without the facsimile let-
ters and supplement, and name cut from top-margin of title.
499. [Sainsbury (John).] Thirty Facsimiles of the Different Signatures of
the Emperor Napoleon, and a Sketch of the Events connected with
them. 8 pp. 4to. Stitched. London, 1836
500. Sainsbury (John). Catalogue of the Napoleon Museum, from Louis
XIV. to Death of Napoleon. Comprising State Papers and Manu-
scripts, Marbles, Bronzes, Medals, Books, &c., collected during the
last 25 years. Facsimile frontispiece. 12mo, boards, gilt.
London, 1844
A useful work for collectors of Napoleona.
501. [Sainsbury (John).] The Napoleon Museum. The History of France
Illustrated from Louis XIV. to the Death of the Emperor, comprising
marbles, bronzes, carvings, drawings, medallions, portraits, prints,
manuscripts, &c., &c. Portrait of Mr. Sainshury, view of his museum,
and numerous plates of facsimiles. Large 4to, half red morocco,
gilt (binding repaired). London, 1845
Describes over 700 volumes and 3000 prints.
502. Sale oe Peal Estate. District de Saint-Denis, Biens Nationaux_ a
Vendre, Adjudication Definitive, le Lundi 7 Janvier 1793. Folio.
Paris, 1793
Notice of sale of lands, with their dimensions, in the Cantons de Pantin
and de Belleville, with terms of payment, &c.
503. Salgues (J. B.) Memoires pour servir a I’Histoire de France. Tome
premier (all issued?). Portrait of Napoleon after Muneret. 8vo,
wrappers, uncut. Pans, 1814
504 Sanson (HuNRY-Editor). Memoirs of the Sansons from Private Notes
and Documents [1688-1847]. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (labels removed
from covers, and 1 side and back loose). London, 1876
505. Santini. Appeal to the British Nation on the Treatment Experienced
by Napoleon Buonaparte in the Island of St. Helena, With Preface,
&c. (In French and English). Portrait {inserted). 12mo, half
cloth and boards (a few corrections in ink). London, 1817
506. Santini (Noel). Le Tombeau de Napoleon Premier et son Gardien.
Also, Souvenirs de Santini touchant la Captivite de Napoleon a Ste.
Helene. 2 plates. 12mo, original wrappers. Paris, 1856
507. Sarratt (Lieut.). Life of Buonaparte, in which the Atrocious Deeds,
which he has Perpetrated in order to attain his elevated station are
faithfullv Recorded. Oval portrait. 12mo, boards (binding poor) .
London, [1803]
508. Sarhatt (Lieut.). Life of Buoiia])arte, in which Ihe Atrocious Deeds
which he has Perpetrated in order to attain his elevated station are
faithfully recorded. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, title re-
paired and 1 p. inisbound, name on title.
Extra-illustkated bj^ the insertion of numerous portraits and views.
509. Savaky (J. a. ]\1. 1L, Due de Eovigo). Memoirs of the Duke of Bovigo
(M. Savary), w'ritten by Himself; Illustrative of the History of
poleon. 4 vols. 8vo, original boards, paper labels, low’er edges uncut.
London, 1828
First English Edition. A valuable work by one who was of the
immediate entourage of Napoleon. Savary succeeded Fouche as Minister
of Police in ISIO, and here exposes in detail tbe extraordinary trickery of
the latter.
510. [SciiLABRANDOKF ( G. Yon).] Boiiaparte, and the French People under
his Consulate. Translated from the German. Illustrated. 8vo, half
red morocco, gilt, gilt top. London, 1804
This work had an exceedingly large circulation in Germany and in
other parts of the Continent, but was eventually suppressed altogether
by Napoleon. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of about 50 portraits
and views, including 14 portraits of Napoleon, some on India paper, with
facsimile signatures, t&c.
511. Schulz (Friedrich). Historisch-genealogisches Taschenbuch . . .
Geschichte der grossen Eevolution in Frankreich. 12 fine portraits,
including Barnave, Gouttes, Camus, Miraheau, and others, also cele-
bration of the French people (frontispiece). 12mo, original boards.
Braunschweig, 1792
512. Scott (John). A Visit to Paris in 1814; Being a Eeview of the Moral,
Political, Intellectual, and Social Condition of the French Capital.
8 VO, half calf. London, 1816
513. Scott (John). Sketches of Manners, Scenery, &c., in the French Prov-
inces, Switzerland, and Italy. With an Essay on French Literature.
Etched frontispiece of Porto Ferrajo, with Napoleon’s palace. 8vo,
half calf. London, 1821
514. [Scott (Sir Walter).] Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk. 8vo, scored
calf (somewhat worn). Edinburgh, 1816
Written by Scott during his tour on the continent in 1S15, isoon after
the Battle of Waterloo, which Is described in detail in Letter VIII.
515. Scott (Sir Walter). The Life of Kapoleon Buonaparte, with a Prelim-
inary View of the French Eevolution. By the Author of “ Waverley.”
Portraits, inserted. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops,
some edges uncut. Philadelphia, 1827
516. [Scott (Sir Walter).] Life of Napoleon. Copper-plates of Ney,
Murat, and others, by American engravers, also views (but lads the
portrait of Napoleon). 8vo, sheep. New' York, 1827; Weston (J. A.)
Historic Doubts^ as to the Execution of IMarshal Ney (prospectus
only); St.-Hilaire (Marco). Anecdotes du temps de Napoleon
(slightly imperfect), 12mo, wrappers, Paris, 1856. Together, 3 vols.
517. Second Tukaty of Peace. (1) Extrait dii ]\[oniteur dii 26 Novenibrc
1S15. Traite de Paix entre la France et les puissances alliees, conclu
a Paris, le 20 Xoveinbre 1815. 4 pp., dto; (2) Another copy, by
anotlier printer, 'with the addition of li/b PP- of Convention news. 8
p]). 4to. Both copies nnbonnd. 2 pieces. Paris, 1815
8igiie(l by Richelieu. Metteriiicli, Vesseiiberg, and others. Restores the
French frontier as it was gained hy the Allies in 1814, appoVtious the
amount to he paid hy the AlliecI Powers for war-expenses, the indemnities
to he made to the smaller poNvers, &c., ifcc.
518. Secret ]\'[emo]RS of Xajfoleon Buonaparte. Written by one who never
([uitted him for fifteen years. Translated from the French. 2 vols.
in 1, old calf, gilt (weak at joints). London, 1815
Said to have been written hy one of Napoleon’s valets.
519. Segur (Pi-riLiP De). History of the Expedition to Pnssia, undertaken
by Napoleon in 1812. Illustrated.- 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco,
gilt, gilt tops, nncnt. London, 1826
ExTKA-iLLt;sTKATED by the insertion of nearly 100 portraits, views, &e.,
several proofs, some on India paper, and a number inlaid.
520. Sea'mour (Edward). History of the Ahirs resulting from the French
Pevolution; Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; and Biographical Sketches
of Public Characters of Europe. With Appendix. Portraits, plates,
and colored maps. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, crudely backed with leather,
outer and lower edges uncut. London, 1815
521. SHip:\tENTS OF Merchandise by Water. Municipalite de Paris. Par
le Maire et les Officiers Municipaux. Extrait dn Eegistre des De-
liberations dn Corps Municipal, du 16 Juillet 1793. Folio.
Paris, 1793
Refers to the method of shipping merchandise hy water in specified
packages, how it shall he marked, declared. &c., under penalty of con-
fiscation. Issued hy Pache, mayor, Coulombeau, clerk.
522. Sidney (Edwin). The Life of Lord Hill, late Commander of the
Forces. Portrait, and title-vignette. First Edition. 8vo, cloth
(name cut from top of title). London, .1845
523. Simpson (James). A Visit to Flanders in 1815, Being chiefly an ac-
count of the Field of Waterloo, with sketch of Antwerp and Brussels.
Maps. 18mo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back, gilt to]i, uncut.
Edinburgh, 1816
ExTRA-Tr.LUSTi!ATED by the insertion of about 27) portraits and plates,
including several each of Napoleon and IVelliiigton.
524. Sloand (William M.). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Bevised and
Enlarged. [With Index and General Bibliography]. Numerous
mams^portraits and plans. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut.
N. A".; Century Co., 1910
525. Smittiers (Henry). Observations made during a Pcsidence in Brus-
sels and several tours through the Netherlands. With several anec-
dotes on the Battle of Waterloo. Map and etched plates. 8vo, limp
boards, uncut (binding worn) .
Brussels; Printed at the British Press, [1816]
lalf red nio-
Loiidon, 1830
Smuckki! (S.VMI-HL M.). I’ublic and Pnvak' History of :Nai)oleon the
Third, ^vith Biograpliical Xotices of his Ministers,^ (.enerals,^
Portniit. 12ino, cloth (soniewliat sliaken).
South KY (ItoBKirr)- hife of Nelson, llhidvalecl. Kiino,
roeeo, ^a:ilt, gilt top.
Kxtka-ii.i.usti(.\ti£u by the insertion of about bO ])()rtyaits, views, tScc.,
incliuliiift nuinerons i)ortraits of Nelson and Lady llaniilton. a tacsimile
letter of bis, plan of the Lattle of Trafalj,Mr, and other interesting
Srui-X'ti ou Nai’OI.eox. Extrait dit Monitenr dn 2(5 INIars 1815.^ (Speecli
of Napoleon in Avhich ho mentions the re-establishinent of the lin-
iierial throne, praises his soldiers, &c. ; also, contains dispatches troin
the Minister of War, from Count Caffarelli. notice ot the arnyal of
Prince Josepli, &c.). -i pp. small 4to, unhound (somewhat stained).
J^ortrait of Napoleon, 12ino, laid in. Paris, 181o
Satxt Helen. t. ITandschrift auf unhekannte Art von St. Helena gekoni-
nien, etc. 8vo, half bound, original blue wrajipcrs bound in uncut.
T.eirty.ify. 1817
530. Stael-Holsteix (Madaaie He). Ten Years’ Exile; or Memoirs of that
Period. Mhdtten by Herself [1810-1813]. And now first |niblished
by her Son. Translated from the French. Portraits, inserted. 8vo,
half red calf, gilt, gilt top, some edges uncut. London, 1821
Contains much matter relative to Napoleon.
531. Stocquelee (J. H.). Life of the Duke of 'Wellington. Nnnierous plates.
2 vols. 8vo, original cloth (worn, and 1 plate loose). London. 1852
532. SucHET (i\rARSi[AL — Duc D’Albufera). Meiuoirs of the "War in Spain,
from 1808 to 1814. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, some
leaves uncut. London, 1829
533. Suite Idu Proces du IMarechal-de-Camp Bonnaire, et du Lieutenant
Mieton, Son Aicle-de-Camp, Declarations des Soldats qui out fusille
le malheureux Colonel Gordon, &c. ler Conseil de Guerre, lere Div.
IMilitaire. Troisieme Seance. 4 pp. 4to, unbound. [Paris, 1816]
This (Jeneral, Jean (lerard Bonnaire, was condemned to exile on charge
of being concerned in the attack on Colonel Gordon at Conde in 181G.
534. SuRViLLiERS (CoviTE De). Biographical Sketch of Joseph Napoleon
Bonaparte. 8vo, half calf. London, 1833
535. [SviNiNE (Paul).] Sketches of Bussia. 15 handsomeJij colored plates,
eng raved hg Bluch after Svinine. 8vo, hoards, leather hack, uncut.
London; IL Ackermann. 1814
Includes colored portraits of the Emperor and Empress of Ihissia,
views of the Kremlin. Palace of the ('zars. an early T'oboggan Slide, &c.,
together with 2 I)]l of music of a Kussian Natioiial song.
536. Svinine (Paul). Some Details concerning General IMoreau and his hiM
Moments ... to wliich is added A Funeral Oration pro-
nounced at St. Petersburg in honor of Gen. Moreau. Portrait, en-
graved hg IP. P. .\nnin (of Boston, Mass.). (Slightly cut on mar-
gin.) 12mo, half shee]). Boston, 1814
537. Talleyrand-Perigord. Le Masque Tombe, ou Talleyrand-Perigord, ce
qudl est, ce qudl fut, ce qu’il sera toujours. [Par C. P.]. (A satirical
biographical sketch of Talleyrand in which reference is made to the
Louisiana Purchase through the agency of a Mr. Swan, said to have
been a member of the Boston Tea-Party, &c.). 8 pp. 13mo, un-
bound. [Paris, n.d.]
538. [Talleyrand's Library Catalogue.] Bibliotheca Splendid issima. A
Catalogue of a Superlatively Splendid and Extensive Library, con-
signed from the Continent. Sold by Auction by Leigh and Sotheby,
May, 1816. Priced in ink. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges.
London, 1816
Thick paper copy, with slip of paper (inserted), signed “8. Sothebi/,”
on which he has written, “ TJie Library of PHnce Talleyrand.” Book-
plate of Cornelius Paine.
539. Tardieu (Ambroise). Kelation Anglaise de la Bataille de Waterloo, ou
du Mont Saint-Jean. Paris, 1815. Bound with Shoberl’s Narrative
of the most remarkable Events. London, 1814, and another work
(which is imperfect). 3 vols. in 1. 8vo, half calf.
540. Thiers (Louis A.). History of the French Kevolution, 1789-1800.
Translated by Frederick Shoberl. New Edition. Upwards of J^O steel
plates hy Greatloatcli. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Philadelphia, 1894
541. Toussaint L’Ouverture. The Life and Military Achievements of Tou-
saint L’Cnverture . . . with the Inhumane conduct of General
Clerc and General Eochambeau, &c. 12mo, boards.
N. P. ; Printed for the Author, 1804
542. Travels in Algiers, Spain, &c., with an Interesting ikccount of the Al-
gerines, their Customs, Ceremonies, &c. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards,
partly uncut (somewhat worn). London, n.d.
543. Treaty Oe Peace. Extrait du Moniteur du 2 Juin 1816. Traite
de Paix au nom ded la Tres-Sainte et Indivisible Trinite. (Made
in Paris, May 30, 1814, and signed by Talleyrand-Perigord, Prince
de Benevent, De ]\letternich. Count de Stadion, &c.). ^yoodcut coat-
of-arms. 8 pp. small 4to, unbound. Paris, 1814
544. Tribunal of Police. H6tel-de-ANlle de Paris. Tribimal de Police.
Extrait des Eegistres cles Audiences . . . feant . . . du
Lundi 25 Juillet 1791. Small looodcut of municipal arms. Folio.
Paris, 1791
Order of Court, by B. C. Cahier, premier Substitut-Ad.ioiut du Procur-
eur de la Commune, in the course of which he speaks of the number of
persons brought before the Tribunal at inconvenient times, and decrees
special hours for hearings, &c.
545. Tribunat. Discours prononce par le C. Duvidal sur la motion d'ordre
relative au gouvernement hereditaire. Seance extraordinaire du 10
Eloreal, an 12. 7 pp. 12mo, unbound and uncut. Paris, 1803
Address on hereditary government.
54(5. Tkibunat. Motion cFOrtlre du Tribun Curee, sur I’eniission dTni vceu
tendant a ce que ISTapoleon Bonaparte, actuelleinent premier Consul,
soit declare Empereur des Frangais. Seance extraordinaire du 10
Floreal, an 12. 10 pp. 12tno, unbound. Baris, 1803
Relates to the First Consul being declared Emperor.
547. Tussaud (Madame). Memoirs and Berniniscences of France, forming
an Abridged Histoiy of the French Bevolution. Edited by Francis
Herve. Illusiraied. 1 vol. extended to 2 vols. 8vo, full polished
crimson calf, symbolical gilt backs and sides, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf.
London, 1838
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of over 200 portraits, views, &c.,
some on India paper, and a number inlaid. Includes 2 portraits of
Franklin, and 1 of Paul Jones.
548. Two Sketches of France, Belgium, and Spa, in Two Tours, during 1771
and 1816. By the author of “ Letters from Paris, in 1802-3.’^ Por-
trait of Napoleon s guide at Waterloo. 8vo, half red morocco, sym-
bolical gilt back, gilt top. London, 1817
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 70 portraits and views,
some on India paper and inlaid.
549. Urania. Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1835. With portrait of Tegner
{celebrated Sivedish poet), and illustrations. 12mo, original Ijoards,
in original board case. Leipzig, 1835
550. UssiTEE (Cart. Sir Thomas). Narrative of Events connected with the
First Abdication of Napoleon, his Embarkation at Frejus and Voy-
age to Elba ... as narrated by Col. Laborde, wdio accompanied
him. 8 VO, cloth. Dublin, 1841
Captain Ussber commanded the frigate that conveved Napoleon to
551. VxVN Ess (Willem L.). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Including
iMemoirs of the Imperial Family, and the Most Celebrated Charac-
^ ters that have appeared in France during the Bevolution. Numerous
portraits 6 vols. 12mo, half sprinkled calf. London [1806]
From the library of Rev. Henry Collison with bookplate.
552. Vertot (l'Abbe). Ilistoire des Bevolutions arrivees dans le Gouverne-
ment de la Bepublique Bomaine. Tome premier. 12mo, old sheep.
Amsterdam, 1789
From the library of Joseph Bonaparte, with his stamp on title. On
the fly-leaf is written “ Bordentown. N. J., Sept. 18, 1845. This work
bought at the sale of the library of the late Joseph Bonaparte, at his
mansion, by me, Aaron Clark.”
553. ViEUSSEUX (A.) Napoleon Bonaparte; his Sa3-ings and his Deeds.
Illustrations. 2 vols. 16mo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt backs,
gilt tops. Ijondon, 1846
Extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 200 portraits, views, fac-
similes, &c., a number inlaid, including 2 portraits of lYashington.
554. [A^tvian (I. H.).] jMinutes of a Conversation with Napoleon Bona-
parte, (Inring his Besidence at Elba, in Jannary, 1815. 12ino, wrap-
pers. London, 1839
One of a few copies privately printed for distribution among the
author's friends.
555. [Walsh (RobePiT).] A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the
French txovernnient, including A^iew of the Taxation of the French
Empire. By an American. 8vo, half calf, gilt (marginal notes and
underscorings). Philadelphia Printed; London Reprinted; 1810
Hound in with the ai)ove is a letter from Paris to George Petre. By
Hev. .J. C. Eustace, London, 1814.
55G. Warde^t (William). Letters written on board the Northumberland
and at St. Helena; in wliich the conduct and conversations of Napo-
leon and his Suite are faithfully described and related. Facsimile
of Napoleon’s liandivriting . 8vo, full polished calf, gilt.
Brussels, 1817
557. [AVashtngton (George).] Revolutions Almanach von 1797. With por-
traits, including Washington, and others, also views. 12ino, original
boards, uncut. Gottingen [1797]
558. [Washington (George).] Alassachusetts Alarch 5, 1800. 4 pp.
Folio, as issued. Worcester, 1800
Contains the continuation of Morse’s Biographical Sketch of Gen.
Washington, also Fisher Ames on the Sublime Virtues of Gen. Wash-
559. AAWterloo. x\n insert of “ The Times,” London, June 22. 1815, contain-
ing copy of Wellington’s dispatch to the British War Department
relative to the defeat of the French at Waterloo, June 18, 1815.
Gives, also, a list of the British killed and wounded. 4 pp. folio.
560. Waterloo. Muffling (Baron F. P. K.). A Sketch of tbe Battle of
Waterloo. To which are added Official Despatches of Wellington and
Bliicher, with Reflections of the Battles of Ligny and Waterloo. Por-
traits of W ellington and Napoleon on India paper, inserted. 16mo,
original ivrappers, back strengthened with cloth. Brussels, 1839
An early edition of a Scarce pamphlet on this famous battle.
561. Waterloo, a description of the costly and curious Alilitary Carriage of
the Late Emperor of France taken on the evening of the Battle of
Waterloo. 12nio, (pp. 20) inlaid to royal 4to, with 4 different scenes
illustrating the capture of the carriage, two of which are in colors.
4to and 12mo.
562. Watewloo and xVlgiers. (1) The Battle of Waterloo, or, a Faithful
History of the Events connected therewith; (2) The Triumph of
Justice, Being a Narrative of the Recent Expedition to Algiers. En-
graved title, and plates. 8vo, boards, calf back.
ATanchester [Eng.], 1816
5G3. Wati.:iiK(.(. JIemoihs; or, Kecor.l of ali (lie Events coniiecteil with and
arisins; out of, the Battles fonoht on Ihth, ITlli and IXtIi ol •lone,
1815; with P>i()«Tai)hies of the most distinguished Odieers.
(jraved jwriraits. 8 vols. Svo, half calf, gilt (title of Ud. 1 slightly
5()4. Watkrloo, &c. Bain (Nicolson). A
London, 1817
letailed Account of the Battle-;
of (,)uatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo: I’receded by a Belation of
Bvents attending the Temporary Bevolution of 1810, in lu-aiice.
Jdan of Waterloo. I't^mo, scored calf, gilt hack and sides, hy Carlrae,
Kdinhurgh, with his ticket (plan slightly torn and worn at several
folds). Edinburgh, 181!)
565. Wellington (Arthur W., Duke Oe). Memoir of the Early Campaigns
of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal and Spain. By an Ofheer
in his Army. 8vo, half russia, gilt hack (a few marginal notes in
pencil). London, 1820
566. Weston (James A.). Historic Doubts as to the E.xecution of jMar.shal
Ney. Numerous Ulusirations. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt toji, uncut.
Aew York, 1895
AVith autograph .signature of the author on Ry-leaf, and card (in-
serted ) .
567. [WiiATELY (Pichard).] Important Correction to be made in the His-
tory of the Nineteenth Century. 2 portraits of Napoleon, inserted.
Square 12mo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt to]), uncut. London, 1845
A work in which the anonymous writer, said to he Richard AAdiately,
endeavors to prove that Napoleon, all his battles, the French Revolution,
etc., are hut myths.
568. [Whately (Richard).] Hi.storic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buon-
parte. Illustrated. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top.
London, 1865
An ingenious attempt to show the absurdity of skeptical criticism.
Extra-illu.strated hy the insertion of about 20 portraits and views.
569. [Whittier (John G.).] Eagle. Yol. 1, No. 1. Jan. 5. 1848. 8 ipi.
Eolio, as issued (slightly damaged). New York, 1848
Contains “The AAHfe,” hy .Tohn G. AAdiittier, probably its fii‘.st appear-
570. Williams (Helen Marta). Narrative of the Events in France from
the Landing of Bonaparte, 1815, till the Restoration of Louis NYIll.
8vo, original hoards, partly uncut. London, 1815
571. Wilson (Sir Robert T.). Narrative of the Ex])edition to Egypt, under
Sir Ralph Abercrombie; containing Exposition of the Conduct of
Napolcone Buoujiarte abridged from the History of that Campaign.
Map and portraits. 12mo, half red morocco, symbolical gilt back,
gilt top, uncut. London |18():)|
ExTRA-ir.LusTRATEi) l)y the insertinn of a double-page view of tht' Deatli
of General Abercrombie, and 20 ])ortraits.
572. Yorke (IIenra' R.). T.etters from France in 1802. 2 vols. 8vo. blue
boards, uncut (hacks uncovered). London, 1804
573. Zeitgeschichte (Die) nebst anclern wissenswerthen Sachen. No. 1 (and
No. 2), Jan. and Feb., 1808. With two full-page plates in
colors, one representing Prince Louis lying in coffin, a wreath of
laurel being placed on his broiu, and the other a full-page portrait of
the King of Prussia in uniform on liorsehacL. 2 parts in 1, small
4to, unbound. Schweidnik, 1808
574. Zimmerman (Godfrey). Autobiography of Zimmerman, formerly in
the Commissariat Department of the Army under Napoleon. Frontis-
piece. 12mo, boards, cloth back, gilt edges. London, 1852
At The American Art Galleries
Third Session, Numbers 575 to 925, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Documents, Portraits, Paintings,
575. Arbona (Padre Pierre — of the Immaculate Conception). A.L.S. 4
pp. 4to, including addressed portion. Amarapura [Burmali], Aug.
14, 1842. To the Marquis J. de Barol, thanking him for mone}'’ sent
him for missionary purposes, &c.
From the Sjdvio Tellico collection (No. 395), enclosed in his library
wrapper and with his autograph annotations.
576. Abbot (Charles — British statesman, warm supporter of Pitt). Por-
trait, full bust, wearing robes of office. Engraved b}'’ C. Picart after
J. Northcote. Stipple. 4to. London, 1814
577. Abercromby (Alexander — Aide to Sir John Moore, fought at IVater-
loo). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. To lYilliam Boss, a solicitor.
Concerning the estate of Capt. Ralph Dundas.
578. Abercromby (Sir Ralph — British general, mortally wounded at Alex-
andria). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Portsmouth, Feb. 13, 1796. Regarding pay-
ment of accounts, etc.
579. Abercromby (Sir Ralph). D. S. 1 p. folio. May 25, 1796. Warrant
for payment.
580. Abercromby (Sir Ralph). D.S. 1 p. folio. ^Martinique, March 1,
1797. Countersigned by Fred. Maitland. Witli wax seal and por-
581. Abercromby (Sir Ralph). ‘'The Deatli of Sir Ralph Abercromby.”
Outline plate, containing many other portraits. 4to.
582. About (Edmond— French writer). A.L.S. Ip. 8vo. n.p.n.d., criticis-
ing the style of an article by [Beulier].
583. Aerial (Joseph Andre — received title of Count under Xapoleon).
AJj.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April 25, 1811. To the Duke . . .
The ackiiowleclgiiient ol the receipt of the Imperial decree of April
17, isil (probahlv as above mentioned), and promising to he at Grenoble
on IMay 10.
584. Aerial (Joseph Andre). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Ihivis, le 5 Yendemiaire,
I’An 10 [Sept. 26, 1801]. To the Criminal Court of the Dept, of
Doubs, informing same that the executioner cannot be imprisoned
for any mistake or neglect, &c. Signed, also, by [G. H. Beaulaton].
585. Aerial (Joseph Andre). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Cassaert
sculp. Stipple (slightly spotted). 8vo.
586. Adahs (John). Portrait, thrce-cpiarter length, seated, right hand on
table, left hand holding document. Line engraving. 4to. Mounted
and cut to plate.
587. Addington (Henry — afterAvards Lord Sidmouth, educated with Pitt,
first lord of the treasury). D.S. “Sidmouth,” 1 p. 4to.
Whitehall, Sept. 12, 1812
Clearance papers relatiA’e to a ship sailing from Baltimore.
588. Addington (IlENiiY). Portrait, half length. Engraved by E. Scriven,
painted by G. Pichmond. 4to. London, 1836
589. Addison (Joseph). Full bust portrait in oval. Engraved by Houbraken
after Kneller. Folio. London, 1748
590. Adolph II. (Lieut.-Gen. in the Hessian Army, took an active part against
Frederick the Great). L.S. “ Johann Adolph,” 1 p. 4to. Leipzig,
Oct. 6, 1725. Pelative to a sum of 700 thalers.
591. Aguesseau (Antoine D’ — member of Louis XIII.’s State and Private
Council, master of the Court of Eequests). D.S. on a strip of vel-
lum. 1626
592. Alaayx (Miguel P. D’ — Spanish general, aide-de-camp to Wellington).
A. L.S. 4 pp. folio, including addressed portion. Tours, May 24,
1837. To Pev. i\Ir. Farr, thanking him for letters received, &c.
593. Alava (IMiguel P. D’). Portrait, full bust. Lithograph after Maurin,
1835. 4to. Paris, n.d.
594. Aleany. General View. Tinted lithograph after Kollner. 4to.
Xew York, 1850
595. Aleert (Prince — consort of Queen Victoria). Autograph signature
“ Albert,” with words “ The Lord John Pussell, etc., etc. ” in his auto-
graph, with portrait.
596. Alemeert (Jean D’— eminent French geometer). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo.
“ The Academy has considered the method employed by M. Aiiellos in
iwoving the tlieorem on the (inadratnre of the circle, and prefer the
method used heretofore."
5!) 8.
6 1 0.
ALEMiJEirr (Jeax 1)’). Portrait, full in oval. Grave par L. J.
Cathelin, dessine par G. X. Cochin. Line engraving. 4to.
Alexander L, Emi'Eijor of ]?ussia. Portion of L.S. 1 ]>. small fto. St.
Peter.sbnrg, Jiil}' 4, 1802.' To Citoyen Gail of Paris whom the writer
does not appear to hold in high esteem. With portrait. Loth inlaid
on a single sheet, royal 4to. Also, ])late containing portraits of Alex-
ander I. and others. Together, 3 pieces.
Alexander I. Portrait “ Alexander the truly great,” full bust in uni-
form. A\hillis sculp. \\'. j\r. Craig delt. Line engraving. 4to.
. [London], 1814
Alexandei; I. Portrait, half length, in uniform, standing. Engraved by
Henry llfeyer, after i\Ir. Yolkoff. Stipple. Open letters. Folio.
London, 1814
Alexander I. Portrait, full length in uniform. Drawn by W. Heath.
Line and stipple. In colors. Eolio. London, 1814
Alexander I. Portrait, in uniform, on horseback. Canton del. et scul]).
4to. In colors. London, 1815
Alexander I. Portrait, full bust in uniform. P. Page sculp. Line and
stipple. Printed in colors, 4to. London, 1826
xVlexander I. Portrait, foil bust in uniform. Aug. Legrand scul],).
Stipple. Svo.
Alexander I. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Meulen sculp. C. v.
Waard del. Stipple. Folio.
Alexander I. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. Gegraveerd door
W. van Semis, geteckend door St. Aubin. 4to.
Alexander I. Portrait, full bust in uniform. W. van Senas sculp.
Hlle. le P»run pinx. On the reverse is a portrait of William IW
King of the XT'therlands, who commanded a Dutch army which re-
sisted the French invaders in 1793, also engraved by W. van Senas.
Alexander I. Portraits, (1) full bust in uniform. XTagle sculp.
Shepperson del. Line engraving, 8vo.. 1814; (2) full length, in uni-
form, on horseback. 4to. Together, 2 pieces.
Alexander I. Portrait, three-quarter length in uniform. Stipjile.
(margins cut aAvay). Folio.
Alexander I. Portrait, full length iu uniform. G.
Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
Alexander I. Portrait in uniform on horseback.
lOxocnted in I'atent Tapestry effect ori.irinated l),v
A. Sasso inc. G. B.
In colors. Folio,
(’arl T’tfenheimer.
Alex.vnder I. Portrait.
Line engraving. Folio,
Grave ])ar P. Audouin, de
slightly .stained.
ine par
Paris, n.d.
613. Alexandee I. Bey der Asche dieses Unsterblichen. . . . Alex-
ander I. Friederich Wilhelm III. imd Louise^, in der nacht am 4 ten
November 1805.” Stipple, in brown. D. Berger fecit, 1806, F.
Weitschdel. 4to.
614. Alexander IV.— Pope. Brief on vellum addressed to the Abbess and
nuns of the Monastery of St. Clara of Alcocer. Oblong 4to. Given
at Anagni the III kal. of September, the fifth year of the Pontificate
(August 30, 1259).
Briefs aud bulls of the above pope are of rare occurrence.
615. Alken Colored Plate. '' Jack’s Wedding Day.” A spirited scene at
the end 'of a street, showing figures of sailors, women, &c., including
one of the Deputy Port Admiral. Etching in colors. H. Aiken, Del.
4to. London, 1826
616. Allemand (Z. J. T. — French admiral). A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including
addressed portion. Paris, Aug. 3, 1817. To A. de Seville regarding
a certain commission.
617. Allix (Jacques A. P. — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Army of
the Moselle at Idzig, Dec. 1, 1794. To Gen. Ambert.
Informing Gen. Ambert that he is obeying orders, and that the woods
in the neighborhood are being well searched.
618. Alvinczy (Joseph — Austrian general, defeated by Bonaparte at Areola).
L.S. 1 p. 8vo, n.p. April 23, 1808.
619. Alvinczy (Joseph). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple, in bistre.
Unsigned. 8vo.
620. Amalie (Marie F. A. — Duchess of Saxony, sister of Fred. Augustus
II.). Portrait, full bust, in oval. Line engraving. Unsigned. In
colors. 8vo.
621. Ambert (Jean Jacques — French general). L.S. 1 p. folio. Spire.
Aug. 30, 1794.
Regarding Lieut. Mayer of the 7th regiment of hussars, and requesting
that his salary be paid.
622. American Colonies. Documents (3) relating to affairs in the French
Colonies of America, &c. 3 pp. folio. Paris, 1793-4. Contain sig-
natures of Pellissiersuret, Perrier and others.
623. American Independence. The manner in which the American Colonies
declared themselves independent of the King of England throughout
the different Provinces, on July 4th, 1776. Copper engraving by
Noble after Hamilton. 4to. [1782]
624. American Lithography. ‘‘ An Amalgamation Waltz.” Lithograph in
colors. 4to. New York; J. Childs, 1839
625. American Military Costume. Portrait and Uniform of an American
General and a real representation of the Dress of an American Eifle-
Man. Copper engraving by Eoberts. 4to. [1782]
The two figures are portraits of General Israel Putnam and Major
Robert Rogers.
626. American Navy. Paul Jones the Pirate. Line engraving, full length
in uniform. Pistol in one hand, cutlass in the other. 8vo.
London [circa 1806]
627. American Railroads. View of the first steel railway passenger train
in America. On the reverse of a facsimile of The Boston News-
Letter, April 24th, 1704. Polio.
628. American Revolution. Caricature showing Neptune, with trident
pointing to “ Uncle Sam seated across the water with an American
fiag in one hand and a crowing rooster perched on one shoulder, and
assuring Britannia that the war will result in her favor, &c. Line.
Unsigned. London Magazine, August, 1778. Oblong 12mo.
629. American Revolution. “ The Tea-Tax Tempest, or the Anglo-Ameri-
can Revolution” [inscription also in German and French]. Mezzo-
tint. Unsigned. Large folio, full margins, slightly creased.
London, 1779
630. American Revolution. Line engraving of the same, the inscription
in English only. Large folio.
631. American Revolution. The American General Lee taken Prisoner by
Lieut. Col. Harcourt of the English Army in Morris County, N. J.,
1776. Copper engraving after Hamilton. Eolio.
[Circa 1810]
Although there is no engraver’s name it is probably the plate engraved
by Hawkins.
632. American Revolution. “ The manner in which the American Colonies
declared themselves independent of the King of England . . . July
4, 1776.” Noble sculp. Hamilton delin. Copper engraving. 4to.
633. American Revolution. Caricature An Extraordinary Gazette, or the
disapointed (sic) politicians,” including sketches of Map of
America belonging to the English in 1762, when Pitt was prime min-
ister”; also ^‘Map of America belonging to the English in 1778 ”
Small 4to.
634. American Revolution. Portrait of Alexandre Berthier. Full bust in
uniform. Mezzotint (by Lavachez), battle scene and biographical
notice in script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet (stained).
635. American Shipping. LT^merica. Lithograph, by Mott. Folio. On
India paper.
636. Ames (Joseph). Portrait, three-quarter length, seated. Mezzotint, by
Robert Laure. 4to. ’
637.. Amherst (Jeffery). The Humanity of General Amherst. Line en-
graving by Aeudine after Smirke. Folio (spotted). London, 1811
(i 12.
(i 1
(i 1-1.
(i 15.
Amiikks'I’ (WiIjIja.m I’rn' - nephew of .hhl’rey /\nihei‘st,, was at Water-
loo). .A.L.S. 1 pp. Ito. Aj,n-a, .January Ki, IS27. With portrait.
A vei'.v iii((‘r(‘stiii;; l(■lt(‘r, wi'ith'ii wIumi .Amherst wms (J(»v(“rii()i’-(}(*ii<“r:il
i>f India, and during trouldous limes in lliat cnindry. Speaking of Ins sun
he says: . . . “ From llie inosl diitirul and alTeetionaO* of eldldrc'ii he
;irad.iia lly heeaim* my most eonlident ia 1 fideiid . . . Ids hnnorahle
prineiph's insi)ii'ed im* willi a fiadinj^ towai'ds him I'ar heyoml that, of mere
lialernal alTeelion,” (dc.
Ams'I'iiudam. ColoiA'd view, folio. London, 1S15
A.NDKf; ( i\l A.Joi: .Ion \ ) . d'lu' nnrorlunat(* Death of Major Andre. Do])-
per eiii^ravino hy (ioldar after Hamilton. Lolio. {(Urea 17S2|
Andkk (.Ma.jok .Ioii.n). d’lu* Captui’e of Major Andre. Landscape (ui-
^O'aved l)y Smillie & Hinshelwood, painted hy A. L. Durand. Line
eno-ravino. Open lettiu’s. India papei'. I^’olio.
American Arl, Union, ISIO
ANDithossY (An'I’oinh V. — freiK'h ^(.iK.ral, served in Italy and f^oypt,
And)assador to liondon, Vicmna and Oonstantinoph!) . A.L.S. I p.
-Ho. London, D(!C(md)er .‘51, 1S02. d’o (ieneral Sanson, Director of
the War De])art numt, thanking- him for tlu; first nundxu- of th(‘
‘^Memorial,” and scmdino- him the “method of proj(‘ci.ion ” used
hy .Major Hcnnel.
.Xndukossy f .\ mtoi nmo f.). A.L.S. 1 p. Ito. I’ai'is, April A, ISOl. To
(icnerid .Jnnot. With port rait, full bust, in uniform. London, ISOS.
I’leuiiesl iiifi (Jeiiei'al .Imiot to do all hi his laiwei' to lad]) the iinrortimate
family of ciiiid’ of hatallioii IleKmiut.
ANDttkossY (AN'i’oiNt: l<\). y\.L.S. d ])p., Svo. I5oulof>ne (Lrance),
Del). 2(), iSOo, re^’dirdin^ Hu* puldicalion of woi'ks of the writid'.
.Andiikossy ('.An'I'oiiNK L.). A.L.S. 1 p. -Ho. 1 leadipiartcrs at M uidorf,
Oct. 2!), 1S()5.
,M. ('astilloii the rc'cipieid of th(‘ ordm- is reqm'sted to deliver (h'spatehes
to Col. I ’assl ii.Lcer in Miiniidi, and a iiacdcaf^i' to he sent to I’aris. from
.Marshal I’cidhier to d'alh-yi'and or .Maret, both of whom wen* in Mnni(di.
.Mand at this lime was Secndary (d‘ Stale and d'alleyrami Minister of
lh(‘ liderior.
.ANDiikossY (AN'i'oiN't: L.). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. I’aris, March 2, iSll,
relurnin”; thanks for the receipt of certain new hooks, pointin^r out
nnintcllioihle passap,'es therein, &c.
Andukossy ( .a N'I'oi n' k f\). I’ort.rait, full Inist, in uniform. Lmeraved
hy Anth. (Atrdon, drawn hy .1. (incrin. Sti])j)l('. Lolio. I’aris, n.d.
A N'm{i‘;oss\’ (An'I’oinio f\). Portrait, fidl hust, in uniform. Drawn hy
.J. (Jnci'in and ciif^raved hy AntJi. Oardon. Stipjile. I^hne im|)re,s-
sion, with full mar^o’ns. f’olio. I’aris, n.d.
A NDitKosHY (AN'roiNt; I<\). Portrait, full hust, in uniform. Drawn hy
.1. (Incrin and en^nived hy Anth. (Jardon. Stipple. Polio.
I’aris, n.d.
JbcJtsLtiJ^vsx-v, i ii- 20*^ ^at-^ ^ 1
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5jf- “Zi. Cjl«a. JCnintsap^
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Jtwra*. - «iit iJ!tu*sk- "Zi^pKiKsi- ZIJ «. S <!««:- ’^mail
Itfaymia ^wnaic- 5nL in*: jl imfiicn-
ytr -rusaaomi^ fnauie vk JCJfc- ie: ^ciooife
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ift5 2;ar2=2t ^Iarn» JtilziASMa v Jirsau^ jt am5icn_ aaoii^
JKC iitluiica^ ta. jbida an«!c rxaMSuec-
876. Beetitier (General Berbuy — brother of Marshal Berthier, fought in
the American Eevolution). L.S. 3 pp. folio. [Paris], July 26,
1792. Mentions that the sum M. Chretien states is due him, is,
really, not due him, and gives reasons for statement. Signed, also,
by P. de Delley, French economist, and others.
877. Berthier (General Berbuy). A.L.S. 2 pp. -Ito. Paris, May 3, 1796.
To Citizen Caperiere, at the war office.
878. Berthollet (Claude L. — eminent French chemical philosopher, one of
the few select friends of Bonaparte who returned to France with
him in 1799). L.S. 1 p. folio, (Paris), June 6, 1795. To the Com-
mittee of Public Safety.
879. Berthollet (Claude L.). L.S. 1 p. folio. [Paris, Dec. 3, 1795]. Ex-
tract from a report. Signed, also, by [A.] Mongez.
880. Berthollet (Claude L.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Allais sept.
Eembrandt Peale pinxt. Stipple. 4to. Open letters.
881. Berton (Jean Baptiste — French general, executed by order of Louis
XVIII.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. June 24, 1797. To Citizen Laurent.
With portrait, full length in uniform.
A letter in which Berton discusses the value of two horses taken hy
soldiers from other soldiers.
882. Bertrand (Henri Gratien — French general, accompanied Xapoleon
to St. Helena). A.L.S. 3 jip. folio, Bouleduc, Feb. 3, 1812. To
the Due de Feltre (Henri Jacques G. Clarke), Minister of War.
With sculptured head, after David. 2 jiieces.
On paper watermarked “ Louis Napoleon, Kins of Holland.” A mili-
tary letter regarding the 3d hatallion of the 3d regiment, mainly con-
sisting of foreign soldiers, which had just started for Willernstadt. He-
scribes in detail their condition, three hundred men lack uniform, they
are practically without arms, not enough officers in command, etc.
883. Bertrand (Henri Gratien). A.Ij.S. 1 p. 4to. Jan. 24, 1814. To
3[. Plaskett.
A letter of thanks on the return of some newspapers, and informing the
recipient that the Emperor will receive him that evening.
884. Bertrand (Henri Gratien). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Feb. 25, 1831.
Eclating: to the field officers of the Xational Guard.
885. Bertrand (Henri Gratien). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Litho-
grapli. 4to. Paris, n.d.
886. Bertrand (Henri Gratien). Portrait, full Imst in uniform. Mecou
sculp. Bordcs pinxt. Proof before letters on India paper. 4to.
887. Bertrand (Henri Gratien). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mecou
sculp. Bordes pinxt. With name and inscription. 4to.
888. Bertrand (Coaitesse — wife of Henri Cratien). A.Tv.S. ‘Hja Comtesse
Bertraml.’' 1 p. 12mo. duly 12, n.y. A request to call the follow-
ing day.
889. Behthaxd (Piekjje — Member of the National Convention). A.L.S. 1 p.
Khno. Paris, le 18 A’entose, I’An III. | Marcli 8, 1795 |. '^J'o Citizen
('anil)efort asking him to convene tlie Committee of Ihiblic Safety
and make report on a petition snhmitted.
890. Beethand (IhEEEE). Portrait, full hnst in oval. Cirardet scnlj). Per-
rin del. Line engraving. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
Bessieees (Jeax B., Due D’Isthie — Marshal of France, chiefly instru-
mental in placing Joseph Bonaparte on the throne). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. Undated, but 1797'. AVith portrait, full length in uniform.
To the Minister of War. Bessieres liaving received instructions regnrd-
ing the transfer of troops replies that the letter lias been received, and
that the troops will he moved from Conrtray to Doulenr.
Bessieees (JpiAX B., Due D’Isteie). L. S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Nov. 8,
1807. To Berthier, stating that Marshal Alortier desires more mem-
bers of the National Guard, &c.
893. Bessteees (Jeax B., Due DTstkie). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Bontron sc. Alej'er delt. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
894. BEUUrXOT (jAequES C. — French statesman, Alinister of Finance under
Jerome Bonaparte). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to and 12mo (including an
unsigned continuation in 12mo). Paris, Alay 1, 1817. AVith portrait.
To Baron ATonnier.
895. Beuexoxvtlle (Pteeee De Beul — Marshal of France, inpirisoned at
Olmutz, during or aliout the time that Lafayette was imprisoned
there). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Oct. 1799.
A fine letter to the ^Minister of Finnnce. asking him to take care of two
trunks that he had forwarded to Berlin by vessel and stage, and asking
that they he passed through the customs unopened.
896. Beurxoxville (Pierre De Fuel). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Alczzotint [by Levachez], battle scene beneath. 8vo, on folio sheet.
Beurxoxville (Pierre De Fuel). Portrait, full length in uniform.
Lith. de Gerard. India paper. Svo.
Bey of Tuxis. A.L.S. in Oriental characters. 2 pp. 8vo. Tunis, 17tli
day of the month Shahalian, 1194 | Jan. 17, 1781]. AVith seal. (3
Curious document from Bashaw Aly. Bey of Tunis, to King George III.
of England, with full English translation (2pp. 4to). Complains that a
Captain Boyd of his Majesty's service has purchased a vessel of him, hut
has failed to make the necessai-y payment for same, and asks the king
for redress.
899. Biaxctii (Friedrich— Austrian commander, fought against the French).
I’ortrait, full length in uniform. Line engraving [Italian work].
Unsigned. >Sma11 folio.
900. Bigxox (Edward— French historian). A.L.S. 1 ]). Svo. n.p. Jan. 10,
n.y. dk) a hrm of booksellers, asking how many copies of a work
l)y him tliey wish to have.
901. Biron (Charles Armand De — ^Marshal of France under Louis XV.).
L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, March 30, 1733.
A letter of thanks regarding a will.
902. BiROiSr (Charles De Gontault, Dug De — Marshal of France, Ambas-
sador to England, beheaded in 1602). D.S. 1 p. folio on vellum.
Jan. 2, no year. AYith 2 views and portrait, the latter engraved by
903. Biron (Louis A.). Portrait, full length in uniform. From the folio,
Versailles Gallery.
90-1. Blackstone (Sir William — celebrated English jurist). Portrait; Sir
David Baird — distinguished general. Portrait; Billaud-Varennes.
Portrait; F. C. A. Bouille — French general. Portrait; D. Benjamin
Gottlieb. Portrait; Mile. Bourgoin — French actress. Portrait; F.
P. Brueys d’Aigalliers — French admiral. Portrait; Julius Csesar.
Portrait; P. T. Cadudal — Xapoleonic conspirator. Portrait. Small
folio and smaller. Together, 9 pieces.
905. Blacos (M. — Minister of Louis XVIII.). Portion of a D.S., with sig-
nature. 1 p. 8vo. An order to forward chests from the custom
house at Marseilles.
906. Blake (William). Portrait, half length. Engraved by L. Schiavonetti
after T. Phillips. Etching. On India paper. 4to. London, 1808
907. Blanchard (M. — member of the Xational Convention), also Chretien
and Goisset. A.L.S. of each, (two of the first named), written on
4 pp. 4to. April 27, 1792, and no date. All regarding money.
908. Blucher (Gerhard L. Von, Prince, and Prussian Field-Marshal).
L.S. with 2 lines in his autograph. Army of the lower Rhine, Head-
quarters, St. Cloud, July 17, 1815. With portrait on horseback.
909. Blucher (Gerhard L. Von) . Portrait, full bust in uniform. Engraved
by A. Smith after Dahling. Stipple. 4to. (slightly creased).
London, 1813
910. Blucher (Gerhard L. Von). Portrait, full bust in uniform. A.
Smith sculpt. Dahling pinx. Stipple. 4to. London, 1813
911. Blucher (Gerhard L. Von). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple,
unsigned. Small folio. London, 1814
912. Blucher (Gerhard Ij. Von). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Gegra-
veerd door \V. van Senus, geschilderd door P. J. Lutzzenkirchen. On
India paper. Fine impression.
913. Blucher (Gerhard L. AMn). Portrait, full length in uniform. Xach
dem leben gemalt und gestochen von J. C. Bock. Stipple. Small
folio. Xurnberg, n.d.
914. Blucher (Gerhard L. AMn). Portrait, full bust. Engraved by L.
Vendrumini, drawn by P. S. Stroehling. 4to. liiondon, 1814
915. BLticiiER (Gebjiard L. Von). Portrait, PiU I'Rst in imiform. A.
Smith sculp. Dahling pinxt. Stipple. Loudon, 1813; 2 portraits
in battle, and portrait of Gen. T. W. von Bulo. 4to and 8vo. To-
gether, 4 pieces.
916. Blucher (Gebiiard L. Von). Portrait, “ Tlie Warlike Marshal Von
Bliicher,” half length in uniform. Stipple. 4to, margins cut away.
London, 1814
917. Bluciter (Gebhard L. Von). Portrait, full bust in uniform. En-
graved by Hooghamer. Stipple. 4to. Verse in Dutch beneatb.
918. Bluci-ier (Gebiiard L. A"on). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F.
Lignon sculp. A^igneron del. Line engraving. 4to.
919. Blucher (Gebiiard L. Von). Portrait, ^M^Vldmarschall von Blucher,”
full bust in uniform. J. G. Alabsfeld sc. Stipple in brown. 4to.
Wein, n.d.
920. Blucher (Gebhard L. Von). Portraits, (1) on galloping horse, AVachs-
mann fc. Kolbe del.; (2) full length in uniform, G-. A. Sasso inc.
G. B. Bosio dis. ; (3) at the battle of Ligny. Line and stipple. 4to
and 8vo. Together, 3 pieces.
921. Blucher (Gebhard L. A^on). Portrait, full length in uniform. Drawn
by AV. Heath. Line and stipple. In colors. Folio. London, 1814
922. Blucher (Gebhard L. Von). Portrait, in uniform, on horseback.
Pomney del. et sc. 4to. London, 1815
923. Blucher (Gebhard L. Von). Portrait, in uniform, on galloping horse.
V^achsmann sc. Kolbe del. 4to.
924. Blucher (Gebiiard L. Von). The meeting of Blucher and AAVllington.
Dutch engraving. D. Slayter sculp. J. Kamphuyzen delin. Folio.
Amsterdam, n.d.
925. Blucher. A.L.S. of the son of Field-AIarshal Blucher, 3 pp. 4to. Aetona,
April 8, 1840. To General (?).
Apologizes for not answering letters more promptly. Speaks of the
happy days gone by, and the honors bestowed upon him by Charles X.,
At The American Art Galleries
Fourth Session, Numbers 926 to 1258, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
926. Bo (J. B. J. — member of the National Convention). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to.
Baris [Oct. 11, 1T93]. Asks leniency for Citizen [Flessele], a politi-
cal offender, &c.
927. Boisset (Joseph A. — French Jacobin, member of the Council of the
Ancients). D.S. (with wax-seal), 2 pp. folio. Aigues-Mortes, le 16
Nivose, I’An 111 [Jan. 5, 1794J. Orders the coast to be fortified so
vessels may not land, &c.
928. Boissy-D’Anglas (F. A. De — President National Convention, Member of
the Council of 500). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to, including addressed portion.
Paris, March 5, 1822. To M. Thiebaut, concerning a sum of money
to be paid to him. Portrait, and short biographical notice (3 pieces).
929. Boissy-DLAhglas : (F. A. 1)e). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. [Bouorinas ?], Sept.
30, 1820. Thanks to a Baron for his attention to a young lady. With
930. Boissy-D’Axglas (F. A. De). Portrait, full liust in oval, F. Bonneville
del. et sculpsit. Line engraving. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
931. Bonaparte (Caroline — sister of A^apoleon, Queen of Naples). L.S.
“'Caroline,” 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 13, 1812. To M. Danziger (?).
Written on Napoleon’s water-marked paper.
Asking the recipient to see that her trunk is not delayed in any way.
It is to proceed to Naples and is not to he examined by custom officers,
as it contains no forbidden articles.
932. Bonaparte (Caroline). A.N.S. 1 p. 12mo. n.p.n.d. Asking the
recipient what she intends to do the following evening.
933. Bonaparte (Caroline). Original pencil drawing. Unsigned. 4to.
934. Bonaparte (Caroline). Portraits, (1) three-quarter length. In
colors. [From the Court of Napoleon] ; (2) half length. Paquier
.sc. David pinx.; (3) full length. [From the Versailles Gallery]. To-
gether, 3 pieces. 4to and 8vo.
935. BoNArARTE (Caroline). Portrait, full length. Grave par Delarmoy,
peint par Gerard. Prom the Versailles Gallery. Polio.
936. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L. — Prince de Canino, eldest son of Lucien
Bonaparte, and an eminent naturalist). A.L.S. ‘‘ C. L. Bonaparte,”
1 p. 4to. Pome, Peb. 24, 1849. To the National Assembly at Crete
relative to a communication sent some time before.
93T. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). A.L.S. “ Charles L. Bonaparte, Pee.
de Canino,” 1 p. 4to. Plorence, Oct. 25, 1841. Pegarding the send-
ing of a copy of a letter written !)}'■ his father to his brother, during
his last stay in England.
938. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). A.L.S. C. L. Bonaparte,” 1 p. 8vo.
Paris, May 14, 1853. Written in Italian.
Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Aug. 14, 1853.
Thanking the recipient for lending him a copy of Audubon’s Birds
of America.
940. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). Portrait, “ Luciano Bonaparte.” Tor-
chiana inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
941. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). I’ortraits, (1) half length. Ch. l)ev-
ritz del. et sc. ; (2) the same proof before inscription. 2 pieces.
942. Bonaparte (Charles L. J. L.). Portraits, (1) half length. Ch. Pa-
quien sc. David del.; (2) early lithograph, full bust in uniform. 2
943. Bonaparte (Charlotte — daughter of Charles Lucien, who was the son
of Napoleon’s brother Lucien). A.L.S. ‘^Charlotte B. L. P. Ga-
brielli,” 2 pp. 4to. Pome, Jan. 1, 1835. An affectionate family
letter to her uncle. On 2 other pages is her uncle’s autograph reply.
944. Bonaparte (Charlotte). A.L.S. Charlotte Bonaparte Primoli,” 2
p)p. 8vo. Paris, Feb. 17, 1866. A personal letter.
945. Bonaparte (Charlotte). L.S. “ Charlotte Gabrielli, nee Bonaparte,”
1 p. 4to. Pome, April 7, n.y. To her uncle, informing him that a
marriage has taken place in their chapel.
946. Bonaparte (Charlotte). A.L.S. ‘'Charlotte Bonaparte Primoli,” 4
pp. 12mo. Paris, Jan. 17, n.y. A personal letter, with mention of
her sister.
947. Bonaparte (Eugenie — Empress or the French). L.S. “Eugenie,”
1 p. folio, n.p. Eel). 1861. To her cousin, thanking him for the letter
he sent during the Christmas holidays. With portrait.
948. Bonaparte (Jerome — King of Westphalia, youngest brother of Napo-
leon I). Autograph endorsement in two places, one signed “ Jeroma
Napoleon ” and the other “ King of Westphalia.” 1 p. folio. A.L.S.
of M. Arnaud, Paris, Sept. P2, 1807.
949. Bonapakte (Jerome). Passport issued to him and his valet. 1 p. royal
4to (folded). Paris, Aug. 23, 1848. With signatures of the Prefect
of Police, secretary-general, the Belgium Consul, and others.
950. Bonaparte (Jerome). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. [Oct. 3, no year.] To his
sister, announcing his arrival.
951. Bonaparte (Jerome). A.L.S. 1 p. 12ino. n.p.n.d. To his brother Jo-
seph (eldest brother of ISTapoleon I).
Stating that he has returned from Woolwich and will set out for Ports-
mouth the following day, etc.
952. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portrait, full bust in uniform. E. Schule sc.
1807. Stipple. 8vo.
953. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lith. de Eel-
pech. Folio.
954. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave d’apres
line miniature, termine par Duthe. Stipple. 4to.
955. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lithograph after
Legrand. 4to.
956. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portrait, three quarter length in uniform. Lith-
ograph after Alophe ( ?). Open letters on India paper. 4to.
957. Bonaparte (Jerome). Portraits, (1) full length in uniform, Leguay
sc., Gaildrau del.; (2) full length in royal robes. Grave par Des-
jardins, dessine par Belloli. 4to and 8vo. 2 pieces.
958. Bonaparte (Jerome — son of Jerome Bonaparte, King of Westphalia).
L.S. Jerome Kapoleon Bonaparte,^’ 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 21, 1852.
To the Minister of State, regarding laws of the city of Bordeaux.
With portrait.
959. Bonaparte (Jerome). A.L.S. “Napoleon,” 1 p. 8vo. n.p. July 21,
1858. To Marshal **** (?).
Asking that a change be made in the list of names submitted to the
Emperor, etc.
960. Bonaparte (Jerome). L.S. “ voire ajfectionnS — Napohoji {Jerome)/'
1 p. 8vo. Eoyal Palace, June 17, 1869. To General **** ( ?) re-
garding an appointment for Captain Pietri.
961. Bonaparte (Jerome). A.L.S. “Napoleon Bonaparte,” 1 p. 8vo.
Paris, Friday the 7th, n.y. A personal letter.
962. Bonaparte (Jerome — grandson of Jerome Bonaparte, King of West-
phalia.) A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Versailles, June 26, 1860. To his
cousin, Napoleon III.
Informing his cousin that he was kept away from his grandfather dur-
ing his illness and also from his death-bed.
963. Bonaparte (Jerome). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, May 3, 1865. Thanks
for a copy of “ The Dictionary of Congress.”
964. Bonaparte (Joseph — eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A.L.S. '^^Bona-
parte,” 1 p. 4to. Mortefontaine, Sept. 8, 1800. To J. S. Briot,
secty.-gen. of the prefecture of the dept, of Doubs at Besan^-on. A
letter of thanks.
965. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S. “Bonaparte,” 1 p. 4to. Mortefontaine,
April 21, 1801. Acknowledging the receipt of a letter.
966. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S'. “Bonaparte,” 1 p. 4to. Paris, April
17, 1803. A letter of thanks.
967. Bonaparte (Joseph). D.S. “Bonaparte,” 2 pp. folio, (Lundy), Oct.
21, 1805. A nomination, signed also by Coland, and Porcher.
968. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S. “Joseph Bonaparte,” 1 p. folio, Paris,
Dec. 26, 1805. To Baron Denniee, general of the armies in Spain.
Acknowledging the receipt of a letter.
969. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S. “Joseph, Ct.” (Survilliers?).
1 p. 4to. Pointe Breeze (U. S.), July 10, 1814. Acknowledging the
receipt of a letter regarding property.
970. Bonaparte (Joseph). L. S. “ Joseph,” 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 22, 1819.
To the Count de Lacepede, stating that the military services of M.
Lefevre entitle him to the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
971. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S'. “Joseph, Comte de Survilliers,” 1 p.
4to. Pointe Breeze, May 12, 1820. Asking that something be for-
972. Bonaparte (Joseph). D.S. “Joseph, Comte de Survilliers,” 1 p. 4to.
Burlington, N. J., Dec. 18, 1822, signed also by Charles P. A. Lalle-
mand, French general, who was then a fugitive in the United States.
With portrait.
973. Bonaparte (Joseph). A.L.S. “Joseph,” 1 p. 12mo. Den Ham (Neth-
erlands), Dec. 31, 1834. To C'omtesse Eeynand de St. Jean d’Angelv
A friendly letter.
974. Bonaparte (Joseph). D.S. “Joseph.” 2 pp. folio, London, Oct. 24,
1840. Signature to power of attorney, written when he was 72 years
of age.
Bonaparte (Joseph). D.S. “Joseph, Cte. de Survilliers,” 4 pp. 4to.
n.p.n.d. Also with “ conforme a la note originate du Baron Menne-
val” in the autograph of Joseph Bonaparte.
An exceeilingly interesting clocnment, the original of which was written
by Baron Menneval. It is an account of the departure of Marie Louise
and her son from Pans, and of the signer’s duty to protect and safeguard
them. Gives details regarding the desire of iMarie Louise to remain in
Pans according to the instructions of Napoleon. in
976. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple by
Schumann, also representation of Bonaparte’s flight from the battle
ot Vittoria, engraved by R. Pollard. 2 pieces.
977. Bonaparte (Joseppi). Portrait, full bust in uniform, together with
that of his wife. Stipple. Unsigned. In colors, colored by hand.
978. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave par ....
Donas, terminee par Duthe. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
979. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, half length, seated. S. W. Eeynolds
sculpt., Point-Breeze, Etats-unis d’Amerique, 30 Janvier, 1831, J.
Goubaud pinxt. Mezzotint. Proof in open letters, margins on 3
sides cut away, mounted and inlaid, repaired on lower margin.
London, 1833
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
980. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, “ Giuseppe Uapoleone,” half length in
uniform. Ant. Verico incise. Vicart dipinse. Stipple. Fine im-
pression. Folio. in Firenze, n.d.
981. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, half length in uniform. Grave par
Payen, dessine jjar Swebach. Stipple. 8vo.
982. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, full length in uniform, standing, wear-
ing cocked hat, entitled Son Altesse Imperiale le Prince Joseph
frMe de FEmpereur grand Electeur de FEmpire.'’ Unsigned line
engraving. In colors. Small folio. Paris \_ccl 1799 ]
983. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait. ‘^‘^S. A. I. le Prince Joseph Bonaparte,
Grand Electeur de FEmpire Frangais,” full length in uniform. Line
engraving. Unsigned. In colors, portions touched up by hand.
984. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, ‘^Giuseppe Bonaparte,’’ full length in
uniform. Torchiana inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
985. Bonaparte (Joseph). Portrait, full length in uniform. Legemissel, j®.
sculp. In colors. Also full length portrait of his wife. 2 pieces.
986. [Bonaparte (Joseph).] A.L.S. of the wife of Joseph Bonaparte, Julie
Clary, signed Julie,” 1 p. 4to. Florence, Jan. 5, 1841. To her niece,
thanking her for kind wishes and news, etc. With portrait, full length.
987. [Bonaparte (Joseph).] A.L.S. of the wife of Joseph Bonaparte, 1 ]>.
8vo., signed “ Julie Clary,” Ampach, July 29, n.y. Also autograph
note by M. Clary (her brother? ). A request to help M. Bouneman.
988. Bonaparte (Joseph C. P., Prince — son of Jerome Bonaparte). A.L.S.
1 p. 8vo. Paris, April 7, 1855. Authorizing M. Pascal to employ
men. With portrait.
989. Bonaparte (Joseph C. P.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Dec. 5, 1855. Re-
garding a report.
990. Bonaparte (Joseph C. P.). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Royal Palace, Jan. 27,
991. Bonaparte (Joseph Napoleon — son of Charles Lucien, who was the
son of Napoleon’s brother lAicien). A.L.S. ‘Moseph Napoleon Bona-
parte.” 1 p. 8vo. Bonie, April 14, 1837, commeiiding M. Ihlois as
a distinguished painter. With illustrated article on “ Bordentown
and the Bonapartes.”
992. Bonaparte (Joseph Napoleon). A.L.S. ^AJo,seph.” 1 p. 8vo. Koine,
April 14, 1857. A letter of introduction for Mr. and Mrs. Belosi to
his cousin.
993. Bonaparte (Julie Zenaide — grand-daughter of Lucien Bonaparte).
A.L.S. 4 pp. 12ino. Paris, n.d. To her coiLsin Ernestine. A friendly
letter, with addressed envelope.
994. Bonaparte (Letitia — daughter of Lucien Bonaparte, and niece of Na-
poleon). A.L.S. (third person), commencing La Princesse Le-
titia Bonaparte,” 2 pp. 8vo, Feb. 20 n.y. Eegarding a book.
995. Bonaparte (Letitia R. — mother of Napoleon). Portraits, (1) half
length, seated, “ Napoleonis Mater,” Charlotte Napoleon delt. Roma,
1835; Lith. Ballagny. Open letters. 4to; (2) Art Journal repro-
duction from a statue. 4to. Together, 2 pieces.
99(). Bonaparte (Letitia R.). Portrait, full length, C. JMuller sc. [after
a sculpture by Canova]. 8vo.
997. Bonaparte (Louis — King Of Holland, brother of Napoleon I.). L.S.
Loui.s,” 1 p. folio, Mayence, August 2, 180G. To M. Champagny,
iMinister of the Interior.
998. Bonaparte (Louis). L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion. Flor-
ence, Nov. 14, 1839. Requests Caccia & Co. to forward a letter and
600 francs, ikc.
Letter written about 7 years before bis death, and when he had adopted
the title of Count de St. Leu.
999. Bonaparte (Louis). Wax seal on envelope. With portrait.
1000. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, full bust in uniform, oval medallion,
surrounded by figures. Gegrav door P. L. Jenxis, onder direct, van
Zyn Vader. Line engraving. 4to. [Amsterdam ?, n.d.]
1001. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, full bust in oval, in uniform. Douas
sculpt. Stipple. 8vo.
1002. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Couche fils sc.
Open letters on India paper (margins stained). 4to.
1003. Bonaparte (Louts). Portrait, ^‘Ludwig Napoleon,” full bust in uni-
form. Zwichau bey Schumann. Stipple. 8vo.
1004. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, half length in uniform. Dessine par
Swebach, termine par Chaponnier. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1005. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, lull length, seated, in uniform. P.
Adam sculp. F. Gerard pinxt. Etching. I’roof on India jiaper
before inscription. 8vo. 1829
1006. APATITE (Louis). Portrait, full length in uniform. Line engrav-
ing. In colors, 4to. Paris, n.d.
1007. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, in uniform, on horseback. Line en-
graving. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
1008. Bonaparte (Louis). Portrait, “Luigi Bonaparte,” full length in uni-
form. Torchiana inc. L. ]\Ioroel dis. in Olanda. Stipple. 8vo.
1009. Bonaparte (Louis Lucien — nephew of Napoleon I.). A.L.S. 1 p.
8vo. Paris, Jan. 9, 1864. Eegarding his Avritings.
1010. Bonaparte (Lucien, Prince De Canino, brother of Napoleon I.).
L.S. “Lucien Bonaparte,” 1 p. folio. Paris, Jan. 16, 1800. To
Citizen Consolin regarding a position.
1011. Bonaparte (Lucien). D.S. “ L. Bonaparte.” 1 p. folio, n.p. (Paris),
May 31, 1800. With portrait.
Written on paper headed “ Bonaparte, premier Consul de la Repub-
liqne,” by order of Napoleon I, appointing Citizen Salliour as sub-prefect
of Brest.
1012. Bonaparte (Lucien). A.L.S. “L. Bonaparte.” 1 p. small 4to.
Paris, May 1, 1802. To M. Le Joyand regarding application for a
position. With portrait.
1013. Bonaparte (Lucien). x\.L.S. “ L.” 1 p. 4to. London, May 14,
1838. To M. Patorni, a law3^er on civil and political affairs, etc.
With portrait.
1014. Bonaparte (Lucien). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Inst. Bibl.
exet. Stipple. 8vo.
1015. Bonaparte (Lucien). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line engraving.
Unsigned. 12mo.
1016. Bonaparte (Lucien). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint. Un-
signed. Proof. 4to.
1017. Bonaparte (Lucien). Portraits, (1) full bust, unsigned, Avith fac-
simile signature; (2) half length in uniform, grave par Francois.
8vo. 2 pieces.
1018. Bonaparte (Lucien). Miniature full length in uniform, Avearing
glasses. Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
1019. Bonaparte (j\Iaeie — granddaughter of Lucien Bonaparte). A.L.S.
1 p. 8vo. Canino. Dec. 15, 1842, to Louis Bonaparte, ex-King of
Holland, the Avriter’s uncle. On personal matters.
1020. Bonaparte (Marie Anne Luisa — sister of Napoleon I.). A.L.S.
“ Llisa B.” 2 pp. 4to. Pisa, Noau 3, 1810.
A personal letter to an unnamed countess, Avritten shortly before she
became Grand Duchess of Tuscany, thanking her for delivering a toy to
the prince, and asking her to forAA*ard description of any new style that
may appear.
1021. Boxapakte (^[AiiiE Anne Blisa). A.L.S. ‘‘Elisa Baciocclii.” 1 p.
12tno. ii.p.ii.d. With portrait, as Ducliess of Tuscany.
ThLs letter was written after she became the wife of i'eli.v Baciocclii,
asking tlie recipient to go to 1‘lessis and spend a few days witli her.
1022. Bonapakte (IMakie Akxe Elisa). Portrait, full lengtli, standing.
Grave par Pigot, peint par Lethierre. Line engraving, from the
folio edition of the Versailles Gallery.
1023. Bonaparte (Marie Anne Elisa). Portrait, full length. Lithograph
after Lacauchie, also full length after I.(ethierre. Togetlier, 2 pieces.
1024. Bonaparte (Marie Anne Elisa). Portrait, half length in oval.
Early lithograph. Unsigned. 4to.
1025. Bonaparte (Marie Le Solms — daughter of Letitia Bonaparte, the
niece of Napoleon I.). A.L.S. “ M. de Solms nee Bonaparte.” 1 p.
12mo. Aix-les-Bains, n.d. A personal letter, with addressed en-
102G. Bonaparte (Marie De Solms). A.L.S. “ Bonaparte Wyse de Solms.”
1 p. 12mo. n.p.n.d. Eegarding a package. With portrait.
1027. Bonaparte (Marie J. Clary — Madame, wife of Joseph Bonaparte).
Portrait, full bust in oval. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
1028. Bonaparte (Marie J. Clary), Another copy of the preceding, a
somewhat better impression.
1029. Bonaparte (Marie J. Clary). Portrait, full length standing. Grave
par Pedretti, peint. par E. Lefevre. From the Versailles Gallery.
1030. Bonaparte (Marie J. Clary). Portrait. “Mad. Buonaparte,” full
bust in oval [as a girl]. Verier inc. Vil dis. Stipple. 8vo., full
margins. Eotterdam, 7mbre 10, 1796
1031. Bonaparte (Napoleon C. — son of Jerome by his second wife). A.L.S.
1 p. 8vo. n.p.n.d, Eegarding the opening of the Legislature.
1032. Bonaparte (Napoleon-Eliza — Countess Camarata; daughter of Marie-
Eliza Bonaparte, eldest sister of Napoleon, Princes^ Bacciocchi).
A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to, including addressed portion. [Eome, May 4,
1830.] To M. Eugene la Bon, on personal matters. Signed,
“ Napoleon.” With wax seal.
1033. Bonaparte (Pauline— sister of Napoleon I., married General Leclerc).
A.N.S. “ Pauline,” 1 p. 12mo. March 28, n.y.
1034. Bonaparte (Pauline). Portrait, full length. IJthograph after La-
cauchie; also full length portrait of her husband. General C. E.
Leclerc. Together, 2 pieces.
1035. Bonaparte (Pierre — son of Lucien Bonaparte). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo.
Wei I in, province of Lu.xembourg (Belgium), Oct. 12, 1842. With
1036. Bonaparte (Princess Matiiilde, daughter of Jerome Bonaparte).
A.L.S. 3 pp. 12mo. n.p. Jan. 18, 1875. Personal letter.
1037. Bonaparte (Princess Matiiilde). A.L.S. '' Mathikle Bonaparte/’
3 pp. 12ino. August 3, n.y. Eegarding a position. AVith portrait.
1038. Bonaparte (Princess Mathilde). A.L.S. 3 pp. 12nio. May 27,
1039. Bonaparte (Princess Matiiilde). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. Jan. 30,
n.y. Eegarding a project. AAotli addressed envelope and portrait.
1040. Bonaparte Family. A.L.S. of Madame Marie Eattazzi, granddaughter
of Lncien Bonaparte, signed “ Marie de Eattaz. 1 p. 12 mo, 1830.
1041. Bonaparte Family'. A.L.S. of Madame Carie Eattazzi, signed “ ]\rarie
de Salino.” 1 p. 8vo. A personal letter, n.p.n.d.
1042. Bonaparte Fayiilyl A.L.S. “ Christine,” Marie Christine Euspoli,
wife of Prince Gregory J. P. Bonaparte, grandson of Lncien Bona-
parte. 4 pp. 8vo. Paris, Sept. 1, 1867. A family letter, with men-
tion of several memliers.
1043. BoNAPAitTE Fayiily. A.L.S. ‘‘ Zeuaide Eoccagiovine,” of Julia Char-
lotte Z. P. L. Bonaparte, daughter of the Prince of t4inino, grand-
daughter of Lncien Bonaparte. 2 pp. 8vo. Paris, Nov. 14, 1867.
Eegarding tickets.
1044. Bonaparte Family. A.L.S. of Prince Camillo Borghese of Eome, sec-
ond husband of Pauline Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon I. 1 p. 4to.
Fel). 16, n.y. AVith portrait.
1045. Bonaparte Family. A series of 50 miniature portraits representing
the Eoyal Family of France, the Family of Buonaparte, and French
Generals, Statesmen, etc., also a series of 48 miniature portraits rej)-
resenting the British and their Allies. On 2 folio sheets.
London, 1816
1046. Bonaparte Fa]mily. Genealogical Table of the Family. Double folio.
Lithograph (repaired). London, 1852
1047. Bondy" (Pierre j\[. T. De — chamberlain to Napoleon, member of the
Chamber of Deputies). Fourteen lines and signature on letter from
Brindeau asking for a position. 1 p. folio. Paris, Jan.. 1838. Signed,
also by Brindeau.
1048. Bonnard (General — aide-de-camp to General Carteux). Napoleon
gave him the title of Count in 1804). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. A'cr-
sailles, Oct. 21, 1802. To the Minister of AAbir. AVitli portrait, full
bust in uniform.
1049. Bonnard (Eobert Alexandre De — French geologist and memljer of
the Institute). A.L.S. to the president of the Eoyal Society of Lon-
don. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Sejitember 15, 1832.
Aimomicins tluit the “Bulletin des Sciences” of the Societe Bhihv
matiqne of I’aris has made its reappea ranee, and sending a copy of the
same in the name of tlie Society.
1050. Boxxiku ( An'J’oixe S.). Portrait, full bust in oval. i\rezzotint by
Lavacliez, military scene aiid 1)iograpliicaI notice in scjupt beneatli.
cSvo. on small folio sheet.
1051. Booxe (Daniel), Deliverance of the (laughters of 1). Boone ami (lal-
laway. Lithograph by K. Bodmer after Leincrcier. Large folio.
1052. Booth (Edwix — eminent American actor). Photograph, full bust.
Written on bottom is “ Di-iginally presented by jMr. Booth,” also
writing on back (name of reci])ient erased, but member of The
Players Club, 1900).
1053. Boughese (Cavitllo — married Napoleon’s sister, I’auline). Portrait,
full bust in uniform. India paper. 8vo.
1054. Boiiv De SaixtWixcext (J.B.C.IM. — French naturalist). Portrait,
full bust in oval. Grave par A. Tardieu. Stipple. 8vo.
1055. Bose (Louis — eminent French naturalist; visited America in 1796,
where he spent two years in scientific investigations). A.L.S. 3 pp.
and a half. 8vo. Paris, December 11, 1791.
All interesting letter speaking of a plant sent to him for examination,
and of other hotanical matters.
Bosc.vwex (Edward — English admiral, commanded in 1758 the expe-
dition to America). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Co])])er engrav-
ing, unsigned, from the IMilitary Dictionary. Small folio.
Bostox. A"ue de Boston vers le Cale du Port. Dutch line engraving
by Plabermann in colors. Folio. [Circa KSo'j
Bostox. Vue de la Rue le Roi vers la Porte de la Campagne a Boston.
Dutch line engraving by Habermann in coloi'S. Folio. (^Mounted.)
[Circa 1780]
Bostox. Vue de la Bue et de la IMaison de A^ille it Boston. Dutch
line engraving by Idabermann in colors. 4to. [Circa 1780]
Bostox. AAie do la Bue grande vers L’Eglise du Sud des Presbi-
teriennes a Boston. Dutch line engraving bv ITabermann in colors.
4to. ' ■ [Circa 1780]
Bostox. A ue de Boston. Grave par F. X. ITabermann. Dutch line
engraving. In colors. 4to. [Circa 1780]
Bostox. Ante de la Bue grande vers FEgliso dn sud des TTesbiteriennes
a Boston. Gi'ave par F. X. Habermann. Dutch line engravino-. In
frirca IbSO]
Bostox. Ahie do la Bue du Boi vers la Porte de la ('amitaitne a
Boston. Grav(i par F. X. ITabermann. Dutch line (mgravinm In
colors. 4to. (margin rejtaired). [ Circa*! 780]
1064. Bostox. Vue de la Bue et de la Alaison de Adlle a Boston. Gvaxe par
F. X. Habermann. Dutch line engraving. In colors. 4to.
[(7irca 1780]
1065. Boston. View of the Court House in Boston erected in 1811 and 1812.
Stipple engTa^dng by J. Kidder. 8vo. \_Circa 1813]
1066. Boston. Eaadhuset I Boston. 8vo. Unsigned. \_Circa 1820]
1067. Boston. Boston from Boxbury. Line engraving by Carter, Andrews
& Co., after J. 1\. Smith. Ito. [Circa 1826]
1068. Boston. L’Eiitree an Port de Boston. Gravee d’apres le Tableau de
Vernet. Line engraving (cut close and mounted), and another view
of Boston by Rolph after Billings. 2 pieces.
1069. Boubee (Keree — French Geologist). A.L.S. to the President of the
Academy of Sciences of London. 1 p. 4to. Paris, March 1, 1832.
Kespecting certain scientific experiments made in a lake in the Pyrenees.
1070. Boucher (Madam — probably the mother of Andre Jean Boucher
d’Argis, who was publicly denounced by Marat, and condemned to
death). A.L.S. ‘‘Widow Boucher.” 1 p. 4to. Written underneath
are some lines in another hand, dated June 16, 1776.
1071. Boucret (Kicolas — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Kantes,
June 16, 1793. To the Military Commission. Regarding the prepar-
ing of quarters for 200 men.
1072. Bougainville (Louis Antoine He — celebrated French navigator,
1729-1814). Official L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, 26 Brumaire, An. XI
(1802). With portrait. 2 pieces.
Bougainville was the first French navigator who made the circuit of
the world.
1073. Bouillon (Due He). D.S. “ Le due de Bouillon,” with autograph
salutation, 2 pp. small 4to. Villette, May 24, 1762. A list of things
to be done at the home of the signer.
1074. Bouillon (Due De). x\.L.S. “ Le due de Bouillon.” 1 p, small 4to.
n.p.n.d. relative to some affair in which writer and recipient are
1075. Bourbon (Charles De, Comte De Charolais). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Paris, Sept. 13, 1725. Regarding a report.
1076. Bourbon (Duchesse De — mother of tlie Due d’Enghien, who was
shot by order of Xapoleon). A.L. (initials, third person). 1 p.
8vo. n.p.n.d.
1077. Bourbon (Louis Auguste De — Prince De Dombes). L.S. “Louis
Auguste de Bourbon,” Ebringen (a village in Baden), Nov. 8, 1744.
Regarding instructions by the king, etc. With portrait, full bust in
armor, copper engraving.
1078. Bourbon (Louis Franqois J. De — Prince De Conti). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. Paris, April 24, 1773. With portrait.
1079. Bourbon (Louis Henri De — son of Louis XIY., first minister of
Louis XY.). L.S. “Louis de Bourbon.” 1 p. 4to. Offenburg (a
town in Baden). Sept. 7, (1727). To Count de Bellejol. Asking
for information about the police who killed the Marquis de Pleuque.
1080. Bouebon (Louise j\[. T. B. D’Oeleans, Uuciiesse De — Peincess Of
Feance, daughter of Louise Philippe). A.L.S. 1 p, small 4to.
Paris, Feb. 4, 1821. Letter of thanks. With portrait.
1081. Bouebon Family. A collection of documents on vellum and. paper,
relating to the Bourbon family, including an expense account of the
Countess de Provence, 1771, etc. Together, 4 pieces.
1082. Bouebon Faimily. Genealogical record of the Bourbon family. Finely
written manuscript. 1 p. folio, vellum. XVIIIth century
1083. Bouegade (Aemanb — French litterateur). A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. and
Original Manuscript, 16 pp. 4to. of Poems (signed) on Xapoleon
III. and IV.. Paris, May 8, 1874. (2 pieces).
Bourgacle encloses the Poems with letter and asks his friend if they
cannot be printed in pamphlet form and sold for 5 or 10 cents apiece.
1084. Bouegoin (M’lle. — Mistress of Xapoleon). A.L.S. (third person),
1 p. 8vo. n.p.n.d. To M. Yigneron, telling him that the doctor has
ordered her away for several days.
1085. Bouelemont (L’Abbe De). L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Borne, Xov. 17, 1665,
mentioning the generosity of Louis XI V. in regard to the Cav. Ber-
nini [the eminent Italian sculptor and architect]. (Bebacked and
portions water-stained.)
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 91), enclosed in his library
wrapper and with his autograph annotations.
1086. Bouemont (Louis A. V. — Marshal of France, distinguished himself
in the Bussian campaign). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, August 24,
1808. To the Due de Beggi [Xicolas Charles Oudinot].
Bourmont announces the sentence imposed upon Roche, by the dis-
ciplinary council of the’ Cth infantry regt. Requests him to inform the
^Minister of War.
1087. Bouemont (Louis A. V.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, April 30, 1829.
With portrait, full bust in uniform. Xordheim, sc. Julien, del.
Written to his military superior asking for leave of absence for a
lieutenant whose father had recently died, and saying that his presence
was necessary for the opening of the will.
1088. Boueeienne (Fauvelet De— French diplomatist, well known as the
biographer of Napoleon). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 11, 1818,
stating that he has received 2 letters from Germany which he does
not understand, &c.
1089. Boueeienne (Fauvelet De). A.X.S. 1 p. 8vo. Fontaine, June 23,
n.y. Bequesting the return of some memoranda.
1090. Boyee (P.— French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Army of St. Domiimo
April 19, 1802. With portrait. ' ° ’
1091. Beaddock (Geneeal Edwaed). Defeat and
dock in North America. C'opiicr engravin
Death of General Brad-
g by Scott, after Dodd.
[Circa 1790]
1092. Beazil. Olincla de Phernambiico. Line engraving. 4to.
1093. Beeckinbridge (Egbert J. — American divine). Portrait, half length.
Engraved by J. Sartain, painted b}'- A. J. Miller. Mezzotint. Open
letters (slight stains on margins). 8vo.
1094. Brissot De AVarville (Jean Pierre — celebrated French Girondist
leader, made a voyage to the D. S. to inquire into negro slavery).
A.L. unsigned, 2 pp. 4to. n.p. (August 3, 1789). To M. Not
A letter in which Brissot explains how he came to obtain one hundred
thonsand dollars in New York, when about 1789 he made a journey to
that city on behalf of the “ Society of the Friends of the Negro.” He
says that a man holding an important position in Congress offered him
(Brissot) certificates to the amount of $100,000 which were to be sold, etc.
1095. Brissot De AA^arville (Jean Pierre). Portrait, full bust In oval.
Mezzotint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script
beneath. 8vo. on small folio sheet.
1096. Brissot De AAArville (Jean Pierre). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Alezzotint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script
beneath. 8vo. on small folio sheet.
1097. Brissot De ATarville (Jean Pierre). Another copy of the same.
1098. Brissot De AA"arville (Jean Pierre). Another copy of the same.
1099. British and Their Allies (The). A series of 48 miniature portraits
representing, also, the Koyal Family of France, The Family of
Buonaparte, and French Generals, Statesmen, etc., the latter contain-
ing 50 miniature portraits. On 2 folio sheets. London, 1816
1100. British Battles. “Lord Eobert Manners mortally wounded on board
the Eesolution in the memorable engagement between Admiral Eod-
ney and Comte de Grasse in the AATst Indies, the 12th of April,
1782.” Copper engraving by Grignion, after Metz. Folio.
\_Circa 1790]
1101. Broglie (Victor Franqois, Due De — Marshal of France; served with
distinction in the Seven Years’ AA^ar). Copy of a Letter signed by
him and with a line in his autograph. 1 p. and a half, folio.
January 6, 1782
1102. Broglie (A. L. V. C., Due De — French Statesman, married the
daughter of Mme. de Stael) D.S. 1 p. 8vo. March 31, 1819. AAuth
1103. Broglie (A. L. V. C., Due De). A.N. in third person. 12mo. [Paris,
ca. 1833].
1104. Brooks (N. A.). Painting of a United States ten dollar note, issue
of 1880. Gilt frame. Signed “ N. A. Brooks, N. Y., 1888.”
1105. Bruix (Eustaciie — Freiicli admiral, ai)poiiitc*d commander of the flo-
tilla which Napoleon intended for the invasion of England). E.S.
1 p. folio, n.p., Feb. 28, 1798.
iStathif? that the Executive Directory havinj; accorded 1,850,000 fr. to
the Minister of the Navy, decrees the amount to be spent in a certain
IIOG. Bruix (Eustache). L.S. 1 p. folio, Baris, ]\[arch 8, 1798. With
A refusal to bring before the Directory Capt. Jonathan Parker’s (com-
mander of the American schooner Iris) claim for indemnity.
1107. Brun Be Villeret (General). A. L.S. 1 p. folio, St. Chely, May
20, 1825. To the Minister of Finance.
1108. Brune (Guillaume M. A. — Marshal of France; offended Napoleon,
who I’emoved him from office, took command under Napoleon on
his return from Elba). L.S. 1 p. folio. Boulogne, Sept. 27, 1806.
To Marshal, Prince of Neufchatel, Minister of War, regarding the
election of officers of the 55th regiment.
1109. Brune (Guillaume M. A.), l^ortrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, battle scene beneath. 8vo.
1110. Brune (Guillaume IM. A.). Another copy of the same.
1111. Brune (Guillaume jM. i\..). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line
engraving. N. V. D. Meer, jun. del. & fee. Hand colored. 8vo.
1112. Brune (Guillaume M. A.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, scene and biographical account in script beneath.
8vo. on small folio sheet.
1113. Brunswick-Luneburg (Karl W. F., Duke Of— celebrated German
commander). L.S. to the Due de Choiseiil. 2 pp. folio. May 1,
1762. With 2 portraits, one full length, after Bosio (3 pieces).
1114. Brunswick-Luneburg (Karl W. F., Duke Of). Portrait, half length.
Cl. Kohl, sc. A. Graff, pinx. Line engraving. Folio.
1115. Brunswick-Luneburg (Karl W. F., Duke Of). Portrait, three-quar-
ter length, in uniform. Houbraken sculp. 1766. P. Gosse, Jr.,
& I). Pinet, excud. Line engraving. Folio, cut close.
1116. Brunsmtck-Luneburg (Karl AV. F., Duke Of). Portrait, three-quar-
ter length in uniform. Sysang, fee. Line engraving. 4to.
1117. Brunswick-Oels (Friedrich AAh, Duke Of— entered the Prussian
service, killed at AA aterloo). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Brunswick, Jan. 24,
1118. Brunswick-Oels (Friedrich W., Duke Of). Portrait. "HJerzoo- von
Braunschweig Oels,'' full bust in uniform. In colors. 8vo. ^
1119. Brunswick-Oels (Friedrich AV., Duke Of). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
1120. Bulow (Friedrich AV., Count — Prussian general, added materially to
the victory gained by the Allies at AYaterloo). L.S. 2 pp. folio.
Headquarters at Copenhagen, May 8, 1809.
Requesting tlie aid of general (?) to help two Danish officers who
wish to serve as volunteers in the French army.
1121. BliLOw (Friedrich \Y., Count). Portrait, full bust. Engraved by
Vendramini, after Stroehilne. 4to. London, 1814
1122. Bulow A^on Dennewitz (Graf — German officer). Portrait, oval bust
in uniform, embroidered coat, without hat. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
Zwickau, n.d.
1123. Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill. Copper engraving. Unsigned.
Small folio. [Circa 1784]
1124. Bunker Hill. Die Schlacht von Bunker-Hill. G. Nordheim sc., J.
Trumbull pinx. Line engraving. Large folio (creased at end) .
1125. Burnet (Gilbert). The title-page of volume II of History of His Own
Time. London. 1734, witli 4410 Original Manuscript of both Aml-
umes of this History will be deposited in the Cotton Library by G.
Burnett on reverse of title, in author’s autograph ( ? ) .
112G. Burnouf (Eucene, distinguished French Orientalist, and perpetual
secretary of the Academy of Inscriptions). A.L.S. 1 jiage 4to.
Paris, December 27, 1833.
To Mods. Desseuue, oue of the Directors of the Royal Press of Paris,
thanking him for the interest taken in the printing of one of his works.
1127. Burnouf (Eugene). A.L.S. 1 page 4to. Paris, June 9, 1839
To the Secretary of the Royal Society of London, enclosing publications
of the French Asiatic Society, of which he was secretary.
1128. .Burrard (Sir Harry — British general, served under Cornwallis in the
Pevolutionary war). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. (London), May 19, 1808.
To the Secty. of AYar.
Regarding Joseph Lynox of the first brigade of guards.
1129. Cadet De A^aux. A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Alay 30, 1841. Bequests
entrance to Alonsieur s park.
1120. Cadiz. Depart de la flotte de Cadix ponr la Vera Crnz. Dutch line en-
graving, colored by hand. 4to.
1131. Cadoudal (Georges — one of the Chouan chiefs, in the Pichegru con-
spiracy). L.S. 1 p. folio. [Paris], Sept. 17, 1814. Pleads for the
release of a sailor who has been sent to the galleys.
1132. Cadoudal (Georges). Portraits, (1) full bust in oval. Gautier sculp.
Dumontier del. Stipple; (2), full length. Lithograph after Lacau-
chie. Together, 2 pieces. 8vo.
Caenales (jMaequis ])e — S])(iiiis]i Ambassador to London). L. Sub-
scribed and S. to ]\Ions. Blatiict sending to him the here enclosed
copy of a Sanvegardo of Mary Queen of England for the Persons and
Estates of the Viscountess d’ Esclaye and Baron do Frey, fearing the
approach of the Confederate armies. 2 pieces, folio. London, May
1, 169G.
Caesar (Oui.ius). Portrait. Mezzotint, 4to. (cut to plate mark).
[ [jondon, Bowles]
Caffarelli (A. — maritime prefect, councillor of state). xk.L.S. 1 p.
12mo. Brest (France), Sept. 7, 1803. Pelating to supplies, etc.
Caffarelli (Fran^-ois ]\I. A. — French general, escorted the Empress
]\rarie Louise to Vienna). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Luxembourg, March 9,
1795. To Gen. Marceau. With portrait, eng. by Dutertre.
The writer having been ordered by Gen. Fruonf to take Gen. Cbarpen-
tier’s place as adjutant general, says that he will be delighted to serve
under Marceau, etc.
Caffarelli (Fean(;'OIS iV. A.). Portrait, full bust.
Lurat. India paper. 8vo.
Grave par A.
Paris, 1858
Caffarelli Du Falga (Louis M. J. Maximilien — French general,
accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, April
19, 1798.
Keriuesting the recipient to reach Lyons by April 24, where money and
a passport would be given him.
Cagliostro (Alexander — celebrated arch-impostor). Portrait, full
bust in oval. ^Mezzotint in tints (margins cut away, inlaid. 8vo.
Catiier (B. C. — minister of Louis XVI). L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Jan.
G, 1792. Pelative to the breaking of seals upon reports relating to
the suppressed courts of justice.
Calais. Le Porte de Calais. Dutch line engraving. In colors. 4to.
Calonne (Charles x4.lexandre De — French Minister of State under
Louis XVI). Complimentary A.L.S. to an English Lady, and
speaking of one of his books, promising to send it. 2 pages 8vo.
March 7, 1789. With portrait. 2 pieces.
Calonne (Charles Alexandre De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Mezzotint by Levachez, scene and biographical account in script be-
neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
Calonne (Charles Alexandre De). Another copy of the same.
Calvert (George — first Lord Baltimore). Full bust portrait on cop-
per. Unsigned. 4to. Circa 1800
On the same sheet are portraits of the Countess of Suffolk and Mar-
garet, Countess of Cumberland.
Camraceres (Jean J. P. De— celebrated French statesman, second
consul). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Se]it. 12, 1798. To the Commissary,
II diset.. City of Paris. A letter of thanks.
1147. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. I)e). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, le 4 Vendemiaire,
FAn 8 [Sept. 25, 1799 [, sending the procuration asked for by the
Minister of the Xavy and Colonies.
1148. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint
(by Levachez), biography in script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
1149. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Ber-
nard sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
1150. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Payen
sculp, le Febvre del. Stipple. Fine impression. 8vo.
1151. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint
[by Levachez], biographical account in script beneath. 8vo, on small
folio sheet.
1152. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, G. G. Begis di C'amba-
ceres,” full length in uniform, seated. Biasioli inc. Bosio dis.
Stipple. 8vo.
1153. Cambaceres (Jean J. B. De). Portrait, full length in uniform. From
the folio, Versailles Gallery.
1154. Cambaceres (Marie J. P. H., Due De, nephew of the preceding).
A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. n.p. 1859.
Following the Emperor's orders he encloses a list of names to whom in-
vitations for a function had been sent.
1155. Cambalen (M.). L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, Feb. 1, 1819. A letter of
thanks to M. Pyron.
1156. Cambridge (Adolphus Frederick, Duke Oe — 7th son of George III.
of England). Pay Warrant signed by him. 2 pp. folio. Hanover,
April 24, 1815.
1157. Cambridge (George William F. C., Duke Of — British general). Por-
trait, full bust in oval. J. Godby sculp. F. Behberg del. Stipple.
Folio. London, 1814
1158. Cambronne (Pierre J. E. — French general, accompanied Bonaparte
to Elba, taken prisoner at Waterloo). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Lille,
Sept. 16, 1822.
Asking to he relieved of duty owing to ill health.
1159. Cambronne (Pierre J. E.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple
in colors. 4to.
1160. Campan (Jeanne H. L. G. — eminent teacher). A.L.S. Genest
Campan,” 3 pp. 4to. Ecouen, Aug. 14, 1809. To Miss Boileau.
With view of her school “ Ecole d’enseignement mutuel.” Contem-
porary view, curious and scarce.
Written on paper “ Legion d’honneur, Maison Imperiale Napoleon.”
Asks the recipient to forward three copies of an encyclopedia, when
she has obtained permission from the Minister of State to purchase same.
1161. Campbell .(John — Duke Oe Abgyle and Gbeexwicji). Portrait, full
bust in armor. Copper engraving by Houbraken. Small folio.
1162. Campredon (Jacques D. M. — French general, appointed minister of
war by Joseph Bonaparte). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Montpellier, Oct. 23,
Expressing satisfaction at being sent to Naples, and saying that he will
take certain scientific instruments, etc.
1163. Camus (Antoine Le — celebrated French ph3’sician). Portrait, full
bust in oval. Line engraving, in bistre. 8vo. in JTapoli, n.d.
1164. Camus (Armand G. — French writer). L.S. 1 p. 4to, with seal.
[Paris], le 29 Thermidor, FAn VI [August 16, 1798]. Certification
relative to the amount of salary received by M. Berger.
1165. Camus (Michel — delivered by traitors to the Austrians). Portrait,
full bust in oval. J. Gauter sculp. F. Bonneville del. Stipple. 8vo.
Paris, n.d.
1166. Camus (M. Le — President of the ISTational Assembly). Portrait, full
bust in oval. Stipple. 8vo.
1167. Canada. Thousand Islands. (Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence.)
Tinted lithograph after Kollner. 4to. Vew York, 1851
1168. Canclaux (Jean Baptiste C., Count — inspector-general of cavalry
under Bonaparte). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Cherbourg, Oct. 22, 1809.
To the Minister of War, Count de Hnnebourg. With portrait, late
Informing the minister that he gave orders to establish a court-martial
at Alengon.
1169. Canning (George — British statesman. Premier of England). L.S.
1 p. folio. Lisbon, Feb. 3, 1815. To Lord Castlereagh apprizing him
that he has drawn upon his agent for £2,000 on account of extraor-
1170. Canning (George). Portrait, full bust in oval. Stipple. 8vo.
Paris, n.d.
1171. Canova (iVNTONio— celebrated Italian sculptor, invited to Paris by
Bonaparte, of whom he executed a statute which later came into the
possession of the Duke of Wellington). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Pome Mav
21, 1815. With mention of Cardinal Pacca. ’
1172. Canova (Antonio). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. 1819. With portrait.
1173. Canova (Antonio). Portrait, full bust in oval. Grave par F. Weber,
peint par Gerard. Line engraving. 4to. Paris, n.d!
1174. Canova (Antonio). Portrait, full bust. C. S. Pradier sculp., F.
Gerard, pinx. Line eugraving. 4to.
1175. Canova (Antonio). Portrait, half length. C. S. Pardier sculp. F.
Gerard pinx. Line engraving. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1176. Canrobert (Franqois Certain — Marshal of France in 1856, wounded
at Inkerman, etc.). D.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, April 9, 1856. lYarrant
for payment.
1177. Cappellini (Sebastian — cousin of Gen. Horace F. Sebastien). A.L.S.
2 pp. 4to. Perigueux, [1801]. Portrait of the latter.
To his cousin Gen. Horace F. Sebastien telling him that he had heard
he had succeeded in having his uncle created cardinal of Ajaccio.
1178. Caprara (Cardinal). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Koina, July 4, 1792.
The signer officiated at the Coroj-.ation of Napoleon as king of Italy in
1179. Caracalla (Marcus A. A. B. — Eoman eniperor). Portrait, full bust.
Dessine et grave a la lampe — d’apres le buste antique. Mezzotint.
4to. Small margins.
1180. Carignano (Josephine — Marquise de Savoy).. A.L. in third person,
2 pp. 16mo, with envelope and wax-seal. To the Marquis d’Alfieri,
etc., inviting him to spend a few days at Eacconis. (2 pieces.)
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 151), enclosed in his library
iwrapper and with his autograph annotations.
1181. Carnot (Lazare IST. M. — French statesman, member of the Tribunat).
Portrait, full bust in uniform. Hii sculpt. Camsir del. Line and
stipple. Printed in colors. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1182. Carnot (Lazare N. M.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
Unsigned. 8vo.
1183. Carnot (Lazare H. M.). Portrait, “Lazzaro Carnot,” full length
seated, in uniform. Sasso inc. Bosselman dis. Stipple. 8vo.
1184. Carnot-Feulins (Claude M. — brother of Lazare H. M. Carnot, and
general of brigade). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, i\.pril 29, 1829. To M.
di Gavando, thanking the recipient for a letter on the abolition of
the death penalty.
1185. Caron (M.). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Muzlberg( ?), August 22, 1713. To
Abraham Durant. Informing the recipient that no news is at hand
from the court.
1186. Carra Saint-Cyr (Jean FRANgois — eminent French general). A.L.S.
2 pp. small folio. Alexandria, iMay 3, 1798. To General Grouchy.
With portrait, full bust, in uniform.
A gossipy letter in which he tells Grouchy that he and his men have
returned to their own quarters, for which they are glad, sends cordial
greetings, asks for news, and says that he is undecided whether to stay
at Alexandria or march to Turin.
j]87. Carra Saint-Cyr (Jean Francois). L.S. 4 pp. folio. Copy of a
letter written Jan. 24, n.y. to Gen. Lamer and Gen. Moncey, by the
Minister of War, copied aiid signed by order of Carra Saint-Cyr.
An important military document regarding the movements of the
troops in Italy, with detailed instructions regarding their mobilization,
etc., and with mention of Gen. Ilaqnin.
1188. Carka Saint-Cyr (General). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lith.
Vayron. 8vo.
1189. Carrier (Jean B. — infamous French Jacobin). Portrait, full bust in
oval. Mezzotint by Levachez, with scene and biographical account in
script beneath. 8vo. on small folio sheet.
1190. Carrier (Jean B.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Dessine d’apres nature
au Tribunal par F. Bonneville. Stipple. 8vo.
1191. Carrier (Jean B.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by Leva-
chez, scene and biographical notice beneath. 8vo. on small folio sheet.
1192. Carteaux (Jean F.- — French general, 'commenced the siege of Toulon,
where Bonaparte served under him). Document with seven lines in
his autograph and signature. 3 pp. 4to. July 20, 1793.
1193. Carteaux (Jean F.). L. S. with two lines of autograph, 1 p. folio.
Montpelier, ce 29 Ventose. l^An VIII [March 20, 1800]. An order
to the commandant at a certain place to send detachment of 30 men
to relieve the garrison at Montpelier.
1194. Carteaux (Jean F.). L.S. 1 p. small 4to, Paris, Oct. 8, 1812. To the
Minister of Finance, mailing his address in order that a gratuity may
be forwarded him.
1195. Carteaux (Jean F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Bonneville
sculp. Mezzotint. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
1196. Carteaux (Jean F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Bonneville
sculj). Mezzotint. 8vo. Paris, n.d
1197. Carteaux (Jean F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F. W. Xettliug
dec. 1809. Stipple. 8vo.
1198. Castel S. Angelo. 0 Mole Adriana. Line engraving. Folio.
1199. Castellane (Esprit A . E. B. — Alarshal of France, distinguished
himself in the Eussian campaign). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. July 24, 1841.
With portrait, on India paper.
To M. A. Pascal in Paris regarding a publication.
1200. [Castellane (Esprit V. E. B.).] L.S. by Kuntzmann, a soldier in
General Castellane’s army, Feb. 1852, Paris, 1 p. folio to Prince Louis
Bonaparte, asking Bonaparte for the decoration of the Lesion of
Dn the side of the letter are 15 lines in the autograph of Gen Castel-
huie, and signed, in which he -says that at the battle of Riotero. an
olhcer s horse having been wounded. Kuntzmann gave his to that officer
stole one from the Spanish, and led the charge against the Spanisli
cu vn iry.
J201. Castlereagii (IiObeht S., Maequis Oe Loxdoxderey — British states-
man, one of the master spirits in the coalition against Napoleon).
A.L.S. (first draft, marked “Copy’’), 2 pp. 4to. London, Nov. 6,
1805. To C. Grant, Esq.
“ I beg you will accept my congratulations on the glorious news re-
ceived this morning. Lord Nelson lived to know the result of the action.
It was on the same day that Bonaparte on the heights of Ulm was call-
ing for ships and colonies in presence of the vanished army that Nelson,
with an inferior fleet, was annihilating, 20 of these he possessed,” etc.
1202. Castlereagii (Egbert S., MxVrquis Of Londonderry). A.L.S. (in
Italian), 2 pp. 4to. May 15, 1819. With portrait.
1203. Castlereagii (Egbert S., Marquis Of Londonderry). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. [Crag Farm], Jan. 11, no year. To J. Stephen, on personal
1204. Castlereagii (Egbert S., Marquis Of Londonderry). Portraits (1),
full bust. W. Daniell sculp.; (2) full bust from a statue. Engraved
by I. Thompson. 2 pieces.
1205. Castlereagii (Egbert S., Marquis Of Londonderry). Portrait, half
length. Engraved by H. Meyer, drawn by W. Evans, after T. Law-
rence. Stipple. Open letters. Folio. London, 1814
1206. Castanos (Francisco X. De). — Spanish general, defeated the French
at Baylen). L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Utrera (Spain), June 19, 1808.
With mention of Louis Balincourt and of Xavier Venegas.
1207. Castanos (Francisco X. De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. IJn-
signed. 8vo.
1208. Castries (Charles E. G. — Marshal of France). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Ver-
sailles, August 3, 1782. With portrait, full length in uniform, on
India paper.
Comments regarding recent militaiw orders.
1209. Cathcart (William S'. — British general, took part in the American
War, served against the French in Holland). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Engraved by C. Bestland after J. Hoppner. Stipple.
Open letters, 4to. London, 1809
1210. Catherine II. — Empress Of Eussia. Portrait, full bust in oval. Line
engraving. Unsigned. 8vo. Venice, 1788
1211. Catherine De Medici — Queen Of France. Vellum D.S. 1 p. 4to.
[Paris], March 7, 1580. Apportions sums of money to various per-
sons. With portrait.
1212. Catherine De Medici. Portrait, full length, court dress. Gatine
sculpt. Lante delt. In colors. 4to.
1213. Catinat (Nicolas De — Marshal of France, who exclaimed “Here is
virtue croivned ” when created a marshal by Louis XIV). A.L.S.
1 p. small 4to. St. Gratieu, May 25, 1711. With portrait, engraved
by Leroux, and view.
A letter of congratulation to M. de Menaine on his marriage.
1214. Caulaincourt (Armand A. L. De, Dug De Vicence— aide-de-camp to
Bonaparte, fought at Waterloo). L.S. 3 pp. small folio, Dlinkel-
sphiit. Dee. 12, 1800. To Gen. Bourcier. Wdtli portrait, full length
in uniform.
Says that the men at Schelessas are either deserters or banished men,
and that his division is almost demoralized, etc.
1215. Caulaincourt (Armand A. L. De, Dug De Vicence). L.S. 1 p.
folio, Paris, May 9, 1815. To the Duke of Otranto, Chief of Police.
With portrait, full length in uniform.
Written to Joseph FouchC*, Duke of Otranto, when for tlie third time
in his career he was acting as Minister of Police, during the time the
above was written, probably under Louis XVIII. Caulaincourt informs
Fouche that the Emperor had ordered passports to be given to M. Mino
and Manuel Gurrea to go from Paris to Bordeaux.
1216. Caulaincourt (Armand A. L. De, Due De Vicence). A. L.S. Cau-
laincourt, Due de Vicence,’’ 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 21, n.y. To an
unnamed count on personal matters. W^ith portrait, full bust in
1217. Caulaincourt (Armand A. L. De, Due De Vicence). Portrait, full
bust in uniform. Forestier sculp. Lithograph, 8vo.
1218. Cavaignac (J. M'., Vicomte — French general, served in Italy and Rus-
sia). A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to. Abbeville, le 28 Ventose, I’An 12 [March
18, 1804]. To General Perignon, promising to interest himself in
a young man who is about to enter the army, and recalling General
Perignon’s own kindness to the writer when he was entering the
1219. Cav^ello (Pedro — Prime Minister of Spain) . zV.L.S. 1 p. 4to. April,
1220. Ceracchi (Joseph — sculptor). Portrait; H. Gasimir. Portrait
(mezzotint) ; George Howard, Earl of Carlisle. Portrait; Charles V.
of Spain, afterward Emperor of Germany. Portrait; Charles L.
Frederic, Grand Duke of Baden. Portrait; Charlemagne. Portrait
(India paper); Sir E. Codrington, English admiral. Portrait; A.
G. Czartoryski, Polish statesman. Portrait; George Czerni, Servian
chief. Portrait; small folio and 8vo. Together, 9 })ieces.
1221. Cervoni. (Jean B.— French general, chief of staff of ^larshal Lannes).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Headquarters at Toulon, Feb. 12, 1799. To Brig.-
Gen. Aubugeois.
Regarding the number of men and the amount of ammunition to be
sent to Corsica, and asks that everything be ready for their arrival
etc. ’ ’
1222. CiiAROT (L. F. J. — French general, served in Flanders). L.S. 2 pp.
folio. [Cortona], le 13 Nivose, I’An 13 [Jan. 2, 1798]. An account
of the means employed by him to raise a certain sum needed for the
army. Added, is a postscript in another hand, in Italian, referrino- to
General Chabot. ®
1223. CiiABOT (FriANQOis — fanatical French Jacobin, executed by order of
Eobesj)ierre) . Portrait, full bust in oval. G. Sardis [sc.]. Stipple.
8vo. in Venezia, n.d.
1224. CiiABViLLAN (Mouton — ComteDe). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, March
29, 1812. To Mon. Favre.
On watermarked paper bearing portrait and arms of Marie Louise.
Itequests his influence on behalf of a young man for a government posi-
1225. Chalier (Marie Joseph). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Levachez, military scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo. on small folio sheet.
Chalier was a violent Jacobin and a fanatical admirer of Marat.
1226. CiiAMBOX De Montaux (Nicolas — Mayor of Paris). L.S'. 1 p. 4to.
Paris, Jan. 19, 1793. Eequests a citizen to read carefully the copy of
a letter he is mailing him.
1227. Champagny (J. B. N. J)e, Due De Cabore — succeeded Talleyrand
as Minister of Foreign Affairs) . L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Feb. 9, 1807.
To the Counsellor of State. With portrait.
Regarding the son of the widow Hoscher, saying that he should not be
placed on the list of conscripts.
1228. Champagny (J. B. N. De, Dug De Cadore). A.L.S. Due de Ca-
dore,^^ 1 p. 8vo. Paris, 1812.
Regarding the appointment of the recipient’s brother to an official
1229. Champagny (J. B. N. De, Due De Cadore). A.L.S. “Champagny,
due de Cadore.” 1 p. 4to. Fontainebleau, Oct. 28, 1913. To Count
A letter of congratulation on the flne literary work the recipient has
done, and thanks him for sending him a copy of his book.
1230. Champagny (J. B. N. De, Due De Cadore). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
1231. Champagny (J. B. N. De, Due De Cadore). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
1232. Championnet (Jean E. — French general, succeeded Joubert as com-
mander of the army of Italy). A.L.S. 4 jip. folio. Paris, July 28,
1797. To the Minister of War. Probably a draft in Championnet’s
Giving his reasons why certain men are not fitted for positions.
1233. Championnet (Jean E.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint
by Levachez, battle scene and biograpliieal notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
1234. Championnet (Jean E.). Another copy of the same.
1235. Changarnier (Nicolas A. T. — celebrated French general). D.S.
1 p. folio. Algeria, Dec. 20, 1847. Eegarding rations.
Issued the same year he was appointed commander of the division of
1236. CiTAXGAKNiEK (NfCOLAS A. T.). A.L. in tliird person, unsigned.
1 p. 8vo. Paris, Jan. 31, 1850, regarding a box for Mine. Rossi’s
concerts at the Conservatory.
1237. CiTAPTAL (Jeax a. — distinguished chemist, appointed hy Bonaparte a*
Councillor of State). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Oct. 28, 1802. M ith
Kegarcling the question of police escorts tlie prefects should have on
their rounds.
1238. CiiARETTE De La Contrie (Francois A. — eminent general). Portrait,
full bust in uniform. jMezzotint hy Levachez, scene and biographical
account in script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
1239. CiiARETTE De La Coxtrie (Fraxc’Ois A.). Another copy of the same.
1240. Charlemoxt (James, Earl Of). Portrait. Stipple engraving by
Smith after Hone. 4to. London, 1814
1241. Charles I., King Of Exgland. Portrait. Three ditferent on one
sheet), half length. Etching by AVilliam Sharp, unfinished proof
before all letters. 4to.
1242. Charles I., Kixg Of Exglaxd. Portrait, full length in uniform, his
horse standing nearby. J. B. Martin sculpt. Antonius Vanduck
pinxit. Stipple. Folio, spotted and with several small holes in mar-
1243. Charles II., Kixg Of Spain. Portrait, full length in royal robes. A
I’aris chez a Trouvain, etc. Line engraving. Small folio.
1244. Charles lA'., KixHt Of Spain. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par Canu, dessine par Belache. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1245. Charles I\., King Of Spain. Portraits, (1) full length in uniform.
C. AVarren sculp. Copper engraving. London, 1790; (2) Charles
lA . and ()ueen Louisa. Maria E. Cowjier set. Stipple. London,
1811. 2 pieces.
1246. Charles A ., Dox Carlos I. Of Spain, afterwards Emperor of Ger-
many. Portrait, three-quarter length in armor. F. S. Negges sc.
Mezzotint. Folio, margins cut away.
1247. Charles X., (King Of France). D.S. 1 p. large folio (folded) . Ver-
sailles, Oct. 7, 1781. Orders the Treasurer-General to pay out 10 000
francs, etc. AATth portrait. ^
1248. Charles X., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Jones
fecit. Stipple. 8vo. London, 1792
1249. Charles X., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par Decrouant. Stipple. 4to.
Charles X., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par A. H. Lefevre, dessine d’apres nature par Gounod. Stipple. 4to.
Charles X., King Of FrxVnce. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stip-
ple. Printed in colors. Small folio.
1252. Charles X., Kixg Of France. Portrait, half length in uniform. En-
graved by A. Freschi after the original in possession of Le Comte
Francois Des Cart. Stipple and line. Small folio, mounted on card.
London, 1804
1253. Charles X., King Of France. Portrait, full length, in royal robes,
P. Adams sculp., F. Gerard pinx. Etching. Proof Wore letters on
India paper. \_ca. 1826]
1254. Charles XII., King Of Sweden. L.S. 2 pp. folio. June 3, 1698.
With portrait, full length in uniform, holding sword, also on same
plate representation of “ A Swedish officer.’’
1255. Charles XII., King Of Sweden. Portrait, full bust. J. Pass sc.
Ihne engraving. 8vo. [London], 1827
1256. Charles XIII., King Of Sweden, X.S. as the Duke of Sudermania,
regent brother of Gustavus III, later became king of Sweden. 1 p.
8vo. Stockholm, Jan. 11, 1793.
1257. Charles XIII., King Of Sweden. Portrait, full bust in uniform. C.
Turner sculpt. Eota pinxt. Mezzotint. Folio. London, 1813
1258. Charles XIII., King Of Sweden. Portrait, full length in uniform.
Drawn by W. Heath. Folio. London, 1814
At The American Art Galleries
Fifth Session, Numbers 1259 to 1598, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
1259. Charles, Archduke Of Austria — celebrated general, commanded at
Aspern, which, according to Alison, w'as the first great action in
which Napoleon had been defeated.’’ L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Jan. 9, 1798
1260. Charles, Archduke Of Austria. Portrait, three-quarter length in
uniform. Stipple. Unsigned. Folio, small margins.
1261. Charles, Archduke Of Austria. Portrait, full length in uniform.
G. B. Bosio dis. ed. inc. Stipple. 8vo.
1262. Charles, Archduke Of Austria. Portrait, full bust in uniform. En-
graved by B. Molmari. Stipple. 8vo. [London], 1797
1263. Charles, Archduke Of Austria. Portrait, half length in uniform.
Nutter sculp. Kinenger invt. Stipple. 8vo. London, 1800
1264. Charles, Archduke Of Austria. '' Sieg des Erzherzog Karl uber die
Franzbsen,” etc. In colors. 8vo.
1265. Charles Emanuel II. — Duke Of Savoy, 1634-75. L.S. to the Mar-
quis di Barolo asking him to give orders to the authorities of La
Morro for the arrest of some deserters. In a wrapper with notes in
the handwriting of Silvio Pellico. 1668.
1266. Charles (Emanuel III. — King Of Sardinia). D.S. 1 p. folio, on
vellum, April 29, 1753. With portrait.
1267. Charles (Louis — Austrian general). Portrait, full length, in uniform,
standing beside cannon. Grave par Alix. Mezzotint. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1268. Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, duughter of George IV.
of England. Mezzotint. (Margins cut away, mounted) . 4to.
1269. Charpentier (Henri F. M.— French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Cre-
mone, Aug. 15, 1800. To Gen. Ambert.
Asking Ambert to inform the new brigadier-general of his duties and
to assist him as much as he can.
1270. Chasset (Charles A. — deputy of the ISTational Assembly). Portrait,
full bust in oval, Coqueret sculp., Lombert del. Mezzotint. Small
1271. Chastillon (Alexis M. E., Dug De — 1680-1754, Governor of the Dau-
phin, son of Louis XV.). Eeceipt signed with two autograph lines.
1 p. 8vo.
The Due de Chastillon as a lieutenant-general commanded the cavalry
at the Battle of Guastalla in 1734.
1272. Chateaubriand (Francois A. De — celebrated French Author, Ambas-
sador to England in 1822). Passport for the Count and Countess
d’Haussonville and suite, with signatures of Chateaubriand, Ambas-
sador, and Bourqueney, Secretary. 1 p. folio, with endorsement on
back. London, June 18, 1822. With portrait, full length. Todes-
chini inc., Demarchi dis.
1273. Chateaubriand (Francois A. De). Portrait, full length. F. Philip-
poteaux pinxt. Lithograph in colors. 4to.
1274. Chateneue (Marquis De). A.L.S. referring to a pardon to be ac-
corded to Monsieur de Clerfayt, who was under trial for a duel. 3 pp.
4to. The Hague, December 22, 1713. Also, a copy of a letter of
Madame de Clerfayt to the Marquis de Chateneuf, asking him to in-
terest himself in the pardon to be accorded to her son. Dated Mons,
November 19, 1713. 2 pp. and a half, folio. 2 pieces.
1275. Chaulnes (Charles D’Ailly, Duo De — Peer of France, Lieutenant-
General of Brittany). Printed document with autograph signature.
St. Malo, October 24, 1689.
1276. Chaumette (Pierre G.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Lavachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo, on
small folio sheet.
Chaumette was a Jacobin proscribed by Robespierre and executed in
1277. Chauvelier (J. — French Minister to England, 1792). L.S. I p. 4to
(portion), 1792. Stating that Tobias Atkinson is the notary for the
Eoyal Household.
1278. Chenier (Marie J. — French poet, brother of Andre Chenier). A Note
S. 1 p. 24mo. n.p.n.d. Eecommending a friend to the Minister of
[Foreign Affairs]. With portrait.
1279. Chenier (Marie J.). Portrait, full bust in oval. F. Bonneville del et
sculp. Stipple. 8vo. ‘ Paris, n.d.
1280. Chimay (Jeanne M. I. T., Princesse De — friend of Madame Bona-
parte). A.L.S. Princess de Crimay,’’ 1 p. 8vo. n.p.n.d. To the
Chevalier de Bacourt.
An invitation to attend a picnic.
1281. CIIOISEOL (ISTIENNE FuANgois, Doc llii-lTlO-l^S, eminent French
statesman, and the favorite and cliief minister of Louis um-
cial L.S. to Kollioud de St. Julien, general treasurer of the clergy. ^
pp. folio. Paris, April 1(5, 1769. With portrait. 2 pieces. ^
In 1701 the Dnc cle Choiseul negotiated with the King of Spain the
secret treaty called “the family compact,” which was considered a
masterpiece ' of diplomacy. About 1702 he suppressed the Order of
1282. CiiouDiEU (Pierre — French regicide and Jacobin). A. L.S. 2 pp.
12mo, including addressed portion. Paris, Sept. 1, 1835. Informing
]M. Bonnaissier of the contents of a letter he has received, &c.
1283. Christian VII., King Oe Denmark. D.S. 1 p. folio, Jan. 11, 1788.
With seal.
1284. Cicero (M. Tullius). Portrait. P. P. Rubens clelin. Mezzotint.
4to. cut close and repaired. London, Bowles
1285. Cicero (M. Tullius). Portrait. Mezzotint. 4to (cut to plate mark) .
[London, Bowles]
1286. Clarke (Henri J. C., Due De Feltre — Marshal of France). D.S.
“ Clarke.” 2 pp. folio. Military Police Office, Oct. 22, 1807. With
portrait, full length in uniform, grave par Boilley.
A report to the Emperor regarding GG men, who had been sentenced
to the workhouse for desertion, and asking the Emperor to pardon them.
1287. Clarke (FIenri J. G., Due De Feltre). A.L.S. “ Cte. Lumbourg.”
1 p. folio. Paris, August 8, 1809.
To General Gamier, ordering him in the name of the Emperor to go to
Gand and take command of the 4th division of the army of the Escaut.
1288. [Clarke (FIenri J. G., Due De FTltre).] L.S. 2 pp. folio, from the
^Minister of Commerce [C. de Supe], to General Clarke. Paris, April
25, 1810. Mentions the arrest of four English sailors, and asks for
the bounty due on them.
1289. Clarke (Henri J. G., Due De Feltre). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris,
March 19, 1811. Informing General Vial of his appointment as
commander of the 18th Division, and ordering him to set out for
1290. Claviere (Etienne — Swiss financier and author, close political asso-
ciate of the famous Mirabeau). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris. Aug. 14,
1792. To the Administrators of Quimper, Dept, of F'inistere, in-
forming them that lie is doing all in his power to dampen the hope of
success of the enemy, and believes there is little likelihood of the
English joining the coalition of the King against the People.
A most interesting letter written at the time of the Massacre of the
Swiss Guards at the Tuileries, and a short period before Claviere’s rein-
statement in the Ministry, when the power of the Commune was beginning
to make itself felt.
1291. Claviere (Etienne). D.S.
With portrait, 2 pieces.
1 page folio. Paris, January 26, 1793.
1293. Clavieee (Etiexxe). Portnut, full bust iu oval, J. F. Bolt sc. (Juiiy)
[IT] 93. Stipple. 12iiio.
1293. Clausel (Bertkaxd, Comte — Marshal of France, came to the United
States in 1815). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Algiers, Sept. 30, 1830. With por-
trait, full length in uniform, and biographical account.
Written when governor of the French possessions in North Africa
(Algeria) to Comte de St. Priest, alnnit certain work that will be de-
layed two weeks.
1291:. Cleemoxt (Louis Be Bourbox Coxde^ Prixce Be — displayed great
courage and ability in several campaigns between 1T33-1T50). L.S.
“ Louis de Bourbon,*’ 1 p. Svo. Paris, Bee. 4, 1T41. Wishing to
know why certain plans were changed. With portrait.
1395. Clermoxt-Toxxerre (S.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Stipple. Un-
signed. Svo.
1296. Clery (Jeax B. C. H. — last servant of Louis XYI.). Portrait, full
bust in oval. P. Audinet sculp. H. Bauloux pinxt. Line engraving
in brown. 4to. . London, 1T9S
129T. Clootz (jEAX-BAriTSTE). Portrait full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Levachez, trial scene and biographical notice in script beneath. Svo.,
on small folio sheet.
1298. Clootz (Jeax-Baptiste). Another copy of the same.
1299. Cluzel axd Beexard. A.L.S. of the former, 2 pp. folio, Paris, March
13, IT 95. Tellino; the Committee of Public Safetv that he is ill and
not tit for duty. Countersigned by Bernard. Cluzel voted for the
death of Louis XYI.
1300. Coburg (Josias, Prixge — Austrian General, 1T3T-1815). B.S. with
seal ; also portrait. 3 pieces.
Referring to a consignment of 4,577 pounds of tobacco. Prince Josias
commanded the Austrian army, which, with the aid of Suwarow, de-
feated the Turks in 17S9, &c.
1301. Coburg (Josias, Prixce). Portrait, full bust in oval. Engraved by
J. Gillray after Loutherbourg. Stipple. Small folio.
London, IT 94
1302. Coburg (Josias, Prixce). Portrait, three quarter length in uniform,
telescope in right hand, map in left, mounted men in background.
Job. Mart. IVill exc. A. A”. Alezzotint. Folio.
1303. CocHOX (Charles — Alinister of Police). L.S., 1 p. 4to. Paris, le
13 Germinal, I’An A" [April 3, 1T9T]. To the Commissary, d’c.,
Bept. of the Seine, requesting verification of the death of Laurent
1304. CocKBURX (Sir George — British admiral, fought in the IVar of 1812).
A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. (London). AFarch 9. 1844, returning thanks for
the receipt of a treatise. AVith portrait, three quarter length in uni-
I^m, CofoMY (Mahiy, K, H, y,, hi c Ity- MAf*UI of tu \h\K),
DM, i fo It//, on imrninnt'Mt, with Al*//, with it'/nHtnn: of hi*
•^’i'rt'tary, i'ann, A//ril A;/[//i/<fwr/#t //f h, /k
l// W'fV/; nwU'r i\ui Dnlo; of ('Ai*iYrhn)t^„
i:m. <'o<o»v fWAMh y, D. Dh y„ Dlkk Dk), A,yM, Jp, >.vo, 17, /*//
yt'itr, With |///rtrait, full hfftprih in vn'ifonn, ar>/l ou/j(r»f/nt/:»l */>'
tint trHn»f*'r of st fr/ut o,
j;i07, ( ffUikiir ( fiiMft'AHit y, Ik '4uiH t// Gt^nn, ,f nn/fi ftiA fU^nhufr, wo^it^UA H
U'at/'r)////, <r*/l/r/j), \A,M, 1 f/, fAut, i,'Atn\n'At, Vttit, 1^, Hitfa
fM/rimit, ffUfinnf/ on trAiH. f/HfMfr, Sty DnXtirrk,
Ihfortnihif hiA Aup*rrtor fifru*;r of tt*fe j/r//jfr«w tMr twin o/a/Vt, att4 ftoal hn
will Mwaft onit^n at |{rmMMr<a,
1308, ('//ij{Kin ifk—!^DnhUir of ^tnU: of l/foU XIV, an4
known l/ihlj//i/hil/r>, l>,H, I [/a^ an/1 a half, UAuk Pam,
riiary h*/, 105.*/, With f///rtrait, 2 yistn^r*.,
y.itf.K (!fn,i,t%ow<HfU ((XrnHkH'f— Dnthh ///rd-A^rniral, \n hhuumA
at 'i’rafal((ar I, Or/hrr ifi((n/jd for To CafH, KatU^r, Ma'ta,
foWt 1810),
1310, (UfUAsov^'fffft) (drruiiktn ), i*ortrAt, full hrj*t in unjf//rrft, F Pr//wfj
*/rulf/, W, M, Crai;r /kl, Jj'n/; on'/nrlu'/, iUt, [I>/f*dofjJ, 1815
1311, (!ou/n lyilkiii'JHH (,fkAS( M, — iU^rolntt^rtritA), DM, I p, f/>lh>.
Pari*, O/i, 5^0, 1703, Kr//fn tli^ ('ofninitu^e of PaUk .SaMj to Pitt*
/>'n HaM«/^nfra/rt* a/:kn//irl/;/Jg^jni( r<;oeipt of rtf/nU. of tho a^^nr/iioi
at tin; ar/;hhi«hopnV', iiX\tro>^AnyL af/f/r//ral of th^r nw^in^, ifeo, Si^/od,
/ al*//, hy f’arnot and I'ri/rur, JO/rtrait,
1312, Houjf't D'ilkHi'/fik (,lkAS M,), Portrait, full i/a»t in /rral, Mi'nati/;ni
w;alp, .Stipphf, 8ro, m V^i^ia, n>l-
1313, (UfU/fr-D'llkfii'AHH (,f. S, and PiLLAt'i/'VanEjfsrK J. M, — 1/Oth noto*
nouii Fron/rh ./a/rohi'n*), I>„S, 1 p, folio. Pan*, k 24 M*r**idor, TAn
il [July 13, 1704), \a merntten of tho (lomxsihtkh of .Safetr ther
writo /ronrr/fmiriff th<; ro-ipniath/n of M, Ponol, and rfsqia^^t the Ajr*wt
of tho iMpt, of P'alva/J//*, Ac, to appoint in hLt pia*^^ With
j/ortrait, full h^ngth,
1314, f 'oi//vjAi, Amkkica. I>,.S, 1^ J, Garnl/ut, J/>hn hfiftiCfiT and Thomas Mami,
ladng ^ \ dornand for a supply of Gunr/sm^ .St//r/?s f//r tt^ of hi*
Maj<,'sty^s .Sl////p tlur Kantela>, .John l>^rkor, Ksq,, /commanding,
Vork, ,\ugu*t 10, 1778 ” (tlMrn folh/ws Ii>t of supplks n^/t/kdi. 1 p.
131.5. C/>f//B PBi.vm 1 saw a .Smith with hi- hzmmer etc, M/ezzo-
tint, rnsign/^J. Colorful hy hand, I»ndon, .Savfrr; “ I>t Dngn/ss-
olin.” I.ith//graph in /^//lors. F/Jio. Togotl^r, 2 pkr«r*-
1310, Coi/iKEu ViEwg ‘T,^ Port do Plym/jrath,” T. Miltoa. .Santach: ^ I,a
Bolle Alliance.” Unsigned ; Ba'»tia. Corsica. Drawn hr Capt, Fra*/?r.
F. Jukes, fc, ; View of Moscow. Unsigned. 4to and oWoag 4to,
Lcrodon, ike, rA.
1317. ColujMBUS (CiriasTOPHi^i!) . Portrait, full lengthy in chains, upon his
return from his third voyage to America. Vidal sculp. Chaalle pinx.
Line engraving. Large folio (slight stains). Paris, n.d.
1318. CoMMiTTE Of Public Safety. D.S. by Papon, Benezet, Carnot, C.
A. Prieur and Lindet, 1 p. folio, tluly 25, ITD-l. Pegarding guns.
1319. CoMPANS (Jean Dominique — French general, praised by Xapoleon,
taken prisoner at Waterloo). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Tiguierer, Dee. 21,
1794. To M. Deshordes. With portrait, full bust in uniform.
Ke^arcliug the distribution of men, and gathering the crop of olives
in the conquered places.
1320. CoMPANS (Jean Doaiinique). A.Ij.S. 1 p. 4to. Boulogne, July 15,
1805. To M. D’Heindricourt.
A promise on the part of the writer to take a copy of the “ Cartes de
la Nation Franqaise ” serially as issued.
1321. CoAiPANS (Jean Dominique). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
Unsigned. 8vo.
1322. Conde (Henky 11. De Bourbon, Prince De — father of the Great
Conde.) D. S. three times; also signed thrice by Cardinal Frangois
de Joyeuse, the confidential minister of Henry III, Henry IV and
Louis XIII. 2 pp. and a half, folio. August 9, 1603. With por-
trait. 2 pieces.
By this document Cardinal de Joyeuse and Priuce de Conde are con-
stituted agents for the sale of the lands of Beaumont imd Velloy be-
longing to the Duchess Henriette Catherine de Joyeuse, niece of the
1323. Conde (Henry II. De Bourbon — Prince De). L.S. ''Henry de
Bourbon,'"’ 1 ]). folio, Bourges, Oct. 22, 1627. Pegarding the payment
of money. With portrait, half length in armor, copper engraving.
1324. Conde (Louis II. De Bourbon, Prince De — called "le Grand Conde”
and the victor of the famous battle of Pocroi, at the age of 22 years).
Peceipt signed on vellum, with two lines in his autograph. July 28,
1672. With portrait. 2 pieces.
This receipt is interesting as referring to the pay of Conde for his first
two months as a commander of the army against Holland.
1325. Conde (Henri Jules De Bourbon — Prince De, and only son^of the
o-reat Conde). L.S. " II. J. de Bourbon,” 1 p. 4to. Douai, Xov. 10.
1673. On military affairs, Avith seal.
1326. Conde (Louis J. De Bourbon, IhiiNCE De — Commander of the emi-
grants Avho took up arms against the regime in 1792). L.S. 1 p. 4to
Cnlaid). Paris, Jan. 16, 1758. Letter of thanks to M. Lauzon for
his XeAV Year’s greetings. With portrait.
1327. Conde (Louis J. DE'Bourbon— Prince De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
April 24, 1793. With portrait, full length in uniform.
1328. C'ONDE (Louis Joseph— Prince De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Stipple, unsigned. 4to.
1329. CoNDOKCET (i\rAKiE J. A. X. (’. De — Frcncli pliilosoplier) . Portrait,
full bust ill oval. i\fezzotint by l>evaohez, scene and biographical ac-
count in script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
J330. CoNDOiiCET (i\[A]UE J. A. N. (b De). Portrait, full hiist in oval. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
1331. CoNDOHCET (IMaiue d. A. N. C. De). Portrait, full length. Ij. llados
inc. Ct. B. Bosio dis. Stipple. Svo.
1332. Congeess oe AAenna (containing portraits of Metternich, Talleyrand,
Messelrode and others). Engraved by G. E. Ferine, New York, for
the Eclectic Magazine. 2 states, (1), unfinished proof before letters,
(2), finished plate. Oblong Svo.
1333. CoxsALVi (Ercole — Cardinal, 1st minister of Pius negotiated
the Concordat Avith Napoleon, 1801). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Pome,
June 1(), 1819. With 3 different portraits. Together, 4 pieces.
1334. Constant (Benjamin — French publicist, editor ‘^Mournal des Debats,”
banished by Napoleon). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed por-
tion, Paris, le 29 Eructidor, PAn YII [Sept. 15, 1799]. Eequests of
M. Malandain an immediate reply to letter.
1335. Constant (Benjamin). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. n.p. May 9, 1822. To
M. Piglet at the Prefecture. With portrait.
Clairuing that the rights of M. Druyer, a citizen and an elector, have
been violated because his ideas were not in accord Avith those of others.
1336. Constant (Benjamin). Portrait, full bust. Ladered sculp. Proof on
India paper, before letters. 4to.
1337. Constant (Benjamin). Portrait, full bust in oaM. Benoist sculp.
Guibert delt. Line and stipple. Svo. Paris, n.d.
1338. Constant (Benjamin). Portrait, full bust. Coiiche fils sculp.
Jacques del. India paper. Open letters. Svo.
1339. Constantine (Nikolaevitch— second son of the emperor Nicholas).
Portrait, full bust, wearing medals. Proof on India paper in open
letters. 4to. Inscription in Pussian.
1340. Constantine (Nikolaevitch). A.S. 1 p. Sa^, n.d.
1341. Constantine Paulovitch, Grand Duke Op Pussia— commanded a
corps at Austerhtz. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Gatshina (Pussia), Aug. 12.
1342. Constantine Pauloahtcii, Grand Duke Of Pussia. Portrait, full
bust in uniform. Dessine par AVredi, grave par A. lieo-rand Stin-
ple. 4to. ^ 0-1
1343. CoxTi (Araiand De Bourdon— Prince De, a brother of the oreat
Conde, married a niece of Cardinal Alazarin). L.S. 1 p. 4to. "Bot-
deaux, June 26, 1658. Pegarding the chateau de Torride.
134-i. CoxTHACT. A Contract for a sale of land near Cesena in Italy, done
j\Iarcli 3, 14?6. Written on a long sheet of parclnnent.
An interesting docninent.
1345. Convention. L.S. by J. S. Sanrine, 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 21, 1793,
relative to men who were seen prowling around the Convention, etc.
1346. CooTE (Eyke — British general, served in America, carried the colors at
the Ijattle of Brooklyn, made K.B. for services in Egypt). Portrait,
full length in uniform, on horseback. 4to. In colors. London, 1815
1347. CoQuiLLE (T. — nnder-secretary of the Secretariat-Grcneral of Algiers).
C^opy of a disclosure made by a prisoner of a plot by an Arab to kill
certain people. 3 pp. folio. Oran [Algeria], Oct. 23, 1852. Signa-
ture of Coqnille attesting authenticity of copy.
1348. Coruoli-Bussi (Jean). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed por-
tion. Turin, Oct. 6, 1847.
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 402), enclosed in bis library
wrapper and with bis autograph annotations.
1349. CoRDAY (Charlotte). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Levachez, representation of the murder of j\Iarat and biographical
notice in script beneath, 8yo, on small folio sheet.
1350. CoRMU (Cashier — French general in the Eevolution). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. Paris, 1795. To M. AOdel.
Requesting Videl to be present on September 24, 1705, at noon, in the
cashier’s counting room.
1351. CoRMU (Cashier). D.S. 1 p. folio, (Paris), Sept. 24, 1796. Eegard-
ing money.
1352. CoRNtv ALLIS (Charles Marquis). Portrait, three-quarter length in
uniform, standing. Engraved by Benj. Smith after I. S. Copley.
Stipple. Folio (mounted and cut close). London, 1798
1353. Corvisart-Desmarets (Jean N. — appointed about 1800 chief physician
to Bonaparte). A.L.S. “ Corvisai’V^ 1 p. 4to. Paris, June 29, 1808.
With portrait.
1354. Corvisart-Desmarets (Jean InT.). A.L.S., 2 pp. 12mo, including the
addressed portion). [Paris], June 22, 1809. To M. Pigault le
Brim, stating that a person by the name of Barre has promised to
help PigaulPs protege.
1355. Corvisart-Desmarets (Jean N.). Portrait, full bust. Forestier sculp.
Stipple. 8vo.
1356. Cottolengo (Canon Joseph). Two A.L.S., 12mo, and 4to, each 2
pp. including addressed portions. Turin, July 6, 1837, and Sept.
20, 1837. To Sister Gaspera, of the school of Brail, on ecclesiastical
matters. (2 pieces.)
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 391), enclosed in bis library
wrapper and with bis autograph annotations.
1357. CoTTREAU, GiiANET, AND BouRDON. (Members of the National Con-
vention). L.y. 1 ]). folio. Paris, le 15 Ventose, FAii Y [March 5,
1797]. Informs Citizen Charretie, London, that they have commu-
nicated with the English government relative to French prisoners.
Signed by each of the three.
1358. CouDRAYE (M. De La). Les Verites Lternclles qui Constituent les
Empereurs et les Pois dYu il resulte que le llevoliitionnaire Buona-
parte. 10 pp. small 4to, unbound and uncut (old writing at bottom
final page). Paris, 1814
1359. CouiN (Joseph C. — French general). L.S. 2 pp. folio, Varsorie, Jan.
12, 1807. To the Prince of Neufchatel, minister of war.
Requesting the transfer of Andre Vanthier.
1360. CouRCELLES (PAULINE IvNip De — Naturalist). A.L.S. to the King of
the Two Sicilies asking him to interest himself in the work entitled
“ Colombes et Pigeons exotiques ” edited after her drawings. 1 p.
4to. Paris, n.d.
1361. Cousin (Victor — celebrated French philosopher). Original Manu-
script Poem Aristote de,” 15 lines, with corrections. YTth signa-
iiature V. Cn. Addressed to Mons. Shilbert.
1362. Cousin (Victor). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. n.p.n.d. To M. Pompee, re-
garding the best time for an engagement.
1363. CouTARD (Louis F., Comte — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Vil-
leneuve, Aug. 18, 1838. To Count de Bondy, relative to property
he has purchased.
1364. CouTHON (Georges — French Jacobin). Signature and several lines in
his autograph on margin of a L.S. , 1 p. folio, from Faucheur, Paris,
Jan. 4, 1794, who has written relative to a position. Couthon recom-
mends Faucheur to the commission, &c. With 2 portraits.
1365. CoxE (William — English historian). Portrait, three-quarter length.
Engraved by J. Young after C. Grignion. Mezzotint. 4to (margins
1366. Craufurd (Sir Charles Gregan — British general, served in the Aus-
trian campaign). A.L.S. 5 pp. 4to. [London], April 24, [1816].
Interesting personal letter about himself and brother.
1367. Cravtovyski (Prince). Letter in third person, unsigned, accepting
Countess Bourke’s invitation to dinner. 1 p. 12mo [Parisl Jan
20, 1834. L j, •
1368. Cretil (Emanuel — named by Napoleon as Councillor of State). LS
2 pp. folio, Paris, July 22, 1808. To M. Gavoty.
Acknowledgment of the receipt of two letters from ]M. Gavoty on the
snluect of rope making. Cretil recommends him to address the Minister
ot the Navy.
136!). Crkqui (CiiAiti.iiS IT., Siiie T)e— Frencli General, killed at the sieo-e of
Chambery in 1630). D.S. on vellum. December 14, 1620. With
portrait of Charles de Crequi, Duke de Lesdiguieres. 2 pieces.
1370. Cromwell (Oliver — Lord Protector Of England). Signature,
‘^Oliver P.” at end of letter (portion), dated Whitehall, Feb. 12,
165-1. Portrait. (Both pieces inlaid on the one sheet.)
1371. Cromwell (Oliver). Portrait. Copper engraving, by Woodman after
Cooper. Small folio. London, 1784
13^2. Cromwell (Oliver). Cromwell at Warston Moor. John Bromley
sculpt. A. Cooper pinxt. Mezzotint. Proof in open letters. 4to.
London, 1826
1373. Cromwell (Oliver). Portrait, Oliver Cromwell,” full bust in
armor. G. A. Grnndler sc. Line engraving. 4to.
1374. CuBiERES (Amedee — French general, fought at Austerlitz and Wag-
ram). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo n.p. Dec. 31, 1835. To M. Blacque request-
ing an appointment.
1375. Cumberland (William Augustus, Duke Of — third son of George II.
of England). Half length portrait in military coat and hat. Mezzo-
tint. Hudson, pinxt. I. Faber, fecit. Without margins. Small
folio. (Small portion mended.)
1376. Custine (Ada]m Philippe, Comte De, eminent French general, made
marechal-de-camp for his conduct at Yorktown). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Metz, June 10, 1772. With seal.
Regarding Alex. Audry who, having served in various regiments, is now
unfit for further duty.
1377. Custine (Adam Philippe, Comte De). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Speyer,
Oct. 2, 1792, stating that M. Champeaux is to be paid 1200 livres
for expenses on account of securing certain flags. Also, on same
sheet, an order on paymaster Blanchette signed Blanchard. Portrait.
1378. Custine (Adaai Philippe, Comte De). D.S. also signed by several
others, 3 pp. folio, Capelle, Jan. 8, 1793. With portrait.
Regarding the payment of money for expenses of the campaign.
1379. Custine (Adam Philippe, Comte De). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. A. Zaballi sc. Line engraving. 8vo. In Napoli, n.d.
1380^. Custine (Adam Philippe, Comte De). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Mezzotint by Levachez, scene and biographical account in script
beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
1381. Custine (Adam Philippe, Comte De). Another copy of the same.
1382. Custine (Adam Philippe, Comte De). Portrait, full length in uni-
form. Biasioli inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
1383. Cuvier (Baron G. C. L. F. D. — one of the greatest natunilists of
modern times). L. S. 2 pp. 4to, including the addressed portion.
Paris, May 7, 1827. As perpetual secretary of the Academy of
Sciences, he writes to M. Denaix thanking him for certain books
received. With portrait.
1384. Daendels (Hekman W.— Dutch general, entered the French army
about 179:^). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Moorsele, May 5, 1794. With
portrait. To Gen. von Daunne.
A friendly letter in which the writer begs Gen. von Daunne not to
believe all the reports that are in circulation concerning the operations
of the army, its discipline, etc.
1385. Dalbaiuc (M. — iMinister of the Marine). L.S. with three lines in his
autograph, 1 p. 4to. Paris, April 23, 1793. To Pear-Admiral Martin.
An order from the Committee of Public Safety regarding 4 vessels in
the roads of Port La Montague.
1386. Dallemagne (Claude — French general, served in the United States).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Jan. 20, 1803. To the Minister of Finance.
With portrait, full bust in uniform. LPhograph.
Letter of recommendation regarding Nounne B. d’Amherieux for a
1387. Damas (Francois E. — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
June 13, 1801. To M. Marcel. Whth portrait, full bust in uniform.
Asking the recipient for copies of a grammar he had published in
Cairo, Egypt.
1388. Damremont (Charles M. D. — French general, Gov.-Gen. of Algeria).
L.S. 1 p. 4to. Dec. 17, 1818, n.p. also signed by others. Giving au-
thority to Baron cle Perregaux to withdraw certain letters, etc., from
the postoffice.
1389. Danjoie and Lofficial — members of the National Convention. D.S.
by both, 1 p. folio, Oct. 2, 1794.
1390. Danton (Georges Jacques — one of the great leaders of the French
Pevolution). D.S. 1 p. large folio, Paris, Sept. 11, 1792.
Fine signature. Granting an annual pension to Theo. Petain for his
long services in the department of public taxes. The document is also
signed by Claviere, Girondist Minister of Finance.
1391. Danton (Georges Jacques). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Levachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo. on
small folio sheet.
1392. Danton (Georges Jacques). Another copy of the same.
1393. Dantzig. View in colors. Folio. London, 1815
1394. Darnay (Le Baron — Private Secretary to Prince Eugene Napoleon).
A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to., including addressed portion. [Paris], April 29,
1827. To Genl. F. F. G. de Vaudoncourt, relative to a defamatory
article which has appeared in the Military Spectator ’’ on Prince
Eugene, and approves M. Bodin’s intention of making a reply to said
article, &c.
1395. Daru (^Martial N. P. — administrator under Napoleon). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. n.p. Jan. 28, 1812 (?). To Citizen Pigeon.
Acknowledging tlie receipt of a letter from Pigeon, and promising to do
what he can to justify some action of his.
1396. Daru (Pierre A. X. B. — French statesman). Portraip full bust in
oval. Stipple. 8vo.
1397. Daumesnil (Pierre — French general, clefenclecl Vincennes castle
against the allies). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Vincennes, Oct. 11, 1830. A
letter of recommendation. With portrait, half length in uniform.
1398. Daumesnil (Pierre). Portrait, full length in uniform. Lithograph
after N. j\[aurir. Folio.
1399. Daunou (P. Cl. F. — eminent French statesman and author, member
of the Xational Convention, and one of the framers of the Constitu-
tion of the Year III.) A.L.S. 1 page 16mo. Paris, December
8, 1828.
To Rousseau, chief of the typographical department of the “ Im-
primerie Royale,” about the prospectus of the ‘‘ Journal des Savants,”
of which he was the chief editor.
1400. Dauremont (C. M. D., Comte De — French general, and Peer of
France). L.S. 2 pp. folio, including addressed portion. Paris, May
25, 1836, signing receipt for money paid him by the Ordre Eoyal de
la Legion cFHonneur. Signed, also, by J. Leboeuf.
1401. David (Jacques Louis — celebrated French historical painter, Xaiioleon
appointed him his first painter, executed the famous painting of the
Coronation, now in the Louvre). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. Dec. 14,
1776. With 2 portraits, one on India paper. Together, 3 pieces.
Probably written to his mother from Rome, where he at the time,
having gone there after being awarded grand prizes for his “ Antiochus
and Stratonice.”
1402. David (Jacques Louis). Portrait, half length. T. L. Potrelle sculp.
F. T. Navez pinxt. Line engraving. 4to.
1403. David (Jacques Louis). Portrait, full bust. T. L. Potrelle sculpt. F.
T. Xavez pinxt. Line engraving. 4to.
1404. David (M. — chief commissary of the Marine). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Saint-
Malo, Aug. 17, 1799. To John Boss, English officer.
Telling Ross, who was a prisoner of war, that on the following day
he would be set free, and started on his journey to England.
1405. Davoust (Louis X., Prince D’Eckmuhl, Marshal of France, Min-
ister of War, &c.). L.S. 1 p. folio. [Paris], Feb. 12, 1809.
As the Duke of Auerstadt, he returns thanks for certain information
received, and states that because of the Emperor’s return to Paris, the
expulsion of the English, the submission of the Spaniards, &c., those in
favor of a Continental War will not succeed in bringing it about.
1406. Davoust (Louis X., Prince D’Eckmuhl). D.S. 1 p. folio, Paris,
April 25, 1815.
Naming M. Girbaud as assistant chief of battalion.
1407. Davoust (Louts X., Prince D’Eckmuhl). D.S. 1 p. folio, Paris,
April 25, 1815. With portrait, full length in uniform, grave par
Ladcerer, Gauther pinx.
Certificate from the Minister of War’s office, accepting the resignation
of Lieut. Duplessis.
1408. Davoi'ST (Louis N., J’hixce D’Eckmuitl) . Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Jjithograpli after Bellaird. Open letters. 4to.
1409. Davoust (Louis N., Pkixce D’Eckmuhl). Portrait, 'Mmigi Nieola
Davoust,” full length in uniform. Pivelanti inc. Demarclii dis.
Stipple. 8vo.
1410. 1)i:kby (JeaivT A. J. — Erencli lawyer, one of the Committee of Public
Safety). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Besangon, July 22, 1801. To the Minister
of Finance. A letter of thanks for services rendered. With portrait,
full bust in oval, Bonneville del. sculp.
1411. PEimY (Jean A. J.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by Leva-
chez, military scene, with biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo,
on small folio sheet.
1412. "De Caen (Charles M. I. — French general) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
April 15, 1797. To General Oudinot. With portrait, full bust, on
India paper.
A friendly letter in wliicli the writer expresses satisfaction regarding
news he had received.
1413. Decazes (Elie— French statesman, in 1815 appointed Minister of
Police.) A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, August 19, 1833.
lieqnesting Lady Elena to help the bearer of the letter, she being the
wife of a man of- whom the writer thought highly.
1414. Decazes (Elie). Portrait, full bust. Line engraving. Unsigned. 8vo.
1415. De Chadenac (Mme.). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. n.p. Jan. 24, 1819 (writ-
ten at Elba?). Confirming an appointment.
1416. Declaration Of Independence. Facsimiles of signatures, outline por-
traits, full bust portrait of Washington, etc. Lithograph. Atlas
folio. New York, 1851
1417. Declaration Of Independence. Engraved on steel by H. S. Sadd
after John Trumbull. Folio. Proof. New York, n.d.
1418. Decres (Denis — Admiral and Minister of Marine under Napoleon).
L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Dec. 17, 1801, refusing official sanction to
an expedition to Senegal. With portrait, full bust in uniform. Litho-
1419. Decres (Denis) L.S. 2 pp. folio, n.p. Oct. 26, 1805. To M. Arm-
strong, U. S. klinister to France. With portrait.
Asking the U. S. Minister to let him have two duplicate lettei-s of
advice relative to drafts on the United States Treasury.
1420. Dejean (Jean F. A. — French General and Minister of War). A.L.S.
2 pp. folio, (inlaid) Headquarters of the Army of the North,
l^trecht, le 2 Yentose, Fan Y [Feb. 20, 1797]. Unaddressed.
TiCtter of recommendation for a Citizen Cazalo who has held positions
as lieutenant, engineer, i&c.. in the Army of the North, and at all times
given proofs of his patriotism and courage.
1421. Dejean (Jean F. A.). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Bordeaux, May 10, 1814. To
Baron Louis, dept, of finance. With portrait, full bust in uniform.
Regarding the laws on customs duty, etc.
1422. Delabobde (Henei F. — made a peer by Bonaparte during the Hun-
dred Days). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Bennes, April 25, 1802. To Gen.
Berthier, minister of war.
Regarding a letter for Capt. Rouges, which had been delivered.
1423. Delaborde (Henei F.). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed por-
tion. Paris, Nov. 27, 1808. To the jailkeeper of “ The Abbey,”
desiring to know the time of the arrival of General Dupont there.
1424. Delaborde (Henri F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. De Noire-
terre del. Stipple. In colors, 8vo.
1425. Delaborde (Henri F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. De Noireterre
del. Stipple. 8vo.
1426. Delacroix (Charles — Minister of Foreign Affairs). L.S. 2 pp. folio,
Paris, Dec. 26, 1795. To Citizen Eoquesante.
Informing the recipient that he has been appointed French Consul to
Cadiz, Spain. Accompanying the above are the instructions for the
French Consul at Cadiz, 14 pp. folio, also signed by Delacroix.
1427. Delacroix (Charles). D.S. 1 p. folio, undated. The statement
from the Minister of Foreign Affairs that Gen. Perignon is appointed
French Ambassador to Spain, Citizen d’Harmane, is appointed
French Consul at Madrid, and Citizen Eoquesante is appointed
French Consul at Cadiz.
1428. Delacroix (Jacques V. — distinguished French lawyer and author).
A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. n.p. July 28, 1802.
Complains that considering the important case he had won for his
client, he has been most shamefully treated as a reward for his services.
1429. Delaitre (General). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. undated. Eegarding a case
postponed on account of illness of the Attorney General.
1430. Delambre (Jean B. J. — celebrated French astronomer). Portrait, full
bust. Engraved by B. Hoik Proof in open letters, on India paper.
4to. London, n.d.
1431. Delanart (M. — Minister of War), L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Jan. 10,
1792. Eegarding post-horses.
1432. Delarociie (French physician). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to. London, 1792.
Friendly letter to Dr. Odier in Geneva, giving a detailed account of
his illness. (Eebacked and repaired.)
1433. Delaroche (French physician). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to. Paris, Dec. 13,
1801. To Dr. Odier, Geneva. Contains interesting particulars of
medical practitioners and practice in Paris.
1434. Delauociie (HiPEorA'TE — called Paul, French jDainter, ‘^Napoleon at
Fontamebleau ” one of his ])ieces). Portrait, full bust. Grave par
A. Louis, after himself. Steel engraving, 4to. Paris, Goupil, n.d.
1435. Delecloy and Couktois. (IMeinbers of the National Convention). L.S.
1 p. folio. [Paris], le 11 Prairial, Pan 3 [May 30, 1705]. To the
Committee of the List, of Lombard, asking if Citizen Lequin's name
is among those marked for arrest? Signatures of Delecloy and Cour-
tois, with wax seal.
1436. Delessart (Antoine De Y. — Minister of the Interior, also, of Foreign
Affairs). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Feb. 27, 1791. To M. [Bertrand]
Dufresne, Director of the Public Treasury, requesting about 20,000
francs for the salaries of certain officials who have been appointed
to restore order in the Department of the Gard, &c. With portrait.
1437. Delessert (Benjamin — eminent French statesman). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. Paris, Jan. 4, 1840. Eegarding the receipt of a collection of
plants, and sending cheque for same.
1438. Delille (Jacques — French poet). Portrait (India paper) ; Sir Fran-
cis Drake. Portrait; Elfi Bey — Mameluke chief. Portrait; Ferdi-
nand Joseph Jean — Archduke of Austria. Portrait; J. G. Fuessli —
celebrated painter. Portrait, (mezzotint) ; M. le Comte Florian de
Kergorlay. Portrait; C. S. P. Fortescue — English statesman. Por-
trait. India paper; Galileo. Portrait. 4to and 8vo. Together, 8
1439. Demareay (Marc J. — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
J une 29, n.y. Eegretting that he cannot purchase a work then in
course of publication.
1440. Demidoff (Prince Anatole — husband of Mathilda Bonaparte). L.S.
1 p. 4to. San Donata, near Florence, April 18, 1847. Eegards
attending a scientific meeting.
1441. Democritus. Portrait. P. P. Eubens delt. Mezzotint, 4to. cut close
and repaired in places. [London, Bowles]
1442. Demosthenes. Portrait. Ex Marmore antiquo, P. P. Eubens delin.
IMezzotint. 4to (cut close, and mounted and repaired in places).
[London, Bowles]
1443. Demosthenes. Portrait, after P. P. Eubens. Stipple. 4to. cut close.
1444. Denon (Dominique Y.— eminent French artist, with Xapoleon in
Egypt, received commission from Eobespierre to desio:n Eepul)lican
costumes). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Sept. 12, 1803. To Pie :\rinister
of the Interior. With portrait, full bust.
Rosarding ii position for Citizen Grassot.
1445. Denon (Dominique Y.). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. Paris. Feb. 23, 1808.
Granting permission to 'SI. llanin to study the Italian school of
painting at a museum.
144G. Dexox (Do-minique Portrait, half length, seated. Dessine
d’apres nature par C. Guerin et grave sous sa direction 1810. Line
engraving. 4to.
1447. De Eossi. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion. Parma, April
11, 1799. To M. Vitali, relative to the publication of his annals.
From the SjUvio Pellico collection (No. 292), enclosed in bis library
wrapper and with bis autograph annotations.
1448. Desaix De Veygoux (Louis C. A., French general, with Bonaparte in
Egypt). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint by Levachez,
battle scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo, on small
folio sheet.
1449. Desaix De Veygoux (Louis C. A.). Another copy of the same.
1450. Desaix De Veygoux (Louis C. A.). Portrait, full length in uniform.
Lefevre sculp. Hilaire le Dru del. Stipple. Small folio. Paris, n.d.
1451. Desaix De Veygoux (Louis C. A.). Portrait, full length in uniform.
Sasso inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo. ; a full length in uniform.
Lithograph; also vieiv of his death at Marengo. Together, 3 pieces.
1452. Des Clouzeaux (Hubert De Ciiampy — Intendant-general of the nav}-
and fortifications of Britain under Louis XIV.). A.L.S. 1 p. and a
half 12mo. Versailles, August 4, 1700; D. S. Brest, April 14, 1687.
2 pieces.
1453. Deseze (Eay'MOND — French advocate and royalist). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo,
n.p. 1829. To M. Marie Brevanns.
Tbe writer desires a detailed account of tbe affair concerning tbe
marsbes of Bordeaux.
1454. Desfoxtaines (L’Abbe). A.L.S., -2 pp. square 8vo. Paris, May 24,
1775. States that the affairs of Alengon need looking into by the
1455. Desfoxtaines (Eene L. — eminent French botanist). D.S. 1 p. 4to,
Paris, Xov. 8, 1811, signed also by De Jussien, the director of the
Museum of Xatural History. With portrait of the former, grouped
in oval with Barre and Eaclet.
1456. Desfourneaux (Edme E. B. — French general, commanded an expedi-
tion to Saint Domingo). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, Paris, July 4, 1815. With
portrait, full bust in uniform.
Acknowledgment of a letter containing a recommendation for tbe Pre-
fect of tbe Department (Paris ?).
1457. Desgexettes (Nicolas E. D. — chief physician in Napoleon's army,
was at Waterloo). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Nov. 9, 1816. To Syd-
ney Smith. With portrait, full bust in uniform, and printed ac-
count Sur la Fortune cntre Buonaparte et Sidney Smith,” in which
Smith stated Avhile in prison in Egypt, that sooner or later, Napoleon
Avould occupy the same prison.
Tbe letter concerns tbe publication of a volume of essays, etc.
1458. Desgexettes (Nicolas 11. I).). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Oct. 7, 1825. Re-
garding the payment of an account.
1459. Desgexettes (Nicolas E. D.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple,
unsigned. 8vo.
1460. Desmeuxier ( Jeax N. — French author, wrote Essay on the United
States,” etc.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p.n.d. With portrait, full bust in
oval, F. Bonneville, del. Regarding a position.
1461. Desmoulixs (Camille). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by
Levachez, scene and biographical account in script beneath. 8vo, on
small folio sheet.
1462. Desmoulixs (Camille). Another copy of the same.
1463. De Soly (M. — Advocate to the Emperor). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
Feb. 22, 1815. Receipt for money received from M. De Brichamban.
1464. Dessolles (Jeax J. P. A. — eminent French general and statesman,
served under Moreau). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, Paris, April 20, 1826.
d'o the Members of the Society for Elementary Education. With
portrait, full bust in uniform.
Dessolles having been appointed as the pi’esident of the above society,
this letter was written to express his thanks, and also, his approval re-
garding the methods used in the society.
1465. Diderot (Dexis — eminent French philosopher). Portrait, full bust
in oval. Line engraving. 8vo. [Naples, n.d.]
1466. Dode De La Brumerie (French general, distinguished at the Siege
of Saragossa). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Dec. 5, 1840, informing
^Marshall that it might be well to have General Schneider
present when certain information is given out. With portrait.
1467. Doguerreau (Louis, Barox De — French colonel). A.L.S. 1 p. folio.
Paris. Sept. 25, 1822. To the Minister of War, requesting that a
certain sum of money be paid him.
1468. Dorsch (Johaxx C. — German engraver). Portrait, three-quarter
length. Engraved by B. Vogel. Mezzotint (margins cut away).
1469. Doublet (George — French general, voted confinement and banish-
ment for Louis XVI.) . L.S. 3 pp. folio, n.p. Aug. 21, 1795. Signed
also by Merlin de Douai. Orders issued by the Committee of Public
14 <0. Dolmlet (Pierre N. lawyer, later judge at the criminal court of
Eure-et-Loir) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to (small portion of upper margin
cut aua\), n.p. Nov. 15, 1805. Relative to the sale of personal
1471. Douglas (Archibald— 3rd Marquis, and 1st Duke of Douglas). Por-
trait, full bust in oval, with medallion portraits of William Murray
> Earl of :\ransfield, and Charles Graft, Earl of Camden. Val. Green
fecit. AY. AYillison pinxt. Mezzotint. Folio, verv small marain«
which are repaired in places. Fine early state, not described by
Chaloner Smith. London, 177b
1472. Doyle (Sir Charles — General, distinguished for his con-
duct at Valenciennes). L.S. by Topoz y Mina to Gen. Doyle, Paris.
1818. 1 p. folio.
1473. DraparNx\.ud (J. Pii. P. — celebrated French naturalist and linguist).
A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Montpellier, 19 Fruetidor, Year IX (1801).
“ I have added to your collection a copy of my work. ‘ Les Molliisques
terrestres et tlnviatiles de la France,’ which I ask you to receive as a
token of esteem and friendship,” etc. Characteristic specimen.
1474. Drayton (William Henry — American Statesman, President of the
Council of Safety in 1775). Bust portrait in oval, long coat, ruffled
shirt-front, hair in queue. Line and stipple. Proof before all letters.
(Dusimitier series.) 12mo.
1475. Drelincourt (Ch.arles — physician and author of high reputation).
x\.Ii.S. 1 p. small 4to, Leyden, July 14 [16] 78.
1476. Dresden. View in colors. Folio. London, 1815
1477. Drouet D’Erlon (Jean B. — Marshal ol France). A.L.S., 1 p. folio.
A^alladolid, Dec. 10, 1812, recommending to the consideration of the
Paymaster General a young man by the name of Taney.
1478. Drouot (Antoine — French general. Governor of Elba). A.L.S., 2 pp.
12mo, including addressed portion. [April 25, 1803], informing cer-
tain officers of the price of horses.
1479. Drouot (Antoine). A. L.S. 1 p. 4to, Xancy, Feb. 6, 1817. Thanks
IMadame **** for certain books loaned him, and for her permission
to use her husband’s library.
1480. Drouot (Antoine). A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including the addressed por-
tion. Xancy, Aug. 10, 1823. To M. Hersaut, French Consul at
Washington, congratulating him upon his marriage, and giving him
good advice thereon.
1481. Drouot (Antoine). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lith. de Ducarme
after (larnier. 8vo.
1482. Drouot (Antoine). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. X.
Mayer del. 4to.
1483. Dublin, Ireland. The prospect of the city of Dublin. J. IMason sculp.
J. Tudor delin. Line engraving in colors. 4to.
1484. Dubois (Antoine — eminent French surgeon, attended Marie Louise
upon the birth of her son). Signature on portion of document issued
by the Health Commission. [Paris] le 25 Floreal, I’An II [May 15,
1794]. AVith portrait.
1485. Dubois (Antoine). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 20. 1808.
statins that exercise on horseback is not good for a M. T.e Noyer, a
liglit infantryman.
1486 Dubois (Antoine). Portrait, full bust. Line engraving after Gerard.
gvo. Taris, n.d.
1487. Dubois (L. N. P. J. — French Councillor of State, and head of the
Paris police under Fouche, deposed hy N’apoleon on account of his in-
action during a fire at the ball celebrating the marriage of the Emperor
and Maria Jmuisa, at which time several lives were lost). A.L.S.
4 pp. 4to. Paris, May 29, 1823, complaining of the shooting that
takes place at Vitry every year for a certain period, — that it ruins
his crops, is a menace to the lives of himself and family, and that
the shooting-ground should be estalilished elsewhei-e. With portrait.
1488. Dubois De Grange (Edmond L. A. — French general, a partisan of Dan-
ton, one of the first members of the Committee of Public Safety).
xC. N. S. (8 lines with signature) underneath recommendation signed
by Pichon. 1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 28, 1794. Mhth portrait.
1489. Dubois De Grange (Edmond L. A.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April
20, 1796. Complains that a citizen has not been able to obtain a
1490. Dubois De Grange (Edmond L. A.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris [1800]
Relating to the expense of commodities provided by Citizen Ponilliqnen.
1491. Dubois De Grange (Edmond L. A.). Portrait, full bust in oval. F.
Ponneville del. et sculp. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
1492. Dubois De Grange (Edmond L. A.). Portrait, full bust in oval. F.
Bonneville del. et sculp. Line engraving. 12mo.
1493. Dubois De Thainville (Charles F. — consul general and charge-
d’-affaires at Algiers, 1809). Portrait, full bust in uniform. ]\Iezzo-
tint. Unsigned. 4to (margins cut away) .
1494. Du Bourg (M.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Strasburg, May 22, 1672. Eegard-
ing M. La Eogue, and stating that he is unfit for military duty.
With seal.
1495. Du Gayla (Madame — mistress of Louis XVIII.). A.L.S. to Adolphe
Xourris, the well-known singer. 1 p. 12mo. n.d. With portrait, 2
liieces .
Complimenting Nourris for his beautiful voice, and telling him that
Prince Wolkouski has expressed the desire of singing with him.
1496. Duckworth (Sir John Thomas — English admiral, won great distinc-
tion by his skill during Lord Howe’s victory over the French) . L.S.
2 pp. folio. Jamaica, April 21, 1802. Eegarding beds, etc., for the
1497. Duckworth (Sir John Thomas). Portrait, half length in uniform.
Engraved liy J. Vendramini, drawn by W. Evans, after Sir W.
Beechey. Stipple. 4to. London, 1809
1498. Ducos (Eoger— eminent French lawyer, voted for the death of the
king, member of the Directory). Autograph annotation, signed, on
a one-page 4to recommendation for one Henriot Francois," who is
highly recommenderl to tlie Senate. Tlie document is also signed hy
Lefelivre, Napoleon’s marshal. With portrait, etched full bust, bv
Darreau. 2 pieces. n.p.n.d.
1499. Dufour (Georges J. — French general, with Morean at his celebrated
retreat from Bavaria). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Headquarters, Himingne
[Alsace], Sept. 16, 1796. To the General in Chief.
Regarding work in progress which he says he will find some means of
* hurrying, etc.
1500. Detfour (Georges J.). L.S. 4 pp. folio, including addressed portion.
Bonrges, Jan. 11, 1807. Acknowledges receipt of orders from the
IMinister of War releasing 33 sailors who were taken prisoners of
war while sailing under the Prussian flag, etc.
1501. Dufour (Guill.vume H. — Swiss general, entered French army). Por-
trait [in act of defense], full length in uniform. St. Sanvenr direx.,
Labrousse del. et sculp. 8vo.
1502. Dugommier (Jean F. C. — French general, commanded at Toulon, where
Napoleon acted under his orders). Autograph signature, and salu-
tation, with portrait, full bust in uniform.
1503. [Dugua (Charles F. J., with Napoleon in Egypt)]. A.L.S. of E. A.
Aigley. 1 p. folio. Headquarters at Cairo, March 3, 1798, to Gen.
Dngua, informing him that he has ordered two camels.
1504. [Dugua (Charles F. J.)]. D.S. by A. G. Canut to Gen. Dugua. 1 p.
folio. Cairo, April 20, 1798. Begarding mone}^ which he would
collect on the following day.
1505. [Dugua (Charles F. J.)]. A.L.S. of M. Daure, commissaire ordon-
nateur-en-chef. 1 p. folio. Cairo, Jan. 16, 1799. To Gen. Dugua,
informing him that he has given orders regarding a surgeon, etc.
1506. Dugua (Charles F. J.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Cairo, le 30 Vendemiaire
hAn VIII [Oct. 21, 1799]. Order for the delivery of supplies from
1507. [Dugua (Charles F. J.)]. L.S. of M. Thevenin. 1 p. folio. Cairo,
Jan. 21, 1800, to Gen. Dugua, regarding a messenger.
1508. Dugua (Charles F. J.). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, ikrmy of San Domingo,
Sept. 26, 1800. To the Minister of AYar.
Written the year he went to San Domingo as chief of the staff of
Leclerc, where he died the following year. Two men — Montbrun, aide-
de-camp to Gen. Hardy, and oflicer Manrica — had departed and taken
with them certain maps, which the writer wishes to have returned.
The letter contains several autograph lines with signature by Berthier
on the same subject.
1509. Dugua (Charles F. J.). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Caen, April 24, 1801.
With portrait, full bust in uniform, on India paper.
Dugua thanks Citizen Champin for his kindness. Informs him that he
will leave Caen only to take military service, states reasons for not
being able to reach Paris, etc.
1510. Dugua (Charles F. J.). Portrait, full bust by Dutertre. Etching on
India paper. 8vo.
1511. Di.’iti:s:m !■: ( Piiiijim’k (1. — I^'roiicli general, wounded and taken prisoner
at Waterloo). A.I^.S. 1 p. -Ito. I lea(l([naj'ters at Lyons, June 9,
LSO’L A’itli portrait, on India paper. Jtegarding a (listril)ution of
wine wliicli had been made to the troops.
1512. l)uirES]\LE (PiiiLri'i’E CL). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, Feb. 25, 1810.
To the Due de Feltre (Henri J. (L (darke). With portrait, full bust
in uniform. Ijithograph on India paper.
Informing tlie Duke that under separate cover he is transmitting a
detailed report of his military o])erations during tlie years ISOO-IO.
1 )uhesme raised a company of volunteers at his own expense at the oe-
ginning of the llevolntion. He was murdered by the Brunswick hus.sars
in a liouse at Gemmapes after the battle of Waterloo.
1513. Duiiesme (Philippe G.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint
by Levachez ; battle scene and biographical account in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
1514. Duiiesme (Piiillippe G.). Another copy of the same.
1515. Dumas (Alexandhe Davy De La Pailleteihe — Finnch gneral, sa«
luted by Bonaparte with the title of “ the Horatius Codes of the
Tyrol,” father of the novelist). L.S. 1 p. folio. Headquarters at
Grenoble, March 8, 1794. ()ji military matters.
1510. Dumas (Alexandre Davy De La Pailleterie). L. S. 1 p. folio.
Toulon, April 22, 1790. To General Vance. Pelative to measures
which should be taken to prevent the desertion of sailors.
1517. Dumas (Alexandre Davy De La Pailleterie.) Official A.L.S. to
the Secretary of Wffir. 1 p. 4to. Paris, 1st Floreal, IV year (1790).
1518. Duaias (Alexandre Davy De La Pailleterie). L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Villers-Cotterets (France), March 31, 1798. With fine seal.
_ Dumas' aide-de-camp Lavillette is ordered to observe the first order
given to him to go to Caen, and then to retrograde to reach Toulon where
other orders will await him.
1519. Duaias (Alexandre, Pere— French author). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. Oct.
30, no 3Tar. A request.
1520. Duaias (Alexandre, Pere). A.H.S. 1 p. 24mo.
“dear child” to visit him quickly.
N.p.n.d., urging his
1521. Duaias (Alexandre, Fils — French
X.p.n.d. On ])er.sonal matters.
1522. Duaias (Alexandre, Fils). A.L S
Offering twenty-five francs apiece
author). A.L.S. 3 pp.
1 page and a half 12mo.
for two drawings.
1 8mo.
1523. Duaias (Jean Baigtste — eminent French chemist).
Ampere, the celebrated mathematician. 1 p. 8vo.
Invitation to a dinner in honor of Berzelius the
chemist. ’
A.L.S. to A.
celebrated Swedish
1524. Duaias (Ma'phieu — French general, aicle-cle-cainp to Itocliainbean in
tlu' rnitcd States). D.S. i\Latliien,'' 1 p. folio. Xov. 28, 1794.
Signed also by Monniayoua.
The “ Comte de Snrete Genera le ” wislie.s to have an exact report of
the proceedings directed against Citizen Masson, November 2.3. 1794.
Dumas (Mattiieu). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, March 9, 1812.
Asking the Director of the Press to have the Decree that was about to
be issued to the National Guard published, and to forward a copy before
9 a. in. on tlie following day.
1526. Dumas (IMathieu). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris. Oct. 30, 1830. Ac-
knotvledges the receipt of account of the organization of the Xational
1527. Duaierbion (Pierre J.- — French general). L.S. 3 pp. 4to, includ-
ing addressed portion. Cairo, le 2 Vendemiaire, FAn III [Sept. 23,
119-1]. Delates to the disposition of supplies left by the enemy at
Cairo and Diago [Egypt].
1528. DuiiESNOA' (S. — of the Theatre Frangais). A.T..S. 1 ji. 4to. Paris,
April 18, 1831. To the See’y of State, asking for an interview.
1529. Dumont (Coaite — French revolutionist). A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo, n.p.
April 12, 1828.
1530. Dumouriez (CIT.^RLES F. — French general, escaped to England).
A.T..S. 1 p. 4to. Niort (France), Dec. 3, 1791. With portrait,
full bust in uniform.
Certifying that Jean Paul E. Laidin de la P>outerie is fully qualified
for the grade of otlicer.
1531. Duaiourd-iz (Charles F.). Portraits, (1), full bust in uniform.
GraA'e par E. Bovinet, dessine par F. Bonneville. Stipple. (2),
full length in uniform. E. Leguay sc. Lacauchie del. Together,
2 pieces.
1532. DuAiouRiEZ (CiTARLES F.). Portrait, full Imst in uniform. Mezzo-
tint lyy Lcvachez, military scene and biograjhiical notice in script be-
neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
1533. Duncan (Adaai, ADscount Of Caaireruoavn. British admiral).
Lord Duncan’s victory, October 11, 1797, showing the Triumph,''
“ llei’cules,” and the others that contributed to that memorable vic-
tory, and for which Duncan was created A'iscount of CamperdoAvn.
F. Anibrosi, sculpt. W. Wilkins, pinxt. Line engraving. In colors,
probably colored by hand. 4to.
1534. Duncan (Adaai, A^iscount Of Caaiperdoavn). Portrait, full length
in uniform, holding compass in left hand, ships to the right. Ger-
fiian co})per engraving. Unsigned. 4to. A'ery scarce.
1535. Dunning (John, Lord Astdiurton, eminent English hiAvyer). Por-
trait, full bust in oval, Avearing goAvn of office. F. Bartolozzi, sculpt.
Sir J. Peynolds, pinx. Stipple in broAvn. 4to. London. 1787
153(). Dunning (John, Loud Ashburton). Portrait, tliree-quarter length
ill robes. Engraved liy W'. Eond after hir J. J(eynolds. *'^ti])|) e.
■ London, LSOU
15:37. DurERRB (Victor (3uy — Admiral, eoininanded the fleet of 103 ves-els
of war which Charles X. sent to attack Algiers). A.X.S. 1 p. 8vo.
Brest, Oct. 10, 18’^7. With portrait, full length in uniform and bio-
graphical account.
Statenient reinardinij: services in the navy, and antliorizing two sailors’
wives to embark with them.
1538. Dupeere (Victor Guy). L.S. 1 p. folio. Toulon, June 20 181.3.
To the ]dinister of Marine. With portrait, full length in unitorm.
Regarding a mistake made in the payroll, two names being on it that
did not belong there.
1539. Dupiiot (Leonard — French general). Portrait,
F. Bonneville del. et scnlp. Stipple, 8vo.
full bnst in uniform.
Paris, n. d.
1540. Dupin (Andre iVl. J. J. — French lawyer, defended Marshal Xey for
which he gained great popularity). A. L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Paris, July
27, 1812. With 4 portraits, all lithographs, one on India paper, also
printed biographical notice.
The director of the town of Nievre declared that a certain soldier who
died in iSpain had left 3.000 fr. to be divided among members of his
family. The atfair was about to be settled when he announced that
it was all a .1oke.
1541. I)u Plaine (III. — secPy. of a French society in Philadelphia). A.L.S.
2 pp. 4to. Idiiladelphia, iMarch 7, 1793. To M. Mangouvit, French
Consul at Charleston, S. C.
An interesting letter in which the writer says that all Frenchmen
read with pleasure of the entertainment given by the recipient at
Charleston, t&c.
1542. Dut’ont 1)e IJFtang (Pierre — French general, defeated at Baylen
and surrendered with 18,000 men, condemned by Napoleon to an in-
definite imprisonment). L.S. 5 pp. 4to. Headquarters at Andu-
jar, July 9, 1808. To the Luc de Rovigo (Anne Jean M. IL Sav.'.ry,
aide-de-camp to Bonaparte). With portrait, full bust in uniform, on
India paper.
An important historical letter written very shortly before Dupont
capitulated to (ieneral Castanos with about 18.000 men (as above). He
informs the Duke that he sent M. I.eremburg. paymaster of the 1st divi-
sion to General Castanos to see under what conditions terms of peace
could be made. Castanos refused to accept any terms, saying that he
was ([uite satisfied with the insurrection, and that he had .50.000 men to
opl)ose the enemy. Dupont believes that with reinforcements of about
10.000 men he could so strike terror into the hearts of the enemy, that the
doors of Seville and Cadiz would quickly open to him.
1543. Dupont De L’Ftang (Pierre). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Forestier sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
1544. Dupont De T/Ftang (Pierre). Portrait, full length in uniform,
mounted. Line engraving. In colors. 4to.
1545. l)up()i!T-I)uTKi!TKE ( ^Faik: TEiuTE L. P. — ]\[inister of State, condemned
by the Eevolntionary Tribunal, and executed 1793). L.S. 1 p. folio.
Paris, Jan. 4, 1791. Stating that the sentence of Michel Percelay
has been remitted by the king.
154(). Dutuythen (CiuiLLAUiiE. P)Ai!ON — Prencli surgeon an anatomist).
A. L.S. 3 |)p. 4to, including addressed portion. ISi.P. [April], 1819,
requesting a position as house-surgeon for a M. ]\Iarx. With jDor-
1547. Durand De Maillane (Pierre T.^ — eminent French lawyer, member
of the Estates-General) . 2 A.L.S. each 3 pp. 4to. Aix and St.
Pemy, Feb. 1 and May 10, 1808. In the letter to the First Presi-
dent of the Court of Cassation, the writer asks reply to his request
for retirement; other letter is one of recommendation.
1548. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul — favorite officer of the court
and camp of Napoleon). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Fontainebleau, Oct. ]8,
liegarcling the budget for ISOS, of which Duroc advises the recipient to
keep on hand a copy, as his Majesty might wish to close it at any moment,
1549. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). A.L.C. ‘Me D. de Friuli,”
1 p. folio. St. Cloud, Jan. 2, 1810. To Count Darn. With printed
biographical account of Duroc.
Informing Darn that his Majesty (Napoleon) had decided on the
present to send to the King of Westphalia (Jerome).
1550. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris,
March 6, 1811, answering the complaint of a postmaster against a
regiment of fusileers.
1551. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). Vellum D. S. 1 p. oblong
folio (folded). Paris, April 11, 1811, appointing J. B. Langlois.
Signed, also, by the Secretary-General and the Quartermaster of the
Palace. With seal.
1552. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). A.L.S. “Due de Friuli.”
1 p. folio. Antwerp, Oct. 1, 1811, ordering personal goods of the
Emperor that were left on the vessels Clmdemagne and Le Bantame,
to Antwerp, in care of M. Deschamps. With portrait.
1553. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, n.p. :\Fay
4, n.y. Relative to the furnishing of the Chateau de Lacken.
1554. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. [Paris],
May 17, no year. To “ Mon cher Docteur,” informing him that he
had spoken to His IMajesty relative to his, the writer’s, health, that
he was forced to give up the campaign, d:c. Should His IMajesty
question the Doctor, the latter is to furnish him full information
regarding his health.
1555. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Frioul). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Stipple. Unsigned. 4to.
1556. Duroc (Gerard C. M,, Due De Frioul).
form. Stii)i)le. Unsigned. Bvo.
Portrait, full bust in uni-
Paris, n.d.
1557. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Dug De Prioul). Portrait, full length in uni-
form. From the folio, Versailles Gallery.
1558. Duroc (Geraj{d C. M., Due De Frioul). Portrait, full length, in
robes. 8vo. Unsigned.
1559. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Due De Frioul). Portrait, full length, in
uniform. Grave par Coqueret. Mezzotint. Folio.
1560. Duroc (Gerard C. M., Due De Frioul). Portrait, full length, in
robes. -Ito.
1561. (Duroc (Gerard C. M., Due De Frioul). Death of Duroc. 1813.
Blanchard fils sculp. 8vo.
ExteiutecI account of the battles he fought, in script beneath.
1562. Duroc, Las Cases, Poxiatowski, and otliers. Portraits, mainly in
uniform. 8vo, and 12mo, no duplicates, 20 pieces.
1563. Durosxel (Antoine J. A. H. — aide-de-camp to Bonaparte and also to
Louis Philippe). A.L.S. 1 ]). folio, Paris, Oct. 28, 1812. To M.
Bergon, Councillor of State. With portrait.
Requesting that a M. Adam be given a position as guard of the woods
and forests.
1564. Dussaulx (Jean — Member of the Convention, Fi’ench litterateur).
A.L.S. 2pp. folio, including addressed portion. Paris, le 18
Prairial. I’An Y [June 6, 1797]. To Citizen Treillhard, returning
thanks for the petition sent him, &c.
1565. Duval (Jean Pierre — Minister of Police, one of the council of the
500). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Dec. 11, 1798, regarding a letter written
by the priest Jolivet. With portrait.
1566. Duvivier (Franqiade F. — French general, mortally wounded in
1848). D.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Jan. 25, 1834. Signed also by sev-
eral others. An order for payment to Hy. Yilaret of 250 fr.
1567. East India Company. Persian Petition (with English translation), to
the Honorable Court of Directors of the East India Company, from
Budruddean ]\Ioossin khan Bahader, grandson of the Jageerdar of
Kulva, (kc., praying that protection may not be ivithdrawn from him
and the villages he rules, with copy of tlie Purvanah mentioned there-
in, &c. 11 pp. folio. jST.P. Nov. 17, 1826.
1568. Edward (Duke Of Kent — father of Queen Victoria). D.S. 3 pp.
folio, Halifax, March 24, 1800. With portrait, full bust in uniform.
Egyptian A'iews. “ PrincijRil Square in Grand Cairo
and Second Pyramid of Gizah.” L. Aleyer del. T.
Oblong 4to. (2 pieces.)
” and “First
Alilton direx.
London, 1801
1570. Eiciithal (Gastave D’ — French publicist and critic, of Jewish fam-
ily; as a Saint-Simonian spent a large fortune in trying to establish
the principles of his sect). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. November 17, 1842.
M. Boiitard to take two works for him from the Royal
1571. Elba. Tableau Kaisonne Isle d’Elbe, [et| Yne de I’excavation de la
Miniere de Ferde Eio. Copperplate map and view. 4to. Unsigned.
4to. January, 1779.
1572. Elizabeth Alexievna — Empress of Eussia. Portrait, full bust in
oval. Unsigned. In colors. 8vo.
1573. Elizabeth Of Pbussia, daughter of ^Maximilian, King of BaA’aria, and
wife of Frederick William IV., king of Bavaria. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Sans
Souci, July 2, 1868.
1574. Elizabeth (Phtlippine M. H. — sister of Louis XYI.). Portrait, full
length. Biasioli inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
1575. Elizabeth ( Philippixte M. H.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Line
engraving. 8vo. in Kapoli, n.d.
1576. Elliott (Gexekal G. A. — Governor of Gibraltar). Full length por-
trait in uniform. Copper engraving by Thornton after Hamilton.
Folio. Circa 1790
1577. Elliott (General G. A.). General Elliott haranguing his troops
previous to the attack of the Gun Boats of Gibraltar, September 13,
1782. Copper engraving by Eecord after Metz. Folio. Circa 1790
1578. Elliott (General G. A.). Full length portrait in uniform standing
beside cannon. Copper engraving, unsigned. Folio. Circa 1800
1579. Elphinstone (George Keith, Viscount — British admiral, sent to
Kew York in charge of convoy, served on shore at the reduction of
Charleston, etc.). D.S. 1 p. folio. On board the Foudroyant, Fort
]\rahon, August 29, 1800.
An interesting and important document, written on the ship on which
Keith refused Lord Nelson passage to England, regarding the famous
French frigate GuilUninie Tell, which was one of only two ships that
escaped in the famous battle of Aboukir Bay, Nelson in command, and
appointing Edward Tobin as lieutenant for the then captured vessel.
1580. Elphinstone (George Keith). Portrait, half length in uniform. En-
graved by H. Meyer, drawn by J. Jackson, after G. Saunders. Stip-
ple. Open letters. Folio. London, 1812
1581. Emeriau (Maurice J. — French admiral, commanded a ship at Abou-
kir, where he was made a prisoner). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p., Feb.
12, 1804. To Gen. Thevenard.
Informing the recipient, that he (Emeriau) has arrived and requesting
him to announce his arrival to Moliny.
1582. Emeriau (Maurice J.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
8vo. Proof before letters.
Enxo Loujb (Count Of East Khiesland). A.L.S. 2 piu 8vo, in-
cluding addressed portion. The 11 ague, Sept. U, 1(544. To .Mon-
seigneur/' congratulating him upon his success.
1584. Exgiufx (Louis A. H. D’ — French prince, fought against the Jtepub-
lic, shot in 1804, a deed which e.xcited deep indignation against llona-
parte). ‘‘ Kloge funehre pronounce par FalDhe Jioger Cure de
\hncennes au Service Solennel celebre dans son eglise pour I’anni-
versaire le 21 ]\Iars 181(5 de S.A.S. Monseigneur le Due D’FAighien
exhume le menie jour.” A finely written ]\ls. of 9 pp. probably
written by the Abbe Eoger and delivered by him. 4to. With por-
trait, full length in uniform.
1585. ExGiriEX (Louis A. II. D’) . Portrait, full bust in uniform. Engraved
by A. Cardon, painted by V. Iluet. Stipple. Open letters. Also
“Execution du due d’Enghien.” Chanson sc. Gabriel del. To-
gether, 2 pieces.
158(5. Efee (Citaeles M. De L’ — philanthropist and the first teacher of the
deaf and dumb) . A piece of paper with “ Pabbe de L’Lpee instituteur
gratuit des sourds et niuets” and the date “ Aout 1783 ” in his
autograph. With portrait.
1587. Epee (Chaeles j\L De L’). Portrait, full length, in robes. Sasso inc.
Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
1588. Epeenox (B. De Nogabet De La Valette, Due D’ — Colonel of the
French Infantry). L.S. to Monsieur de Mauconseil. 1 p. folio.
Cadillac, September, 1659. With portrait. 2 pieces.
Keferring to the rebelliou of the city of Bordeaux, announcing that he
is starting to quell it, and asking Mauconseil to join him for the service
of the king.
1589. Epee:\[exil (Ciiaeles Duval D') . Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, military scene and biographical account in script
beneath. 8vo, on a small folio sheet.
1590. Epeemexil (Cpiaeles Duval D’). Another copy of the same.
1591. Eeasmus. Portrait, full bust in oval. T. Hollaway direxit, Holbein
pinxt. Line engraving. 4to. London, 1792
1592. Eeasmus. Portrait, half length. Houston fecit. Holbein pinxit. Mez-
zotint (cut close and mounted). 4to.
1593. Eeskixe (Ciiaeles — Cardinal, domestic prelate to Pope Pius VL).
A.L.S. (in Italian). 1 p. folio, Pome, Aug. 27, 1803.
1594. Eeskixe (Ciiaeles — Lord Justice). Portrait, full bust in oval. Jas.
McArdell fecit. Thos. Hudson pinxt. Mezzotint. Folio. Cut to
plate mark. [London]
1595. [p]i{SKiXE (Ciiaeles)]. Portrait, full length in robes of oflice, entitled
“ Councellor Ego. — i. e., little i, myself i.” Stiiinle in brown. 8vo.
London, 1 798
1596. Erskixe (TirojfAs, Lord — illustrious British orator and advocate, Lord
Chancellor of England). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. [Capcoburg], Sept. 21,
1814, referring to Lord Bathurst and matters in which he and a Mr.
Beazley are interested.
1597. Espelette (Grattan D’ — Minister of France at Bologna). A.L.S. to
Count Beliardi, French Consul in Sinigaglia. 3 pp. 4to. Bologna,
June 30, 1756.
An interesting letter annonncing the capture of Fort St. Philippe by
Marshal Richelieu. “ xVdmiral Bing and his Counter-Admiral, West, have
been recalled to London to be placed on trial. . . . The English
have seized eight Dutch vessels with a cargo of salt. . . . The King
has declared war upon England . . .”
1598. Espelette (Grattan I)’). L.S. 4 pp. 4to. Boulogne, Feb. 16, 1757,
stating that he has not heard that Cardinal de la Eochfoucaut is to
visit Eome, that the attack against the king was planned in England,
and that both the Ministers of War and Navy have been exiled.
At The American Art Galleries
Sixth Session, Numbers 1599 to 1940, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
159'9. Este — Francis III., -Duke Of Modena^ commanded the Spanish
armies in Ital}' in the war of the Austrian succession. D.S. 1 p.
folio, Feb. 22, 1G58.
IGOO. Esterhazy I)e Galantha (Paul Antony, Prince — Austrian Amba.s-
sador to London). D.S. G pp. dto. [London], Feb. 22, 1823.
Interesting statement by Esterhazy, sworn to before a .Justice of the
Peace on date above noted, relative to an unprovoked assault made upon
him by one Bettera, and demands that said Bettera be restrained,' as he
is likely to do him [Esterhazy] much bodily injury.
IGOl. Etchings. Four etchings, one signed by R. L. West (son of Benja-
min?), 1785; R. Westall fecit. 1790, and two others. Two with
margins cut away. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
1G02. European ATews. Amrious cities, engraved by Grignion and others for
Barlow’s General History of Europe. Copperplates. 4to and oblong
4to. (5 pieces.)
1G03. European AGews, &c., including one of Alexandria, Egypt. Copper-
plates, &c. ATirious sizes. (10 pieces). '^'Paris. (S:c. v.d.
1G04. Ewart (William). Half length portrait. Engraved by W. Haw. 4to.
Open letter proof on India paper. Ewart procured the pas.sage of an
act to establish Free Public Libraries.
1G05. Excelmans (R. J. I.— eminent French general, made Alarshal of
France about 1850). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, Oct. 11. 1814. In-
forms “ Alonseigneur ” that it might be wise, before jiroceediiuT to
organize tlie King’s Regiment, to reduce the nuinlier of horses esti-
mated for it, as there are always some men who do not require them.
With portrait.
IGOG. Excelmans (R. J. I.). A. L.S. 1 ]l 12mo. n.p.n.d. To AI. Etienne,
extending an invitation to dinner.
1607. Eyries (J. B. — French geographer, and one of the founders of the Geo-
graphical Society of Paris). Two A.jST.S. 1 page, 16ino. Paris,
September and November 9, 1842. 2 pieces.
1608. Fabre De Ij’Aude (Jeax P. — French statesman, delivered address at
the Coronation of Napoleon). L.S. 1 p. folio, Perpignan, Aug. 16,
1793. Signed also by General J. B. Bonnet. With wax seal.
1609. Fabkicy (Gabriel — French Dominican, bibliographer and archaeolo-
gist). A.L.S. 1 page and a half, folio. Koine, September 1, 1785.
1610. Faix (A. J. F.— French historian, and Napoleon's secretary). L.S. 1
p. 4to. Cabinet du Koi, [Paris], Jan. 14, 1831. Informs M. Lafitte
that the king has recommended that certain favors be granted to a
person named, but adds that ‘‘the king’s recommendations are never
worth very much.” Forwarded to M. E. D. de Pasquier, Chancellor
of France, asking him to comply with request.
1611. Faix (A. J. F.) A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, March 21, 1931. States
that M. Paul has obtained a quartermaster’s position but would like
to be transferred to a regiment of chasseurs.
1612. Farnese (Ranuccio — -1569-1622, Duke Of Parma, notorious for his
tyranny and cruelty). Signature to the fragment of a document
aiicording a delay in the payment of a certain amount of money.
Parma, January 5, 1596. In a wrapper with notes in the handwriting
of Silvio Pellico. 2 pieces.
1613. Faitotie-Borel (Louis — a French Royalist and agent of Prussia).
A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including addressed portion. [Tiano(?)],
July 22, 1822. Informs M. [***] that the Royal Court will sub-
scribe 500 francs for statue of General Pichegru, and that the writer
will endeavor to interest friends in London in the matter. With
1614. Fauci-ie-Borel (Louis). Portrait, half length, seated. Grave par
Perrot fils. Peint par Autissier. Line engraving on India paper. 4to.
Also portraits of Moreau ami Pichegru. After the accession of Na-
poleon, Fauche-Borel was engaged in several attempts to restore the Bour-
1615. Fauconxet — French general of Brigade. Portrait, in costume, Avearing
cocked hat, on horseback. Dessine par Naudet. Line engraving, in
colors, probably colored by hand.
1616. Fauxeax (Felicie De — French sculptor, among her Avorks are a
monument of Dante and a statute of Saint-Genevieve) . 2 A.L.S.
(1) Turin, April 20, 1822, (2) n.p. Jan. 5, 1823 ( ?). Both personal
letters. With wrapper containing Avriting by Pellico.
1617. Fexelox (FiiAxqois De Saligxac). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mine.
De Cernel. Sergent del. Mezzotint in colors. 4to. (No. 35 of a
French Avork of portraiture). 17!)0
1G18. Ferdinand IJl. Oe Tuscany— brother of Francis II. of Germany.
Fortrait, half length. F. Zucehi incid. ATnetiis; also portraits ol
Ferdinand VIF, King of Spain, restored to power by Napoleon;
together Y itli that of his queen. Ih Cowper sculp. Stip]de. London,
1811. Together, 2 pieces.
IGlb. Ferdinand IV. — King Oe Naples — married .Maria Carolina of Aus-
tria, daughter of Maria Theresa. Portraits of both, full length, the
king in military uniform. Line engraving. Unsigned, lolio; also
full bust portrait of him. Sparrow sculp. | London, n.d.J. To-
gether, 2 pieces.
1G20. Ferdinand V. and Isabella — Patrons of Columbus. D.S., Yo-el-rey ”
and Yo-la-reyna,” 1 p. oblong 12mo. [Madrid, 1493]. With por-
1G21. Ferdinand YII.^ — King Oe Spain, restored to power by Napoleon.
D.S. 1 p. folio, Madrid, March 2G, 1824.
1G22. Ferdinand VII. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Gravado ])r. C. M. T.
Dren, 1813 (?). Line engraving. 4to.
1G23. Ferdinand VII. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. P. Cosway
del. 4to. Milano (n.d.)
1624. Ferguson (Sir Ponald C.— British general). Portrait, half length
in uniform. Mezzotint. Proof before all letters. Folio.
1625. Ferino (P. jM. B. — French General, fought under Desaix and Moreau,
Governor of Antwerp). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including the addressed
portion. Headquarters, Basle, le 22 Thermidor, I’An VII. [Aug. 10,
1799]. Informs General Ney that there has been a delay in the
receipt of meat for his division and that he will be compelled to
advise the Commissary-General in that regard. Suggests that as he
has no funds to pay out for meat, the shippers may aware of that
fact and for that reason decline to forward. With 2 portraits, and
1626. Ferino (P. M. B.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.n.d. To Gen. Gauttier.
Regarding tlie adjutant-commanders, and asking the recipient to keep
them in sight during the pro,gress of some work.
1627. Ferrari (Paolo — Italian dramatic poet). A.L.S. to G. B. Aiazzi,
Censor of Tuscany. 2 pp. 8vo. Livorno, April 21, 1858. With en-
velope. 2 pieces.
Asking permission for the representation of his drama “ Parini.’’
1628. Fesch (Joseph, Cardinal — half brother to the mother of Napoleon).
L.S. ‘‘Joseph, Archeveqiie de Lyon,” 1 p. 4to. Lyons, Dec. 9, 1802.
To the Prefect of the Department of the Phone.
The writer, who very shortly afterwards was made cardinal, states
that lie will consider the petition of the .Mayor of the thnnnume, whien
the prefect has sent to him.
1629. Fesch (Joseph), L.S. 1 p. 4to. PariS;, Sept. 3, 1810. Informing
the recipient that the Empress has looked over the list of proposed
members of a society, and stating that recipient is elected to mem-
1630. Fesch (Joseph). L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, June 8, 1815. To the Chief
of Police. Written on Napoleon's water-marked paper.
Two priests were arrested, one for indicating the waj^ to Betliune, the
other for refusing to offer prayers for tlie Emperor. Fesch asks the chief,
owing to the tronhlons times, to suppress the matter as much as possible.
1631. Fesch (Joseph). Portrait, fnll bust in robes. Line engraving. Un-
signed. Ito.
1632. I'esch (Joseph). Portrait, fnll bust in robes. Pourvoyenr scnlp.
d'apres le buste original de Canova. Line engraving. Open letters.
8vo. Paris, n.d.
1633. Feuillade De La (Fkaxcois — created Jlarshal of France by Louis
XF\ ). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, May 20, 1680. With portrait.
A military di.scharge for a soldier named Ilifogeau, who had faithfully
served the king.
1634. Feuquiere (Isaac De Pas Marquis De— distinguished French soldier
and statesman. Viceroy of the French settlements in America, and
x\mbassador to Sweden). x\.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Stockholm, July 8, 1673
IMons. de Gremonville having written to inform me that the Em-
peror was preparing to recommence his policy of last year with an army
considerably reinforced, I have requested the king of Sweden to send to
(Jermany the remainder of the troops . . .” A rare autograph and
a very interesting historical letter.
1635. [Fitzclarexce — Son of "William IV. and Mrs. Jordan]. x\.L.S.
2 pp. 12 mo, including addressed portion. "Windsor Castle, Monday,
no year. States that he is unable to dine at the Catch Club.
1636. Fitz-James (Charles — Marshal of France, grandson of James II, of
England). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Sept. 3, 1763. With portrait.
Written shortly before he left for Toulouse, where he had to make
negotiations by order of the King.
1637. Flahault De La Billarderie (x4.. C. J. De — French general, aide-de-
camp to Napoleon in 1813). x\.L.S. 2 pp. square 8vo. N.P,, Oct.
15, no year. To Count de Forbin, on personal matters.
1638. Fleury (iVxDRE II. De — Cardinal and eminent French statesman).
IMrtrait, full bust in oval. Jones fecit. Stipple. 8vo.
[London], 1798
1639. Fleury (Andre H. De). Portrait, full bust in oval. Grave par G. Roy,
pcint par Antreau. Line engraving. 4to.
1640. Fontaine (Pierre F. L. — architect). Portrait, three-quarter length
standing. Grave par Pannier, peint par Court. Line engraving, 4to ,
and another ot the same, 2 pieces.
Fontanes (Louis^ Comte De — French statesman, delivered a cele-
brated oration upon Washington). L.8. 2 pp. 4to, including ad-
dressed portion. April 11, 1749. States that he will pay a bill he
Foxtanes (Louis, Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. Oct. 10, 1810.
A letter of congratulation to M. Oruout upon liis election to the faculty
of the University of Lyon.
Foxtaxes (Louis Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. Dec. 22, n.y. A
personal letter to Count Morbois regarding an appointment.
Foxtaxes (Louis Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. [Paris], March 15,
no year. Advises his friend that he will help him with the diction-
ary, and asks him to send the last sheets of it the latter part of April,
&c. With portrait.
Foxtaxes (Louis Comte De). Portraits, (1), full length, Eivelanti
sc. Demarchi dis. Stipple; (2) full bust. Lithograph. Together,
2 pieces. 8vo.
Forbix (Le Chevalier De — the son of Claude Forbin, celebrated
French naval officer) [?]. D.S. 1 p. 4to. Louvain, July 8, 1746,
signed also by Costebelle, Delafargue, Battine and several others.
Forey (Plie F. — Marshal of France, captured the city of Mexico,
1863). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, August 28, 1851. Asking for his
salary as he wishes to take a trip. With portrait.
Fouciie (Joseph, Due D’Otraxte — Chief of Police of Paris). L.S.
2 pp. 4to. Paris, le 13 Fructidor, LAn YII [Aug. 31, 1799]. Be-
quests the Minister of War to grant rations of food to the gendar-
merie instead of the sum of money generally apportioned. Also,
signature of Fouche to portion of letter. With portrait.
Fouciie (Joseph, Due D’Otraxte). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, 1800.
From the Minister of Police to the Minister of War. With portrait,
full length, open letters.
Regarding the freeing of .St. Martin, and placing the responsibility upon
Gen. Liebers.
Fouche (Joseph, Due D’Otraxte).
Velyn f. Mile. De ISToireterre del.
Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
Fouche (Joseph, Due D’Otraxte). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
Fouche (Joseph, Due D’Otraxte).
Stipple. LTnsigned. 4to.
Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Paris, n.d.
Fouche axd Lombard. Duplicate D.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, le 8 Floreal,
I’An 8 [April 27, 1800]. To tlic Prefect of the Dept, of the North,
informing him that one, M. J. [Lussigny] is now entitled to political
rights, &c. Signed by Fouche, ^Mini.ster of Police (probably with his
stamp), and Lombard, Secretary-General.
1654. 40UCIIE, ]\[assena, Kleix, and others. Portraits, mainly in uniform.
8vo, and 12mo, no duplicates, 20 pieces.
1655. Kouquet (Charles L. A., Due De Belle-Isle — Marshal of France).
L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Marbres, July 27, 1757. Asks the IMarquis de
Marignv to permit M. Coiitestabile to order 70 feet of marble.
1656. Fouquet (Charles L. A., Due De Belle-Isle). L.S. 2 pp. 4to.
Amrsailles, April 5, 1759.
Written to M. Le Bertlien, telling him that he will have his request
1657. Fouquet (Charles L. A., Due De Belle-Isle). D.S. 1 p. 4to. April
60, 1821.
1658. Fouquet (Charles L. A., Duo De Belle-Isle). Portrait, full bust in
oval in uniform. Line engraving. Yin. Vangelisty fecit, 1775.
Small 4to.
1659. Fouquier-Taixville (Axtoixe Q.) Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, trial scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
1660. Fourier (Jeax B. J. — author of the Introduction to the work on
Egypt, published by Napoleon). D.S. 2 pp. folio, Oct. 13, 1805.
1661. Fourxier De La Coxtamixe (Marie N.— chaplain to Napoleon, and
Bishop of Montpellier). A.L.S., 1 p. 4to. [Paris], Sept. 12, 1825,
regretting his inability to dine with a certain French general.
1662. Fox (Charles James — celebrated English Secty. of State for Foreign
Affairs). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. St. James, Oct. 11, 1783. To the House
of Lords.
“ As The Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty’s Household informs me
that there remains no money in his office . . . cause the sum of
two thousand pounds to be lodged with him,” etc.
1663. Fox (Charles James). Portrait, half legth in oval. Engraved by
IVm. Lane after Sir Joshua Eetmolds. Stipple. 4to. London, 1793
1664. Fox (Charles James). Portrait, bust after Nollekens. Engraved by
H. Meyer after Uwins. Stipple. Proof in open letters. 4to.
London, 1806
1665. Fox (Charles James). Portrait, full bust. Engraved by H. Meyer,
dratvn by J. Jackson, after Sir. J. Eeynolds. Stipple. 4to.
London, 1812
1666. Fox (Charles James). Portrait, half length standing, right hand on
document. Engraved by John Jones after Sir Joshua Eeynolds.
IMezzotint. Folio, with margins. Brilliant impression. London, 1819
1667. Fox (Charles James). Portrait, full bust from a statue, by Nolle-
kens. Engraved by T. Gaugain. Stipple. Folio (creased across the
middle and stained) . [London]
Fox (OjtARLES Ja.mks). J’ortraits, (1), full leii^dli, G. A. Sa.sso inc.
G. 1>. i)Osi() (lis. (2), full l)us<t. Stipple. Uusi^’iied. 8v(). To-
.gether, 2 pieces.
Foy (Maximiliax S. — French general, eoininander of cavalry ujider
!^[orean, jMeinher of the Ghainber of J)epnties). A.L.S. 4 pp. small
4to. Paris, Aug. 3, ISOS. Jn forms ^Marshal Delorme that lie is on
neither side in the ease in question, and desires to hear no more of
the matter. With portrait.
Foy (Maximiliax S.). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Get. 22, 1816. To
Count Corvetto, Minister of Finance.
A reriuest on behalf of liis brother, whose pension had been withdrawn,
and who for no apparent reason liad Iteen dismissed from the position
of Inspector of Post-Otlices.
Foy (Maximilian S.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple, un-
signed. 4to.
Foy (M.vxuriLTAX S.). Portrait, half length in uniform. Stipple,
Unsigned. 4to. Paris, n.d.
Foy (Maximilian S.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. Un-
signed. 4to. Paris, n.d.
Francis I., Emperor Of Austria, L.S. (in Italian), 2 pp. 4to.
Vienna, Sept. 30, 1814. To Count IMagawly relative to the Bourbon
family, etc.
Francis I., King Of France. L.S. 1 p. folio. With portrait.
Francis I., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Le Coeur
sculpt. Des Pais del. iMezzotint. 8vo.
Francis 1., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Grave par
K. Ransonnette. J.<ine engraving (mounted). 4to.
Francis I.^ (Emperor Of Germany, founder of the house of Hapsburg-
Lorraine). L.S. 1 p. 4to. duly 31, 1758. Advises his cousin t<>
have the army ready for action in case Saxony is attacked. With
Erancts T., King Of Tile Two
4to. Kaples, Nov. 23, 1824.
Sicilies. L.S. '' Francesco
To Guiseppe Coppette.
1 P-
Francis I., King Of The Two Sicilies. Portrait, full length in uni-
form, si'ated. Leroux sculp. X. Dun pinxt. Line engraving. 4to.
Embossed stamj), a crowned X in lower right hand corner.
Francis I.,
Emperor Of Austria. Portrait, half length in uniform,
doh. Ziterer pinxt. 4to. In colors, jirobably colored hy
Francis II., Emperor Of Germany.
reviewing his troo]:)s attended by his
eludes Gideon E. von Loudon. .Vndret
engraving. 4to. (margins cut a wav.
‘‘ The Emiieror of Germany,
general ollieers ” | Mdiieh in-
s Iladdik. and others]. Line
and creased across middle).
London, liso
1683. Francis II., Emperor Of Germany, Portrait, full bust engraved by
F. C, Lewis after Sir Thomas LaAvrence. 4to. India paper.
London, 1836
1684. Francis II., Emperor Of Germany. Portrait, full bust in oval. En-
graved by Pagni. Line engraving. 4to. Firenze, n.d.
1685. Francis II., Emperor Of Germany. Portrait, full length in uniform.
Folio. In colors. London, 1815
1686. Francis II., Emperor Of Germany. Portrait. Another copy of the
preceding, printed on paper of a slightly different tone, also in colors,
differing slightly from the preceding.
1687. Francis II., Emperor Of Germany. Portrait, on horseback, with
!Maria Theresa and many others, 4to, also half length portrait. To-
• gether 2 pieces.
1688. Francois De Neufchateau (Nicolas L. — French statesman and poet,
favored the Eevolution, member of the Directory). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Seitz, June 18, 1798. To M. Bottin.
Written shortly before be became Minister of the Interior (which was
in July of 1798), saying that the reports about Gibraltar and the break-
ing off of certain negotiations are false, etc.
1689. Franqois De Neufchateau (Nicolas L.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
May 22, 1807. As president of the Societe d’ Agriculture, &c. re-
quests the Prefect of the Dept, of the Phone to fortvard a package to
M. Chancey. With leaf of address of another letter, Avax seal (split).
(2 pieces),
1690. Francois De Neufchateau (Nicolas L.). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Velyn [sc.]. Mme. De Nore Ferre del., 1814. Stipple.
1691. Francois De Neufchateau (Nicolas L.). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. De Noire del. Stipple. 8vo,
1692. Frankfort. Golored vieAV. Folio. London, 1815
1693. [Franklin (Benjamin).] A Soutli East VieAv of Christ’s Church.
[Philadelphia, Franklin’s burial place.] 8vo. [From the Colum-
bian Mag., 1787.]
1694. Fi!i:derick Augustus I., [King Of S.axony — ally of Napoleon]. Por-
trait, full bust in uniform. Pcnard sc. Guibert pinxt. Stipple.
4to. Paris, n.d.
1695. Fj{i:i)i:rick William II. — (King Of Prussia — surnamed the Great).
L.S. 1 p. 4to. Potsdam, July 16, 1774. To Baron de Storst, Min-
ister of State, regretting his illness and stating that lie Avill grant
liis request u])on the Avriter's return from Silesia. AVith portrait
engraved by II. Marais after .\. Graf,
169*). Fkkdkkick William I J., King Of Pui'.ssiA. L.h. 1 p. 4to. i ryiiioiit,
July ID, 1?U7. To Oomtesse de Lanieth, regretting the position lier-
self and I'aniily are in, and setting aside a sum of money for her use.
(One corner repaired.) With portrait.
Frederick AVilliam HL, King
dam, Oct. 17, 1810.
1 p. folio.
Frederick AVilliam HI., King
1 p. 4 to.
April 1, ]833, also a 1 p. 4to ms. account of the king written in a
contenpjorary hand. 3 pieces.
1699. Frkdekick William 111., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full length in
uniform. Drawn by W. Heath. In colors. Folio. London, 1814
1700. Frederick William HI., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full bust in
uniform. H. Meyer, sculpt. F. Bolt del. Berlin. Line and stip-
ple. 4to. Open letters. 4to. London, 1814
1701. Frederick AVilliam Hi., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full bust in
oval. Stipple. 4to. [London], 1815
1702. Frederick AATlliam 111., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full bust in
uniform. E. Houston fecit. A. Pesne pinxt. Afezzotint. 8vo.
London, Bowles
1703. Frederick AVilliam Ilf., King Of Prussia. Portrait, ^‘Frederico
Guglielmo HI, Ee di Prussia,’’ full bust in uniform. Stipjile. Un-
signed. 4to. Milan, n.d.
1704. Frederick AATlliavi HI., King Of Prusssia. Portrait, full bust in
uniform. In colors. 8vo.
1705. Frederick AATlliam III., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full bust in
uniform. In colors. 8vo.
1706. Frederick AATlliam III., King Of Prussia. Ingresso delle Potenze
Alleate in Parigi,” containing portraits of Frederick AA^illiam III.,
also Alexander I., Emperor of Eussia, numerous soldiers, etc. L.
Cunego, inc. A.D.D. inv. Line engraving. 4to.
1707. Frederick AVilliam III., King Of Prussia. Portrait [as a boy], full
length in uniform. In colors. 8vo.
1708. Frederick AATlliaai III., King Of Prussia. Portrait, in uniform,
on horseback. Canton del. et sculp. 4to. In colors.
London, 1815
1709. Frederick AVjlliaai III., King Of Prussia. Portrait, full length in
uniform, standing beside cannon, tents in background. P. Hass,
sculpt. A Pollan del. Stipple, cut close and mounted and slight
repairs. Small folio.
1710. Frederick AAAilliam HI.. King Of Prussia. Portrait, full length in
uniform, standing beside cannon. P. Haas sculp. Berlin. A. Pollan
del. Stipple. vSmall folio.
1 1 Q
1 i lo.
Fkedekick WiELiAiM 111., KiXG Oe Pkussia. Portrait, together with
that of Louisa Auguste Wilhehniiie, his queen. iMartigiiac sculp.
F. JMeiidez del. Stipple. 8vo.
Fuederick AVilliam IV., King Of Prussia. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Berlin.
April 6, 1840.
Frederick CiiAiiLES, Prixce Of Prussia, nephew of AVilhelui I. Por-
trait, full bust ill unifortii. Line engraving. Unsigned. In col-
ors. 8vo.
Frederick, Joseph, Ludewig, C. A., Hereditary Prince of Hesse Honi-
hurg. Portrait, full bust in uniforni. H. IMeyer sculp., W. H.
AVatts pinxL Stipple. Proof on India paper. 4to. London, 1818
Freemasoxry. D.S. by Tesson, Alarochetti, A'an-Eshecy, P. A. Le
Poux, Simon, Detouy and several others. 1 p. large folio, on velluin,
with numerous symbols on margins. Paris, July 29, 1813, certifying
that Joseph F. Bourdeil is now a member of the P ; ATT, 3rd grade.
Frexch Ahrassadors, &:c. [Payne val (A. G., Comte de — -Ambassador
to Pome).] Letter, unsigned, but said to be in his autograph, 4 pp.
folio n.p.n.d. ; Gsmond (P. E. D’ — Ambassador to England). Signa-
ture, and 3 lines in his autograph on a report. 1 p. folio. Grenoble,
Xov. 4, 1793 (folded) ; Turgot (L. F. E. de — -Ambassador to Spain).
A.IC.S., 1 p. 24mo. n.p.n.d.; Lefebre (A.E. — diplomatist). A.L.S.
4 pp. 4to. Paris, Alay 2, 1833. Together, 4 pieces.
French Arhy. General de Division. Comdant. de la Legion d'Hon-
neur. Grave par Levachez, dessine par H. Amrnet. Folio.
French (b'LRK'ATURE. “ Alai lui vent mal lui tourne dit le Bon Homme
Pichard.” Line. Unsigned. Oblong 4to. AAJth mat.
Upon the decline of Great Britain’s coimnerce, which latter is repre-
sented hy a cow, with an American sawing off her horns, a Dutchman
milking her, with Spain and France nearby and requesting some of the
milk, the British lion asleep on the left with an Fiiiglishman alongside
bewailing the fact that his country is fast losing her commercial
supremacy and wondering why she does not awake, &c.
French Caricatures. Three, one entitled ‘‘ The French Flight,'’ other
two proofs before all letters. Line and stipple. Small folio and 4to.
(3 pieces).
French Coloxj iis. '^GLe debarquement des Francois, pour I'establise-
ment de la nouvelle colon ie, dans le port de la nonvelle Cayenne on la
France Equinoxialle." Dutch line engraving, in colors. 4to. 1762
French Colonies in Aim eric a. A Ccrtiticatc issued by the settlers
of St. Domingo to the effect that the proiierties, incomes, etc. of
the colony had never been taxed 20 per cent. Signed by Belloc de
Alarais. Labattu, Barre do Saint ATnant, Cbarrier. etc. 1 page
small Ito. Paris. Atav 18, 1790
1:22. FiiEXCK Colonies in Ameeica. Tlie ReproseiUatives of the ] eople o
St. Domingo ask the delivery of i)Oiinds of coffee, etc., Irom tlie
stores of the Depublic in Drest. Signed by Vardon, Diraud, Chenl-
lard, etc. With the seal of the representatives of the l’eo})le. 1 page
folio. Year HI I 1:95 J
1123. Feenoii Colonies in Ameimca. Sonthonax (Leger-Felicite), Frtmch
political agent, and one of the three connnissaries sent by the Diiec;-
toire to St. Domingo. D.S. to tin* Secretary of the Navy and Colo-
nies, ]-ecommending \hdalot, a merchant of St. Domingo. 2 pp. -Ito.
Paris, Year YI [1798]
1724. Fkencii Eno havings. Das Billiard.” :\Iezzotint; Calorie d'Orleans,
jMezzotint, and others. 4to. Together, o })ieces.
1725. Fkencii Fleet. Die Seeschlacht, nach dem beriihmten West’schen
Gemalde der Schlacht von La Hogue. Line engraving, after Woollett
engr., by C. Dobler. Tjarge folio, cut close.
1726. Fhencii Jouhnalists, &c. Berlin (L.^l.A. — founder of the “Journal
des Debats”). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p.n.d.; Levesque de la Kavaliere
(P. A. — French litterateur). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to, including addressed
portion. Paris, jMay 7, 1761; Lally-JYlendal (T. G., ]\Iar(|uis de —
orator and M'riter). Signature at end of letter. 1 p. olilong 24ino.
Paris, Feb. 15, 1816; Laya (Jean L. — dramatist). A.L.S. 1 p.
12mo. Paris, June 1, 1798. 4 pieces.
1727. Feencti IniTEEATEUES. Eadonvilliers (C. F. L., Abbe). A.L.S. 2 p.
small 4to. Versailles, jMay 6, 1768; Savignac (A. E. C. D. de).
A.L.S. 1 p. oblong 12mo. July 8, 1842; Moleon (J. C. V. de.)
A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including addressed portion, n.p.n.d. ; Dallier-
Plcurizelle (Charles). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 7, 1787. 4
1728. Feencii Lott’eey Ticket in favor of the Poor. Signed ]\felin. 1741.
1729. Feencii Political Weiters, &c. Bernard (L.E.D.— magistrate and
writer). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, Jan. 7, 1842; Esmenard (Joseph
A. — political writer). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. n.p., circa 1800; Paufin
(Victor — legal Avriter). A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, including addressed por-
tion. Paris, Aug. 25, 1842 ; Biedermann (F. K. — German publicist
and professor of Law at Leipsic). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Mar. 15,
1842; Scrofani (Xavier — Italian historian and economist). A.L.S.
2 pp. 24mo, including addressed portion. n.]).n.d. 5 ])ieces.
1730. Feencii Postal Seevice. D.S. l)v De Xilebrun. 1 ]). folio. Oct. 20,
One of tli(> onl(‘rs issued to the postinasttM-s l*(‘t\veen rnris and Calais
veyardin^j liors(‘S.
1731. French Professional IMen. Perronet (Jean IF, bridge-engineer).
A.L.S. 3 pp. scpiare 8vo. Paris, April 20, 1770; Decaisne (Joseph —
botanist and horticulturist). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April 2, 1830;
Gail (Jean B. — French Hellenist, keeper of Greek and Latin manu-
scripts in Koyal Librar}^). A.L.S. 1 p. square 8vo. [Paris] n.d.;
Delaroche (Hippolyte, called Paul, painter). A.L.S'. 4 pp. 4to, in-
cluding addressed portion. [Paris], i\ray, 1807. 4 pieces.
1732. French Eevolution. D.S. by eleven Officers of the Revolutionary
Army, including Chevalier, Branche, Charpentier, and Badin Shen-
ton. 1 p. 4to. Camp of Hornbache, June 10, 1793. With seal.
1733. French Revolution. A.L.S. of Sophie Gravier, n.p. 1 p. 12nio.
Xov. 2, 1794, regarding the release of prisoners. Also, a 4 pp. folio
manuscript, unsigned, relative to the daughters of M. Gra^der (in-
cluding Sophie as above), who were imprisoned on false charges by
the agents of Robespierre.
1734. French Revolution. “La IMachine Infernale.'' Grave par Poll ;
“ Scene in the Garden of the Thuilleries, 12th of July 1789.” To-
gether, 2 pieces. 4to.
1735. French Revolution. Le Contraste, 1793.” Liberte Frangaise.
Liberte x\ngloise. 2 medallions; (1) showing France as a Fury,
snakes as hair, holding in one hand a trident on which is the decapi-
tated head of Libert}^ &c. ; (2) showing Britannia peacefully seated,
with sleeping lion at feet, scales in one hand, Magna Charta in the
other, &c. Line. Unsigned. 4to.
1736. French Revolution. A full length male figure, holding a flag on
which is “ La Liberfe on la Mort,” plate entitled “ Le Porte drapeau
de la fete civique.” Grave par Copia, peint par Boyli. Stipple. 4to.
Paris, [m. 1793]
1737. French Revolution. Full length figure “La Liberte.”' Pointeau
sculp., ATllemain del. Stipple. Folio, cut close. Paris, [ca. 1795]
1738. French Revolution. Full length figure “ Egalite,” holding in her
hand “ Declaration des droits cle I’homme et du citoyen.” Yilleneuve
graveur, jMezzotint. Folio, cut close. Paris, [ca. 1795]
1739. French Revolution. Tableau General de la Revolution Francaise.
Outline engraving. Uormand sculpt. Lafitte del. Folio. 1802
1740. French Revolution. A'iew of the “ j\[ontagne du Lion.”' Curious
lithograph in colors of the emblem of the “ Party of the Mountain ”
of the French Revolution. Y. Lignian del. Intli. des F. Williaume.
Oblong 12mo.
1741. French Revolution. A series of Dutch engravings (73) illustrating
incidents in flic Revolution. 8vo. Interesting collection.
1743. French Statesmen, &c. Castelbajac (iNFarie J>., \MCOiiite de — promi-
nent in politics after tiie fall of ]>ona])arte) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Lnne-
ville, Oct. G, 1819: Montlivault (Casimir ]\[. 0., Comte de — States-
man). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion. Caen, Nov.
6, 1815. Fo (^omte de Lescarene; C'lermont-Tonnerre (A. M. G.,
Due de — i\rinister of AVar). Signature on slip; (bulet-Gassicourt
C. Ji. F. — pharmacist, lawyer, author, &c.). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo, and
prescription in his autograph. 1 ]>. 8vo. Faris, | Nov. | 22, 1843.
5 pieces.
1743. French Views. Vue de la Tour St. Genevieve et du l^antheon. Col-
ored lithograph, after Arnout. Folio.
1744. FiiENCH Views. Chamhre des Deputes. Colored lithographs, after
Arnout. Folio.
1745. French A’iews. Vue du Palais des Tuileries. Colored lithograph,
after Arnout. Folio.
1746. French Views. Arc de Triomphe de h'hitoile. Colored lithograph,
after Arnout. Folio (slightly soiled).
1747. French Views. Dome des Invalides. Colored lithograph, after Ar-
nout. Folio.
1748. French Views. Vue du Jardin du Palais Poyal. Colored lithograph,
after Arnout. Folio.
1749. French Views. Vue de la Colonnade du Louvre. Colored lithograph,
after Arnout. Folio.
1750. French Ahews. Boulevard des Italiens. Colored lithograph, after
Arnout. Folio.
1751. French ATews. A"ue du Chateau de Versailles. Colored lithograph,
after Arnout. Folio.
1752. French Views. A^ue Generale de la Place de la Concorde. Colored
lithograph, after Arnout. Folio.
1753. French ATews. ATie du Pont Neuf. Colored lithograph, after Arnout
1754. Fressinet (Philibert — French general). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to, includ-
ing addressed portion. Naples, Alarch 3, 1806. To his friend
Amedee on personal matters.
1755. Fressinet (Philibert). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Peint
d'apres nature a Pome par D. C. Stipple. 8vo, with margins.
1756. Freteau De Saint-Just (Emmanuee Al. AL P.— French lawyer).
' Portrait, full bust in oval. F. Bonneville del. Stipple. 8vo.
Paris, n. d.
i O i ,
jtEYTAG (Field Mai;sijal). A.D.S. 1 p. 8vo. Grenoble, Sept.,
119(5. Signed also by the coniinissioner of war, Nicolas. With por-
trait, full bust in oval, eng. by Ornie. Stipple.
Receipt for a quantity of stores.
1758. Fkiaut (Louis, General). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Jan. 13, 1815. To
M. i\[anret, inspector of forests. AVitb portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Litho.
Having been authorized to open his fatlier's mail, he writes that his
father has departed for Metz.
FhiEDincii Heixeich IjUDWIo — Ib-ussian jirince, brother of Frederick
the Great. Portrait, full length in uniform. Ratios inc. L. Firer
dip. G. B. Bosio dis. Stipple. 4to.
Gage (Chaeles Auguste De Matignox, Comte De, 1646-1729— Mar-
shal of France; distinguished himself at the siege of Mons and
Namur). A.D.S. 1 p. folio. Sedan, March 28, 1693.
1761. Gail (Jeax Baptiste — French Hellenist and a member of the InstH
tute, 1755-1829). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. June 28, 1828
Asking for a copy of the work of his son (.Jean Francois), also a well
known Hellenist.
1762. Gaixsboeough (Thomas). Original drawing in sepia and pencil of
an English pastoral scene, said to be the work of Thomas (Gainsbor-
ough. 4to. Unsigned.
1763. Galex' (C. — celebrated (Jreek medical Avriter). Portrait, Mezzotint.
4to cut close. [London, Bowles]
1764. Gall (Feaxz Joseph — celebrated German physician and the founder
of the system of phrenology). Autograph signed. Paris, May 12,
1826. With portrait. 2 pieces.
1765. Galletti (Pieteo Luigi — Italian monk and Avell-known antiquary,
1724-90). A.L.S. To Antonio Francesco Gori, also Avell-knoAvn
Italian antiquary. 2 pp. 4to. Rome, Gctober 5, 1748
Speaking about several ancient objects acquired by him and asking
Gori for tAvo copies of one of his pamphlets.
1766. Gamelee (James — English admii-al, served in the American Avar at the
capture of Charleston, etc.). Poidrait, half length, in uniform. En-
graved by G. Bartolozzi, droAvn by W. Evans after Sir Win. Beecliey.
Stipple. 4to. London, 1810
1767. Gambiee (James). Portrait; Johann W. Goethe. Portrait; William
Hazlitt, portrait (etching) ; Danzil Hollis — English politician. Por-
trait by jMasson (all margins cut aAvay) ; Georg Burcard Loeflel-
holz, portrait; Homer, portrait from a sculpture; Ibrahim Bey —
]\rameluke chief. Portrait; and another, probably Isabella of Castile
(margins cut away). Folio and 8vo. Together, 8 jiieces.
.1 i < i .
GaxteaU-ME (lloxoEE J. — French Naval oH'ieer, served in tlie Ainerican
Mar, escorted Bonaparte from E^^ypt to France in 1799). L.S. 1 p.
folio on board the vessel “ Majestiienx on way to Toulon, Feb. 14,
1810. With portrait.
Rofjarding the death of Capt. Deseorcher, whicli he liad lieard of be-
fore, and saying tliat he was an ofticer esteemed l)y all, etc.
Ganteaume (Honoke J.). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Toulon, March 7, 1814.
To Count Darn, of the war department, regarding the traiister of
wagons and supplies.
Gakat (Dominique Joseph — French revolutionist, succeeded Danton
as Minister of Justice, notified Jjouis XVI. that the Convention had
sentenced him to death). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Baris, October 10,
1802. To Lefebvre &, Seraceres of the senate, a request for a position
for M. Brillet. Witli portrait.
Gakdane (Gaspahd Andre — general. Ambassador to Persia, 1807).
A.L.S. 2 pp. folio. Teheran, Oct. 12, 1808. To Cardinal Fescli.
A most interesting letter, written during the writer’s embassy to
Persia, in which he desires the recall of a missionary, Lfmpold Sebas-
tiani, who is devoted entirely to the English cause.
Gardiner, Me. West-South-West view of Christ’s Church, Gardiner,
Me. A. J. Davis del. on stone from F. Farber. 4to. Boston, n.d.
Gardner (Sir Alan — British admiral, joined Lord Howe in 1778 on
the coast of X. America). Portrait, full bust in uniform. B. Head-
ing, sculp., T. Clarke, pinxt. Line engraving. 4to. London, 1799
Garnier (Jean — member of the Council of 500, exiled in 1815 and
came to America, was drowned in the “Ohio,” 1820). L.S. 3 pp.
folio. n.p.n.d. {circa, 1798)
Garnier-Pages (Etienne J. L. — French political orator and repub-
lican). 1801-41. A.L.S. to M. Kousset. 1 p. 4to. Paris, July 23,
1834. With portrait. 2 pieces.
In reference to the great success which may he attained with the
“.Tournal du Peuple.”
Garran De Coulon (Jean P. — mendier of the convention voted for
the death of Louis XVI.). D.FI. 2 pp. folio. Paris, Jan. 14, 1795.
Signed also hy i^Ierlin de Douai, eminent French statesman and
Garran De Coulon (Jean P.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Sarao/.
sculp. Bonneville del. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
Gaskin (Kev. George). Portrait engraved by S. W. Beynolds after
W. Owen, l^lezzotint. 4to (creased in places). London, 1820
GA.SPA1MN (Adimen E. PiEititE De — French ^Minister). D.S. 1 p.
folio. ^lay 20, 1 83!).
GA.SSENDI (Jean J. B. — French general). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris,
Oct. 31, 1812. To j\L Cambrv.
Regards the rei>lacing of M.
'I'revor as adjiitant iii.-ijor at La
1781. CtAudin (Mah'L’in M., Due De Gaeta — ^linister of Finance to Napo-
leon, gov. of the Bank of France). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, July
1810. To Baron Monnies, secty. of the EmperoFs cabinet.
liequesting the return of MSS. relative to the disposal of finances decreed
oy the Emperor, which were among some papers at the meeting of the
council Jan. 22, 1810.
1^82. Gaudix (MAJtTix ]\I., Due De Gaeta). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, April
21, 1815. To (Joseph Fonche), Duke of Otranto, as Chief of Police.
Pegarcling the transfer of officers, and information relative to the
heads of various administrations.
1783. Gaudin (Martin M.^ Dee De Gaeta). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Unsigned. 8vo with margins. Paris, m. 1805
1784. Gazan De La Peyriere (Honore T. M. — French general, distinguished
himself at Jena, etc.). Portrait, in uniform, on horseback, ships in
the background. Dessine par Naudet. Line engraving. In colors.
Small folio. "" Paris (m. 1804)
1785. Genlis (Stephanie FuLieiTE, Comtesse De — celebrated French au-
thor). A.L. Unsigned and undated. 1 p. 4to. To M. Maradan,
bookseller. With portrait.
The writer saj^s that a package, probably proofs of some of her work,
has been lost on the way, and in a bantering yet anxious tone deplores
the loss. She wishes to see the person to whom she is writing, etc.
1786. Genlis (Stihuianie Felicite, Comtesse De). A.L.S. ‘‘D. Ctessede
Genlis.” 1 p. 12mo. Undated. To M. Roux, a bookseller.
Saying that M. Chanut is quite willing to write a few articles on her
last work (i. e., book), but in order to do so he must see a copy, etc.
1787. Gensonne (Armand). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by Le-
vachez, execution scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
1788. Geoferoy-S'aint-Hilaire (Etienne — distinguished French naturalist,
accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, June
27, 1828. Regarding the birth certificate of Count de Bouille, which
was deposited in the recording office of the navy at Versailles. With
1789. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire (Etienne). Portrait, half length. Litho-
graph after Belliard. Open letters. Folio.
1790. George, Prince Of Denmark. Portrait, full bust. Copper engraving
by Floubraken. Small folio. 1745
1791. George L, King Of England. Portrait, full bust in royal robes. Co])-
per engraving by Houbraken. Small folio. 1746
1792. George I., King Of England. Portrait, full bust in robes. I. Smith
fee. G. Kneller pinx. Mezzotint. Folio (cut close). London
1793. George TI., King Of England. Portion of D.S., oblong. 12mo.
1794. Geohgp: II., Kikg Oe KiNGLAnu. Tortrait, full bust in oval. [Houston
fecit. ¥. Worlidge ])inxt. | Mezzotint. Folio. First state, before
all letters (small margins).
1795. Geokge hi.. King Oe Fxchand. Vellum 1). S. 1 ]>. oblong 4to
(folded). London, Dec. 22, 1778. Signed also by George Ger-
179(5. George III., King Oe England. D.S. 1 p. folio. London, June 1,
1781. Signed also by Charles Jenkinson, first Earl of Liverpool.
1797. George HI., King Oe England. D.S. 1 p. folio. London, Sept. 10,
1784. Signed also by Yonge.
1798. George III., King Oe England. D.S. 2 p}). folio (iidaid). liondon,
March 23, 1785. Portrait.
'1799. George HI., King Oe England. Vellum D.S. M'itli seals. 1 p.
oblong 4to. London, April 25, 1808. Also signed by Lord Castle-
reagh and two others. Folded. (Stained.)
iSigiied by the King when blind, and rare in this form.
1800. George III., King Oe England. D.S. 1 p. folio. London, July 1,
1794. Signed also by Bentinck, third duke of Portland.
1801. George III., King Oe England. Portrait, full bust in uniform. En-
graved by G. S. & I. G. Facius after Mh Berezy. Tiine engraving.
Folio. London, 1791
1802. George III., King Of England. Portrait, half length in uniform.
]M. A. Boulier sc. Hopkins del. Stipple. 4to. London, 1808.
1803. George III., King Oe England. Portrait, half length in uniform. W.
AYoollett sculp. A. Iiamsay pinxt. Line engraving. Small folio.
I London]
1804. George III., King Oe England. A Tribute of respect to his late
Majesty George the Third. Medallion portraits of Princess Char-
lotte, (^ueen Caroline and George III. Stipple. Engraved by Mur-
ray and Morrison after Stothard. Folio (margins spotted).
London, 1822
1805. George III., King Of England. 2 portraits (1) in the 1st year of his
reign, (2) in the 60th year of his reign. 8vo. Unsigned.
1806. George IV., King Oe England. D.S. 2 pp. folio. (With wax .seal.)
[London], June 4, 1814. Also signed by Addington, Lord Sidmouth,
Granting apportionment of counsel. MTth 3 portraits. Together, 4
1807. George IV., King Of England. Portrait, in uniform, on horseback.
Folio. In colors. lAmdon. 1815
1808. George IV., King Of England. Portrait (as Prince of Wales), half
length in uniform. Engraved by A. Cardon, drawn bv Harlowe.
Stipple. Open letter proof on India paper. 4to. Ijondon, 1818
George IV., King Of England. Portrait, half lengtli. Engraved by
Chas. Turner after Sir Thomas Lavrenee. ]\Iezzotint. Proof be-
fore letters, cut close. [London, 1823]
George IV., King; Of England. Portrait '* Georg August Friedrich,
Prinz Itegent von England,” full bust in military uniform. In
colors. 8vo.
George IX., King Of England. Portrait, as Prince of Wales, full
length, standing. Dighton del. Mezzotint (margins cut away,
mounted and date erased). Folio.
Gerard (Jean Ignace I. — eminent French artist and caricaturist, as-
sumed the name of Grandville ”). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, undated. With
visiting card. To Viscountess * * *.
Announcing his arrival from Fontainebleau, and regrets not having
heard of her visit to Paris.
Gerard (]\Iaurice E., Comte — IMarshal of France, prominent figure at
Austerlitz and at Waterloo). D.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, June 15, 1837.
With portrait, full length in uniform, peint par Lariviere.
A nomination relative to Mile. Magnan, daughter of a commander of
the Legion of Honor, to enter free as a student at the Koval House at
St. Denis.
Gerard (Maurice E., Comte). Signature and 5 lines in his auto-
grajth. On slip of paper, With 2 portraits, one a litho-
graph on India paper. Together, 3 pieces.
Gerla (M. — member of the Council of 500). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.
Feb., 1798. Also signed by Eamel. (voted death). Relative to a
law suit.
German Steamboat. Das Dampfschiff Konigin Maria. Lithograph
in colors. 4to. Dresden, circa 1836
Gerome (Jean Leon — celebrated French painter). A.L.S. 2 pp.
12mo. n.d.
Asking M. Herve to postpone his visit to another day,' as he has been
named a member of a commission to visit the municipal schools.
Gessner (Salomon — Swiss poet and artist). Portrait, full bust in
oval. J. Elias Haid sculpsit et excudit Aug. Vind, 1774. Mezzo-
tint. 8vo.
Gibraltar. La Forteresse Gibraltar enferme des Espagnigles. Grave
par B. F. Leizel. Dutch line engraving. In colors. 4to.
Gilbert De Voisins (Comte P, P. A. — First president of the Im])erial
Court under Xapoleon). A.L.S. 4 pp. small 4to. Paris, Decem-
ber 11, 1815.
Asking to keep in his i)lace a general Controller of Paris, in danger of
losing his jvjsition on account of his opinions.
Gillkay Cahicatuke. “The New Speaker (i. e., the Jai\v Chick) be-
tween tlie Hawks and Buzzards. Boor little Michee, just inounting
[tlie S])eaker’s Chair], and then funked and frightened out of all his
hopes.’’ Line. d. Oil I ray, inv. & fct. Folio. London, 1800
OiKAHDJX (Emile De — •Ereneh jourjialist, founder of tlie “Journal des
Connaissances utiles” and of “La Bresse,” and editor of “ La Jnh-
erte.”). A.L.S. 1 p. ISnio. Baris, February 14, IHJS
trait. 2 pieces.
I>e (nrardiii kilk'd Ariuiind Carrel in a duel in and
iiiHuence is ascribeil the abdication of Louis Pliilippe.
With por-
lo the formers
18'^d. Onto (Angelo — of the Order of St. Bhilip). Two A.L.S. 2 pj). l‘4nio,
and 1 p. 4to. Turin, Sept. 21, 1837, and Dec. 11, 1838. To the
Marquise Juliette de Barol, returning thanks for hook loaned him, &c.
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 331), enclosed in his library
wrapper and with his autograph annotations.
OikOD De T/Ain (Amedee — French advocate and legislator. I’resi-
ident of the Chamber of Deputies in 1831). Autograjih signature
attached to the address pronounced before King Louis Bliilippe at
the Chamber of Deputies after the riots and conspiracies of the Car-
lists and Bepublicans, and the several attempts made to assassinate
tlie King. Signed also by Cunin-Gridaine and others. 8 pp. folio.
Baris, August Ki, 1831.
1825. Gikot-Beuzel (voted confinement and banishment of Louis XVl.) and
Delecloy (voted death). L.S. by both. 2 pp. 4to. Baris, Sept. 26,
1795, regarding certain misdemeanours, and stating that if the pun-
ishments cannot he found in the Benal Code, the judge must decide
1820. GiiiOT-Bj3UZEL AND Boxs. D.S. by both, the first of which voted con-
finement and banishment, and the second death of I.ouis XYI. 1 p.
folio. Baris, Sept. 8, 1795.
1827. Gloucester (AVjlljam Frederick, Duke Oe — XYphew of George 111.
of England). Bortrait, full length in robes, standing, together Avith
portrait of Benjamin Bathurst. I. Smith fee. ; et ex; T. Murray pinx.
JMezzofint. Folio, cut close.
1828. Gneiseau (Graf Xeiuhardt A^ox — Brussian Field-Marshal, said to
haye saved the day at Waterloo). Two portraits. (1) half length in
uniform. [Engraved by A. W. Devis.] London, 1815 ; (2) bust in
embroidered uniform. C. Schule, sc-. Stipple. Zwickau, 1815.
Both 8vo. (2 pieces.)
1829. Gorert (General J. X^. — fought in most of the campaigns from 1800
to 1815, aide-de-ca ni|) to Alurat, and served under his orders).
A.L.S. 4 pp. folio. Se[)t., 1800, Ville France. To Citizen Bona-
parte, First Consul of the French Eepublic.
A long, important and exceedingly interesting letter t(» I'.onaparte
written on bis election as First Comsul. In it (;ul)ert sends bis Avannest
congratulations and joins with the nation in jiraise of the great leader
Mention is made of (Jen. .Tunot, Avho was then at Alexandria, and Avho
later in this year was ai)p()int(‘d commandant at Paris; of (General Kleber
Avho had given the writer a letter to he delivered in person to P.onaparte:
and (»f (JeiK'rals l)i‘staing .and Kegnitu-. ’
1830. Gobert (General J. N.) A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, ii.p. March 19, 1803.
To Citizen Vaniville.
1831. Gobert (General J. N.). Portrait [killing the negro who was sent
to set fire to the house containing 80 white women and children at
Guadeloupe] . 8vo.
1832. Godoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia — Spanish courtier, sumanied
‘“The Prince of Peace.’^). D.S. 1 p. folio. Feb. 2, 1798.
1833. Gouoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia). Portrait, full length. D.
Bossi inc. Deinarchi dis. Stipple. 8yo.
1834. Godoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Jf. Martz. de Castro lo grabo, D. F. Eamos dibuso. Line
engraving. 4to.
1835. Godoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia). Another portrait, full bust
in uniform. F. Selma sculp. A. Carnicero delt. Line engrav-
ing. 8vo.
1836. Godoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia). Portrait; full length in
uniform, hat in hand. Line engraving. Proof before all letters.
Folio. (Small piece of top corner missing.)
1837. Godoy (Don Manuel, Duke Of Alcudia). S.A.S. de Prince de
la Paix, 1807,” full length portrait, in uniform, hat in hand. J.B.
Fosseyeux sculpsit. Steven pinxit. Line engraving. Folio.
1838. Goiiier (Louis Jerome — director of the French Kepublic, President of
the Directory when Bonaparte returned from Egypt) . L.S. 1 p.
folio. Paris, August 7, 1793. To Danton, Minister of War.
A military letter reading that the Court of Appeals has rendered a
decision, annulling the one of Oct. 6, 1792, regarding the case of
Barthelemy Dantin, fusileer of the 103d regt, the accused to be tried by
1839. Gohier (Louis Jerome). Portrait, full bust. II. F. Bose sc. Line
engravjng. India paper. Svo.
1840. Golzart (N.C. — member of the Council of 500). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Paris, Sept. 7, 1796. To the minister of war, regarding the resigna-
tion of Citizen Nicaif.
1841. Gomm (Sir William M. — British Field Marshal, was at Waterloo).
D.S. 1 p. folio, July 22, 1830.
Monthly return regarding the 2d Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards.
1842. Gomm (Sir William M.). D.S. 1 p. folio. London, Nov. 23, 1835.
.Monthly Beturn of (Quarters of 1st Batt. Coldstream Begt. of Foot
1843. Gore (Arthur — Lieut. -Col., wounded at Waterloo). D.S. 1 p. 4to.
Chatham, 1812. The state of the 33d Begt. of Foot.
1844. Goujon (Jean Glaude — French revolutionist and member of the
Convention). Printed D.S. Paris, 1793. Signed also by the dem-
agogue and author of the Atheistic Festivals of Peason, J. K. Hebert.
With portrait by Bonneville after Izabey. 2 pieces.
Goujon was one of the six Representatives of the People who killed
themselves before the military commission, which had sentenced them
to death for alleged complicity in the bloody sedition of May 20, 1795.
1845. Gourdon (Admiral). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Brest, Jan. 12, 1821.
Asking that his mail be addressed to Brest instead of Toulon.
1846. Goure (General — stall' officer under Xe}^, killed at the battle of Lut-
zen). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Hanau, Marcli 20, 1813. To General
Re(iuesting the director of the War Depot to send him some maps, of
which he is badly in need.
1847. Gourgaud (Gaspard — French general, with Napoleon at St. Helena,
author of Memoirs, etc.). H.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 11, 1831
An estimate of the expenses and money needed until the end of the
year 1831 for workshops for artillery construction.
1848. Gourgaud (Gaspard). A.L.S. ‘‘ Le Gl. Gourgaud,'’ 4 pp. folio, n.p.
June 9, 1834.
Gourgaud being a candidate for some position, had visited a number of
towns, and had been assured by many intluential men that he had every
chance of success.
1849. Gourgaud (Gaspard). A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. n.p. July 22, 1836. To
Madame Horace A'ernet. With portrait, full bust in uniform. Litho-
graph. 8 VO.
An interesting letter relating to certain objects, once belonging to
Napoleon, and now claimed by Madame Vernet. Gourgaud does not dis-
pute her claim, as it was feared he would.
1850. Gourgaud (Gaspard). Portrait, full bust in oval in uniform, view be-
neath. Litliograph. 4to.
1851. Gourgaud (Gaspard). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lithograph.
1852. Gourgaud (Gaspard). Portrait, half length in uniform. Litho^M-anh
4to. o 1 •
1853. Gourgaud (Gaspard). Portrait, full length in uniform. Dessine et
lithographie par G. Stall. Folio.
1854. Gouvjox-Saint-Cyr (Laurent— i\larshal of France, author of
‘^i\remoirs towards a iMilitary History”). H.S. 2 p. folio. Paris,
Hec. 1,^ 1818. To Marshal Due de Baguse. With portrait, full length
in uniform, and biographical account of services, etc.
Regarding young men who wisli to join the army l)efore they were
compelled to, and giving them privilege of choice of regiment.
1855. Gouvion-Saint-Cyr (Laurent). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.n.d., recom-
mending ]\r. Boudet for position of printer.
1856. CtOuviox-Saixt-Cyu (JjAUI!EXt). Portrait, lull bust in uniform, Des-
sine (I’apres nature par J, Guerin and grave par G. Fiesinger. Stip-
ple. dto. Fine impression^ with margins,
1857. Gouviox-Saixt-Cyk (Lauuext). Portrait, half length in uniform.
Dessine d'apres nature, par J. Gutudn and grave par G. Fiesinger.
Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
1858 Gouviox-Saixt-Cyu (Lauuext). Portraits, (1) fidl length in uniform.
Lithograph on India paper after Gerard; (2) after a bronze by
David, the latter proof before all letters. 2 pieces.
1859. Guaeigxy (FuAxgoiSE D’Issembourg — French writer). Portrait, full
bust in oval. Levecpie sculp. Line engraving, 4to.
1860. Graham (Henry — Major, killed at Waterloo). A.L.S, 2 pp. 4to.
Brighton, Nov. 7, 1813.
On tinancial matters, with mention of General Hammond.
1861. Graham (Thomas, Lord Lyxedoch, eminent British sailor and soldier,
commanded at the great battle of Vittoria). A.L.S. “Thomas
Graham.” 2 pp. 4to. May 8, 1810.
“ I have directed that Mr. O’Meara shd. be put in orders as an acting
Dept. Comm. General till the pleasure of the Lds. of the Treasury &
the Comm, in Chief is known,” etc.
1862. Graham (Thomas, Lord Lyxedoch). L.S. “ Lynedoch.” 2 pp.
12mo. Undated. To Lord M. Hill. With portrait, full bust in
uniform. From the Gentleman’s Magazine.
1863. Granby (John Manners, Marquis Of — English general). Portrait,
three-quarter length in uniform. Eich, Pursel fecit. J. Eeynolcls
pinxt. Mezzotint. Folio, cut close and margins repaired.
London, Sawyer
1864. Grandpre (Louis M. J, — French voyager and author). A.L.S. 1 p.
8vo, n.p. May 10, 1815. On literary matters,
1865. Granet (M. — voted for death of Louis XYI.), and G. J. C'ottrau and
M. A. Bourdon. D.S. by all three. 1 p. folio. Paris, March 5,
1797. Eegarding the death certificate of a French sailor.
1866. Grasse-Tilly (Frangois J. P. — commonly Imown as Count de Grasse,
French naval officer, assisted 'Washingdon in the capture of Corn-
wallis). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Drawn from the life by
M. Jones. Line engraving. 8vo. London, 1782
1867. Greenlaxh). The Greenland Whale Fishery, Line engraving by Am-
brosi after Dodd. Folio.
1868. Gregoire (Henri — French ecclesiastic, member of the Convention),
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. April 29, 1788.
1869. Gregoire (Henri). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Sarcelles, Oct. 10, 1806. To
the Bishop Coutard. With portrait.
luformiug the recipient that certain Spanish books can be obtained only
beyond the Pyrenees.
ISTO. GRKCOiin-: (IIkxki). I’oi-trait, full l)ust. in oval. P. ^I. Mix sc. Du-
clu'inin del. Mezzotint. Svo. Paris, n.d.
Guknikk (Pai'i. — French general). A.L.S. 1 |). 4to. Headquarters,
('hatisl)onne, Ah'*’. 8, 1796. To Gen. Dessolles (spelt “ Dessoles ’) .
With portrait.
Koifrettin^ that he cannot pa.v tlio otiicers and tin* stall owinj; to lack
of funds.
Grkxmer (Paul). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Sept. 10. 1815. To Paron
Louis, Minister of Finance.
A rcMinest to the minister for .a certificate to enable (Irenier to receive
his ref;ular pension.
Gkentiki! (Paul). Portrait, full bust in uniform, wcarinp; hat. ^’Gen-
eral Grenier, domatore do Barhetti.” Stip])le, in carmine. 4to, with
Grenville (William M'., Lord — eminent Fnglish statesman, Secty.
for Foreign Affairs in the ministry with Pitt). A.L.S. 1 p. folio.
Whitehall, 6th June 1789. To the Lieut. Gov. of Jamaica. W^ith
portrait, full length. I’erioch inc.
Written shortly after he had accepted the position of Secretar.v of
State in the place of Lord S.ydne.v, connnencinf; “ Ilis AIa.iest.v havini,’
been pleased to honor me with the Seals of the Home Department in the
room of Lord S.ydue.v, I take the earliest opportmiity of accpiaintiiif: yon
herewith.” etc.
Grenville (William W., Lord). Portrait, half length in robes. En-
graved by J. S. Agar after the painting by W. Owen. Stijiple. Oiien
letters. 4to. London, 1815
Grey (Charles, Earl — eminent English statesman). Portrait, half
length. I (A Turner sc. T. Philips, peint. | 4to, margins cut awav.
Grey (Charles). Portrait, full bust. Proof before letters. 4to.
Gropper (Johann— theologian, 1501-58). Portrait, full bust in robes.
Chr, Weigel fecit. l\[ezzotint. 4to, cut close.
Gros (Antoine J. — celebrated French painter, ])ainted “The Capture
of i\Iadrid by Napoleon.” etc.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Warch
10, 18;)9. AVith portrait, full length, India paper.
A recommendation for his pnpil M. Demaret.
Gros (Antoine J.). Portrait, half length with jialette. Grave par
A allot, 1840, ])eint ])ar Gros. Steel engraving. India paper. 4to.
Grosso (Padre Philippe). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed
])ortion. Turin, Oct. PL 184:!. To Sylvio Pellico, with a medicinal
iierb from China, which the writer .secured while apostolic* missionary
From the Sylvio I'ellico colh'ction (.No. P.SD), I'liclosed in his library
wrai)p«'r and with his anto.yi-aDh annotations.
18^82. Gkouchy (Emmanuel, Marquis De, Marshal of France, blamed for
the defeat at 'Waterloo). L.S. “Em. Grouchy.” 2 pp. folio. July,
To the Minister of War regarding the reorganization of the 22d and
60th brigades of Infantry.
1883. Grouchy (Emmanuel, Marquis De). A. L.S. “Grouchy.” 2 pp. 4to.
Dated “Du prison de [Jeuzeles?], le 30 A^endemiaire, I’An 9 ” [Oct.
21, 1800].
An Unusual Letter. Grouchy was imprisoned a year by the Austrians
[1799-lSOO], and this letter was written to his friend Gmard (General?)
while incarcerated. The writer informs his friend that there is no truth
in the articles published concerning him. and that in addition to the
assassination of his family, his enemies must now calumniate him. Also,
makes a request for money to purchase some necessities, assures his
friend that he is working hard to establish his innocence, &c.
1884. Grouchy (Emmanuel, AIarquis De). L.S. “Le Comte de Grouchy.”
3 pp. 4to. Paris, Sept. 1, 1821.
Written to a M. Vaughan at Philadelphia regarding property there.
“ I have received only one letter from you since I left the United States,
15 months ago. I want yoii to send me a statement of our business.
. . . Have you seen the municipality about my house in Lombard
street, tbe cellar of which was flooded by the melting of snow?” Also
asking M. Vaughan to pay to M. Dorival of New York the sum of $250.
1885. Grouchy (Emmanuel, AIarquis De). A.L.S. “ Alai. Cte. de Grouchy.”
2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion. Philadelphia, Aug. 3, no
year. Pequests Air. Bell anger to deliver some letters for him, among
which is one for his son, &c.
1886. Grouchy (Emmanuel, AIarquis De). A.L.S. “ Alai. Grouchy.” Ip.
4to. Chatelus, 'Wednesday, April 23, no year. 171111 portrait, full
bust in uniform. Paville sculpt.
Authorizing M. Chirol, a lawyer at Aiom, to pay the sum of seventy-
five francs to Sir J. Martinet.
1887. Grouchy (Emmanuel, AIarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Lithograph. Folio.
1888. Grouchy (Emmanuel, AIarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Grave par Charon, dessine d’apres nature, aux Etats Unis. Stipple,
with biographical account beneath. Fine impression with full mar-
Special interest attaches to this portrait, as it was engraved after the
original made in the United States.
1889. Grouchy (Emaianuel, AIarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Grave par Charon, dessine d’apres nature aux Etats Unis. 4to. Bio-
graphical account in script deneath.
1890. Grouchy (Eaiaianuel, AIarquis De). Portrait, lull bust in uniform.
Grave par Charon dessine d’apres nature aux Etats-Unis. 4to. Bio-
graphical account in script beneath. Toned paper.
1891. Grouchy (Eaiaianuel, AIarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform,
standing, battle scene in background. Charon sculpsit. Aubry pinxt.
Mezzotint. Folio.
(Ikouohy (E.m.manuicl^ ^lAijc^ris Dk). l\)rlrait, full leu^tli in iiiiiforiii.
Peint par Eonillard, and another, also full length. Line, etc.
2 pieces. 8vo.
Grouchy, Kellkrman, and others, Portraiis, some in uniform.
8vo., and 12mo. No duplicates. 22 ])ieces.
Ghanet (IVr. — deputy to the Convention, voted for death of Louis XV L).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. August 9, 1795. To Dm'and de Maillane
at Toulon. A personal letter. With portrait.
Guauet (VEakguerite K.). Portrait, full bust in oval. i\rezzotint by
Lcvachez, representation of arrest near Bordeaux, and biographical
notice in script beneath. 8vo on small folio sheet.
Guaras (Antonio He — Envoy from Spain to England). L. subscribed
and signed respecting sailor and other officials of the ships of William
Spellman. With seal. 1 page folio. London, duly 2, 1573.
CuERiN ( G.anxocc^ue — nu'iubcr of the Committee of Safety). L.S.
1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 7, 1795. The committee having heard of a
terrible conspiracy ])lanned by ineinhers in the section of Pelletier,
all reports of assemblies are to ho handed over to the Paris police
and then to the above committee.
Gudin De La Sarlonniere (Caesar F. E. — French general, killed at
Volutina-Gora, 1812). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Dunkirk, Eeh. 19, 1804.
To Vr. Pavault de Cordillervi.
The writer expresses his satisfaction at the honor bestowed npon him
by the Emperor, and liopes that his friend may soon be honored in the
same way, etc.
Gudin De La S.vblonniere (Caesar F. E.). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Gabriel sc. Mme. Le Sivre del. Stipple. Proof before all
letters. 8vo.
Guilford (Comte De). A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including addressed por-
tion. Livorno, dan. 14, 1822. To M. Vtolini, regarding books.
From the 8ylvio Pellico collection (No. 28S), enclosed in his library
wrapper, and with his autograph annotations.
Guilleminot (Ar.m.and Cfiarles — French general, served under Vlo-
reau). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Angerville, duly 9, 1811. To Gen. Van-
damme. With portrait, full bust in uniform. Lithograph.
Ih'oposing a plan to save France from foreign encroachments, saying
that everyone s'honhl rally to the support of the government, etc.
Guilleminot (Arm and Charles). I./.S. 1 p. 4to. Barriere d’Orfee.
July 3, 1815. 'To Gen. Vandamme. With portrait.
Asking for information regarding Id (tthc(‘rs whom he had sent to
1 905.
Guilleminot (Ainc.vxi) C'lrAiii.Ks). L.S. 2 p}). folio, n.p. .Julv 8,
All e.vtrnct of a hotter written by (Jenerals (ierard and lla.Ku, probably
made by (fuilleminot's .sec'retary and signed by (inilleminot, about the
time the Allies enteriHl I’aris. " Now tlmt the i)rovisional government
has ceased its functions, tlie army too has accomplished its mission, . . .
nevertheless the army must not be disbanded, for it is needed to protect
France from the enemy, personal liberty. ” etc.
Gujllemixot (AitMAXD CiiAiiLEs). D.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, jMarcli 31.
A re(iuest to helj) the men who ari' en.ira.ited studying the map of
GuiLbEiiMiX" (C.). Couplets eii PHoiiiieur de Poiiaparte, ])reuiier Con-
sul do la Pepul)li((ue Francaise, cliautes a Pourg-, jiar do vrais amis
du bon ordre et de la tramjnillite ])ul)lique, &c. (Also, Couplets iu
liouor of the IMilitarv, &c. Facli sung to a special air.) 8 pp. 12ino.
unbound. Bourg, ii.d.
GriLLOTtxi-: (JosEnr I. — Ifreneb ])bvsieian). L^ortrait, full bust iu
oval. F. Bonneville del. et sculp. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
Guinaed (Madavfe (2 — French poetess). Original IMS. of a ])oein.
3 pp. small 4to. May 1, 1832.
Guise (Maeie De Loeeaine, Duchiisse De Guise — daughter of Charles
I., Due de Guise, and Henrietta Catherine de Joyeuse). L.S. to her
Beceiver General M. Coquille, asking him to take pai'ticular care
of Ahhe Herve, who is going to preach in tlie Duchy of Guise, and to
furnish him with all the money he may need. 1 p. 4to. With seal
On the hack of the letter is the autograph receipt of Abbe llerve
for a certain sum of money for his preaching.
Guizot (Feax'cois P. G. — French statesman and historian. President
of France). A. L.S. to jM. Pingard, agent of the institute, asking
for a ticket for John Lemoinne, editor of the '* Jouimal des Dehats,”
to enable him to he present at a meeting of the Institute. 1 p. 8vo.
Fchrnary 4, 1852. With addressed envelope. 2 pieces.
Guizot (Feanoois P. G.). A. L.S. 2 pju 16mo [Val Riches], July 23.
1852, referring to correct proof of an article of his and desiring that
25 copies of the |)rinted form he reserved for him, &c.
Guizot ( Fifaxcois P. G.). A. L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. [Val Riches], Aug. l(i,
1852. To M. A. Vattemore, re([uesting copy of the ‘“^Vorth American
Review,’’ in which is an article by | Fdward] Everett, to which he
will reply later, &c. With envelope and wax seal (2 pieces).
Guizot (Fe.vnpois R. G.). .V.X.S. 1 ])age 16mo. August 23, 1853.
AV4th portrait. 2 pieces.
Gustavus Anoumius, Kixo Oe Sweden. Portrait, full bust in oval.
A. Walker sculj). Micrvold pinxt. Line engraving. 8vo.
[London, n.d.]
1!)J I. (iusTAVUs IV., Kixc Ok Swedkn. A.L.S., 1 j). 4to. Jiasle, -Jan. 28,
181.5. States that he is forwarding- party addressed tlie “ Declara-
tion ” as sent to Admiral Sydney Smith to he ])resented to the Con-
^ri'ss of Vienna. Poi-ti-aits of the King and (^ueen of Sweden.
1!)15, (Ji’STAVus IV., I\iX(! Ok Swkdkx. Portrait, full bust in robes. J.
Pass sc. Stip])le, pi'inted in colo)-s. 8vo. 1 LondonJ, 1827
P)J(). JIaul’k. \'iew of the Hague in colors. Polio. London, 1815
P)17. 1 1 A.M BKiKi. Colored view. Folio. London, 1815
scene, a boat tl.yiug the Kiiglisli lla;^ i)r()iiiinent in the fore-
P)18. IIaxau. Entrance into Jlanan over the Kinzig Jlridge. In colors.
Folio. London, 1814
101!). Haucouht (Axxk Pikuuk, Due De — ^Marshal of France). A.Ij.S. 1 p.
4to. London, iMareh 21, 1D4. AVith portrait.
Askin" tile aid of a Mr. Diindas tliroiigh tlie recipient for a French
gentlewoman residin.i; in Ihigland.
1!)20. 11 AKDEXHKim (Kaiil AutaT.sT — Prussian statesman, formed an alliance
with Russia against Xapoh'on). L.S. (in (Jerman). 1 p. folio.
Hei-lin, -lime 21, 1821.
1!)21. llAitDKXBEue ( Kakl Aucust). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Meyer
sc. L. Wolf del. Stij^ple. 8vo. Berlin, n.d.
1022. IIaedwicke (PniLir Y., pAitL Ok — eminent English jurist.) I’ortrait,
half length standing, in robes of office. Engraved by W. Oilier after
Sir 4'homas Lawrence. ^Mezzotint. Open letter proof on India
paper. 4to. London, 1838
1!)23. llAtfDY (Gexekal J.). a. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Basle, June (i, 1708. To
i\r. Oatt.
The writer declares that it was not because of lack of funds that his
expedition in Ireland failed. The English beat his army because fortune
favored them.
1024. IIarispe (Jean Isidore, Comte — Marshal of France, with Xapoleoii
during the 100 days). A. L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Bordeaux, July 7, 1833.
Answer to a letter asking financial help.
1025. IIarispe (Jean Tsidohe, Comte). L.S., 1 p. folio. Bayonne, Mar. 17.
184(5. To the ^Minister of War relative to some ]n-omotions.
102(5. HAR.MOxp (Al. — membe]- of the Xational Convention). D.S. 1 p. 4to,
n.]). Nov. 20, 1704. Regarding a meeting of the ('ommittee of Gen-
eral Safety. Signed also by Alathieu and Monnayon.
7. ILvRRis (Javies — First Earl of jMalmes))ury, eminent English dijjl
niatist). Portrait, lialf length, seated. Engraved bv C. Picart aft
' Sti])ple. Open letter; '' ' ' ^
11. Edridge.
London, 1814
1028. Hastings (Francis Pawdon, Earl Ok AIoira — was at Bunker Hill,
1 77 5. fought against the French in 1704). A.L.S. ‘‘ Aloira.’’ 3 pp’
Ito. Plylhe, Sei)t. 10,180(5. To the Manpiis of Buckingham.
Regarding C’ol. Napier, and with mention of Ford St. Vincent.
1929. Hastings (Fkancis Rawdon, Eaijl Of ]\roiRA). I’ortrait, full bust
in uniform. Engraved bv J. Collyer, painted by C. G. Stuart.
Stipple. India paper. 4to. ’ London, 1794
1930. Hastings (Francis Rawdon, Earl Of Moira). Portrait, half length
in oval. Engraved by I. Jones after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Stipple.
4to. [London, n.d.]
1931. Hastings (Francis Rawdon, Earl Of Moira). Portrait, full length
in uniform, standing. Engraved by Jn. Young, painted by J.
Hoppner. Jlezzotint, margins cut away, and slightly creased in
1932. Hatry (Jacques !M. — French general). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris,
Sept. 13, 1795. To Gen. of Division Scherer. With portrait, full
bust in uniform.
Asking for the transfer of men from the Sth battalion of the Lower
Rhine to his command.
1933. Hauterive (A. M. B. De Lanautte D’ — Count and diplomatist, con-
fidential secretary to Napoleon when First Consul). Manuscript
giving the details of the diseases from which D'Hauterive is suffer-
ing, while in the hospital on Bedloe’s Island, New York City. 2 pp.
4to. New York, le 29 Floreal, I’An 4 [May 19, 1796]. Contains
signatures of the French Consul, the secretary of the Consulate, and
Dr. De Seullez, the last-named being D’FTauterive’s physician during
Ids illness.
1934. Hauterive (A. M. B. De Lanautte D’). Doctor's Certificate relative
to the illness of M. D’Hauterive in New Y'ork. Signed, also, by the
French Consul and Vice Consul in that city. 2 pp. folio and 2 pj).
4to. New Y'ork, June 1, 1794, and Feb. 24, 1797 (2 pieces).
1935. Haville (Auguste — Equerry to the Empress Josephine). A.Ii.S.
1 p. folio, Dijon, 17 Sept., 1800. To the Minister of War.
The writer wishes to receive the recipient’s decision regarding a posi-
tion, and for which he has been waiting a long time.
1936. Hawke (Sir Edward — ^English admiral, defeated the French near
Belle Isle). Portrait, three-quarter length, in uniform. Mezzotint.
Unsigned. Folio (cut to plate mark). London, Bowles
1!)37. Hawkswortii (John) and King (Captain James). Full bust por-
traits on one sheet, engraved bv Thornton. Oblong 4to.
Virca 18011
1938. IIaxo (FiiANgois N. B. — Ceneral, was at Waterloo). A. L.S. 2 pp.
8vo. June 17, 1820. ’ro a firm of booksellers.
Acknowledgment of the receipt of copies of a military journal.
1939. IIaxo (FiiANgois N. B.). A. L.S. 1 p. 8vo, n.p. Feb. 19, 1821. To
a firm of booksellers. With portrait. 8vo. Lithograph.
1940. Haxo (FRANgois N. B.). A.Ij.S. 3 pp. 12mo. Paris, Feb. 21, 1838.
A friendly letter to Baron de Valaze. who was at Nice with his
daughter to recover his health, regretting that the distance from Pari.s
is too great for him and his wife to undertake.
At The American Art Galleries
Seventh Session, Numbers 1941 to 2280, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, sec “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
1941. Heaviside (John — Surgeon Extraordinary to the giving). Uortrait,
half length, seated, holding specimen, llich. Earlom sculpt. J.
Zoffany pinxt. Mezzotint. EYlio. London, 1803
1942. Hebert (Jacques E. — Eh'eneh demagogue, executed March, 1794).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 17, 1793. xV request for a citizen to
appear at the bar of the Court of Justice of the Commune.
1943. Hebert (Jacques E.). Portrait, full bust in oval. E. Bonivet sculp.
F. Bonneville del. Stipple. 8vo.
1944. Hebrard (M.). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Versailles, xApril 15, 1801, a list of
objects to be delivered a riding school, also signed, and L.S. 1 p. 4to,
Versailles, Jan. 7, 1801. 3 pieces.
1945. Hedouville (Gabriel T. J. — French general, succeeded Hoche, was
page to Marie Antoinette). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Laon, July 30, 1800.
To the General in charge at Chartres.
A personal letter about the health of the recipient, also remembrances
for aicles-cle-camp Yarnay and Yantai.
1946. PIenault (Charles Jean PiiANgois — eminent Ph-ench historian, presi-
dent of the First “ Chambre aux Enquetes,” and Superintendent of
the Queen’s household). A.N. in third person inviting a gentleman
to have supper with him. n.d. With portrait. 2 pieces.
1947. Henriot (Franqois — prominent in the Eeign of Terror, executed with
Eobespierre) . A.N.S. 1 ]). 12ino. Eequesting the administrators
of the mail department to consider the request of a citizen. With ])or-
trait, full bust in uniform, stipple. Y. Bonneville, del. Sculp. 8vo.
1948. Henkiot (Francois). A.N.S. 1 p. Utmo, n.p.n.d. With ])ortrait,
full bust in uniform. Stipple.
“ I urge the mcmlau-s of the executive council to do justice to tlie
citizen's i>etition. lUuiriot.”
]li:xi!ioT ( Fi{axcojs). 15)rtrait, full bust in uniform, wearing cocked
hat. ]\lezzotint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in
script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
IdENRiOT (Fi!Axgois) . Another eo])y of the same.
FIexry 111., Kixn Of Fuaxce, the last king of the house of A'alois.
L.S. 1 p. 4to. Sept., 1585, signed also by Eavastens ( ?) and De
A'anailly ( ?), relative to something presented by Alarshal de klatigny.
With portrait.
Henry ^Y., Xing Of Francr and Xavarre, founder of the royal house
of Bourbon. D.S. 1 p. folio, 1580. With portrait, engraved by
Henry He Bourbon — son of Henry IV. of France, and of the Alar-
chioness de Verneuil (Henriette de Balzac), hishop of Aletz. D.S.
on vellum, 1 p. folio, July 27, 1658.
FlENiiY Of PitussiA (Friedrich Ludwig — Prince of Prussia, brother
of Fh'ederic the Great). D.S. 1 p. 4to, with tine wax seal. Rheins-
berg, Jan. 23, 1796, informing whom it may concern that a certain
widow and her family are old inhabitants of his dominions and are
still subjects of his. AVith portrait.
Heraclitus — surnamed the Xaturalist. Portrait. Alezzotint. 4to.
margins cut away. ] London, Bowles]
Heraclitus. Portrait. Alezzotint, Jto (cut close and repaired in
places). London, Bowles
Herault (AIarie-Jean) . Portrait, full bust in oval. Alezzotint by
Levachez, military scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
Herault wa.s executed with Danton iu 179-1.
Herbouville (C. J. F. — General). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April
13, 1820. To the. A^iscount Tabarie. With portrait, full bust in
uniform, fine stipple, but cut to plate mark, and engraver’s name
cut away. 8vo.
The wilter re.iirets that the Dositioii asked for has Been given to an-
Her’Zberg (.Ewald Frildi.mch A^on — celebrated Prussian statesman
under Friedrich the Great). D.S. addressed to the English Fhnbassy,
giving ])ermission to the executor of the late Alinet to take entire pos-
session of his estate. Half a page, folio. Berlin, Alarch 14, 1774.
AVith ]}ortrait. 2 ])ieces.
flus.sE (George Prince D'). L.S. Alentioning the marriage of Prin-
cess IJrica to his eldest brother and the Gampaigii of Hungaria.
3 ],tj). Ito. Gassel, Alarch 5, fill).
13: 0.
Hksse (Louis 1’hinok 1)’). L.S. sending to a (leiitlenian of the l^reneh
Court a Slim of KHM) livres to he added to tlie dowry of the tonn-
tess d’l lanssonville, on the occasion of lier inaridage to the said gentle-
man. 2 ]j]). -Ito. March 2(), 1753.
lliLu (Lowland. A’iscount — British general, fought at \\aterloo).
A. L.S. “Hill,'’ 2 ))j). 8vo. Hardwick Crange, Sept. 11, 1821.
Hill ( Lowj.a.xd, Viscount). Lortrait, half length in nniiorni. Ln-
graved hy A. kiasto after Lodder. Sti])]ile. Ojien letters. 4to.
London, 1810
Hill (Loavland, Viscount). Portrait, in uniform, on horsehack.
Uoniney scnl])., IMeyeon del. 4to. in colors.
IHllku (JoJiANN — Austrian general, defeated hy Napoleon at Land-
shut.) J’ortrait, full bust in uniform. Zwickau hei Schnnann.
Stipple. 8vo.
UiLLEii (Jojiann). I’oidrait, full length in unifoi-ni. 4). K. Bonatti
inc. G. B. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
Hipuockates — the most eminent physician of antiipiity. Portrait. I.
Baber fecit., P. P. Puhens del. :\Iezzotint. 4to (slightly thinned
and Avorn ) .
Hobiiouse (.John Cam, Loin) Brougham — intimate at college Avitli
JaaitI Byron, author of “Letters on the Hundred Days, or Last
Peign of Napoleon”). A. L. S. 4 })p. 4to. Beading; Jan 24, 1834.
With lithographic jiortrait.
A political and personal letter with mention of Lord Melbourne.
Hocjie (Lazare — famous French general, restored to liberty and com-
mand by the fall of Bobespierre in 1734). A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Head-
(piarters, St. Jyimes, Oct. 18, 1734. To the Commission in charge of
mil itary organ i zati on .
AVritteii at an important period of the general's life. In the ietter he
complains of the lack of efficiency among his officei's, they cannot lead a
battalion, cannot eA’en write, etc.
Hoche (Lazaru). L.S. 1 ]). 4to. Paris, le 20 Plnviose, BAn V
I Feb. 10, 1797 I . To ]\linister of War, Petiet, recommending Citizen
(fnerin, a former aide-de-camp, and then chief of brigade of gen-
darmerie, for similar position in the reorganization of that body.
With portraits.
Hoche (Lazare). Portrait, full bust in nniform. ^lezzotint by
Levachez, battle scene and biograjihical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
Hoche (Lazare). Portrait, full bust in uniform, seated, cocked hat
on table. 1). Ivlemi-Bonatti inc. Sergent IMarcean dis. Stipple.
8 VO.
Hoche (Lazare). Portrait, full length in uniform. Line engraAong
after A. Schelfer. 8vo.
1974. Hoche (Lazaee). Portrait, full leng'tli in uniform, standing. Grave
par Coqueret, dessine par Idillaire Le Dm. Mezzotint. Folio (small
hole in margin). Paris, n.d.
1975. Hoche (Lazake). Portrait, full length in uniform. F. Lefevre sculp.
Stipple. Folio. Paris, n.d.
1976. Hofer (Andreas — celebrated Tyrolese patriot). Portrait, full length
in uniform. In colors, 8vo. London, 1810
1977. Hofer (Andreas). Portrait, full length in uniform. Colored, prob-
ably by hand. 8vo.
1978. Hohenlake (Louis — Prince De). A.L.S. ‘Hjonis, Prince de Hohen-
lake,” 1 p. 4to., n.p.n.d., asking that a position be found for M. Geiger
who was wounded in the retreat from Eussia.
1979. Hohenlohe (Louis Antoine, Prince De — Marshal of France). L.S.
Louis, Prince de Hohenlohe.” 1 p. folio, Luneville, Dec. 27, 1827.
To M. Sarazin, of Paris, regarding his salary which “ the king gives
me out of his private cash,” and sajdng that he is drawing upon him
for the sum of 5,970 francs.
1980. Hohenlohe (Louis Antoine, Prince De). Portrait, full length in
uniform. Lithograph on India paper.
1981. Hohenlohe-Bartenstein (L. 0. J. X., Prince — General against Xa-
poleon in the Wars of the Eevolution and Empire ; Marshal of France
under Louis XYIII.). Official Order regarding a Pension, in his
autograph, Paris, Oct. 26, 1824, portrait, bust, within circular
border, 4to.
1982. Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfurst (Alexander, Prince of
— Hungarian Prelate*). Printed L.S. to Marquise Juliette de Barol,
establishing a day to unite their prayers for her health. 1 p. folio.
June 9, 1826. In a wrapper with autograph notes by Silvio Pellico.
1983. Holland (Henry Eichard V., Lord — friendly to Napoleon while at
St. Helena, Lady Holland was remembered in Napoleon’s 'wdll).
A.L.S. [in French] 1 p. 4to. Hotel Bristol, Sept. 26, 1838. To
Count Montalinet, Minister of the Interior. A letter of thanks. With
1984. Holland (Henry Eichard V., Lord.) A.L.S. ‘“^Vassall Holland.”
4 pp. 12mo. [Holland House], Feb. 20, 1822. With portrait.
“ Your two drawings of the Emperor Napoleon & of the late Sir John
Moore, together with your letter of the 11 inst. arrived at Holland
House,” etc.
1985. Holland (Lady — wife of Lord H. E. Y. Holland). A.L.S. 2 pp.
12rao. n.p.n.d.
1986. Holstein (Antoine, Due De). L.S. asking a merchant to send him
the bill for two barrels of red wine and other articles. 1 p. 4to. June
23, 1735.
1987. lIojMEii.
Portrait. Ex Mariiiore antique, P.
4to, cut close and repaired in places.
P. Peubeiis delt. Mez/.o-
Londou, Bovvdes
1988. Homek. Portrait. jMezzotint, 4to (cut close). [London, Bowles]
1989. Hone (Nathaniel — portrait painter). Portrait, lull bust. Mezzo-
tint by E. Fisher, 4to, margins cut away, with portions of text.
1990. Hood (Sahuel, Viscount — British admiral, fought l)e Grasse at the
mouth of the Chesapeake, but failed to relieve the British army at
Yorktown). A.L.S. “Hood,” 1 p. 12mo. Greenwich May 25, 1805.
1991. Hood (Sir Samuel — British admiral, cousin of Samuel Hood, also took
part in the action with De Grasse). Portrait, three-quarter length,
in uniform. Engraved by E. Bocquet, drawn by V . Evans, after Sir
"VY. Beechey. Stipple. 4to. London, 1813
1992. Hood (Sir Samuel). Portrait, half length in uniform. Engraved by
E. Bocquet, after Sir William Beechey. Stipple. Folio. Open
letters. London, 1813
1993. Hope (Sir John — British general, took part in the battle of Corunna,
succeeded Sir John Moore). Portrait, full bust in uniform. En-
graved by J. Vendramini after W. M. Craig. Stipple. Folio. Open
letters. London, 1811
1994. Hope (Sir John). Portrait, half length in uniform, ^lezzotint
(margins cut away). 4to.
1995. Horace. Portrait. J. Faber, senr., fecit. , P. P. Eubens del. Mezzotint.
4to (cut close and mounted and repaired in places).
liondon. Bowles
1996. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Queen Of Holland (Daughter
of Josephine.) A.L.S. “Hortense,” 1 p. 8vo. Augsburg, Dec. 18,
1822. To her Mother-in-Law. With portrait.
A very affectionate letter sending New Year’s greetings, hoping to see
recipient during the year, etc.
1997. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Queen Of Holland. Portion
of A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo. No place, no date. Complains [to person un-
* known], that letters written have not been answered, &q.
3 998. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Queen Of Holland. Portrait,
half length. Laugier sculpt. Girodet pinxt. [From TArtiste]. 4to.
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from the
3 999. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Queen Of Holland. Portrait,
“ La Peine Hortense sortant du bain,” de Spa. Line engraving. Un-
signed. 12 mo.
2000. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Queen Of Holland. Portrait,
(1) full length, (2) full length, accompanied by Louis Napoleon,
(3) full bust. In colors, published by R. Martin, New Y'ork, and
another. Together, 4 jiieces.
Houciiaki) (Gi:n']-:j{ai. .)i-;an X^icjiolas). Portrait lull in unifonn.
jMezzotiiit by Levaohez, ))attle sceiio and l)iogra})hical notice in script
l)eneath. Svo on sniall folio sheet.
lloussAYE (IIexjii — French author). A.L.S. 1 p. Svo. Peqiiest for
tickets. Undated.
HowAiii) (George W. F.^ Earl Oe Cai{lisle and Viscouxt .Mor-
peth— vi.sited the U. S.). A.L. third person, with addressed enve-
lope. London, May 2, 1836
Howard (Geoijge AV. F., Earl Of Caiilisle axd Viscouxt Morpeth).
A.L.S. (third person, commencing Ld. Alorpeth.'’ 1 }>. Svo. dime
14, n.y.
Howard (George AY. F.,
Portrait, half length.
Earl Of Carlisle axd AOscouxt Moih’ETh).
Engraved l)y J. Cooke. Line engraving. 4to.
Hoze (John). Portrait, full linst in oval, dk Holloway direxit. Line
engraving. 4to. " London, 1794
FIudsox Piver. Alap of the Hudson Piver Pail Poad from Xew York
to Albany. AY. C. Aloore del. Lithograph. About 12 feet long (one
corner repaii'ed). Xew York, 1848
Hue (Frax^C'OIS — first A"alet-de-chambre of Louis XA'lll). X.S. 1 p.
small 4to. Tnileries, January 3, 1818.
Ill the rei;L;ii of terror Hue served the royal family at the risk of his
life and was imprisoned; he is author of “The last years of the Keimi
and Life of Louis XAH.”
Hugo (Joseph L. 8.^ — French general, father of A’ictor Hugo, the cele-
brated novelist). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to. St. Lozusa, near Blois. June 23,
1823. To the Editor of the Courrier at I’aris. AYith portrait.
Heiieral Hugo requests the editor to publish some remarks of his on
an article which appeared in the “ Censeur Europeen ” ; then follow the
“remarks”, which are lengthy and interesting.
Hugo (Victor — French author). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. [1844.] AATth
portrait. 2 pieces.
Hugo (ViCTOit)- A.L.S. “ Ah'ctor Hugo,'’ 2 p]). 8vo. Dec. 39, n.y.
On literary matters.
Hulix (Pierre A. — French general, shot by Atalet). D.S. by llulin,
A. Dubocher, and several others, 4 pp. folio, n.p. Dec. 11, 1798.
Fxtract from the rc'cords of the decisions hy the Alunicipal Admin-
istration of Saint-()uentin.
lluLix (PiERRi: A.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p. Alarch 9, 1814.
Notifying the recii)ient that the Prince Wiirtemherg has taken, with
4.000 men, the town of 8enc (?), hut promises protection to the inhabi-
Hulix (Pier’Ri: A.). L.S. 1 ]l folio. Paris. Alay 15, 1815. AAhth
])ortrait. full bust in uniform.
Itegarding the way in which volunteers were received at various
mayoralties, etc.
Hulix (I’lEKKK A.). L.S., 2 pp. folio, n.p. 11.(1. To liis Ifoya!
ncss. I’CMpiestiipu’ that ho ho advised of his ai'i'ival that ho may \v(d-
come him.
201(). Ilin.SH (Sii; S.\.\irKL). Portrait. Ihthoyrajih hv Lane alter Lane.
4to. Proof oil India [laper. tSdO
2017. liu.MAXX (Jeax (JEOiKiES — French Minister of Finaneo). L.S., 1 ]).
4to. Paris, iMareh 10, 1845. Informs a eolloa^no that M. (diauvol
lias been appointed to the collectorship of B(‘rville.
2018. JIlt-Mheht (d. d. A. — French general, eomiminded an e.xpedition to Ire-
land in 171)8). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to 1 Paris], le 10 Friinaire, PAn l\.
[Dec. 10, 1705]. To Chief of brigade St. Laurent informing him
that stores and horses are needed for the brigade at Pnello. Also,
that its army-wagons are in poor shape.
20lt). lIu.MiEHEs (Maime Tiieiiese d ulie De CiiEVAXT, Deciiesse De — wife
of the French general and courtier of Louis XlAh). Portrait, full
length. Pet. Schenek fee; et exc. IMw./cotint. 4to, margins cut
2020. Hussjex Pasha — last Bey of Algiers, forced to capitulate by the
French in 1840. D.S. 1 p. folio. l\lay 2(). 184)2.
2021. lluTCiLixsox (doHX — British general, commanded the first division
of Ahercromhy's army which landed in Fgypt, Alexandria sur-
rendered to him). Portrait, thre('-([uarter length, in uniform,
seated. Engraved by 1\. Mackenzie after IV. Evans. Stipjile. Folio.
London, 1800
2022. lluTOitixsox (doiEx). Portrait, full Inist in uniform by Meath after
Knight. 4to. London. 1815
2024. Hyde De Neuvij.le (dEAX (L- — French Boyalist, ^Minister to the Llnited
States, 181()-1821). L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion.
M asliington, April 27, 1818. To B. (1. Harjier, Baltimore, sym-
pathizing with him in the loss of his child, asking date of his
dejiarture [for France ] as he has important disjiatches to send to his
2021. Indians. A'arious dresses of the Indians of Xorth America. Cojiper
engraving by iMorris. 4to. \('irra 1784]
2025. IxDiAXs. Costume of Domiciliated Indians of Xorth. America. Copjier
engraving by Bushy afti'r llariot. 4to. London, 1810
202(). l.NDiAXS. Hclntosli. .V Creek Chief. Lithograph in colors. Folio.
2027. IxDi.vxs. Kish-Ke-Kosh. .\ f'ox Brave. Lithograph in colors. Folio.
Xea-Math-la. A Seminole Chief. Lithograph in colors.
20.28. Indians.
2029. Indians. Tali-Eo-Hon, an loway Warrior. lithograph in colors.
Folio. ‘ 1838
2030. Indians. Timpoochee Barnard. An Uchee AVarrior. Lithograph in
colors. Folio. 1838
2031. Indians. Mistippce. Lithograph in colors. Folio. 1838
2032. Indians. Atahualpa (the last Inca of Fern ) . Portrait, full bust, head-
dress of feathers, holding spear. Copper engraving. 4to.
2033. Indians. Habits of the Americans (copper engraving), also a collec-
tion of 30 plates, colored and plain, inainl}^ relating to the Indians
(all book illustrations).
2034. Isabel II., Queen Of Spain — mother of Alfonso, who became king in
1875. I).S. 1 p. folio, Madrid 1854. With portrait.
2035. IsABEY (Jean Baptiste— celebrated French miniature i)ainter,
executed many admired portraits of the Bonaparte family some of
which are in the celebrated Wallace collection). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo.
Paris, Sept. 20, 1840. To John Sainsbury, celebrated collector of
Napoleonic material, regarding bis collection.
2036. Jacobins. Portrait of Alarie J. Chalier, full bust in oval. Mezzotint
by Levachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo,
on small folio sheet.
The leader of tlie Jacobins of l^yons and a fanatical admirer of
2037. Jacqueminot (J. J. L, Comte I)e Ham — member of the Council
of 500). L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed portion, Paris, le 14
Frimaire, FAn X [Dec. 5, 1801]. To M. Lacepede, President of
the Senate, stating that he is confined to his bed, and will, therefore,
be unable to attend the day's session.
2038. Jacquinot (Ciiakles C. — French general, commanded two divisions
at AVaterloo). A.D.S. 1 p. 8vo. Schaffbausen (Switzerland), May
8, 1800.
2039. Jervis (John, Farl Of St. Vincent — famous English admiral).
A.Ij.S. ‘“St. Vincent,” 1 p. 4to (London), June 14, 1803. To
H. E. ID** (?).
Rcfrarding a Capt. Dunbar, and endiiifi . . . “ with the moat grate-
ful sense of j'our consideration for the ticklish state of my health,” etc.
2040. Jervis (John — Earl Of St. ATncent). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. lOiuraved bv .Aquilar, drawn by Boucb. Stipple. 4to.
[lAUidon, ca. 1798]
2041. John VI., King Of Portugal, sailed to Brazil in 1807, where be
received title of Emj)eror. I’ortrait, full bust in uniform. Huet
sculp. Camoin del. Stip])le. 4to.
2042. JoiNViLLE (F1LA.NCOIS F. P., I’RINCE De— third son of Louis Philippe,
sent to St. Helena to bring the remains of Napoleon to r ranee).
A.L.S. (third person), 2 pp. 8vo. Claremont, Doc. 23, 1854. In
English to Mr. Colnaghi, the well-known art dealer, regarding some
drawings, etc. With portrait.
2043. JoiNViLLE (FRAxgois F. P., Prince De). Portrait, three-quarter
length in uniform. Lith. de Cattier. Folio.
2044. JoiNViLLE (Franc;ois F. P., Pjmnce De). Portrait, three-quarter
length in uniform. Lithograph 4to, and a different lithograph of
the same, 4to. Together, 2 pieces.
■2045. JOLY (M. De) A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Dec. 7, 171)1). On money
2046. JoMARD (Edme FiiANgois — French archaeologist and geographer, ac-
companied the army to Egypt in 1798; contributed to the introduc-
tion of the great “Description of Egypt.”) A.N. in third person.
8vo. Paris, February 25, 1842.
2047. JoMiNi (Henri — general, aide-de-camp to Ney, presented to Bonaparte
on the field of Austerlitz, and eminent writer on strateg}L) A.L.S.
“ General Jomini,” 4 pp. 4to. June 18-28. n.y. To M. Wagner.
An important and most interesting letter in which he speaks of the
battle of Areola, where Napoleon had said that it was the only time in
a game of dice, he had ever staked his whole life, present and to come,
with every chance of losing.
Interesting details are given of the battle of Dresden, and of the mis-
takes made by the Allies, also of his work, probably that of the “ Dritical
and Military History of the Campaigns of the Revolution.” etc.
2048. JoMiNi (Henri). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p.n.d. To a firm of booksellers.
Informing them that a package of MSS. has been left with a porter.
2049. JoMiNi (Henri). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Vigneron del.
Lithograph after a stipple. 8vo.
2050. JoMiNi (Henri). Portrait, half length in uniform. Gleyre del. 1860.
Lithograph on India paper. 4to. Also another portrait, full length
in uniform. Together, 2 pieces.
2051. Jones (Inigo — eminent English architect). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Engraved by Val, Green after Van Dyke. Mezzotint. 8vo, cut to
plate mark, Avith portions of text cut away.
2052. Jones (Paul). Portrait, full length from original drawing taken from
the life aboard the Serapis. 4to. London 1779 [later impression]
2053. Jones (Paul). Combat memorable donne le 22 7hre. 1779 entre le
Capitaine Pearson commandant le Serapis, et Paul Jones command-
ant le Bon-Homme-Pichard. Line engraving. Folio, (cut to plate
mark, portion of front cut aAvay).
2()54. Jones (Paul). Paul .Tones the Pirate. Line engraving. Full length
in uniform, pistol in one liand and cutlass in the other. 8vo.
lAunlon, [circa 1806]
2055. Jones (Paul). Portrait, half length, wearing- coeked liat. Line en-
graving. Unsigned. 8vo.
2056. Jonhs (Paul). Portrait full bust in uniform, wearing cocked hat.
Line engraving hy Uogerts after P)riys. 12ino. Line impression.
2057. Jonhs (Pai'l). Portrait, full bust wearing eoekcd hat. Line engrav-
ing by Barin. 8vo. Paris, | late impression]
2058. Jonhs (Paul). Engagement of Cai)t. Pearson in llis Majesty’s Ship
Serapis, with Paul Jones of the American Slii]) of War called the
Bon Homme Pichard. (Aipper engraving by ('oilier after Hamilton.
Small folio. ‘ \Circa 17001
2059. Jones (Paul). Portrait, three-quarter length, in uniform. Line en-
graving, unsigned. 8vo (repaired). Paris, n.d.
2060. Jones (Paul). Portrait, half length. Hrave par Carl (Tutteid)erg
dessine par Xotte. Line engraving, dto.
2061. Jones (Paul). Portrait, half length in uniform. Crave par Carl Gut-
tenberg, dessine par C. J. Uotte. Line engraving. 4to (thinned
and repaired).
2062. Jordan (Camille — French politician and orator). Portrait, half
length, seated. Grave par H. C. i\l idler, peint. par Mile. Godefroi.
Line engraving, dto.
2063. Josephine, Empress Oe France. A.L.S. ^Mjapagerie Bonaparte,”
1 p. 4to. Paris, Dec. 6, 1799. To one of the ministers, whom she
urges to consider favorably the affair regarding Citizen Yerninat ( f )•
With mezzotint portrait by S. A. Edwards, scratched proof.
2064. Josephine. L.S. “Josephine,” 1 p. folio, ]\bimich, Jan. 8, 1806. To
her cousin. Cardinal Erskine. A letter of thanks in which she says
that she believes in the sincerity of his Xew Year’s wishes for her.
2065. Josephine. L. S'. “Josephine.” 1 p. square 8vo. Paris, April 24,
1807. To the Minister of War [Davoust], asking permission for a
Mr. Seymour to visit his father in England. Countersigned,
I)| avoiist], with 3 lines in his autograph.
2066. Josephine. Portrait full Imst. From tbe original portrait in minia-
ture by Isabey. Lith. de Villain. Folio. London, n.d.
2067. Josephine. Portraits, (1) full bust, engraved by J. Wallis, London,
1815, and (2) full bust, unsigned, on India pajier, before letters.
Together, 2 pieces.
2068. Josephine. Portraits, (1), full bust, wearing crown, J. E. Marcus
sculp. Line engraving; (2) full bust, early lithograph, and (3)
facsimile in colors of a painting. Together, 3 pieces.
2069. Josephine. Portrait, “ Pose Jose])bine Ponaparte, nee de la Pagerie.”
full bust in oval. Stipple. Fnsigned. Open letters. Wu-y early
2070. JosEi'iiiNE. Portrait Giusepi^ina, Imperatrice de Francesi e Eegina
d’ltalia/’ full bust in oval. Canacci inc. Svo.
2071. JosKi'iiiXE. Portrait, half length, wearing crown. Grave par B.
Lariehardiere, dessine par Swcbach. Stipple. Svo. Paris, n.d.
2072. JosEPiiiXE. Portrait, half length, medallion of Xapoleon around neck.
Engraved b}'’ J. C. Buttre, also an etched proof of the same, before
all letters, in brown, autographed by the engraver. P'ogether, 2
2073. JosEiMiiXE. Portrait, half length wearing crown and jewels. (Engraved
by Desnoyer). Stipple. Folio. Brilliant proof before all letters.
2074. JosEi’iiiXE. Portrait, full length seated, letter in hand, military scene
in background, containing two figures, one of which is probably a
portrait of Napoleon. An unsigned German copper engraving, en-
titled iMadame Buonaparte.” Small folio, with margins.
Under the name is the following curious description “ Franzdsische
Burgerin, oder vielmelir glucklich zu schatzeiide Gemahlin der grdssteu
Feldherrn unsers Zeitalteiis, welche von ihren vor jetzt zur See dirigende
General einen Briefiiest ”.
2075. JosEPHiXE. Guiseppina Imperatrice dei Francesi e Regina d’ltalia,”
full length portrait. L. Eados inc. G. B. Bosio dis. Stipple. Svo.
2076. JosEPiriXE. Portrait, full length. Lithograph. Small folio.
[Paris, ca. 1858]
2077. JosEPHiXE. Portrait, “ Me. Lapagere, MiOglie del Generale in Capo
Bonaparte,” full bust in oval, wearing flowing head dress. Grave
par G. Cag, dessine d’apres nature. Stipple. Svo.
2078. JosEPi-iiXE. Portrait, Rose Josephine Bonaparte, nee cle la Pagerie,”
full bust in oval, no head-dress. Dessine d^apres nature et grave en
1797. Stipple. Open letters. 4to.
2079. JosEPiiix'E. Portrait, full bust, wearing crown. ^'Josephine Impera-
trice des Frangais et Reine d’ltalie.” Stipple. Unsigned. 4to.
2080. Jo.sEPJiixE. Portrait. ‘^Josephine Imperatrix des Francais Paine
D’ltalie,” half length, necklace of four ropes of pearls, jewels in hair
and ears. Stipple. Consigned. 4to. Wien, n.d.
2081. JOSEPHIXE. Portrait, La Madame du Buonaparte, Premier Consul de
la Republique Frangaise,” full bust, ropes of pearls. Stipple. Un-
siffned. Svo.
2082. JOSEPHIXE. Portrait, ''Grand Abito de Sua Maesta I'Imperatrice Gis-
sefina il giorno dell’Incoronazione,” full length. Line and stipple.
Unsigned. 4to. Verona, n.d.
2083. JosEPHrxE. Portrait, half lengtli. Lithograph in colors after the
miniature hy Lsabey. Open letters. Folio. Tmndon, n.d.
2084. JosEPiiixE. Portraits, (1), full bust, Engraved by R, Scott, and (2)
full bust. Unsigned. Stipples. 8vo. Together, 2 pieces.
London, 1810 and n.d.
2085. JosEPHiXE. Portraits, (1), full bust; (2) half length; (3) colored
view of the tomb of Josephine. Together, 3 pieces. 4to and 8vo.
2086. JosEPHiXE, Charles Bonaparte, and Letitia R. Bonaparte. Portraits
of all, full length, from the Versailles Gallery. 4to. Together, 3
The reproductions in Sloane’s Life of Xnpoleon were made fivmi the
20874 JosEPHiXE. Portrait, full length, royal robes, wearing crown. Line
engraving. Cut to plate mark. Small 4to.
2088. JouBEitT (BEKTHELEiiY C. — French general) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
July 16, n.y. To General Cervoni. lYith portrait, full length in uni-
Born the same year as Napoleon (1769), Joubert’s brilliant exploits at
Montebello, Bivoli and in the Tyrol are among the most renowned deeds
of French arms.
2089. Joi'BERT (Berthelemy C.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint
by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
2090. .Tourdax^ (Jeax" Baptiste — Marshal of France, served under Lafayette
in the American Revolution). L.S. as General in chief Jourclan.”
2 pp. folio. General quarters of Stokach, March 17, 1798. With por-
trait, full length in uniform.
An important military document, written shortly after Jourdan had
been appointed to the command of the Army of the Danube, and with
mention of several of the important generals. It commences “ General
Lefevre shall take his vanguard tomorrow morning the ISth at G o’clock
to Pfullendorf and camp at the right of that town . . . General
Lefevre sliall push his men as near as he can to Atschausen. He will
receive particular instructions from the general in chief of the 2d divi-
vision. . . . General I.efevre must secure Mengen from the Austrians.
“ General Ferino will encamp his division at the back of Salomow-
veiller, and keep connection with the second division by outposts.
“Generai Souham will take bis division to the left of Pfullendorf.
General St. Cyr will move the third division near MoskiTch, which lie
will occupy with a strong force. . . . The division of reserve cavalry
will camp in the villages hack of Pfullendorf. . . .
“ If the generals meet the Austrians in tiie positions they have been
oi'dertHl to take, they must invite them to leave the place. In case they
refuse, compel them by force of arms.”
2091. .Toerdax (Jeax Baptiste). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Jan. 3, 1798.
To the Executive Directory. Also signed by Guiiieau, Bordan and
The writer speaks on behalf of Citizen Cacutte, and urges the Directory
to permit him to return to the military service.
2092. JouKDAX (Jean Baptiste) . A.L.S. “ Jourdan/’ 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Au^
gust 2, 1799. With portrait, full bust in uniform. Unsigned.'
To Citizen Joseph Bonaparte. Councillor of State. A letter of reeoin-
inendation regarding Adj.-Gen. Totot and citizen Petigaud, the latter for
a po.«!ition as adniinistrator in the colonies.
2093. JouHDAN (Jean Baptiste). A.L.S. ‘• Jourdan.” 1 p. folio, Turin,
June 27, 1800.
Written the same year he was sent as Ambassador to the Cisalpine
Kepublic. to Citizen Kertoliati, conn.sellor of the 1‘refecture of Doire, say-
ing that he is sending a coi)y of No. 12 of the .A.cts of the General .\dmin-
istration, and asking to have same acknowledged.
2094. JouKDAN (Jean Baptiste). L.S. 1 p. folio, Turin, August (12),
1801. To M. Petiet, Councillor of State.
Uegarding the sale of salt belonging to Citizen Gabi, and re<iuesting re-
cipient to see that the C'isalpine government does not touch the .salt,
until the wishes of the [French] government are known.
2095. JouRDAN (Jean Baptiste). L.S. 2 pp. folio, Turin, March 12, 1802.
To the Minister of War. Concerning a payment due to a contractor,
who furnished implements. At foot of p. 2 are two lines in Jourdan’s
autograph, in which he refers to the sending of letters.
2096. JouRDAN (Jean Baptiste). L.S. 1 p. folio, Kouen, Oct. 24, 1814. To
Count Ilessolles, Minister of State, asking him to place the Chevalier
de Segur in the new organization of the National Guard.
2097. JouRDAN (Jean Baptiste). Beceipt at end of a form-letter signed by
Jourdan, Paris, August 10, 1825. 2 pp. folio, with addressed por-
tion. Also, signature of J. Leboeuf, of the Legion of Honor.
2098. Jourdan (Jean Baptiste). L. S. “ Ml. Jourdan,’’ 1 p. 4to. Parks, Au-
gust 31, 1830.
Asking that a M. Verdum, official inspector, be allowed to stay at
Toulouse, if possible.
2099. [Jourdan (Jean Baptiste).] A.D.S. by Jean Baptiste Fritot, 4 pp.
folio, n.p. Oct. 7, 1797.
An interesting and important document, with autograph annotation of
14 lines, including signature, of Jourdan in which he says that the writer
has been cruelly oppressed, and hopes that his petition will be favorably
received. Also with an S line annotation by Pierre F. .Augereau, Due
de Castiglione. in which he says that Fritot is a good Republican, and
recommends him highly.
The document is a I’etition to the Directors of the Republic of France,
and reads in part that the Royalist faction was working for the ruin of
France, that the writer was arrested and imprisoned by the Royalists,
2100. Jourdan (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint
by Lcvachez, battle scene, and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo on small folio sheet.
2101. Jourdan (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F. Bonne-
ville del. sculp. Stipple. Fine iinpression, with margins. 8vo.
2102. Jourdan (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line en-
graving. Unsigned. 8vo. in Xapoli, n.d.
2103. JouRDAN (Jeax Baptiste). Portrait, full length in uniform. Peint
par Yien. 8vo.
2104. JoA'EUSE (Cardinal Francois De — confidential minister of Henry III,
HeniT lY and Louis XIII, 1562-1615.) D.S. containing a settle-
ment of the debts incurred by President Sequier and Cardinal de
J oyeuse during the guardianship of Marie de Montpensier, ^yho later
became the wife of Gaston d’Orleans. 3 pp. folio. July 2, 1608.
2105. Joyeuse (Marie De Batarnay' De — wife of Guillaume de Joyeuse, who
distinguished himself in the war against the French Protestants and
was created Marshal of France in 1582). Eeceipt signed on vellum.
October 14, 1588. In a wrapper with notes in the handwriting of
Silvio Pellico.
2106. JuLLiEX (CoYiTE — Frciicli General). L.S. 3 pp. folio. Yanne.s, Oct.
3, 1806.
Contains a statement concerning the kidnapping and holding for ran-
som of the Bishop of Vannes and his secretary, and asking permission
to publish, in all the churches of the diocese, Yhirning Bulletins urging
upon all who may have knowledge of the affair to communicate with the
proper authorities, or, otherwise, to suff’er the penalty of excommunica-
2107. JuxoT (Andocite^ Dug D’Abraxtes — distinguished French general,
favorite of Napoleon). L.S. “ Junot,” 1 p. folio. May 11, 1802.
To the Minister of Justice.
Relative to the imprisonment of Frangois Thomas. “ Regarding your
letter of May 6th I have been searching the judgment of which you desire
a copy, but the books of the first court-martial of this division do not
show any soldier sentenced to five years’ imprisonment under the name
of Francois Thomas.” The minister has written a few words in bottom
left hand corner, giving instructions to classify this document.
2108. JcxoT (Axdoche, Dug D’Abraxtes). L.S'., 2 pp. 4 to. Paris, May
4, 1807. To the Minister of lYar [llerthier], correcting a sentence in
a former letter which might have been misinterpreted, and requesting,
in 6 lines on margin in his autograph, that report and this letter be
forwarded together to the Emperor. 2 portraits.
2109. JuxoT (Axdogtie, Dug D’Abraxtes). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, June
28, 1807.
* To General Thiebault (the commander of a brigade at Austerlitz).
“ You do not need any letter of introduction, my dear General, the
Emperor knows you and wishes to help you. Your letter arrived while I
was away, this is the reason 1 did not answer you. . . . Your friend.
2110. JuxoT (Andoghe, Dug D’Abraxtes). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, Zara, Mav
9, 1813.
A fine autograph lettei’, signed “ Be Due d’AbrantSs.” written at Zara,
the capital city of Dalmatia, shortly before his death in July, 1S13, to M.
Le Baron, general director of Conscription, regarding certain documents
he (Junot) had in his possession, and that he had given orders to all the
captains to notify him how many recruits they had and were likely to get,
with their financial standing, etc.
2111. JuNOT (Andocue, Dug D’Abrantes) . A.L.S. 1 p. 12iiio. n.p.n.d.
To ]\la(laiii **** (?) iiiforiiiing lier that he is departing for St.
('loud and will do all in his power to grant her request. ith por-
trait, full bust in uni form.
2112. JuNOT (Andociie, Dug D’Abuantes) . Portrait, full bust in uniform,
wearing cocked hat. D’apres le portrait original point par Gres.
Lithograph. Fine.
2113. JuNOT (Axdogiie, Dug D’AmiANTEs). Portrait, full length in uni-
form, sword in left hand, after Eaverat. 8vo.
2114. JuNOT (Andoghe, Dug D’Abrantes). Portrait, full lengtli in uni-
form. Peint par Eaverat. 8vo, also portrait of his wife. Together,
2 pieces.
2115. JuxoT (Axdoghe, Dug D’Abraxtes). Portrait, full length in uni-
foimi. Steel engraving after Eaverat. Small folio.
211(3. JuxoT (Lau]!E P., Dugiiesse D’Abraxtes, author of “^Memoirs of his-
torical souvenirs of Xapoleon ”) . A.L.S. “La Duchess D'Abrantes,''
4 pp. 12mo, n.p. Oct. 11, no year. With portrait. To i\t. F. Tour-
ton, a banker at Paris.
Asking that a cheque for 100 fr. be cashed, etc.
21 IT. JuxoT (Laure P., Dugiiesse D’Abraxtes). Portrait, three-quarter
length, seated. Lith. de Thierry Freres. Folio. India paper.
2118. JuxoT (Laure P., Dughesse D’Abraxtes). A.L.S. of the grand-
iuother of the Duchesse D’Abrantes signed, “ grandmother,’’ 2 pp.
8vo, undated, hoping that the duchess’ illness is over, etc.
2119. Kelleraiax (Fraxqois C., Dug De Valaiy — Marshal of France, com-
mander of the Army of the Alps). L.S. 1 p. folio, Grenoble, -Tulv
31, 1T93.
To :M. Xqel who has asked for military protection, telling him that he
will take his recommendation into consideration, and give him a company
of light cavalry.
2120. Kellermax (Fraxcois C., Dug De Valmy). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, TTead-
quarters, Lyons, July 19, 1T9T. To the President of the Executive
Directory. Witli portrait, full bust in uniform.
Kegarding the condition of affairs at Lyons, and saying that no out-
break seems imminent, also S])eaks of his own movements.
2121. Kellermax (pRAxgois C., Dug De AWlmy). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Paris,
June 6, 1804. To ]\r. Yiaftner, chief engineer of the Oth class of the
Imperial Guards of Bridges and Eoads. With portrait, full length in
uniform, receiving a decoration at the hands of Pope Pius VI 1 (plate
cut close and mounted).
A long, important and very interesting letter regarding costs, plans,
etc., for the erection of Ids “ Senatorial TTousc'.”
“ I have received, my dear Yiaftner, your letter ... I had
alrejidy given the plan and the estimate of my senatorial house to the
chancellor . . . (he) was frightened by the result of the estimate,
and so was I. as I did not look at the estimate before having been told
by you that the total expenses would not amount to more than eightj'-
two thousand francs,” etc., which express in minute detail what the
various rooms should be built of, how they should be decorated, etc., and
with mention that all ‘‘the ornaments of the garden will be as designed,
and in the English garden will be a summer house.”
212',^. Kellehmax (FhANgois C., Due De Valmy). L.S. Ob. folio. Head-
quarters at Strasburg, eTan. 15 (or 19), 1806. To Marshal Bertliier,
Minister of War.
Stating that he has ordered the transfer of one hundred conscripts
from his regiment to the 12th regiment of cuirassiers.
2123. Kellermax (FitAxgois C., Due De Yalmy). A.L.S. 'Me Mai. Sen-
ator, Due de A'almy,” 1 p. 4to. Paris, March 17, 1811.
To General Dalbignac regretting that for the time being he is unable
to find a position for a protege of his.
2124. Kellermax (Fraxc'ois C., Due De Yalmy). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris.
Dec. 16’ 1831. To Baron du St. IMarc. Signed “ Le Due de Yalmv.''
Asking that the recipient take interest in the demand of M. Gautray.
former aide-de-camp of General ('arrier. for the decoration of the Legion
of Honor, and saying that in 1S09. shortly after the battle of Albade
Tornier. the writer made application for the decoration.
2125. Kellermax (Fraxqois C., Dug De AWlmy). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Texier sculp. Moreau del. Line engraving, 8vo.
Paris, n.d.
2126. Kellermax (Fraxqois C., Dug De Yalmy). Portrait, full bust in
uniform, I. De Eoode sculps. Pasquieci del. Stipple. 8vo.
2127. Kellermax (Fraxqois C., Dug De Yalmy). Portrait, three-quarter
length in uniform, standing, battle scene in background. German
copper engraving, entitled “ Kellerman General der Franzosischen
Pepublik der Kroberer von Savoyen.” Small folio.
2128. Kellermax (Fraxqois C., Dug De Yalma')- Portrait, full length in
uniform, holding cocked hat in right hand. Grave par Bourgeois,
dessine par Hilaire. Stipple. 4to, with margins. Fine impression,
although slightly creased in places.
2129. Kellermax (Fraxqois E.. Dug De Yalma’, son of General F.
Kellerman, served under Kapoleon in Italy, was at AVaterloo). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. Paris, April 30, 1835. To the President of the Court of
A letter explaining why he. owins to illness, was not able to attend to
some work. The letter is signed ” Due de Yalmy.”
2130. Kemble (Johx Philip — eminent English tragedian). Portrait, as
Polio,” full length. Engraved by IT. Dawe after Sir Thomas Law-
rence. Mezzotint. Proof in open letters. Small folio.
2131. Kkmpelex (Wolfgang Von — famous inoelianical genius, inventor of
the Chess i\[achine). D.S, 2 pp. folio (witli report of the Solicitor-
(leneral to the king relative to petition, 2 pp. folio). T^ondon, iMareli
5-G, 1784. (2 pieces). With autogra])h of Lord Sydney.
Tiik OKKiiNAL APPLICATION of Voii Keiiipeleii for letters-patent in
(jreat Britain for lii.s Hpaction Machine set in motion by tire, air. water,
or any tluid, &.C. Von Kempelen was the inventor of the wonderful Auto-
maton Chess-Blayer, which, althonjih opposed iiy the best players in
Europe, was always victorious, lie also invented the talking-machine.
2132. Kergolay (A. D.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, July 11, 1842. Wants to
borrow a book from tlie Eoyal Library.
2133. Kilmaine (Charles J. — general, liorn in Dublin, served under Na-
poleon in Italy). Portrait, full bust in uniform. P>onneville del.
et sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
2134. Kleber (Jean Baptiste — French general-in-chief, succeeded Napoleon
in Egypt, and was assassinated there, 1800). A.L.S. 1 p. folio.
Headquarters at Vaneberg, Oct. 4, 1794. To General in Chief Jour-
dan. With portrait.
Kleber informs Jourdan that when he and his men reach Dusseldorf
he will expect orders from Jourdan. Hopes he (Jourdan) will enable
him to close the campaign with the capture of Maestricht.
2135. Kleber (Jean Baptiste). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Alexandria, 1797. To
the Commissary Colasse.
Written shortly after he left his retreat at the recpiest of Bonaparte
for the Egyptian Campaign. It is an order for certain supplies to be usetl
In a celebration of Sept. 22.
2136. Kleber (Jean Baptiste). L.S‘. (in 2 places), 1 p. folio. Cairo, le
12 Floreal, I’An 8 [May 1, 1800], requesting the paymaster-general
to set aside a sum of money for his disposition. With portrait.
Signed by Kleber a month before his assassination.
2137. Kleber (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint liv
Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script beneath. Svo,
on small folio sheet.
2138. Kleber (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F. Bonne-
ville del. et sculp. Stipple. Svo.
2139. Kleber (Jean Baptiste). Portrait, full length in uniform, and rep-
resentation of the Assassination of General Kleber in Egypt. To-
. gether, 2 pieces.
2140. Kleber, Moreau, Augereau, and others. Portraits, mainly in uniform.
Svo, and 12mo, no duplicates. 20 pieces.
2141. Klein (I)OMINIQQE L. A.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stippk*.
Unsigned. Svo.
2142. Koella (Johannes— painter, b. 1740). Portrait, full length, at easel.
J. E. Haid sculp. Aug. Vind 1776, Johann Koella ])inxit. Mezzo-
tint, Folio. Small margins.
2143. IvosciuszKO (Thaddeus — illustrious Polish patriot, fought in American
war). Portrait, full bust in oval. C. Josi sculpt. Grass! pinxt.
Stipple. Folio (margins cut away).
2144. Kosciuszko (Thaddeus). Portrait, full bust in uniform. APad.
Oleszczynski del. Lithograph. India paper. 4to.
2145. IvoHNEN (Hexpj). L.S. 2 pp. folio, Bremen, Dec. 2, 1763. Eegard-
ing the appearance of certain men before the King of Great Britain.
2146. Kostowsky (Pierre — Prince, decorated with the golden eagle) . A.L.S.
(third person), with signature on addressed side in addition, 1 j:). 8vo.
London, n.d., with seal.
2147. Kralewski (August — General of Brigade in the Polish legion of the
Danube). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, Heydelberg, Kov. 5, 1799.
To General De.ssolle requesting leave to visit Paris to see his patron
General Berthier.
2148. Krayenhoff (Cornelius K. — Dutch general, minister of war under
Louis Bonaparte). L.S. 2 pp. folio, Amsterdam, Feb. 20. 1811.
To the Minister of War relating to surveys. The writer took an active
part in the campaigns of Zealand in 1S05-1SO6-1S0T.
2149. Krieg (G. — General). L.S. 3 pp. folio. Eennes, July 24, 1797.
To M. Carnot.
An exceedingly interesting letter complaining that the garrison of Belle
Isle was in a most deplorable state, being frequently two and three
months without pay or provisions, and that they were compelled to pillage
the inhabitants. Also complains that many of the officers under his com-
mand were noted for their profligacy and immorality, and that many
frauds were committed in the commissariat department.
On the front page are three lines in the autograph of Lazare Nicholas
M. Carnot, to whom the letter is addressed, which says that this letter
has to be sent to the Minister of War. The lines are signed “ Carnot.”
2150. Krusexstern (Ada^l John— Eoyal Eussian Commodore aud world
navigator). A.L.S., 3 pp. 12mo (in English). [Place and day of
month undecipherable], 1844. jMentions funeral of the Grand
Duchess Alexandra of Eussia, his diploma from the Brazilian His-
torical Society, Ac. AVith portrait and biographical note.
Krusenstern discovered the Orloff Islands, and added much to the
geography of Australia, China and .Tapan. Ilis invention for securing
Ihe magnetic needle against the influence of cannon. &c.. was introduced
by the Russians in lS2.o.
2151. Kutusow (AricHAEL L. G. — Eussian commander-in-chief). Portrait,
three-quarter length in uniform. Engraved by Hojuvood from an
original dratving. Stipple. Open letters. 4to. London. 1813
2152. Kutusow' (AIichael L. G.). Principo Kutusow-Smoleuskio. Feld-
maresciallo russo,” full length in uniform. Eados inc. Bramati dis.
Stipple. 8vo.
2153. Laharoliere (French general). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Besan^on, le 15
Ventose, I’An Y. [l^larch 5, 1797]. To the Minister of War, stating
tliat he has been instructed to watch the frontiers carefully so as to
prevent the return of emigrants that way. that he is to prevent as
far as possible the exportation of corn, &:c. With plate of Laba-
roliere’s coat-of-arms.
2154. Labedoyhre (CFiAifLES A. IL, Co^fte De — French general, one of the
last to leave the field of Waterloo). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p. March 5,
1788. To M. Le Bas regarding a certain measure, &c.
2155. La]5hdoyere (Charles A. Ft., Comte De). A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, in-
cluding addressed portion. Paris, Feb. 18, [1814], recpiesting a
gentleman to call upon him. With portrait.
2156. Labedoyere (Charles A. H., Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p. May
22, 1814.
A personal letter in wliicli the writer reiiiiests tliat some meinoi'anda
be returned.
2157. Labedoyere (Charles A. H., Comte De). Portrait, full bust. Line
engraving. Unsigned. 8vo.
2158. Labedoyere (Charles A. FI., Co.^ite De). Portrait, full bust. Line
engraving. Unsigned. 4to.
2159. Laborde De Merville (1\I. — deputy). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Courbe sculp. Labadye del. Line engraving. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2160. Laborde De Mereyille (T'. Joseph — celebrated financier). A.L.S.
I p. 4to. Paris, Flay 10, 1787. To M. Perregaus on money affairs.
2161. Labrador (Pedro G. — Spanish Minister at the Congress of Yienna).
A.L.S. 1 jD. 4to. Paris, July 20, 1835, enclosing two receipts for
2162. Lacepede (B. G. E. De — French naturalist, author of “ Xatural His-
tory of Fishes,” and many other works). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, Aug. 22,
1817, correcting errors he made in a previous letter, and informing
Ft. Lagrange that he Avill not visit Paris until the following Tuesday.
B'ith 2 portraits.
2163. Lachaise (Barox — FTeiich general ) . L.S. 2 pp. 4to [Arras], Aug. 5,
1808. To the Flayor, relative to the petition of the Protestant fam-
ilies for nominating meinbers of the Consistory, tkc.
2164. Lac'ombe Saixt-FIichel (Pierre J. — one of the principal actors in
the attack on the Bastille). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris [April 2,
1797]. To the Flinister of Finance asking him to have Damarzit
paid a certain sum due him. The foregoing is written on the
of a letter (2 pp.) by Damarzit in which he asks to have paid to him
the sum of 19664 fr. which he loaned to lielp the army in Corsica.
2165. Lacombe Saixt-FIichel (Pierre J.). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, le
II Frnetidor, I’An 10 [Aug. 29, 1802]. To General [Gassend],
relating to certain demands of the Flinister of War, which will be
granted, &:c.
3Ui(5. Lacoste (Duvivier— Gcnoral of Division). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Com-
mercy, July 26, 1810.
To M. Fririou, Comptroller-general, regarding his Montebello medal.
2167. Lacoste (Jh. — Surgeon in ehief of the army). A.L.S. 1 p. folio.
Florence, le 14 Messiclor. FAn 9 [July 1. 1801], To Citizen Sciti-
ranx. general paymaster of the army of Italy, relative to his pay
which he has not as yet received. With plate of Lacoste’s coat-of-
2168. Lacroix (Paul — French writer, known best under the pseudonym of
P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile). L.S. 3 pp. 18nio, including addressed por-
tion. [Paris], July 1, 1852. To M. Griile, asking about his health,
and commenting upon his book Ptde-Mele.” With portrait.
2169. Lacuee (J. G. — French general, member of the Council of State).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Flo place, May, 1803. With portrait. Ad. Gode-
froy, direxit.
To Talleyrand, Minister of the Interior, asking for the confirmation of
a position obtained by Citizen Ste. Tude, a family friend.
2170. Lacuee (J. G.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Meyer del. Stipple.
2171. Lafayette (Marquis De). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris. April 17, 1791.
A letter of recommendation regarding M. Ha bos for a position in the
National Gendarmery (foot and mounted police).
2172. Lafayette (Marquis De). ik.L.S. (Initials “ L. F.”). 1 p. small 4to.
Lagrange, Oct. 9, 1817. Announces his return to Lagrange, speaks
of his father-in-law’s health, mentions a few political facts, etc.
2173. Lafayette (Marquis De). A.L.S. 2 pp. small 4to, including the
addressed portion. Lagrange, [July] 2, 1823. To M. Bertemy con-
cerning the purchase of a fire-engine.
2174. Lafayette (Marquis De). A.IsT.S. 1 p. oblong 12mo. Lagrange,
Dec. 16, 1827, stating that he did not have time to visit the Colonel
while he was in Paris, but trusts that he will soon receive justice.
2175. Lafayette (Marquis De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Lagrange, Dec. 18,
1827. To General Mathieu Dumas, telling him that he has seen his
son. that be is returning to Paris early in January, that his daughter
is to he married soon, &c.
2176. Lafayette (Marquis De). Short A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. Lyon, Sept. 7,
1829. sending best wishes for the happiness of a friend of his friends.
2177. [Lafayette (Marquis De)]. A petition of Mine. Dubois Cerhault,
1 p. 4to, containing a long and interesting autograph annotation by
Lafayette, signed, n.p. (1829).
Lafayette urges the Minister of the Interior (to whom the petition is
addressed) to grant the petition, as she is also recommended by the
niayoi- and snb-!)refect of Meanx.
2178. Lafayette (Mauquis De). A.N.S. oii the side of an A.L.S. of M.
Forel, tlie latter of wlioni is askijig the Minister of the Interior to
give him an appoinlnient. 1 p. folio, Taris, Angiist 5, 1830.
'File Lafayette portion is an antojiraj)liie recoinniendation : another is
in the antograpli of Lal)an.
2179. Lafayette (Makquis De). Short ik.L.S. ohlong 21mo. La (Trange,
Xov. L no year, sending i\radame iMollier a letter from her son.
2180. Lafayette (IMaequis De). A.L.S. with initials, 1 p. Mo. Lagrange,
April 14, no year. On business matters, to a friend of his.
2181. Lafayette (IMarquis De). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. May 10, no year.
Jlequests the Minister of the jMarine to do something for a friend
of his.
2182. Lafayette (Marquis De). A.L.S. with initials, 1 p. 8vo. Saturday
night, n.p.n.d. llelative to a house for his son-in-law.
2183. Lafayft'J’k (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform, on pedestal,
entitled “ Hotel (Autel) de la Liherte,'’ Prudence holding the crown
of immortality over his head, etc. Invente et compose par Lagardette,
fils du graveur. Small folio. In colors, portions ]n-obably touched
up by hand. Paris {ca. 1793)
2184. Lafayette (l\rARQUis De). An uncolored copy of the preceding
print. 4to.
2185. Lafayette (jMarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Ed. Gos-
.selin, sculp. 1895 [1795]. Mezzotint. 8vo.
2186. Lafayette (jMarquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Hardi-
villier 1833. Line engraving. Proof before inscription, on India
paper. 8vo.
2187. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzo-
tint (by Levachez), battle scene and biographical account in script
lieneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2188. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Kauff-
mann lith. 4to.
2189. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line en-
graving. Proof before letters or inscription. 4to.
2190. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line en-
graving. Fnsigned. 8vo, witli margins.
2191. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in oval. Boutran sculpt.
Mine. Meyer del. Line and stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2192. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Bollinger
sc. Stipple. 8vo.
2193. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
T nsigned. Printed in colors.
2194. Lafayette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform, battle
scene and biographical account in script lieneath, Levachez sculp.
Mezzotint. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2195. LaFxIYEtte (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Line en-
graving. Unsigned. 8vo, with margins.
2196. Lafay’Ette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in oval. Boiitrian
sculp. Mine. Meyer del. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2197. Lafay’Ette (Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Kauff-
mann lith. 4to.
2198. [Lafayette (Marquis De).] French caricature Garre aux Faux
Pas,” containing portrait of Lafayette in uniform, beating the drum,
also portraits of Bailly, Brissot, and others. Mezzotint. L’nsigned,
margins cut away and creased. 4to.
2199. Lafay^ette .riND Others. Signatures to a petition of Brigadier Pradie
for an advanced position. To Marshal Gerard, with 6 lines and sig-
nature in the autograph of Lafayette, and signatures of several other
officers. D.S. 1 p. folio, [n.p.n.d.]
2200. Laffitte (Jacques — the famous French financier, Xapoleon’s
banker”). Signature to Promesse de Mandat Territorial for 100
francs, 28 Ventose, ban IV [1796]. Oblong 12mo, hinged on card-
, board.
2201. Laffitte (Jacques). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 23, 1818. Business
letter concerning the paying out of £625. Portrait.
2202. Lafontexelle (Gratiex — French officer). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. _ Luxem-
bourg le 12 A^entose, VAn II [March 2, 1794], writing to' ascertain
the reasons for his arrest, and requesting the forwarding of his
colonel’s commission.
2203. Lagarde (Chauveau — French advocate of Louis XA^I). A.L.S. 2 pp.
4to, including addressed portion. Paris, Dec. 12, 1808. acknowledg-
ing the receipt of printed papers, &c. Portrait.
2204. Lagarde (Pierre — Director-General of Police in the AMnetian prov-
inces). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, le ler Nivose, I’An 13 [Dec. 21,
1804]. To the Councillor of State, requesting that a certain journal
be allowed free circulation, &c.
2205. Lagarde (Pierre). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Alelun, Xov. 8, 1806. AVith
Reconimeiulatory letter to M. le Grand.
2206. Lagrange (Joseph De — French general). L.S. 1 p. folio. Cairo,
le 6 Brumaire, I’An 9 [Oct. 27, 1800], returning to a certain citizen
a petition referring to a gratuity. AAhth portrait.
220T. Lagiiave (Beexakd — liei)rcsentative of the People). A.L.S. 3 Pl^-
Paris, March 27, IThU. To Citizen Desandrevuin, ex-ineiiiher ot the
Constitutent Asseinbly.
liiforming recipient that there are no documents stating that he (re-
cipient) had protested against the decree abolishing tlie nobility.
2208. Laiiokie (V. A. P. De — French general, implicated in the Pichegru
conspiracy). A.L.S. 1 ]). 4to. Salzburg, le 28 Pluviose, 1 An IX
[Feb. IG, 1801]. To the :\Iinister of Finance requesting him to
interest himself in a family upon whose pr(q)erty the army has en-
croached, &c.
2209. Laixe (Joseph II. J. — French statesman, gave great offense to Xapo-
leon). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Feb. 12, 1817. Informs the presi-
dent of the Chaml)er of Peers that the king will receive deputation
therefrom, &c. Portrait.
2210. Laixe (Joseph H. J.). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Sept. 22, 1818. To
the President of the Eoyal Polytechnic School. With portrait.
2211. Lajapd (Pierre A. — French statesman). L.S. also by others. 1 p.
folio, Paris, June 18, 1792. Official business.
2212. Lajard (Pierre A.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, July 23, 1792.
On military affairs.
2213. Lakaxal (Joseph — member of the Convention, came to the United
States, and was welcomed by Jefferson). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, May-
ence. Sept. 30, 1799. To the Minister of War, Dubois Crance.
Asking the recipient to give him the command of four departments at
2214. Lalaxce (Alexaxujre — French general). L.S. 1 p. folio. Headquar-
ters at Port au Prince (Hayti), April 8, 1803. To Citizen Daure,
Prefect of the Colony. Stating that no more money for a certain
department is to be spent after March 21.
2215. Lallemaxd (Cpiarles F. A. — French general, commanded a division
at Waterloo, sought refuge in the United States, and attempted to
found a colony in Texas). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Calamonte, May 29,
1810. To the paymaster, informing him that a note has not been
received, etc.
2216. Lallemaxd (Charles F. A.). A.L.S. 4 pp. 8vo, including addressed
])ortion. Le Gara [Spain], April 7, 1810. To officer Duclos, re-
questing him to pay out certain sums, asking him to see Collier about
wine, &c.
2217. Lallemaxd (Charles F. A.). A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo, including addressed
portion. Calamonte near Madrid, June 14, 1810. To officer Duclos,
informing him that list of salaries will be forwarded, warning him
not to let Collier escape, &c.
2218. Lai.leaiaxd (Chai!Les F. A.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
Unsigned. 8vo.
2319. Lally (Thomas Arthur, Comte De — French general, executed for
treason in 1766) . A.L.S. 1 p. small dto. Paris, Jan. 5, 1748. Men-
tions that the Prince of Wales is interested in certain people who
are in great distress, &c. Portrait.
2220. Lally (Thoaias Arthur, Comte De). N.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, May
18, 1762, acknowledging the receipt of a sum of money.
2221. Lally-Tollexdal (Tropihme G., Marquis De — French orator and
writer, son of the preceding). A.L.S. 2 pp. dto. Eichmond, June
26, 1801. Eelative to money left by our poor friend the Duchess
reigning of Bouillon, &c.”
2323. Lally-Tollendal (TRoniiAiE G., Marquis De). A.L.S. 1 pp. 4to.
Brussels, May 23, 1811. Thanks his friend, the Duke, for giving his
son-in-law an appointment, recommends another for a position, &c.
2223. Lally-Tollendal (Trophime G., Marquis De). Portrait, full bust
in oval. Mezzotint by Levachez, scene beneath, also biographical
notice in script. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2224. Lally-Tollendal (Trophime G., Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in
oval. Courbe sculp. Moreau del. Line engraving. 8vo.
2225. Laloy. I Member of the Council of 500]. L.S. 1 p. square 8vo. St.
Malo, Jan. 31, 1793. From the Mayor, &c. of St. Malo, sending
copies of their account, and informing the Administration of the
appearance of counterfeit assignats. Contains 4 other signatures.
3326. Lamarque (Maximilien — French general, joined Napoleon on his re-
turn from Elba). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Headquarters, Naples, Jan. 13,
1808. To the Minister of War.
Informing the Minister that the regiment at Naples is badly in need of
2227. Laaiarque (MIaxiaiilien) . A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to. Gironne, March 2, 1814.
With portrait and printed biographical account.
A very long and interesting military letter. He believes that only a
series of miracles can save Paris. “ We would he successful everywhere
if the Emperor were everywhere.” Contains details regarding the armies
of Generals Alarshal Soult and Wellington. “ The fSpanish carry on war
like the barbarians of the North. On the other hand the English main-
tain good discipline, the.y have some regard for people and even property,”
etc., with mention of the disloyalty of Murat and Wellington, the latter
of whom he says “will very likely force them (the French) to pass the
Pyrenees again,” etc.
2228. Laaiarttlliehe (Coaite De — ■French general). A.L.S. 2 ]tp. folio.
Bordeaux, Nov. 16, 1806. To the Minister of War, advising that he
has not received list of men eligible for service in the National
Guard, &c. View of his monument.
2239. LaiMARTine (Alphonse De — French poet and historian) . A.L.S. Ip.
]2ino. n.p.n.d., regretting that he cannot call that evening, hut to-
morrow for you alone.”
2230. Lamhallh (Marik Thki^ksk L., Princkss J)k— wile oL the iimce of
J.aiiiballe, favorite attendant oL' Queen Mane Antoinette, niuuk nd,
and her head taken on a pike to that Queen, 1792). L.b. M. Lj. i.
de Savove,'" 1 p. 12mo. A^ersailles, July 31, 1778. A request to help
M. Leniercier in registering his letters of nobility granted by ins
2231. Lamballe
in oval.
(Marie Therese L., Princess De). Portrait, half length
Gravee par Ruotte, dessine par Danloux en 1791. Stipple.
2232. Lamballe (.Marie Therese L., Princess De— Portrait, full length.
G. A. Sasso ine., G. B. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
2233. Lambert (Charles MTlliam — comptroller of finance). L.S'. 1 p.
folio, Paris, Oct. 21, 1790. Regarding instructions given by the king.
2234. Lamberti (Luigi, Comte De — Member of the council of the Cisalpine
Republic). A.L. in third person, unsigned. 2 pp. 4to., including
addressed portion. May 4 [1806]. To Count d’Antraigues, acknowl-
edging receipt of his letter with enclosure of £10. for M. de Guil-
hermy. Portrait.
2235. Lambrechts (P. J., Coaite De — Minister of Justice). L.S. 1 ]). Ito.
Paris, le 11 Prairial. FAn VII [May 30, 1799]. To the Comptrollers
of Customs, with his decisions respecting their appeal to the Court
of Cassation, &c.
223(5. Laaieth (Alexandre De — French revolutionist, aide-de-camp to Roch-
ambeau in the American war, general in the army of Lafayette).
L.S. 4 pp. folio, Turin, Jan. 2, 1811. To the general director in
charge of salt and tobacco.
Aiinounc'inj' that tobacco is to be sold in the hospitals and prisons,
and that the coininittee in charge will name the pi'ice of same.
2237. Laaieth (Alexandre De). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Amiens, May 2, 1819. With
])ortrait. Regards the forwarding of a letter.
2238. Laaieth (Alexandre De). Portrait, full bust in oval. P. M. Alix
sculp. Mezzotint. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2239. Landois, Boucher, Girard, and others. D.S. 1 p. 4to. Pans, n.d.
Passport to Madelaine L’Andois enabling her to proceed to Issondnn.
2240. Landreaiont. (Commander in Chief of the Army of the Rhine) . L.S.
1 p. folio. Wissembourg, Aug. 26, 1793. Directing that orders be
given the First Battalion of the Lower Rhine to reassemble imme-
diately, &c.
224L Langeron (Andraui.t, Coaite De — French general in the service of
Russia). A.L.S. 2 pp. Ito. Dubno, March 26, 1815. Regrets that
he cannot give details requested concerning the Count’s cousin, his
papers, &c.
2242. Laxjuinais (Jeax D. — President of the House of Deputies, one of
Hapoleon’s life-long opponents). A.L.S'. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, Feb. 23,
1810. To M. Tan Praer.
2243. Laxjuixats (Jeax D.). Portrait, full bust. Lithograph after Boillv,
1820. 4to.
2244. Laxjuixais (Jeax D.). Portrait, full bust. Lith. de Ducarin. 8vo.
2245. Laxxes (Jeax — Harshal of France, one of the most celebrated Gen-
erals under Hapoleon, in 54 battles). Signature to portion of letter
in another hand. Small slip. With portrait, 8vo, and 2 pp. of his
military genealogy. (3 pieces.) n.p.n.d.
Emperor said of Laimes that “ he was at oiice the Roland of the army
and a giant in capacity.” His death is said to have affected Napoleon
as that of no other of his officers.
2246. Laxxes (Jeax). Portrait, full bust in uniform, llenard sc. Meyer
delt. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2247. Laxxes (Jeax). “ Mort du Marechal Lannes, (Essling), Due de
Montebello.” Charon sculp. Aubry pinxit. 4to (repaired in places).
2248. Laxxes (Jeax). Portraits, (1) ‘^‘Giovanni Lannes,” full length in
uniform. Biasioli inc. Bosio dis. Stipple; (2) full length in uni-
form. Lithograph on India paper. Together, 2 pieces.
2249. Laxx'es (Jeax). Portrait, full length in uniform, standing, military
scene in background. Charon sculp. Aubry pinx. Mezzotint. Folio
(slight repairs).
2250. Laxxes (Jeax). Portrait, full length in uniform, standing, military
scene in background. Mezzotint. Unsigned. Small folio.
Paris, n.d.
2251. Laxx'ES, Suchet, Juxot, and others. Portraits, mainly in imiform.
8vo, and 12mo, no duplicates. 20 pieces.
2252. Laxxes (Napoleox A., Due De Moxtebello, son of the famous Mar-
shal). A.L.S. 3 pp. 12mo. Mont d’Or, July 8 (no year).
Personal letter with mention of his mother, also of the country through
which he has been travelling.
2253. Laplace (PiePiEE S. — eminent astronomer, nominated IMinister of the
Interior by ISrapoleon ). Portraits, (1) full length, Eados inc. Bosio
dis.; (2) full bust. Stipple and line. 8vo. Together, 2 pieces.
2254. Laplace (Pieeee S.). Portrait, full bust. Lithograph. 4to.
2255. Laplace (Citaeles E. P. J. — French general, son of the great astrono-
mer). A.L.S. ])p. 4to. Chateau of Maillon, Tov. 30, n.y. To
General Gourgaud.
The writer has just heard of his promotion, saj's he still desires the
position of commander of the school of artillery at Vincennes. Thanks
(ieneral Gourgaud for his good offices, etc.
225G. Laplaigxe and Pepin. P.S. by both. 1 p. folio, Paris, July 2, 1795,
relative to certain penalties.
2257. La Peynie (Monsieur De — Lieutenant General of Police under Louis
XlAh and the first to give public illumination to the streets of Pans).
A.L.S. in reference to the workers in gold and silk textiles,
.May 17, 1665. In a wrapper with notes in the autograph of Silvio
2258. Laroche (Antoine — French general). L. counter-signed “Laroche.
6 pp. 4to. Manche, Jan. 4, 1803. Kegarding the intentions of the
2259. Lapociie (Louis, Baron C. Be) — Bishop of Versailles, and first Al-
moner to Napoleon). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Versailles, March 19, 1814.
2260. La Bocque (C. I)e — Author and Diplomat). 3 pp. 4to. Barcelona,
IMarch 6, 1794.
"The [French] patriots are not attacking; they must be very weak, l)e-
canse it is iinj)ossible they would ignore our position, which lias been ren-
dered critical by the illnesses . . .”
2261. Larrey (Dominique Jean — eminent French surgeon, accounpanied
Bonaparte to Egypt, wounded and taken prisoner at Waterloo).
A.L.S. 1 p. folio, n.p. June 30, 1798. To the General of Division,
A\'ith portrait.
Probably written in Egypt, as it was during that year he went there.
It is a request to have the health officers render him assistance for a short
2262. D\rry (Dominique Jean). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 14, 1841,
congratulating his nephew, M. Denis Benoist, upon his nomination to
the Chamber of Deputies, &c. With portrait.
2263. Las Cases (Emmanuel A. D. M. J., Comte De). 2 pp. of manuscript
in the handwriting of Las Cases, with corrections in the auto-
ORAPH OF Napoleon. Small 4to. [St. Helena, circa 1815].
Las Cases was the companion of Bonaparte at St. Helena, and the
author of the well-known Memoirs of Napoleon. The extract here cata-
logued contains notes on the English army from these Memoirs. They
came from the Charles Fontaine collection, have his stamp, and were pur-
chased by the owner from M. Charavay, one of the leading autograph
dealers in France.
2264. La:s Cases (Emmanuel A. D. M. J., Comte De). Four pages
of the Napoleon “ Memoirs in the handwriting of Las Cases, with
corrections in the autograph of Napoleon. Folio. [St. Helena,
circa 1815].
Includes the mention of certain possessions in America that were more
to the advantage of Spain to possess, than France.
This item was also purchased by the owner from M. Charavay.
2265. Las Cases (Emmanuel A. D. M. J., Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo.
Paris, Dec, 4, 1829. To Boger Colland. acknowledging receipt of a
letter from him in which he states that he intends giving some books
to the College of Lesnevens (Finistere), and thanks hiin for his gift.
Las Cases (Em:\iaxl'EL A. 1). ^1. J., Comte. De). '■'■Xotice sur Em-
manuel de Las Cases.” Einely written i\rS. unth marginal ornamenta-
tions in pen-and-ink, variously colored. 4to. (slightly creased in
places) .
Las Cases (Evimaxuel A. 1). ]\1. J., Comte De).
bust. Grave par Tl. C. ^Muller, 1824, dessine par .
Line engraving. 4to.
Portrait, full
. Delorme.
Pariis, n.d.
Las Cases (Evlmaxuel A. D. M. d., Comte De).
bust. Lithograph after ^laurin. Folio.
Portrait, full
Las Cases (EM]NrAXUEL A. 1). M. J., Comte De). Portrait, full
bust by Motte after Bordes. Lithograph. 4to.
Contains fac-siinile of Napoleon’s signature.
Las Cases (Emmanuel A. 1). 'M. J., Comte De). Portrait, full
length in uniform, standing on rocks, probably at St. Helena. Des-
sine et lithographie par G. Staal. l^olio.
Las Cases (Emmanuel A. I). M. J., Comte De). Portraits of Las
Cases and his son, the father showing the son a letter from Xapoleon.
Full bust. Lithograph. 8vo.
Lasteyrie (Ferdinand De — antiquary and author of the “ History of
painting on glass”). Ttvo A.X.S. small 4to and 8vo. Paris, Xovem-
ber 9 and 12, 1842. 2 pieces.
Lasteyrie (Ferdinand De). A.X.S. on a slip of paper. Paris, March
14, 1842.
La Suire (J. F. — inspector general of the Naval Engineering Depart-
ment). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, Paris, Oct. 3, 1802. To the President
of the National Institute. Saying that he cannot attend a meeting
l)ecause he has received orders to go elseivhere.
Latour D’ Auvergne (T. IM. C'.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mez-
zotint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script be-
neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
Called by Napoleon “The lirst grenadier of France.”
Latour-D’Auvergne-Lauraguais — French officer. Ij.S. 1 p. folio.
Lyons, ]\fay 19, 1824, regarding copy of royal orders received. fVith
Latour-IMaubourg (Marie C. C. F. — French general, ,Marechal-de-
camp in the army of Lafayette). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Namhroca,
Fein 11, 1809. To 1\L CrocFard, paymaster.
A request to be i)aid the money <lue biin for Novi'inber and December,
TS, LATOUij-MAniouKG (Mar IE V. Dh Fay — French general, brother of the
])receiling) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p. July 1, 17J0. To Count
* * *'(?). With portrait.
Regarding some ofiicers who were detained while on their way to join
their regiments.
T9. Laudon (Gideon E, — Austrian Field-Marshal). Portrait; Jean II.,
surnamed Le Bon. Portrait; John Locke. Portrait, Ity Vertue; J.
F. Lewis, Philadelphia plate printer. Signed by the artist, C. G.
lA'wis ; Thomas Graham, Baron Lynedoch — British general. Por-
trait; Gaspard Monge — French savant. Portrait; Murad Bey. Por-
trait; G. M. Narbonie. Portrait; dto, and 8vo. Together, 8 pieces.
80. Laugier, Bousquet, and others. I).S. 1 p. 4to. l\Iarseilles. Oct. 10,
1T94. To Citizen Saliceti regarding a carriage.
At The American Art Galleries
Eighth Session, Numbers 2281 to 2622 Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
2281. Lauxey (BekxaPiD E. J. De — last governor of the Bastille). Portrait,
full bust in oval. F. Bonneville del. et sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
2282. Laueext (Paul IMakie — French historian). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, in-
cJuding addressed portion. Paris, Dec. 7, 1824. Business letter
(several words of text missing).
2283. Lauhistox (Jacques A. B. L. — Marshal of France, nephew of John
Law of “ South Sea Bubble ” fame). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. Jan. 8,
1796. To M. St. Laurent, director of the Park, informing him that
General Krieg is to send a person for ammunition. With portrait,
full length in uniform.
2284. Lauristox (Jacques A. B. L.). A.L.S. ^WAlex. Lauriston,’’ 1 p. 4to.
Toulon, Jan. 15, 1802. With portrait, full bust in uniform. Lith.
de Delpech. 8vo.
To M. David asking him to send the same present to Toulon as he did
to Rochefort, and with remarks regarding the standing of the navy at
2285. Lauristox (Jacques A. B. L.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Jan. 25,
1827. Signed Le Ml. Lauriston.”
A letter of recommendation regarding a M. David who desires the man-
agership of the theatre at Nantes. With mention of Mrs. David, known
on the stage as M’lle I’etit.
2286. Lauristox (Jacques A. B. L.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Lith.
do Delpech. Folio.
2287. Lauristox (Jacques A. B. L.). Portrait, full length in uniform,
holding sword in right hand. Maguire sculpt. Stipple. 8vo.
2288. Lavalkttk (Mahik Cha.mans, (’omte J)j5 — Frencli officer, Director-
General of the Post Office, with Napoleon in E^^ypt). A.L.S. 1 p.
oblong ICino. Nantes, le 2ti Oeriiiinal, I’An Yl. [April IG, 1798J.
Orders the mnnici])a] antliorities of Nantes to give lodging-tickets
to four chasseurs.
Upon the second restoration of the Bonrl)ons, Lavalette was arrested
and condemned to deatli, hut owing to tlie heroic action of his wife. Emilio
de Beauharnais, niece of the Empress .Tosepiuue, lie was euaiiled to escape
in her dress. Through tliis “ excess of tenderness, heighteiuHl by terror.”
the wife’s intellect gradually gave way and she was sent to a Maison de
Sante where she died some years after the event noted.
2289. Lavalette (iMAiiiE Chamans, Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.
May 20, n.y. To M. Neal. A letter of recommendation regarding
M. Martin, hoping that the recipient may te able to helj) him.
2290. Lavalette (Marie Ciiamans, Comte De). A.L.S. 1 p. folio, n.p.n.d.
To General of Brigade Henry, informing him that the report to
be made of weapons must include pistols, rifles and swords.
2291. Lavalette (Marie Citamans, Comte De). Portrait, together with
those of Labedoyere and Ney on same sheet, full busts. IL R. Cook
sc. Line and stipple. Open letters. 4to. London, 1815
2292. Lavalette (Marie Chamaxs, Comte De). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Stipple. Unsigned. 4to.
2293. Lavalette (Marie Chamaxs, Comte De). Portrait, full bust. Line
engraving. Unsigned. 8vo.
2294. Lavalette (Marie Ciiamaxs, Comte De). Portrait, full length,
seated. Lithograph after A. Lacauchie. 8vo.
2295. Lavalette, Ney, axd Labedoyere. Portraits, full bust in uniform,
on one sheet. Dessine par M’lle. J. Hamm. Lithograph. 4to.
2296. Lavater (Johaxx C.). Autograph signature “Johann Caspar
Lavater,” and several words “ Grafin Friedrich Stolberg,"' also in
his autograph, on a printed page commencing “ Taschenbiichlein fur
Liebe Eeisende,’’ etc. With portrait.
2297. Lavater (Johaxx C.). Portrait, full bust in oval. Haid .sculpt.
Schmoll del. Mezzotint. 8vo., Muth margins. 1777
2298. La VAUX (Eminent French Advocate). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Jan.
27. 1812. Requests “Monseigneur” to give his oldest son a position,
and encloses a prospectus of his book on margin of which he has
4 lines of autograph (2 pieces).
2299. Lavoisier (Axtoixe Laurext — chief founder of modern chemistry).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, n.p. April 25, 1800. Regarding a missing plate
from a book, "
2300. Lavoisier (Axtoixe Laurext). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, scene in his chemical laboratorv, and biocrraphical
notice in script Ix'neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet
2301. LA^'OTSIER (Axtoixe Laurex'’t). Portrait, half length seated. En-
graved by W. C. Sharpe after David. Steel engraving. 4to.
2302. Lavoisier (Axtoixe Laurext). Portrait, full length, seated. Conte
inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
2303. Laavrexce (Sir THO:nAs). Portrait, full bust looking front. En-
graved by Lewis after Lawrence. 4to. Proof. London, 1830
2304. Laya (Lton^ — French dramatist). A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, including ad-
dressed portion. Paris, IMarcli 27, 1818. To M. F. Pellet, request-
ing his attendance the following Tuesday.
2305. Leboeuf (Edmoxd — Marshal of France). L.S. 3 pp. folio. Verona,
Oct. 8, 1866. To the French Consul at Venice, enclosing a dispatch
to be forwarded to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, reporting the
situation at Verona, mentioning the fine work of the Xational Guard
in quelling an outbreak, &c.
2306. Lebox^ (Joseph — French Eevolutionist, partisan of Robespierre). Por-
trait, full bust in oval. F. Bonneville del., sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
2307. Le Brux (Axxe Charles — French general, aide to Napoleon). A.L.S.
1 p. folio. Pont de Brique, Aug. 26, n.y. To Marshal Berthier,
Minister of War. On militarv affairs.
2308. Le Brux^ (Charles — celebrated French painter, 1619-1690). Por-
trait, full bust. T. L. Potrelle, sculp. Ch. Le Brun, pinxt. 4to.
2309. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance — appointed Third Consul by
Napoleon). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, July 15, 1802. To Citizen
Mounier, informing him that the government is pleased with him.
With portrait, full bust in uniform.
2310. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris,
Jan. 16, 1802. Official letter.
2311. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
March 23, 1802. To Citizen Penchu thanking him for a memoir.
With portrait, full bust in uniform. Bernard sc. iM. del. 8vo.
2312. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). D.S. 1 p. oblong 12mo
(inlaid). St. Helena, May 5, 1821. Certifies that M. J. Collet is
entitled to the Medaille de Ste. Helene.
2313. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio,
n.p. May 29, n.y.
2314. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Dessine par I. B. F. Massard, et grave p. I. B. L. Mas-
sard fils. Stipple in brown. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2315. Lebrun (Charles F., Due De Plaisance). Portrait, full bust.
Lithograph after Boilly. 4to.
2316. Lebrun (Charles F.. Due De Plaisance). Portrait, full bust in
uniform. Bonneville sculp. Stipple. 8vo. [Paris, n.d.]
Lkbkux (CiiAULEs F., Due J)E Flaisaxce). Fortrait, full bust in
oval, ^lezzotiiit (by Levachez), biograpliy in script beneath, yvo,
on small folio sheet.
Lecamus. [French adjiitant-geueral.] A.L.S. 2 pp. folio. Bor-
deaux, Oct. 15, 1T43, relative to ai'ins and aininunilion iji sloi'agc.
married Fan
I). A.L.S. 2
Leceeec (Victor Eiumaxuel — French general,
Bonaparte, sent to subjugate tlie negroes [of llayti
folio. Lyons, Oct. 22, 1793, To il. Xouet. \\ ith portrait.
A luiiit!: aiul interesting historical letter relating to Lyons, its prisons
and prisoners, etc., ending with Lyons must be razed to tlie ground and
its inhabitants e.xteriniiiated without wliicli . . .”
Leclekc ( VicToit F.mmaxuel). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. ^lont Gobert (?) . (?) 22, 1800. To j\L Nigent regarding orders. With por-
trait, full lengtli in uniform.
Leclekc (ATctor Emmaxuel). Fortrait, full bust in uniform.
Bonneville del. et sculp. Mezzotint. 8vo. Baris, n.d.
Lecle]!C (Victor Emmaxuel). Fortrait, in uniform, on horseback.
Fnsigned line engraving entitled Le Clerc, General en Ghcf de
I’Annee de St. Domingue.” Small folio.
Lecj.eik; (Victor E.). Ikn-trait, the same as foregoing. In colors.
Leclerc (Victor Emmaxuel). Fortrait, in imiform, mounted on
horseback. Line engraving. ITisigned. (Fortions tinted by hand) .
Lecop (Karl C. E. E. Vox — German general, fought for the French
at Wagram). Fortrait, full bust in uniform. F. Keischmann,
sculp. i\L Fetzsch del. Stipple. 4to,
l.ECOURBE (Glaude dosEPii — French general, distinguished himself at
Hochstadt). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Zurich, April 19, 1800. With
lielating to military noiniuations.
Lecourbe (Glaude Joseph). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. 1803. To ^\. Fe-
gnaut de Gevey.
Informing the recipient that he has written to Col. Leger regarding his
(de Gevey’s) protegee.
2328. Lecoubre (Claude Joseph). Fortrait, full bust in uniform. Des-
sine d’apres nature par J. Guerin & grave iiar B. Fosrer. Stipple.
4to. "[Paris, n.d.J
2329. Ledru-Foi.lix (A. A. — French Socialist and Fepublican). A.1..S.
1 p. 8vo. Faris, n.d. Fecpiesting documents. With ])ortrait.
2330. liEE (Gexeral (^harles). The American General Lee taken ])risoner
by Lieut. Gol. llarcourt of the English Army in IMorris Gountv. X. J.
i:7(i. Copper engraving by Hawkins after Hamilton. Folio. ' [1182 1
2331. Lefebvre (FiUNgois J., Due De Dantzic — Marshal of France).
A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Jan. 4, 1799. To M. Sieves, member of
the Conservative Senate, asking the aid of the recipient regarding
i\r. Simon, deputy of the upper Phine.
2332. Lefebvre (Fraxcols J.). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, Oct. 23, 1799.
To the Minister of War. Asking the Minister to stop th.e absence
from duty of various members of the 79th regiment, as it aft'ected
the usefulness of the regiment to a large extent.
2333. Lefebvre (Francois J.). L.S. on paper printed ‘T.efebvre. premiev
(sic) Lieutenant general du General Bonaparte.” 1 p. folio. Head-
quarters, at Paris, April 15, 1800. To Carnot, Minister of War.
Informing Carnot that General Martin is to review the troops according
to orders.
2334. Lefebvre (Francois J.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
Unsigned. 8vo with margins.
2335. Lefebvre (Francois J.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave par
G. Fiesinger, peint; par Mengelherg. Stipple. Folio. Paris, n.d.
2336. Lefebvre-Desnouettes (Charles — aide-de-camp to Bonaparte, fought
at Waterloo, escaped to the United States, drowned in the wreck of
the Albion). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. St. Cloud, Oct. 28, 1804. To
Captain * * * (?) With portrait, full bust in uniform.
Telling the recipient that he may become a member of the Legion of
2337. Lefebvre-Desnouettes (Charles). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Feb.
16, 1814 (?). To Major Listre, 18th regt. dragoons.
Assures the recipient that he will do all in his power to help him.
2338. Lefebvre-Desnouettes (Charles). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Forestier sc. Stipple. 8vo.
2339. Lefebvre-Desnouettes (Charles). Portrait, full length in uniform
on horseback. Line engraving by Bonneville. 4to.
2340. Legrand (Claude J. A. — French general, served in Xapoleonic cam-
paigns). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. jMeyer del.; also
portrait of Leopold- Jean- Joseph, Grand Duke of Wurtzhourg. Stip-
ple. 8vo. 2 pieces.
2341. Leipsic. Grand entry of the Allied Sovereigns into Leipsic, 19th of
October, 1813. In colors. Folio. London, 1815
2342. Leipzig. Another copy of the same.
2343. Leipsic. View of the Grimma suburb, Liepsic. In colors. Folio. ''
London, 1815
2344. Liepsic. Colored view. Folio. London, 1815
;^345. Lejeune (Louis F. — French general). A.L.S. 3 pp. ito including
addressed portion. Toulouse, Jan. 21, 1831. To M. Giroux, rel-
ative to an album ordered by his wife, and his wish to pay for it.
With portrait.
234G. Le.jeune (S. P. — Pepresentative of the ]\^ople). L.S. 3 pp. folio.
Besan^on, June 5, 1T94. To the Members of the iS'inth Commis-
Ki'S^ardiiig Conmiissarj' Lyantey who has been ordered to return to the
Army of the Alps.
234T. Lemane (M. — member of the Council of 500). A.L.S. 4 pp. 12mo.
Paris, Dec. 12, 1T9G. To the Minister of War.
Itequesting the Minister to give various posts to certain men in whom,
lie is interested. He has Avritten to Carnot and Barras of the Executive
L)irectory asking them to do what they can, and Carnot has replied that
he will place the matter before the Directory.
2348. [Lenoik (Alexaxdre — French antiquary and artist).] A.L.S. 1 p.
12mo. [Paris], Jan. 20, 1832. Informs his confrere that he has
given orders for certain books and accounts to be made ready for
examination by members of the “Commission des Fonds.”
2349. Lexoir (Jeax C. P. — Lieut.-Genl. of Police of Paris). A.L.S. 1 p.
4to. [Paris], le 14 Floreal, PAn XIII [May 3, 1805]. Excuses
himself for not seeing a certain party during the winter, and offers
help in police affairs. Also other writing in two different hands on
same letter. Portrait.
2350. Leo X. Portrait, half length seated. Engraved by Moses Haughton
after an original picture by Piaffaello. Stipple. 4to. Margins cut
2351. Leo X. Portrait, full bust in oval. Engraved by William Faithorne.
Small folio.
2352. Leopold I., Duke Of Loriuvixe. D.S. 1 p. folio, vellum. Luneville
May IG, 1714. With portrait. ^
Kelates to the granting of the jurisdiction of Chazel to M. Thomassin.
2353. Leopold II., Of Belgium. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Jan. 15, 18G9. To his
Loo4. Le Paigue (M.). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. n.p. April 20, 1771. Askinf^
the recipient to do all in his potver to free a certain man whom he-
thinks has been unjustly imprisoned.
2355. Lepelletiere [J. B.-
addressed portion,
to treatment.
-French officer]. A.L.S. 3 pp. 12nio, including
1 aiis, July 22, 1831. To his physician relative-
O ^ K
Le Pelletier (Louis M.). Portrait, full bust in oval, ^lezzotint, by
Levachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo on
small folio sheet.
*235?. Lepic (Comte — General of Division, one of Xapoleon's Imperial Guard,
distinguished himself at ^Moscow). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Litho. on India paper. -Ito (corner stained).
*2358. Lespixasse (Augustix — French general, fought under Bonaparte in
Italy). Autograph postscript with signature (Id lines), on 3 pp.
folio. L.S. Milan, Jan. 17, 1798. To Cdtizen Lamogere, com-
mander of artillery at Palma. Eegarding supplies.
:2359. Le Suike (Joseph F. — French general, signalized himself in the cam-
paign of Italy). A. L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p. June 7, 1834. A letter of
*2360. Le Tourxeuk and Cavatgxac. D.S. by both. 1 p. folio. Paris, Dec.
16, 1794. On military affairs.
2361. Letkonxe (Jean Antoine — French antiquary and critic). A.L.S.,
2 pp. square 8vo, including addressed portion. [Paris], klarch 5,
1824. To the Marquis D’Azeglio, stating that he will examine a cer-
tain book.
Prom the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 398), enclosed in his library
wrapper and with his autograph annotations.
2362. Levasseur (General — distinguished at Eadstadt). D.S. 4 pp. folio,
Bergame, July 7, 1796.
A description of several Italian places, how to reach them, distances, etc.
2363. Levasseur De La Sarthe (Eene — French Jacobin, voted for death
of Louis XYI.). D.S. I 'p. 4to. Paris, Oct. 16, 1798.
2364. Leveillies (Jean Pierre — negro general of St. Domingo). L.S. 1 p.
4to. Port Liberte, Aug. 15, 1796.
2365. Lewis (George). Full bust portrait. Line engraving. Phil: a Gunst
seiilpsit. M. Marrebeeck excudit. Folio.
2366. Liancourt (F. De — deputy to the Convention). Portrait, full bust in
oval. F. Bonneville del. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2367. Liebig (Justus Von — eminent chemist). Portrait, half length. Stich
y. A. Krausse. Line engraving. Large folio.
2368. Liechtenstrrn (Joseph M. F. Von). Portrait, full bust in oval.
Stipple. Unsigned.
2369. Ligne (Karl Joseph, Prince De — eminent Austrian general and
writer). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. [October 21, 1772].
2310. Ligne (Karl Joseph, Prince De). L. S. 1 p. oblong 16mo. Vienna,
Feb. 7, 1797. Order to pay out money due him. With imrtrait.
23M. Ligonier (John — British Field-Marshal, commander-in-chief oC the
English forces in Flanders). D.S. 1 p. folio. |lA)ndon], Aug. 14,
1761. Appointment of John Catherwood as under-secretary. With
portrait and seal.
^37 J
237 G.
LiMBOUKG-JloLyTKiN' ( lOuxoF. Dh). 1 >.8. 19 pages folio. A\ith fine
impression of the seal. I’aris, May 20, 1780.
A Keinonstr:uic(‘ aildressed to Louis XVI. b}’ the Parliament of Flanders
in reference to tlie lejial dispute between the Prince of Xassau-Siegeii
an<I tlie I’rince llolieuiohe. Si.uued “the People bolding your Court of
Parliament in Flanders,” and countersigned by " le Prince Comte regnant
de Limbourg-llolstein.”
Lixcolx (Abraham), l^ortrait. full bust in oval. 4'iuted lithograph.
Folio. Jlerliu, ii.d.
Lixcolx (ABRAI1A:^[) . Portrait, full bust. Engraved by A. H.
Pitchir, after a photograph by Ilrady. 4to (spotted).
Lippe (('ouxt La). Portrait, full length in uniform, standing beside
cannon. Engraved by 8. AV. Peynolds after Sir J. Peynolds. Alezzo-
tint. 4to. Open letters. London, 1834
Lobau (Georges AIoutox*, Comte L)e — Alarshal of France, aide-de-
camp of Bonaparte in 1805). A.L.S. ‘M^e Comte de Imbau.” 1 p.
folio. Paris, Jan. 30, 1811. To Comte Bonnier.
Regretting that because of important business appointments be will be
unable to attend tbe meeting of tlie commission.
Lobau (Georges jMoutox”, Comte De). L.8. 2 pp. folio, including
addressed portion. Paris, Oct. 7, 1825. A receipt for money paid
him by the Ordre Koyal de la Legion d’Honneiir. Signed also by J.
Leboenf. AVith portrait.
Lobau (Georges Moutox, Comte De). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Lithograph after Maurin. Folio.
Lobau (Georges Moutox, Comte De). Portrait, full length in uni-
form, holding cocked hat in right hand. Lith. de Gerard. On India
Loisox' (Louis H. — French general). L.8. 2 pp. 4to, including ad-
dressed portion. Liege, le 2 ATmdemiaire, FAn 13 [Sept. 24, 1804].
To Marshal Xey, reipiesting an extension of furlough. AATth por-
Loisox (Louis H.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Tassaert sc.
Stipple, printed in colors. 8vo.
Lomexie De Briexxe (E. C. — Archbishop of Toulouse, Minister of
State). L.S. 1 p. square 12mo. Paris, Dec. 30, 1771, informing the
recipient that his son will not be forgotten liy the writer, who will
endeavor to help him at the lirst opportunity. AVith 2 portraits.
Loxgueville (Hexri — son of Henri d' Orleans, and grand nephew of
Henry IV., married a sister of the great Conde). D.S. 1 p. folio,
vellum. Douai (?), dan. G, 1G28. To M. de la Fontaine Paoul.
Lopez (Gexeral — ^linistcr of the Pepublic of New Grenada [Colum-
bia] at the Court of Pome). A.L. in third person to Marc A. Jullien,
enclosing a letter. 1 |). Ito. Paris, dune 15, 1835. AAhth portrait.
2 pieces.
2385. Louis I., Ivixg Of Etkueia — married Maria Louisa, daughter of
Charles IV. of Spain. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Bonne\d]le
sculp. Mezzotint. 8vo.
2380. Louis XII., Kixg Of Fraxce. Portrait, half length in uniform. Grave
par Guibert, peint par Philipe de Champegnet. 4to.
2387. Louis XIII., Kixg Of Feance. A^ellum D.S. 1 p. oblong 4to (folded).
Fontainebleau, May 16, 1626. Concerns the pa3mient of a sum of
money for the king’s account. Countersigned by De Lonienie, Secre-
tary of State. Endorsed by Marion, Comptrolier General. Copper-
plate portrait of the king. (Portion of vellum split.)
2388. Louis XIII., Kixg Of Feaxce. A list of the expenses of the house-
hold of King Louis XIII. the 21st of JuK, 1636, while the Court
was residing at Madry. Document on vellum. Folio.
2389. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. Vellum D.S. 1 p. oblong 4to (folded).
Paris, Xov. 18, 1645. Mentions the services of De La Fontaine
[The French fabulist ( ?)]. Countersigned for the king and his
mother, the Queen Eegent, by De LomOiie, Secretary of State.
2390. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. D.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Dec. 2, 1648.
An order to the treasurer to pay the sum of 4,500 livres.
2391. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. D.S. 1 p. folio. Versailles, Xov.
(10 ?), 1678. An order to a body of infantry at Lyons to set out
for ATrdun.
2392. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. D.S. (on vellum). 1 p. folio. Ver-
sailles, Oct. 24, 1704.
Rewarding Sieur de Panest for faithful services, by placing him in
command of a regiment of dragoons.
2393. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. D.S. 2 pp. folio, including addressed
portion. Versailles, Aug. 19, 1715. Clrder on the Governor of the
Bastille to receive a prisoner and to hold him until otherwise in-
structed. Countersigned by Phelyppeaux, Secretary of State.
2394. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. Portrait, full bust. Paulus Caronni del.
et sculp., 1717. Line engraving. 8vo.
2395. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. Portrait, full length in uniform. G. P.
Bnsch sculp, a Berlin, 1728. Vanlo pinxit a Paris. Copper en-
graving. 8 VO, cut close.
2396. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint,
with biographical account in script beneath. 12mo, on small folio
2397. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. Portrait, half length in armor, sceptre
in left hand. Copper engraving, “Lndovicus de XIV. Koningh van
Vranckrijck 8vo.
2398. Louis XIV., Kixg Of Feaxce. “ Fin tragique de Louis XVI.” vSpir-
ited line engraving. 4to, margins on 3 sides cut away.
23D9. Louis XV., Kixg Of Fkaxce. Vellum D.S. 1 p. oblong 4to, folded.
Paris, Jan. 23, ITIT. Pelates to payment of a tax, &c. Counter-
signed by the Duke of Orleans, Regent, and Plielyppeaux, Secretary
of State. With portraits.
2400. Louis XV., King Of France. A series of three A.L.S. written to M.
Aiifrere, chaplain to Louis XV. (1) A.L.S. Maturin,’’ Zeyst, June,
24, n.y. {ca. 1T30), with mention of ^Oiis majesty” (Louis XV.),
(2) A.L.S. “ T. Rocheblave.” 1 p. 4to. London, May 30, 1731,
asking recipient to loan liim five guineas, (3) A.L.S. Pierre Roche-
blave,” 2 pp. 4to. n.p. Dec. 10, 1730, also asking for the loan of
money. 3 pieces.
2401. Louis XV., King Of France. Portrait, three-cpiarter length in uni-
form. M. Bernigeroth sc. Line engraving. Folio, margins cut
2402. Louis XVI., King Of France. Document with several words in his
autograph. 1 p. folio, n.p. May 17, 1789.
The king having bestowed the personal and hereditary title of Count on
M. Du Puget, the Dauphin’s sub-tutor, the Duke d’Harcourt wishes him to
be exempt from tlie payment of the tax of 4500fr. Permission from the
king being necessary, it is granted by him with a comment of several
words in his autograph.
2403. Louis XVI., King Of France. Printed D.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris,
[July] 13, 1789. To the AtPy-Clenl &c. at Xaiites, relative to let-
ters-patent issued by decree of the National Assembly, &c. (Punc-
tured in 8 places.)
2404. Louis XVI., King Of France. D.S. 4 pp. folio, 1789. A document
stating the amount to be paid by certain persons in the district of
Audi. It is signed also by D’Arentin, Le FmTe and Lambert.
2405. Louis XVI., King Of France. L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 14, 1791.
An order to pay M. Du Bergier the sum of 6,000 fr.
2406. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, Louis Seize,” full bust in
oval. Mezzotint. Unsigned. 8vo (cut close).
2407. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Maurin
del. Lithograph. 4to.
2408. Louts XA"I., King Of France. Portrait, '' Luigi XVI.,” full bust in
oval. _ G. Zatta Sculp. Yerite delin. Stipple in bistre. 4to, full
2409. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, “ Luigi XVI.,” the same por-
trait as preceding, different inscription, without names. Stipple in
brown. 8vo. in Venezia, n.d.
2410. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, full l)ust in uniform. Stipple.
Unsigned. “The Last Interview of Louis XVI. and his Family.”
iMurray sculpt. II. Singleton del. 1793. 4to. 2 pieces.
2411. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mez-
zotint. T^nsigned. Folio, small margins.
2412. Louis X\ I., King Of Fhaxcf. Portrait, full bust in uniform, scene
beneath. Stipple. 4to.
2413. Louis XA^I., King Of Feaxce. Portrait, “ Luigi XVI., lie cli Fran-
cia,” full length in uniform. G. A. Sasso inc. G. B. Bosio dis.
2414. Louis XA^I., Kixg Of Fraxce. Aledallion containing portraits of Louis-
XA"L, Alarie Antoinette, and their daughter Elizabeth. A^erzy f.
Stipple. 4to.
2415. Louis XVL, Kixg Of France. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Alezzo-
tint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical account in script
beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2416. Louis XVI., King Of France. Portrait, full length. Copper engrav-
ing by Page. Small folio. London, llSti
2417. Louis XA^L, King Of France. Assignat de cent liv. 1791, with por-
trait of Louis XA^I. 8vo.
2418. Louis' XVI., King Of France. “ Fidelite et Douceur,” containing por-
traits of Louis XAA., full bust in uniform, and four others, probably
the Duke and Duchess of Angouleme and the Dukes of Berry and
Orleans. In colors. 4to.
2419. Louis XA^I., King Of France. “ La derniere entrevue de Louis XA’I.
avee sa famille la veille de son execution.” Grave par C. Silanio, p.
par C. Benazach. Line engraving. Folio (slightly stained).
2420. Louis XA^I., King Of France. La 2®. separation, on dernier adieu
du roi avec sa famille desolee.” Grave par C. Salinic. Line engrav-
ing. Folio.
2421. Louis XA"II., King Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Stipple.
Unsigned. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2422. Louis XVII L, King Of France. D.S. Louis Stainslaus Xavier. 1 p.
folio. A'ersailles, Dec. 7, 1776. Order on the Treasurer-General to
pay Surgeon Eyraud a certain sum for medicine, &c. With por-
trait of the king engraved by Charles Turner after H. AXlliers.
2423. Louis XAUII., King Of France. Signature’, Louis,” with 2 lines in
his autograph on an A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Sept. 25, 1807, from the Duke
of Pinne asking to what rank certain officers belong. Louis answers
that the rank must he liascd upon the date they received their com-
missions. With portrait.
2424. Louis XAUII., King Of France. D.S., — appvouve, Louis:" 4 pp.
folio. Pari.s, April 9, 1816. With portrait.
An unusual documknt, containing interpretations of some of the arti-
cles of tile Commercial Code, with additions, and is issued by the Chamber
of Peers, sijjned by the kin.c;. as noted, and i)y members, including Marquis
C. E. .7. P. de T’astoret. C. II. Dambray. Chancellor of France. Count de
Seze, Hue de Choiseuil, De Chateaubriand, and C. T.,. II. de Semonville.
5425. Louis XVI II., King Of 1’']{ance. Ordoiinances dii Koi. (Coiitaiius
fraginent of a letter discovered by a M. .Mulligan, written by X'apo-
leon to Marie-Jjonise) , &c, 4 ])p. 4to, nid)onnd, j Laris, circa LSIbj
2 12(1. Lons XVI II., I\iX(i Of Fkaxci;. D.S. 1 p. Lo on vellum. Ibiris,
Dec. 12, 181(S. Signed also by Louis Antoijie de Bourbon D’Angou-
IC'ine, son of Comte d’Artois, afterwards Charles X. of France.
2427. Louis XVI II., King Of Fuance. Portrait, ^VMonsieur, Brother to
IjOiiis the Sixteenth,” full bust in oval. J. Jones fecit. Stijiple.
8vo. London, 17!»4
2428. Louis XVlll., King Of Fkaxce. Boussolc Eoyale,” containing por-
traits of Louis XVI 1 1., Due de Berri, Comte d’Artois, and five others.
Dcssine ct grave par Villeneuve. IMezzotint. Folio, small margins.
Paris, n.d.
2421). Louis XVlll., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform, to-
gether with those of Comte d’Artois, Due de Berri, and 3 others.
Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo, cut close.
2430. Louis XVIII., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par X. Bertrand, dessine d’apres nature aux Tuileries. Stipple. 8vo.
Paris, n.d.
2431. Louis XVIII., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par Cathelin, peint par Urouist. Line engraving. Small folio, with
margins. Paris, \ca. 1772]
2432. Louis XV^'III., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. A
re-engraved plate of the preceding number, without engravers’ names
and with some differences. Small folio. Paris, [ca. 1773]
2433. Louis XVlll., King Of Feance. Portrait, full in uniform, wear-
ing .star. P. Audinet sculp. FI. Danloux dolt. Line engraving, with
margins. 4to.
2434. Louis XVIII., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform, can-
non, etc., beneath. Line and stipple, unsigned. Unfinished proof on
India paper, before all letters. 4to.
2435. Louis XVIII., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
par H. Bonvoisin, dessine par B. Bonvoisin. Line engraving. 4to.
243G. Louis XVIII. , King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Grave
d’apres le tableau original peint par Duplessis. Stipple. 4to.
2437. Louis XVlll., King Of Fkan'CE. Portrait, full bust in oval, with
Duchess D’Angoulemc and D’Artois. Stipple and line engraving.
4t() (slightly stained at bottom) .
2438. Louis XVI II., King Of Feance. Portrait, full bust in uniform. Dess.
et Gvi. par Alise. Mezzotint. 4to. Paris, n.d.
243!). liOUis XVIFL, King Of France. i\Iedallion portraits of Louis XVlll.,
Ferdinand AMI., and Dnc D’Angouleme. All in uniform. Printed
in colors. 4to.
2440. Louis XVIII., King Of Fraxce. Famille Eoyale de France. Portraits
of Louis XV [II., Charles Ferdinand and others (3).. Engraving.
Colored by hand. 4to.
2441. Louis XVIII., Kixg Of France. Famille Eoyale. (Portraits of Louis
XVIII., Charles Ferdinand and three others.) Line engraving. 4to.
2442. Louis XVIII., King Of France. “ Depart du Eoi,” dessine par Heim
and another. 4to. 2 pieces.
2443. [Louis (Baron — Department of Finance).] Signature to portion of
letter, n.p.n.d.
2444. Louis (Louis Dominique — French financier). D.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris,
August 3, 180S. Asking for a statement of the death of Madam
Legrain, a pensioner of the state. With portrait.
2445. Louis (Philippe, Due D’Orleans — King ©f the French). A.L. in
third person (unsigned). Xeuilly, Aug. 30, 1825. To the Count
D’Arbaud Joucques thanking him for the delivery of a letter which
he encloses.
2446. Louis Philippe, Due D’Orleans. L.S., 1 p. 4to. Paris, Xov. 19,
1841. Informs M. Perrier that the opening session of the Assembly
will take place Dec. 27, and that his presence will be required. Coun-
tersigned by the Secretary of State. Portrait.
2447. Louis Philippe, Due D’Orleans. D.S. 2 pp. folio. Paris, April 19,
1846. Mentions various donations as per the will of M. De Ladignac.
Signed also by the Secretary of State.
2448. Louis Philippe, Due D’Orleans. Portrait, full bust in uniform.
F. Lignon sculp. 1814. F. Gerard pinxit. Line engraving. Folio,
cut close.
2449. Louis Philippe, Due D’Orleans. Portrait, full length in uniform,
standing. Grave par Danois, peint par Winterhalter. Steel engrav-
ing. 4to.
2450. Louisa, GrxInd Duchess Of Hesse-Darmstadt. The last page, with
signature of an A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p. (May 3, 1820.) Personal
2451. Louise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie, Queen Of Prussia, daughter
of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Portrait, full length, standing,
holding book in left hand. Gestochen von F. Balzerin Breslau.
Copper engraving. 4to.
2452. Louise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie, Queen Of Prussia. Ptepre-
sentation of her body lying in state, soldiers guarding, candles burn-
ing. German copper engraving. In colors. 8vo. [circa 1810]
2453. Louise (Marie D’Orleans — Queen Of The Belgians, daughter of
Louis Philippe). A.L. Unsigned. 1 p. Svo. n.p.n.d. With her
crest; on pa])er. With portrait.
2454. Louisiana. Four brevets and commissions of lieutenants to the
companies of Louisiana. Extracts. 4 pieces. 1754.
2455. Louisiana. D.S. by Balmot, Dunouy, Dumuvine and others. 1 p.
folio. New Orleans, Feb. 25, 1755. An acknowledgment of the
receipt of a sum of money. Tlie first named was the surgeon main-
tained by the king at Font de la Natchez.
2456. Louvois (Francois Michel Letellier — Minister of State under Louis
XIV.). L.S. to an officer, ordering him to join the French army in
Italy. 1 p. folio. Versailles, July 27, 1690.
I.ouvois coutril)iite(I greatlj' to the military successes of Louis XIV. ; aud
it was i)ecause of tlie couiiseis of this minister that the eilict of Nantes
was revoked in ItJSo.
2457. Lowe (Sir Hudson — British general, jailor of Bonaparte at St.
Helena). Autograph signature Lt.-General Sir Hudson Lowe.”
With portrait, full bust in uniform.
2458. Lowe (Sir Hudson). Medallion portrait. Full bust in uniform,
by Fontaine after Fremy. 8vo on India paper.
2459. Luckner (Nikolaus — Marshal of France, succeeded Rochambeati as
general-in-chief, guillotined in Jan. 1794). L.S. 1 p. folio. Stras-
bourg, Sept. 11, 1791.
Military letter regarding leave of absence for one of his officers.
2460. Luckner (Nikolaus). D.S. 1 p. folio. Oct. 24, 1794. Signature
to request for leave of absence by Rocher. Signed also b}^ Martignac,
Saint Victor, &c.
2461. Luckner (Nikolaus). A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.n.d. To General H’Han-
A personal letter, regarding his given name.
2462. Luckner (Nikolaus). Portrait, full bust in oval, sword, cannon,
etc., beneath. Line engraving. LTnsigned. Fine impression.
2463. Luckner (Nikolaus). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzotint
by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
2464. Luckner (Nikolaus). Another copy of the same.
2465. Luckner (Nikolaus). Another copy of the same.
2466. Luckner (XHkolaus). Portrait, full bust in uniform. L. A. Claes-
sens sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
2467. Ludwig I.. King Of Bavaria— gave to Lola Montez the title of Coun-
tess of Lansfield. D.S. 1 p. 4to. jMunich, Oct. 22, 1841. With por-
trait, full bust in uniform.
2468. Ludwig IF, King Of Bavaria. L.S. ‘Tmdovico.'’ iMonaco Fel). 17
1879. Written probably to Cardinal Caterini.
2469. Luzerne (Anne C. — French diplomatist, minister to the United States
during the Eevolution). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, June 2, 1790. Ke-
garding an appointment.
2470. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente — Marshal of
France, presented by Napoleon with a Turkish sabre). A. L.S.
‘‘ Macdonald.” 1 p. folio, Naples, April 18, 1798. To Gleneral of
division Gauthier.
An important war letter written shortlj^ after Macdonald bad joined the
army and become General in Chief at Naples. He writes “ Your despatch
is just received. If you are in danger, you can fall back on the army of
Naples. ... I am also in fear for the army of Italy, defeated for two
years, but I hope that she will soon again be in an advantageous position,”
2471. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). A.L.S.
“ Macdonald.” 2 pp. 4to. Paris, June 23, 1799. To Madame de
Written during the month of the great battle of Trebbia, where he suf-
fered defeat. He says that he will use all his power to procure a permit
for herself and family to return to Brussels without delay.
2472. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). L.S. 1 p.
folio. Headquarters at Paris, May 6, 1801. To General Mont-
Captain of Grenadiers, Bertram, having given in his resignation which
was not accei)ted, the writer urges recipient to give him a position in a
2473. Macdonald (Etienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 30, 1803. To Major Marinin.
A request to be enlightened concerning an announcement by a captain
of a certain regiment.
2474. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). A.L.S.
“Mai. Macdonald.” 2 pp. 4to. Courcelles-de-Eoi, Nov. 1, 1817.
An answer to a proposition to place him at the head of a publication
relating to the orders of Chevalier, saying that he must decline as he did
not care for publicity.
2475. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). L.S. “Mac-
donald.” 1 p. 4to. Paris, Jan. 6, 1820. To Col. Eousseau at Noyon.
Thanking him for expressions of good will for the New Year. Mentions
Marshal Beurnonville, who was commander in chief of the army of the
North, 1706.
2476. Macdonald (Ltienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). L.S. 1 p.
4to. Paris, August 31, 1823. To Madam Sharp.
Signed as “ Le Grand Chancelier ” “ Macdonald,” he informs recipient
that she and her children cannot be granted a permit to visit the interior
of the “ Maison Royale ” at St. Denis.
2477 Macdonald (Etienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. Paris, (July) 7, 1824. To Madam * * * (?). Informing
the madam that her brother is returning on the 28th, and will he
garrisoned at La Eochelle. Speaks of the effort to be made for her
brother’s advancement.
2478. Macdonald (fiTJENNE Jacques J., Due De Tarente). A.L.S.
“ ^[acdonakl.” 1 p. 4to. Paris, Feb. 28, 182!).
The Journal <le Paris having printed an account of offences committed
by the students at the Maison Koyale of 8t. Denis, Alacdonald saj’S that
the account was exaggerated. lie refers to the campaigns of tlie year
XII. (1S03).
2479. JMacdonald (Etienne Jacques J., Due ])e Tarente). Portrait,
full bust in uniforni. Mezzotint by f^evacliez. Pattle scene and
biographical account in script l)eneatli. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2480. Macdonald (Pttenne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). Another
copy of the same.
2481. Macdonald (Ftienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). Another copy
of the same.
2482. Macdonald (Ftienne Jacques J., Due De Tarente). Portrait,
full bust in uniform. Penard, sculpt. P. Guerin, pinxt. Line and
stipple. Fine impression. 8vo.
2483. [Macerone (Colonel — Aide to iMurat, said to have invented a Horse-
less Carriage).] Nine lines of ^Manuscript in his autograph. On
slip of paper.
2484. Macerone (Colonel). Portrait, full bust in uniform. C. Picart
sculpt. A. Wivell del. Proof on India paper. 4to. London, 1822
2485. Mackintosh (Sir Jaimes — illustrious British statesman, defended iM.
Peltier, a French emigrant, who was tried for a libel on Bonaparte).
A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Clapham, Jan. 29, 1830. lYith portrait.
Asking for lists of the English Crusaders.
248(3. Mackintosh (Sir James). Portrait, half length. Drawn and en-
graved by C. Wilkin, after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Stipple. Open
letters. 4to. London, 1814
2487. MacMahon (]\Iarie E. P. M. — Marshal of France). L.S. 1 p. 12mo.
Constantine, Feb. 7, 1853, regretting that he could not have been of
service to a certain person who had already left Algeria for France.
2488. MacMahon (IMarie E. P. j\L). Signature attached to portion of a
letter in another hand, n.p.n.d. With colored bust-portrait from Le
Figaro.’’ 2 pieces.
2489. Mack Von Leiberich (Karl — Austrian general). Portrait, full bust
in uniform. J. Adam, sculp. Vienna, 1795. Line engraving. 8vo.
2490. Magnan (Bernard Pierre— Marshal of France, commander in chief
of the army of Paris). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Feb. 11, 1863.
liegaiding the sale of S])anish shares, and advising his friend to sell
2491. Mahekault (Jean F. IF — French litterateur, and cominisary of the
French liepiiblic). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, le 6 Thermidor, FAn
8 [July 25, 1800]. To the Secretary of the Theatre Frangais; and.
Signature to a copy of an order of the iMinister of the Interior. 1 p.
folio. Paris, le 3 Yendeniiaire, FAn 9 [Sept. 24, 1801]. Both of
the above refer to the presentation of tragedy upon the stage of the
Theatre Frangais. (2 pieces.)
2492. Mahmoud II., Sultan Of Turkey. Portrait, half length, seated.
Drawn on stone by H. Humphreys, from an original sketch l)y
Deveria. Folio.
2493. Maignen and Enjubrant — both members of the National Conven-
tion,'voted for the death of Louis XVI. D.S. by both. 1 p. folio,
n.p. Nov. 3, 1794.
2494. Mailhe (Jean B. — French Revolutionist). Signature to Manuscrijit.
1 p. folio, containing a copy of the questions sent to the National
Assembly by the Criminal Court of the Dept. Des Hautes-
Pyrenees.” May 27, 1792.
2495. Maillebois (Jean Baptiste F. — Marshal of France under Louis XV).
A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Feb. 10, 1740.
llegarding the leave of absence from duty of a M. A. Haumourvell.
2496. Maison (Nicolas J. — Marshal of France, refused to recognize Bona-
parte on his return from Elba). A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Bayeux (?),
May 8, 1810. To M. Maillefer.
Informing the recipient that certain matters will be dropped for the
2497. Maison (Nicolas J.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, July 6, 1830.
Asking that a bed in a certain hospital he placed at the disposition of
IMnie. Bonilliot. a sick widow in whom he is much interested.
2498. Maison (Nicolas J.). Portrait, full length in uniform, cocked hat
in right hand. Lith. de Gerard. 8vo. India paper.
2499. Maisse, Ritter, &c. D.S. 2 pp. 4to [Paris], Oct. 19, 1795. Repre-
sentatives of the People to the Committee of Public Safety, request-
ing the appointment of T. B. Baurot as an officer in the Army of
the Republic. Signatures of Maisse, Ritter, tkc.
2500. Maitland (Sir Frederick Lewis — British Rear-Admiral, to whom
Napoleon surrendered and on whose shi]), Bellerophond he was
taken to England). A.L.S. 1 p. tall 12mo. Messina, Jan. 27,
1812, relative to allowances to officers mentioned.
2501. Maitland (Sii; Frederick Lewis). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Dec. 1. n.y.
“ I have just seen your letter to the Consul . . . and shall lose no
time in using every effort for your liberation."
Malesiierbes (Ciihetien G. De Lamoignon De). — French judge,
counsel for Louis XVI at his trial). L.S. 3 pp. 4to. [Dec. 1, 1772].
Discussion relating to the ])lanting and growth of trees. Witli
;Malesheubes (Cjihetien G. De Lamoigxox De). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. n.p.
(Jan. 10, 17(S1). Infoniiing the recipient that lie does not wish to
purchase a certain hook. With portrait, mezzotint hy Ix'vachez.
i\lALESIIEEBES (ClIHETlEX G. De LaMOKIXOX De). L.S. 3 pp. 4to. witll
two lines in his autograph, n.]). Ajiril 14, 1780.
All iiiterestiiifi letter in whieli the writer answers the recipient about
some a.'^li trees, with inaiiy details about them.
Male.siiehbes (Chuetiex G. De Lamoigxox De). A.L. unsigned, 2
jip. 4to n.p.n.d.
i\lALESHEi{BEs (CiiUETiEX G. De Lamoigxon De). L.S. with Several
words in his autograph. 4 pp. 12 mo. n.p.n.d. Informing Ids
correspondent that he cannot let him have a certain tree unless he
knows in what sort of soil it is to be planted.
Maleshekbes (Ghketiex G. De Laaioigxox De). A.N. (not signed),
1 p. Svo. n.p.n.d. Kegarding the return of a manuscript belonging to
]\Iale,sherbes (CtiiiETiEX G. De Lamoigxox De). Portrait, full bust
in oval. IMezzotint by Levachez, 2 scenes and biographical notice in
script beneath.
Maleshekbes (Chretien G. De Lamoigxox De). Another copy of the
Maleshekbes (Chretien G. De Lamoignon De). Portrait, full bust
in oval. F. Bonneville del. et sculp. Line engraving. Svo.
Paris, n.d.
Maleshekbes (Chretien G. De Lamoignon De). Portrait, full
length, seated. Grave par Bein, dessine par Faur. Line engraving.
In colors. Svo.
Maleshekbes (Chretien G. De Laaioignon De). Portrait, full
length, in robes of office, standing. Todeschini dis. et inc. Stipple
Malet (CLAunE F.— French general, plotted against Bonaparte, shot in
1812). A. L.S. 1 p. folio, Cesancon (?), July 19, 1801. To the
Minister of War.
Informs the Minister of the disbanding of his army, and is awaiting
orders. Re(iuests to be sent to some post, as he does not wish to be in-
Malet (Claude F.). Portrait, full length, in uniform. Gervais sc.
A. Lacauchin del. Line engraving;. Svo.
i\[ALLET-DuPAN (Jacques — distinguished publicist and editor). A.L.S.
4 pp. 4to. Paris, Feb. 23, 1784. With portrait.
.V long and interesting letter to an unnamed corresiiondent exjilaining
why he is oblige<l to return to Geneva, and to give uji the supervision (or
editorship) of a newsi)ii])er, ])roh:ihly the famous •' Mercure Tlistorhiue et
2516. Malmaison (home of Napoleon and Josephine). View. Aquatint by
T. Medland after J. Carr. 8vo. London, 1803
2517. Malta. A view of the port and entrance into the City and Isle of
Malta. Benoise sculpt. Jos. Juepy. Line engraving. Folio.
2518. Malte-Brun (Coxrad — Danish author, adopted citizen of France).
A.L.S. Ip. 4to. n.p.n.d. (ca. 1808). Concerning the contents of his
work about to be published, “ Annals of Voyages of Geograpliy and
of History.” With portrait.
2519. Malte-Bruis^ (Conrad). A.N.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, March 28, 1826.
With portrait.
Acknowledging the receipt of a work on the Cathedral of Reims. *
2520. MxVlte-Brun (Conrad). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.n.d. Asking to have
certain questions answered by members of some commission, relative
to the lodging of several soldiers.
2521. Malzahm (Lieutenant Von — Prussian soldier). Portrait. “ Der
Obrist von Malzahn rettet eine Batterie.” In colors. 8vo.
2522. Mandat Territorial for 100 francs. 28 Ventose FAn IV. [1796].
With signature of [Prederval?].
2523. Manin (LodoVico — the last Doge of Venice). Portrait, full bust in
oval. Gasparo Ginanni scul. Stipple. 8vo. in Venezia, n.d.
2524. Mansfeld (Count Hans George Zu). L.S. 2 pp. and a half, folio.
January 10, 1561.
2525. Manuel (Louis Pierre). Portrait, full bust in oval. ]\[ezzotint by
Lavachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo, on
small folio sheet.
Manuel rescued Madame de Stael aud Beaumarchais from being mur-
dered in Sept. 1792.
2526. Marat (Jean Paul — one of the famous Triumvirate of the Eeign of
Terror, assassinated by Charlotte Corday). Portrait, full bust, no
hat. Grave par E. Beisson, Messidor FAn 2 [June, 1794], peint par
J. Boze. Line engraving. Proof before inscription. Folio.
2527. Marat (Jean Paul). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint by Le-
vachez, scene and biographical notice in script bem^ath. 8vo, on small
folio sheet.
2528. Marat (Jean Paul). ''The Death of John Paul Marat” [text in
English and French], engraved by James Aliprandi, painted by D.
Peilegrini. Stipple. Folio. London, 1794
2529. Marat (Jean Paul). Portrait, full length, togetlier with full length
portrait of Charlotte Corday. Lith. de Villain. 4to.
2530. Marat (Jean Paul). Portrait, full length, hat in hand. Sasso inc.
Bosio del. Stipple. 8vo.
2531. Marbot (Adolbi-te — aide-de-camp to Marshal Massena). L.S. 2 pp.
folio, Paris, August 12, 1811. To the Duke de Feltre (H. J, G.
Clarke). From the Sainsburv collection.
Stating that, on leaving the prison at Cadiz, the King of Spain pre-
sented him with a snm ecpiivalent to two months’ pay, and on his arrival
in France a similar sum was deducted from the pay due to him, and
asks that it be refunded “as he considers it unjust that the French gov-
ernment should reckon as a part of his pay the present made him by the
King of Spain.”
2532. Marceau (Francois S. D. — French general, defeated the Vendeans at
]\Ians). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F. Bonneville del. et sculp.
Stipple in brown. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2533. Marceau (Francois S. D.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Mezzo-
tint by Levachez, battle scene and biographical notice in script be-
neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2534. Marceau (Francois S. D.). Portrait, full length in uniform. Tor-
chiana inc. S. Marceau dis. Stipple. 4to.
2535. klARCELLUS (Le Comte). A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 10, 1824. Ee-
garding a position for a friend. With portrait (curious).
2536. Marchand (Jean G. — French general, fought at Austerlitz). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. Headquarters, Staples, May 27, 1804. To M. Deterville,
Sending money for a dictionary of natural history, and asking that it
be forwarded to Montreuil-sur-Mer.
2537. Marchand (Jean G.). A.L.S. 2 pp. folio, Santiago (Cape AMrde
Islands), March 26, 1809. To Marshal He}'. With portrait, full
bust in uniform.
Informing Ney that he has ordered the 69th battalion to return and will
distribute same along the coast. The news concerning General Mathieu in
the Austrias pleases the writer. He advises the burning of a certain
convent and the shooting of all the monks, as he thinks that they are re-
sponsible for the insurrection.
2538. Marchand (Jean G.) Portrait, full bust in uniform. Forestier sculp
Stipple. 8vo. ^ ■
2539. Maret (Hugues B., Due De Bassano— secretary to Napoleon) . A.L.S.
2 pp. 4to. Paris, August 9, 1801. To the Minister of Finance'
With portrait.
Recipient is requested by the 1st Consul (Bonaparte) to return certain
papers relating to a vessel in the port of Flushing.
2540. Maret (Hugues B., Due De Bassano). A.L.S. 1 p. folio Boulo^rne
le 4 Fructidor, FAn 13 [Aug. 21, 1805]. To the Councilior of sfate
rehitive to his request for position for his son, &c. With portrait,’
full bust, after Isabey.
254L Maret (Hugues B., Due De Bassano). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to Ostervde
(Prussia), March 21, 1807. ^ ^^^lertae
Personal letter asking the recipient to help a M. Isam (?).
2542. Maket (Hugues B., Due De Bassano). A.L.S. “Le Due de Bas-
sano,” 1 p. folio, Paris, Nov. 29, 1814. To Baron Moiinier. Eelative
to an error that was made when he (]\Iaret) was paid the sum of
20,000 fr.
2543. Maket (Hugues B., Due De Bassano). A.L.S. “ Le Due de Bas-
sano.” 1 p. 4to. Ma_y 28, n.y. A friendly letter to an unnamed cor-
respondent regarding his departure for Beaujen, etc.
2544. Mauet (Hughes B., Due De Bassaxo). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Bocourt [sc.]. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
2545. Maria L, Queex Of Porte’gal, 1777-1807. Portrait, full bust in oval.
Line and stipple, engraved by I. C. Pivara. 4to. London, 1800
2546. j\1aeia II. (Queex Of Portugal, daughter of Dom Pedro, Emperor of
Brazil). IMrtrait, full bust in' oval. Engraved by J. Brown. Steel
engraving. Proof on India paper. 4to. London, 1854
2547. Marie Adelaide (Dughesse De Bourgogne, daughter of Louis XV.).
L.S. “ Mane Adelaide,'’ 2 pp. 4to. Marly, June 16, 1776. To M.
De Beaumont. With portrait.
Regarding apposition for M. Dailly, and asking if she and her sisters are
to be exempt from certain payments.
2548. Marie Amelie (Queen Of France, wife of Louis Philippe). A.N. 1 p.
n.p. Sept. 16, 1834, asking the recipient (M. Oudard) to make an
extract of the note and to send it to M. Gerard. With portrait.
2549. Marie Antoinette, Queen Of France. L.S., 1 p. folio (with address).
Paris, Jan. 31, 1791. To her cousin, the Italian Cardinal Gerdil,
thanking him for his New Year greetings. Countersigned by Beau-
2550. Marie Antoinette, Queen Of France. Portrait, full liust in oval.
Mezzotint (by Levachez). Scene and biography in script beneath.
8vo, on small folio sheet.
2551. Marie Antoinette, Queen Of Fraxtce. Portrait, full bust in oval.
Dessine et grave par J. A. Pierron. Line engraving. 4to.
2552. Marie Antoinette, Queen Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval.
^lezzotint, engraved by Christy. 4to. (small margins and neatly in-
laid). 4to. Paris, n.d.
2553. i\lARiE Antoinette, Queen Of France. “ IMaria Antonietta, Regina
di Francia,” full length in court dress. G. A. Sasso inc. G. B.
Bosio dis. 8vo, also representation of her at the guillotine. To-
gether, 2 pieces.
2554. [j\Iarie D’Orleans — youngest daughter of Louis Philippe, Duchess of
Wiirtemhurg.] A.L. in third person, unsigned. 1 p. 12mo. Twick-
enham, xVug. 1, 1816. Rerpiests that a letter she encloses be for-
Avarded to Copenhagen.
2555. Marie-Flisabeth De Bourbon, Sceur de Lonis XVI. Portrait, full
bust in oval. Unsigned. IMezzotint. 4to.
255G. Mattie Louise, Emeuess Of Efance. D.S. 1 p. oblong 4to. (parch-
ment). Paris, Dec. 15, 1811, ap])ointing iMine. Lechartreux member
of a cbaritalile society. Countersigned by Cardinal Fesch, Grand
Chaplain of the Empire.
2557. Marie Louise, Emrhess Of France. L.S. 1 ]). 4to, Livorno (Italy),
July 28. 181(). To the Prince Starhemberg [an Austrian Field-
Marsbal], expressing her high esteem of bim and creating him
Chevalier Grand Croix de mon Ordre Constantin icn de St. George.”
2558. ]\Iarie Louise, Empkess Of France. An 8vo sheet on which is written
in tbe autograph of ^larie Louise the names of eleven persons,
probably those invited to some dinner jiarty. dated Pel). 28, 1830.
Headed “ Pranzo del 28. Feblirajo 1830 alle. 1C jioin^ /’!'/•”
2559. i\lARiE Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust, low cut dress,
wearing jewels. Grave . . . par Aug. 13. Desnoyers, peint
. . . par Guerard. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2560. ]\rARiE Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval, J. F.
Lehmann sculp. Stipple in brown. 8vo, with margins.
2561. i\lARiE Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval, low
cut dress, wearing jewels. Stipple. Lnsigned. 8vo.
2562. Marie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust, light head
dress, roses in haii'. Aquarelle by Girardet. In gilt frame.
I’urcliased by the owner at auction in Paris, June, 1892.
2563. Marie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval, wear-
ing crown. Donas sculpt., termine par Duthe. Stipple. 4to
(slightly rubbed in several places). Paris, n.d.
2564. ]\Iarie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Grave
par N. Bertrand. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2565. i\lARiE Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust, court dress,
wearing jewels. Grave . . . par A. B. Desnoyers, peint . . .
par Guerard. 8vo.
2566. Marie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Grave
par Felix Zuliani. Line engraving. 8vo. Venice, n.d.
2567. iMARiE Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Line
engraving. Unsigned. 8vo, with full margins. Paris, n.d.
2568. IMarie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Edwin
sc, Gueraud pinxt. Stipple. 12mo.
2569. Marie Louise, Empress Of France. Portrait, full bust in oval. Line
engraving after David, on tlie reverse is a representation of the
crowning of Uapoleon. 8vo.
2570. Marie Louise, PIxipress Of Fiiance. Portrait, full bust in oval, wear-
ing jewels. Stipjile. Ihisigned. 8vo. [Vienna, n.d.]
At The American Art Galleries
Ninth Session, Numbers 2623 to 2961, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
2623. Marragonl Leitault and Deluigue. D.S. by all three, 1 p. folio,
(Paris), National Convention, Jnne 6, 1795. Granting a pension to
the widow, Catherine E. P. Bisson.
2624. Marshall (John — Chief Justice of United States). Portrait, half
length. Etched by H. B. Hall. Folio (margin stained).
New York, 1877
2625. Martelli (Minister of Justice). L.S. 2 pp. folio. Pome, 8 Yentose
EAn VII [Feb. 26, 1799]. Desires that troops be stationed in the
vicinity of Clitumno on account of the depredations of the brigands.
2626. Martial (Thomas — French general). A.L.S. 3 pp. folio. Cany, Feb.
24, 1794. To General Vialle. From the Sainsbury collection.
'Stating that he has been informed that General Regnault is to have the
in.spection of the line of coast from Bresle to St. Vallery, and asking for
the appointment of inspector from St. Vallery to Havre.
2627. Mary II. (Queen Of AVilliam III.). Portrait, full bust in oval. I.
Smith fee. and exeud. G. Kneller pinx. Alezzotint. Folio, (cut to
plate mark and mounted.) London
2628. Massena (Andre, Prince D’Essling — Marshal of France). D.S. on
stationery of the Army of Italy. 1 p. folio, Milan, August 19, 1799.
To Ad.i. -Commander Neille ordering him to depart immediately to Paris,
for special services.
2629. Massena (Andre, Prince D’Essling). L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including
addressed portion). Paris, Jan. 8, 1808. To M. Legrand, of the
Dept, of Finance, requesting position for a M. Prevost of St. Cyr.
2630. Massena (Andre, Prince D’Essling). A.L.S. “Prince D’Essling.”
1 p. 4to. Toulon, April 11, 1815. To the Minister of Marine at
Stating that all his orders will be given in the name of the Emperor.
2631. Massena (Andre, PiuNCE D’Essling). Portrait, full bust in uniform.
Mezzotint by Levacliez, battle scene, and biogra])hical notice in script
beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2632. Massena (Andre,, Prince D’Essling). Another copy of the same
(slightly stained).
2633. jMassena (Andre, Prince D’Essling). Portrait, full length, in uni-
form. Grave par A. Boilhy dessine par E. Millet. Line engraving,
and another, also full length. 8vo. 2 pieces.
2634. Massena (Andre, Prince D’Essling). Portrait, full length in uni-
form, standing beside monument, right hand holding document,
cocked hat on monument, cannon on ground. Sasso inc. Bosio del.
IMaresciallo Massena, Duca di Kivoli,” 8vo. Fine impression.
2635. Massena (Andre, Prince D’Essling). Portrait, full length in uni-
form, standing, military scene in background. E. Hoquart sculp.
Aubry pinx. Mezzotint. Folio.
2636. Mathieu — Commissioner of ammunition (?). x\.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Amiens [?], April 5, 1794. Passport granted to Citizen [Dumavil].
2637. Matiiteu (C. J. C. — member of the National Convention). A.L.S. 1
p. 4to. Nov. 8, 1794, stating that a document bearing the seal and
signatures of the Committee of General Safety is sufficient to warrant
prolongation of leave in Paris. Signed also by M. Harmand.
2638. Mathieu-Mirampal (J. B. Charles — Deputy to the National Con-
vention in 1792; voted for the death of Louis XVI.). D.S. 1 page
and a half, 4to. 13 Frimaire, Year III. (1794).
2639. Mathieu, Harmand and Laignelot. D.S. by all three, 1 p. folio, Dec.
9, 1794. To the Civil Committee of the Eevolutionary section. With
seal. Saying that no safety passports will be given to any citizen
who refuses to take an oath of fidelity to the Eepublic.
2640. Mattei (Allessandro — Italian cardinal, in 1797 sent to negotiate with
Bonaparte then marching towards Eome). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p.
Jan. 19, 1806. With curious portrait.
2641. Maupecu (Eene Charles De — Marshal of France under Louis XIV.,
French Statesman). D.S. 1 p. oblong 8vo, June 20, 1714. Soldier’s
certificate of leave.
2642. Maupeou (Eene Charles De). A.L.S. telling that the assembly of
the chambers was begun at 8 o’clock and ended at 3 o’clock, and that
the patent letters have been registered. 1 page folio, Paris, December
2, 1752. With fine impression of the portrait engraved by Cathelin.
2 pieces.
2643. Mauri (Jean Sylvain). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint, scene,
and biographical account in script beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet’
2644. Maurice, Elector Of Saxony, celebrated general. Portrait, full bust
in armor. Grave par Petit. Line engraving. 4to.
2645. Maury (Jean Siferein. Cardinal — celebrated French prelate, oppo-
nent of Mirabean, and Archbishop of Paris). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to, with
seal. Montefiaseone, i\Iay 16, 1795. With portrait. 2 pieces.
To Abbe de Bonverie, secretary of the first bishop of Warmie, compli-
mentiug him for the place obtained.
2646. jMaury (Jean Siffrein). L.S. 1 p. folio, n.p. Dec. 2, 1812. To the
Prefect de la Seine ( ?)•
All invitation to be present at the services to be held in the Metropolitan
Church upon the anniversary of the crowning of Napoleon, and on the
following day at the services in conimenioration of those who died in the
battle of Aiisterlitz.
2647. Maury (Jean Siffrein). Portrait, full bust in oval. Mezzotint 1)y Le-
vachez, scene and biographical notice in script beneath. 8vo, on
small folio sheet.
2648. Maximilian Joseph II., King Of Bavaria (elector). L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Wurtzbnrg, Sept. 30, 1805. To Marshal (Massena?).
Stating that orders have been sent to General de Roy. and arrangements
made to stock the citadel of Wurtzbnrg with provisions. As for the fort
of Forchheiin. no decision will be reached until after the generals have
conferred with Rernadotte. The king of Prussia has ordered the writer
to retreat to the castle of Aiishach should such retreat be necessar.v.
2049. Mayenne (Charles De Lorraine, Duo De, 1554-1611 — able French
general). Eeceipt signed on vellnin, obi. 4to. December 27, 1597.
VVith portrait. 2 pieces.
The Due de Mayenne fought against the Huguenots, and organized with
his brother Henry the Catholic League in 1577.
2650. McCheyne (Egbert M. — eminent Scotch divine, knew the Greek alpha-
bet at the age of four). Portrait, half length. Engraved by John
Le Conte after FI. J. Stewart. Mezzotint. Proof. 4to.
2651. Medici (Cosimo III. De, 1642-1723 — ^Grand Duke of Tuscany and last
of the Medicis). L. with autograph postscriptum signed. 4 pp. 8vo.
Poggio Imperiale, June 3, 1072.
Thanking a gentleman for the sympathy expressed to him on occasion
of the premature delivery of the child of his daughter, wife of the Elector
of Bavaria.
2652. Medici (Cosimo III. De — Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1642-1723). L.S.
to Giulio Bardi. With seal. Half a page, folio. Villa di Cerreto,
November 29, 1678. With portrait of Cosimo II. 2 pieces.
2053. Melas (Michael — Austrian general). Portrait, half length in uni-
form. 1). Weis sc. Kininger del. Stipple. 4to. Wien, n.d.
2054. Melas (Michael). Portrait, half length in uniform. A. Eegona scul.
Kininger del. Line engraving. 4to.
2055. Melzi D’Eril (Francesco — Italian statesman, vice-president of the
Cisalpine Eepublic). Portrait, half length in uniform. A. Barbini
del. Line engraving. 8vo.
2G5G. Meneval (Claude F. ])e — Napoleon’s secretary during the Empire).
A.L.S. 1 p. 12nio. Oct. 2G, 1823. Itetnrns to ]\r. De Las Cases books
loaned him, &c. With portrait.
2G5T. Mexou (Jacquls F. — French general, accompanied Napoleon to Egy])i,
capitulated to Sir Ilalph Abercromby at Alexandria). A.N.S. 1 p.
8vo. n.p. (hut probably Alexandria), August 18, 1798.
Regarding tlie payment of certain money.
2G58. Mexou (Jacques F.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Turin, June 10, 1803. To
Chtizen Heinhard.
Acknowledgment of receipt of letter. Writer understands wliat recipi-
ent means by “ taking measures which would he a new jiroof of my
justice.” . . . “ The best proof of that would he to help the unfortunate
ones who are dying of hunger,” etc.
2G59. Mexou (Jacques F.). A.L.S. 3 pp. folio. Turin, July 5, 1803. To
Citizen Aeniharl. On Menou’s printed stationery.
a proposal relating to the way in which the French government could
find out how much money there is in Turin, and how it may best he put
into circulation.
2GG0. Mexou (Jacques F.). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Turin, March 17, 1804. With
portrait, full bust, on India paper.
Acknowledging the receipt of a package, and saying he has sent copies of
the plan for a commercial code.
2GG1. Mexou (Jacques F.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. F. Bonneville
del. sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
2GG2. Mexschikoee (Prixcess Darci — Wife of Alexander Damilovitch Mem
schikoff, favorite of Peter the Great). A.L.S. in Pussian, 2 pp. 4to.
To her husband, sending, in terms of endearment, birthday greetings
and a coat, vest and buckler as a gift. (AVaterstained.)
[Circa 1700]
Meuschlkoff secured the throne for Catherine and governed Russia dur-
ing her reign. There is a transcript and French translation of the letter.
2GG3. Merlix (Eugexe — French general, commanded the Imperial Guard
during the Flundred Lays). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 4, 184G.
AMth portrait, full bust in uniform. Asking a favor for Aliss de
2GG4. Merlix De Douai (Piiiliite A. — French statesman, Councillor of
State under Napoleon). L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, Jan. 13, 1795. To
the commission on Civil iA.dministration, informing them that there
is no law forbidding two brothers from serving on the same jurv.
2GG5. ]\Ierlix De Douai (Piiiliepe A.). Signature, together with those of
Dumont, Cliazal, Fourcray, Lacombe and others, many of whom
voted death for Louis NAM., on the margins of an .\.L.S. ' 1 i) 4to of
M. Fabrc, sr.. Paris, Alarch 1, 1795.
2666. Merlin De Douai (Philippe A.). A.L.S. 1 p. -ito. Paris, Sept. 3,
1802. To the iVIinister of AYar.
A request from Merlin to know just what is the Council of Revision of
the 19th division, as there has been trouble about the sentence passed
upon Jean-Baptiste Guerier.
2667. Merlin De Douai (Philippe A.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, June 13,
1815. To the Prince **** in charge of the portfolio of the Chief
Justice. AVith portrait.
Recommending Pizzian Barol and hoping that he may be found a place
in the Imperial Court.
2668. Merlin De Douai (Philippe A.). Portrait, head in oval, after a
sculpture by David. Proof. 4to.
2669. AIerlin De Douai and Personne. L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Paris, Jan. 31,
1795. To the Commission of Civil Administration. An explanation
.of certain laws, etc.
2670. AIerode (Comte Felix De — Belgian Alinister of State, the most elo-
quent chief of the Catholic party). A.L.S. 3 pages 8vo. Blanville,
October 9, 1828.
To a bookseller asking for the “ Nouveau Guide des maires.”
2671. Metternich (Clemens AY., Prince Von — Austrian statesman). A.S.
with several words in his autograph, and wax seal. Sept. 9, 1808.
AAJth portrait.
2672. Metternich (Clemens AY., Prince YMn). A.L.S. M.” 1 p. 8vo.
n.p.n.d. AYith portrait.
It had been decided that the recipient should go to Vienna to collect
certain “liquidations” (money), also tells him that he might mention
the change in the ministry and thus secure better chances.
2673. AIetternich (Clemens AAc, Prince A^on). Portrait, full bust in oval.
C. Guerin sculpt. F. Hof delt. Stipple in brown. 4to.
2674. AIetternich (Clemens AAY, Prince A^on). Portrait, three-quarter
length, seated. Engraved by Samuel Cousins, painted by Sir Thos.
Lawrence. Alezzotint. Large folio, full margins, some uncut. Open
letters. London, 1830
2675. AIetternich (Clemens AY., Prince A^on). Portrait, three-quarter
length. Unsigned. 4to.
2676. AIexico. St. Francisco de Campeche. Line engraving. 4to.
2677. AIezzotint. Eloisa.” Theo. AAmtson fecit. D. Gardner pinxt. Small
folio. London, 1775
2678. AIezzotint. A Jew Eahhi. Cosbut fee. Pemhrandt pinxt. 4to, small
margins. London, J. Bowles
2679. AIezzotint. Interior of a cottage, a card game in progress. Probably
after painting liy Tenniers. Cut to plate mark. 4to.
2680. Mezzotint. “ The Beggar Boy,” after Alurillo. Proof before letters.
Small folio.
2681. Mezzotint, ‘‘Night. Boy blowing Cliarcoal.” M il.son fecit. G. Sclial-
ken pinxt. Folio, margins cut away.
EZZOTINT. “Truth discovering to Time, Science instructing her chil
(Iren in the improvements on the microscope.” 1. S. Due le pinxi .
(margins and portion of imprint cut away); also portraits ot ii.
Brubern, and others. Line and wood engraving, one (unnamea),
proof on China paper before all letters, dto, and 8vo. loge ler,
2683. Mezzotints. Portraits of Nicholaus C. Lunker. P. Schenck fecit;
Fridericus Nicolai; Van-Dyck; Johannes de Wolff. P. Schenck fee.;
“The BPPs Council” [Sr. Francis Pemberton, Sr. Creswell Levine
and 5 others], and another. Jto, and 8vo (margins of all cut away).
Together, 6 jiieces.
2684. Mezzotints. “The BPPs Council” [Sr. Francis Pemberton, Sr. Cres-
well Levine and 5 others] ; “ Flere’s a health to the Duke of York ”
“ whereever he goes”; “The Effigie of Willm. Smith, Philomath.”
4to (margins of all cut away). Together, 3 pieces.
2685. Michel (Claude E. — Erench general, killed at Waterloo). A.L.S.
“ Baron Michel.” 1 p. folio. Dresden, July 30, 1813. .To the Min-
ister of War. With bookplate (cut close). The letter is regarding
certain maps.
From the Sainsbury collection.
2686. Mignet (FiiANgois A. M. — distinguished Erench historian). A.L.S.
1 p. 8vo. n.p. July 18, 1850. Pegarding a reading on agriculture,
etc. With portrait, on India paper.
2687. Milhaud (Jean Baptiste — French general). D.S. with several auto-
graph lines on the petition of M. Jean Perrier, July 13, 1795. 2 pp.
folio. Signed also by Mejancas, with several autograph lines.
2688. Millais (John Everett). Original drawing. “The Opera Box.”
Sepia. Signed, “ J. E. Millais, P. A.” 4to.
2689. Miloradovitch (Michael A.- — Pussian general). Portrait, full bust
in uniform. G. G. Endner sc. 1816. Stipple. 8vo.
2690. j\DNA (Don Francisco Espoz Y — celebrated Spanish general). Por-
trait, full bust in uniform. Lith. de Lamglame after Alfred 1).
1813. 4to.
2691. Minaya (P. T. — agent of the Comte d’Antraigues, the eminent French
politician). A.N.S. 1 p. 8vo. IMay 16, 1797. Pegarding the for-
warding of letters.
2692. MiNTiER (Chevalier De — Marechal de Camp in the army of Prince
Louis Joseph de Conde). A.L.S. to the Count Emanuel L. II.
(FEntraigues. 1 page 4to. Uberlingen, ]\[ay 22. 1797.
Stilting that lie lias not received the hills of exchaiiite which the Count
was to have forwarded, and fears lest they may have miscarried.
Miollis (Sextus A. F. — French general, served with liochaml)eau,
wounded at Yorktown). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April 18, 1800.
Telling the recipient that he will forward certain papers as soon as
he returns to Quiniper (France). With portrait.
Miollis (Sextus A. F.). A.L.S. 1 p. folio.
Asks tlie aid of the recipient regarding a M.
Paris, Feb. 19, 1812.
Camail, living in Paris.
iMiONNET (Theodoke Edme — eminent French antiquary and numis-
matist; author of the ‘‘^Descriptive Catalogue of Greek and Roman
Medals”). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. Paris, March 14, 1829.
To tlie bookbinder asking lum to call for a volume to be bound.
[IMirabeau (Boxiface R., A'icomte De — brother of the Statesman of
the French Revolution, served in the FT. S. army about 1780.] Short
A.L. unsigned, in third person. 2 pp. (including addressed portion).
16mo. [Paris, circa 1790. | To Baron de Servieres, requesting his
com])any at his home to meet friends of the Comte d’Entraigues.
Mirabeau (Boniface R., Yicomte De). L.S. 1 p. 4to. Nancy, i\Iay
29, 1790. Grants leave of absence to an officer.
Mirabeau (Honore G., Comte De — one of the most celebrated char-
acters of the French Revolution). A.L.S. 1 p. 12mo. n.p. Dec. 1,
1778. To M. Boueniours (?).
An interesting and important letter in which the writer says he fails to
understand where recipient got the idea that he (Mirabeau) was the man
of the hour. He cannot see what important affair the recipient can have
to impart to him. ^Mention is made of the overthrow of the monarchy, the
clamor of the courts, etc.
Mirabeau (Honore G., Comte De). L.S. “Mirabeau Paine.” 1 p.
4to. Paris, Jan. 10, 1791. To M. Nogavet, sculptor, stating that he
Avill always be willing to oblige him whenever the opportunity pre-
sents itself, etc.
MiRxVbeau (FIonore G., Comte De). Portrait, full bust in oval.
IMezzotint by Levachez, scene and liiographical notice in script be-
neath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
Mirabeau (Honore G., Comte De). Another copy of the same.
Mirabeau (Honore G., Comte De). Portrait, full length. Biasioli
inc. Bosio dis. Stipple. 8vo.
Mirabeau (Honore G., Comte De). “ Mirabeau et Marie- Antoinette.”
A. Johannot piuxt. Lithograph. 4to.
Mir.\beau (Honore G., (Jiute De). Portrait, full length. Lith. de
AGllain. 4to.
Missiessy (Fdouard T. B. — French admiral, served with distinction
in tbe American Revolution). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Toulon, Jan. 19,
1772. With ])ortrait, full bust in uniform.
Tliauking ;i corrospoudeut for tlie iuforiiiatioii relative to the Royal
Naval Academy.
Molitor (Gaiujikl J. J. — ^Marshal of France). Signature attesting a
true copy of a Document issued by General iMorangier concerning tlie
theft of Gunpowder at Port de la (iraille. d pp. folio, [(frenoble],
le 3 Floreal [April 23, 1793].
2707. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Kayterstrauton, ]\[arch 3,
.1797. To Gen. Lecourbe.
1 am charged by (ieii. Anbert to advise you that the two battaliops of
hussars camped at Ottweiller will leave this place on the loth of this
month. The general invites you to have the same <lay the 84th regt.
occupy the following towns, — Weissveiller, Neukirchen, Oherzbetchbach,’'
2708. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Meisseniieim, Get. 15,
1797. To General Lecourbe.
Kegardlng communications with the inhabitants of tlie territory occu-
pie<.l by the enemy, and authorizing business to proceed as usual, wdth the
exception of the export of grain.
2709. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.). L.S. ‘‘^Molitor.” 2 pp. 4to. Sargossa
(Spain), May 3, 1823. To General Pampliile Lacroix. On military
affairs, with mention of Miralez, Landron, etc. Interesting letter.
2710. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.). A.L.S. Le Mai. IMolitor.’^ 1 p. 4to.
Nancy, Sept. 2, 1837. To General * * * ( ?) on military mat-
2711. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple.
4to. Paris, n.d.
2712. Molitor (Gabriel J. J.). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Bocourt
sculpt, ^lallard del. Stipple. 4to.
2713. Mole (Louis M., Comte — French Minister of State). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Paris, August 10, 1838. With portrait and coat of arms.
Regarding a newly appointed member of the Legion of Honor.
2714. Mole (Louis ]\[., Comte). A.L.S. 2 pp., 8vo. June 13, 1841. !Men-
tions a report, and the amendment of a certain law.
2715. Mole (Louis M., Comte). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Paris, April 30, 1847.
Asking the recipient to give Mme. Jacquier a position in the stamp
271G. Mole, Tourxeaux, &c. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Lauterbourg, Dec. 15, 1810.
Peport of present condition of bridges and roads of the Dept, of
Lower Khine. Signed l)y Tourneaux, Mole, Lajon, and others.
2717. IMolleaulle (Vicomte De). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Venice, Sept. 13,
1796. Eecjuesting the recipient (Count * * * to obtain for
him a portrait of the king’s profile which he wislies to place on the
cover of one of his works, with inscription “ Spes Galliae Ludovico
XVIII,” etc.
2718. Mollevant (Charles L. — president of the Extraordinary Council of
Twelve). A.I^.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. (Nov.), 23, 1792. Informing the
recipient that he has received no news from certain clients.
2719. Moncey (Bon Adrien J,, Dug De Conegliano — Marshal of France,
imprisoned for refusing to preside at the trial of Xey). L.S. 1 p.
folio. Baris, Dec. 21, 1805. To Councillor of State Lavalette, one
of Bonaparte’s favorite attendants, and who married Eniilie de
Beauharnais, a niece of Josephine. With portrait, full length in uni-
Introducing Francois Landragin. requesting that Lavalette give him the
position of first mail guard from Chalons to Mayence or from Mayeuce to
Metz, and saying that he has rendered faithful service.
2720. Moncey (Bon Adrien J., Dug De Conegliano). Signature on slip
of paper attached to portrait. [Circa 1810.] Koyal 8vo.
2721. Moncey (Bon Adrien J., Due De Conegliano). L.S. 1 p. folio.
Paris, Dec. 4, 1811, to the Due de Feltre [General Clarke], concern-
ing the appointment of La Barthe as sub-lieutenant of Infantry.
2722. Moncey (Bon Adrien J., Due De Conegliano). L.S. '*'Mal. due
de Conegliano.” 1 p. folio. Baris, Jan. 20, 1812. To M. Blaue
Lanautte, chief of police at Orleans. With portrait, full length in
uniform after Walbonne.
Regarding the admission of a Vincent Prester, son of a sergeant, to the
College of Orleans.
2723. [Moncey (Bon Adrien J., Due De Conegliano).] A.L.S. of M.
Deleville, holder of an official position in the department of accounts.
1 p. folio. Undated. To the Minister of Finance, requesting a po-
sition as reward for his long services. lYith portrait of Moncey, full
bust in uniform. Lithograph. 8vo.
At the foot of the letter are six lines in Moncey’s autograph, signed
“ le Mai. IMoncey.” approving of the contents of the letter, and testifying
to the applicant’s worth.
2724:. Moncey (Madame, wife of Bon A. J. Moncey). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
La Yaivre, July 30, 1829. To her husband. With seal.
Regarding their daughter, who had recently become a mother. Madame
says that she hopes to go soon to the baths at Lnxenill. and sends affection-
ate greetings.
2725. Monck (Christopher, 2nd Duke Oe Albemarle). Portrait, full
bust. Mezzotint from a scarce print by Becket. 8vo. London, 1811
272G. Monestier (J. B. — Deputy during the Bevolution). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Baris. April 6, 1795. With fine seal.
In reference to the claim of Citizen Veysort regarding money. Mones-
tier signs himself “ Representative of the People.”
2727. Mongelas (IMadame De Lisle Du Blessis — Inspectress of the ‘‘liai-
son Imperiale Napoleon.” A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Ecouen, Feh. 20, 1814.
To M. Gerard informing him that a package has been forwarded.
2728. Mongez Le Jeune (Jean iVNDRE — naturalist; accompanied La
Perouse on his voyage aronnd the world, and shared the fate of the
unfortunate explorer). A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. March 4, 1785.
A very interesting letter referring both to his editorial occupation and
the journal, and datnl only a short time l)efore he quitted France.
2729. Monk (George — Duke of Albemarle, English general). Portrait, half
length, in armor. Copper engraving by li. 8hepj)ar(l after Logan.
Small folio. (London), 1735
2730. Monneron (Augustin — member of the Constitutional Assembly).
A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, April 27, 1793. To the Directors of Cus-
toms on customs matters.
The writer and his brother obtained i)eriuission from the Republic to
issue copi)er tokens of the value of two and five sous each, which were
manufactured in England; they however soon fell into discredit, and were
withdrawn from circulation.
2731. Monnet (Louis C. — French general). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to, including
addressed portion). Flushing, le 16 Yendemiaire, FAn 12 [Oct. 7,
1803]. To his wife in Paris, requesting the purchase of certain
articles for his use (slight repairs to 1 sheet). With plate.
2732. Monnot and Dyzes. (President, and member, of the National Con-
vention). L.S. 1 p. folio. [Paris], le 12 Nivose, I’An 111 [Jan.
1, 1795]. Contains order of the Committee of Finances of the Na-
tional Convention for the enforcement of the law of December 2.
Signed by Monnot and Dyzes.
2733. Monseigneur Guillaume, Bishop of Cassia). A.L.S. 4 pp. 4to.
Guata, Province of Agamien [Abyssinia]. March 20, 1847. In
From the Sylvio Pellico collection (No. 404), enclosed in his library
wrapper and with his autograph annotations.
2734. Montalivet (Jean P. B., Comte De — Minister of the Interior). L.S.
1 p. folio. Paris, March 2, 1810, forwarding the Emperor’s decree
relative to certain purchases of wool, and giving terms of payment in
cash to those who desired to make such. (Portion of 1 work lack-
ing. ) Portrait.
From the Sainsbury collection.
2735. Montalivet (Jean P. B., Comte De). L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Oct. 25,
1809. To the Councillor of State. Eegarding samples of paper sent
to him.
2736. Montalivet (Jean P. B., Comte De). L.S. 2 pp. folio, Paris, May
8, 1811. To M. Gavoty telling him that he cannot accept his work
Le Manuel du fileur Cordier.”
2737. Montalivet (Jean P. B., Comte De). L.S. 1 p. folio, Paris, Nov. 6,
1811. To M. Devismer.
Regarding the texture of a sample of flax sent to him, manufactured by
M. Lucius.
2738. Montbarey (Alexandre M. L., Prince De — Marshal of France, min-
ister of war under Louis XVI.). L.S. 1 p. folio, Versailles, Marcli
31, 1776. With portrait, full bust in uniform, dessine et grave par
Asking for a mountetl street guard for the city of Lorraine.
2739. Montbarey (Alexandre :\[. L., Prince De). A.L.S. 1 p. square 8vo.
May 25, 1778. States that he will order a certain regiment to break
camp and serve in the guard of the interior.
2740. IMontbarey (Alexandre :\r. L., Prince De). L.S. 1 p. folio, Ver-
sailles, Sept. 30, 1780.
All order to the commander of the regiment of the Ro.val Dragoons to
have the horses in readiness when the regiment reaches Versailles.
2741. IMontctioisy (Louis A. — French general, served in Italy). A.L.S. Ip.
folio. Genoa, Aug. 13, 1813. Informs the Minister of War (Gen-
eral Clarke), that M. Chiaracci has been made a member of the
10th Pegt., &c.
2742. Montesquieu (Charles De Secondat De — grandson of the celebrated
Montesquieu; served with distinction in the United States, 1779-81).
Letter written and signed in his name. 2 pp. 4to. Bordeaux, May
2, 1785.
Advising M. Ridont, a French officer about to sail for America, that he
has sent aboard his ship cases of wine and a quantity of 'walnuts for Gen-
eral Washington.
2743. Montesquieu (Charles De Secondat De). Portrait, full length,
seated. Sasso inc. Bramati dis. Stipple. 8vo.
2744. Montesquiou (Alfred — aide-de-camp to Napoleon). A.L.S. 2 pp.
8vo. n.p. Oct. 13, 1843. To the Editor of ‘Mournal des Debats ”( ?).
Asking for two issues of the paper which contained an article on his
works, etc.
2745. Montesquiou (Anatole, Comte De). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including
addressed portion. Paris, Oct. 14, 1831. Informs M. A'illenau that
he has declared his letter to the Queen.
2746. Monteil (Franqois-Aymar De — chief of a naval squadron of the King
of France). Official A.L.S. 1 p. folio. On board the Palmier at
Havana, February 22, 1781.
Stating it is very essential that the rigging of the “ Intrepide ” be
changed, and ordering that every vessel send a certain number of hands
to help so that no time may be lost.
2747. IMonteynard (Louis F., ]\Iarquis De — Minister of War under Louis
XVI.). D.S., on vellum. 1 p. oblong 8vo. AVrsailles, Dec. 20, 1773.
Certificate of army service. (Top margin cut into.)
2748. Montezuma — Bey de Mexico. Portrait, full bust in oval, in war dress.
Copper engraving, small folio.
2749. IMontfort (Jacques — French general). A.L.S., 2 pp. folio. Paris,
May 15, 1810. To Director General of Customs, asking payment of
the amount due himself and several others for the seizure of certain
English merchandise some years previous.
2750. Montgaillard (J. G. Maurice Roques — French adventurer and politi-
cal writer; employed as a secret agent by the Bourbons). A.L.S. to
Monsieur Belin. 1 p. 4to. Paris, January 27, 1817.
Suitscribing to a new edition of the works of J. .7. [Rousseau.]
2751. Mongehoult 1)e Chaknage (^Magame Dj-:: — composer and pianist).
' A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Paris, September 11), 1822.
2752. i\[oNTiioLox ( T., ^Iakquis De — French general, shared Na-
poleon’s exile on St. Helena). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, July 26, 1827.
Bequests the Councillor of State to allow ]\Ime. Piviere a license to
sell tobacco. With portrait.
2753. Montiiglox (Ciiakles T.. Marquis De) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p. May
10, 1827.
Informing the recipient tliat he will eonmuinicate the answer of the
attorney general as soon as possible.
2754. Montholox (Charles T., Marquis De). Portrait, full bust in uni-
form. Lithograph by Froment. 4to.
2755. Moxtholox (Charles T., Marquis De). Portrait, full length in
uniform, holding stvord in left hand, mounted soldiers in background.
[Mezzotint. Folio. Proof before all letters.
2756. [Moxtigxi (L. — French general). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. n.p. August 22,
1832. To M. Eoger of the French Academy informing him that he
cannot make an appointment.
2757. [Moxt.toye (Christopher F. L. — author of History of the Conspiracy
of Eobespierre ”) . A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 26, 1815. To M.
(lendron. Asking to be appointed rector of Grenoble.
2758. Montlosier (Count — French author, and at one time one of the editors
of the Constitutionnel ”). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.p.n.d. To M. Lebus,
Chief of Division. Asking eonversation with recipient regarding [M.
Morin. With 2 portraits, 1 on India paper.
2759. Montmarie (L. F. E. L.— General of Brigade, and aide-de-camp to
Marshal Lefebre). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, Oct. 25, 1812. [To the
Minister of "War], asking permission to purchase a map of Russia
which he desires to take with him to Spain.
2760. Montmorency (Laval— last abbess of Montmartre). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to.
Montmartre, Oct. 24, 1784. A letter of thanks.
2761. Montmorency (Prixcesse De). A.L.S. 1 p. 16mo. n.p.n.d. [1835].
Requests permission for a friend of hers to gather flowers in some
2762. Montmorency-Luxembourg (A. C. F. — Due De Bouteville, Peer of
Prance). A.L.S. 2 pp. square 12mo, ineluding addressed portion.
Paris, May 16, 1767. Requests M. Danjou to terminate a certain af-
fair by the day follov'ing. With portrait.
2763. Montmorin (Armand M. — condemned by the Revolutionary Tribunal
executed Sept. 1792). L.S. 1 p. 4to.' Versailles, Sept. 9, 1787. ’
Refusing to write to tlie Freneli Amhassador at 8t. Petershurgh to re-
ceive M. de Luzier as a French otticer.
2764. Moxtmorix (Catherine H. De — Abbess of the Abbey Eoyal of Notre
Dame). Autograph signature ‘‘ H. de Montmorin, abbesse de
Jouarre/’ at 'the foot of a document. 1 p. 8vo. May 11, 1784.
2765. Montpensier (Anne Marie L. D’Oeleans — daughter of Gaston, Duke
of Orleans, and cousin of Louis XIV.). D.S. Anne Marie Louise
d’Orleans,'’ 1 p. folio, on vellum, Paris, Jan. (18), 1676. The nom-
ination of an officer. With portrait.
27(56. Montreuil. L.S. Marie de Bourbon,” 3 pp. folio, Paris, July 19,
1664. A lease of land to M. Jean Pivin.
2767. [Montrevel. (Deputy to the Estates General).] AJj.S. 2 pp. small
4to, including addressed portion. Aug. 12, 1784. Hopes to see M.
Dampierre when he returns to Dijon.
2768. 1\Iont-Eond (Baron De — emigrant Eoyalist during the French Eevolu-
tion). A. L.S. to Madame de St. Huberty (afterwards Comtesse d’An-
traigues). 2 pp. and a half, 4to. With seal. Lugano, May 9, 1795.
An interesting letter expressing his thanks for her proffered pecuniary
assistance, while the princes of France, for whom he had sacrificed every-
thing. refused him such help.
2769. Mont-Serraz (Pierre Franqois — French general, took possession of
the Isle of Elba in 1801). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to, including addressed por-
tion. Geneva, Jan. 15, 1811. To M. Amoche, mentioning interest-
ing details relative to the Neapolitan army.
2770. Montyon (Baron J. B. Eobert De — philanthropic French nobleman
and writer). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. January 20, 1818.
2771. Moore (Sir John — celebrated British general, served under MacLean
in the American Eevolution). A.L.H “J. Moore,” 1 p. 4to. Lud-
low, August 8, n.y. To A. T. Greene, Liverpool.
A personal letter telling the recipient to “ . . . put yourself into a
Liverpool coach that comes 3 times a week to Ludlow ... do there-
fore come immediately.”
2772. ilooRE (Sir John). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Engraved by A.
Cardon, drawn by A. J. Oliver. Stipple. 8vo. London, 1809
2773. Moore (Sir John). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Stipple. Un-
signed. 4to. London, 1809. Also representation of the Death of
General I^Ioore. Line engraving by Smith. London, 1815. 2 pieces.
2774. Morand (L. C. A. — French general, served at Austerlitz, Jena. Essling,
&c.). L.S. 1 p. folio. Ajaccio, Oct. 17, 1807. To the Minister of
War. requesting aid for a woman, one of whose sons has been killed,
and who has two others in the army. With portrait.
2775. More (Sir Thomas— author of “Utopia”). Portrait, full bust in
oval. Sami. Taylor fecit., H. Holbein pinx. Mezzotint. 8vo, out
close, and sliglitly creased.
27T(). Moreau (Jean Victor, one of the most eminent French generals,
exiled to the United States as an accomplice of Ficherou). A.L.S.
2 pp. 4to. Headquarters at Schilike(?), Dec. 11, ITlhi. To the
Commissary of the Covernment re(|uesting that tlie sum of 10,000
livres be sent him.
2777. Moreau (Je.xn Victor). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to (in English). Morrisviile,
Jan. 2, 1813. To liobert Oliver, Esq., Baltimore, Md.
“ . . . by the schooner Dick latelj' arrived in New York, I received
from Mrs. Moreau exactly the same account as you state, hut the fate of
the jtenernls arreste<l was not yet mentioned. ... I am very sorrj' I
did not receive tlie French newspaper . . . they have been lately de-
tained in some post office, which is veiy often the cause in the country ”
(of France), etc.
2778. Moreau (Jean Victor). L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, April 30, 1813. To
the Minister of the Interior requesting permission for his two
nephews to attend the College of Lyons for a portion only of the
regular tuition fee, as they have not the means for payment, thus
necessitating that he, Moreau, should “ foot the bill.” With por-
2779. Moreau (Jean Victor). Portrait, bust in uniform. Engraved from
an original drawing by Nunes de Carvalho, by . . . William
Nicholls. Stipple. Folio. London, 1813
2780. Moreau (Jean Victor). Portrait, bust in uniform. Dulaillis delint.
Stipple. 8vo. [London, ca. 1814]
2781. Moreau (Jean ATctor). Portrait, bust in imiform. Mezzotint by
Levachez, battle scene beneath. 8vo on small folio ?heet.
2782. Moreau (Jean AActor). Another copy of the same.
2783. AIoreau (Jean AActor). Another copy of the same.
2784. AIoreau (Jean AActor). Portrait, bust in uniform. Line and stipple.
Unsigned. In colors. 8vo.
2785. AIoreau (Jean AActor). Portrait, three quarter length in uniform,
holding sword in right hand. Anthy. C'arclon delint, et sculpt. Stip-
ple. * Fine impression, with small margins. Small folio.
London, 1802
278(). AIoreau (Jean AActor). Portrait, three cfuarter length in uniform,
cocked hat on table nearby. German copper engraving, entitled
‘AIoreau franzosischer ober General der Ehein Armee im Jahre
1796.” 4to.
2787. AIoreau (Jean A'ictor). Portrait, full length in uniform. Steel en-
graving after Giradet. 4to.
2788. AIoreau (Jean A^ictor). Portrait, full length in uniform. Delaistre
scul]). A. Guilleminot del. Line engraving. 4to.
2789. AIoreau (Jean A^ictor). Portrait, in uniform, on horseback. Dessine
d’apres nature & grave juir Ch’alaignier. Stipple. Cut and
mounted. Folio.
2790. ]\[oREAU De Jonnes (Alexandre — author of treatises on mineralogy,
and other scientific subjects). A.N.S. 8vo. Paris, ca 1845.
2791. Morin (Arthur Jules — General of Brigade, served in the Egyptian
campaign). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. [MeziMes], Nov. 3, 1808. To Comte
D’Hunebourg [General Clarke ] informing him that he is forwarding
two reports from the commander at A'erdun relative to the conduct
of the First Begiment at Vaucouleur.
2792. Morin (Etienne — French Protestant divine, professor of Oriental Lan-
guages at Amsterdam). L.S. 2 pp. folio, including addressed por-
tion. Amsterdam, July, 1688, concerning a translation which has
not been completed. ,
In 1694 the writer of the above created some commotion in the literary
world of his day by attempting to prove in a work he then issued that the
language of Paradise was Hebrew.
2793. Morivaux (M.). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. Arbois, Dec. 1, 1791. A personal
letter regarding an appointment to ]\L Geunet (?).
2794. Morghen (Pafelle S. — eminent Italian engraver). Portrait, full bust.
Line engraving by Mediolani after Caronni. 4to, with margins.
2795. Morland (Henry E. — painter, father of George). The Unlucky
Boy.” Mezzotint. Heny. Morland, Inven. et pinxt. Folio, small
2796. Morlot (French general). A.L.S. 1 p. folio. Paris, le 22 Messidor,
TAn 8 [July 10, 1800], recommending Citizen Salvage as a good
2797. Morny (Charles A. L. J. — reputed son of Hortense De Beauharnois) .
Portrait, steel engraving by Drouar. 4to.
2798. Mortemart (C. L. De Eochechouart, Due De — French general
and diplomatist). Official A.L.S. 1 page and a half, small 4to.
Paris, March 3, 1825.
2799. Mortier (Edouard A. C. J., Due De Trevise — Marshal of France,
displayed signal bravery on the field at Friedland, 1807). L.S. 2 pp.
folio. Paris, le 22 Germinal, I’An 11 [April 11, 1803]. To the Alin-
ister of War, informing him that he has issued orders ter mobilize the
troops under his command, and that the instruction given them be
made the most of.
2800. Mortier (Edou.yrd A. C. J., Due De Trevise). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to.
Paris, April 21, 1802. With portrait, full length in uniform. Lari-
viere peint. To the Director of Artillery at St. Laurent.
.\dvising him that a boat load of poAvder is to be forwarded to St. Denis
from Essonne. and telling him that it must be sent under guard of five
moil and a sergeant.
2801. Mortier (Edouard A. C. J., Duo De Trevise). L.S. “ Fd. Mortier.”
1 p. 4to. General lTead(|uarfers at Breslau, Oct. 27, 1807. To Gen-
eral Clarke, Minister of War at Paris.
Acknowledges the receipt of Gen. Clarke’s letter containing orders from
the Council of Administration, that all arms must be renewed the first of
each year.
2802. ]\10KTTER (fioOUARD A. C. >h,
in nnifoi'iii, on horseback.
Drc De Trevise). Portrait, full length
Line engraving. In colors. 4to.
Mortier (Ldouard a. C. J., Due
on horseback. Line engraving.
De Trevise). Portrait, in uniform.
In colors. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2804. Mortier, Duperre, &g. Address of the Chamljer of Peers^ to Louis
Philippe, King of France, giving a summary of the condition of the
country, and hoping that the king will adopt vigorous measures to
maintain the present peace. 7 pp. folio. [Paris], Aug. 10, 1831.
Tied with blue ribbon. Signed by Pasquier, Pres, of the Chamber
and Chancellor of France, Mortier, Duke of d^revise and IMarshal of
France; Duperrer, Admiral of France, and two others. Five signa-
tures in all.
2805. '\loRTLOCK (Lewis — of the Sloop of War Wolverine, defeated 2 French
luggers, Jan. 3, 1799). Portrait, full bust in uniform. Engraved by
C. Turner after T. J. Masquerier. Stipple. 4to. London, 1799
2806. Moscow. Colored view. Folio. London, 1815
2807. Moscow. The Kremlin, ]\Ioscow. In colors. Folio. London, 1815
2808. Mottet (M. — deputy). A.Ij.S. 3 pp. 4to. Paris, Feb. 6, 1840. A
letter of thanks for kindnesses shown.
2809. Mouchy (Philippe De Kouailles, Comte De — Marshal; defended
Louis XVI when the palace ivas attacked by the mob in 1792 ; exe-
cuted 1794). A.L.S. 2 pp. small 4to. Eefers to the procuring of
some official position for his correspondent. Versailles [circa 1790].
2810. Moulixs (Jeax FRAxgois A. — French general, united with Gohier to
oppose Bonaparte in the coup d’etat of the 18th Brumaire). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 7, 1799. To Citizen Loisel.
Sending certain papers that wilt show the extent of misdemeanors com-
mitted by Royalist employees of the districts of Sambre, etc.
2811. iVouLixs (Jeax Fraxqois). Portrait, full length in uniform. Line
engraving. Proof on India paper, before all letters. 8vo.
2812. AIouxier (J. Charles — French general, served at Arcoli, etc.). A.L.S.
1 p. folio. Ormea (Italy), Oct. 2, 1795. With portrait, on India
2813. Mouxt ATirxox. Pcsidence of Washington. Tinted lithograph after
Kollner. 4to. Xew York, 1848
2814. Mourgue (SciPiEX — Minister of the Interior). A.L.S., 1 p. 4to.
Paris, le 22 Fructidor, I’An X [Sept. 13, 1802], returning 5 docu-
ments to M. Perrigaux, sent him to be authenticated.
2815. Mouter axd Croiseau (French officers). Certificate attesting that cer-
tain articles seized at Dourliach were the property of the 8th bat-
talion. Ac. 2 pp. 4to. Bauhenhein, April 19, 1793. With wax seal.
Signed by Mouter aud Croiseau.
281 fi. Moutox-Duverxet (R. B. — French general, served in Guadaloupe, at
Toulon, in the Spanish Cainpaign, &c., shot by the Bourbons be-
cause of his faithfulness to Napoleon). L.S, 1 p. folio. Lyon, June
10, 1815. Informs the Prefect of the Dept, of the Rhone that he
is to review the troops on the following day, &c. With portrait.
2817. Mueller (Ferd., Barox Vox — eminent Australian botanist). 2
A. L.S. to G. S. Davis of Detroit. In all, 11 pp. 1885-1892. Re-
garding certain antidotes for poison.
2818. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples — Marshal of France, to whom
Bonaparte gave in marriage his sister Caroline, pronounced by Na-
poleon as “the best cavalry officer in Europe”). A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to.
Paris, Feb. 4, 1803. To the Minister of the Interior.
“ I have the honor to write you, Citizen minister, that the First Consul,
has authorized me to present to you. as candidate for the office of Pre-
fec-t now vacant, the citizen Loreillot Demars. I have the honor to recall
. to you the interest I take in him, and the good will the First Consul '
has for him. Being certain that you will be delighted to give a good
reception to a man, who has always executed his duties faithfully, I have
the honor to salute you. J. Murat.”
2819. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). L.S'. “Joachim.” 1 p. 4to.
Dusseldorf, April 11, 1806. To the French Council of State.
An interesting letter written shortly after he was created Grand Duke
of Berg and Cleves, asking to have an account of the French administra-
tion, to serve as a model for the administration of the Duchy of Berg and
Cleves, etc.
2820. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). A.L.S. “Joachim,” 1 p. 4to.
Madrid, April 9, 1808. Regarding the sum of 2,000 fr. and with
mention of General Belliard.
2821. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). L.S. “Joachim Napoleon,”
1 p. 4to. Paris, Dec. 7, 1809. To the Count d’Hunebourg, Minis-
ter of War.
Writer requests recipient to recall to the Emperor's mind the petition
sent in some time before regarding certain conscripts, that they may be
made ready for active service the following .spring.
2822. AIurat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). Portrait, bust in uniform,
wearing cocked hat. “ Murat, general des Armees de la Republique.”
F. Bonneville, del et sculp. 8vo.
2823. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). Portrait, bust in uniform.
“ Gioacchino Napoleone, re delle due Sicilie.” 8vo.
2824. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). Portrait, bust in uniform.
Proof on India paper, before all letters. 8vo.
2825. Murat (Joachim, Kixg Of Naples). Portrait, bust in uniform, wear-
ing hat with feathers, entitled “ S.A.Imp. Joachim Napoleon, Roi
de Naples & do Sidle, Gd. Amiral de France,” also portrait of Caro-
line Marie A. Bonaparte on same plate, entitled “ S.A.Imp. Marie
Annunciade Caroline, Soeur de FEmpr. Reine de Naples & de Sidle.”
Grave par Choubard, dessine par Lafond je. Stipple. Folio.
2826. Murat (Joachim, King Of Naples). Portraits (1), bust in uniform,
and (2) full length in uniform, the latter after Bourdet. 4to ana
8vo. 2 pieces.
2827. Muiut (Joachim, King Of Naples). Jhirtrait, half length, in uni-
form. Kuotte sculp. Gros pinxt. Stipple. Printed in colors, por-
tions touched up by hand. 4to, cut close and neatly inlaid.
2828. Murat (Joachim, King Of Naples). Portrait, half length, in uni-
form. Swebach del. Grave par Landelle. Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2829. Murat (Joaciiim, King Of Naples). Portrait, half length in uni-
form. Euotte sculp. Gregorius delt. Gros pinxt. Stipple, holio.
Fine impression.
2830. Murat (Joachim, King Of Naples). Portrait, full length in uni-
form. Kados inc. Bosio die. Stipple. 8vo.
2831. Murat (Joachim, King Of Naples). Portrait, Joachim Napoleon,
Hoi de Naples,"’ full length in uniform, Bosselman [sc.J. Stipple.
12mo. Paris, n.d.
2832. Murat (Napoleon A. — son of the King of Naples, emigrated to Flor-
ida). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. New Orleans, March 15, 1837. An urgent
request for money.
2833. Murat (Prince Lucien — 2nd son of Murat, King of Naples). A.L.S.
1 p. 4to. n.p. June 25, n.y. To an unnamed general. With 2 por-
Informs his correspondent that the Emperor had alreadj’ advised him
of the news which the general had just communicated, etc.
2834. Mustapha Ben-Ismail — Arabian chief, and able adversary of Abd-el-
Kader, against whom he fought in cooperation with the French, who
gave him the rank of general). 1).S. 1 p. folio. Oran, April 30,
The 28 signatures of the Emperor appended to these papers include most
of those enumerated by Mr. Sainsbury on his well-known list of facsimiles
published by Charles Tilt, London, 1836, together with several others that
do not seem to appear thereon. Nevertheless, the signatures here catalogued are
all genuine, and simply show the natural variations that might have occurrcH
in writing these signatures at different periods and under changed conditions.
2835. Napoleon, L.S. 1 p. extended to small 4to. Ollioules, 1 du 4 moin
[Nivose]. December 21, 1793, Signed, in full, Buonaparte.”
A fine, early signature about the time he was at Toulon, and before he
was made general. Orders a commandant to rejoin his company at
2836. Napoleon. L.S. 1 p. folio. Marathon, le 24 Fructidor, FAn 11 [Sep-
tember 11, 1793]. Helative to the furnishing of wheat and the pay-
ment therefor. Signed, in ftdl, “ Buonaparte.”
2837. jSTapoleon. Three lines and signature in his autograph, on a portion
of a letter iil another hand. Oblong 8vo, inlaid. [IMov. 15, 1794].
AVith portrait of ISTapoleon as a prisoner at ISTice. (2 pieces).
Lines commence — “ Recoiitmend^ an Ministre de la Guerre, with
signature, — Buonaparte,” in full.
2838. Napoleon. D.S. 1 p. folio, inlaid. Paris, le 17 Plnviose, FAn lY.
[Feb. 6, 1796]. To the “Ministre de la Marine” about the transfer
of an officer. Signed, in full, Buonaparte,” with three lines in his
autograph erased.
In this document Buonaparte is titled, “ General en chef de I’Armee de
2839. Napoleon. A.L.S. from Faypoult. 2 pp. folio. Genoa, le 17 Yen-
deiniaire, FAn Y [October 9, 1796]. Napoleon has signed on top
margin, “ Bonaparte,” without the “ u. ” Laid in is a portrait, ob-
long 12mo, after Johannot. (2 pieces).
Long and interesting A. L. S. from G. C. Faypoult de Maisoncelle, Min-
ister Plenipotentiary at Genoa. Mentions the King of Naples, the arrest
of Governor Olivieri whose death-warrant Bonaparte signs, the arrest of
others, mostly brigands, &c.
2840. Napoleon. L.S. 2 pp. 4to, [Cairo], le 30 Germinal, FAn YI [Aj)ril
20, 1798]. Signed, “Bonaparte,” General en Chef de FArmee
d’Angleterre. Laid in is a portrait, 8vo, of Napoleon in Egypt.
To the Minister of War relative to the appointment of Surgeon-in-chief
at the Invalides, Paris, of one who acted in the same capacity in the army,
but who is now unfitted for further field-service.
Documents signed by Napoleon while in Egypt are very scarce.
2841. Napoleon. D.S. on Native Glazed Paper, 1 p. tall folio (folded).
[Aboussio, Egypt], le 3 Messidore, FAn A^II [June 21,1799]. Signed
in full, “ Bonaparte,” as General-in-Chief.
Letter from an Arab chief of the tribe of Azzale, written in Arabic,
with French translation on same sheet, in which he informs Napoleon con-
cerning an attack made by some of his soldiers upon his domicile, the
robbery thereof, and prays for redress, &c. Naimleon orders the Com-
mandant [at Ghira] to report on occurrence.
2842. Napoleon. D.S. 3 pp. folio, le 28 Frimaire, FAn YIII [Paris, De-
cember 18, 1799]. Eapport aux Consuls de la Pepublique. Signa-
ture, on margin, “ Buonaparte,” in full, with two lines in his auto-
Notice from the Minister of War, Louis Alexandre Berthier, with drSft
of a statement of an ex-chief of a .squadron of horse, requesting reinstate-
ment, &c. The report is signed, — “Alex Berthier”
2843. Napoleon. Passport of Joseph Bonaparte and family. 4 pp. folio,
vellum. Paris, le premier Brumaire, FAn IX. [October 22, 1800].
Signed “ Bonaparte ” as First Consul.
Countersigned by Charles Maurice Talleyrand. Mini.ster of Foreign Af-
fairs, and Ungues B. Maret. Secretary of State. With seal of the Republic,
and engraved symbolical figure.
2844. Napolkox. List of Caiididates for J^rouiotioii, with nieinoraiida in the
autogra])h of Napoleon, granting or refusing, as noted. 4 pp. folio.
Lhidated, but probaldy sonietiine in 180(1, and in conforinity with the
“ Acte C’onstitutionnei ” of Aug. 27, of that year. Stitched top and
bottom, with the Tri-color ribbon.
An unusuau uocumknt, presented by the Minister of War to tlie Em-
peror, and giving a list of thirty names of members of the arnii'-corps
reca)mmended for promotion, occasioned ))j' the deatli, re.signation. or
transfer of otliers. In 22 instances Napoleon has written “ accorde ” ; in
7. “refuse”; and in one Inot decipherai)le]. The names listed include, —
Mallet, Chorant, Frelois, Dumoulin, Bruges, Bichomme, &c., names not
readily i)laced historically, though a number may have become famous
later. The document has been carefully ruled in ink and pencil, and de-
scribes the places to be tilled, names and grades of the soldiers proi»osed.
2845. Xafolkox. A French translation, in several autographs, of an Extract
from an English letter. 4 pp. small 4to. London, duly 17 [Xo
year, l)ut circa 1800 |. On this Xapoleon has countersigned an un-
usual “XF,” with three lines in his autograph, and an erasure-line
across several words; also, a sheet, 8vo, containing 5 lines said to
be in the autograph of Xapoleon, unsigned, excejd for a curved stroke
between two i)eriods. X.p.n.d. (2 pieces, pinned together).
Extract is an account of affairs in England; mentions the names of
[Isaac] Corry, Chancellor of the [Irish] Excluaiuer, and others. The five
lines of autograph contain instructions to a certain citizen to have a uew
copy in French made of the Extract attached f(»r imblication in the
“ Moniteur.” If the curved stroke noted be one of Napoleon’s abbreviated
signatures, it is unknown to Sainsbury. Both pieces are from the collec-
tion of Charles Fontaine, with his stamp.
2846. Xapoleon. D.S. 1 ]). oblong folio, on A'ellum, Paris, le quatorze Ven-
tbse, I’An Xl []\Iarch 8, 1808]. Certificate of Promotion of Brigadier
Armand Buland. Signature, in full, of Bonaparte,” as First Con-
sul. (Folded).
Fine Document, with engraved plate of a symbolical figure, and seal.
Countersigned by Alex. Berthier, Minister of War, and Ungues B. Maret,
Secretary of State.
2847. Xapoleon. Appointment of Citizen Larche, President Tribunal of
Appeal. 1 ]). oblong folio. Vellum (folded). Saint Cloud, le 22
Prairial, I'An XI. jJune 11, 1803]. Signed ‘^Bonaparte.’" Also,
contains signatures of [J. A.] Cha])tal, iMi'nister of the Interior, and
Hugiies B. i\Iaret, Secretary of State.
Xapoleon. L.S. 2 pp., folio. Paris, le 20 Xivose, FAn 12. [January
11, 1804]. Signed in full, '^Bonaparte.” IVith seal of the Bepublic.
To Cardinal Carlo Erskine, thanking him for his expressions of attach-
ment for him, &c. Countei'sigiuHl by [.T. E. M.] I’ortalis, one of the re-
organizers of the Catholic Church in France, and at this time Counsellor
of State; and. Ungues B. IMaret, ^'Secretary of State.
2840. XAt>OLEON. S. from [J. F. A.] Dejean, :\f inistre-Directeur, Bureau de
ITrabillemcnt et du Cainpement. 2 p]). folio. [I'aris], ]e ler jour
Complementaire, lh\n XIII [180.5]. To Xajioleon relative to pension
foi a member of the .Vrmy of tlie (h'ient. Signed on margin. “ Xa-
])ol(‘oii ' in the abbreviated style be had then commenced to assume,
together with the word accorde ” in his autograph.
2850. ISrAPOLP]OX. Bapport FEmpereiir [par] Ministere cle la Guerre [le]
Bureau cle TArtillerie. 1 p. folio. [Paris], June 18, 1806. Signed
NP ” on left margin. Laid in is a portrait of Xapoleon, folio.
This report is signed by Dejean, and concerns the prices and manu-
facture of guns, certain brands of which cannot be made as cheaply at
Turin as they can he at St. Etienne.
2851. N’apoleox. A.L.S. from the Prince Sulkowski to “ Sa Majeste I’Ein-
pereur Erangais et Boi cPItalie,” 3 pp. folio. Czenstochau, March
28, 1807. Mentions certain affairs in Silesia, Prince Jerome Xa-
poleon, &c. Signed Xap,” on margin, x\pril 5, 1807.
Sulkowski was a Polish General who served with distinction under
Napoleon, was with him all through the Italian campaign, &c., and to
whom the Emperor was sincerely attached. Interesting letter.
2852. Xapoleox. L.S. 1 p. Ito, inlaid. Yittoria, Xovemher 8, 1808. Signed
XP.” To “Prince de Xeufchatel ” [Berthier?] mentioning a de-
cree to he made known to the Generals, &c., and to he official!}" issued
by the Minister of War.
2853. Xapoleox. L.S. 1 p. folio, from a Colonel of Artillery. Yienne, June
G, 1809. Stating condition of two wounded soldiers, and suggesting
military recompense for them. Signed “Xap” on left margin, with
tAvo lines of autograph. IVith cut of the Emperor. (2 pieces).
2854. Xapoleon. A.L.S. 1 p. folio, from Emile, Prince de Messe. Darm-
stadt, Oct. 29, 1809. Signed in upper left-corner, “ XP,” with several
lines in the Emperor’s autograph Avhich have been partly obliterated.
Regrets the departure of Xapoleon for Schonbrunn, the inability to
receive orders from him, &c.
2855. Xapoleon. L.S. commencing “ Sire.” 2 pp. folio, from Xapoleon’s
sister Elisa, n.p. [but probably in Tuscany], July 12 [circa 1810].
Signed “ XP,” Avith a line of his handwriting.
A very interesting letter from Marie Anne Elisa Buonaparte, sister of
Xapoleon, Princess of Piomhino and Grand Duchess of Tuscany, in which
she reports the condition of affairs of Lncques, mentions Talleyrand,
Prince of Renevent, the work on a grand canal from I.ake Bientina, asks
that boundaries he definitely settled, &c. Signed, — “ Your most devoted
and suhmissive sister.”
2856. Xapoleon. L.S. 1 p. folio, inlaid, St. Cloud, September 10, 1810.
Signed on left top-margin “ XP,” Avith the Avord “ accorde ” and date
St Cloud, le 11. 7th. ISIO.
Letter is signed by Bessieres. Duke of Istria. and concerns the transfer
of a light-armed grenadier to the Chasseurs. Bessieres Avas instrumental
in placing .loseph Bonaparte on the throne.
2857. Xapoleon. L.S. 1 p. folio, from ]\Iarshal Berthier, *jigned “ Alex-
andre.” Paris, IMay 23, 1811. Concerning a Portuguese General,
his Avife, &c. Countersigned on left margin, “ XP ” with one line
in his autograph.
This Report is made to Xapoleon as, — L’Einpereur et Roi.” Berthier
signs as, — “ Le prince de AVagram et de Xeuchatel.”
2858. Nai’OLeox. L.S. 1 p. folio, from the Due do Feltro [Jleiiri J. G. Clarke,
IMinister of War under Napoleon and Louis XVDIl |, Paris, Juno 17,
1812. Concerns a proposition for extending the services of a certain
squadron of horse, &c. Countersigned on left margin, with the
word accorde ’’ in Napoleon’s autograph.
N.vt’oleon. D.S. 1 p. oblong folio, vellum. Paris [TuileriesJ, Jan-
uary Id, 181.‘). \\'arrant of the Chevalier Pemy, for military service.
Signed “NP,” and countersigned by the Due de Masset, Minister of
Justice. (Folded twice; with portrait.)
Interesting document wlierein the Emperor is titled, — “Napoleon, par le
grace de Dieu, Emperenr des Frangais, Roi d’ltalie, Protecteur de a Con-
federation du Ithin, Mediateur de la Confederation Suisse, &c.” With
the contracted signature in heavy strokes.
28G0. Napoleon. L.S. 1 p. small 4to, inlaid. Paris, January 1, 1814.
Signed with the contracted ^‘NP ” (somewhat stained).
Letter is addressed “ Mon Frere,” and ends with “ Votre affectiounC
frere : but to which brother of the three is ludviiown. The Emperor
thanks him for his New Year greetings, and expresses his satisfaction
relative to an accident to his niece which has not resulted seriously.
2861. Napoleon. L.S. 1 p. folio, inlaid. Paris, June 8, 1815. Signed
‘‘ NP,” with the word “ approve ” in his autograph.
From the Prince of Eckmuhl, Louis Nicolas Davoust, Marshal of France
and Minister of ^yar, concerning the appointment of an officer. There are
several other signatures on letter which was written ten days before the
battle of Waterloo.
2862. Napoleon. Five lines in P>uonaparte’s autograph, partly erased, on
slip of paper, inlaid to folio. As near as can be deciphered, extract
concerns re-enforcements for some point, n.p.n.d.
2863. Napoleon. Four sheets of Napoleon’s water-marked paper, all ditferent,
two containing portraits of Napoleon, and the others the Imperial
Eagle, said to have been taken from his carriage at Waterloo. Folio.
2864. Napoleon. Two similar sheets, one with portrait of Napoleon, the other
with the eagle.
2865. Napoleon. A small piece of cloth said to have been cut from Na-
poleon’s carriage, captured at Waterloo, June 1815, also a piece
of fringe said to have been cut from Napoleon’s coronation carriage.
Mounted on card. 2 pieces.
2866. Napoleon [Letters, etc., relating to]. Manuscript copies of the fol-
lowing: (1) Extract from Moniteur announcing that Bonaparte has
been made a member of The Institute of Paris, Dec. 26, 1797. 1 p.
folio; (2) Notice of Bonaparte’s election to membership in the
Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.” Dec. 30, 1797. 1 p.
12mo; (3) Translation of letter from Naples, Julv 30. 1805, rel-
ative to eruption of IMt. Vesuvius. 2 pp. folio; (4) Letter from’Car-
not concerning Napoleon as “Protecteur de I’lnstitute.” Paris
April, 10 [1811]. 1 p. 4to. Together, 4 pieces.
2867. Kapoleox. A well written inanuscript of 9 pao;es, 4to, entitled, ‘‘■’The
Conduct and Protest of the Guard,’’ Ipv Paul, a soldier of the Im-
])erial Guard, also several pages of patriotic songs, in different hands.
All interesting inannscript in which the writer pays a tribute to Napo-
leon. for whom every soldier would have shed his blood. He protests
against the action of the king [Charles X.] in having about him foreigners
and nobles who deserted their country, etc.
2868. Aapoleox. Oval portrait in oils on panel. By Horace Yernet. Bust
in uniform, wearino- cocked hat, looking- left. Emblematical gilt
This portrait in oils was purchased by the present owner at the sale of
the effects of the late R. F. Cooke, late partner of John Murray, the well-
known English publisher, 50 Albermarle Street. London, England. It
was sold by Messrs. Sotheby, 'Wilkinson and Hodge, June 18, 1892, with
the following description, which is pasted on the back :
“ 1022. Napoleon I, by Yernet, in oils.
*,^*This portrait was given by Napoleon at St. Helena, to his surgeon
OAIeara, who gave it to Thomas Moore, the poet.”
I.ater it [or a drawing of it], passed into the pos.session of Joel Barlow
author of “The Columbiad,” etc., and a stipple engraving was made from
it [see following lot], with the inscription “Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor
of the French, from an original drawing made for and in the possession
of the late Joel Barlow, Esq. Engraved by "W. Nicholls.”
Accompanying the portrait is a letter from Messrs. Sotheby to the owner
regarding its purchase.
2869. Aapoleox, l)ust in uniform. Engraved in stipple by AV. Xicholls (after
Horace A^ernet) . 4to. (See preceding lot) . London, undated
2870. Xapoleox. “Bonaparte I. Consul de la Eep. Franc.” Full bust in
oval, in uniform. Audouin sculp. P. Bouillon del. Eepresentation of
the battle of Marengo beneath. Line engraving. In colors. Folio.
Framed and glazed. Paris, n.d.
2871. Xapoleox. “ Souvenirs de I’Empereur,” containing bust portrait, in
uniform, no hat, surrounded l)y various scenes, from the siege of
Toulon to his tonil) at St. Helena. Graves . . . de J. Heinrigs.
Folio. Berlin, n.d.
2872. Xapoleox, luist in uniform, no liat, left hand at breast. Litliograph.
Proof in open letters on India paper. Unsigned. Folio.
2873. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat, with two facsimiles of signature,
with colored view of Porto Ferrajo and colored map. Folio.
London, 1816
2874. Napoleox, bust in uniform, wearing gi-eat coat and cocked hat. Orig-
inal pencil drawing, signed “ C. Bradley, 1878.” Large folio.
2875. Napoleon. “La Felicite do la France,” containing medallion portraits
of Napoleon and jMarie Louise. Line engraving. Unsigned. Folio.
287(). NAroLEOX, bust in nnifonii, in gronp witli iMiirie Louise ainl the King
of Romo. Line. Unsigned. Folio. Paris, n.d.
2877. Kapoleon. The same. Roeliard, del. and sculpt.
2878. Xapoleox, statue-bust on column, with large full-length figure of
Father Time kneeling before it, Avitli broken scythe in one hand.
Drawn with pen-and-ink, and washed. Unsigned. Folio.
2879. Xapoleox, “ Xapoleon Lalloriim Primus Imperator, ARpie Rex
Italiae,” bust, Emperor’s robes, wreath of laurel. Stip])le, llenricus.
Ruguet delinea^’it. Printed in colors, touched up l)y hand. Folio.
2880. Xapoleox, oval bust in military coat, facing iMarie Louise,
Peace and War with imperial crown and eagle above
Stipple. Unsigned. On tinted paper. Folio.
figures of
the Imsts.
2881. Xapoleox, circular bust as Premier Consul. Mezzotint. Levachez,
sculp. Underneath is a scene of the Bataille de Marengo. Du-
plessis-Bertaux, del. The whole surrounded by a border in line.
2882. Xapoleox, bust onl}^ with inscription. Mezzotint and line. 8vo.
2883. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, wearing croAvn of laurel, representation
of the battle of Austerlitz beneath. Composee, dessinee, et gravee
par Duplessi-Bertaux, terminee par Bovinet. Line engraving. Folio.
2884. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. Line engraving. Unsigned, to-
gether Avith facsimiles of tAA’o signatures, a colored vicAV of Porto
Ferrajo, and colored map of the Island of Elba. On 1 sheet, folio.
London, 1816
2885. Xapoleox. small bust, embroidered coat, in colors, at the top of sheet
containing a rebus on Bonaparte, the figures also in colors. Folio.
Paris, n.d.
2886. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, sAvord, books, foliage, etc., beneath. J.
Landseer fecit. W. M. Craig delint. Line engraving. Proof on
India paper. Folio. London, 1797
2887. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat, left hand at breast. Lithograph
after G. Bodmer. Proof on India paper before letters. Folio.
2888. Xapoleox, bust in uniform. Avearing cocked hat, together Avith portraits
of Xcy, Desaix and Kleber. All 12mo, and full bust. Lefevre del.
et sc., biographical accounts of all. Excerpt, on folio sheet.
2889. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. GraA^e par P. Audouin. dessine
d’apres nature par Yauthier. Line engraving. Folio (thinned in
several places). ' " Paris, n.d.
2890. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. Line engraving. Unsigned. Avith
facsimiles of signatures. Folio.
2891. X-APOLEOX, bust, state robes, no hat. T. Bouilliard deliueavit & sculpsit.
Line engraving. Large folio. Full margins. Paris, n.d.
2892. Napoleon, bust in uniform, with 2 signatures, colored view of Porto
Ferrajo and map of Elba, also colored. On 1 sheet, folio.
London, 1816
2893. Napoleon, medallion bust, allegorical border, P. H. Toncis, sen. Line.
Folio. Proof before inscription.
2891:. Napoleon, bust in uniform, looking left, no hat; on same sheet por-
traits of Marie Louise, Napoleon II. and Pius Yll. all within orna-
mental frames. Line. Folio. Paris, n.d.
2895. Napoleon, sculptured bust, facing left. Cajetanus Bossa delin. et
sculpt. Line engraving. Folio.
2896. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat, symbolical print, inscription
in German commencing “ Die Ketten so er uns geschmiedet, nun
lasten sie auf ihm allein,” etc., view of Elba, etc. Stipple. Folio.
Nurnberg, n.d.
2897. Napoleon, another copy of the same in colors.
2898. Napoleon, bust in floral oval, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Lit. Zan-
noli. India paper. Folio.
2899. Napoleon, bust in uniform with hat, surrounded by groups of battle-
flags, munitions of war, Egyptian sphinxes, &c. “ Le Temple de la
Gloire. Egypte. Italie.” Lith. Kobert et Blouet. Folio.
[Paris, n.d.]
2900. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Grave par P.
Audouin, dessine d’apres nature par Vauthier. Line. Small folio.
2901. Napoleon. “ Eaccolta di varj Ee d’ltalia.” Portraits of the different
kings of Italy, including Napoleon, full bust, also representation of
the crown. 18 figures on one sheet. G. B. L. incise all’ acquaforte.
2902. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing right, long hair, no hat. Mezzotint
by S. Arlent Edwards, signed by the engraver. China paper. Small
2903. Napoleon, bust in oval, royal robes, wreath of laurel [Mezzotint by
Levachez], battle scene beneath. 8vo, on small folio sheet.
2904. Napoleon, sculptured full bust, wreath of laurel, two women about to
place garlands of flowers about his neck. F. Ltd. Goeury sculpsit.
Stipple. Printed in colors. Folio.
2905. Napoleon, bust on pedestal, long hair. Liberty placing wreath on head.
History taking notes, and Peace in the air with sword and scales.
In colors. Line. Unsigned. Four lines in Italian underneath.
2906. Napoleon, bust in oval, wearing cocked hat. J. F. Krethlow sc. J. F.
Bolt del. Stipple. Printed in colors. 4to. Berlin, 1806
2907. Napoleox^ bust, Consul’s robes, facing left, long hair. B. Aiulouin,
sculpt. P. Bouillon del. View of the Battle of iMarengo Ijeneatb.
lane engraving. Small folio. Paris, n.d.
2908. NAl’OLEO^^ bust in uniform, wreath of laurel. ]\Iezz(jtint (by Levacliez).
Napoleon le Grand, Empereur des Fran^-ais, Poi d’ltalie,” etc.,
representation of the Battle of Marengo beneath. 8vo, on small
folio sheet.
2909. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, facsimiles of signatures as
Napoleon and first Consul. Stipple. 8vo, on folio sheet. Proof on
India paper.
2910. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat, arms folded. AC
Mauduit, sculp. Guibert del. Stipple. Printed in colors. 4to.
’ Paris, n.d.
2911. Napoleon, bust on square ground, in uniform, with hat, arms folded.
‘^Empereur des Fran^ais.” Stipple. Louis Lacoste, del. et sculp.
With letter N ” within radiated lines, underneath. -Ito.
2912. Napoleon, bust in uniform, with medals. Stipple. 4to.
2913. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, laurel and other decorations. Litho-
graph. 4to. Mlinchen, n.d.
2914. Napoleon, Napoleone il Grande,” bust in uniform, no hat. I), e
grave per J. Maina, Stipple. 4to.
2915. Napoleon, bust, military coat, no hat. Dessine et grave par Jean
Andre L’Allemand a A’ienne, 18U4. Stipple. Printed in colors, por-
tions touched up by hand. 4to.
2916. Napoleon. Napoleon le Grand,” bust in uniform, no hat. Grave
par Mecou, peint par J. Isabey, 1812. Stipple. Open letters. 4to.
2917. Napoleon, bust in uniform, long hair, no hat. C. H. Hodges, sculp.
J. T. Euica pinxit. Mezzotint, probably proof before inscription,
small margins. 4to,
2918. Napoleon, bust, EmperoFs robes, wreath of laurel, also portrait of
jNIarie-Louise, Empress’s robes, wearing crown. Dessine par E . . ..
Termine par Bensit. Stipple. Printed in colors, 4to. Paris, n.d.
2919. Napoleon, Friedrich Wilhelm III, and Alexander I, 3 busts in a group,
in uniform, sceptres intertwined with laurel wreath, underneath, Avith-
in ornamental border. B, H. Bendix, fee. 1807. 3 lines in German.
Mezzotint. 4to. Berlin; A. Philipson
2920. Napoleon, bust in oval, royal robes, Avreath of laurel. Grave par Ernst
Thelott, dessine par Desnoyers. Stipple, 4to.
2921. Napoleon, ‘'Buonaparte, erster Consul der Franz; Eepubl, Gebohren
zu Ajacis in Corsica den 15 August 1769,” bust in oval, long hair, no
hat. Zu findeii bey den Gebriidern Klauber. 4to.
2922. Napoleon^ oval bust in nniform with hat, facing left. Line. In colors.
8ao. Paris; Tessari & Co., n.d.
2923. Xapoleox, General Buonaparte,” bust in oval, long hair, no hat.
Grave par Le Drive a Paris, tlessine par Hileure Le Dru. Stipple.
2924. iNAPOLEON, “Buonaparte general en Chef de.l’armee d’ltalie,” full bust
in oval, long hair. Grave par G. Jean Boggi a Milan. Stipple in
brown. (Small hole in margin repaired.) 4to.
2925. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing right, no hat. Stipple. Un-
signed, 4to.
2926. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat. Engraved by S. Cousins, from
the original by R. Lefevre. Mezzotint. Proof before inscription.
India paper. 4to.
2927. Napoleon, “Napoleon le Grand,” bust in uniform, cocked hat, facing-
right, sword and laurel beneath. Lelnnann in Berlin. Stipple and
outline. 4to.
2928. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Grave par By.
Roger, dessine par J. Guerin. Line and stipjDle. In colors. 4to.
2929. Napoleon, “ N Bonaparte, ler Consul,’’ silhouetted bust in oval, long
hair, no hat. Grave p. Lasquelion, dess. p. Yilleneuve. Line and
stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2930. Napoleon, bust in uniform facing front, no hat. B. Roger, sc. Luneret
pinx. Line and stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2931. Napoleon, bust in oval, in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple.
Unsigned. 4to.
2932. Napoleon, “ Napoleon le Grand et Marie Louise unis par le Genie de la
Paix,” bust of each in oval. Girard, sculp. Boizot del. Stipple.
2933. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, facing right, Leroux, sculpsit.
Line engraving. Proof before all letters. (Inscription, etc., filled
in with pencil.) 4to. India paper.
2934. Napoleon, bust in oval, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Grave par P.
Audouin, peint par C. de Chatillon. Line engraving. 4to, margins
cut away.
2935. Napoleon, bust in uniform, within ornamental frame, no hat, facing-
left. Grave par iMecou, peint par J. Isaliey. 4to.
2936. Napoleon, bust in oval, royal robes, iron crown, G. Loughi disegne,
1812. Line engraving. 4to (two small spots).
2937. Napoleon, another copy of preceding without engraver’s name, ajid
perfect. 4to.
2938. ^"apoleon, head from a sculpture. Grave par G. ^lorgheii dessiiie
d’apres nature })ar J. B. Wicar en 180T. Line engraving, proof betoie
inscription. 4to.
2939. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat; full bust in uniform, no hat.
Stipple, by i\racKenzie; full bust in uniform, no hat. Stipple by
Page, London 1815. 4to and ]2nio. Together, 3 pieces.
2940. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat, lithographed, proof before all let-
ters; head in oval, proof before all letters on India papei, 4to am
12mo. 2 pieces.
2941. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. Dessine d’apres nature par Philip-
peaux. Stipple; full bust in uniform, no hat. Unsigned. (Margins
of both preceding portraits cut away.) 2 pieces.
2942. Xapoleox, “Alexander Buonaparte, de Bewondering der IVaereld,”
bust in uniform, facing right, long hair, no hat. G. Eoss excudit,
X. V. T). i\recr, jun., fee. Line engraving. 4to, full margins.
2943. Xapoleox. Another copy of the preceding, margins somewhat shorter,
and printed on a different kind of paper, slightly creased.
2944. Xapoleox, “ Buonapartes Stuff enjahre,'’ containing nine portraits,
showing every step in his career from his childhood to his downfall.
In colors. 4to.
2945. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, long hair, no hat. Grave par G. Fiesinger,
dessine par J. Guerin. Stipple. 4to, margin repaired. Paris, n.d.
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
2946. Xapoleox"^, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Alex. Tardieu sculp.
Muneret pinxt. 1810. Stipple. Proof before inscription, 4to.
2947. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, left hand in breast. Lebeau sculp., Xaudet
del. “ Xapoleon ler.’’ Line and stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
2948. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, looking left, no hat. Grave par G. W.
Xettling, 1800, peint par Bader Dalbe, entitled “Bonaparte Per Con-
sul de la Eepublique Frangaise.” Stipple, 4to, small margins.
2949. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, facing front, long hair, no hat. Stipple.
Luisigned. Proof before all letters. 4to.
2950. Xapoleox, bust, royal robes, facing right, long hair, no hat. iMezzo-
tint. 4to (worn impression).
2951. Xapoleox^, the same, proof before inscription.
2952. Xapoleox, bust in oval, facing left, without hat, Capitano B. Lasinio
sculp., 1808. Stipple. “ Xapoleone il Grande." 4to, with margins.
2953. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, facing right, no hat, long hair, C. Turner,
sculp. David, pinxt. .Mezzotint. Proof in open letters. Small mar-
gins, 4to. London, 1814
2954. dSFAPOLEON, bust in imiforra, facing left, no hat, Gio B. Galliano inc.
Ant. Galliano dis. Line engraving, 4to. Small margins (mounted).
2955. Napoleon, bust, great coat, facing left, no hat. Line and stipple. Un-
signed. 4to.
2956. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Dessine d’apres nature
par Vauthier. Stipple. 4to.
2457. Napoleon, “ Generale Bonaparte,” bust in uniform, facing left, long
hair, no hat, symbolical border, I.T. in Milano. Stipple. 4to.
2958. NiVPOLEON, “ Bonaparte, General en chef de I’armee cLItalie,” bust,
facing right, long hair, no hat. Dessine d’apres nature et grave et
Milan, 1796. Stipple. 4to.
2959. Napoleon, oval bust in uniform, in 1 section; in another, a triumphal
arch erected in Dresden, 1807. Line. Unsigned. 2 plates on 1
sheet. 4to.
2960. Napoleon, bust in royal robes, with Marie Louise, crown above, French
and Austrian eagles at sides, cupids, cloud effect, &c. Line. Un-
signed. 4to.
2961. Napoleon, medallion bust; also of Josephine, 2 on 1 sheet. Al. Sig-
Giovanni de Bizzarro.” G. B. Gremonese, scolpi, &c. V. N. An-
tonioli, inciso. Line; the same, treated in a similar manner. Oblong
4to. (2 pieces).
At The American Art Galleries
Tenth Session, Numbers 2962 to 3302, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
2963. Napoleon, Die Klagen cler Aiihanger Buonaparte bey seiner Gefan-
gennelnnung den 15 July 1815,” bust portrait on wall, other figures
portraits. 4to.
3963. Napoleon, bust, as Premier Consul, in uniform, with hat. Viardot.
Lith. de Ducarme. Galerie Universelle, publiee par Blaisot. 8vo.
[Paris, n.d.]
3964. Napoleon, oval bust in ermine robe, laurel wreath encircling head.
Pencil drawing. Unsigned. 8vo.
3965. Napoleon, bust in uniform, with arms of France underneath. Bruck-
man. “Napoleon, ler Kayser von Franckreich, und Koiiig von
Italien.” Line. 8vo.
3966. Napoleon, bust in uniform. “ Napoleon Premier, Empereur des Fran-
gais. Reiser der Franschen, &c.” Line. Unsigned. 8vo.
2967. Napoleon, bust. Emperor’s robes, with wreath of laurel, in oval. Grave
par A. Tardieu, dessine par Isabey. Stipple. Printed in colors, por-
tions touched up by hand. 8vo. [Paris], 1805
3968. Napoleon, oval bust in state robes with ermine collar, hat with plumes,
cross of the Legion of Honor, &c., with crown underneath. Stipple.
J. Chapman, sculp. 8vo. [London; J. Wilkes, 1806]
2969. Napoleon, bust in uniform with great coat and hat. Lithograph.
“11. B. 3. L.” Royal 8vo.
3970. Napoleon, bust in Consul’s coat, long hair, ruffled shirt-front. Un-
signed. 8vo.
3971. Napoleon, oval bust, military coat and hat, facing left. Stipple. J.
F. Bolt, del. J. F. Krethlow, sc. In colors. 8vo.
Berlin; 1. I. Freidhof, 1806
2972. Xapoleox, bust (showing outline of sash), enibroiilered coat, long hair.
With facsimile of signature. On India paper. Unsigned. 8vo.
2973. Xapoleox, “ Xapoleon T. Kayser von Frankreich und Konig von
Italien,” bust in uniform, wearing cocked hat. Line and stipple.
L^nsigned. Svo (slightly wormed).
2974. Xapoleox, oval bust in uniform. Line and stipple. Published by
Dean and IMunday. Unsigned. Svo. London, n.d.
2975. Xapoleox, oval bust, with the Emperor of Austria on monument, being-
crowned by an Angel of Peace, the figure of Fame with inverted torch
standing near. Line. Unsig-ned. In colors. Svo. [1S09]
2976. Xapoleox, oval bust in uniform, without cap. Line and stipple. Canu,
fecit. Svo. Paris, n.d.
2977. Xapoleox, oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair. Buonaparte, Gen-
eral en chef de FArmee, d’ltalie, &c. Derais, delinav. Ehuotte,
sculp. Stipple. Svo. Paris, n.d.
297S. Xapoleox, oval bust, embroidered coat, high-buttoned, long hair. F.
Bonneville, del. sculp. Stipple. Svo. Paris, n.d.
2979. Xapoleox, oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair. Premier Consul
de la Eepublique Francaise.” Stipple. Unsigned. Svo.
Augsburg, n.d.
2950. Xapoleox^, “ Bonaparte,” Intagliato in rame di G. Werner, diessinato,
alia natura in Italia. Stipple in brown, colored by hand, face dis-
figured. Svo.
2951. Xapoleox, oval bust on square ground, embroidered coat, long hair.
D’apres le Dessin de Milan. Stipple. Eoyal Svo. (Slight repairs
to right margin). Xuremberg n.d.
2952. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, underneath it a Eussian scene, Zyne
vlugt nit Eusland.” Line. J. E. Marcus, sculp. Svo.
2953. Xapoleox-, bust in oval, ConsuFs coat, long hair. Line and stipple. G.
Zaureio, ping, a IMilano. G. F. Eiedel, excud. Svo. (Somewhat
stained on portion of left margin.)
2954. Xapoleox, bust in oval, in ConsuFs coat, long hair. Stipple. Un-
signed. Svo. ISOO
2955. Xapoleox, circular bust, embroidered coat. Stipple. Unsigned. Svo.
2956. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, cocked hat, facing right. Stipple. In
colors. Svo.
2957. Xapoleox", oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair. Stipple. Dessine
par T. Guerin. Grave par E. G. Herhan. Svo. [Paris, 1797]
Napoleon, oval Inist, facing rigiit, in C'onsiil’s coat. Line. Dessine
par Isabev, et gi-ave par xVlex. Obirdien, gr. Oe la marine. India
pa})er. 8vo. [ibiris, 1802]
“ (pii I’retera jamais pour tracer son liistoire,
I'lie i>linue a C’lioV I’aile de la vietoire.”
Par Theveiieau.
Napoleon, bust, Consul’s robes, no hat, long hair, facing left. Crave par
iMoreau, peint par David. Stipple. Printed in colors. 8vo.
Napoleon, oval l)ust, embroidered coat, long hair. Drawn from life
at Milan. Engraved by J, Allen. Ihne and stipple. 8vo.
Napoleon, oval bust, with small scene, battle-flags, &c. (top), minia-
ture views (right and left), and scene of the Bataille de Marengo
(bottom). Line and stipple. Dessine et grave par Chataignier. Svo.
(A few green stains.) Paris, n.d.
Napoleon, oval bust, fatigue uniform, facing left, long hair. Line and
stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing left, arms folded, cocked hat. Lith.
de H. Gaugain. In colors. Svo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform under great coat. On steel. Waltner, del.
et sc. India paper. Svo.
Nx\.poleon, oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair, showing upper por-
tion of sash. Stipple. Dessine par J. Guerin. Grave par Isid.
Weiss. Svo. [Paris, 1797]
Napoleon, Itust in uniform, right hand at breast. Laugier sculp.
Steube pinx. Line engraving. 2 states, lioth India paper, one un-
finished proof. Svo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform with hat. Stipple. India paper. Svo.
Napoleon, bust, in uniform with hat. From a sketch by Col. Planat,
his private secretary on board H. M. S. Bellerophon, Plymouth
Sound, July 31, 1815. Line. Svo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, wearing cocked hat. Outline portrait, in
brown. Unsig-ned. Svo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. L. Blanc, fecit.
Stipple. Printed in colors. Proof before inscription. Svo.
Napoleon, bust in oval (right) bust of George III (left), showing ^■iew
of Malta. German copperplate proof, unsigned. Oblong Svo.
Napoleon, Imst in uniform facing left, long hair, no hat. Stip))le.
Unsigned. Svo. - . i i
Napoleon, “Bonaparte, Premier Consul de la Pepublique Frau^-aise.
Pacificateur,” l)ust in uniform, no hat. Grave par .Moreau, iieint liar
David. Stii)i)le. Printed in colors. Svo. ^
3004. Xapoleox^ another copy of the preceding, slightly different, in colors,
and with the omission of the last word on inscription. 8vo.
3005. Napoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. Stipple, unsigned. Proof before
all letters. 8vo.
3006. Xapoleon, bust from a sculpture, cupids about to place garland of
roses around his head. Hulk, sculp. 1805, Le Barbier Paine, del.
Stipple and line. Proof before inscription. 8vo.
3007. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat, ornamental borders. Grave Hep-
wood. Proof on India paper. 8vo.
3008. Napoleon, bust in oval, long hair, no hat. A. Tardieu sc. Isabey del.
Line and stipple. 8vo.
3009. Napoleon, bust in uniform, wearing cocked hat. Grave par Loman.
Mezzotint. In colors. 8vo (slightly rubbed).
3010. Napoleon, bust in uniform, engraved by M. Pekenino, Philadelphia.
Stipple. 8vo.
3011. Napoleon, bust in uniform, royal robes, no hat, facing right. Line and
stipple. Unsigned. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3012. Napoleon, bust in oval, royal robes, iron crown, a.b. L. fecit. Line
engraving. 8vo.
3013. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing right, no- hat. Grave par Queverdo,
dessine par Bourdon. Line engraving. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3014. Napoleon, bust, from a statue, battle scene beneath, colored by hand.
Drawn and engraved by Brocas, Jr. 8vo.
3015. Napoleon, “ Napoleone il Grande,” full bust in oval, royal robes,
wreath of laurel. Luigi Eados, inc. Stipple. 8vo. Milano, n.d.
3016. Napoleon, bust in Consul’s coat in circle Avithin a square. Line. DraAvn
from the life by T. Phillips. E.A. in 1802. Engraved b}^ Edwards.
[Private Plate]. 8vo.
3017. NxVPOLeon, oval bust in uniform. Line and stipple. Jiigel, sculp. 8a’o.
Vienna, n.d.
3018. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Dessine d’apres Nature par A^authier,
1814. Grave par E. Joseph. 8vo.
3019. Napoleon, bust in uniform, square. Stipple. Unsigned. Proof before
letters. 8vo.
3020. Napoleon, oval bust in uniform. Eosmasler, f. Stipple. 8vo.
Zwickau; Schumann, n.d.
3021. Napoleon, bust. Emperor’s robes, Avearing Avreath of laurel. Mezzo-
tint. In colors. 8vo.
3022. Napoleon, bust in coronation robes, with a wreath border, beneath
which are cannon, drum, code, decree, (tc. “ Et Spes et ratio Studi-
orum in Caesare tantuin. liessiiie par J. Goubaud. Grave par
Benoist, Je. Line and stipple. 8vo.
3023. Napoleon, as First Consul, bust in uniform, cocked hat, oval bordered
with laurel. J. B. L. ilassard fils, sculp, d. B. F. Massard del.
Stipple. 8vo.
3024. Napoleon, ‘‘ Napolcone il Grande,” bust in uniform, right hand at
breast, oval bordered with laurel, eagle above. G. Canacci inc. Isabey
dis. Stipple. 8vo.
3025. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat. Stipple and line. Unsigned.
8vo, full margins. Proof.
3026. Napoleon, “ Napoleon ler,” bust in uniform, cocked hat. Gestochen
von J. Schonberg. Stipple. 8vo.
3027. Napoleon, bust in uniform as First Consul. Grave par A. Tardieu
Dessine par Isabey. Stipple. In colors, portions colored by hand.
3028. Napoleon, Buonaparte, General en Chef der Bepublique F rankreich,
bey der Italienischen Armee,” etc., full bust in uniform, cocked hat,
oval bordered with laurel. Line engraving. Unsigned. 8vo.
3029. Napoleon, bust. Consul's coat, no hat. Long hair, facing left. Grave par
Bortignon, dessine d’apres nature. Stipple. Margins cut away. 8vo.
3030. Napoleon, bust in uniform, long hair, no hat. F. Bonneville del.
sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
3031. Napoleon, bust in uniform, royal arms beneath. Mezzotint. Blanchard
del. et sculp. 8vo. • Paris, n.d.
3032. Napoleon, Napoleone il Grande, Imperatore dei Frances ie Ee
d’ltalie,” bust in uniform, no hat, star over head. D’e grave par J.
Maina. Stipple. Printed in colors. 8vo.
3033. Napoleon, bust, royal robes, facing left, oval surrounded by laurel.
Grave par Dion. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3034. Napoleon, General Buonaparte,” bust in uniform, cocked hat. Con-
signed. 8vo.
3035. Napoleon, “ General Buonaparte,” bust in uniform, cocked hat. Hous-
ton, sc. M. Davide pinx. Stipple. 8vo.
3036. Napoleon, bust, facing left, Consul’s robes, cocked hat, oval surrounded
by laurel. Stipple. (Engraver’s name erased), in brown, 8vo.
Proof before inscription.
3037. Napoleon, l)ust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned.
Printed in colors. 12mo.
3038. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing- left, cocked hat. Tassaert, sculpt.
Thazel del. Line eng-raving, 8vo.
3039. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facino- front, no hat. Line engraving.
Unsigned, 8vo.
3040. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. P. Augrand, sc.
■j\luneret pinxt. Stipple. Proof before inscription,. 8vo.
3041. Napoleon, as First Consul, bust in uniform, elaborate cocked hat, right
hand raised, Bonneville sculp. Stipple. 8vo.
3042. Napoleon, bust in uniform, with cap. “ Napoleon Premier, Empereur
des Fran^'ois, Poi d’ltalie.’" I^ine and stipple after Lehmann, Berlin.
In colors. 42mo.
3043. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned,
3044. Napoleon. “ Buonaparte, General en Chef der Italienische Armee,” bust
in uniform, cocked hat. J. C. G. Fritzsch sc. J. T. Pusca pinx.
Stipple. 8vo.
3045. Napoleon, as Chief Consul of France,” full bust in uniform, cocked
hat. J. A. Kidd sculp. Stipple. 8vo. [London, n.d.]
3046. Napoleon, General Buonaparte,” bust in uniform, cocked hat.
Schweyer sc. Stipple. 8vo.
3047. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned.
Proof before all letters. 8vo.
3048. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat, facing right, fait par Fiigel.
Mezzotint, 8vo.
3049. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, arms folded, facing front. B.
Mauduit sculpt. Guibert del. Stipple, 8vo.
3050. Napoleon, “ N. Bonaparte, Primo Console della Pepubblica Francese,
Presidente della Pepca. Italiana,” bust, Consul's coat, no hat.
Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo. Milano, n.d.
3054. Napoleon, Bonaparte, draAvn from the Life in Italy,” bust in uniform.
Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo. ‘ London, 1797
3052. Napoleon, Bonaparte, General en chef de I’Armee cFItalie,” bust in
uniform, long hair, no hat, facing left. Stipple. LUisigned. 8vo.
3053. Napoleon, Buonaparte, General en chef de FArniee dite d’ltalie,”
bust in uniform, long hair, no liat, facing right. Grave par Carle B.,
I’an 5 [1798], dessine a Pome par Ciprian. Stipple. 8vo.
3054. Napoleon, Napoleone Bonaparte, Generate Comandante dell ’Armata
Francese in Italia,” bust in uniform, long hair, no hat. Lafinio inc.
Stipple. 8Am. in Firenze, n.d.
3055. Napoleon, bust in uniform, left hand at breast, no hat, facing right.
Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
305G. XAroLEON, Bonaparte ler. Consul/’ bust in oval,
hat. J. G. Bendorp, sculp. 1801. Stip[)le, 8vo.
Consul’s robes, no
3057. ISTapoleon, Napoleon inodele ties braves, pere tlu i)euple,” bust iii
uniform facing front, no bat. Line and stipple. Laisigned. Proof
in open letters. 8vo.
3058. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat.
Proof beforc inscrii)tion, 8vo.
(1. Pechner fc. 1840.
3050. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. B. Boger, sc., .Muneret,
pinx. Proof before inscription on India paper. 8vo.
3060. Napoleon, ‘‘ Le General Buonaparte,” bust in uniform cocked hat,
figures heneath. Chr. tie Mechel graveur. Stipple. 8vo.
3061. Napoleon. Another impression of the above, the last two lines of
inscription [on the preceding there are three], omitted. 8vo.
3062. Napoleon, bust in uniform, 3 lines in Latin underneath. Line and
stipple. Dcssine et grave par Mecou d’apres le buste de Houdon.
8 VO.
3063. Napoleon. The same, but without the Latin inscription, ]\Iecou, sculp.
Proof before letters.
3064. Napoleon, l)ust in uniform, together with similar portraits of Marie
Louise and Francis, Emperor of Austria, on one sheet. Stipple. Un-
signed. 8 VO.
3065. Napoleon, “ Bonaparte, General en chef de I’Armee d’ltalie,” full bust,
in uniform, long bair, no hat, d’apres le dessin de Milan. Mezzotint.
8 VO.
3066. Napoleon. Another copy of the preceding, cut close and rubbed.
3067. Napoleon, 1)ust in uniform, looking front, no hat. P. Augrand sc.
IMuneret pinxt. Stipple. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
The reproduction in Sloane's Life of Napoleon was made from this
3068. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat, facing left. Grave par Joubert
d’apres Isabey, 1833. Line engraving. 8vo. Proof before inscrip-
tion on India paper.
The i-eprodnction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3069. Napoleon, bust, iron crown. G. Loughi disegne ed incise, 1812. Line.
The rei)rodnction in vSloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3070. Napoleon, Inist in uniform. Premier Empereur des Fran^-ais, Poi
d’ltalie.” Unsigned. 8vo.
3071. Napoleon, “Bonaparte et sa Femme,” [Josephine], medallion busts.
Stipple in bistre, 8vo. Milan, n.d.
30T2. Napoleon, ])pst io uniform, no hat. A. Maurin del. In colors. Svo.
London, n.d.
30T3. Napoleon, in uniform, wearing cocked hat, on horseback, together
with bust portraits of his Marshals (38 in all), on sheet entitled,
Napoleon nngeben von den beriihmtesten Generalen senier Zeit.”
Oblong Svo.
307-1. Napoleon. 2 busts in uniform, both proofs before inscription; full
length in uniform, sentry refusing to allow him to pass. In colors;
full length, on the Bellerophon. In colors, Svo and 12 mo. Together,
4 pieces.
3075. Napoleon, Scott, Byron and George IV, Avith Princess Charlotte on
etched frontispiece and title of A Biographical Dictionary, &c. By
E. Bellchambers. Vol. 1. London, n.d. 2 pp. 16mo; Effigy hung
to a gallows under Avhich a mob is building a fire. W. J. AVhite, del.
et Sc. 16mo ; bust in oval, uniformed, with Eussian scene beneath
(Flight from Moscoav). Line. 12mo; silhouette bust in circle.
“ Tyrant of France, (kc. “ Stipple. Unsigned. Pul), by Ackermann.
12 mo. (4 pieces).
307G. Napoleon, l)ust in uniform, without hat. Etched by T. Chapman from
an original drawing lately brought from Paris, by M. Barre. Svo.
3077. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. Dessine d’apres nature et grave
par Jazet. iMezzotint. Svo.
3078. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, cocked hat, in 2 states. Proof
before all letters and with inscription. Line and stipple. Svo.
3079. Napoleon, (1) half length in uniform, right hand in vest, in colors on
China paper with artist’s signature — G.AV.H. Eitchie. 12mo ;
(2) three quarter length in uniform, right hand in vest, standing
near chair. In colors on China paper. Unsigned, l)ut probably by
the aboA’e. Svo. (2 pieces, 1 damaged).
3080. Napoleon, bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Cajet Bosa del. et incid.,
1817. Line and stipple. Svo.
3081. Napoleon, Napoleone I., II Grande,” bust, royal robes, facing right.
Line engraving. Svo. in ^Venezia, n.d.
3082. Napoleon, “ Napoleon le Grand Eiupereur des Francois, etc.,” bust,
royal robes. Stipple. Svo.
3083. Napoleon. ‘^Napoleon erster Ivaiser von Frankreich und Koenig von
Italien,” bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. V. J. Vockerodt, sculp.
Stipple. Svo.
3084. Napoleon, in uniform, facing front, no hat, arms folded. Line
and stipple. Puhlishcd at New York by IMr. Mm. Hill, 15 Washing-
ton St. Svo.
3085. Napoleon, “ General Buonaparte,” bust, oval, also on same plate similar
portrait of General Dumourier. Eye, sculp. Svo.
Xai’Olkox, ‘‘General Buoiiaparta',
hair, no hat. G. -losi del. &
Stipple. 8vo.
Napoleon, bust, uniform, facing
netti sculp. F. Cos.sia [jijixt.
host, in uni form, facing left, long
sculp. J. C. Leeuwestyn cxcud.
right, long hair, no hat. I. Schiavo-
Veronae 1707. Stipple. 8vo.
London, 1707
Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing right, long hair, no hat, iMartimdli
excudit. G. Zauerio ping, a Milano. Line and stipple. 8vo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing left, no hat. Stipple. 8vo,
(spotted) .
Napoleon, “ General Buonaparte,” bust, in uniform, long hair, no hat,
naeh Natur gezeichn ; zu Mailand von Canu, gestocli; von C. Muller.
Stipple. 8vo.
Napolkon, bust in uniform, with great coat and fur collar, hat, &c.
“A la Bataille d'Eylau.” Marckl del. J. de Mare sc. India
paper. 8vo. [Paris; Fourrat freres, n.d.J
Napoleon, oval bust in cmltroidered coat, long hair. “ Oberbefehlshaber
der Italienischen Armee, &c.” Line and stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
Napoleon, oval bust in uniform, ou square ground. Line and stipple.
“Gestochen von A. Briickner in Leipzig.” 8vo.
Napoleon, bust in circle, uniform, without hat. “ Kaiser der
Franzozen, &c.” Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
Napoleon, l)ust in embroidered coat. Stipple. Bouillon del. T. Y.
Poll sculp. ]2mo.
Napoleon, circular bust, eml)roidered coat, hat with plumes, long hair.
Stipple. Dessine par J. Guerin. Grave par Tapinois. 12mo.
Paris; chez FAuteur, n.d.
Napoleon, oval bust in uniform, with Cross and Star. “ Reiser af
Frankerig, Konge til Italien.” Line and stipple. Unsigned. In
colors. 12 mo.
Napoleon, oval bust. Consular coat, long hair, plumed hat, facing left.
Stipple. Unsigned. In sepm. 12mo.
Napoleon, oval bust, embroidered coat with frilled shirt-front, hat
with plume, Avavv hair. J. Chapman sculp. “ Published as the Act
directs, -July 15, 1797.” 12mo.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing right, cocked hat, arms folded.
Stipple. Printed in colors. 12mo, margins cut away.
Napoleon, bust in square, embroidered coat and hat with plumes.
Line. IL Scott sc. 12mo.
Napoleon, oval bust, military coat, ruffled shirt-front, long hair.
Engraved for the Lady’s Jlagazine. Line. 12mo.
[London; G. G. -L Pobinsou, 1800]
3103. Napoleon^ oval bust on square ground, embroidered lapels on coat,
rutried shirt-front. Line. Imsigned. 12mo.
3104. Napoleon, oval bust, embroidered coat with sash over shoulder. Line
and stipple. I.. Portman sc. 12mo.
3105. Napoleon, oval Imst, endn’oidered coat, long hair. “Bonaparte,
General en chef des armees de la Pep. fse. &c.” F. Bonneville del.
scnlp. Stipple. 12mo. Paris, n.d.
3106. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, also similar portrait of Marie
Louise. Both stipple. Unsigned. Both printed in colors. 12mo.
3107. Napoleon, oval bust, facing right, embroidered coat, black stock.
“ Bonaparte, Premier Consul cle la Eepnblique Frangaise, Pacifica-
tenr.” Feint par David. Gravee par Moreau. Stipple. 12mo.
3108. Napoleon — Another copy, sepia, white stock. “Bonaparte,” only,
without other wording.
3109. Napoleon, oval bust as Consul, embroidered high-buttoned coat. Line
and stipple, proof. Unsigned. 12mo.
3110. Napoleon, oval bust, facing right, long hair. J. T. Puska pinx. G. G.
Endner sc. Stipple. 12mo. [Leipzig, 1797]
3111. Napoleon, bust in square, in Consul’s coat, long hair. Line. De Lira
del. Clemens sc. Square 12nio.
3112. Napoleon, bust, embroidered coat, long hair ; underneath, a view of
ecjiiestrian figures, houses, &c. Line. Couehe fils, scnlp. 12mo.
3113. Napoleon, 2 busts (separate) on 1 sheet; (A) embroidered coat, long
hair, facing right. Reveil sculp. (B) embroidered coat and collar,
long hair, tied in l)ack, facing left. Line. Unsigned. Both 12mo.
3114. Napoleon, bust, emln’oidered coat. Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3115. Napoleon, bust in square, eml)roidered coat, long hair, with symbolical
border of flags, lions’ heads, angels, &c. Line. Unsigned. 12mo.
311(). Napoleon, oval bust, emlmoidered coat. J. T. Pusca pinxt. G. G.
Endner sc. 1797. Stipple. 12mo.
3117. Napoleon, oval l)ust, embroidered coat, as First Consul. Stipple.
Heath sc. 12mo. [London, 1801]
3118. Napoleon, circular bust, laureated, in uniform, with portion of tree at
right lower corner. Line. “ Venezia presso Antonio Latta 9m.
Giacomo.” 12mo.
3119. Napoleon, oval bust, in Consul’s coat, curly hair. Stipple. H. Lips
scnlp. 12 mo.
3120. Napoleon, oval bust, facing left, in eml)roidered coat. With facsimile
signature. Stipple. From an original by Masquerier. 12mo.
London; Tegg &: Castleman, 1803
3121. NAroLEON,. oval bust, long hair. “ I’ublicato iji Venezia da GinsepjX!
Sardi, li 2, Maggio, 17U7.” Verite dis. Zanieoii ine. Stipple.
3122. Vapoeeox, oval host, lani-eated, long hair. “Buonaparte, Erste Consul
der Eransclie Bepublick.” Line. “ Nedert. -Mare. 1800. Maart J.
Stuk. Bladz. 00.” 12ino.
3123. XAroLEON, bust, long hair, within a victor’s wreath (oval), and
labelled, “ Napoleone Buonanaparte.” Line. ]2nio. [Probably an
Italian print, although unsigned.]
3124. Natoeeon, bust in circle within octagonal border, “Napoleon Buona-
parte, Cree a paCIfler Ce MonDe.” Stipple. Inv. p. Sim. Oswald
*& grav. p. Jos. Bauschmayr tons deux Bavarvis. 12ino.
3125. Nat'OLEOX, oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair. “Buonaparte,
General en chef de PArmee d’ltalie.” Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3126. Napoleon, oval bust, embroidered coat and collar, with facsimile sig-
nature underneath. “ From a portrait painted by Boill}^, engraved
by Levachez and published in August, 1802.” 12mo.
3127. Napoleon, oval bust, in uniform. From an original painting in the
Florence Gallery. B. K. Porter del. J. Wright sculp. Stipple.
3128. Napoleon, bust in uniform with great coat. Pencil drawing. Un-
signed. 12mo.
3129. Napoleon, oval bust, embroidered coat and collar. Stipple. Point
pinxt. Massard sculpt. 12mo. Paris, u.d.
3130. Napoleon, oval bust, military coat. Stipple. “ Empereur de France,
Koi d’ltalie, &c.” 12mo. Paris, n.d.
3131. Napoleon, oval bust, embroidered coat, cocked hat and feathers. Line.
Engraved from a print published at Paris, done from an original
painting at Milan by Citn. Appiani. 12mo.
3132. Napoleon, oval bust in luiiform, with hat. Stipple. Proof before all
letters. 12mo. (Old writing erased from lower margin.)
3133. Napoleon, bust, partly in oval, uniform, with hat. Lithograph. Un-
signed. 12mo.
3134. Napoleon, bust (unfinished), hat, collar, and portion of arm and
shoulder finished in stipple. Proof on India paper. Unsigned.
3135. Napoleon, circular bust, curly hair, embroidered lapels and collar. 5
lines each French and English beneath. J. Point, pinxit. J. B. L.
^lassard, sculp. 2 lines of Latin above bust. Sti])ple. P2mo.
3136. Napoleon, bust in sub-oilicer’s uniform. -Mezzotint. Godefrov. 12mo.
3137. Napoleox, bust in coronation rol>es within a victor-wreath, with stream-
ers of ribbon, biographical notice in Italian nnclerneath. E. Slaes,
sculp. Line and stipple. 12nio. Bruxelles,
3138. Napoleon, bust in uniform, sash over one shoulder. Stipple. Lln-
3139. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Engraved for the Cabinet, New York.
Seebes, sculp. 12mo.
3140. Napoleon, bust in uniform against a canopy of Bees embellished with
flowers and leaves, insignia of office, &c. Mezzotint. Dessine cBapres
Nature et grave par Jazet. 12mo.
3141. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Unsigned proof. Stipple. On printed
paper. 12mo.
3142. Napoleon, sculptured bust in circle, as First Consul. Line and stip-
ple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3143. Napoleon, sculptured bust in circle, within square frame, broken crown
and laurel wreath and 4 lines of verse beneath. Line and sti])ple.
Boullay, sculp. 12mo.
3144. Napoleon, bust in circle. Consul’s embroidered coat, stars over his head,
cloud beneath, and inscription of 4 lines. Line and stipple. Vigny,
d’apres Nature. 12mo. Paris, n.d.
3145. Napoleon, bust in uniform in square ornamental frame. Etching,
Muneret, pinxt. Fontaine, sculp. India paper. 12mo.
3146. Napoleon, bust, military coat (in 1803). Line. F. Gerard, pt. 1803.
Ch. Bazin, set. 1859. 12mo.
3147. Napoleon, bust in uniform, cocked hat, facing left. Line and stipple.
Unsigned. Inscription in Greek. 12mo.
3148. Napoleon, as First Consul, bust in uniform, elaborate cocked hat. Stip-
ple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3149. Napoleon, “ Buonaparte, Premier Consul de la Eepublique Frangaise,”
bust in uniform, facing left, no hat. Grave par T. V. Poll, dessine
par J. Guerin. Stipple. 12mo.
3150. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. ITnsigned.
3151. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat, arms folded. Stipple.
Unsigned. 12mo.
3152. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned.
12mo. Proof before all letters.
3153. Napoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned.
Unflnished proof ])efore all letters. 12nio.
Napoleon, circular bust in uniform with hat. Stipple. Proof. Un-
signed. 1 2mo.
3] 54.
3155. Napoleox. Another co])y. In more finished state, with circular border,
and ornament of endless-ser})ent underneatli. Proof on India paper.
Unsigned. 12mo.
3156. Napoleox, bust in circle, uniformed, witli inscription beneath. Line.
Unsigned. 12mo.
3157. Napoleox. The same, witliout inscri[)tion. Proof.
3158. Napoleox, full bust in uniform, no hat, facing left. Sti])ple. Un-
signed. 12mo. Paris, n.d.
3159. Napoleox, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned.
12nio. I’roof before all letters. 12mo.
3160. Napoleox, bust in uniform, facing right, cocked hat, also on same sheet
‘UMaria Luise,” full bust. Ign. Colombo, exc. ]2mo.
3161. Napoleox, bust, royal robes, wearing crown. Stipple. 12mo.
3162. Napoleox,’ “ Napoleone I., II Grande, Imperatore dei Frances!, e Pe
dTtalia,” bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Line engraving. 12mo
(slightly thinned).
3163. Napoleox, “^Napoleon le Premier, Empereur des FraiiQois,” bust, royal
robes. Grave par T. V. Poll, peint par Isabey. Stipple. 12mo.
3164. Napoleon, bust in oval, long hair. Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3165. Napoleox^, bust in oval, long hair. Verter inc. Vil dis. Stipple in
brown. 8vo. Eotterdam, i\Iay 10, 1790
3166. Napoleox^ bust in oval, long hair. Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
Venezia, 1790
3167. Napoleox^ “ Buonaparte ramenant la Paix en France,” half length, in
uniform in chariot. i\Iascpietti, sculp. Moretti del. Stipple. 8vo.
Paris, n.d.
3168. NAPOLEOx^ bust in oval, long hair. Kuricke fee. Line and stipple.
3169. Napoleox^ “ 11 Grande,” head from a sculpture, wreath of laurel. Stiin '
pie. 12mo. '
3170. Napoleox^ bust in circle. Consul’s coat, long hair tied in back, within
a frame formed of military accoutrements, liberty cap, flags. &c.
Etching. Drawn and engraved by F. Eginton, froin a medal of the
same size. 12mo. ^ Birmingham ; F. Eginton, 1801
3171. Napoleox^, bust in eml)roidered coat, long hair tied in back. Thne and
stipple. [After a bust in Milan.] Unsigned. 12mo.
3172. Napoleox", oval bust, embroidered coat, long hair tied in back. Pencil
drawing after sketch in stipi)le by Mr. Canu ‘'par Louis Boulanger
dit Cosaque.” 12 mo.
3173. Napoleon, bust in octag’onal frame resting upon a rock, surrounded by
books, a lyre, a palette, an owl j^erched upon a sword, &c., with
an eagle above riding upon lightning flashes, background of peaks and
ail aurora. Engraved by Yates. India paper. 12ino.
3174. Napoleon, “ Buonaparte Premier Consul de la Eepublique Frangaise.”
Grave par T. V. Poll, dessine par J. Guerin. Stipple. 12mo.
3175. Napoleon, oval bust iii embroidered coat. Line and stipple. Unsigned.
317G. Napoleon, bust in scpiarc, facing left, curly hair, embroidered collar.
Line. Unsigned. IGino.
3177. Napoleon, bust in uniform, front view, drawing in sepia. Unsigned.
3178. Napoleon, oval bust, side view, long hair, with scroll at base containing
names of the battles in the Italian Compaign. Line and stipple.
3179. Napoleon, oval bust, in uniform, rulfled shirt-front. Stipple. E. K.
Porter del. J. Wright sculpt. From an original painting in the
Florence Gallery. Sepia. IGmo. London, H. D. Symonds, 1797
3180. Napoleon, another copy, black, Engraved for Mackenzie and Dents
Select Biography.” IGmo on 12mo.
3181. Napoleon, medallion oval bust on portion of column, with full-length
symbolical figures of the Angels of Peace (left) and Plenty (right).
Etching bj^ P. P. Choffard (1801). IGmo.
3182. Napoleon, bust, facing left. Consul’s coat. Stipple. Unsigned. IGmo.
3183. Napoleon, circular bust. Consul’s coat. Bonaparte, Ir. Consul.”
Stij)ple. Unsigned. IGmo.
3184. Napoleon, bust, facing left, embroidered coat and collar, without hat.
Hunc saltern everso Juvenem, &c.” Stipple. J. Point pinxt.
F. A. Bruckner sc., Leipzig. IGmo.
3185. Napoleon, oval bust in square, surmounted by laurel wreath, coat with
embroidered lapels, long hair. Line. Unsigned. IGmo.
318G. Napoleon, oval bust, surmounting an alligator and encircled by a snake
and wreath, witli a conical pyramid at right. Konsuls Bonaparte.”
Line and stipple. Unsigned. IGmo.
3187. Napoleon, circular bust, surrounded by wreath. Stipple. Unsigned.
3188. Napoleon, bust, embroidered coat, long hair. Stipple. IGmo.
3189. Napoleon, circular bust, embroidered coat, long hair. Stipple. Un-
signed. IGmo.
3190. NAroLEOX, oval Imst, lon^- liair. Kinporeiir dos Fran^-ais, proclaiiie
par ]e Senat Conservateiir dans la Seaneo dii 28 Floreal, An XIF”
Line and sti])ple. Unsigned.
3191. Xapoleox, bnst in nniforin. in a gi'oii]) of 3 busts, the others being
Maria Louisa and the King of Itoine. ‘‘ La Famille Iinperiale.”
Unsigned. Printed in colors. (Jhlong Khno.
3192. Xapoleox, the same, nncolored.
3193. Xat'Oleox, host on octagonal background, embroidered coat. Stipple.
Eng’d by J. A. Kidd, X. Castle. lOmo.
3194. Xapoleox, circular bnst. embroidered coat, long hair, encircled by the
words, “ Bonaparte Ceneral en Chef de FArmee d’ltalie.” Stipple.
LLisigned. lOmo.
3195. Napoleon, bnst in general’s uniform. Stipple. “ Keiser af Frankerig
og Konge til Italien, &c.” Signed, but undecipherable. 16mo.
3196. Xapoleox^ oval bnst, in ermine robe, wreath encircling head. Stipple.
Unsigned. 16mo.
3197. Napoleon, bnst in uniform. Line and stipple Conche fils, scnlp.
3198. Napoleon, oval bnst, within square. Consnl’s coat, long hair. Ses
pareils a denx ne se font pas connaitre.” Line. Unsigned. 16mo.
3199. Napoleon, oval bust. Directory coat, frilled shirt-front, facing right,
long hair in braided knot at back, cannon and flag nnderneath.
Stipple. Talverde p. [Tasker sc.] General Buonaparte.”
IGmo (small portion beneath oval damaged).
3200. Napoleon, oval bnst, military coat. Line and stipple. T. Blaschke
se. 16mo.
3201. Napoleon, oval bnst, in nniforin. Stipple. Unsigned. 16mo.
3202. Napoleon, oval bnst, embroidered coat, long hair. Line and stipple.
Lhisigned. 16mo.
3203. Napoleon, oval Imst in square, in uniform, eagle and laurel wreath
beneath. Line. Hnot del. Mariage. 16mo.
3204. N'apoleon, bnst in nniforin. Line and stipple. Forsell scnlp. IGnio.
3205. Napoleon, bnst in Consul’s coat, wreath overhead, scene of a meeting
beneath. Line. Hnot del. ^lariage. 16mo.
3206. X'apoleon, oval bnst in uniform, crowned eagle beneath. Line and
stipple. I'nsigned. 16nio.
3207. Napoleon, bnst in a group of 3 Consuls, embroidered coats, without
hats. Dessine par Chataignier. Grave par Nockerodt. Stipple.
3208. Kai'OLEON, the same three Consuls, in panelled frame. Line. 16mo.
3209. N.M’oleox, oval bust in military coat, with hat. Xapoleon der Erstc.”
Line and stipple. Unsigned. IGino.
3210. Xapoleox, bust in militaiw coat. Pencil sketch. Unsigned. 16mo.
3211. Xai'Oleox, ljust on reverse of medal. Consular coat, long hair, “AW
Italico U obverse, allegorical figures of Wisdom, Peace, Plenty, ikc.
libera e Insuhria. IX. Lnglio, MDCCLXXXXVII.” Witlnu an
ornamental border. Line. Unsio-ned. IGnio.
3212. Xai’OLEox'. bust in circle, embroidered coat, laurel-wreathed. Eight
lines of ve'rse underneath. Stipple. Jh. Point pinxit. J. B. L.
IMassard sculp. 18mo.
3213. XAroLEOX, bust in uniform, in square. Vivien sculp. Line. 18mo.
3214. Xapoleon, bust in circle showing embroidered lapels. Stipple. Dessine
et grave par Alix. 24mo. Paris, n.d.
3215. Xapoleox, oval bust, long hair. Stipple. Lmsigned. 24mo.
321G. Xapoleoet, bust in oval, court dress. “Buonaparte (corse) De la'a-
]none.” Stipple. Consigned. 24mo.
3217. Xapoleox, oval bust. Consul’s coat, long hair. “ Franzosisseber
General.’’ Stipple. Unsigned. 24mo.
3218. Xapoleoet, oval bust in uniform, arms folded. Line. Eosmasler,
Dres. 182G. 24mo.
3219. Xapoleox, oval bust in embroidered coat and bat. Stipple. De Bruyn
delt. Grangerm sculpt. 24mo.
3220. Xapoleox", bust in uniform, facing front, no bat, right hand at breast.
Line. 2 states, one India paper, before all letters. 8vo. 2 pieces.
3221. Xapoleox, bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. A. Desnoyens delin.
Stipple. 8vo. 2 copies, one with full inscription, the other without.
2 pieces,
3222. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, facing right and front, no hat, lithographs,
4to. 2 pieces.
3223. Xapoleox, medallion bust, and another bust, both royal robes, wreath
of laurel. Line and stipple. 8vo. 2 pieces.
3224. Xapoleox, bust in oval, royal rolies with wreath of laurel, engraved by
AV. Iloll. In 2 states. With and without inscription, 8vo.
London, n.d.
3225. Xapoleox", l)ust in uniform, no bat. Stipple. F. Fleiscbmann, sc.;
full bust in uniform, no bat. Goutiere, sc. Sandoz del. Line en-
graving and another. Together, 3 pieces. 4to and 8vo.
322(). Xaihjlkon, bust in uniform, no liat.
David; full bust in frame, as First
Wedgwood, seulpt. India |)a[)er and 2
Sti])i)le. Grave
Consul and Kmperor. J. d.
others. Together, 4 pieces.
,'V /V
N-vroLKOK, circular bust, as First
in Wa.v in the Possession of
Scotland.’’ Stip])le. Fusigned.
Consul. “ From an Original Model
Harry Grant, American Consul for
3228. X.U'OLKON, another, similar, as Emperor of the french. The date line
has here l)een omitted, and the t)ust lias lieen surmounted liy a crown.
In other respects the jilates are identical.
3221). Nai’oleox, oval bust in embroidered coat. ^M)ljereonsul dei‘ tiepulilick
Frankreich.” Stip[)le. Bader Dallie, px. A estermayr, sc. 8vo.
3230. XAPom-ox, another cojiy. lOmo.
3231. Xapolison, 2 busts (se[)arate) on 1 sheet; (1) embroidered coat, long
hair, facing right. Line. Unsigned: (2) emliroidered coat, long
hair, facing left, as General en chef de I’armee d’ltalie, April, 17U().
Line. Couche fils. dir. Paris, n.d. Both, 12mo.
3232. Xapoleon, sculptured bust with Maria Louisa (together) and the baby
King of Pome (singly) on 1 sheet. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo. Lon-
don, 1812; bust with .Maria Louisa, in circle. Line. A. Loeatelli
d’Alvisopoli diso. ed inciso. 8vo. (2 pieces.)
3233. X.VPOLEON, 2 busts in uniform, and another, 4to and 8vo. Together,
3 pieces.
3234. Xapoleon, 3 busts, one with cocked hat, one without, also one half
length. 4to and 8vo. Together, 3 pieces.
3235. K'apoleox, 3 busts in uniform, cocked hat. Stipple and line, one
proof before all letters. 12mo. Together, 3 pieces.
3236. Napoleox, 3 busts in uniform, 2 without hat, one with. Ales, sc. etc.
12mo. Together, 3 ])ieces.
3237. Napoleon, ^MAimille Imperiale,” [Napoleon, !Marie Louise and their
son], medallion, busts. Penard, sculp. Blaixot del. Stijtple, 8vo,
full margins. I’aris, n.d.
3238. Napoleon, La famille Imperiale,” smaller busts than the preceding.
Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
3239. Napoleon, Leur M. i\[. I’Empereur I’lmperatrice, et le Poi de Pome,”
medallion, bust, symbolical borders. Stipple. Unsigned, 8vo.
3240. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned, 12mo.
3241. Napoleon, “ Najjoleone tm|)eratore de Francesi e Pe dTtalia,” Ganacci
inv. AGgneux dis. Sti])ple. 12ino.
3242. Nai’oleon. bust in uniform, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned. Proof before
all letters.
32-4:3. Xapoleox^ silhouette bust as First Consul, from a drawing from E. D.
Clarke. Svo. Full margins. London, 1803
3244:. Xapoleon, another copy of the preceding with the imprint cut away.
3245. Napoleon, oval bust, in uniform, v/ith hat. Empereur des Frangais
et Roi d’ltalie.” Stipple. J. F. Bolt, del. J. F. Krethlow, sc. Svo.
Berlin; I. I. Freiclhof, 1806
3246. Xapoleon, another copy, on tinted paper.
3247. Xapoleon, the same. “ Kaiser von Frankreich und Koenig von Italien.”
J. G. Sommer, sc. 1807. n.p.
3248. Xapoleon, the same. Empereur des Frangois, Roi d’ltalie.” Un-
signed. n.p.n.d.
3249. Xapoleon, the same, cut down and placed within square lines. Un-
signed. 12mo. n.p.n.d.
3250. Xapoleon, “ Xapoleone Primo Imperatore de Francesi,’’ head from a
sculpture by Canova, Fran. Cechi delin. Line engraving, 4to.
3251. Xapoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. Stipple, probably after an un-
signed charcoal drawing.
3252. Xapoleon, head from a sculpture, engraved by J. Wright, Stipple.
Proof on India paper. 4to. London, 1821
3253. Xapoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. Cholet sculp. Chataigner del.
Stipple. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3254. Xapoleon, bust in uniform, no hat, facing left, line engraving. Un-
signed. Proof before all letters. Svo.
3255. Xapoleon, bust in oval, no hat. Grave par Henry, dessine par Hubert.
Stipple. Svo.
3256. Xapoleon, “ Xapoleone, il Grande,” bust in uniform, no hat. Capitano
B. Lasino sculp. 1810. Stipple. 4to. Full margins, which are
slightly creased.
3257. Xapoleon, another copy of the preceding, printed on paper of a differ-
ent tone, most of the margins cut away. Svo.
3258. Xapoleon, head from a sculpture. Stipple. Unsigned. Proof before
all letters on India paper. Svo.
3259. Xapoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. J. W. fecit. Stipple. Proof be-
fore inscription. Svo.
3260. Xapoleon, bust in uniform, facing front, no hat, also on same sheet
IMarie Louise, bust, wearing crown. Stipple. IRisigned. Svo.
3261. Xapoleon, medallion heads of both the preceding on one sheet. Line.
Proof before all letters.
3262. Xapolkox, inedallion busts of both the preceding, facing left. Stipple.
8vo. I’aris, n.d.
3263. Napoleon, bust in uniforni. Stipple. David, p. Pekinino, sc. 12nio;
lialf length in uniform, right hand in vest. Etching. Peint par
P. Lcfevre. Grave par Pannier. 8vo. ; half length in square, iini-
formed. E. Leguay, sculp. Paris, 12mo. (3 pieces.)
3264. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Etching. London. 8vo; another with
facsimile signature. Lithograph. l)e Girarcl, Bruxs. ; half length,
uniform, right hand in vest. Peint par P. Ijcfevre. Grave par Pan-
nier. 8vo. (3 pieces.)
3265. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Stipple. T. KelD sc. Exeter, J. & B.
Williams, 182T. 12mo; half length in uniform, right hand in vest,
hat in left, trojdiies &c. bordering portrait. “ Valadolid.” D. J.
Pound. 8vo; bust in long coat as First Consul. iMezzotint. Lon-
don, 1845. 12mo. (3 pieces.)
3266. Napoleon, bust in uniform, no hat. Engraved by Bocquet after David.
Stipple. London, 1815 ; full bust in state robes, no hat. Engraved
by Sudlow. Stipple, and another. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 3
3267. Napoleon, busts, 3 on sheet, in Consul’s coat, all facing right, long
hair tied in back. (Top) in circle on tinted paper. 16ino; (left)
plate in same state on white India paper. 12mo; (right) another
state of same plate, 12mo. “ General en chef.” Line. Unsigned.
3268. Napoleon. Facsimiles of portraits from various medals. Together,
ten pieces on three sheets containing three portraits. 8vo. (3 pieces.)
3269. Napoleon, bust, with great coat, in uniform, within ornamental bor-
der. P. Beckinidis. Lith. Kirchmayr. 8vo ; bust in uniform.
Etching. Steube pinxt. Dean scp. London, 1835. 12mo; bust,
similar, in ornamental frame, square. 12mo. (3 pieces.)
3270. Napoleon, in prison, 1794; bust in uniform, no hat, sculptured bust.
Proof before letters, etc. Line, etc. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4
3271. Napoleon, 4 busts in uniform, no hat. Line, etc., one proof before all
letters. 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3272. Napoleon, 4 busts in uniform, all facing front, no hat. Line and litho-
graph. One proof before all letters. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 4
3273. Napoleon, 3 busts, one half length, in uniform, facing front, no hat.
Line, etc. 8vo. Together, 4 ])ieces.
3274. Napoleon, 3 busts, royal robes, one full length, royal robes. One proof
before all letters, 2 India paper. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 4 ])ieces.
3275. Xapoleox, 4 busts in uniform, no hat. L. A. Claessons, sculp., etc.
Together, 4 pieces, 12mo. One proof before all letters on India
3276. Xapoleox^ 2 Imsts, 2 full lengths. Engraved by H. R. Cook and others.
Line, etc. 12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
3277. Xapoleox, 4 different l)usts in oval, 2 from medals. Stipple, etc. 12mo.
Together, 4 pieces.
3278. Xapoleox, bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Grave d’apres Tofanelli
par Roger en 1813. In 4 states. Unfinished proof before all letters,
proof with engraver’s name, etc., the same on India paper, and with
inscription, on India paper, 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3279. Xapoleox, 4 busts in uniform, 3 facing front, one to right, no hat.
Line and stipple, etc. 1 proof, 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3280. Xapoleox, “ General Bonaparte,” bust in uniform, long hair, no hat,
1. Godefroy, delt. and scupst. and 3 others. Stipple, line, etc. 4to
and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3281. Xapoleox, bust, royal robes, wreath of laurel. T. Wallis, sculp. Lon-
don, 1815; and three others, one on India paper. 4to and 8vo. To-
gether, 4 pieces.
3282. Xapoleox, iMarie Louise and King of Rome, medallions, on sheet 8vo;
“La Maison du Garde-chasse.” Lithograph, 4to; bust in a group
of 3 busts. Line. 8vo; “ L’Oeil du Maitre.” Etching. 8vo. (4
pieces) .
3283. Xapoleox, face, with 3 others. 4to; “Une maison de la rue de la
A^ictoire.” Lithograph. 8vo; bust in uniform with Xey. Stipple.
12mo; “ Xapoleon et sa Mere. (Baby in anus). Tinted. 16mo on
small folio. (4 pieces.)
3284. Xapoleox, uniformed bust in square Avith ornamental border. “ Le
Pere.” AYith facsimile signature. Line. LTisigned. Paris, n.d.
8vo; sculptured bust in oval with luise. Alezzotint. From a bust.
T. AV. Harland. Edinburgh and London. 12mo ; half length in uni-
form, crowned “ X ” over his head. Etching. Unsigned. London.
12mo; bust in uniform. Aluneret, pinxt. Fontaine, sculpt. Sur-
rounded by biographical notes. Paris. 8vo. (4 pieces.)
3285. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, no hat. Bertennier 1837 [sculpt.] India
paper; full bust in uniform. H. Scriben, sculpt, London, 1829 ; and
2 others. 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3286. Xapoleox, bust in uniform, right hand at ln*east, no hat, Gezund gest.
V. Rosmasler, Berlin, 1837 ; full bust in uniform, right hand at breast,
no hat, engraved by J. Freeman, and 3 others, 8vo. Together, 4
3287. X.VPOLEOX. bust, royal robes, iron croAvn. A'erico inc. ; cameo in stipple
by T. AVoolAvorth after Alorelli. London, 1822, and 2 others, 8vo and
12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
Xai’oleox, l) ill uniforni, witli Imsts of 4 otlier generals, within lancy
scrollwork. Etching. T^nsigned. Small folio ; Napoleon inducing
Ihus Vll to sign the Concordat.” Mezzotint after Sir 1). Milkie.
8vo ; Les Souvenirs du I’eiiple.” Etching. 12ino ; Asseyez-vous,
mes braves gens, &c.” Eithograjih. 12ino. (4 jiieces.)
Napoleon, iMarceau, lloche, and 2 others in grou]) (busts). Line.
Small 4to ; ‘‘Napoleon et Benjamin Constant.” (Standing). Etch-
ing. 8vo; bust, with 11 others in group, including Ceorge III., \\ ell-
ington, &c. Etching. 16mo; “ Tre epoche della Vita di Aapoleone.”
Lithograph. 4to. (4 pieces.)
Napoleon, bust in uniform, with 5 other rulers of France. Line. Kimo;
Napoleon et le General Becker. Lithograph. 8vo ; Inist in unitorm,
with 3 others. Line. 8vo; bust in group of 7. Description in
Italian. 4to. (4 pieces.)
Nai'OLEON, 3 busts in uniform, no hat, one-half length, and another.
Line, lithograph, etc. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, 3 busts in uniform, facing front, no hat, one proof before
all letters. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, 5 different Imsts, in uniform, no hat, one on India paper.
8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon. 4 busts, and 1 full length. Lithograph and line. 8vo and
12ino. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, five different busts. Paul sc. London, 1802; after Charlet
(2. different jap^er), and 2 others. (1 India paper). 8vo and 12mo.
Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, five different busts. Conche fils, sculp.; Hopwood sc., and 3
others. 8vo. and 12rno. Together, 5 pieces.
N.apoleon, five ditferenf busts, as First Consul, Forestier sculp. ; Sands
sculp. London, 1812, and 3 others. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5
Napoleon, in tondp 2 different (one India paper) ; head from a medal;
bust. P. Scott, sculp., and 2 others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5
Napoleon, five different busts, including those engraved by Clever, and
others. 4to and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, bust in uniform. Proof before all letters; full bust, Dutillos
sc. (India paper), etc. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
Napoleon, bust in uniform, grave par .1. B. Longacre; full bust in
uniform. G. Bonatti inc. and 3 others. 4to and 12mo. Together,
5 pieces.
Napoleon, bust in oval, arms folded. Stiipde. Unsigned; full bust,
engraved hv 4\ Cook, London, 1814, and 3 others. 8vo and 12 mo.
Together, 5 pieces.
At The American Art Galleries
Eleventh Session, Numbers 3303 to 3643 Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
3303. Xatoleon, in uniform, no hat. Forestier sculp.; full bust in
uniform, no hat, Giroux sc., and 3 others. 8yo and 12mo. Together,
5 pieces.
3304. ISTapoleon, five different busts, including those engraved by Forestier
(India paper), J. W. Cook, etc. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
3305. Xapoleon, with his son. E. Leguay, sc. in 1814. W. French, sc. De
la Eoche pt., and 3 others. (2 proofs.) 8ro and 12mo. Together,
5 pieces.
3306. Napoleon, as an infant, drawn and engraved by Longacre; full length.
P. Bedini dis. : “ En Bivouac.” T. Doney sc. Charlet del. Open
letters, and 2 others. 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3307. Napoleon, five different busts, grave par A. Lefevre, and others. 2
proofs before inscription. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
3308. Napoleon, bust in uniform. Forestier, sculp. Proof before inscrip-
tion; full bust in uniform. C. H. Wolf, sc., and 3 others. 8vo and
12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
3309. Napoleon, oval bust in uniform in group of 10. Etching. 8vo; 2
medallions of Napoleon I. and one of Napoleon III., with facsimile
signatures. 8vo; Napoleon in a toupee, face, with 13 others. Line.
8vo ; ‘‘Meeting at Tilsit.” Half tone. Small folio; “ Une scene
de PAbdication.” 12mo. (5 pieces.)
3310. Napoleon, outline full bust. Beveil sculpt. ; full length. Lithograph;
on horseback, in colors (lithograph), and 4 others. 8vo and 12mo.
Together, 6 pieces.
3311. Napoleon, bust in uniform ; full length in uniform, and 4 others, in-
cluding 2 colored lithographs. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 6 pieces.
3312. N’apoleox, iiiedallion head with 2 others, on medal, obverse and reverse,
as Consul. Etching. Oblong 12mo; oval bust in uniform, in group
of 4. Stipple. 12mo; ‘^Napoleon a Ste. Helene, donnant une
legon,” &c. Lithograph. 4to; full length (seated) with three gen-
erals, and others. 7 pieces.
3313. Napoleon, 2 faces, full and three-quarters, enveloped in clouds with
star shining above both. Facsimile d’un dessin de Girodet-Trioson
fait d’apres Nature, &e.” Maile sc. IMezzotint. Folio.
London, 1827
3314. Napoleon, sculptured head, border designs. F. Rosaspina inc. F.
Pagligi inv. Small folio (margin cut away).
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from the above.
3315. Napoleon, face and head only, on ground of sun-rays and stars burst-
ing through clouds. 4to.
3316. Napoleon, double portrait, faces and hats only. Line and stipple.
Haine aux Homines. Haine aux Femmes, avec la fin du monde.”
Unsigned. 8vo.
3317. Napoleon, head engraved by T. A. Dean from a medal in the posses-
sion of Mr. O’Meara. Stipple. 2 plates, different. 8vo.
London, 1822, etc.
3318. Napoleon, head after a medal by O'Meara, grave par Khonraad. Stip-
. . pie. 8 VO.
3319. Napoleon, Napoleon the Great,” head, long hair, no hat. Drawn
and engraved by S. Bennet. Line engraving. 8vo. London, 1806
3320. Napoleon, face slightly to left. [Engraved by O’Neill.] Proof be-
fore letters. Inscription on India paper. 12mo.
3321. Napoleon, silhouette head and neck on embroidered pane], embossed in
white and maroon. Unsigned. 16mo.
3322. Napoleon, 3 heads (one with that of Marie Louise) from statues,
all with wreaths of laurel. Stipple and line. 4to and 8vo. To-
gether, 3 pieces.
3323. Napoleon, ob. and re. of a medal, with portraits, printed descrip-
tion in French and German; bust in uniform. Stipple. London,
1815, and 2 others. 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3324. Napoleon; (1) facial view in cap on sheet with 7 others, including
Caulaincourt, Bessieres, Berthier, Murat, &c. Unsigned; (2) Six
Scenes de la Vie de Napoleon. V. Adam. On 1 sheet. Litho-
graph. Folio; (3) busts of Napoleon and Frederic Second. Mezzo-
tint. Unsigned. 4to (somewhat damaged) ; (4) Belustigung Na-
poleons in der Kindheit zu Brienne.” Lithograph. 4to. (4 pieces.)
3325. Napoleon, outline head, with those of Marie Louise, and 5 others ; full
length (with Marie Louise on same plate), and others. Lithosraphs,
etc. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3326. aSTAPOLEON, oval half length in uniform with hat. H. Vernet, pinxt.
Giibian, del. Lith. cle H. Bnmet. Folio. Lyon, n.d.
3327. Napoleon, Le General Finot Apres la retraite de Eussie,” half length
in uniform, arms folded, no hat. Stipple. Unsigned. Printed in
colors. Folio.
3328. Napoleon, half length, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Lithograph after
Maurin. Folio.
3829. Napoleon, half length in nniforin, facing front, no hat. Aclile.
Lefevre sculp. Ches. Steube, pinx. Line engraving. Proof before
inscription. Folio.
The reproduction in Sloaue's Life of Napoleon was made from this
3330. Napoleon, as First Consul, half length in uniform, no hat, military
scene beneath. Outline plate b}^ Levachez after Boilly. Folio.
3331. Napoleon. “ Napoleon Premier, Einpereur et Eoi,” half length in uni-
form, no hat, left hand at breast. Benoist, jne. sc. Alex. Vigueux
f. Stipple. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3332. Napoleon, half length in uniform, arms folded over breast, an excellent
likeness formed of minute German words worked into shapes of
epaulettes, hat, arms, &c., the whole showing a bust in outline.
Folio. Wien, n.d.
3333. Napoleon, half length in royal robes, with Marie Louise. Line and
stipple. Dessine et grave par M. H. Le Grand. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3334. Napoleon, half length in uniform, no hat. Luigi Pizzi P. Professore
di disegno .... in Padova, 1830. Line engraving. Open let-
ters. Folio.
3335. Napoleon. ‘^Napoleone il Grande, Iinperatore de Francesi, Ee d’ltalia,”
&c. Half length, no hat, battle scene in background. Ant. Verico
inc. 1810. Vigneux del. Line engraving. Folio.
in Firenze, n.d.
3336. Napoleon, half lengdh in uniform, standing, no hat, left hand at breast,
scene beneath. Dessine et grave par L. Jehotte a Liege, 1804. Line
engraving. Folio (creased across middle). Paris, n.d.
3337. Napoleon, half length in uniform. Napoleon le Grand.^^, Steph.
Tofanelli, del. Dav. Weiss, sculp. Stipple. 12mo, mounted folio.
Wien, n.d.
3338. Napoleon, half length in uniform, Avearing cocked hat, left hand at
breast. Scotto inc. Line engraving. 4to.
3339. Napoleon, half length in uniform, arms folded. Vigneux, del. Henry
sculp. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3340. Napoleon, Cittadino Bonaparte general in Capo delle Annate Fran-
cesi in Italia.” half length in uniform, long hair, no hat. P. Bernardi
f. J. G. pointer. Stipple. 4to.
3341. Napoleon^ ^‘Napoleon Premier/’ iialf length in nniforin, facing front,
no hat. Praclier, scnlp. Gerard pinx. Line engraving. Open letters.
3342. Napoleon, half length in uniform, cocked hat, arms folded, facing left,
battle scene in background. Line engraving. Unsigned. 4to. Mar-
gins cut away.
3343. Napoleon, half length in uniform, cocked hat, arms folded, facing left.
E. Paueli, sculpt. Stipple. 4to.
3344. Napoleon, half length in unifoian, facing right, no hat. Grave par B.
Roger, dessine, par J. GiiOln. Line and stipple. 4to.
,3345. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing front, no hat. Lithograph
after Basin, Jne. 4to.
3346. Napoleon, half length in uniform, no hat, principal events of his life on
border. Stipple. Unsigned. 4to.
3347. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing right, no hat, left hand at
breast. Benoist, jne., sc. Alex Vigneux f. Stipple. 4to.
3348. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing right, arms folded. Henry,
sculpt. Vigneux del. Stipple. 4to.
3349. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing front, no hat. Dessine et
grave per Eichomme 1833, peint par F. Gerard, 1803. Line engrav-
ing. Open letter proof, India paper. 4to.
3350. Napoleon, Buonaparte preinier Consul de la Republique Frangoise.”
half length in uniform, long hair, no hat, facing left, nach einem
pariser original verfertiget von T. L. Stahl in Nurnberg. Stipple, in
brown. 4to.
3351. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing right, long hair, no hat.
Mezzotint. Unsigned. Proof. 4to.
3352. Napoleon, oval half length in uniform, on square background. Line and
stipple. Guibert, del. V. Mauduit, sculp. Royal 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3353. Napoleon, half length in uniform, wearing cocked hat. Stipple. Un-
signed. Printed in colors (margins cut away and creased across
middle). 8vo.
3354. Napoleon, half length in oval, embroidered coat and hat, laurel wreath
above, inscription below. “ P’er. Consul de France.” Line and stip-
ple. Unsigned. 8vo.
“ Pliilosophe profond, invincible Guerrier,
L’Olive sur son front embellit le Laurier.”
3355. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing right, no hat. Line enorav-
ing. Unsigned. Unfinished proof before all letters. 8vo. °
3356. Napoleon, half length in uniform, small star suspended over his head.
Line and stipple. Napoleone il Grande, &c.” D. e. grave par J.
Maina. 8vo.
3357. Xapoleox, half length in nniforin, cocked hat. P. Angrand sc., Lafitte
del. Stipple. 8vo.
3358. Napoleon, half length in nniforin, arms folded. Etching. Published
at New York bv Yhlliain Hill. Unsigned. 8vo.
3359. Napoleon, half length in nniforin, facing right, no hat, arms folded.
L. Pados, sculp. Vigneux, del. 8vo. Milano, n.d,
3300. Napoleon, half length in uniform, no hat, left hand at breast. Lebeau,
sculp. Naudct del. Stipple. 8vo.
3361. Napoi.eon, lialf length, royal robes. Dessine et grave par Benoist.
Stipple. 8vo.
3302. Napoleon, half length in uniform within oval wreath, surrounded by
war emblems, flags, &c. Etching by Hopwood and Corbould. 8vo.
3363. Napoleon, half length in square, uniform with hat, arms folded; under-
neath, scrolled map, crowns, sceptre, swords, &c. Line. Shepperson
del. J. G. AValker sc. 8vo. [London; Brightly and Childs, 1815]
3364. Napoleon, half length in uniform, with hat, arms folded, facing left.
Stipple. Le Grand sculp. India paper. 8vo.
3365. Napoleon, half length, military coat, long wavy hair, ruffled shirt-
front. F. Cossia pinxt. Veronae, 1797. L. Schiavonetti sculp.
Londini. Stipple. 8vo. (Slight stains on margins.)
London; J. Shlunt, 1797
3366. Napoleon, oval, half length in uniform. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
3367. Napoleon, half length, right hand in vest, full uniform. Line and
stipple. Unsigned. Published by Geo. Virtue, London. In colors.
3368. Napoleon, oval half length on square background, surmounted by
laurel leaves. Napoleon I., Kaiser der Franzosen.” Stipple. Un-
signed. 12mo.
3369. Napoleon, half length in circle, 'uniform, right hand in vest. Em-
pereur des Frangais, Eoi d’ltalie, Protecteur de la Confederation du
Ellin.” Firenze appo. G. G. Chiari e figlio. Unsigned. In colors.
3370. Napoleon, half length in royal robes, with Marie Louise. Unsigned.
Line. 12mo.
3371. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing right, cocked hat, arms folded.
T. Prattent del. et sculpt. 12mo. In colors. London, 1814
3372. Napoleon, half length in uniform, arms folded, with hat. Stipple^
“ From a painting by Lacoste, deposited in the Imperial Library at
Paris. Corrected at Plymouth, 1815.” 12mo.
3373. iSTAPOLEOX, half len^’th in uniform, liat without ])lume, right arm hont
sliowing hand within buckskin glove. “Napoleon le Grand, Lm-
perenr des Fran^ais et Itoi d’Jtalie.” Line and stipple. F. Maradan.
3374. Napoleox, half length in uniform as Premier Consnl. Hopwood sc.
In colors. Paris, n.d. 8vo; “ At the l\[ilitarY School, throwing snow-
balls.’^ In colors. London, n.d. 4to; full length in uniform, rear
view, hands folded, soldiers to the right. AVithout letters. Un-
signed. In colors. 12mo. (3 pieces.)
3375. Xapoleox, half length in uniform, a dead eagle on its hack above hijn.
Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
337(). Xapoleox, half length in uniform, wreath and eagle above his head,
another wreath with army scene underneath. Line. Proof before all
letters. 12mo.
3377. Xapoleo.x,, half length in embroidered coat and sash. Line and stip-
ple. Itnsigned. 12mo.
3378. Xapoleox, half length in uniform, showing right hand in vest. Line
and stipple. David Pt Paris. T. Gimbrede Sc. X. Y. 12ino.
3379. X.APOLEOX, half length in uniform. Stipple. Willard & Pawdon sc.
Alby. 12 mo.
3380. Xapoleox, half length in nniform, facing front, no hat. Anderson
sculpt. David pt. AVood engraving. 12mo. Xew York [1815]
3381. Xapoleox, half length in embroidered Consular coat, sash and hat,
laurel liranches beneath. “ Premier Consul, &c.” Line and stipple.
J. B. F. ]\[assard, del. J. B. L. Massard, Fils, sculp. 12ino.
[Paris, n.d.]
3382. Xapoleox, half length in robes of state, wreath of laurel. Line and
stipple. Unsigned. 12nio. [Paris, n.d.]
3383. Xaj^oleox, half length in uniform with great coat and hat, also fac-
simile signature. Pencil sketch. Unsigned. 12mo.
3384. Xapoleox, half length in nniform, right hand in vest. Pencil drawing,
par I. AAh Morris.” 12mo.
3385. Xapoleox, half length, embroidered coat, long hair, tied in back.
L’Univers est rem])li de sa gloire.” Dessine d’apres nature a iMilan
par G. Alessi. Grave par J. J. F. Tassaert. Stipple. 12mo.
338(). Nai’Oi.eox, half length in uniform, right arm hent at elbow. Xapo-
leon le Grand Fmpereur des Fran^ais et Koi d’ltalie, et Protecteur
de la ConfGleration du Bliin.” Line. Unsigned. IGino.
3387. Xapoleox, half length in uniform, with great coat and fur collar, right
hand in vest. Engraved by lllman and Pilbrow. 16mo.
Xew York; J. & J. Ifarper, 1832
3388. Napoleon, half length, within oval border, curly hair, coat with em-
broidered lapels, sash. Line and stipple. Unsigned. IGino.
3389. Napoleon, oval half length, embroidered coat and belt. Stipple. Un-
signed. 16mo.
3390. Napoleon, half length oval, in Consul’s coat, long hair. Stipple. G.
Zanerio ping, a Llilano. Schleich scidp. ICnio.
3391. Napoleon, half length in uniform. Etching. Ferd. dirit. 16mo.
3392. Napoleon, half length in uniform, with hat. Water-color. Unsigned.
3393. Napoleon, half length in uniform, right hand in vest. Line and stip-
ple. Unsigned. 16mo.
3394. Napoleon, half length in uniform. Line. Unsigned. 24mo.
3395. Napoleon, half length in uniform, facing front and left, no hat. Litho-
graphs, different. 4to. 2 pieces.
3396. Napoleon, half length in uniform. Stipple. Engraved by J. B. Long-
acre from a miniature by Bousseau. [Phila.] 1827. 12mo; another,
similar. David. Cooper. Etching. 12mo; another, similar. Stip-
ple. London, 1815. 18mo. (3 pieces.)
3397. Napoleon, half length, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Line and stipple.
(Margins cut away) 4to; full bust. Grave par Vallot, 1841. 4to
and 8vo. Together, 3 pieces.
3398. Napoleon, half length, uniform under great coat, left hand in vest.
Etching. G. Stael, del., Paris. 8vo; half length in uniform, small
figures overhead and at bottom. Etching. London. 8vo; bust in
uniform in square frame, lion heads at corners. Etching. Unsigned.
London, 1823. 16mo. (3 pieces.)
3399. Napoleon, half length in uniform. Engraved by Bocquet. Stipple.
London, 1815 ; the same, engraved by E. Smith, and 3 others. To-
gether, 5 pieces. 4to and 8vo. *
3400. Napoleon, half length in uniform, right hand at breast. A. Eiffaut,
sculp. P. Delarocht. pinx; Napoleon asleep in his study,” drawn
by Dr. IMennes, 1831, and three others. Together, 5 pieces. 8vo.
3401. Napoleon, 5 different, half length, full bust, etc. Etching, line, etc.
8vo and 12mo. Together, 6 pieces.
3402. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform, holding colors in’one hand
and sword in the otlier. Grave a iMilan par J. Longhi. 1798, peint
par Lc-Gras. Line engraving. Folio.
3403. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform, on horseback, on plate
entitled “line dernicu-e grace mon Empereur, votre main.” Line en-
o-ravinff, in colors, probablv colored by hand. 4to. Eepaired.
3404. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform, right hand in vest, in
the garden of Malmaison. Facsimile in colors from the water-coloi
by Dujardin. 4to.
3405. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform, with cross-belt and sword,
in oval border. Japan paper. Artist’s proof, with signature of G.
jMercier. 8vo.
3406. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform, sword, and sash across
shoulders. Line. S. Lerby, del. Bovinet, sculp. (Frontispiece.)
3407. Napoleon, three-quarter length in uniform (colored lithograph) ; full
bust (from Journal des Artistes, 1834), and 3 others. 8vo and 12mo.
-Together, 5 pieces.
3408. Napoleon, full length, court dress, right hand resting on the ‘‘ Civil
Code,” Josephine seated in chair. Grave par F. A. David. Line en-
graving. Proof before inscription. Large folio. [.Paris, 1807]
3409. Napoleon. “ Napoleon le Grand,” full length in the robes of Emperor.
Augte. Boucher Desnoyers sculpsit. F. Gerard pinxit anno 1805.
Line engraving. Large folio.
3410. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat. Line engraving,
proof before all letters on India paper, probably representing the
scene of the plea of the prisoners at Jaffa, about 1,200 of whom
Napoleon had ordered shot. Large folio.
3411. Napoleon. ^‘Napoleone il Grande, Imperatore de Francesi 2 re
d’ltalia.” Full length, standing, cocked hat under left arm, holding
map of Italy in right hand. Stipple. Unsigned. Large folio, with
margins. Milan, n.d.
3412. Napoleon, full length in uniform, standing, no hat. Laugier 1835,
David 1812, I’eau forte par Vallot. Line engraving. Open letters.
India paper. Large folio.
3413. Napoleon, full length in robes, wearing hat. Grave par Mecou, peint
par Isabey, 1812. Line engraving. Large folio, with full margins.
Paris, n.d.
3414. Napoleon, full length in royal robes. W. Bromley sculpt. F. Gerard
pinxt. Line engraving. Folio. (Creased across middle.)
London, 1825
3415. Napoleon, full length in robes, together with portraits as he appeared
at Austerlitz and Waterloo. The colored poster by Lucien Metivet,
issued by The Century Magazine, Jan. [1895]. Folio (slight tears
to margins).
3416. Napoleon. Another copy of the preceding, autographed by the artist.
3417. Napoleon, full length in uniform, no hat, standing, right hand on
documents. Dickinson sc. A. J. Gros pinxt. Mezzotint. Folio
(margins cut away and inlaid, slight repairs to face).
3-il8. jSFapoleon. full length in nnifonn, standing, wearing hat, also full
length portraits of ]\[arie Louise and Napoleon’s son, on same sheet.
German copj)er engraving, in colors. Folio. [n-P- 18^1]
3419. Napoleon^ full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat, hand at breast,
standing by “ Senatus-Consulte Organique.” Folio.
3420. Napoleon, Napoleon I., Empereur des Frangais et Eoi d’ltalie, Ne le
15 Aout 1769,” full length in robes, crowned with laurel, placing
wreath of roses on bust of Josephine. Stipple. Printed in colors.
Folio. Paris, n.d.
3421. Napoleon, the same, nncolored.
3422. Napoleon, “ Le Prisonnier,” full length in uniform, in cell, looking, by
aid of the narrow window lights, at map of Italy. Weber del. Litho.
de C. Motte. Folio.
3423. Napoleon, Passe, le Present et rAvenir,” full length portraits of
Napoleon, his son, etc., soldiers in background. Lithograph after E.
de Moraine. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3424. Napoleon, full length. Emperor’s robes, crowning himself with the im-
perial diadem. In colors. Folio.
3425. Napoleon, full length in uniform, no hat, receiving congratulations
from his officers, whose brows are wreathed with crowns of victory,
and one of whom [Lavalette?, who is wearing woman’s dress], is
throwing off his disguise. Mezzotint. Unsigned and without letters.
3426. Napoleon, full length in long coat, line engraving formed of pen-
script flourishes, standing, with right hand in vest. D’Aviguon.
sculpt. Folio.
3427. Napoleon, full length in uniform, no hat. Dessine d’apres nature an
Chateau des Tuileries, et grave per Charon. Stipple. Printed in
3428. Napoleon, full length in embroidered coat, standing with a woman,
hands joined, before a figure of Liberty on a throne. In colors. Line.
Ensigned. 4 lines in Italian underneath. Folio.
3429. Napoleon, full length in uniform, right hand in vest, left in back
pocket of coat, standing in front of large building, a howitzer, trees,
&c. around him. -Line and stipple. Dessine par J. B. B. Grave par
C. Zatta. Folio.
3430. Napoleon, full length in uniform, ermine robe flung over left arm, can-
non, tent, flag, &c., around him. Stipple. Dessine par F. Damame.
Grave par J. J. F. Tassaert, 1806. Folio.
3431. Napoleon, full length in court robes, soft cap and plumes, right arm
outstretched, standing on floor. Line. Dessine par Desrais. Grave
par Thiebaut. Folio.
3432. NAroLEON, full length in uniform covered by fur eoat,^ in the midst of
a battle^ right arm pointing. Line. Unsigned. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3433. XAroLEOX, full length in the handsome costume he wore on “ Le Champ
de May,” declaiming his address on that occasion. Mezzotint. Un-
signed. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3434. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, left hand in vest, right, behind Jjack,
on an eminence near the sea. Mezzotint. Charlet, pinxt. S. W.
Keynolds. . .sculpt. Folio. Paris and London, 1820
3435. Xapoleon. full length in military long coat, right hand in vest, stand-
ing on lawn. Line and stipple. “ Adieu, Mai Maison.” Dessine par
Isabey. Crave par C. J. Linges. Termine par E. Cooper. India
paper. Folio.
3436. Xapoleon, full length on battlefield, in long coat and sash, sabre in
. right hand, cannon, horses, &c. Line in sepia. Folio.
London; S. W. Fores, 1797
3437. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, right hand in vest, left, behind back.
Mezzotint. Unsigned. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3438. Xapoleon, full length in military long coat, standing with right hand
outstretched, left grasping sword in scabbard. Mezzotint. Proof
before all letters. Folio.
3439. Xapoleon, the same on tinted paper.
3440. XhiPOLEON, “ Coup d’oeil de FAigle,” containing full-length portrait in
uniform, telescope in hand. Peiiit par H. Bellange. Lithograph.
Proof in open letters on India paper. Folio.
3441. Xapoleon, full length, after the figure on the column in the Place
Yendome. Lithograph. Folio.
3442. Xapoleon, Buonaparte,” full length in uniform, standing, cocked hat
in left hand, pen in right. Grave par J. C. Bock, dessine par Hilaire
Le Urn. Stipple. Folio, (portion of one margin repaired).
3443. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, seated on chair, white charger near-
by. Alf. Cornilliet d’apres Philippoteaux. Proof before inscription.
3444. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, holding standard in right hand,
standing by French Constitution, guarded by the eagle, and with
the Goddess of Libertv on other side. Fcrit par Benard Lithoo-raph
3445. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, with hat, hand at breast. Lith. d’E.
Simon a, Strasbg. Folio,
3446. Xapoleon, full length in embroidered long coat, with sash, sword, and
hat on which is a writing ])ad, neaifiy a rock, and soldiers on bridge.
Stipple. Dessine par Hilaire le Dru. Grave par J. C. Bock. FoHo!
SdlT. oSTapoleox, the same. Smaller figure, and without soldiers. Unsigxed.
Line. 8vo.
3448. I^APOLEOX. full length in uniform, right hand in breast, an outpost on
horseback near, soldiers, &c. Mezzotint. Unsigned. “ Meditant la
Bataille de Wagram.” Folio.
3449. Xapoleon, full length, in prison, looking at Map of Italy spread on
table. Le Prisoniiier.” Weber, del. Litho. de C. Motte. Folio.
3450. Napoleon, full length in uniform, long hair, no hat, holding standard.
Buotte sculpsit. Dutaillis deliueavit. Stipple. Folio. Small mar-
gins. Paris, n.d.
3451. Napoleon, full length in uniform, without hat, the central figure of a
German copper engraving, unsigned, entitled “ Abschluss des De-
finitiv-Friedens Zwisehen Oestreich und Frankreich zu Campo For-
mido am 17 Octob. 1797. Bonaparte, Marchese Ballo,” etc. Folio.
3452. Napoleon, full length in uniform, cocked hat, arms folded, facing right.
F. Arnold sc. H. Dahling del. Mezzotint. Folio.
The reproduction iu Sloaue’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3453. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat, arms folded,
Fried. Arnold, sc. H. Dahling del. Mezzotint, colored by hand
Folio (margins cut away).
3454. Napoleon, full length, standing, in embroidered coat, sash and sword,
plumed hat held in left hand with writing-pad on top, over which the
right hand is poised with pen between fingers, rock and soldiers on
bridge iu background. Mezzotint. Unsigned proof (Somewhat dam-
aged). Folio.
3455. Napoleon, full length in uniform, standing, hat in hand. Grave par
Coque[t], dessine par Hilaire Lc Dru. Mezzotint. Folio, margins cut
away, and small piece of engraver’s name rubbed otf. Paris, n.d.
3456. Napoleon, full length, no hat, standing by Acte additional aux Con-
stitutions de I’Empire.” Mezzotint. Folio (stained in places).
3457. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arms behind him, on rock in mid-
ocean, ships in the distance. J’attendais. . . 15 Octobre 1840.”
Mezzotint. Unsigned. Folio.
3458. Napoleon. Another copy, somewhat varied. Line. Proof before all
3459. Napoleon, full length in uniform (centre), xUexander I and Friedrich
Wilhelm III (sides), hands clasped, all standing. Unsigned. Stipple.
Small folio. Wien; Bemnoni, n.d.
3460. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat, arms folded. F.
x4rnold fee. H. Dahling del. Mezzotint. Small folio.
34G1. Napoleon, full length, royal rolx's. Dessine a Paris, Ic 2 Avril 1810,
jour cle la celebration du Mariage de sa Majeste et grave par Adrien
Godefroy. Line engraving, festoon border. Small folio. Paris, n.d.
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
34G2. Napoleon, Napoleon Premier. . . (et) ^Marie Louise,” l)oth full length,
Napoleon in uniform, cocked bat in left band. Leopold, sculp. Ludw.
Wolf del. Mezzotint. Small folio.
34G3. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded in front. Line. hr.
Guimpel fee. Small folio. Berlin, ISOG
34G4. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked bat, “ sketched at
St. Helena by a British Officer in May last,” [181G]. Aquatint.
Unsigned. 4to.
34G5. Napoleon, ^Heneral Buonaparte, Commander in Chief of the French
Army, and Conqueror of Italy, Germany, etc.,” full length in uniform,
standing beside cannon, battle scene in background. Line engraving.
Unsigned. In colors. 4to. London, May 8, 1797
34GG. Napoleon, full length on rock by seashore, uniformed, with arms folded
across breast. Lithograph. P. Pohrbach, del. Bei E. Pitmiiller. 4to.
Berlin & Gottingen, n.d.
34G7. Napoleon, full length in uniform, right hand in breast, cap, wand of
office, &e., on stool nearby. Stipple. Bosselman. 4to. Paris, n.d.
34G8. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing hat, standing, arms folded.
F. Guimpel fee. Berlin, Nov. 180G. In colors. 4to.
34G9. Napoleon, full length in uniform entering the door of chamber in
Avhich are the members of the Congress of Vienna. ^U\h, mon Dieu,
levoila?” Mezzotint. Unsigned. 4to. Paris; Dubreuil, n.d.
3470. Napoleon, “ Napoleon devant Ratisbonne,” full length in uniform, no
hat, about to mount his horse. Mezzotint. Unsigned. 4to.
3471. Napoleon, Pace di Tolentino fra la S. Sede, e la Repubblica Fran-
cese,'' containing full length portrait in uniform. Line engraving.
Unsigned. 4to (margins cut away and plate slightly damaged).
3472. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat, on charger.
Romney sc. In colors. 4to. London, 1815
3473. Napoleon, full length in uniform, sitting on rock, right hand in
vest, left holding a closed book, hat and gloves near by, tree in
background. Marin-Lavigne, del. Lith. de Lenercier. Souve-
nirs.” Published in London, Paris, and Now York. 4to.
3474. Napoleon, full length, royal robes. Mezzotint. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3475. Napoleon, full length in uniform, about to take his son in his arras,
nobles and ladies-in-waiting around him, &c., with the cradle given
him by the citizens of Paris at one side. In colors. Unsigned. Ob-
long. 4to. 'Paris, n.d.
347G. Napoleo.x, “ Preliminari della pace di Leobcn/’ containing full length
figure, holding cocked hat in right hand. Line engraving. Un-
signed. 4to.
3477. Napoleon, full length, as First Consul, embroidered coat, sash and
boots, one arm outstretched, the other resting on hip. H. de Yiel-
Castel. Lith. Villain r. de Sevres, 19. 4to.
3478. Napoleon, full length in uniform, with four other generals, all stand-
ing on an arc of the world, portions of which are labelled Espagne,
France, Autriche, &c. Le Jeu des quatre Coins on les cinq Freres.”
Unsigned. India paper. 4to.
3479. Napoleon, full length in uniform by the bedside of Iklarie Louise, his
son held in the arms of a lady-in-waiting near by. Naissauce du Koi
de Koine.” Unsigned. In colors. Oblong 4to. Paris, n.d.
3480. Napoleon, full length in uniform, glove and hat in right hand, facing
Pope Pius VII., who is in full pontifical robes. Inscription in Ital-
ian. Line. Gio, Batta; Cechi e Bened. Eredi. inc. 4to.
3481. Napoleon, “ Napoleon, erster Kayser de Franzosen and Konig von
Italien,” full length, royal robes, wreath of laurel. Gezeiclmet von
Isabey. Line and stipple. 4to.
3482. Napoleon, full length (letter in one hand), with several officers near,
in room. [View of Napoleon’s second abdication, June 22, 1815].
Line. LTnsigned. In colors. Small 4to.
3483. Napoleon, Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais,” full length, royal robes,
coat of arms, etc., on same plate. C. W. Schenck sc. Leipzig. Line
engraving, 4to.
3484. N.vpoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded across breast, poised in
the clouds, angels around him, shadowy busts of soldiers in the dis-
tance, &c. “Immortel.” Stipple. Unsigned. Printed in colors.
3485. Napoleon, full length in uniform, Avithout hat, on plate entitled Cle-
nience de Napoleon.” Lithograph. 4to.
3480. Napoleon, full length in royal robes, in the clouds, with right hand
poised over the Imperial eagle with crown in beak, about to place it
on head of the King of Pome, Avho is asleep upon the knee of his
mother as she views the scene in a vision. Le Songe.” Stipple.
Unsigned. Portrait in colors. 4to.
3487. Napoleon, full length, standing, holding cocked hat in right hand,
soldier crossing bridge in background. Line and stipple. Lefevre
sculp., Hilaire Le Dru del. 4to.
3488. Nai’Oleon, full length in uniform, seated, no hat. Gem. v. Delaroche,
lith. V. Ilartung. In colors. 4to. ’
3489. Napot.eon, full length in uniform, seated on his great coat under cypress
trees. Vezzotint. “ Napoleon ecrivant ses memories. Unsigned.
4to. Paris, n.d.
,'>490. NAroLEON’. full leno-di in ^reat coat, meeting a gentry. ^M4n n passe
■ Paris, n.d.
]\rezzotint. rnsiuned. 4to.
3401. Natoleon", full length in uniform, standing, with arms folded in a
garden. Wash drawing. Ihisigned. Small 4to.
3492. Napoleon, “ General sans pareil,” full length in uniform, wearing
cocked hat. In colors. 4to.
3493. Napoleon, full length in royal robes, head enwreathed with laurel,
sceptre in one hand, wand of otlice in the other, curtains parted
overhead, &c. Water-color. Unsigned. 4to. (Torn in 2 places).
3494. Napoleon, full length in uniform addressing the Assembly. Grande
andace et ruse de Bonaparte.” [Eepeated in Italian.] Line. Wittmer
inv. e dis. Marchetti inc. Oblong 4to.
3495. Napoleon, “ Bonaparte, General en Chef der Italienischen Armee,” full
length ill nniform, sword in one hand, document in the other. Line
engraving. In colors, probably colored by hand. 4to.
3496. Napoleon, '' Bivouac cn 1814,” full length in nniform. Grave par
Lefevre, peint par 11. Amrnet. Line engraving. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3497. N.vpoleon, full length in uniform, with glass in right hand, officers
nearby, a battle raging, plan of same on pile of masonry.
Charleroi.” Stipple. Unsigned. 4to.
3498. Napoleon, full length in nniform and great coat, standing and looking
seaward, three officers at back, &c. “ A I'ile d’Elbe.” Mezzotint. Un-
signed. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3499. Napoleon, “ Traite de Campo Formio,” containing fnll length portrait,
in nniform, no hat, demanding that the words The Eepnblic” be
erased. Mezzotint. In colors. 4to, margins ent away.
3500. Napoleon, fnll length in nniform, soldiers aronnd him. Charleroi.”
i\Iezzotint. Unsigned. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3501. Napoleon, fnll length in nniform, standing, sword, and wreath of
lanrel on table, wearing pointed footgear. Copper engraving [prob-
ably the work of some German engraver], entitled, ‘‘ Napoleon Bona-
parte erster Consul der Francos Eepnblick.” 4to, and the companion
print, also unsigned, and probably the work of the same artist, being
that of Josephine, entitled, “ Madame Bonaparte, geb. de la Pagerie,
vormals verwittwete Beaiiharnois, Gemahlin des ersten Consuls der
fransoes Eepnblick.” 2 pieces. 4to, with margins.
3502. Napoleon, fnll length in nniform leaning against a cannon, hands in
pocket; a similar figure near him. Line. Proof before all letters.
3503. Napoi.eon, fnll length in nniform, standing beside the wounded Due de
Montebello, at Fssling, as his funeral cortege passes. Etched plate.
Peint par Bellange. Grave par Tajet. Oblong 4to. [Paris, n.d.]
3504. jSFapoleon^ full length in uniform with great coat, on quay surrounded
by nninerous figures of soldiers, their wives, citizens, &c. [Bona-
parte leaving Elba in 1815 to invade France.] In colors. Unsigned.
Oblong small 4to.
3505. Uapoleoj^, full length in royal robes, confiding his son to the care of
Prance, a cnpid presenting him the hearts of the French people;
Minerva above, &c. Stipple. Unsigned. Oblong 4to.
3506. Uapoleon^, full length in ConsuFs uniform, appearing from a doorway
to a number of officers, statesmen, &c., seated around a large table,
on which are cards and money, exclamations of various sorts pro-
ceeding from the mouths of the majority of the figures. “ Le Jen
de Pharaon politique, 1799.” Line and stipple. Unsigned. Ob-
long 4to. (Margins cut close.) Paris; Chez Basset, n.d.
3507. Napoleon', full length in uniform and great coat and hat, standing by
a fire on the ground, camp sentry marching near. Pencil and water
color. By Charlet. 8vo.
3508. Napoleon, full length in uniform, with long cloak over right shoulder,
standing on rock by the sea, arms folded over breast, flash of light-
ning at his back. Etching. Desenne del., I. H. Eobinson scul.
India paper. 8vo. [Paris, J. Boqnet, 1826]
3509. Napoleon, Le General Bonaparte, 1797,” full length in uniform.
Lith. de Villain. 8vo. In colors.
3510. Napoleon, full length in great coat standing on the shore by a rock
on which rest his hat, book, gloves, &c., right hand in vest, small
ship in background. Marked “ Napoleon.” Line. Unsigned. 8vo.
3511. Napoleon, another copy. Proof before all letters. India paper.
3512. Napoleon, another copy. Stipple. No lettering. Small wreath on
lower margin.
3513. Napoleon, another copy. Lithograph. Unsigned. Small wreath
enclosing N ” on lower margin. “ Chez Daems pres, les escaliers
de Ste. Gudule.”
3514. Napoleon, another copy, but with a variation in dress, and the left
hand in vest; also all the same scenic objects reversed. Stipple.
Signed “ Gnyard.”
3515. Napoleon, full length, in Egypt, embroidered long coat, top boots
Avith spurs, sword and sash, arms partly folded, hat in one hand,
pyramids, palms, &c. in background. Etching. T. Boilly del., A.
Boilly sc. India paper. 8vo.
3516. Napoleon, full length, richly embroidered long coat, top boots witli
spurs, large sash, long hair, left hand resting on sabre (sheathed),
right hand holding hat Avith large feather, both hands gloA^ed. Etch-
ing. “Konjat. Hildibrant.” 8vo.
3517. NAroLEON, full length in embroidered costume of tlie First Consul^ left
arm outstretched, right resting on table, on which is a cocked-hat,
&c. Lithograph, partly colored. Lith. de Delpech. Signed 11.
L.” Loyal 8vo.
3518. Napoleon, full length, rear view, standing on rock with arms lolded,
in uniform with hat, looking seaward. Lithograph. Unsigned.
8 VO.
' 3519. Napoleon, full length in uniform, standing in library, right hand rest-
ing on a volume of the Code Napoleon,” liat, sword, &c. on nearby
chairs. Etching. Scelfer del., Villery sculp. India paper. 8vo.
3520. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded. “ Exactly copied from
a likeness by J. P. Simone, Paris, 1807.” In colors. lietouched
after publication. 8vo.
3521. Napoleon, full length in uniform, right hand in vest, standing in
library, sword and belt on chair at side, lamp, books, etc. On steel.
David pinxit, Valot sculp. 8vo.
3522. Napoleon, full length in uniform, right hand in vest, hat on drum
nearby, a soldier and officers in background. Etching. Dessine
par Raffet. Grave par Alph. Erangoise. India paper. 8vo.
3523. Napoleon, full length in uniform, standing, wearing cocked hat. Un-
signed, but probably the work of a German engraver. In colors.
8 VO.
3524. Napoleon, full length in uniform, standing on shore, cloak over right
shoulder, hat and broken sceptre and chain on ground. Lith. de
Maublanc. India |)aper. 8vo.
3525. Napoleon, full length in uniform with hat, arms folded, standing in
field, soldiers and field-piece outlined in background. Woodcut. In
colors. Unsigned. 8vo.
3526. Napoleon, in 4 full length attitudes, Toulon, Pont cPArcole, Auster-
litz, St. Helena, in appropriate costume for each. Grave sur acier.
Charon sculpt. Oblong 8vo. Paris and New York, n.d.
3527. Napoleon, full length, royal robes. De Launay sc., Roehn del. In
colors (touched up by hand). 8vo.
3528. Napoleon, und Alexander und Friedrich Wilhelm III., in a group of
3 full length in uniform, hands clasped, Tilsit in background. Gez.
von F. A. Calau, geatzt von Laurens. Mezzotint. 8vo.
3529. Napoleon [at the Pyramids], full length, in uniform; half length, in
uniform, no hat, after Paul Delaroche; bust, in uniform, no hat,
with facsimiles of two signatures. Stipple, etc. 8vo. Togetlier,
3 pieces.
The reproductions in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon of above and following
lot were made from these engravings.
3530. ISTapoleox^ full length in uniform, no hat, India paper; full length, in
nniform, seated, no hat. G. L. Leybold sc., P. Delaroche pinx. ;
bust in uniform. Unsigned; as First Consul, grave par Monal,
d’apres Isabey (late impression). Line, etc. 8 vo. Together, 4
3531. ISrAPOLEOX, full length in uniform, river in background. Queverdo
aine sculp., Samson del. Line. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3532. jSTAPOLEOxy full length in uniform, no hat, “ Croquis d'apres nature, *
dessine le G i\Iars 1821.” View of his house in background. In
colors. 8vo.
3533. Hapoleox, full length. Emperor’s robes. Grave j^ar J. Levasseur, des-
sine par F. Gerard. Inclia paper. 8vo.
The reprocluctioii in Sloaiie’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3534. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing cocked hat, arms folded.
In colors. 8vo.
3535. Napoleon, full length in uniform, cocked hat in hand. Grave par
Langlois, dessine par Eatfet. Proof on India paper. 8vo.
The reproduction in Sloane’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3536. Napoleon, full length standing, right hand on table, pyramids in back-
ground. Line engraving. E. Lechard del. 8vo.
3537. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arm at breast, no hat. Stipple.
Printed in colors, touched up by hand. 8vo.
3538. Napoleon, Sejour a Pile d’Elbe,” full length in uniform, officers in
background. Inscription of 3 lines. Line engraving. In colors.
3539. Napoleon, full length in uniform, covered with great coat, standing
between the open door of a hut and a log-fire, right hand in vest.
Etching. Proof before all letters. India paper. 8vo.
3540. Napoleon, the same. Another state of plate.
3541. Napoleon, Napoleon in Moskau,” full length in' uniform, standing by
open window watching flames. In colors. 8vo.
3542. Napoleon. “ Napoleon Bonaparte on his celebrated white charger.” In
colors. (Cut close and mounted.) London, 1823
The above and the following 26 lots form an extensive series of the
plates engraved by George Cruikshank for Ireland’s Life of Napoleon.
1S2.S-5-7. Some are in duplicate. All are creased in two places, as usual,
having been extracted from various copies of the published work.
3543. Napoleon. Napoleon & Massena defeating the Austrian Army, at
the terrible Battle of Eoverdo.” In colors. (Portion of imprint cut
3544. Napoleon. “ Napoleon & Augereaii in the heat of the trenienclous bat-
tle of St. George.” Uncolored.
3545. Napoleon. ‘‘ Napoleon forcing the passage of the bridge of Areola.”
In colors.
3546. Napoleon. Napoleon at the passage and battle of the river Tag-
liainento.” In colors.
3546a. Napoleon. The same, date and imprint cut away. In colors.
3547. Napoleon. “Napoleon defeating the Mamelukes, at the battle of tlie
Pyramids.” In colors.
3548. Napoleon. The same, date and imprint cut away.
» •
3549. Napoleon. Another copy like the preceding.
3550. Napoleon. “Napoleon, when first Consul & Madame Josephine (his
first wife) in the garden at j\Ialmaison.” Uncolored. Date and im-
print cut away.
3551. Napoleon. “ Napoleon defeating the Turkish Pacha, at the battle of
Aboukir.” In colors.
3552. Napoleon. “ The attack and capture of Naples.” In colors.
3553. Napoleon. “ Napoleon and his arm}', effecting the wonderful passage
of the Alps.” In colors. Date and imprint cut away.
3554. Napoleon. “ Napoleon’s decisive victory over the Austrians, at the
battle of Marengo.” Uncolored.
3555. Napoleon. “Napoleon’s bivouac on the night preceding the memor-
able battle of Austerlitz.” In colors. Date and imprint cut away.
3556. Napoleon. “ Napoleon’s entrance into the City of Berlin.” In colors.
Date and imprint cut away.
3557. Napoleon. Another copy of the preceding, with date and imprint.
3558. Napoleon. “Napoleon defeating the Prussian Army, at the battle
of Bylau.” Uncolored. Date and imprint cut away.
3559. Napoleon. The same in colors, with date and print.
3560. Napoleon. “Napoleon & the Emperor Alexander, upon the raft on
the Nieman, after the Treaty of Tilsit.” ' In colors.
3561. Napoleon. The same. Uncolored. Date and imprint cut away.
3562. Napoleon. “ Napoleon witnessing the conflagration of IMoscow.” In
3563. Napoleon. The same. Uncolored.
3564. Napoleon. “ Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow.” In colors.
3565. Napoleon. The same. Uncolored. Date and imprint cut away.
3566. Napoleox. Napoleon’s arrival at the Tuileries on his return from
Elba.” In colors. (Plate repaired.)
3567. Napoleon. “Napoleon terminates his military career, at the memor-
able battle of Waterloo.” In colors.
3568. Napoleon. The same. Uncolored, in part I of Ireland’s Life, 8vo
Avrappers. London, G. Berger, n.d.
3569. Napoleon, full length in uniform embracing xUexander I. upon a
platform in Avater, Ijoats and figures of officers around, &:c. Line,
colored by hand. Unsigaied. Oblong 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3570. Napoleon, full length in military coat, right hand in vest. Etching.
Proof before all letters. 8vo.
3571. Napoleon, “'Bonaparte on the Northumberland,” full length in uni-
form. Stipple. Unsigned. In colors. 12mo.
3572. Napoleon, full length, undress uniform. [In exile on St. Helena,
horses in background.] Line and stipple. Unsigned. In colors.
3573. Napoleon, full length, in general’s uniform, by the sea. Line. Te
Zalt Bommel, Johannes Niman, 1827. 12mo.
3574. Napoleon, full length in uniform Avdth great coat beside a log fire.
Water color. Unsigned. 12mo.
3575. Napoleon, full length in uniform, left hand behind back, standing near
map of Germany. Proof before all letters. 12nio. Surrounding this
plate the artist has pencilled a border containing sections in Avhich
he lias Avritten the names of battles and events, as though he intended
to enlarge the plate to Folio.
3576. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded, back vicAv. Water color.
Unsigned. 12mo.
3577. Napoleon, full length, embroidered coat and sash Avith SAvord, on Avhich
rests his left hand, the right arm outstretched, betAveen the figures
of Victory and Peace, aaJao are suspending laurel Avreaths above his
iiead. pyramid in background. “La Victoire et la Paix couronnent
ce Heros.” [Engraved l)y Berthet.] 12mo. Paris, n.d.
3578. Napoleon, full length in general’s uniform, liigh boots, &c., right hand
in vest, to one side a drum on Avhich rest his hat and a plan, in
background a grenadier marches toAvards a tent. On India paper.
Signed “ F. S.” 12mo.
3579. Napoleon, full length, embroidered coat, hat and boots, sash, right arm
outstretched, 2 small cannon being fired in background. Stipple. P.
Bouillon del., T. V. Poll sculp. 12mo.
i’lill length, long coat, hands hehind hack (centei), 1 linee
bust (left), bust of another general on right. Jniic and
Troof before all letters. Oblong. 12 mo.
X APOLKOX, the same, another state of plate.
Napolkox, fall length in uniform. Kteliing. (lantherot i)inxt. 1
N^.vpolkox, the same. India ])a])er. Proof before all letters.
Xai’olkox, fnll length in nniform. standing before tents, &e.
and sti])})le. Chasselat del., Prot s(*nlp. 12nio. fails,
IMapolkox, full length, standing, arms folded in front. Line,
signed. 12mo.
3580. Xapolkox, full length, arms folded, standing and watching army. Line,
d. 1). Hertanx. 12nio.
3587. XLvpoi.hox, full length in uniform and gTeat coat, standing by a fire of
logs, arms behind hack, soldier near by. Etching. Proof before all
letters. 12mo.
3588. iSrAPOLP]OX, full length in imifonn, right hand in vest, standing on
shore. Unsigned. 12mo.
3589. X^apoleon, full length in uniform, standing at open window with right
hand ujiraised, in the attitude of addressing jieople below. Wash
drawing. Unsigned. 12mo.
3590. jXapoleox, full length in circle, military coat and sash, holding sword
in both hands, seated figure of ]\tinerva beside him, ships and castle
in background. Je Jure sur ce Fer, de venger la Patrie — Et dn
despote Anglais, punir la perfidie.” [Engraved by Berthet.] 12mo.
Paris, n.d.
3591. ]XAroL]:ox. full length in uniform and long coat, being carried through
the air by 2 angels. Colored plate. Unsigned. IGino.
3592. Xapoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded. Xotice sur Xa-
poleon.” In colors. fGino. Bruxelles, n.d.
3593. Xapoleox, full lengih in uniform, standing in room facing an old man
with arms outstretched. | From a work by Wieland.] A'. 11. Schnorr
fecit, 1809. Aquatint von T. B. Ltossel. In colors. IGino.
3594. Xapoleox, full length in nniform, ascending a stairway, hat in hand,
meeting IMarie Louise and ladies, statue in niche in background.
“^ Xapoleon at Weimai".” Unsigned. In colors. IGmo.
3595. XApoleox". small full length in gi'cat coat, right hand in vest, standing
beside a Ind. Etching. A. Ilorizot, sculp. India paper. 18mo.
359G. Xapoleox, the same, Imt showing fuller details. Proof before all let-
3597. XhvPOi.EOX, full length, standing, left knee bent, left hand in vest, gaz-
ing over encampment. Line. Proof before all letters. 24mo.
3598. Napoleon, full length in uniform, seated in chair before a portrait of
the Due De Keischtaclt, offert par les compagiions de son exil.”
Line. N. Maurin inv., A. Marche dis. e inc. 1834. 4to. ; another
full length, standing before portrait of his son. Treatment similar.
“ Napoleon’s Thrane.” Y. Sieglander, pinxt. Lithograph. Folio.
(2 pieces.) Wien, n.d.
3599. Napoleon. La prise de tabac,” and Napoleon sur la Colonne,” both
containing full length figures. Lithographs. 4to. 2 pieces.
3600. Napoleon, three different portraits in royal robes, after statues by
Eoland Chaudet, etc. Line engravings. 4to. 3 pieces.
3601. Napoleon, full length in uniform on quay, Escape from Elba, 1815.”
Drawn by Goubaud. London, 1822. In colors. Oblong 12mo; In
death, half length in uniform, St. Helena. London, n.d. Fenner sc.
Oblong 12mo; ^Hn the Arab’s Tent.” AVithout letters. In colors.
12 mo. (3 pieces.)
3602. Napoleon, 3 full lengths in uniform. All colored. 8vo. 3 pieces.
3603. Napoleon, full length in uniform, in colors; three-quarter length of
Napoleon II., looking at sculpture bust of his father; and another.
In colors. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 3 pieces.
3604. Napoleon, full length in military school uniform, marking on wall
with chalk (2 copies, 1 tinted) ; another design, similar, but mark-
ing on wall with bayonet tip. Charlet. Lithograph. Folio. 3
3605. Napoleon, full length in uniform. “ Derniers Adieux a sa Famille”;
bust in centre of a group of the Famille Imperiale” (14 busts) ;
another in similar group. Unsigned. Mezzotint, stipple, &c. Folio
and 4to. 3 pieces.
3606. Napoleon, outline full length, from a statue; half length in uniform
(colored by hand). London, 1825; and 2 others. 8vo and 12mo.
Together, 4 pieces.
3607. Napoleon, full length in uniform (probably at Elba), colored by hand;
full length in uniform. A. Boilly, sc. J. Boilly, del. In colors.
Eepresentation of his tomb, etc. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3608. Napoleon, full length in groups (5 scenes). Music title page. Litho-
graph. 4to ; l3ust, with another. Etching. 4to ; full length in royal
robes, and other costumes, (4 figures). Etching. Oblong 12mo;
with 9 others, each with description and designation. 4to. 4 pieces.
3609. Napoleon, “1814,” after IMeissonier ; after the statue in bronze by Ar-
mand le Veel ; and 2 others, lithographs, etc. 4to and 8vo. Together,
4 pieces.
3610. Napoleon, 2 full length, 1 proof before all letters, 2 full busts. One
on India paper. Svo and 12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
3G1]. N-vroLKOX, full leug’tli, at Foiitaiuebleau; full bust, with fax^siiiiiles of
2 si^iatures, view of Porto Farrajo in colors, and map of Elba on
same sheet, and another (proof on India paper), and another. 4to.
Together, 4 pieces.
3G12. Nauoleox, four differcnt full length, at St. (lloiid, 1802; from Pegne
de Napoleon,'*’ and 2 others. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
3G13. N.AroLEON, four different f\dl length. C. Warren sculp.; F. Sautter sc.,
and 2 others. 4to and 12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
3G14. Napoleoxt, full length in uniform, standing in the Tuileries and facing
mob on the wall of garden. Etching, proof before all letters. India
paper. Small 4to; medallion head, with that of Josephine. Line.
lOmo; NTapoleona na Ostrow-Helenn.” dhiited lithograph. Small
' folio; “ Tncendie de Moscow.” Etching. Small 4to. (4 pieces.)
3Gir). Napoleox, (1) four full length, one on horseback, all in uniform, on
one sheet ; T^a Sentinelle en defaut. On ii’passe pas, Apres vous. Sire,
Xapoleon meditant. Line. Each IGmo. Unsigned. Paris, n.d.;
(2) Napoleon, Alexander I. and 5 other figures, with lion, ship, &c.
Line. Unsigned proof before all letters. 4to. (2 pieces.) (Small
hole burned in 1 margin.)
3G1G. Napoleoxt, full length, royal robes. Boviuet sc., Huat del. 3 full bust,
one mezzotint by Levachez, and others. 8vo and 12 mo. Together, 5
3G17. Napoleoxv five different full length, as First Consul; in royal robes; at
St. Helena; inspecting the troops; and with the Pope at Fontaine-
bleau. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3G18. Napoleox, five different full length (2 on India paper), including
First Consul, Statue de Napoleon, and 3 others. 8vo. Together, 5
3G19. NAPOLEOxy full length in uniform. Queverdo aine scul])., Samson
del. (margins cut away) ; full length in uniform. Lithograph after
unsigned sketch, and 3 others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3G20. Napoleox, full length in uniform, after Charlet. Lithograph; full
length in uniform. Adam sculpt., J. Potier delt. (2 states, 1 un-
finished proof), and another. Together, 5 pieces. 8vo and 12mo.
3G2]. Napoleon, full length in uniform, arms folded. Lithograph. Folio;
another on same order. Folio; another. Folio; full length, seated
with child on couch. Lithograph. Folio; full length in uniform at
St. Helena. Lithograph. 12mo; bust Avith wreath. 12mo. G pieces.
3G22. Napoleox, full length (in the Alps); full length on Avooden bridge;
bust in uniform ; aud others. Stipple, lithograph, etc. 4to and 12mo.
Together, G piec-es.
3623. Napoleox^ full length in uniform under trees. Lithograph. Folio.
1816; miniature full length on rock, &c. Line. 8vo; Historia de
Camaralzainan, &c.” On steel. Unsigned. 16mo; full length at
St. Helena. Etching. Coupe. 8vo; full length, De Twee Na-
poleons . . . brons . . . pleister.” C. C. A. Last. 8vo ;
full length against a cannon, hands in pocket. [By ^Mr. Hook, &c.]
dto. 6 jDieces.
3624. Napoleox, full length, with soldiers at the Danube. Mezzotint; death-
bed scenes, (2) ; outline, full length, signed J. 1). L. ; and others.
4to and 8vo. Together, 6 pieces.
3625. Xapoleox. full length, at Fontainebleau; in prison; at school; at Ar-
cole, and 2 others. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 6 pieces.
3626. Napoleox, six different full length — as First Consul, at Fontainebleau,.
in a forest, and 3 others (3 India paper). 8vo and 12mo. To-
gether, 6 pieces.
3627. Napoleon, six different full length, on rock, battle scene beneath;
grave par F. Simon, and 4 others. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 6
3628. Napoleon, ‘‘Le Prisonnier.” Pansonnette sc.; as an infant (in 1769),
Burdet sc., Eatfet del., and 4 others. Together, 6 pieces.
3629. Napoleon, full length, as First Consul; full length, as Emperor. Yil-
lerey sculp., Scheffer del., and 4 others. 8vo and 12mo.
3630. Napoleon, full length in uniform; at St. Helena, full length in uni-
form. Follet sculp. Philippoteaux del.; and others. Line, etc.
8vo. Together, 7 pieces.
3631. Napoleon, in uniform, sitting in chair by table [in tent]). Berech-
nungen.” In colors. Square 16mo.
3632. NapoT;EON, full length in Directory uniform with plumed hat and sash,
on a white charger, leading the forces of France against the enemy
upon the bridge at Areola, Nov. 15, 1796. Mezzotint. In colors,
l^arge oblong folio.
This charge against the Austrians was led by Nai)oleon who had come
to the assistance of Augereau after that general had been repulsed by the
enemy a short time previous.
3633. Napoleon, on horseback, at Austerlitz. Grave par E. Eouargue, with 16
scenes on sides. Line engraving. Large folio. Darmstadt, n.d.
3634. Napoleon, At Austerlitz,” in uniform on horseback. Mezzotint in
colors. Gerard pinxt., AVoolfe sculp. Folio. London, n.d.
3635. Napoleon, Napoleon a Austerlitz,” on horseback. AAMolfe sculp.,
Gerard pinx. IMezzotint. Open letters. Small folio. London, n.d.
3636. Napoleon. “ Napoleon a Eylau ” on horseback. Lithogra])h after Gros.
Small folio. ' Paris, n.d.
3G37. ISTapoleon', on horseback, plate stating that N’apoleon is equal to “ Li-
curgns, Cyrus, Alexander, Annibal, Ckesar and Charlemagne com-
bined.” Invente et dessine par F. Le Clerc, et grave par M’lle. Des-
sire. . . 18U(). Stipple. Folio.
3038. jSTapoleon', “ llonaparte, I’reinier Consul de la Itepublique Frangaise,”
in uniform, on horseback. Line engraving. In colors. Folio.
Paris, n.d.
3639. Napoleon, ‘‘ Napoleon, Premier Fnnperenr des Frangois, Roi d’ltalie a
la tete de sa Suite,” all on horseback. D. Berger fecit. 1806, Study
del. Stipple in brown. Folio.
3640. Napoleon, on horseback. IMezzotint. Unsigned. Small folio (dam-
aged in places). Paris, n.d.
3641. Napoleon, on horseback, saddle and part of uniform colored. Litho-
graph. Folio. [Paris, n.d.]
3642. Napoleon, on horseback, F. Doneu sculpt. Mezzotint. Folio. Proof
before inscription.
3643. Napoleon, Napoleon an Retour de Pile d’Elbe,” on horseback. Le-
vachez sculp., Vernet del. Lithograph. In colors. Folio.
At The American Art Galleries
Twelfth Session, Numbers 3644 to 3984, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
3644. Napoleon, “ De vlugt van Napoleon Bonaparte met zyne Adjndanten,
van het Slagveld Waterloo,” on horseback. D. Sluyter sculp., J.
Kamphuyzen delin. Stipple. Folio. Amsterdam [m. 1816]
3645. Napoleon, in uniform, on horseback. Colored poster issued by the
Century Magazine, June, 1895, designed by E. Grasset. Folio.
3646. Napoleon, Buonaparte, Premier Consul de la Republique frangaise
dans son grand Costume,” on horseback. Line engraving. In colors.
3647. Napoleon, ‘‘ Souvenirs de Napoleou,” containing portrait in uniform,
on horseback, with 18 compartments of battle scenes. Dessine a la
plume par L. Ivramp. Lithograph. Open letters on India paper.
3647a. Napoleon, original pencil drawing of the statue of Napoleon on
horseback, by Barye. Folio.
3648. Napoleon, in uniform, no hat, on horseback. Line engraving, unsigned.
In colors. Folio.
3649. Napoleon, in uniform, on horseback, receiving Gen. Mack at the sur-
render of Ulm. French lithograph (slight stains). Folio.
3650. Napoleon, “ Schlacht bei Austerlitz am 2ten December 1805,” on horse-
back. Lithograph, colored by hand. Folio. Berlin, n.d.
3651. Napoleon, in uniform, on prancing horse, without the walls of a fort,
soldiers, tent, &c. In colors. Unsigned. Oblong 4to. London, 1815
3652. Napoleon, ‘‘ Napoleon Buonaparte in his retreat from Leipsic.” Wood
engraving. 4to. London, f ca.J 1816
3653. Napoleon, ‘^Bonaparte, Premier Consul,” on horseback. Stipple. Un-
signed. 4to.
3054. Xai’Oi.kox, with ^Icirio Louisi* al)()ut to enter the cathedral for the Jiiar-
riage ceremony, many other figures near. Line engraving. Un-
finished proof before all letters, on India paper. 4to.
3055. Xapoleon, Xapoleon I franchissant le Sonnnet du St. Bernard,'’ in
uniform, on horseback, soldiers in background. Grave par Jdopfer,
d’apres le tableau celebre peint par David. Aquatint in colors. 4to.
Berlin, 1808
3050. Xapoleon, “ Buonaparte’s Weltherrschaft ein Buckblick in die Vergan-
genheit,” in uniform, on horseback. 4to.
3057. Xapoleon, “Bonaparte, General en chef de I’Armee Frangoise en
Italic,” on horseback. Line engraving. Unsigned, 4to (margins cut
away) .
3058. Xapoleon, on horseback. Lith. v. A. Boehden, Berlin. Tinted. 4to.
3059. Xapoleon, “ Xapoleon en 1815.” Lithograph after Horace Vernet.
India paper, open letters. 4to.
3000. Xapoleon, on horseback. A. 14. Payne, Charlet del. Line engraving,
open letters. 4to.
3001. Xapoleon, in uniform on horseback, lithograph on India paper after a
pen and ink drawing. 4to.
3002. Xapoleon, “ L’Empereur en Campagne ” on horsehack. Lithograph
after Charlet. 4to,
3003. Xapoleon, on horseback. Curious portrait after an unsigned pen and
ink drawing. 4to.
3004. Xapoleon, on horseback. Grave d’apres un Croquis de Carle Vernet,
par X. Schenker. Stipple, folio, margins cut away.
3005. Xapoleon, “The Flight of Xapoleon from [Leipzig].” Mezzotint,
folio, margins and portion of inscription cut away.
3000. Xapoleon, as First Consul, on horseback, lithograph. Unsigned. Open
letters. Folio.
3007. Xapoleon, “ Beddition d’Ulm le 20 octobre 1805.” Xapoleon on horse-
back receiving General Mack. Grave par Eoemhikl. Mezzotint. 4to.
3008. Xapoleon, in uniform on horseback, in a view of the “ Bataille et Pas-
sage du Tagliamento.” Etched plate. ^Martinet, del. Tajet, sculp.
Oblong 4to.
3009. Xapoleon. “Arrive de Xapoleon dans ITle d'Elbe ” [also in German
and Italian], in uniform, “ Code Xapoleon,” under right arm, etc.
lane engraving, unsigned, in colors. 4to.
3070. Xapoi.eon, “ Ces pigeons-la e’est l)ien de la viaude de careme,” contain-
ing full length portrait, three line description with reference to the
(‘iiemy's cam]!, etc. IMi'zzotint, colored hy hand (slightly damaged
in places). 4to.
3671. Napoleon, “ Le songe de Na})oleoii/’ containing two full length por-
traits. Line engraving. In colors. 4to.
3672. Napoleon, in nniforni, on horseback, plan of battle and spyglass in
hands. Colored lithograph. C. Oerel. Oblong 4to.
3673. Napoleon, in imiforin, on horseback. In colors. 8vo.
3674. Napoleon, on horseback, Kosinaslar gest, C. Yernet gez. Stipple. 8vo.
3675. Napoleon, equestrian, in nniform with hat, horse at fnll gallop, left
hand holding reins, right extended. Woodcut. Unsigned. In col-
ors. 8 VO.
3676. Napoleon, on horseback, after Horace Yernet. Two states, both be-
fore inscription. 8vo. 2 pieces,
3677. Napoleon, on horseback, in nniforni. Line and stipple. Unsigned.
3678. Napoleon, “ Napoleon ii la Bataille d’Ansterlitz, le 2 Deceinbre 1805.”
Grave par E. Eouargue, line engraving; on horseback. T. Dickson
sculp. Line and stipple. London 1817. 2 pieces,
3679. Napoleon, on horseback, outline plate. Unsigned; on horseback, line
engraving. Unsigned, London 1815, and another, 4to and 8vo. To-
gether, 3 pieces.
3680. Napoleon, four different portraits on horseback, after Charlet, David,
etc. All in colors, either lithographs or woodcuts. 4to and 12mo.
Together, 4 pieces.
3681. Napoleon, on horseback, lithograph after Charlet; ^‘Bonaparte at St.
Helena.” London, 1816, and two others, 4to and 8vo. Together, 4
3682. Napoleon, on horseback. Buccinelli inc. ; full length, royal robes; and
2 others, one on India paper, 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3683. Napoleon, various, all on horseback, after David, de Bancy, etc. 8vo.
Together, 4 pieces.
3684. Napoleon, on horseback. P. Adam, sculp. C. Yernet, pinxt. Proof
on India paper; on horseback, outline plate. Unsigned; on horse-
back 1810, and another, 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3685. Napoleon, a scries of portraits on horseback, at St. Helena, Mont. St.
Bernard, etc. 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3686. Napoleon, a series of portraits on horseback, in Pussia (after Meis-
sonier), at Mont. St. Jean, etc. 4to and 12nio. Together, 4 pieces.
3687. Napoleon, a series of portraits on horseback, from a statue, etc. 4to
and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3(588. Napoleon, on horseback, woman about to hand him a letter. Mezzo-
tint (margins cut away); ‘Min ne ])asse pas,” full length; arising
from the tomb, and another. 4to, etc. Together, 4 pieces.
3689. NAroLEOX, medallion, with explanation; Inist in uniform, unsigjied ; on
horseback. Lithograph after Vernet, and 2 others. 8vo. and 12mo.
Together, 5 pieces.
3690. Xai'oleox, on horseback (3) ; one after Cbarlet; and 2 others. All dif-
ferent. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3691. Napoleon, head, full length, &c., in groups, chiefly, with Maria Louisa
and others, including a full length, colored, in uniform on horseback.
Line, lithograph, &c. Various sizes. (7 pieces).
3692. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wearing hat, hand at breast, facing
left. Line engraving. Unsigned. Proof before letters. Also Na-
poleon’s cocked hat, probably executed by the same engraver. 2 pieces.
The above and following lot are said to he the smallest portraits of
Napoleon ever engraved, measuring as they do about three-quarters of an
inch by half an inch, the hats being very slightly larger.
3693. Napoleon. The companion portrait to the preceding, facing right, also
another representation of the cocked hat. 2 pieces.
3()94. Napoleon, miniature bust, in uniform, long hair, no hat, with floral
oval. Gaetano Zancon inv. et ineidit. Line. 4to.
3695. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms folded, wearing
cocked hat, tents, etc., in background. Prot sculp., Chasselat del.
Stipple. Ih’inted in colors. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3696. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, hand at breast, cocked hat
near by, also on same sheet full length portrait of Louis XVIII. Bos-
selrnan [sculp.]. Stipple. Both printed in colors. 8vo. Paris, n.d.
3697. Napoleon, curious double portrait, as Napoleon and Hussein Pascha.
Stipple. Unsigned. In colors. 12mo.
3698. Napoleon, full length in several miniatures, other generals on horse-
back, 5 small scenes on 1 sheet. 12mo. Proof before all letters.
3699. Napoleon, miniature full length, in uniform, left hand at breast,
cocked hat on stool. Bosselman sc. Stipple. 12mo.
3700. Napoleon, the same, proof before inscription, with full margins. 12mo.
3(01. Aapoleon, miniature full length in uniform, with other army figures,
eagle of France above, crowned, and with laurel branch in beak, &c!
'Me reprend mon bonnet et je te laisse ta Calotte.” Line. In
colors. 12mo (badly creased).
3702. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms folded in front.
Line. Proof before all letters. lOmo.
3703. Napoleon, full length in miniature, uniformed, and seated on chair hy
tahle, palette, eagle, ckc. on ground, 2 angels above, one crowning
bim with the endless serpent. “ Pien qui fut eom])arable a lui ;
Car il a (lit, et il a (ite.” Colored [)late. Unsigned. 16mo.
3704. Napoleon^ miniature full length in uniform and great coat, arms
folded behind back, standing on shore. Etching. Proof before all
letters. 16mo.
3705. NAPOLEOiSr, the same, another state of the plate.
3706. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms folded, standing on
a rock. On steel. Proof before letters. 16mo.
3707. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, standing, with gray coat
and cocked hat. Stipple. In colors. Wide margins. 16mo.
3708. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform and great coat, arms be-
hind back, standing before a fire of logs. Stipple. Proof before all
letters. 16mo.
3709. Napoleon, miniature full length on horseback, galloping, right arm
outstretched. Wash drawing. Unsigned. 16mo.
3710. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms folded in front.
Line. Proof before all letters. 16mo.
3711. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, and another (2 on sheet).
Line. II. Sculp. 16mo.
3712. Napoleon, miniature full length in great coat, standing under palm
trees. Etching. Unsigned. 24mo.
3713. Napoleon, full length miniature as General in Chief [in tbe field, with
tents in background]. Unsigned. In colors. 24nio.
3714. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms behind back. Stip-
ple. Proof before all letters. 24mo.
3715. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform and great coat standing
under a cypress tree. Grave sur Facier d’apres 11. Walrode. 24mo.
3716. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, arms folded, in circle.
Stipple. 32mo.
3717. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, within a circle, arms
folded, standing. Stipple. Unsigned. In colors. 32 mo, mounted
to royal 8vo.
3718. Napoleon. Napoleon aux Pyramides,” containing full length por-
trait. In colors. Large folio.
3719. Napoleon. “ Napoleon a Essling, 22 Mai, 1909.” Scene shortly before
death of Marshal Lannes. J. B. Thiebault sc. In colors. Large
3720. Napoleon. Precipitated Flight of the French through Lcipsic pur-
sued by the Allied Annies.” 19th of October, 1813. In colors.
Folio. London, 1815
3721. Napoleon. Conveying the French Cannon from the field of battle ”
[Waterloo] on the 24th of July, 1815. In colors. Folio.
London, 1815
3722. Napoleon, the Battle of iMarengo, representing that })eriod when
General Desaix, mortally wounded, is expiring in the arms of the
son of Consul Lebrun and when Bonaparte is reanimating the soldiers
to return to the charge. Engraved ])y N. Schiavonetti, after D.
Pellegrini. Stipple. Large folio. London, 1802
3723. Napoleon at Eylau, visiting with his generals on the inorning of
the 9tli [Feb., 1807]. Alfred Lucas sculpt., Gros. pinx. Large
3724. Napoleon. ‘‘ Trait de clemence de Napoleon,” containing full length
portraits of Napoleon, in uniform, with hat, also full length figure
of Princess Hatzfeld who is pleading with Napoleon, who orders her
to burn the letter which will thus do away with all proof of her
husband’s guilt. Grave par T*** ]\[***^ dessine par Bouchet. Mezzo-
tint. Folio.
3725. Napoleon, ^‘Napoleon a File d’Elbe,” containing full length portrait,
in uniform, no hat, about to place a floral crown on the head of a
kneeling woman [the Countess Walewska?]. Line engraving. Folio.
3726. Napoleon, in uniform, seated at table, writing, in a part of library.
[Letter to the King of England relative to the Peace of Europe.]
Lithograph. M. S. fct. 1833. Folio.
3727. Napoleon. View of Bosiere in colors. Folio. 1815
3728. Napoleon. A^iew of Moscow in colors. Folio. 1816
3729. Napoleon. Zusammenkunft der Kaiser Napoleon und Alexander
und des Konigs Friedrich Wilhelm III. zu Tilsit in Pavilion auf
dem Niemen, an 26 Junius 1807,” Getuscht von Jugel, Gezeichnet
von Wolft. Stipple in brown. Folio, with small margins, some-
what stained and small hole in portion of margin. Berlin, n.d.
3730. Napoleon. “ Eepresentation of the Coronation of Napoleon,” (con-
taining portrait of Josephine, Murat, Pius VI. and others)^. Stip-
ple. Pt. Hicks sculpt. Folio, margins cut away. [London, 1804]
3731. Napoleon, Memoire de la Grande Armee. (Bepresentation of the
Battles of Napoleon as depicted on the Column in the Place A^en-
dome.) Lithograph. Large folio.
3732. Napoleon, Place ATndome (with view of the column). Salathe sc.,
Gavard del. Folio.
3733. Napoleon, view of the Colonne de la Grande Armee.” Line. Un-
signed. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3/34. XapolkoN;, “ Bonaparte a la bataille d’Arcole le 27 Briimaire an V.”
tliree-quarter length in nniforni, holding standard in left hand,
sword in I’ight. Grave a Milan par J. Longhi 1798, peint par Le-
Gros. Line engraving. Folio.
S'/ 35. Xapoleox, “ Xapoleone a AVaterloo,” fidl length in nniforin. Litho-
graphed in colors. Folio.
3736. Xapolkon, Yne de la Colonne et de la Place A^endoine. Colored litho-
gra])h after Arnoiit. Folio.
3737. Xapoleox, “ Bivouac d’Austerlitz,” and another scene [proof, no in-
scription], both containing fidl length portraits. Lithographs after
AVehert, etc. Folio. 2 pieces.
3738. Xapoleon, receiving Francis II. after the battle of Austerlitz. Line
engraving. Unsigned. Folio, margins cut away.
3739. Xapoleox, “ Visite a St. Denis le 30 Juillet 1830,” (containing full
length portraits of Xapoleon and Louis Philippe). Lith. de Engel-
mann. 4to.
3740. Xapoleox, “ Trait de Generosite,” containing full length portrait in
uniform. ]\Iezzotint. LTnsigned, 4to.
3741. Napoleox II. “ Le portrait du due de Peichstadt.” A. Marchi dis., E.
inc. 1834. Line engraving. 4to.
3742. Napoleox, “ Eete donnee a Bonaparte, au palais Xational du Direc-
toire, apres le traite de Formio ” [Dec. 9, 1797]. Berthault sculp.,
Garardet del. Line. 4to.
3743. Napoleox, “ S. IM. Le Eoy de Pome a ete baptise le 9 Juin, 1811,”
etc., containing full length portrait, also of Marie Louise, and many
others. Line engraving. 4to.
3744. Xapoleox, BAuguste Prince Poi de Pome, ne au Palais des Tuileries,
le 20 Mars 1811, presente a sa Majeste Xapoleon le Grand,” etc.
3745. Xapoleox, maps of Europe and special sections thereof, with map of
Egypt. Xeele, sculp. In colors. Oblong folio, hinged on linen.
(12 pieces.) London, 1808
3746. Napoleox, maps and plans of Campaigns, &c., with several of Corsica,
Elba, United States and others. Engraved by Tardieu, Szc. Various
sizes. (8 pieces.) Paris, c'cc. v.d.
3747. Xapoleox, “Derniers moments de Napoleon.” IMezzotint. 4tc.
3748. Xapoleox, bats, 8 in all, in three scenic sections. “ Les buit epoques
de Napoleon, par un peintre d’histoire.” Steuben pinxt., Ch. Bou-
vier sc. Etching. 4to.
3749. Napoleox. Entree de Bona])arte premier Consul a Anvers.
on India paper, after AA'andbre/p 4to.
3750. Napolkox^ full length in uniforin leading the charge at Montenesino
[ITOC)]. ‘^Anx (lel'enseurs do la Fatrie.” Line. Wicat inve]i. et
fecit. Oblong 4to. Florentiae, n.d.
3751. Napoleon, '‘Bonaparte a datfa en Egvpte.” (irave i)ar Jjefevrc, i)eint
par Gros. Tune
375‘2. Napoleon ["Fete a i\rilan”], containing full length portraits of Na-
poleon, and others. Tath. de C. l\rottc. Proof before letters. 4to.
3753. Napoleon, Bivouac Frangais, Veille d’Austerlitz.
Gerard pinx. Line engraving. 4to.
Bauvinet sc., F\
3754. Napoleon, Bataille de Waterloo. Engraved by Lalaisse after Young.
3755. Napoleon, " Najioleons Beiseabentheuer,” seated in carriage on his way
to Elba, wearing a Prussian soldier’s cap, an Austrian uniforin, etc.,
surrounded by a threatening crowd who are demanding their lost
ones. Inscription of 4 lines in German. In colors. 4to.
Nurnburg, n.d.
3756. Napoleon, " Eetreat of the French from Moscow;” "The Emperor
Alexander, &c. at the battle of Dresden, where General ]\Ioreau re-
ceived his death wound.” Atkinson del., Dubourg sculpt. In
colors. Oblong 4to. 2 pieces. London ; Edw. Orme, 1813
3757. Napoleon, full length in uniform, left hand in vest, standing with
officers of the opposing forces around him, tent and tree in back-
ground. " Uehergahe von Madrid.” (Capitulation of IMadrid, Dec.
4, 1808.) Copperplate. Lffisigned. In colors. Small 4to.
3758. Napoleon, "Bonaparte’s flight in disguise . . . .” Pussia, 1812. Aqua-
tint in colors, after Atkinson. 4to. London, 1813
3759. Napoleon, "Marie Louise painting the portrait of Napoleon,” (full
length, standing). Colored reproduction, after Menjaud. 4to.
Paris, 1894
3760. Napoleon, " La Belle Alliance.” View taken on the spot, June 25th by
E. Walsh. J. C. Stadler sculp. London; Ackermann, 1815; "Vue
de la Ferine de la Belle Alliance,” drawn 2 days after the battle of
Waterloo. UnsigTied. Paris, n.d. Both in colors. Oblong 4to.
3761. Napoleon, " Triumphzug Napoleons in Moscau d. 14. Septbr. 1812.”
F. Namchfielf sc. Line engraving in colors. 4to. Nurnburg, n.d.
O i (
Napoleon, "Ah mon pere,” Napoleon II. pointing to silhouetted por-
trait of his father on wall. In colors. 4to.
3763. Napoleon. "Alexanders and Najioleons erste Schritte zum allgemeinen
Frieden.” C. J. Dessier del. et sc. In colors. 4to.
3i64. Napoleon”, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bataille d’Arcole gagnee le 25
Briimaire an. 5me. (Tra^e ]iar Piroli, point par Gros. ^Mezzotint
3765. Napoleox^ Xapoleon blese clevant Eatisbonne,” full length in uniform.
wounded in the foot, but about to again mount his horse, officers
standing near. Line engraving, colored by hand. 4to.
3766. N’apoleon', ^^Das grosse Schachspiel im Jahr 1813,” containing full
length figure, royal robes. 4 figures surrounding. In colors. 4to.
3767. ISTapoleon, “ Les adieux de Fontainebleau,” full length in uniform,
surrounded by officers. Mezzotint. 4to.
3768. Napoleon, ‘‘Buonapartes feige Flucht nach der Schlacht von la belle
Alliance.” Line. In colors. 4to.
3769. Napoleon, “Die Schlacht bei La Belle Alliance, den 18 Juny [June],
1815. “ Spirited view of the battle, showing portion of the figure of
Napoleon (central background) in uniform with cocked hat; in fore-
ground, full length figures of Wellington and [proljably] Grouchy.
Line. Unsigned. In colors. 4to.
3770. Napoleon, “Bonaparte am Kronungstage,” full length, royal robes,
wreath of laurel. F. G. E. nach Isabey. In colors. 8vo.
3771. Napoleon, “ Napoleon, when first Consul, & Madame Josephine in the
garden at Malmaison.” Drawn and engraved by George Cruil'cshank.
In colors. 8vo. (Date and imprint cut away.) [From Ireland’s
Life of Napoleon, 1823, etc.]
3772. Napoleon. “Bataille de Waterloo.” Engraved by Lalaisse after Young.
3773. Napoleon, “ dementia Napoleonis-Magni,” full length, ordering the
Princess Hatzfeldt to burn the letter. Desmoulins, sculp. Barrois
del. Line. 8vo.
3774. Napoleon, full length, seated under a tree in school yard, scholars and
building in background. “ Der junge Bonaparte dichtet eine Fabel.”
In colors. 16mo. (Stained.)
3775. Napoleon, in eight scenes entitled “Demoeracy; or a Sketch of the
Life of Buonaparte.” Each scene 12mo, 4 on sheet. Unsigned, but
in the manner of Gillray. Line. Folio. (Portions of 2 plates
somewhat damaged.) 2 pieces. [London, n.d.]
3776. Napoleon, “ Passage du Pont d’Arcole.” “ Eeddition d’Ulm le 20
Octobre 1805.” Mezzotints. 4to. 2 pieces.
3777. Napoleon. “Passage de Mineio.” Lithograph after Gudin, also another
view of one of Napoleon’s battles (unnamed). Lithograph after
Decampf. Folio. 2 pieces.
3778. Napoleon, “ L’Indicateur General, 1833,” containing 12 full length
portraits of Napoleon, from the age of 11 years when he com-
manded the snowball fight at Brienne, to St. Helena. Large folio.
3779. Napoleon, another cop}^, repaired.
3780. Napoleon”, Coronation of Napoleon/’ two different scenes in colors.
4to. (2 pieces.)
3781. Napoleon, “ Siege de Toulon,” and another scene [the latter proof
without inscription], both of which contain full length portraits,
one mounted, one standing. Litliographs, after Grenier. Folio.
2 pieces.
3782. Napoleon, three different representations of the Statue of Napoleon
in the Place Vendome, 2 merely the figure, the other showing full
view of the statue. 4to and 8vo. Together, 3 pieces.
3783. Napoleon, Enfance de Napoleon” [at Brienne], Lithograph after
Vernet, also Entrevue de Napoleon et de Erangois II apres la
bataille d’Austerlitz,” after Gros, and meeting with Francis II. [The
last 2 from the folio, Versailles Gallery.] Together, 3 pieces.
3784. Napoleon, Les adieus de I’Einpereur a son armee a Fontainebleau, le
20 Avril, 1814;” “ Adieux de Fontainebleau le 20 Avril, 1814.”
Guadag-nini dis. e inc. 1832, and a different plate of same. 4to.
Together, 3 pieces.
3785. Napoleon, Mount St. Bernard, P6 liiver. Bridge of Lodi. Dessine
par Carle Vernet. Oblong folio. Together, 3 pieces.
3786. Napoleon, “Bivouac de S. M. I’Empereur, le ler Mars 1815.” Grave
par Levachez ; and 2 others, one containing full length portrait. 4to.
Mezzotint. Together, 3 pieces.
3787. Napoleon, “ Descente du Mont S. Bernard.” Grave par Jourclan,
peint par le Jeune. Line engraving. Small folio, and 2 others.
Together, 3 pieces.
3788. Napoleon, “Passage du Mont Saint-Bernard,” “Depart de I’Armee
d’Orient pour I’Egypte,” and 2 others. Line engravings, etc. 4to
and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3789. Napoleon, “ Bapteme du Prince Louis Napoleon;” “Acte de Benon-
ciation ” and 2 others. Together, 4 pieces. 4to and 8vo.
3790. Napoleon, “ Trait de Bonte de I’Empereur,” full length in uniform ;
tomb of Napoleon and symbolical bouquet on one sheet. Proof be-
fore all letters and another (in colors). 4to and 12mo. Together, 4
3791. Napoleon, Aboukir, Pyramids, Sierra-Morena (where Dupont was de-
feated by the Spaniards). 4to, one in colors. Together, 4 pieces.
3792. Napoleon, “The Grand Vizier’s Tent.” Colored. 1823. 4to; Clem-
ence de Napoleon.” Mezzotint. Unsigned. 4to; “Pursuit 'of the
French through Leipsic.” Colored. 1816. Oblong. 4to ; “With the
[IVfamelukes] at Jaffa.” Etched plate. (Kemarque) Quervedo, 1821.
4to. 4 pieces.
3793. ISTapoleoXj, three “Vues de Paris.” Champs de Mars, Luxembourg,
and Palais Poyal. Unsigned. In colors. Paris, n.d. 4to ; “ Walls of
the Kremlin.” London, 1813. In colors. Unsigned, dto. 4 pieces.
3794. Kapoleon, “ Convoi de Napoleon a File Ste. Helene Mai 1821” [in-
cluding many outline portraits] ; unnamed scene, field of battle.
Napoleon seated in chair ;• Illustration of the favorite chair used by
Napoleon when at St. Helena. Folio. Lithograph, etc. Together,
4 pieces.
3795. Napoleon, view or tlie column in the Place Vendome, full length fig-
ures; Monument at Verona, full length figure, and 2 others, both on
horseback, one on India paper. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3796. Napoleon, “ Buonaparte pardonnant aux Eevoltes du Caire ” ; “ Tentato
assassinio di Napoleone ”; and two others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4
3797. Napoleon. En Prusse.” (Family scene). Mezzotint. Unsigned.
Paris, n.d. Oblong 4to ; “ Passage de la Bidassoa.” Unsigned. Paris,
n.d., 4to ; “ Der sechzehnte und achtzehnte Juny 1815.” 9 scenes on
etched plate. P. C. Geissler. J. Serz. 4to; With Josephine at Milan
givijig jewels to a maiden. Lithograph. Unsigned. Paris, n.d. Ob-
long 4to. (4 pieces).
3798. Napoleon. “ Traite de Campo-Formio.” Etching. Cabasson, del.
Joanny, sc. Etching. 12mo; with young woman in the forest.
“Sire, j’aime Pierre.” Lithograpli. Lecomte. Oblong 4to; “ Ainiez-
vous le chocolate M. le Due?” (At Dantzig). Mezzotint. Un-
signed. Paris, n.d. Oblong 4to ; Pulling the moustache of a soldier.
Mezzotint. Proof before letters. Oblong small 4to. (4 pieces).
3799. Napoleon. Eour plates, each with 6 scenes and 2 portraits, represent-
ing battles, Egyptian views, &c. Lithographs. Par A^. Adam. Folio.
4 pieces.
3800. Napoleon. “ Bonaparte’s Avinter Amusements at the Military school ” ;
“ L’Empereur dans son Cabinet aux Tuileries,” and 2 others. 4to and
8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3801. Napoleon, “ AeuFserste Euhrung des Kaiser’s Napoleon heim Anblicke
des Marschall’s Lannes.” Lithograph. Also 2 outline plates (1)
“Napoleon and his generals,” (2) “Napoleon at Osterode.” Also
Napoleon’s mother from the statue by Canova. 4to. Together, 4
3802. Napoleon, “ Journees des 13 et 10 Brumaire an A^III.” ; “ Seance du
Corps Legislatif a I’Orangerie de St. Cloud, apparition de Bonaparte,”
etc. ; and 2 others, one unfinished proof before all letters, dto and
8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3803. Napoleon, “Bonaparte an Conseil des Cinq Cents” (in two states);
“ Bonaparte an Mont Sinai ”; and another. 4to and 8vo. Together,
4 pieces.
3804. Napoleon, At the Field of May.” Line. G. 'S\. Brighty, del. J. N.
Neagleni sc. (181G). 8vo; ‘‘ Moiaiing of the 18th Bniinaire.” Painted
hy Schopin. Engraved by Sartain. New York, 1851. 4to; “ Entree a
Berlin.” I'ltcliing. [Unsigned. Paris, n.d. 12ino ; “ Les Adien.v.” \\Y^od-
cut. India ])aper. 8vo. (4 ])ieees.)
3805. Napoleon, four plates, each with a centre and surrounding ovals rep-
resenting scenes in his life. (2) Grave par E. AVihaille. (2) Un-
signed. ^Mezzotints. Oblong 8vo. (4 pieces.)
380G. Napoleon, [At Grenoble]. ‘hSi quehpi’un vent tuer son Enipereur il
le pent, le voici.” Lithograph. Bruxelles, n.d. Oblong 4to; “Canal
du Saint Quentin.” Etching. E. C'harpenticr, del. J. de Mare, se.
Paris, n.d. 4to ; “Napoleon and the young soldier.” “ Oui, je suis
Erangais.” Lithograph. Oblong 4to ; “A Tilsitt.” Philippoteaux,
del. Pehel, sc. 12mo. (4 pieces.)
3807. Napoleon, Vue du Port et de la Eade de Boulogiie, Einbarqueinent des
Anglais en Hollande, Fete de Yirgile a Mantoue, IMort du Prince
Louis de Prusse. Couche sculpt. Baugean del., etc. Oblong folio.
Together, 4 pieces.
3808. Napoleon, On Board the Northumberland; Abdication of Napoleon;
Interview l)etween the two Ein])erors; Siege of Dantzick. Pigeot
sculp. Couche fils, del., etc. Oblong folio. Together, 4 pieces.
3809. Napoleon, Lresden L2 ditferent) (both containing portraits of Na-
poleon, one of Moreau, lying mortally wounded.) P. LeGrand sc.,
Tessaert del. IMezzotints ; and 3 others. 4to. Together, 5 pieces.
3810. Napoleon receiving the keys of the city of Auenna. Nov. 13, 1805;
Aleeting of Napoleon and Francis IT. after Austerlitz (2 copies) [all
from the A ersailles Gallery]; lithograph of the first named, and an-
other lithograph. All containing portraits of Napoleon. Folio. To-
gether, 5 pieces.
3811. Napoleon, Afantua, Eevolt at Cairo, Corunna, 2 views (one in colors
after Heath), and another. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3812. N.xpoleon, Alontenotte, Eetreat of the French from Leipzig. Aquatint
in colors after Atkinson, and 3 others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5
3813. Napoleon, Leipsic (Aquatint in colors after W. Heath), lA)ndon, 1815;
German engraving of the same engagement, Afontereau and 3 others.
4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3814. Napoleon, Alalmaison. On steel. Bourgeois, del. Perdoux, sculp.
Oblong 4to; Chateau d’Hougoumont. Lithograph. Bruxelles, n.d.
4to; “Ferine de la Haye-Sainte, Ht. St. Jean.” Lithograph. Brux-
elles. 4to; Palais Eoyal de Taicken. Lithogi’aph in colors. Bruxelles,
n.d. 4to ; Ansicht von Alalmaison bey Paris. Ermer, sc. In colors'
4to. (5 pieces.)
3815. Napoleon, On the Bellerophon: Auews of his Surrender, Ac. Tune, Ac.
Various sizes. (5 jiieces.) London, Ac.’v.d.'
3816. Xapoleon, “Entrance of the Allies into Paris.” AVarren, sc. 4to ;
isite ail tombeau dii Grand Frederic.” Mezzotint. Unsigned.
4to ; “At Brienne.” Half tone. 8vo ; “ Maison de Kopernik a
Thorn.” Etching. T. IMielcarzewicz, del. Adam Pilinski, sc.
Small 4to ; “ At Jaffa.” Etching. Gros, pinxt. Lefevre, sc. India
paper. Paris, n.d. 4to. (5 pieces.)
3817. ISTapoleon, “Am Grabe Friedrichs des Grossen.” Line. LTnsigned.
Oblong 4to; “On n’passe pas.” Mezzotint. Unsigned. Paris, n.d.
Oblong 4to ; “Napoleon and the Italian soldier.” Carriere. Litho-
graph. [Paris, n.d.] Folio; “ Clemence de Napoleon.” Mezzotint.
Unsigned. Paris, n.d. 4to; “AGsitant les Orphelines.” Mezzotint.
ITnsigned. Paris, n.d. 4to. (5 pieces.)
3818. Napoleon, “ AA'ith the Princess e de L***.” Lithograph. Lecomte.
Paris, n.d. Oblong 4to “ Apres voiis. Sire.” Mezzotint. Un-
signed. Paris, n.d. 4to ;“ Pardon, Excuse, Sire.” Mezzotint. Un-
signed. Paris, n.d. 4to ; Music Title Page. Lithograph. E. Eey.
Oblong 4to; “A Schoenbraun.” Lith. de Eatier. Folio. (5 pieces.)
3819. Napoleon, “At Louisbourg.” Peint par AA^atelet. Grave par L. Pan-
nier. Folio ; “ Confiant ITmperatrice & le Eoi de Eome a la Garde
Nationale.” I)e Morlaine, del. P. Girardet, sculp. Oblong 12mo ;
“Napoleon and the soldier Lambert.” Lithograph. Paris, n.d.
Oblong 4to ; “Tafereelan van de Staatsomwenteling in Erankrijk.”
Line. AA^. De Gier, sc. Te Zaltbommel, 1827. 8vo; “Pardon, Ex-
cuse, Sire.” Oblong 4to. (5 pieces.)
3820. Napoleon, Marengo, Pavia, Ulm, Moscow. Dessine par Carle A'ernet,
etc. Oblong folio. Together. 5 pieces.
3821. Napoleon, “ Napoleon Surpris par des Cosaques,” AAMgram, 4 different,
one German. AATinder inv. et sc. ; another. Mezzotint, etc. Together,
6 pieces. 4to.
3822. Napoleon, AA^aterloo, 4 different, one in colors, after Heath. 4to. 4
3823. Napoleon, AAMterloo, 6 different (including colored map). 4to and 8vo.
Together, 6 pieces.
3824. Napoleon, AAMterloo. Leblanc sc. Tessaert del. IMezzotint ; and 3
others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3825. Napoleon, Elba: “Depart de Pile d’Elbe.” Goubard-Blanchard. (2
copies) ; Porto Ferraio, &c. Line, &c. 4to. (6 pieces.)
Paris & Ijondon, v.d.
3826. Napoleon, Montebello, Eoveredo, Eriedland, Leipsic, Heliopolis, Ho-
henlinden. Dessine par Carle Vernet, etc. Oblong folio. Together,
6 pieces.
3827. Napoleon, St. George, Tagliamento, La Favorite, Eatisbonne, Mont-
Thabor, Millesimo. Dessine par Carle ATrnet, etc. Oblong folio.
Together, 6 pieces.
3828. Napoleon, Talavera, Waterloo (in colors), Moiitinirail (in colors), and
3 others. 4to. Together, G pieces.
3829. Napoleon, Krienne (in colors), Friedland (2 diifcrent), Montereau,
and 3 others. iMezzotint, etc. 4to. Together, (5 pieces.
3830. Napoleon, Longwood, St. Helena, 1815; “Hetour de Bonaparte, 1815’’;
“■’Entry of the Allied Sovereigns into Baris; 1814.” In colors; lai
Belle Alliance (2 views) ; Escape from Elba. Line, lithograph, &c.
A'arions sizes. (G pieces.) London, &c., v.d.
3831. Napoleon, Breiissich-Eylan, Pyramids, Austerlitz, Aladrid, Liitzen,
Dresden. Bovinet scnlp., Swebach del., etc. Oblong folio. To-
gether, G pieces.
3832. Napoleon, Bivoli, Oceana, Abensberg, Alondovi, C'astiglione, Jena.
Dessine j^ar Carle Vernet, etc. Oblong folio. Together, G ])ieces.
3833. Napoleon, Mont-Saint-Jean, Wagram, Aloskowa, Areola, Cairo, Abon-
kir. Bovinet scnlpt. Couche fils, etc. Oblong folio. Together, G
3834. Napoleon, Liitzen, Ziirich, Aboukir, Areola (3 different) and 2 others.
4to and 8vo. Together, G pieces.
3835. Napoleon, “ Princess Hatzfeldt pleading for her husband ; Napoleon at
Bologne, and scene in Egypt. 8vo. Each in two states. Together,
G pieces. The above and seven following lots are all on India pa])er,
iu from two to five states.
383G. Napoleon, Episode de la campagne de 1814 (3 states) ; Napoleon and
one of his generals, map of Egypt in front of them (2 states) ; and
two other scenes. 8vo. Together, 7 pieces.
3837. Napoleon, The surrender of Alantua (4 states) ; at St. Helena (2
states) ; Napoleon and the Duchess of Weimar (2 states). ‘8vo. To-
gether, 8 pieces.
3838. Napoleon. Le General Bonaparte et Eugene Beauharnais (2 states) ;
Napoleon standing outside hut before burning logs (5 states). 8vo.
Together, 7 pieces.
3839. Napoleon, Napoleon et le roi de Saxe (3 states), and three other scenes,
all unnamed, each in two states. 8vo. Together, 9 pieces.
3840. Napoleon, A series of unnamed scenes uniform with the five preceding
lots. Each in two states. Together, 8 pieces.
3841. Napoleon, Another collection similar to preceding lot. Together, 8
3842. Napoleon, A similar collection (one series in three states). Together,
11 pieces.
3843. Napoleon, Austerlitz, 11 different. Alezzotint (G), etc. 4to. Together,
11 pieces.
3844. Napoleon, ]\[arcngo (2 different), Eyelau (proof before inscription),
London, 1823, and 4 others. 4to. Together, 7 pieces.
3845. Napoleon, Three houses of Bonaparte, Ajaccio, Elbe, Paris. 18 Brn-
maire. Lithographs. Eegnier, del. Charnpin, lith. India paper.
4to; St. Peters and the Vatican. Etching. H. Abbot, del. J. B.
Neagle, se. 4to; St. Marks. On steel. A. Canaletti, pinxt. J. B.
Allen, scnlpt. India paper. London and Manchester. Oblong 4to;
Piazza del Qnirinale. Lithograph. Pome, 1831 ; Milan Cathedral.
Sam. Proiit. W. Wallis. London and Paris, 1844. 8vo. (7 pieces.)
3846. Napoleon, “ GaPrie Hist’qne. de Versailles.” Eight plates of a Series
issued by the “ Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard.” Engraved by
Oelannoy, Cholet, Chavane, &c., after paintings by Eoehn, Ponce
Camus, jMongin, &c., and designs by L. Massard, and others. 4to.
(8 pieces.) [Paris, n.d.]
3847. Napoleon, crossing the Alps, 7 different. Lithograph, etc. 4to and 8vo.
Together, 7 pieces.
3848. Napoleon, a different series. Together, 8 pieces. 4to and 8vo.
3849. Napoleon, Mariage de PEmpereur,” ^Mintree de PEmperenr;” and
11 others, all containing portraits (plates from an illustrated book).
8 VO. Together, 113 pieces.
3850. Napoleon, a someAvhat similar series, although different from the pre-
ceding. Proofs before inscription in bistre, 8vo. 9 pieces.
3851. Napoleon, Death of Napoleon (together with portraits of Las Cases,
and others). Lithograph in colors. Folio (poor cop}", soiled and
varnished) .
3852. Napoleon, The Tomb of Napoleon. T. Sutherland sculpt. Capt. Mar-
ryat, E. A", delt. Mezzotint. Folio. Open letters. London, 1821
3853. ATapoleon, “ IMnsing at St. Helena,” full length in uniform, on cliff at
St. Helena, looking seatvard, arms folded. IMezzotint. B. E. Haydon
])inx. J. E. Coombs, sculp. From the original picture. Folio
(foxed). London & Paris, 1830
3854. A’’xpoleon, on his Ansterlitz camp bed, taken by Capt. Marryat 14
hours after his decease. Lithograph. Folio. London, 1821
3855. ALvpoleon, another eopy of the preceding, has been folded.
3856. A"apol]':on, full length, standing on rock at St. Helena, British sentiy
near by, sea in distance. Janet Lange d’apres tin croquis de Bastin.
Tinted lithograph. Folio.
3857. Napoleon, '‘Napoleon a Ste. Helene. II dicte an jeyne Lascases les
notes qui doivent servir a rediger ses Memoires/’ full length in uni-
form, seated, Las Ceases also seated, at table, pen in hand, sentry on
rock in background. P. Baquoy sculp. Chasselat del. Line engra\-
ing. Open letters. Folio.
3858. Napoleon, Death of Napoleon, surrounded by officers. Lithograph.
Unsigned. Polio.
3859. Napoleon, "Napoleon a Ste. Helene,” full length, seated, head resting
on left hand, newspaper near by, sea in background. S. W. Rey-
nolds sculpt. H. Vernet pinxt. Mezzotint. Open letters. Small
folio. , Raids, n.d.
The reproduction in Sloaue’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3860. Napoleon, full length in uniform on cliff, arms folded, one hand under
chin. (St. Helena). Line. Dessine et grave par Delaistre. Small
3861. Napoleon, "Napoleon ut in morte recumbit,” with view of the grave.
H. Meyer, sculpt. AV. Riibidge, pinxt. Open letter proof on India
paper. 4to. London, n.d.
3862. Napoleon, "Napoleon aiif St. Helena,” full length in uniform, together
with full lengths of others. Line engraving. In colors. 4to.
Nurnberg, n.d.
3863. Napoleon, " Napoleon nt in morte recumbit,” in uniform, wearing hat.
also view of the tomb. H. Meyer sculp. AV. Eubidge pinxt. Stipple.
4to. London, n.d.
3864. Napoleon, a File S. Helene donnat des le^-ons de dessin a la petite
Julie. Full length in uniform, standing in room with window open
towards the sea. Mezzotint. Unsigned. 4to. Paris, n.d.
3865. Napoleon, " Mort de Napoleon.” Grave par Tajet, peint par H. Vernet.
Line engraving, 4to.
3866. Napoleon, full length in uniform, on shipboard, arms folded across
breast. " Buonaparte captif des Anglois.” Alezzotint. Coeure del.,
Jazet sculp. 4to. Londres, n.d.
3867. Napoleon, full length at St. Helena, seated on moss-covered rock, with
Montholon and other generals near him, and dictating his memoirs,
&c. Line. Stahlstich von F. Eandel. Oblong 4to.
3868. Napoleon, in death, full length upon a bed, in uniform, rol)e of purjDle
spread over portion of figure, hangings, crucifix, &c. Hand colored
drawing. Unsigned. 4to.
3869. Napoleon, full length, recumbent posture, in uniform, gold cross on
breast, with sheet over him, &c. "Bonaparte lying in state on his
camp bed.” Taken on the spot by a private gentleman. In colors.
Small 4to. (Somewhat stained.)
3b70. Xapoleon^ full length in uniform on quay, ships near, officers sur-
rounding him, &c. ‘‘Xapoleon’s Abfiihrung nach England. 1815.”
Line. Unsigned. In colors. 4to.
3871. Napoleon, “Tombeau de Napoleon,” outline faces of Napoleon, Jo-
sephine, Napoleon the 2nd, and others in the tree which overshadows
the tomb. Grave par H. Marks. Line engraving, 8vo.
3872. Napoleon, ‘‘ The Shade of Napoleon,” silhouetted full length in uni-
form, cocked hat [at St. Helena]. Drawn and engraved by J. Brace
from a portrait by Vernet. 8vo. London, n.d.
3873. Napoleon, lithographs of a death mask, 2 different. Unsigned. Ito.
Proof before inscription and letters.
3874. Napoleon, “^‘Napoleon dying.” Stipple by T. Gimbrede. 4to.
3875. Napoleon, different impression of the preceding, in oval, surrounded by
stars, representing his battles. Stipple. Unsigned. Proof before all
letters. 4to. (Spotted.)
3876. Napoleon, ^Tleath of Napoleon,” lithograph after Giscare. 8vo.
[London, n.d.]
3877. Napoleon [at St. Helena], full length, no hat, hands in pockets. Cro-
quis dMpres nature. Dessine le 6 Mars 1821. 8vo.
The reproduction in Sloaue’s Life of Napoleon was made from this
3878. Napoleon, full length, standing, in cutaway coat, knee-breeches, low
shoes, hat, hands in pockets, facing left. Line. Proof before all let-
ters of this well-known portrait, said to have been taken from life at
St. Helena. 8vo.
3879. Napoleon, lithograph of the death mask taken at St. Helena by order
of General Bertrand. F. Pistrucci sc. 8vo.
3880. Napoleon, full length at St. Helena, long-tailed coat and cocked hat,
hands in pocket, China paper. Proof before letters. 12mo.
3881. Napoleon, Tomb of Bonaparte.” [St. Helena.] Drawn on the spot
by a gentleman. Engraved by J. C. Canton. In colors. Oblong
12mo. London; T. Kelly, 1821
3882. Napoleon, St. Helena, full length in cutaway coat, knee-breeches, low
shoes, and hat, buildings and sea in background. L’Homme de Ste.
HHene.” D’apres le Cl. Gourgaud. Lith de Langlume. In colors.
“ Par d’etonnans revers le sort vent qne j’expie . . . sncces qni signalent ma vie, &c.”
3883. Napoleon, Janus-faced full length figure, arms folded, outlined in the
trunk of a tree upon his island-prison. Water color. “Natural curi-
osity at St. Helena,” Unsigned. 12mo.
3884. Nai’oleon, at St. Helena. Engraved l)y R. B. Peake, sketch taken on the
island. In colors. 12mo. London, n.d.
3885. Napoleon, view of Bonaparte’s House, St. Helena, with several figuies
of soldiers in foreground. Line. By Canton after a drawing taken
on the spot hy a private gentleman. In colors. Oblong 12mo.
3887. Napoleon, lying in state. Mezzotint and 2 lithographs, both contain-
ing full length portraits. 4to. Togetlier, 3 pieces.
3888. Napoleon, “ Napoleon Meditant a Ste. Hcdene,” full length. C. Duval
sculpt. B. E. Haydon, pinx. Mezzotint (margins cut away, creased
and hand-colored) ; In death. Stipple. Proof before all letters; and
another, also in colors, 8vo and 12mo. Together, 3 pieces.
3889. Napoleon. “ Shade of Napoleon visiting tomb”; View of Longwood
from Balcomb’s cottage.” In colors (margins cut away). London,
1824; another view of Long^vood, uncolored, and a plan. 8vo. To-
gether, 4 pieces.
3890. Napoleon, four different representations of his lying in state, after Pur-
cell, Marryat, and others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3891. Napoleon, four different representations of his lying in state, after Fen-
ner, Ibbetson, and others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3892. Napoleon, in death, 2 scenes, and 2 busts in upiform. Lithograph
and stipple. 4to and 12mo. Together, 4 pieces.
3893. Napoleon, at St. Helena in the second year of his final illness; full
length in uniform. A. Bruckner sculp.; and 2 others. 8vo. Together,
4 pieces.
3894. Napoleon, in death, 2 different scenes; “ Napoleon’s last sigh,” London,
1838 ; “ The room in which Buonaparte died,” after i\Iajor J. Luard.
Lithograph. India paper. 4to. Together, 4 pieces.
3895. Napoleon, full length in uniform, touched up with gilt; “ Napoleon a
Ste. Helene,” full length, various views on margins. F. Dellanoy sc.
( 2 states, 1 India paper ; and 2 others. 8vo, etc. Together, 5 pieces.
3896. Napoleon, in exile. Lithograph. London, n.d. ; ‘‘Der Kaiser Napo-
leon,” full length, and 3 others. 8vo and 12mo. Together, 5 pieces.
3897. Napoleon, from a death mask. India paper; after the drawing by
Eiibidge ; and 3 others. 4to and 8vo. Together, 5 pieces.
3898. Napoleon, on rock at St. Helena, after Delaroche; full length in uni-
form. Vallot sc., David pinxt., and 4 others. 4to and 8vo. Together,
6 pieces.
3899. Napoleon, six different full length, on rock at St. Helena (India
paper) ; at ^lalmaison, and 4 others. One colored lithograph. Svo
and 12mo. Together, 6 pieces.
3900. Napoleon^ bust in uniform, face composed of nude figures, eagle as
hat, etc. In colors. ^Yith inscription beneath, ^‘jYapoleon the First,
and Last, l)y the Wrath of Heaven Emperor of the Jacobins, Pro-
tector of the Confederation of Rogues,” etc. ^^This Hieroglyphic
portrait of the Destroyer is faithfully copied from a German print,
with the Parody of his assumed titles,” etc. Folio.
London, Acker mann
3901. Napoleon, allegorical, full length, standing on clouds, left leg raised,
holding trophies in left liand, swords in right, which Alexander and
Caesar are about to receive. Beneath, kneel his son and a number
of officers bewailing his death. Line. Ger. . . inv. Barley sc. India
paper. Folio. New A'ork; Theriot, n.d.
3902. Napoleon, allegorical, in uniform, receiving his son in the clouds,
son in Austrian regimentals, eagle near by, sword and crown drop-
ping to earth. “ La Reunion. Oh, mon fils, devais-tu sitot m’etre
rendu?” Tasserl. Delarnelle, del. Lithograph. Folio.
Paris, n.d.
3903. Napoleon. Another copy, same design, but with inscription in Eng-
lish. Tasserl. Tinted lithograph. Folio. London, 1832
3904. Napoleon. Another copy, similar design. Ils sont reunis, &c.”
Unsigned. Paris, n.d.
3905. Napoleon. Another copy, similar design, with additional figures of
generals, lierald of Peace, &c. Unsigned. Mezzotint. 4to.
3906. Napoleon. Another copy, similar design, with long description in
French, with figures of Poniatowski, Prince Eugene, &:c. Mezzotint.
4to. Paris, n.d.
3907. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in uniform, recumbent and asleep
upon a pile of skulls and bones, with right arm outstretched towards
a cloud in which the Due d’Eiighien appears in full armor, “he
Songe . . . il est un Dieu vengeur.” Copperplate. Unsigned. Folio.
3908. Napoleon, allegorical, full length. Consular coat, standing between fig-
ures of Victory and Peace, Diogenes emerging from a barrel on
right, &c. Diogene eteignant sa lanterne.” Godar invenit. Mo-
rette sculpsit. Mezzotint. Folio.
3909. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in uniform, standing and considering
the plan of a fortress, with the Emperors Trajan, Titus, and Marcus
Aurelius, and the goddesses Themis and Minerva. “Napoleon en
meditation sur Part de la Guerre.” Godar invent. Morette sculpsit.
Mezzotint. Folio. Paris, &c., n.d.
3910. Napoleon, allegorical, full length, wearing wreath of laurel, carrying
laurel and sword, rising from the tomb, exclaiming: “Je desire que
mes Cendres reposent sur les bords de la Seine, an milieu de ce
Peuple Frangais que j’ai taut aime.” Grave par Jazet, peint par
Horacn Vernet. IMezzotint. Folio. Paris, n.d.
3911. NAroLEOX, allegorical, tliree-quartei’ leiigtli in embroidered uniform,
standing behind a pedestal, various kings and ecclesiastics surround-
ing him with their arms outstretched, their hands about to ])e clas])ed
in universal brotherhood. Herald of Peace in the clouds, figures of
Arts and Sciences returning, and the forms of Anarchy and War be-
ing driven from the scene. Mezzotint. Unsigned. Margins cut
close. Oblono; folio. (Vertical crease across centre.)
3912. NAPOLEO^^ full length in uniform, in clouds, many figures surrounding
him. Stipple. 4to. Bruxelles, 1825
3913. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in uniform, refusing the olive branch
tended him by Peace, and rushing after Ambition in chariot with
horses. On left, a scene of Peace in France ; on right, view of the
Eussian steppes, corpses strewn thereon, &c. Inscription under-
neath. Maleuvre del et sculp. In colors. Oblong dto.
Paris, n.d.
3914. Napoleon, Der allgemeine Weltfriede, geschlossen in Jahr 1814.”
In colors. 4to.
3915. Napoleon, allegorical, full length, ermine robes, arising from throne in
the clouds and welcoming his son in uniform, victor wreaths,
trophies, officers and soldiers surrounding him, &c. “ Napoleon
revolt son fils an temple de la gloire.” Unsigned. Mezzotint in
colors. 4to. (8 lines of verse beneath.) Paris, &c., n.d.
3916. Napoleon, Lc culte catholique rendu au Peuple Frangais par le ler.
Consul Bonaparte,” etc., full length, accompanied by the angels of
Victory and Faith. In colors. 4to.
3917. Napoleon, full length in uniform before a gambling-table risking his
all upon Fate, the figure of Destiny, blindfolded, throwing dice.
Death, the croupier, saying have won,” and raking in the stakes.
Line. Unsigned. 4to. 1815
3918. Napoleon, face, with several others, outlined in a bunch of violets in
pot. ‘‘Ihithselhafte Veilchen.” Mash drawing. Unsigned. 4to.
3919. Napoleon, the same. Mezzotint.
3920. Napoleon, the same. Lithograph. L. Stettenheim in Hamburg.
3921. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in miiform, seated among the clouds
on a group of flags, palms, &c., holding on one knee the ‘Tode Na-
poleon,” with figure of Time about to crown him. “La gloire et le
Genie du grand homme.” Four lines of verse beneath. IMezzotint.
Unsigned. 4to. Paris; Dubreuil, n.d.
3922. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in uniform, with great cloak, being
conducted by the goddess Victory to- Olympus, where Jupiter and
Mars are bidding him welcome to the Pantheon of Immortality. “La
Gloire le conduit a Plmmortalite.” 12 lines of verse beneath'. Tes-
saert del. Poemhild sc. IMczzotint. 4to.
3923. Napoleon^, allegorical, in uniform, seated on rock marked St. Helena,
with his left hand on map of France, and views of himself in Egypt,
and on horseback ascending the Alps. Designed by J. Sainsbury.
Dra^^^l by Jaccpies. 6 lines of English verse beneath. 4to.
3924. Napoleon, allegorical, half length, in armor and rohe, long hair,
standing in a Quadriga drawn by two lions on which are seated
two winged-cupids, generals following mounted on horses, bulls, &c.,
sea and ships near by, the city of Venice (?) in distance. With long
Latin inscription. Line. Ignatius Colombo, inventor et Sculptor,
Venice, n.d. Copperplate. Oblong 4to.
3925. Napoleon, plate in 2 sections; (left) oval bust in Directory coat, sur-
mounted by a radiated star, underneath, an eagle, wings outspread,
lightning flashes in talons and holding in beak a laurel branch, with
section of the world and sentence, “^Tax in ore manu que fulmen
(right) 15 lines, commencing “ Honneur a Tarmee d’ltalie; Gloire et
Eeconnoissance au Heros, &c.,” vdth victor-wreaths top and bot-
tom, fasces on sides. Unsigned. 4to.
3926. Napoleon, head in clouds. Lithograph. Proof before inscription. 4to.
3927. Napoleon, allegorical, full length in clouds in uniform appearing to
Marie Louise who reclines on couch, the young king of Rome asleep
on her knee, eagle near by with crown in beak which it holds aloft over
the 3routh, &c. ^“^Songe.” Unsigned. Line and stipple. 4to.
(Portion of lower margin clipped.)
3928. Napoleon, another copy, treated in a similar manner, with variations
in figures, &c. Mezzotint. Unsigned. 4to.
3929. Napoleon, allegorical, in uniform, with hat and long boots, right arm
uplifted, left around neck of eagle, which is flying above the moun-
tains, sea, &c., with a lightning-bolt in talons. Unsigned. 4to.
3930. Napoleon, another copy, similar, cut down to square 8vo.
3931. Napoleon, full length in uniform, wreath of laurel, in clouds. Litho-
graph. 4to.
3932. Napoleon, full length in uniform, in clouds, with right hand ex-
tended over an eagle presenting crown to his son asleep on the knee of
IMarie Louise. Line, tinted paper. Proof before all letters. Ob-
long 8vo.
3933. Napoleon, allegorical, bust. In colors, 8vo. London, 1814
The hat is composed of eagle captured at the Battle of Vittoria, his
face of the prisoners living and slain, his epaulette of his own blood-
staiufxl hand, his star a cobweb, emblematic of the flimsy tenure of his
3934. Napoleon, full length, in uniform, sitting on deck of vessel holding
scales in right hand, which are evenly balanced, parts of shrouds,
mainsail, &c., near hy. '' Des humains. La Balance a la main il pese
les Destins.” Voltaire. Line. Unsigned. 8vo.
3935. Napoleon, '‘Le Songe,” full length figure, the eagle about to place the
crown upon the head of his son. Line. In colors. 8vo.
3936. Napoleon, ‘‘La poire etait mure,” probably symbolical of Napoleon s
coup d’etat of the 18th Brumaire (?). In colors. 8vo.
3937. Napoleon, full length, in richly embroidered coat with sash and sword,
standing on top of a globe lettered “ 18. Brumaire,” with allegorical
figures in clouds, of Fame presenting a victor-palm, and of 1 lenty
emptying the contents of her horn upon the globe under Napoleon s
feet. “Rein ne manque plus a sa Gloire.” Line. Unsigned. 8vo.
3938. Napoleon, “ L’unique Pensee de la France,” head of Napoleon with
floral borders. Stipple. Unsigned. 8vo.
3939. Napoleon, “Der Corsische Gifftbaum,” showing a tree that has been
struck by lightning and limbs broken ; among its branches are five
outline portraits of Napoleon. Line engraving. Unsigned. In col-
ors. 8vo.
3940. Napoleon, bust on family tree, with Imperial eagle above, and the
names of members of his family in colored circles on branches. Gene-
alogy of the House of Bonaparte in German script on 2 pp. follow-
ing. C. G. Haendler. In colors. 4 pp. 12mo.
3941. Napoleon, oval bust, arising from a cloud, in uniform, with hat. “II
fit respecter I’honneur Franqais.” Lith. de Lemercier. 12mo, with
wide margins. Paris ; Caillou, n.d,
3942. Napoleon, bust in uniform, rising from the mouth of a jar marked
“ Rappe Bon ” upon a small platform labelled “ Resi,” against which
leans a dog. Underneath, 7 lines in Dutch. Line. 12mo.
3943. Napoleon, allegorical view containing full length portrait in em-
broidered coat, without hat, left hand on sword, right, behind his back,
standing before sleeping figure of a robed female [Maria Louisa ( ?)]
in sitting posture; above, in the clouds, winged Angel of Peace with
torch in right hand, a portion of figure of a Fury, medallions of Bas-
tille, &c., a group of peasants in centre. [In pencil, “^Memorial. . .
Vienna, &c.”] Challiou del. Bovinet sculp. Line. 16mo.
3944. Napoleon, full length, in uniform, arms folded, standing in front of
an urn marked “N,” with eagle and anchor nearby, robed figure in
clouds. In circle around this view is printed, “22 Juillet 1832 [date
of the young King of Rome’s death] 5 Mai 1821 [date of Napoleon’s
death] Mon fils. . .Toi aussi. . .et a I’age de vingt-et-un ans. . .et sans
gloire...” Unsigned. In colors. 16mo.
3945. Napoleon, allegorical, (1) full length, in embroidered uniform, stand-
ing, sword in left hand, right, upholding a crucifix, angels, worship-
pers, devils descending to Hell, &c. “La Religion Triomphante.
Bonaparte. . .sest rendu a Notre Dame, pour y entendre la Sainte
Messe celebree par le Cardinal Caprara.” Line. Unsigned. Folio;
(2) another copy, similarly treated, but with different assortment of
figures, &c. Dessine et grave au trait par Nodet. IMezzotint. Folio.
(2 pieces. )
3946. Napoleon^ allegorical, (1) a time-worn arch of masonry on top of which
rest his sword, hat, iIt., and above which eagle is flying, &c. “ Ke-
spect et honnenr.'’ 4to; (2) “Chronological Tree of the principal
events and achievements of Bonaparte.” Folio. Both lithograplis.
Unsigned. (2 pieces.)
3947. ISlAPOLEOisr, allegorical, (1) full length, in uniform, with long coat, sur-
mounting the cloud-capped summit of a colossal column, Avith scenes
of his battles, &c., around him. Dessine par V. Adam; (2) another
copy, similarly treated, but Avith angels and harps on left, generals
on right. “C’est so derniere victoire.” Unsigned. Both mezzotints.
4to. (2 pieces.)
3948. NAPOLEOAy (1) part length, in cadet uniform, Avith arms extended, run-
ning after a maiden in a garden. “Dieu de misericorde, Je ne Fai
point offense; Uest mon epoux.” Stipple. Unsigned. 16mo; (2)
full length, uniform, near a balustrade, standing betAveen tAvo Avomen.
“ Napoleon und die Gattin des Kaufmanns Taulon de Grandchamp.”
S. A"on Seyfert. Lith. v. Walde [after a stipple]. 8vo. (2 pieces.)
3949. NAPOLEOiSr, three different representations, tAvo Avearing croAvns, one in
chariot. Stipple, etc. One proof before all letters. Folio and 4to.
Together, 3 pieces.
3950. Napoleon, allegorical, full length, with that of his son; full length on
globe inscribed “18. Brimiaire;” full length. Emperor’s robes. All
in colors. 4to and 8a^o. Together, 3 pieces.
3951. Napoleon, “Bouquet Symbolique,” medallion, full bust of Napo-
leon II. and Marie Louise, inscription of 6 lines, “ Violettes du 20
Mars 1815 ” and “ Napoleon Violets,” both in colors, and another.
Together, 4 pieces.
3952. Napoleon, in uniform, on stool bloAving bubbles for his son, AA^ho, as a
miniature replica of his father, stands near, a bubble marked “Eome”
over his head. Unsigned. In colors. 16mo; “FarcAvell to thee,
France,” full length, seated. Unsigned. In colors. 16mo;. full
length in uniform, tents near. “ Oberbefeblshaber der armee von
Italien.” In colors, and another. 8vo. (4 pieces).
3953. Napoleon, a series of four different representations including Victory
croAvning bust, etc. 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3954. Napoleon, in a group of about 15, heads only, with designation and
description. 4to ; “La Boussole Politique, depuis 1789.” Line.
12mo; a cripple, both legs cut off, before the Emperor. [“Lost at
Austerlitz.”] Lithograph. 4to; Napoleon and Princess Hatzfeld.
Process plate after design of Sandoz. 4to. (4 pieces).
3955. Napoleon, allegorical, full length. Huet direxit, D’Haudricourt in-
venit; and 3 others, 4to and 8vo. Together, 4 pieces.
3956. Napoleon, “Bouquet Cheri,” containing medallion busts of Napoleon,
Napoleon II. and Marie Louise; and 3 others, 4to and 12mo. To-
gether, 4 pieces.
3957. Napoleon, full length in embroidered long-coat leaving Egypt, army in
background, ship in olfing. cKrc. “ Buona])arte. . .the deserter of the
army of Egypt.” Unsigned, but ])robably by J. Gillray. Ijine.
Folio. (Upper left hand corner somewhat damaged.) London, 1800
3958. Napoleon, another copy, in colors. J. Gillray invt. Folio. London, n.d.
3959. Napoleon, full length in uniform with enormous hat and plumes, ad-
dressing two royal ladies of l\'urtemberg. “ A check to Gorsican as-
surance.” (Folios of Caricatures lent out for the evening.) In
colors. Folio. London; S. W. Fores, 1805
3960. Napoleon^s head on a pike, held aloft hy a British soldier. “ Buona-
parte 48 hours after landing.” Line. J. Gillray des. and feet.
Folio. London, 1803
3961. Napoleon's threatened invasion of England. Caricature full length,
standing in a yawl-boat, with others around him, approaching the
shores of Great Britain, Avherc Britannia and her supporters are
shown in attitudes of abject terror. “^Physical Aid; or, Britannia
recovered from a Trance.” [J. Gillray fc.] Line. Oblong small
folio. London, 1803
3962. Napoleon, midget general in uniform, with King George the Third,
&c. on stage of a theatre, musicians in orchestra. Pacific Over-
tures, or a Flight from St. Clouds, over the water to Charley,' a
new dramatic piece now rehearsing.” J. Gillray fecit. Oblong small
folio. In colors. (Creased.) London, 1806
3963. Napoleon's Grand Coronation Procession from the Church of Notre-
Dame, Dec. 2, 1804. Includes caricatures of Napoleon, F'ouchC
Berthier, Pius VII, &c. Line. J. Gillray inv. & feet. 31x9 1-2
ins. Folded thrice. London, 1805
3964. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform, sustained in mid-air by a
balloon labelled Gloire,” with wings from his shoulders marked
“Terreur” and Interet,” and dropping proclamations, &c., upon
a group of people below. “ Le Degen Politique.” In colors. Un-
signed. Line. Folio.
3965. Napoleon. The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver. Etched by J.
Gillray. Folio (later impression, margins slightly damaged).
Contains portraits of Napoleon, George the Tliird. "^etc. On tlie reverse
of the plate is another caricature, “ A Morning Ride.”
3966. Napoleon, (1) full length, strutting, with ifiumed hat and sabre.
“ Buonaparte hearing of Nelson’s A^ictorv, swears by his sword to
extirpate the English from off the Flarth.” Line, j! Gillrav inv. &
fct. London, 1798; (2) “ ATeeting of the Alonied Interest, &c.” J.
Gillray inv. & fct. Oblong 4to. London, 1798. (2 pieees, backed.)
3967. Napoleon, full length in uniform, holding the guy-rope of a swing in
which are 5 uniformed officers, swinging forward and upwards.
Napoleon is saying, “ Comme je les fais aller.” La Balangoire. Line.
In colors. Folio.
3968. Napoleon, (1) full length in uniform, absolving the Directoire. “Exit
Liberte a la Frangois ; or. Closing the Farce of Egalite at St. Cloud.”
Line. J. Gillray inv. & fct. Oblong 4to; (2) “Allied Powers,
unbooting Egalite.” J. Gillray fct. Line. (Small tear, mended.)
2 pieces, backed. London, 1799
3969. Napoleon, full length in uniform, tossed up as a shuttlecock by the
battledores of two soldiers, Lucifer in centre appearing from Hades.
“ Jaloux de leurs plaisir, epiant chaque geste. Messieurs, dit Lucifer,
apres vous s'il en reste.” Line. In colors. Small folio.
3970. Napoleon, face and immense plumed hat showing behind walls of a
fort, John Bull, stripped to the waist, knee-deep in the English
Channel, bidding Napoleon defiance. “John Bull offering Little
Boney fair-play.” Line. J. Gillray inv. & fct. 4to. (One corner
slightly repaired.) London, 1803
3971. Napoleon, with crown, in a pot labelled “ A Stew ”; Turkey on a spit,
being basted by a British general ; several French generals, “ in
pickle,” &c., in the “ Grand Kitchen of Europe.” British Cookery,
or Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire.” In colors. 4to.
[London, 1801]
3972. Napoleon, as a fox held aloft by the hunter, who is crying “ Tally-ho.”
“ Death of the Corsican Fox.” J. Gillray inv. & fct. Oblong 4to.
London, 1803
3973. Napoleon, full length in uniform, leaping and tearing his hair, sur-
rounded by overturned chairs, worlds, &c. “ Maniac Pavings ; or.
Little Boney in a strong fit.” J. Gillray inv. & fct. Oblong 4to.
London, 1803
3974. Napoleon, full length, partly skeleton, with his uniformed arm around
his sister Louisa, female junto back of him, male junto of Horse
Guards nearby. Canning hurling a quill-spear, &c. “ He cannot go
to Spain; or Canning’s death blow.” Line. Unsigned. In colors.
Oblong 4to. London, 1808
3975. Napoleon, as a tiger, being driven into the Phine l)y symbolical fig-
ures of Pussia, Prague, &c. “ The Imperial Tiger Hunt.” From the
Satirist, Dec. 1, 1913. In colors. Oblong small 4to.
3976. Napoleon, in a fierce attitude, drawing sword, and saying, “Vat do I
see yonder . . . ’tis de Poast Beef of Londres, &c.,” meanwhile
looking across the Channel to Great Britain, who, in the person of a
gigantic soldier, stands guard over the before-mentioned roast beef.
Line. J. Gillray inv. & fc. Oblong 4to. London, 1803
3977. Napoleon, “Napoleon unter den Handen der Aerzte,” full length figure,
partly nude, in hands of physicians, bottles of medicine, etc., nearby.
Bei L. Schlemmer in Nurnberg. In colors. 4to.
3978. Napoleox, “Buonaparte landete den In JMarz 1815, zu Canne in Irank-
reich, uni die Fackel des Kriegs noch einmal iiber den Erdball zu
scliwingen,” ete., full length in uniform, holding flaming torch in
right hand. Line engraving. LTnsigned. 4to.
3979. Napoleon, in uniform, seated at table with Louis XVIII. and the Due
de lleichstadt. “The Crown Candidates, or a modest request politely
refused.” S. T. Taw, invtr. Line. In colors. 4to. London, 1815
3980. Napoleon, double caricature, (1), full length in uniform, with bakers^
shovel placing figures of Bavaria, &c., in oven marked, “ New French
Oven for Imperial Gingerbread;” (2) “New Litter of Hungry
Grunters sucking John Bull’s old sow to deatli.” Line. J. Gillray
inv. & fee. Oblong 4to. (2 pieces, backed.) London, 1806
3981. Napoleon, another copy of “ The New French Oven, &c.” J. Gillray
invt. In colors. Small 4to.
3982. Napoleon, in uniform, bending over the corpses of 2 French soldiers,
behind him a Riissian with battle-axe raised to strike. “Specimen
of Russian chopping blocks. So you’re the last says this brave honest
man. Now Nap, return to Russia if you can.” In colors. 4to.
Pub. by IMcCleary, Nassau St. [N. Y.]
3983. Napoleon, full length caricature with spyglass and sabre on cliff
marked “France,” looking across the British Channel to the armed
forces of Great Britain, the devil prodding him with a fork. “Bony
at a stand, — or the Corsican Tyrant staggered at the pros])ect of
Great Britain in arms.” In colors. 4to. London; Roberts, n.d.
3984. Napoleon, full length in uniform, caricature, holding sword in one
hand, and with apple lettered Leipsig in enormous mouth, skull and
cross bones under his feet. In colors. 4to.
At The American Art Galleries
Thirteenth Session, Numbers 3985 to 4325, Inclusive
For date of other sessions, see “ORDER OF SALE,” page supra.
3985. Napoleon, (1) and George III carving the Plum Pudding, the former
cutting away a large slice marked “^‘Europe.” '^‘The Plum Pudding
in Danger.^’ J. Gillray inv. & fee. Line. 4to; (2), Scene in Par-
liament ; Uncorking Pitt.” J. Gillray inv. & feet. Line. Folio.
(2 pieces, backed.) London, 1805
3986. Napoleon, another copy of the “Plum Pudding in Danger.” In colors.
J. Gillray dest. Small 4to. [London, n.d.]
3987. Napoleon, (1) caricatured as a Spanish matador, tossed in the air by
a bull, around the neck of which is a broken collar, marked “Cor-
sican Chain,” “The Spanish Bull Fight, or the Corsican Matador in
danger.” European potentates viewing the scene. J. Gillray des.
& feet. Oblong 4to; (2) “Spanish Patriots attacking the
French Banditti.” Line. J. Gillray inv. & feet. (2 pieces backed).
Small tear mended. London, 1808
3988. Napoleon, inscription in German commencing “ Das Kaiserlein Na-
poleon, und seine Eauberhorten,” etc. In colors. 4to.
3989. Napoleon (1), full length in uniform, the Eussian bear on one side of
him, the British lion on the other, horrible shapes all around. “ The
Valley of the Shadow of Death.” Line. J. Gillray inv. & ft.
Oblong 4to ; (2) “ L’Enfant Trouve; an example of Eoinan Charity,
&c.” J. Gillray inv. & fct. Line. (2 pieces, hacked).
London, 1808
3990. Napoleon, full length in uniform, rear view, with drum in front, on
his way to the ship for Elba, accompanied by a grotesque figure in
military coat playing upon a violin. “ Lc depart du petit Caporal.”
Line. In colors. 4to.
3991. Napoleon's liat, with a spear run through it, held by a cossack alighting
from a coach, another cossack. Bull and his wife, &c. “' John Bull
and the Cossacks in London.” From the Satirist, 1st IMay, 1813. In
colors. Oblong .small 4to.
3992. Napoleon, ‘‘ Naiwleoii’s Aiikunft in der Uiiterwelt,” full length figure
of Napoleon in nnifonn, in Hades, throne of skulls and bones, in-
scription in German. 4to. In colors.
3993. Napoleon, as the Corsican Bloodhound, beset by the Bears of Kussia,
with tin-kettle attached to his tail and labelled Moskow.” Un-
signed. [Gillray?] Small 4to. London, 1813
3994. Napoleon, Grose Earitat ans Frankreich,” the figure of Napoleon in
uniform, on a platform, inscription in German stating that this is
the representation of a small man who as a great military hero
wished to distort the Avorld. In colors. 4to.
3995. Napoleon, full length in uniform, in bottle, George IIL kneeling on
ground in thanksgiving, the Allied generals in uniform standing
around. “ The Ex-Emperor in a Bottle.” 24 lines of verse under-
neath. Line and stipple. 4to. London; J. Jenkins, 1815
3996. Napoleon, full length in royal robes, seated in chair, stating “ I must
have issue,” at his right is Josephine, also full length in royal robes,
seated in chair, stating For the benefit of the Empire I resign my
husband.” Etching, entitled The Imperial Divorce” from the Hi-
hernia Magazine, Satira del., Brocas etch. Plate contains several
other portraits. 4to.
3997. Napoleon, another copy of the same (creased).
3998. Napoleon, caricature in colors, inscription in Kiissian, most of the
figures probably portraits. 4to.
3999. Napoleon, “ Erfiihrt Hunde bis Bautzen,” full length in uniform,
cocked hat underneath sign post, one arm of which reads weg nach
Bautzen ” and the other weg nach Dresden.” Line engraving. In
colors. 4to.
4000. Napoleon, ‘^Hleneral Frost shaving little Boney.” 4to. [Cu. 1815]
4001. Napoleon, full length in uniform seated on drum, chin in his hands,
and facing the skeleton figure of Death seated on a cannon in a sim-
ilar attitude, both fronting the armies of the victorious Allies,
“ Death and Bonaparte.” T. Kowlandson delt. Aquatint. 4to
(several creases, vertically across).
4002. Napoleon, full length in uniform representing Le courier du Ehin,
perd tout en revenant de la foire de Leipsig.” In colors. 4to.
4003. Napoleon. German caricature represeiiting Napoleon standing on the
map making out his line of attack for the Battle of La Belle Alliance
June 18, 1815. 4to. ’
Plate contains portraits of Xey, Davonst, etc.
4004. Napoleon, riding on an eagle, saying “veni, vidi, vici,” Louis XA^lII.
on an ass saying ce diable d’homme ne m’a ])as sotdcment donniw le
temps de me rctoiirner.” In colors. 4to. lifargins cut awav.
4005. Napoleon, “ Helleiiisclie Weisheit,” Napoleon as a mouse in uniform
with cocked hat, seated on the gravestones of great military com-
manders addressing other mice (his marshals and generals), and
urging them to save the honor of the master and not let themselves
be caught by the cats. 4to.
4006. Napoleon, Se. Kaiser Majestiit Napoleon der Grosse auf Hochstdero
neiiersnndenem Observatorio in der Schlacht von la Belle Alliance d.
18 Jnny 1815,” full length in uniform. 4to.
4007. Napoleon, Le Deserteur,” full length in uniform, view of Mont St.
Jean on battlefield in background, Napoleon saying ‘^‘Braves Fran-
Qais, combattez pour moi.” In colors. 4to.
4008. Napoleon, “ Ein grosser General iiiid ein kleiner Kaiser,” full length
portrait of a general [Bliichor?], balancing a miniature figure of
Napoleon on his thumb. 4to.
4009. Napoleon^s portrait in upper left hand corner, with various figures of
Great Britain underneath, showing the way the news of Nelson’s Vic-
tory over the French affected them. Line. Unsigned. 4to.
(Mended at one fold.)
4010. Napoleon, full length caricature, standing in a field of St. Helena,
houses in background ; a gigantic figure, hair mussed and hands in
pockets. Drawn from the life at Longwood, June 5, 1820. Fleshy,
ci-divant Bony.” Mritten in ink on lower margin, — "‘By Mr. Hook,
Acting Pres.” 8vo.
4011. Napoleon, as harlequin in a satire upon the ‘^Diversions of Purley ”
I John Horne Tooke]. Contains numerous figures, including Welling-
ton, &c., several under the tal)le, wine being spilled from decanters,
&c. Published for the Satirist, April 1, 1808. In colors. Oblong
8 VO.
4012. Napoleon, “ Diesen Bock babe Ich geschossen,” full length in uniform,
cocked hat, cannon in background. 8vo.
4013. Napoleon, “ Der Kronen-Flicker,” full length figure, seated at table
trying to repair his crown, and saying to two kings who are tender-
ing their crowns, “ Ich habe mit meiner genug zu thun.” In colors.
4014. Napoleon, in the Imi)erial Shaving Shop, seated, in uniform, on stool,
and exclaiming, — “ Begar, me no can reach to shave de dam mus-
tache of dat vile Eegent for dis basin of water between us.” From
the Satirist, 1st of February, 1813. In colors. Oblong 8vo.
4015. Napoleon, “ Buonaparte auf der Eeise nach der Insel Elba . . .
1814, full length in uniform saying “ es lebe Kbnig Ludwig XVIII.”
In colors. 8vo.
4016. Napoleon, “ Das ist mein lieber sohn, an dem ich Wohlgefallen habe,”
a large monkey holding the figure of Napoleon in his arms. In colors.
4017. Napoleon, full length in uniform, with inscription II Corriere del
Ileno tutto perde nel sno ritorno dalla piera di Lipsia.” in colors.
4018. Napoleon, full length in uniform, an angel’s wing extending from his
hack, reading uncom])limentary descriptions of himself on wall.
Je suis sur les fipines, &c.” Line. Unsigned. 8vo.
4019. Napoleon. “ TTnverholfter Besuch.” full length figures of Napoleon and
his son, the latter wearing crown; unexpected visit causes Napoleon
to state, ‘‘ Be quiet, little son, or 1 shall be frightened, too,” etc. In
colors. 8vo.
4020. Napoleon, rear view in enormous coat and hat. Pencil drawing. Un-
signed. 12mo.
4021. Napoleon, Der Rheinische Courier verliehrt auf der Heinreise von
der Leipziger Messe alles,” full length in uniform, cocked hat. In
colors. 12mo.
4022. Napoleon, full length on top of a tree, which is bent over by his weight
as he leans to grasp the statue of Charlemagne; beneath him hang
fruit marked Murder of Kleber, IMassacre at Jaffa, Abolition of No-
bility, &c., skulls, figure of Death, &c., on ground. “ Objects re-
flected in Ireland’s Mirror.” Oblong 12mo. London, n.d.
4023. Napoleon, full length in uniform as “ Der Rheinische Courier,” with
the sceptre of Carolus Magnus in both hands, and running towards
the city of Maynz. Line. Unsigned. 12mo.
4024. Napoleon, as a uniformed monkey trying on hat. Le Singe de Na-
poleon.” Colored lithograph. 12mo. Paris, n.d.
4025. Napoleon, full length as a traveling musician carrying kettle-drums
and horns, &c. Nun kanns angehn.” [Geissler, sc.] Unsigned.
In colors. 12mo. (Torn and mended.)
4026. Napoleon, miniature full length in uniform being dropped into the
jaws of the Russian bear by the grotesque figure of a Cossack. ‘‘ Hoo-
Haw — there he goes. Grim Joey dashing little Boney into the jaws of
a Russian Bear.” In colors. G. Ck. del. Square 12mo.
4027. Napoleon^ bust in caricature; face, composed of the dead bodies of his
Ambition ; hat, of the eagle of the Allies who crushed him ; coat,
of a map with the names thereon of battles lost, rivers crossed, &c.,
with its collar a stream of blood ; epaulet, of the hand of Justice
snapping the strings of his Greatness, &c. Unsigned. In colors. 5
lines of description in French. 12mo.
4028. Napoleon. The same, slightly varied. In colors. About 16 lines of
description in French. 12mo.
4029. Napoleon. The same, slightly varied. In colors. 8 lines of description
in French. 8vo.
4030. IN’apoleon. The same, without any letters. I61110.
4031. ISTAroLEOisr. The same, but plain. 10 lines of description in Italian.
Berlin, n.d. 12 mo.
4032. Kapoleok. The same. In colors. 8 lines of description in Italian.
Berlin, 1814. 12mo.
4033. Napoleon. The same. In colors. Title in German. 16mo. (2
4034. Napoleon. The same, wthout letters, in pencil and water-color.
4035. Napoleon. The same, pencil and water-color. 8vo. (Creased.)
4036. Napoleon, small medallion caricature of Bonaparte astride an ass, his
face to its tail, and “ conducted to Elba by his proper attendant [the
devil], (S:c.’' Unsigned. IGmo.
4037. Napoleon, small full length in uniform astride a rat which he is driving
as a horse. Etching. Unsigned. 12mo.
4038. Napoleon, full length caricature, vdth Bliicher. Eencontre airs
Cliamps Elisees.” Journal du Manneken. Mezzotint. 8vo; the
same, with inscription in German. Lithograph. 8vo. (2 pieces.)
4039. Napoleon, caricature full length in uniform, pierced by the fork of
Satan and being roasted in the flames of Hell. 8 verses beneath.
“The Corsican Pest; or Belzebub going to Supper.” J. Gillray des.
and fct. Large folio (folded). (Large tear at bottom, repaired.)
London, 1803 ; On back of above are 2 caricatures of Napoleon, “ The
King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver” (London, 1803), and “The
Genius of France nursing her darling.” (London, 1804.) Un-
signed, but proljaljly by Gillray. Together, 3 pieces.
4040. Napoleon, 3 caricatures, (1) “The Hand-Writing Upon the Wall”;
(2) “Destruction of the French Gun-Boats”; (3) “The Corsican
Carcase-Butcher’s Beckoning Day”; and (4) [“John Bull and the
Alarmist”]. Line, Lithograph, &c. J. Gillray inv. and fct. Oblong
4to. (1 margin cut into, and a portion of 1 plate mended.) (4
pieces, backed.)
4041. Napoleon, 3 caricatures, (1), “The Magnanimous Minister chastising
Prussian Perfidy”; (2) “Pacific Overtures, or, a Flight from St.
Cloud, &c.”; (3) “ Comforts of a Bed of Boses, &c.”; aiid (4) “ John
Bull swamped in a flood of New Taxes.” J. Gillray inv. and fct.
Line, Lithograph, &c. Oblong 4to. (4 pieces, backed.) (Margin
torn and repaired in 2 places.) London, 1806
4042. Napoleon, medallion head with wreath, in a group of 5 heads. Line.
16mo; half length, with 4 others, caricatures. Line 1817. Oblong
4to; “Last Adieu of I.oiiis Na])oleon and the Emperor.” Mezzotint
after ICattier. 8 vo. ; full length in a group of soldiers, &c., on quay.
Etched after Latella. India paper, 8vo. (4 i)ieces.)
4043. Napoleon. Second Eiiiiei-al. The Second Enneral of Napoleon Bona-
parte, including an account of the exliuination of his remains at St.
flelena. Jliustrated by the artists tvlio accuinijanied the expedition.
8vo. London, 1841, iidaid to royal 4to in sheeL. Accompanying the
preceding are 2 bills of the play “ Napoleon Buonaparte.^’ J.iondon,
4044. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Debarquenient a Courbevoie.” Dessine
par Eerogio et Oirard. Lithograph. Folio (margin stained).
Baris [1840]
4045. Napoleon. Second Funeral. Arrivee du char a la porte des In-
valides.” Dessine par Ferogio et Girard. Lithograph. Folio (stained).
Baris [1840]
404G. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Catafalco del ITmperatore Na})oleone a
bordo de la Belle Boule”; “ Imbargo delle spoglie di Napoleone”;
“ Bicognizione del cadavere di Napoleone ” ; “Catafalco di Napol-
eone.” Lithographs. Double folio. 4 pieces.
4047. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Exhumation de Napoleon a Ste.
Helene.” Lithograph in colors. 4to. Baris, n.d.
4048. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Translation des restes monels de Na-
poleon”; unnamed scene depicting the coffin borne by soldiers.
Lith. de Jobard ; “Translation des restes mortels de I’Empereur;
Lithographs. 4to. Together, 3 pieces.
4049. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Chapelle ardente de BEmpereur Na-
poleon ” ; “ The Opening of the coffin at St. Helena, Oct. 16, 1840 ”;
“' Arrivee de la hotille, sous les ordres du Brince de Joinville, rainen-
ant les restes de Napoleon”; and 3 other scenes [one from the Ver-
sailles Gallery]. Lithographs, etc. 4to. Together, 5 pieces.
4050. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Bassaggio del convoglio funebre di Na-
poleonic sul ponte della Concordia”; “ Cavallo di battaglia di Na-
poleonie,” and another similar. Lithographs, double folio. 3 pieces.
4051. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “’ Carrio funebre di Napoleone ”; “ Sbargo
delle spoglie di Napoleone”; “ Battello catafalco di Napoleone,” and
another. Lithographs. Double folio. 4 pieces.
4052. Napoleon. Second Funeral. “ Dopo Ventiginque aimi”; Arrive del
Corteo funebre e tlelle spoglie mortali di Na])oleone agl’ Invalidi,”
and 3 other scenes, 1 French, 2 English, illustrative of events in the
Second Funeral. Double folio, and folio. Together, 5 pieces.
4053. Napoleon II.,^ King Op Bojie; only son of Napoleon 1 and l^larie
Louise. L.S. 1 p. 4to. Schoubrunn, July 29, 1829, expressing his
pleasure at hearing that the waters of xVix-la-Chapelle ai-e of so much
benefit to his mother.
All unusual signature consisting of the brief “Nap” in imitation of Ills
illustrious father, who signed frequently in this manner after the year IStHJ.
4054. jSTapoleon II., Kixg Of Eome. Original manuscript, 4 pp. 4to, of an
Historical Composition, in the autograph of Napoleon II, at tlie age
of sixteen, with corrections made by one of his tutors. Unsigned.
Portrait and a brief printed biography. (3 pieces.)
A note on one of the sheets states that they were taken from a copy-
hook used at school by the Young Napoleon, and that on one of the pages
was written the date, “30 Juln 1827.” He was born in March, ISll, and
died in July, 1S32.
4055. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, bust in uniform. Dessine
a Vienne, cPapres nature. Stipple. 8vo.
4056. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, bust in uniform. N. Schia-
voni din. ed. inc. Stipple. Open letters, with inscription. 8vo.
4057. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. The same, proof before inscription
(slightly stained).
4058. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, Napoleon-Frangois-Charles-
Joseph, Due de Eeichstadt,” bust in oval. Stipple. Unsigned, vo.
Paris, 1811
4059. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, “ Due de Eeichstadt,” full
bust, within floral frame. Stipple. Unsigned. 12mo.
4060. Napoleon II., Kiyro Of Eome. Portrait, full bust in oval. Gravirt
von A. Folger. Stipple. 8vo (worn and margins cut away).
4061. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portraits (1) bust in oval, after the
miniature by Isabey. Stipple. 8vo (worn impression) ; (2) bust in
oval, grave B. Eoger, dessine . . . par P. P. Prud’hon. Stipple.
8vo. 2 pieces.
4062. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, “ Le Eoi de Eome,” bust,
Lecomte sc. Marckl del. Two states, (1) open letters, (2) unfin-
ished proof before all letters. 8vo. 2 pieces.
4063. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, '^Napoleon Eoi de Eome,”
miniature full length in uniform, cocked hat under right arm,
papers in left hand. Canu fecit. Stipple. 12mo. Paris, n.d.
4064. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. Portrait, bust in oval. Engraved
by T. Wright, after a miniature by Isabev. Stipple. 8vo.
London, 1820
4065. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. “ Frangois Joseph Charles, Due de
Eeichstadt,” portrait, bust in oval. Grave par Ch. Weichelt, dessine
par Ph. Stubenrauch. Mezzotint. 8vo.
4066. Napoleon II., King Of Eome. “ F. C. J. Napoleon II